I'm a bit confused. Why did going to The Nether start turning Steve into an Enderman? Shouldn't that only happen if he went to The End?
I assume it has something to do with the ancient debris... The whole being out side of time thing is probably using the ancient debris as anchors as far as I can understand.... I imagine it would be like taking Cthulhu's magic stones. It doesn't matter where or when you took them. They are not where he left them so there is an issue and now there is ender dragon and endearment cultists on your ass... have fun cuddling cubes of essence dreaming of a time when the dark didn't whisper....

So yah eldritch things tend do ignore dimensions and time and annoying things like that...
welp sound like a plan
hoping the mc also gets access to the market place should be fun having him running around haggling ^^
Too bad this is an older instance, would be hilarious for them to run into the Deep Dark and the Ancient City's Warden.

EDIT: Also, too bad that John doesn't get to see The End, unless some shenanigans happen, I suppose.
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It's always possible John ends up seeing Steve again, in a few more world hops. I mean, we don't specifically know 100% of the shape of how the Minecraft 'verse interacts with everything else. So Steve could be exploring a far off Instance. And maybe be made of something entirely different. Like sand, coral, and water.

Especially since whatever Saw both John and Steve might... pull John back to the nearest connection.

There's also the 'Steve in Smash Bros' connection now, so that means there might be connections elsewhere. (John ends up building a bunch of stages, new ones. Maybe some commentary on how the Omega and Battlefield forms 'work'. Maybe something like the 'Essence' of a Stage got merged into the Final Destination/Battlefield base form. Of course, that means he'd try to make different combos as well. Though I can't really imagine what that would actually look like with any reliability. Just changed graphics? Stage Hazards would presumably have something changed but nothing comes to immediate mind. I guess cosmetic changes only?)
John in Smash Bros, I was imagining him not fighting at all, hence why he ends up building stages in the hypothetical scenario.

Though he'd probably also be interested in the mechanics of the Final Smash, now that I think of it. Some kind of energy to it, though I'm not sure what it'd end up being.

But if he had a moveset, I'd imagine it'd be perhaps something like a mix between Steve, Villager, and Isabella. Which makes me imagine John ending up in Animal Crossing next... It's similar enough in some aspects, along with the Smash Bros link. The item storage might be useful; it's storing something in a far more compact form, and yet easily returns without the conversion process to create new things. And outright allows sending furniture in envelopes. Just toss down a leaf, and bam. There it is.

He might be interested in how various other mechanics end up actually working. (And probably a joke about seed money, with the money trees. A world where money can grow on trees.)

The fact that there's multiple villages/cities/islands with literally the same people would be... interesting. Also Blanca, who loses their facial features, that can then be drawn back on. New Horizons with the essentially infinite resources via traveling to new islands, that explicitly cannot be returned to once left (but that's more likely lore-wise to be it still exists, but it's not really worth it for the player to go back because resources already gathered). Making a map of all the islands would be a challenge. It's probably more literally an infinite plane that everything isn't really 'connected' in the same way it is in reality. Just sort of links back up when you want to travel. Would explain how the 'specific to an instance' bits work (the 'native' fruit, for instance), despite how any one village/city/island can connect to another in pretty much the same amount of time.

Though there's also the 'duplication' exploit that could help provide an explanation.

John might well end up expanding things so more Villagers can end up living on the Island or in the village/city. Depending on which game time period he ends up in. Equally possible is him managing to link up cross 'game' settings as well. Which could be interesting in iteration exclusive stufff ending up 'returning'.

And maybe John can figure out how there's so many copies of the same painting that count as 'real'.
…Please go better than the other plans so far
I don't know why, everything seems to have worked out so far.
Sure, there were complications.
But, literally tons of Ancient Debris, Emerald Blocks and All the Diamonds make for a decent payday.

Also, let's have John's next world be a normal "Serious" world. Like Dexter or Archer.
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I don't know why, everything seems to have worked out so far.
Sure, there were complications.
But, literally tons of Ancient Debris, Emerald Blocks and All the Diamonds make for a decent payday.

Also, let's have John's next world be a normal "Serious" world. Like Dexter or Archer.
And then my brain went to John in NCIS and Wipeout.
Wherever he ends up, it should still be a high energy/Qi/spiritualism place, since he is in that "area" of realities...
So maybe it is Naruto?
Star Wars?
Harry Potter?(unlikely, but I am looking forward to him going there)
Could be Ben 10, DC or Marvel, those have fairly high-tier to Conceptual level threats around.

Though the comparison to 40k makes me think the SCPverse or Worm...
Worm is what you get when you try to level up Marvel to DC levels of F'ed, while maintaining Marvel levels of Douchebags making a mess for everyone.

Warhammer xxK is so~ far beyond that, the Warhammer franchise manifests as a personification and Laughs at you for your ignorance by comparing Worm to it. (me, I'd just shake my head, and ask that you reacquaint yourself with the two source materials before continuing the comparison any further)

To be as bad as Warhammer xxK, we're talking grim dark that has a narrative causality forcing the nature of the universe to remain hopeless. So... Fate series, ASoIaF, The Back Rooms, or Madoka Box; come to mind as being both conceptually imposed Grim Dark, and remotely on the sheer scale of the Warhammer xxK Franchise (in universe)

{edit} Oh... Wuxia settings would also work.
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Worm is what you get when you try to level up Marvel to DC levels of F'ed, while maintaining Marvel levels of Douchebags making a mess for everyone.

Warhammer xxK is so~ far beyond that, the Warhammer franchise manifests as a personification and Laughs at you for your ignorance by comparing Worm to it. (me, I'd just shake my head, and ask that you reacquaint yourself with the two source materials before continuing the comparison any further)

To be as bad as Warhammer xxK, we're talking grim dark that has a narrative causality forcing the nature of the universe to remain hopeless. So... Fate series, ASoIaF, The Back Rooms, or Madoka Box; come to mind as being both conceptually imposed Grim Dark, and remotely on the sheer scale of the Warhammer xxK Franchise (in universe)

{edit} Oh... Wuxia settings would also work.
Hmm, there's also the fact that Ace tends to change up settings a bit for these things (I mean, this minecraft one is a very obvious case of it, but also the prior Muppets and what was probably my favorite Pokemon take from their last story) so it could very well be something like Star Wars or Sonic. (Especially Star Wars)

If it's staying near-minecraft (unlikely since I think he's going to be getting as far as possible) it could go Terraria, though I'd expect that more if the Thing manages to almost catch up, doing something that makes beating the moon lord a requirement to move on.
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Update on Friday will be as scheduled but uh...

I did not plan to go there. Ever. It's not the WORST place to end up, not compared to Warhammer or what have you, but uh... It is a good thing that John has already reached a certain level of ridiculousness before showing up.

And that he has backups.

Okay, at this point I just have to ask, are you creating the story or are you just transcribing one of your counterparts adventures? Because with comments like these you make me lean real hard on the latter.