The sheer nostalgia bowled me over. Thank you very much for reminding me Dinotopia was a thing, I'd actually completely forgotten that series and how much I liked it as a child.
Out of curiosity how much did you see? There are only four main books but there are other approved novels, a video game, an animated movie, the miniseries, etc.
First thought was Matrix, followed by Borg, then possibly Krypton, before landing back on Borg again. *shakes head* Canadian Borg... god help us all!
Dude, where's my car?
Where is this? I am not a terribly knowledgeable men, I don't recognixe the setting.

First thought was Matrix, followed by Borg, then possibly Krypton, before landing back on Borg again. *shakes head* Canadian Borg... god help us all!

It MAY be AU Borg, or it may be cannon, I'm not sure.

Worse than that, I think Jessica may have discovered a conspiracy. But that will be on the Halloween update, not today.

DOUBLE worse than that, I might agree with her. We'll see what crops up.
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A relaxing vacation?
"...Orders received, deploying."

"...Orders received, deploying."

"...Orders received, deploying."

John blinked as he disconnected from his recharging station, his robotic right arm reflexively going through its automatic adjustment routine, setting off a cascade of similar procedures through the rest of his body.

Raw data in a compressed matrix was deposited into his mind. "Orders received, deploying."

"...Orders received, deploying."

"...Orders received, deploying."

Whoo boy, that had been a rush! "Hey Five of Twelve, I'm off! See you guys later?"

The cyborg gave a stiff nod. "Acknowledged, Six of Nine."

Heh, 69. Thanks for getting me 'assigned' to that group, System. I'm free to go now, right?

[[HOST is 'deployed' to the newly formed 'classified' roaming security patrol group 8322320073, led by HOST, followed by an additional number of 'classified' drones.]]

Sweet. "Right, let's do this."

His right eye shifted data feeds bringing up a map even as he felt the collective connection to the others slide back further, a copy of his Mind interacting with it while he was busy.

The construction district? Yeah, that was probably the best plan. Designing a custom 'Borg Alcove', or charging station, would give him some time to look over the specific blueprints involved and start modifying that mess.

After all, the technology was advanced and efficient and redundant and all that HERE, in an environment where the Borg have dominated everything for so many years… But elsewhere?

Well, not all future locations will have unlimited power, materials, etc. Nor will people just ignore a glowing green maintenance alcove inserted into the wall of the living room.

John began cheerfully wandering in the correct general direction, his body reforming itself in odd ways as his blacklisted advanced right arm began creating a toe tappingly fun tune with the various bits as they extended and rotated and all that.

Because who wouldn't, right?

The INSTANT he had realized the mechanical parts of his new arm weren't silenced for efficiency reasons, John had started recording every action and mapping which note they were closest to matching.

Like, SURE his limb was the universe's best experimental multitool designed by the overlords of this reality, with modular components that could shift and reconnect to accomplish tasks covering any need imaginable (Even establish a fabrication facility or a refinement plant or inflate balloons for birthday parties, you name it!), but more than all that?

It could make a sick beat!

Cost nearly no power to do so too, unlike many of his other options, self altering body limbs, new technological/biological features, and similar abilities.

It was a BIT more than standard compared to your average Borg, really.

…Let's just say, when John claimed his new hardware was blacklisted? That might be underselling it a bit.

No, really! During the educational and group activity cycles everyone else had Borg standard eye enhancements and connectivity modules and prosthetics while JOHN had so much hardware attached that you kind of had to squint to see where the flesh peaked through!

Not to mention the exotic materials used. Thank goodness the economy didn't exist anymore, because John had basically the net worth of a few solar systems crammed into his frankenstein of a body!

Seriously, he had a dozen or so organic and mechanical brain modules added to this mess over his body's enhancement procedure just to keep the entire bundle from accidentally exploding itself due to unexpected hardware interactions.

Yet the rest? Even the ones with more complicated limbs and other such options mostly stuck to using only two arms and legs most of the time! That felt a bit boring and unimaginative, really.

Not that it bothered him much, his Body had always been a replaceable commodity at best to begin with so he had no issue messing with it as much as he wanted. "How's my access level?"

[[The vast majority of schematics will be available for further examination, due to HOST's need for future maintenance.]]

Um. "But what's my level for accessing additional data?"

[[Assuming process 8323201211 and 3821323127 are followed while accessing privilege escalation procedures 1023382930 until the lock over database 382…]]

Sigh. Layman's terms, please!


Oh come on, I've been stuck in the equivalence of decades of school! Work with me here!

[[...Access Level == 'Yes.']]

See? Was that so hard?

His System ignored him, but that was fine because the point to point teleportation grid node was at the end of the hall.

Now let's go copy ALL THE THINGS and try to make some useful stuff!

John Doe meandered along towards his destination as his mechanical limb continued to click and clack a wonderful tune that matched the complicated walking sound of his seven legs. "School's out… For… Summer! Bah bam bah de dah… School's out… For… Ever!"

Woo! He stood on the node, compressing his form into a metallic nad flesh pillar of power. "Transport to node 6632211192."


And he was off!

~~~Pocket System~~~

Jessica blinked. "Wha… John?"

The massive mound of hardware with barely visible flesh waived several limbs. "Good morning, sis! We're here!"

…Okay. "New look?"

And the entire mess shifted into new patterns as it slumped. "A bit of a story, really. Turns out, our new vacation spot doesn't really HAVE children anymore. They birth babies and age us up physically fast, while we mentally grow up in a digital simulation." A chunk of metal twirled and shifted. "Oh, and they also add stuff too as our bodies grow and adjust, like tools or prosthetics or whatever."


Carefully looking down… She saw her own perfectly normal limbs. No excess bits. Which was good so far. "Am I going to end up looking like you?"

The mechanical monstrosity shrugged. "Nah, this is a side effect of my defenses. When the automated system tried to assign me 'basic' requirements, my System overwrote my body requirements with a longer list."

Her brother's limbs began to unfold, revealing a confusing chaos of tools and emitters and manipulators. "This bit over here is part of a generic fabrication system, that chunk is for this experimental food replicator, the wire mess is a segment of my universal translator, which is REALLY experimental because there is basically only one language now…"

Jessica walked over to a nearby chair and sat heavily. "My brother is now an appliance store."

He nodded. "Yeah, basically. But there are upsides! LOADS of upsides to this chaos!"

And his body shimmered, shifting into a fairly tall teenager with metallic limbs. "This is the body I am currently designing, using all the schematics and repair documents that my mess of a junk pile out there requires to keep running. I'll be honest though, I'm moving more towards a robotic endpoint than cyborg at this point… Other than the AMAZING immunity system and the various improvements to cellular structure and D.N.A. and stuff, anything I can do with fleshy organs and stuff technology can do better. Mostly."

She blinked at her attractive younger brother. "Wait, you can shapeshift now? Can I do that too?"

John blinked, which was MUCH easier to see with his face exposed and the fifty or so extra organs no longer visible. "Huh? Oh, nah. Not easily, at least. Remember that digital simulation thing I told you about? Most of Borg society works in one of those, like this one."

The world around her shifted and then returned to stability as her brother pulled up a video screen. "I'm still over there, connected up to a modified Alcove in an 'experimental testing' lab. It does the same stuff most of these other charging stations do, just without… You know, the remote overrides and mind reformatting options and monitoring subsystems and all that."

Jessica leaned forward studying the image. "...I don't see myself in there."

Her brother chuckled. "Yeah, I'm keeping your Body in storage for this trip. Safe in Pocket. Instead I've connected you up to the same digital simulation as me so you can hang out and relax here without having your Body discovered and modified! A real win-win scenario, really."

She rolled her eyes and pointed at her unmodified limbs. "Won't THIS be a bit obvious? I don't exactly have a toaster with LEDs or wires or tubes anywhere."

John shook his head. "That's easy to change with avatar alteration, and the systems here support that ANYWAY so newborns or drones changing work roles have time to adjust to their new hardware. Just pick what sort of style you want to aim for and I will have the simulation slowly adjust you so you can get used to it."

Her eyes flickered towards the video feed of a massive mess of technology. "I don't think I will EVER get used to becoming something like that, sorry."

John blinked… Then caught on. "Ha! I mean, you CAN try out my body, but it is NOT easy to operate with a standard humanoid brain. No, I mean pick something from the wider hive mind population."

A series of images began to scroll past them both, all female, all her age bracket. "Most functions dictate what sort of prosthetics and modifications one needs to begin with, but I've got my own classified roaming security patrol group, 8322320073. You can just pick something that looks cool and we can add or change it as desired by just claiming your classified alterations are needed for efficient handling of missions."

Her brother focused on one limb. "Highly suggest a robotic right arm, by the way. At least one. MOST of this society has sort of consolidated towards that path, since back before the biological issues were fixed it was easier to handle one massive mechanic to organic interface than a billion of them."

The display of arms scrolled by. "The multi-tooled limb thing is so widespread that a lot of features in this Galaxy expect it by now, and all the old issues are pretty much handled by now."

Hmm? "Old issues?"

An image of a strange claw-like thing was displayed. "During war, the disposable drones were just given this mess. It's a weapon and analysis suite and all that, but since the owner wasn't expected to live long they didn't bother to give it all the bling and whistles we have today."

John pulled up… Normal looking limbs. "Now that conflict is pretty much over, the robotic limbs have full functionality. The ability to shift towards simulating biological symmetry with your other limbs, providing the sensation of touch, self repair, and MUCH more expensive components and materials than the junk shoved into field units way back then."

Jessica blinks at the softly glowing lights on the metallic limbs being displayed. It almost seemed like a very beautiful and strange tattoo rather than a fake arm. "I guess the old stuff was like our bulky 'cell phone bricks' and these are cutting edge models?"

Her brother snorted. "Worse, the old junk is like using a campfire to send smoke signals while the new equipment literally has supercomputers built into it."

He waved his new Avatar's OWN silver arm and it began rapidly shifting from shape to shape. "These things cost stupid amounts of resources to make, but can adjust to nearly all species and job requirements. I have a literal database FULL of pretested and designed modules and applications for it, and it's been studied and enhanced and improved over decades by a race that can conduct mental only research at an accelerated pace within their simulated environment."

Wow… That DID sound pretty damn impressive. Still… "Then why do YOU look like someone threw a bunch of mechanical junk into a blender?"

John grinned. "Because I got lucky! My System gave impossible 'new role' requirements to the automated training simulation when I got here, so I ended up with ALL the things. All of them."

His body on screen began altering itself as he pointed to bits. "Because each component is connected to different restricted research databases, I have to have partial access to ensure I can properly follow the 'upcoming tests' for the prototypes hooked up to me. But after you get 'partial access' to THIS many projects and systems?"

The video feed vanished as John flexed his new silver limbs. "Well, my access isn't so partial anymore."

Jessica was scrolling through the images of… Honestly, very attractive women who seemed to be in sexy cosplay outfits. "I thought your System automatically hacked stuff like this anyway? Don't you have full access already?"

Her brother froze, mid-flex. "Ah… I mean, yes? But that doesn't count, all that stuff is automatic. THIS access however is stuff I got on my own!"

She looked up from one of her potential choices. "I thought you said your System caused this mess by replacing your body requirements as part of your defenses?"

And John… Pouted. "Sis, let me have this? I managed to gain full access from my partial connection to a repair database!"

Aww… "And I am very proud of you, bro."

His silver eyes lit up as he puffed out his chest. "Yep! Turns out the security levels dropped a bit, or at least weren't upgraded at the same pace as the provided hacking subroutines, after years and years of peace and all that."

Hmm. "That's nice, John." There was probably a logical reason for the armored chest equipment, but as it also functioned as underboob support and looked sexy as hell… Yep, add it to the list. "So where are the girls?"

John blinked as he pulled up a set of project windows. "Still in Pocket, and for now unconnected to the network. I'm designing full gynoid bodies for them both and trying to connect it Metaphorically to some sort of fully genetic alternate form for Realms without this level of Technology or Magic or Essence. Wings and stuff don't make much biological sense for humanoids though, so the non-robotic bits are giving me trouble."

Oh, these optical sensors looked like a crown! Yes please! Added to the list. "Are there alien genetics you can use as a template in the database? I know we would have a few back in MiB."

He huffed as he continued typing, cables deploying from his spine and hooking into various ports on the floor. "Yeah, but that junk SUCKS compared to the 'Assimilated Organic Prime' samples they use to grow us nowadays! You turn this stuff into human shape and you get someone beyond powerful right off the bat, with astounding regeneration and psionic potential and biological immortality, at least when it comes to aging, and all sorts of stuff!"

Wow, that impressive? "Stupidly enhanced genetics, huh? Might explain why EVERYONE in this database is so damned attractive."

John froze mid tap, even his mental interactions pausing. "Shit, Temptation is going to turn me into a Simp in seconds with her new body, isn't she?"

Heh. "Like you weren't already a…"

And her mouth went silent as John blushed while glaring at her. "Ahh. Oh no. There was an audio glitch. How unfortunate. I'll get right on fixing that, don't worry. Just stay calm."

Oh you little brat!

Well, whatever. She still had a whole galaxy of sexy female examples of her age and body type to review and use to design a custom set of enhancements for her new simulation body.

She'd prank him back for this later.

Or just film him when Temptation gets a hold of him. Heh!
haha this sounds like hes really not going to like what he eventually finds out.

Hes describing becoming the most advanced blinged out borg drone in the galaxy. and then upgrading that.

Of the war it could be one of many but.... the idea that they were using mass disposable drones and mass disposable cheap parts..... kinda hints towards their war with species 8472 which took place in star trek voyager.
Nut it sounds like he is currently in a core borg system likely in a major construction hub
So are we to assume this virtual world's console is on one of those space-cubes the Borg are known for? Or were those warships, and modern Borg have satellites and colonized planets?
Giving the sister that has an appreciation for the female form a basically perfect database powered character builder and telling her about the genetic upsides?
Nothing could go wrong!
[[Home]] Healthcare in Doe Park was always this good! It said so a minute ago before the opening tommorow!
Is John going to meet the Resistance "Voyager" who make it back to discover Earth was overcome?

If Jessica wanted to, can she still phone [ HOME ]?

Would Borg try to catch Grace & Temptation? ( Gonna call them G&T shorthand )
I get the vibes that the old arms were like 90s cell phones while the new ones are like ME omnitools/sonic screwdriver while costing about a dreadnought worth's in resources. A Borg Dreadnought's worth of resources.

There shouldn't be a resistance voyager here. With Q gone, it is because the local Borg controls either the local group or supercluster. (I wouldn't expect the Q to leave the universe if the Borg merely controlled one minor galaxy.)

I pity the local Borg. John will evolve all his upgrades to be orders of mag better than believed to be physically possible by the local universe's rules.
kinda hope the MC sets his new body up like a Human Form Nanite Body like an Asuran, only with space folding(if possible) and as much technological capability packed into it as possible, to make it something like a PA-Commander with what it can do...

Wonder how their biological bodies will be setup... Maybe using Prime Material Organites(Biological Nanites). I imagine whatever he uses, his own body will be adjusted to being made from it too... Maybe even altering his "Sister" to have her body made of that "Prime Material" stuff too, since it is such an improvement...
So are we to assume this virtual world's console is on one of those space-cubes the Borg are known for? Or were those warships, and modern Borg have satellites and colonized planets?

The borg had multiple vessels for various functions. The had a rectangle vessel which was a scout, then they had the sphere which was mostly an interception vessel, next they had the borg diamond which was usually used as a smaller command vessel for the queen drones which there were multiple of in canon. Next you had the standard borg cube which was kinda a multi purpose capital ship, after that you had a bigger more armored cube which was their war cube. They only used them against actual threats. Finally you had the fusion cubes which were usually 9 armoured cubes combined together. and they were only seen in books and games never in the tv shows.

Lastly in one book they had a assimaltion vessel which was inbetween a scout ship and a cube, it was purely civinlian and used on mass. it was said its how they assimilated whole worlds in one go.

As for stations and planets, yep the borg had both. the ones in the tv shows were the transwarp conduits which formed their transport backbone and the ultramatix which where their equivalant of starfleets spacedock but on a system scale. They scaled from docking a few dozen cubes upto thousands at a time.

For planets. yep the borg had them, usually they were deep into borg space and were used to produce borg clones and even going by the books had small R&D facilities on them. There was even mentioned in one book of Borg Prime which was supposedly the borgs home world. in the book i believe after kirk was resurrected yet again, him and picard ended up there and kirk died for the final time blowing the whole planet up taking trillions of borg with him.

I get the vibes that the old arms were like 90s cell phones while the new ones are like ME omnitools/sonic screwdriver while costing about a dreadnought worth's in resources. A Borg Dreadnought's worth of resources.

There shouldn't be a resistance voyager here. With Q gone, it is because the local Borg controls either the local group or supercluster. (I wouldn't expect the Q to leave the universe if the Borg merely controlled one minor galaxy.)

I pity the local Borg. John will evolve all his upgrades to be orders of mag better than believed to be physically possible by the local universe's rules.

I dont think anywhere in the chapter it actually says they borg has taken over the glaxy or super cluster. also i dont think it says q is gone. and even then the borg werent really a threat to the q on any level. well unless you go by q in voyager simply saying not to mess with the borg to his son. Even then q`s wouldnt likely be threaten.
Also unless the borg assimilated a race with intergalatic ftl they didnt have the ability to rapidly leave the milkey way, unless they slowboated it. Even then they would have to cross the barrier which most ships couldnt. To my knowledge only one race had that type of tech and they were all killed by kirks enterprise when they tried to invade the galaxy.

Unless the MC has happened to land in the 1 unlucky timeline which saw the borg win and riker refusing to head back and then exploding, its better odds he is simply in the massive area the borgs control in the Delta/Gamma quadrants.
It also matters which borg he is dealing with.
The first was the borg picard originally met which were pretty unstoppable. the second was the borg that trashed a fleet of starships and got withing spitting distance of earth. the third which decided to some how invent time travel and still lost to the enterprise through convuluted plotlines. and finally the borg in voyager who couldnt even seem to deal with a science cruiser that was lost/alone and suffered more by the primitive locals than they did the borg.
Im not even going to mention the stupid versions in enterprise or picard tv shows. But yeah.
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I dont think anywhere in the chapter it actually says they borg has taken over the glaxy or super cluster. also i dont think it says q is gone.
It's in the requirements for arriving, that was in the chapter before last ('The futility of the end'). One government. And since there's the borg... it's the borg that is that one government. Who has been noted in chapter as having been at peace for some time.

And we can safely say that the Q aren't around (at least at the start of the trip), due to this:
[[Realm abandoned by beings beyond HOST's handling capacity, designation Realm locked.]]
With the prior choice skipped over due to not being abandoned.

Specifically leaving a trail, however minute for them to follow. And I don't think it's really that the Q would be threatened, it's that there isn't really much interesting about a universe that is only borg. (With the 'don't mess with the borg' being more of a 'poking the borg makes them do stuff that is really annoying for other interests, if you don't poke them in the right way. Heck, from what I remember Q specifically had a 'borg poking' moment solely to get Starfleet to realize they needed to not sit back.)

Of course, with the Q, I imagine that they'd go incognito. John has full access to the borg system, so 'tricking' him might allow a marking that 'this is normal' on said Q. With Jessica being the only one to realize the obviously out of place Q in 'disguise'. (Maybe something specifically clashing, with no 'theme'. Like Groucho glasses, a sombrero, and whatever other random outfit for the rest of it. Possibly randomly changing when no one is looking. And swapping out the hat around as well.)
Now imagine John as a ripperdoc in cp77.
Wanna new arm? Nah, have some third leg. Oh, and this second brain too. Can't forget about this handy-dandy shoulder mounted mini-misile launcher.
I see John & Jessica as robos or Borg.

I am kinda expecting them to show up, as the other gender. A Joan & Jess. For an Ep before it gets corrected.

But.. I want to see Joan as a Magic Girl, just to mess with them.
Oh yeah, get schwifty!
I actually got a couple of questions about this, but I try not to do non-cannon side stories and stuff for holidays or whatever.

Mostly because if I have an insane idea, I'm going to make it cannon!

Well, that and things getting really insane when I'm not restricted by reality and context and historical narrative of the story up to that point.

I don't want to risk getting so derailed that I end up writing a completely different story instead of this one, and having giant faces from Rick and Morty show up on the borg's planet screaming at John and Jessica to 'show them what they got'...

Well it might make me giggle but it doesn't actually enhance the story much.

It's also why I try not to have any kind of author commentary or third wall breaking stuff in the chapters themselves, to me the actual story is sacrosanct as a whole. I can talk about it or whatever outside of it, but it really gets my goat when I'm reading a story and the author keeps injecting side snark like 'lol this was so hard to write' and inserting random memes and whatever or insulting the characters as they talk.

Anyway, getting back on topic: Monday's update will be a continuation of the story, not a Halloween special. I mean I feel it's pretty special on its own anyway.
"Um... you might not want to be standing in" *flinches as one of the goats from the trailer hooks you in the groin and flings you* "front~ of those goats. Although, now I'm curious as to how you managed to shift your voice into a 32 bit 'Yeeargh!' scream... Great, now that's going to bug me for the rest of the day."
That's the Wilhelm scream, a stock sound effect that's used in a lot of places as a sort of inside joke by sound designers.
Also hilarious to recognize swedish lyrics in the song they use.
"Oh, so that's what it's called. But still... how did he shift his own voice into a near perfect rendition of this 'Wilhelm scream' stock sound effect? Complete with the granular sound just beneath the scream."