04/09: Express Your Vision
[X] Accept her offer. Gain 2500 yen!
[X] 1/144 Virtual Grade MD-0031 Dilanza Sol

SEVENTH STAR - October 19th, 2024


You idly munch on the popcorn, trying to enjoy the festive atmosphere. Cheers and hawkers line the streets of «Collinia», a fantasy facsimile of Rome, Aincrad feeling alive for the first time in ages. You've had burnt food but burning food was a novelty even you couldn't ignore. In times like this, when a floor got unlocked, practically all the green players gathered in an impromptu festival to celebrate.

Once, long ago, every floor clear was a quiet and somber affair. But by the end of the year, when everyone had adapted, the lack of entertainment spontaneously led to these floor-clear festivals springing up. It was a way for all the non-clearer players to get a glimpse at the higher floors and a rare opportunity to actually see the top guild Clearers - the closest thing this game had to celebrities - in person.

There was a sequence to this. First, the Clearers would unlock the town gate. Then the info brokers would swarm in and scout the surrounding areas, followed by crafters who would chain raid the new NPC merchants in search of new ingredients. Whether out of a festive spirit or a desire to one-up each other the few food crafters still around would often compete in selling stuff made of new NPC mats, even if the resulting products were less than advertised.

Like eating popcorn that literally sets your mouth on fire. The pain absorber turned it to a mild tingling sensation, but the popping heat and acrid smoke gave it a certain... acquired taste. Well so long as you were stuck in hell you could at least try some of the torture they sold as food.
You eye the Daggerfruit Juice (Tastes like swallowing a hundred daggers!) and decide to fight against your curiosity. Did some poor bastard in ARGUS really have to program all these ingredients? They started running out of real-world fruits and vegetables by the 30th floor.

Crappy food aside this festival was special. The details escape you, no more information gathering. By some miracle Laughing Coffin was rounded up and suddenly you were... free. One way or the other the Coffins were captured and you managed to escape justice. So here you were, in your new life. A traitor hiding from her past life, wandering into a festival just to distract yourself.

As you sneak through the crowd to find an empty seat in the huge coliseum it wasn't hard to see what the buzz was about. From the concession stands to the bets being shouted out it was clear there was going to be a duel. Not just any duel, some kind of special grudge match against top players. Heathcliff «The Man of Legend» and leader of the most prestigious clearer guild of the game in one corner.

Kirito «The Black Swordsman», sole holder of the unique «Dual Blades» skill in the other.

The crowds were enormous, practically half of the remaining players had all crowded into the coliseum, hungry for entertainment that didn't come with a slice of fatal consequences. It was a movie, a show... a sport. Bets were drawn, food was prepared, and the hype was unavoidable.

The sources of these rare skills were a matter of constant rumor even among the Coffins. PoH once spent almost a month on a near-perpetual circuit of NPC villages in the lower floors, slaughtering them solo then moving on to the next before circling back once the first one respawned. He was convinced there was some hidden skill to be gained from it, not that his efforts bore fruit.

A lot of Coffins thought that once you killed 100 other players something would unlock, but even JB, by far the most prolific killer, had no more than 30 kills by the time the clearers rounded up the Coffins. PKing in a world where everyone was paranoid and extremely careful wasn't exactly easy.

..small blessings you suppose, as you hear the opening gong. A special anti-player skill apparently was too much even for this cruel death game.

A flash of steel against steel. The Black Swordsman swings like a wild berserker but the Holy Shield of Heathcliff intercepts every blow as if he knows where each hit will land. They weren't even fighting with Sword Skills yet, every swing and parry the result of pure reflexes and agility, no player yet resorting to the system assist.

Two swords. Strange you've never seen any other player attempting the same. You've had to track this Kirito before, PoH had some special interest in him, but it wasn't easy for an infiltration and spy build like you to do anything in the upper floors. You could probably go into a 70+ labyrinth but the moment any monster with some exotic sense exposed your «Hide» skill you'd fall flat in one or two hits, so what little info you could gather about the Black Swordsman was shrouded in rumor and came from unreliable witnesses.

This was the first public unveiling of «Dual Blades», a skill freshly revealed during the 74th boss clear. From what you hear he practically solo'd the boss with that.

What was the secret? Nothing was stopping even you from picking up two swords and giving it a go, but the system wouldn't activate sword skills and the encumbrance penalty was prohibitively crippling.

Heathcliff calmly blocks another blow, even taking the time to glance out at the crowd and smile. This whole duel is nothing but a fun diversion to him, a way to advertise his guild and his own prowess.

Kirito, on the other hand, is smeared with sweat and dirt from being knocked to the ground. Heathcliff was barely even using his sword, preferring to bash Kirito to the ground with his shield. More embarrassing than damaging.

You recognize it for what it is - a dressing down of an upstart. The king displays his glory to the crowd of his peasants.

...you can't help but root for Kirito.

He's back in it again. Faster, wilder, the movements hard to follow even to your trained eyes. Even if you had the proper skills you doubt you could ever keep up with the tempest before you.

A feint to the left and a backhand swing out of a dodge. A grunt and Heathcliff is forced to use his sword to parry, only to hideously mistime his swing and eat a glancing blow to his cheek. Kirito finally draws first blood as the crowd erupts into cheers, your voice joining the rising tide.

Another exchange of swords and Heathcliff has gathered his wits, pushing back Kirito. The Black Swordsman's HP flashes dangerously close to the yellow zone.

This... is a top Clearer. Once, so long ago, you were a scared insect bowing and begging for your life before the Coffins. What would the Black Swordsman have done in your place? He would've fought, he would never let murderers get away much less join them. He would resist, he would administer justice, and he would prevail.

The odds were against him. Heathcliff hadn't even worked up a sweat. The flash of system assistance fills the stadium as Sword Skills fly from the blades of the Black Swordsman, only to be deflected time and time again.

Why didn't he give up?
Why did you give up?

...because life wasn't that convenient. These shining stars so far above what you could possibly achieve, fighting at the peak of possible performance this shit game would allow. That was a Clearer.

And yet they still died. Piece by piece, one by one, they were bleeding out. Heroes turned to words carved into a monument. Your work with the Coffins added no shortage of names to that monument. It didn't matter how strong you were. If even these people couldn't beat the game yet, what hope was there for you?

And so the duel ends. A final desperate strike from Kirito is blocked by a parry so rapid Heathcliff's avatar almost seems to glitch in place. And the Black Swordsman is defeated, no amount of struggling would help him scale that peak.

The stadium bellows with the force of thousands of cheers mixed with the cries of those poor souls who bet on Kirito and lost. A bunch of players all chug their Popcorn in sequence and create an impromptu fireshow in the stands. The duel had ended but the party would go on long into the night.

What should you do now? You have freedom.

«Laughing Coffin» were all locked up, sans PoH the guild leader still at large. Whether due to honor amongst thieves or the simple fact that you had a green cursor none of the captured Coffins actually outed you. You lied, denied, and betrayed your way to freedom.

You could go farming. Take your mishmash of a build, remove all the Hiding, Disguise, Search and low level crafting skills for something more akin to a frontline fighter. Risk your life for a higher purpose rather than simply surviving like a cockroach.

...but could you? You couldn't cut it as a Clearer a year ago so why would you cut it now? You saw them fight - even without system assist or stats the pure experience differential between you who barely fought and a frontline Clearer who only fought was nakedly obvious.

Guilt, sadness, blame... you've ruminated on your decisions often.

But a new one hit you today.


You've been here for over a year now. What did you have to show for it?

You learned nothing.
You gained nothing.
You were not part of anything greater.
You just persisted.

You believe this world will never be cleared. The odds were stacked against everyone. This shit game would probably end in some world-destroying final boss or battle royale scenario; whatever amused Kayaba Akihiko the most.

«Laughing Coffin» had... the right idea, you belatedly realize. This world was going to be your tomb. Everyone's coffin. You were just corpses dragging out a digital death march. Laugh because it's the only thing you can do.

You make your way back to the teleport crystal. The frontlines were not the place for a washed-up spy like you. But you spare a final thought to the duel you just witnessed.

If someone did clear the game, it was probably someone like that Black Swordsman. Who never gave up, who never took the easy way out.
In another world, in another life, maybe you would've been one of those heroes.

Regret. Regret that you weren't strong enough. If you had another chance, another shot at this hell... would you do better? Or would you make the same mistakes?

If only you could be smarter.

It could've been you as the Black Swordsman instead.

Stop, stop, stop! Today is my turn and I'm not spending it dying of hypothermia!
Holy shit it was cold!

Aren't you supposed to be meditating? How was that meditating? And just before school!?
It was so hot outside and you woke up drenched in sweat so it seemed like a good idea... you heard on the internet cold water helped you collect your thoughts! Besides today was the day that your Shadow...

We had a deal. Now shove off!

>You recall painful memories of SAO! GRIT Increases! ♪♪♪

WEDNESDAY - April 9th, 2025
After School

You know what sucks?


Crowd a bunch of rowdy kids in the prime of their lives into a small building where they outnumber the adults 20 to 1 and what happens? They just sit in a room and study.

I mean, you've been to school before. Went through all of junior high as a teacher's pet! What the hell were you thinking?

Why couldn't you go to SAO Survivor School? They got an on-site cafeteria, dormitories and a guaranteed recommendation into university no matter how crap your performance! But NOOO the ball and chain insisted on this middle of the bell curve no-name high school. At least it was still in Tokyo! Biggest city in the world with no spending money. Maybe you could dip into the food fund? Eh, you'll never hear the end of it...

Money. You really needed more of it. Sheesh, what was so bad about advertising yourself as an SAO Survivor? Some of them got book deals and went on talk shows!

<u doing k'? Need help unpacking?>
<plz let me know>

Wow, like a dozen unanswered messages from mom. Do you have to do everything?

You text out a quick reply before that gravy train derails. She holds the keys to your allowance, would it kill her to be nice to your only source of income? You finally have a chance to have some fun but have no money to actually do anything with it. Ugh, and you couldn't make any commitments or take on new jobs like this when most of your time was out of your control. You can't make things too complicated for her since eventually even you'll have to deal with the consequences but this whole timeshare thing was already annoying you.

Should've pushed for 50:50. Why'd you fold at the last minute...

"Wait... are you a firstie? Seriously, ditching already?" calls a voice from behind you.

Ah, the target has arrived!

"What, gonna tattle? Besides it's just the last period. Motosu sensei just spends all period reading verbatim from the textbook. I'll bet she won't even notice."

You shoot a lazy wave at Endou, the bully you noticed yesterday, who returns the greeting with open wariness. "I have to admit it takes guts firstie, but you should watch out. Get labelled the wrong way and your life will suck."

"Oh, really senpai? Got some tips for a fellow ditcher?"

"Don't do it too often, and have an excuse. I got a teacher who looks the other way for me, but if I were you firstie I'd pretend to be sick or something."

You look up at the sky and smile, "Well I guess I could always say I caught a cold! I was spending all morning taking a cold shower after all."

"Real wise of you," Endou says, rolling her eyes. "Say you look kinda familiar. We met before?"

"You noticed me senpai!" you say, remembering the incident from the day before. "With Shino, remember? I'm dying to know what you were talking about!"

As you bring up your neighbor Endou's eyes suddenly light up in interest. "Shino? Why so interested in her?"

"Huh!? Nothing!" you lie, with false embarrassment on your face. "Just curious, you know? She lives nearby and just started talking to me out of the blue - she seems so emotionless right?"

"Yeah, sounds like it. Be careful around her firstie, if she sees you out ditching like this you'll bet she'll tattle on you. What, you neighbors?"

Oh? Trying to sound me out for living alone? No sense hiding it, that wasn't exactly something you could hide since Endou already knew where Shino lives, and you sense a chance for some give and take...

"You got it. Just moved here not too long ago. Used to live in this place in the middle of nowhere. Only 10000 people in the whole town, practically another world."

"Oh? No family in the area and you live alone? That's pretty cool I guess. Wish I could say the same," Endou mutters. It's clear you have her attention now.

"Hey, couldn't help but overhear yesterday. Sounded intense! Like quite the lover's spat."

"What!?" Endou shrieks as though you've insulted her mother. "No, we're not, ugh, she's just a stupid bitch who'll betray you at the drop of a hat! We used to be friends until she called the police on me!"

"Ooh, that bad huh? What a tragic tale of scorned love, a jilted lover kicked out by the authorities after a night of passion..."

"Fuck off! Your imagination is something extra, firstie." Endou snorts. "I was just hanging out at her place, that's all!"

"That's why you were mad? She mentioned you were just using her room to hold parties."

"Well, it wasn't like that! Just a few friends needed a place to rest their feet!" Endou shakes her head. "Anyways, my advice is to stay away from the likes of Shino. She's dangerous."

Dangerous? This is the second time Endou has alluded to it already. Danger meant something more exciting!
You lean forward, the picture of an enraptured audience as you make doe eyes at Endou.

"Dangerous? But Senpai I live near her! Don't leave me hanging like this, I won't be able to sleep tonight!"

Endou stares at you silently for a moment before sighing. "Fine, whatever. She's just an emotionless nerd, nothing more. If you can't see that then you're completely blind. She's not worth worrying about."

"Thank god!" you say happily. "I was a bit worried about her. She's always so dazed and distracted, spends all days inside too." You slide closer to Endou as you lean in conspiratorially. "But you're holding out on me senpai! C'mon, if she's so boring why you so interested?"

"You her guardian angel now firstie? Buzz off."

"Haha, well I do enjoy being a fly on the wall! Just consider me someone who wants to know what's up! I hear VRMMO players can be so violent - like those SAO players who killed people in game? Crazy huh? Is Shino like one of them?"

"You will not let up," Endou grunts. "You really that worried about her?"

"Of course! See where I used to live I was surrounded by these crazy geeks who were totally disconnected from reality. They would gather into gangs at night and go around trying to poison and stab people! One of them even wore a paper bag over his head!"

"Whoa, really? I've heard some crazy shit about the boonies. Really like that out of Tokyo?"

You nod sagely. "Yeah, it was a weird place. No real police and the closest thing to law enforcement was a bunch of LARPers calling themselves an army. Didn't have a proper prison, they just threw suspicious people into a dark castle and threw away the key. I'll tell you this, I'm glad to be in the city for a change."

"Where did you say you were from again?"

"I'm telling you, middle of nowhere. They bulldozed the whole village a few months ago and it's not even on maps anymore, so I studied my ass off to pass an entrance exam in Tokyo. Anything to get out of there with all my crazy neighbors."

Endou nods appreciatively. "Well, Tokyo is where all the fun is. So if you're here what happened to all those losers? Like the one wearing the paper bag?"

A good question. What did crazed lunatics like XaXa and JB do when they awoke to the real world and found themselves charged with no crimes and free to go? "Eh, probably something boring. Heard he works in a convenience store or something, makes good money."


You nod. "I mean, probably? Gotta make a living somehow. I just don't want a repeat of my last life senpai, so c'mon, spill the goods!"

"Shino again? Fine, fine, firstie, you win. But you owe me for this! Me and my friends need a place to hang out after school, put our stuff there..."

"But senpai crowds are so stuffy! And too many people will smell, and what will I tell my poor ailing mom when she comes to visit? She'll think I've become a delinquent!"

"...you're ditching class on the first week of school. You're already a delinquent."

"So cruel senpai! Your heart, eternally frozen by the scorn of Shino, now turns on a poor defenseless maiden who lives in the big city all alone!" you dramatically swoon as crocodile tears fill your vision.

"Stop that, don't make a scene! You want a teacher to notice us?"

"No, but your crushing demands have overwhelmed me with sadness. If only Endou-senpai could be convinced to keep her smelly friends away from my humble apartment."

"Fine firstie! You let me keep my stuff at your apartment and crash there when I need to and I'll tell you what you want to know. No extras."

"Really?!" You shout, throwing your arms around Endou's shoulders who recoils in surprise. "How sweet of you, Endou-senpai!"

"Gah! Back off. Now listen close 'cause I'm not gonna say this again - actually better yet let me just send you a link."

Your phones are out and connected to each other in seconds. A file downloads into your phone. It's a news article.
Hmm... a robbery with a smuggled pistol. Some drug-addled psycho in some far-off mountain town. A rather dry crime report, the guy was apparently shot on scene. "Why you showing me this? I mean, besides the sheer idiocy of robbing a post office? What was this guy Shino's dad or something?"

Endou grins evilly. "That's just the public report. You know the government edits the details to 'protect the youth' and that nonsense. I was looking into Shino's old school and I heard the most amazing rumor."

Now she's dragging things out for dramatic tension. You nod vigorously - by this point Endou's dying to show off.

"They said Shino shot the guy! Killed him in cold blood! I didn't believe it of course, who would? But yesterday... that reaction. I knew I hit the jackpot." She leans back against the bench, the grin plastered on her face growing wider and wider.

"Whoa. You figured that out just by looking into her school?"

"It's simple really. Everywhere has its own little insular network, a social media group, some kind of app. Just make up a generic-sounding name and start cold texting. The thing about rumors is that they love to spread and people love spreading them. Just gotta keep your ear to the ground."

"That's some amazing research skills. What were you planning to do with that? Me, I'd just want to stay away after hearing that."

"Firstie, you should know, I can't stand Shino. So I figure I can use this to hurt her, get a little spending money from her. Especially since she narc'd on me, so it's only fair. And don't get clever and steal my idea!"

"No way, I have no intention of doing anything shady. I plan on being the model honor student!"

She rolls her eyes, but humors you regardless. "Yeah, yeah, ditcher. Good luck not getting caught in the future. Just be more careful about it, alright? You tattle on me being out here and it'll be mutually assured destruction, firstie."

"Of course senpai! Besides I'd rather stay on your good side, I got my own secrets to keep!"

"Well, best not give me an excuse to go digging." Endou grins. "You're not what I expected. Gotta run but let's hang out sometime firstie."

"Sure, later then." You stand up and stretch. Guess you've accomplished your mission. But Endou stops you before you walk away.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"I'm sure you can find out yourself senpai! It's a dumb, long and boring one. But you can just call me Lux!"

It's the last box.

Seriously were you gonna stay in control for this part too?

I mean you want to leave it to the other you, but like... it's been 3 days.

You knocked on Shino's door today but there wasn't a response. Probably in a FullDive or something - not like you walked home with her today and she's got her own shit to do.

You expended a lot of effort finding out some interesting gossip but you can't but be disappointed. So Shino killed a robber in self-defense. Big whoop, people did it all the time in SAO.

The last box had most of your plushie collection in it. It wasn't even that heavy, just big and misshapen. Unpacking it was going to be more annoying than pushing it up the stairs.

That was what you thought 5 minutes ago.



Almost... hot damn you needed to exercise. Maybe eat something with more protein in it than a pear tart.
Did you weigh down the stuffed animals with dumbbells? What the hell is this?


With one final push you clear the last step and the box sits comfortably, mercifully, at its final destination.

Never again. No more goddamn boxes. Why didn't she just complain to the moving company when she had a chance? Or guilt trip the taxi driver when he dropped her off?

...at least it was a bit easier today than it was when you started. Guess you're building back to your pre-SAO strength! Quite soon you could be the proud owner of a body that met the fitness standards of a junior high school girl.


You've got a few hours left. Might as well unpack all this junk... and there's a package for you too. Thankfully just parcel-sized, probably something you forgot to pack that mom sent your way.

Hmm... you don't recognize the return address, and it feels bulky. How curious...

>Your muscles burn with exertion! FITNESS Greatly Increases! ♪♪♪♪
>Your FITNESS has ranked up! [Fresh Outta Rehab] has progressed into [Noodle Arms]!
>Looking over your fully unpacked room fills your heart with DETERMINATION! +10 D.

WEDNESDAY - April 9th, 2025

You wake up groggy and tired. The memories from your Shadow are hazy and foggy, but the outing managed to get her to shut up for once.

Hey, she actually unpacked your luggage! Your bed is covered with plushies and your model kit supplies are neatly packed away in a drawer. Your PC is fully hooked up. I mean, you were obsessed with neatness, so it would figure she would be too...


What's that?

It's sitting there innocently on the shelf. You don't remember packing it... did you? Did mom pack it? She wouldn't have, right?

I mean... considering what it did to you.

You should've thrown it away.

You should've let the government confiscate it.

But it's here. Buried underneath a mountain of plushies and stuffed animals in the final box.

You had your mom smuggle it out of the hospital at the first opportunity. Turns out you weren't the only one, many SAO survivors had a grim fascination with the machine. You wanted to keep it close as a reminder of your weakness, as a trophy to say that for better or worse you survived. You decided to leave it behind when you moved to Tokyo.
The paint is peeled off. The leather strap doesn't fully close. You see the remains of matted hair still staining the inside.

First generation VR FullDive Headset. Proudly manufactured in Japan by ARGUS.

The NerveGear.

Your NerveGear.

There's a package on the table, the paper wrapper hastily ripped off by your Shadow in a fit of curiosity.

Two items have spilled onto the table next to it. A threatening letter, and a plastic package. The letter... was something you had hoped you would never receive, but one that ultimately doesn't surprise you. As you read it you crumple in your hands. You wish you could do the same to the game disc that came with the letter.


[ ] The LAW of Oberon

I've finally found you.

Don't think you can get away just by avoiding the Survivor School.

I remember what you did.

Your victims demand justice. Justice the government won't grant.

But I have an offer for you. A chance at paying a modicum of the debt you owe your fellow survivors.

As much as I hate to admit it I need your help.

Meet me tomorrow afternoon, in Okachimachi. Look for Dicey Cafe.

Don't even consider refusing.

Because If you want to continue to live the peaceful life you do not deserve, you won't ignore this. If I don't see you tomorrow I will give your name and address to the families of every single player killed by Laughing Coffin.

And bring that copy of Alfheim Online with you.

[ ] CHAOS within a Black Star

I couldn't believe it was you! Thought you'd just be laying low!

Can't believe I'd just find you walking about.

But man, small world we live in huh? We're even in the same neighborhood! You even look the same as you did in SAO. Honestly, should've worn a mask or something, but eh, too little too late, am I right?

So, I figured this is a good chance to get the gang back together again. Why not enjoy ourselves for one last hunt? Don't you miss it? I sure do.

I've got this wicked idea that I'm dying to show off. What do you say Lux? For old times sake? Could use your talents again. Sides' we all covered for your ass when they rounded us up.

Man, it's so weird talking to you like this. Babbling in the waking world is such a hassle, so I bought you a gift!

Tomorrow afternoon, let's talk face-to-face in the new world. In Gun Gale Online.

Oh, and if you don't show? Why me and my pals might have to come to you. C'mon, don't make us do that, I assure you it won't be fun for any of us. Least of all you.

Your old friend,
-Red-Eyed XaXa

AN: Very important choice. Essentially will drive the plot for the foreseeable future.
Last edited:
04/10: Link Start
[X] The LAW of Oberon

THURSDAY - April 10th, 2025
After School

Wow. Was this the only bar in Tokyo that was utterly deserted?
I mean... you were expecting to be brought to a suspicious, shady establishment. A shady dive bar like this certainly qualifies, though shouldn't bars be... livelier?

You can't claim familiarity with bars in general, but you doubted they all looked so... empty inside? Wooden chairs, tables, an old-fashioned jukebox, it was everything old American movies made bars look like. The only thing missing was actual people.

...you'll chalk that up to it being in the afternoon rather than poor business sense on the part of the owner. At least he had two guests, even if the girl sitting across from you was the last person you wanted to see in the real world.


"Heh, didn't think you'd show Lux. Why dontcha relax first?"

"Not likely. After seeing your letter."

"Figure I need an incentive to make a roach crawl outta its hole, ya? Can't count on ya otherwise."


"Hey, I know you two have history but do you really have to do this here? You're scaring away my patrons." The tall bartender in the back glares at the two of you in open annoyance while polishing a shot glass, protesting the imposition your meeting is having on his theoretical business.

"Shaddup, was empty when I arrived, it's empty now. C'mon Agil, you want two defenseless girls doing this in an alley instead?"

"Yeah, I do. This is a bar, not your spy headquarters. Why do you keep bringing people here?" says the bartender, pointing his finger at Argo in protest.

"Eh, you're open and Tokyo's a big place. Have some mercy in ya heart for a country girl just moving into the big city!"

"You're not even paying me. I remember having to pay you for just damn near everything."

"You're getting exposure! Look, you got two customers now. Thanks to me your clientele rate has increased by infinity percent."

"I'm not interested in customers. I'm interested in paying customers."

You slam your hand down on the wooden table - you briefly note the bartender wince when the wood creaks - and focus your attention on Argo the Rat, the former information broker of SAO who blackmailed you into coming here.

"What do you want?"
The girl before you smiles but it's a cold one, not even close to reaching the eyes. She's studying you, hunting for vulnerabilities. She was older than you but not by much, clearly just a simple high school student, but her identity was unmistakable. The hairstyle was the same and even without the whiskers it wasn't hard to recognize her as Argo's real-life counterpart. In SAO Argo was effectively the queen of information. Everybody knew her, everybody used her guides, moreso than even the Clearers or Laughing Coffin Argo's influence in the actual day to day life of every player was unmatched. But here?

Don't be intimidated. She's just a high school girl threatening another high school girl at a run-down bar in the middle of nowhere because she literally has no other options.

"Gained some weight, Lux? You look healthier. Surprised to see ya walking about when so many others aren't."

"My name isn't Lux. It never was and you were never Argo." If you weren't certain the act would break your malnourished fingers you'd punch her right now. Half the reason you came to this damn meeting was to find out who Argo was in the real world. If she was going to dox your SAO identity you wouldn't take it lying down. You're done with SAO, you have enough on your plate with the voices in your head.

"How did you find me?"

"Izzat really that important?"

"Yes, it is. Stalking is a crime. As is harassment, blackmail... Real crimes, with real consequences, Argo. This isn't SAO anymore."

"Consequences, eh Lux? Ya real talented in dodging those, you and the rest of ya damn Coffins. I made a promise, one I intend to fulfill. I'm gonna find out your real names, gonna ensure you face justice even if the government just wants to brush it all under the rug."

"Is that it? I hate to disappoint you but nobody in the Coffins talked about the real world. If the only one you've managed to find was me, congratulations. Now leave me the hell alone."

The silence stretches between the two of you. Argo was one whose entire existence revolved around finding secrets, gathering intel, and selling it off piecemeal. That sort of person doesn't change their behavior easily after leaving their game. And somehow she's already found where you live.

Argo stares directly at you as she produces a folder from a bag on the floor. "Nothing to do with SAO anymore eh? Sounds like a good time. But it ain't over yet. Not by a long shot."

She opens the file and begins leafing through papers and photos, then looks up again. "Take a look at this. Tell me whatcha think."

As you take the file the thickness of it surprises you. The contents were... truly impressive. Pages and pages of names, pictures, and information. An alphabetical list of every single player registered in SAO— all 10000 of them, sorted by username.

As you scroll through there's an ocean of red strike marks, the players who lost their lives in the chaos of SAO.

But there was something more. Another list of names, 10000 long. Only instead of the 10-character limit handles you've grown accustomed to, here was something more tangible. Real names, locations, frequently even pictures referencing hospital locations, status... and that ever-present red strike mark in 4000 entries.

You find your own name amongst them. A record of hospital intake and discharge, including the address of your old home, with scribbled notes all over the margins, all attesting to her suspicion that you were the Laughing Coffin spy.

You quickly flip past yours, closing the file in agitation.

"How the hell did you get this?"

"I've got my ways. None of the SAO player data the «Virtual Division» scraped outta the servers actually matched names to avatars— but it wasn't hard finding a list of all the hospitalized victims over the years. Then just do some cross-referencing, and talk to some ol' friends... Kayaba made it so that our real faces get translated onto the avatars. Annoyin' but makes it simple to match faces to avatars by just interviewing survivors. Maybe Kayaba wanted there to be accountability eh?"

"So that's it? You've found me and are here to show off?"

"...I wish. Would be easier for me if that was it. First I just wanted to find out where all you Coffins were hiding, at least make the public aware of all the crimes. Government already has some ideas but they don't want to bother with it. But right now I gotta bigger fish to fry than your little band of murderers. Take a look." The file opens again as Argo points toward several names in the hospital records. You practically missed it on your first skim but there were tons of names highlighted in blue all bearing the same ominous marker—


You glance up in shock, seeing Argo's grim expression mirroring your own.

"You're telling me that—"

"Not everybody woke up."

You blink rapidly at the words, unable to comprehend such a thing happening in reality. SAO was over. The rules of the game were set, hell you woke up!

"That's impossible. Surely somebody must have noticed."

"Even the government's not that stupid. But there's no solution, the Ministry's Virtual Division been at a loss, even came to me for help. A couple hundred haven't woken up yet."

"But how could this happen? SAO is over. Just remove the NerveGear..."

Argo smirks bitterly at your naivety. "They already tried that. The first bastard they did it to got half fried. They've tried everything, but no dice. Nobody seems too sure of what to do."

Rough. Why should we get involved?
This... could you help with this?

"Why me? Is it just because you can blackmail me?"

The briefest hint of anger crosses Argo's features. You suspect it's as much as self-loathing as it is a dislike of you. "Ya weren't my first choice. I've got people helping me out amongst the Survivors but you have an in nobody else I've talked to has. You did bring your NerveGear didn't you?"

Another request by Argo when you called Dicey Cafe this morning. You have it in your bag hidden amongst your school notes.

"How did you even know I kept my NerveGear?"

"I always protect my sources. Sides' sniffing stuff out is what I'm good at, so the sooner you accept that ya can't keep secrets from me the easier it'll be for us both. Now, have you heard of the «SEED» before?"


"What, not cool playin with more VRMMOs? Can't blame ya, but somebody leaked the basic AI structure underlying the world structure behind SAO all over the net practically the second the game got cleared. It's why there's a bajillion VRMMOs popping up. Asset generation, quest design, maintenance, balancing... the «SEED» can handle it all. I've given it a whirl, ya can make a crap virtual world with tutorial vids and a handful of good ideas in less than a month— to say nothing of what dedicated teams can accomplish. See since it's all based on SAO, we've gone ahead and done a few tests with some NerveGears the government hasn't destroyed already. Your ol' character data gets carried over— the Seed AI just converts it all to a form that fits with the new setting, balance, and everything."

That... sounded difficult to believe. But it wasn't like you had a particularly impressive build in SAO.

Sensing your confusion Argo clarifies. "But whatever, I doubt ya any stronger than my own avatar. Nah, it's your friend's list that also gets carried over. Recognize any of these names?"

A list of usernames. About 300 in total, along with Argo's notes about who she suspected each person to be in the real world.

Some names have a particular focus. There were pages dedicated to two individuals— one Kirigaya Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna. Both were labeled as never having awoken from SAO.

Asuna... «The Flash»? Was her real-life name the same as her username? So even the 2nd in command of the Knights of Blood was missing. But that second name... Kirigaya Kazuto, listed in the notes as the real-life name of Kirito the «Black Swordsman».

The hero was asleep.

Outside of those two you scroll through the names looking for people you recognize. A crafter in the middle floors. Another Clearer who you recognize by reputation. But mostly it's a string of unfamiliar names, the majority of SAO players were either perpetually locked in the first floor by sheer fear or no-name grinders amongst the middle floors.

...There's one.


Meimi Tsurusaki. Her real name. You never got it out of her, nor did you ever give your own. It felt... perverse to find out this way, by reading a name off a list of victims.

She took you off her friend list back in SAO, but you never removed it from yours. It still sat in some unused corner of the NerveGear's memory...

"There's been sightings. Ghost stories in Alfheim Online. People claimin' to see spirits with the faces of SAO victims... and sightings of the avatars of comatose SAO survivors. Guy I'm workin' with in the Virtual Division claims he's been bothering RECT Progress for an explanation but without any probable cause to investigate, he's been stuck. Frankly, I don't think the spooks even care, it'd be more convenient for them if the remaining 300 just died so they can finally close the book on the SAO case."

"Sightings... of SAO players inside Alfheim Online?"

"Don't believe me? C'mon... ya know my guarantee. Say it with me: It's Fine. It's Argo's-"

"Please shut up and get to the point."

"Tch... fine."

"Ya might not recognize her."

No, you did. You knew more about her than you cared to, Laughing Coffin's informant within the Knights of Blood pretty much only talked about her in his reports. PoH kept him around just cause he liked laughing at how useless his information was.

"Asuna. Knights of the Blood Oath, de facto second in command. Primary Agility build. Skills are Rapier, Acrobatics, Parry, Sprint, Battle Healing, First Aid and Cooking at least as far as confirmed abilities go. A high-level Clearer present in practically every floor boss since the start of progression."

Argo whistles in appreciation. "Huh, I didn't even know half that stuff. LC keepin' dossiers on everyone important eh?"

Only the ones PoH found interesting, that and the strange obsession your informant had.
That's it? One picture and a list of victims for this crazy goose chase?

Gwen was here. You keep thinking back to the file... she was 13 years old when she entered SAO, evidently as the daughter of a zaibatsu she was able to get the hideously hard-to-find first-run copy of SAO. This was Kayaba Akihiko's legacy, a man who didn't even care that his victims were children.

You have so much you want to say to her. Apologies, regrets... but more than anything else she shouldn't have been put into this situation. She shouldn't have had to suffer in SAO, shouldn't have had to become an Orange Player...

Hey, are you seriously considering putting us into this mess?

"What do you need me to do?"

"Oh? Hm... well glad to have ya cooperation. It's simple. If Asuna is being sighted in Alfheim maybe the rest of the missing 300 are wandering around somewhere there. Log on with ya NerveGear, see if you can track down anyone you recognize from the friend's list. Barring that, putting it simply I'm tryin' to organize a raid on the «World Tree» - that's the place Asuna was sighted - just to see what the hell is going on up there. You help make sure it goes smoothly and I'll look the other way on, ya know, how you sold out everybody for ya own skin."

"...that's it then? I don't want anything to do with you after this. You leave me alone. For good."

"Sure, I'll leave ya to stew in whatever little false life you've got... But hey, if you really wanna repent... why not turn yourself in after this?"

"...what? I didn't break any laws."

"Oh? Here's a number for you by my estimates. About 500. It's how many people died to PKing— about 300 from Laughing Coffin alone. I've talked to many of their families, ya think they're satisfied with 'Kayaba Akihiko killed your kids?' Ya think it's fair that nobody knows how you helped make that happen? That the real life names of the Red Players should remain anonymous forever? Go public, face real justice Lux."

"Shut up! You think I wanted this? You have no idea what—"

Argo grins cruelly again. "You may be right, I don't know ya circumstances. But I don't care for excuses and neither do LC's victims. Fact is, people are dead and ya paws greased the wheels to make that happen. Yet Argo's a girl of her word, you help me, I hush up. Keep me posted, help me rescue the lost SAO players and you won't see me again. Capiche?"


Argo has finally left you alone. You have your vague orders and a phone number to call for updates.

Hosaka Carina Tomo. Argo's real name. She didn't even bother saying it, you only know because your cell phone service provider flagged that name in via caller ID.

But I guess you weren't talking with a schoolgirl named Tomo today. You were talking with «Argo the Rat». For her SAO wasn't over yet.

You feel it in her too. The real world... wasn't real to Argo. The roles were reversed. Hosaka Carina Tomo was just a meat puppet Argo the Rat was forced to use in the waking world.

The nerve of that damn rat. What, does she think she's innocent in all this? Damn beta-testers let thousands die, she's got plenty of blood on her hands.
You can't help but agree. Argo the Rat... at least until LC was raided the majority of your day-to-day life in SAO was spent constantly dodging Argo's intel network. Outside of LC itself Argo was the one person whose mission in life seemed to be to make yours more difficult.

You sensed it right? It was like with your new friend. There's a power in her, one we can take for ourselves.
Yeah... the seed of something greater. But that would involve voluntarily dealing with her...

Ugh, let's table it. I don't want to deal with the damn rat any longer than we have to.

Your musings are interrupted by a sudden waft of cold air as a glass of soda is placed in front of you with a scoop of ice cream bobbing in the center. You look up at in confusion at the barkeep, who shoots you a grin before walking away. He returns moments later with another tall drink, frothy bubbles within.

"Hope you don't mind if I have a drink myself," he says while sitting down across from you, leaving you to stare at your beverage in silence. Then, with a deep breath, you lift your spoon and take a taste.


"You like it?"

It's super market grade vanilla ice cream floating in 9Up soda. This is a flavorless amalgamation of sugar and more sugar.
Something must've shown on your face as Agil takes a swig of his beer.

"Hey, maybe next time don't do your whole spy thing in a bar. You're both too young for the good stuff I've got here."

"...it's fine..."

You set your spoon down. At least your mouth feels less dry than it did seconds ago.

"I heard everything from Argo, but I like to make up my own mind, and you seem like a good kid. We've all done things we aren't proud of in SAO, so I don't hold it against you. Just don't be to hard on Tomo, she's dealing with a lot trying to get to the bottom of this mess when nobody in the government gives two shits about us SAO survivors."

"Oh... A pleasure to meet you. My name's Hiyori. Sorry for barging in on your private business like this, but it turns out I'm already involved somehow. So... um...?"

"Agil! Proud owner of Dicey Cafe, and happy to meet a fellow survivor. Not sure what you're apologizin' for, though. Way I see it you got potential to be a future regular right? Consider that ice cream float to be a welcoming gift. I'd normally charge ¥1000 for it!"

That's crazy! You can get a whole tub of ice cream with that kind of money.

"...oh wow. That's... kind of pricey..."

"Hey, I gotta pay rent. Sometimes I have to upcharge thanks to Argo scaring away my regulars."

"...so you're working with Argo?"

"Yup. I've got my own business to run, so I can't FullDive very often and my wife threw away the ol' NerveGear the first chance she had." His geniality melts as he gives you a somber stare.

"Truth be told some good friends of mine haven't woken up yet. They're the hardest-working pair out there and if anyone deserves happiness it's them. So I want to do everything I can to help, even if all it amounts to is letting people meet up here." He pauses, glancing at the empty seats in his bar. "So feel free to come here anytime. I keep the spare key in the flowerpot by the trash can, just look for the dead cactus. I've got the upstairs all set up for long Dive sessions, so you can come and go as you please."

"H-how many other people are... involved in this?"

"Truthfully? Not many. Most of the SAO survivors were, well... children. Like you to be frank. Tomo didn't want to get anybody involved who didn't already have skin in the game, especially among the younger players. Problem is older players like me... well, we got to make a living and figure out a revenue stream after spending two years out of the workforce. The few players who are willing to help Argo out like me can't afford a full-time investment."

So that's part of the reason she came to you. You were in the lucky cross-section of living alone, having a lot of free time while simultaneously being someone Argo hated just enough that your welfare didn't even cross her mind.

"So I'm alone?"

"I mean, you have Argo herself. She's been trying to butter up some of the power players in Alfheim Online, but it hasn't been going well. She's convinced there's something hiding up in that «World Tree»..."

Wait what? Argo mentioned it too but you were too angry to register the words.

"World tree?"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, you haven't played Alfheim Online yet have you? That picture, you know of Asuna? It was taken by a bunch of glitch hunters that janked their way up the World Tree just to see what was at the top. Tomo explained that to you right?"

"Yes, yes, but you mentioned a World Tree? What is that?"

"...uh, it's a big tree. I mean, not really a tree, it's called that but it looks like a spiraling tower or something. Look, you got the copy of Alfheim right? It's literally the art on the instruction booklet.

You open the copy of Alfheim Online Argo gave you. Opposite the disc you see a book with a particular illustration. It's... the same tree. The one you see towering over Tokyo, a modern-day mirage. This whole time it was in Alfheim Online?

"You look like you've seen a ghost."

It's... not a hallucination? "...ha... have you seen this tree before?"

"Of course. The «World Tree» is in the center of the map, there's this big event ongoing in-game that states the first race to climb the top of the tree will unloc—"

"No I mean... this tree. What's it based off of? A real life location?"

Agil recoils in confusion, his drink sitting unattended as he tilts his head in response to your sudden panic. "Uh... it's a white spiral structure. If it's based on a real-world location I certainly haven't heard of it. Probably just an environment asset designed by RECT."

What did this even mean? Your hallucination was... of Alfheim Online? A game you've never played before? Did you see a promotional image and subconsciously project it onto the waking world? How? And what did all your dreams - MAXWELL, ETTEILLA, your Shadow...

Hey, don't ask me. If you don't know, we don't know! That's how it works!

"You alright? Need to lie down or something?"

"Ah... no, I'm fine..."

"Well if you're sure. As I was saying Argo was looking to get a coalition of Alfheim Online players to team up to raid the World Tree, but it's been hard going. I'm not surprised, considering Alfheim's... reputation."

"Alfheim's reputation?"

"Yeah. You should be careful going in, people take their roleplaying in there... very seriously." He pauses to sip his beer again. "Heard from a regular of mine that Alfheim's real intimidating to newbies. The old guard - all those guys who started right at launch - get so into it they don't respond to their real names."

"But that was the case in SAO as well..."

"Well in SAO that was more of a courtesy thing. This is just a rumor mind you, but my regular? His coworker's some higher up in the Undines - that's one of the races - and he had to drag the coworker in for an emergency shift. Turns out, the coworker forgot he was playing a game, just became really confused that the concept of logging out was even an option."

...what a terrifying idea. Two years of SAO and you know the dangers of letting reality slip through the cracks. It was happening to people in Alfheim even though the game was less than half a year old?

"What ended up happening?"

"The auto-log out kicked in when the coworker went to sleep. Last I heard the guy quit his job to play Alfheim full-time. Kind of tragic, you can't even make any money in the game. And it's not the only story. The guild and faction leaders? I hear they're all worse. Not sure if they're all heavy roleplayers, rich retirees or hikikomori but... just be careful bringing up the real world while you're in a FullDive, especially to vets alright? Probably best you keep your SAO survivor status hush as well, Argo tried using it when she started but everyone she tried it on responded in a very... 'butthurt' manner, as she called it."

Alfheim Online... the more you hear the stranger it seems. The Amusphere was safe, Alfheim had a sterling reputation... but you've been hearing more terms being thrown around on the evening news lately. Doomsayers about disengaged youth. «VR Psychosis» being the new hotbed term. Reports of bizarre listless citizens wandering the streets, random knife attacks, an uptick in suicides from jumping off roofs...

You shake your head to clear your thoughts. "Argo gave me a copy of Alfheim Online. I don't know anything about the game though..."

"She didn't tell you anything? Damn it Tomo, making me do everything... alright look, I'm no expert but it's best to try things yourself. You brought your gear with you?"

The NerveGear and a copy of Alfheim Online. You open the bag and show it to Agil who visibly swallows a choking spell when he sees the NerveGear.

"Damn. Hate to see it... but I suggest you leave it here with me and do your FullDives upstairs. Last thing you need is your landlord finding you wearing illegal contraband while trying to collect rent, and if anyone notices you missing I can cover by pretending you're a part-timer here."

"Isn't it weird to have a high school student working in a bar?"

"Wha? You ever been to Kabukicho and see the kind of work high school girls can get caught in? Just keep it simple and say you're stocking or something for me."

You do need money... so at least on the bright side you have a part time job!

"I see that look on your face. I can't pay you, and I don't have anywhere near enough business to legitimately need a part-timer."

"Don't worry. I'll manage somehow." You smile warmly, knowing it's probably a lie. At least you can use the upstairs; it would give you the privacy and freedom to spend lots of time inside a game without worrying about making excuses.

Agil frowns at your reaction. "...I guess it isn't fair that you're only working here via blackmail. Now I'm short on cash but I've met the spooks Tomo is working with. RECT Progress, the company behind Alfheim, is one secretive unit so the Government's Virtual Division isn't making much progress looking into Alfheim. They'll pay... well, not exactly good money... but some money for useful information. They're especially interested in anything that might look like it came out of SAO assets or profiles of the major players. You find anything like that and I can pass it up the chain to get you some spending money."

"Thank you," you whisper.

He waves off your thanks. "Don't mention it. So let's get to diving. You ready?"

THURSDAY - April 10th, 2025
After School

The NerveGear remembers the shape of your head. The foam is indented in just the right locations to allow comfortable contact against the sensors. It feels like a light coating of oil on your scalp.

"Okay now here's the deal. You go in, get your SAO character data, and make a character in Alfheim using the Seed transfer system. Once you're in the game you log out immediately."

Agil is busying himself on a PC he has hooked up to the NerveGear. He sounds slightly nervous as he speaks to you. "Theoretically the NerveGear should be harmless now, but that's what they told us before SAO. Once the servers have your account saved we'll switch you to an Amusphere and have you log in that way."


"Argo managed to get her hands on a first-run copy of Alfheim, so it has a bunch of preorder bonuses pre-installed. The system will only let you pick one to keep so just use whatever appeals to you. Unlike SAO Alfheim has no combat statistics, most progression is through gear, raw reflexes and game knowledge. There is a Skill system for grinding proficiencies but this isn't like SAO where a high-level player can fall asleep in the lower floors and take no damage, the Skill system provides much more marginal benefits than in SAO. This is good since your FullDive experience will carry over, but bad since we can't just have you grind to power. I doubt you'll be able to carry over everything from SAO so choose carefully, being good at fighting would be nice but there's much we don't know about this situation and a non-combat build may be exactly what we need."

Agil gives you a final warning as the boot-up sequence starts. "Since you're transferring an SAO account don't expect the respec potion to work. Make sure you're happy with your build before you finish, alright? Check the tutorial in game before committing to anything so you can figure out how the numbers—"

"Agil, it's fine. I used to play video games, and I have two years in SAO, just like you."

"...right. You're a vet. Okay, good luck Hiyori. I'm counting on you."

He's counting on you. That's... the first time you've heard that in two years. This is a chance... to help. To do some good.

Fuck, guess we're doing this. Might as well have some fun while we're at it!


Prior Character Data detected. Initiating Seed Transfer system.

Transfer origin: «Sword Art Online»
Transfer target «Alfheim Online»

System Message: Attempting to reach «AINCRAD01» Server. Connection established.

WARNING: «AINCRAD01» is a «protected server». Transfers out of a «protected server» are irreversible. Due to compatibility between worlds character data may be irrevocably altered during the conversion process. Confirm your acknowledgment of these terms.

Attempting to reach «YGG01» Server. Connection established.

Character transfer initiated.

Welcome to Alfheim Online,

Level 72
EXP: 182500/28000000
HP: 12000/12000

Equipped Items: «MISSINGNO&$()»

Inventory: «SYSTEM ERROR»

Please contact customer support for further information.
You may submit a Bug Report to ARGUS Inc at #*(&)309@3980

Skills: [10 Slots]

One-Handed Sword 550
One-Handed Dagger 650
Parry 340
Intuition 850
Hiding 780
Search 700
Disguise 380
Purchase Negotiation 93

Attempting to restore lost Skill data. Please confirm Skill selection upon completion of character data transfer.

System Message from Rimuru[GM1]:

Thank you for preordering Alfheim Online.
Please accept this humble gift on behalf of the dev team for your continued support.
And let us meet again beneath the leaves of the World Tree.
P.S. don't cheat or you'll meet me a lot earlier!

System Message from OBERON:
Come, dear maiden!
And welcome to my realm
I am sovereign master of all
King of fae, fair and foul.
Behold the beauty of my kingdom:
Yet green hills are also thy own;
I grant you wings to soar
The clouds that gird the land.
A sword I lend thee now,
In defense of what's yours.
But know that there's nothing more
Than death by my blade,
If thou shouldst dare to defy
The Law of OBERON.

Combat, Difficult Actions, etc will be subject to DICE ROLLS while exploring HEAVEN.

Dice uses a DICE POOL SYSTEM rolling Xd6s to determine success largely stolen from the Jojo's Bizarre Adventures D6 System (「Bizarre Adventures D6」 v.0.83c)

A roll of 1, 2, 3 or 4 is considered a DEAD DICE
A roll of 5, 6 is considered a LIVE DICE
Success is achieved when the number of LIVE DICE beats or meets a DIFFICULTY CHECK.

ADVANTAGE shifts the cutoff for LIVE DICE down by one. So with advantage LIVE DICE is 4, 5, 6.
DISADVANTAGE shifts the cutoff for LIVE DICE up by one. So with disadvantage LIVE DICE is 6 only.

Usually during combat any action you do is opposed by an enemy reaction - with the winner of the dice roll actually going off. Usually this is something like an enemy attacking with ATTACK 5d6 vs you DODGE 4d6, etc.

Advantage is granted by narrative or by exploiting weaknesses, proper technique, surprise, etc.

HEAVEN statistics:
HEAVEN statistics represents your avatar's ability work within the confines of HEAVEN.

Do not expect to obtain victory without investing in HEAVEN statistics - grinding is expected.

HEAVEN statistics will not carry over between different virtual worlds. Practically this means that between arcs your statistics will be reset - essentially you will create a new avatar for each major arc. Achievements and stats in one HEAVEN will not fully transfer to another HEAVEN.

Fundamentally actions that increase your statistics in HEAVEN will generally grant LARGE BONUSES with the caveat that they are reset upon completion of the Arc.

ALFHEIM ONLINE Utilizes no concrete assignable stats and instead depends on the Skill Progression system as a form of accumulating in game power. For the purposes of this quest your ingame ability will be ABSTRACTED based on a RANK SYSTEM.

Stats are thus abstracted from rank E > D > C > B > A > S > SS > SSS > EX > EX+N

Each rank increase adds 1 additional die to your pool (1d6 at E rank, 6d6 at S rank)

STR: An abstraction that reflects the combination of a relevant combat skill and offensive equipment.(SS-rank would be Eugene with a maxed out [Two-Handed Weapon] and wielding a demonic weapon. EX rank is canon Kirito wielding Excalibur). Tested when attempting a melee attack.
MAG: An abstraction that reflects your in-game spell repertoire as well as your knowledge of which spells your enemy may use and how to conteract them. Tested when attempting to cast a spell on a resistant target or doing a non-trivial spellcast.
AGI: An abstraction that reflects your in-game control of snap decisions, flight and ability to manuever in air without the use of the assist controller. Typically tested for evasion and mobility purposes.
VIT: An abstraction that reflects your in-game ability to resist forceful motion, status effects and deflect attacks. Typically tested for defensive purposes, holding your ground, or overcoming odds.
CHT: An abstraction that reflects out of game knowledge of exploits, metagames and the ability to exploit Alfheim Online as a game instead of a world. Tested for pulling off dumb stunts, detecting cheese and predicting player behavior.

Game statistics will rise by investing turns in playing Alfheim Online and will naturally rise as you proceed to investigate your target.

PERSONA stats:
PERSONA statistics will carry over between different iteriations of HEAVEN and represents power you can carry between different arcs.

At the start of each COMBAT encounter you may select up to 3 PERSONAS to utilize from your TOTAL STOCK (will be able to increase). These represents PERSONAS you are narratively equipped with and thus may be reasonably expected to utilize in combat.

Each PERSONA has specific modifiers they place upon your combat reflecting what they are good and bad at. They ADD to your Stats when in use.

PERSONA allows you to even the playing field with higher level players who may otherwise completely style all over you.

STATS: Persona Stats go from E > D > C > B > A > S > SS > SSS > EX > EX+N

Each rank increase adds 1 additional die to your pool (1d6 at E rank, 6d6 at S rank) on top of what exists for your game avatar.

STRENGTH : Augments any action that involves striking physically, no matter the distance.

MAGIC : Augments any action that involves conjuration of magic in all its forms.

VITALITY : Augments any action that involves blocking or enduring effects.

AGILITY : Augments any action that involves acrobatics, movement and dodging.

CHEAT : Augments any action that involves cheating, tricking, manipulating and status spells.

SKILLS : Each Persona possesses special skills that when equipped gives you access to them on a narrative level. This may allow you to recover wounds, control enemy aggression, and deal elemental damage.

Using ANY Persona requires you to expend SP!

When SP is empty DETERMINATION is spent instead! The cost for using DETERMINATION increases the more you use it in a combat encounter!

AFFINITIES : Each persona has ELEMENTAL AFFINITIES. FOR EACH GIVEN SCENE YOU ARE IMPLIED TO HAVE THE WEAKNESSES OF ALL PERSONAS USED IN THAT SCENE. So a plan that involves cycling through three PERSONAS in a turn will be accepted but you will have to presume WEAKNESS to multiple elements!

WEAKNESS : Hitting a weakness will grant you advantage, shifting the SUCCESS from 5/6 to 4/5/6 for that action.

DAMAGE : The higher you beat the opponent the more damage you do. A victory will deal at least 1 damage. Victory by 2-3 deals 2 damage. Victory by 4-5 deals 3 damage. Afterwords each success die will deal + 1 damage.

Challenges that involve convincing people, seeking cooperation, understanding motivations will not work via a roll system.
As per Real World rules no dice will be used.
Rather your options will be dictated based on your SOCIAL STATS and use of DETERMINATION.

Represents narrative abilities only, and will not be directly rolled for. A higher number represents how much better you are at it within the confines of the game system.

Application of your skills in combat will use a relevant stat plus modifiers based on your skill.
So trying to HIDE from a foe searching for you would be something like a REFLEX vs REFLEX test with +1 ADVANTAGE because you are good at hiding. +2 ADVANTAGE if you had set yourself up to be in a good hiding space, etc.

Your default statistics:

HP 6 / SP 10
(Your in game HP is something like 300. The QUEST statistics, being an abstraction of an MMO, uses 6 as your HP)

STR: Rank D (2 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank E (1 Dice)

Relevant Skills (represents what you are good at) : Hiding, Searching, Disguise

You picked up some other skills as Laughing Coffin's spy. Who did you work with the most amongst the Laughing Coffin members' higher ups?

[ ] Johnny Black

VIT advances to Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT advances to Rank D (2 Dice)
Mixing : The ability to brew poisons, potions and draughts.
Foraging : The ability to detect and identify useful ingredients.

[ ] Red-Eyed XaXa

STR advances to Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG advances to Rank D (2 Dice)
Parrying Dagger : You are proficient in the use of a defensive offhand weapon.
Anatomy : The ability to identify weak points and opportunities for critical hits.

[ ] PoH

AGI advances to Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG advances to Rank D (2 Dice)
Battle Spirit : A second wind that allows you to act even when at the edge of death.
Bloodhound : The ability to track and stalk targets.

Please choose your preorder gift!

[ ] «Private Pixie» : Your very own «Navigation Pixie» that displays helpful tutorial tips and lore tidbits as you journey throughout Alfheim!
Agil: Those things? Uh, they can help point out landmarks, but they're about as smart as an NPC. And unlike NPCs they never shut up.

[ ] «Scroll of Town Portal» : Immediately teleports you to «Alne», capital city of Alfheim underneath the World Tree!
Agil: Alne is one of the higher difficulty areas, so your options are limited until you get stronger. But all the routes to Alne are a pain to survive, being able to just add the end town to your teleport list right at the start could be useful.

[ ] «Blessing of Titania» : Upon your first death, revive at full HP at the site of your remain light! Consumes upon usage. Consumes even if unused 2 months after activation of your preorder account.
Agil: It's useful. You can use it to catch someone off guard, but only once.

Do you wish to carryover your player appearance data?

[ ] Yes. [Start as Sylph Race]

[ ] No. Randomizing appearance. [Start as Spriggan Race]

The time has arrived.

You have taken my advice to heart and have begun seeking out those who possess the seeds of HEAVEN. We shall take the Seeds of their delusion and make them into your power.

Yet I see you are in need of some more... immediate assistance.

Very well. Let us draw out the Seed within you that yearns for HEAVEN.

[ ] Havfrue

"You will feel great pain, as if a sword were passing through you.
But all who see you will say that you are the prettiest little human being they ever saw.
You will still have the same floating gracefulness of movement,
and no dancer will ever tread so lightly.
Every step you take, however,
will be as if you were treading upon sharp knives and as if the blood must flow.
If you will bear all this, I will help you."
-The Little Mermaid, by Hans Christian Andersen

STR: Rank E (1 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank E (1 Dice)
CHT: Rank F (No Bonus)

Weakness: Elec, Pierce
Resist: Ice, Wind

Skills: Bufu (Ice magic attack)
Garu (Wind magic attack)
Makajama (Silences enemy)

[ ] Dorian

How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful.
But this picture will remain always young.
It will never be older than this particular day of June....
If it were only the other way!
If it were I who was to be always young,
and the picture that was to grow old!
For that—for that—I would give everything!
Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give!
I would give my soul for that!
-The Portrait of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde

STR: Rank D (2 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank E (1 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank E (1 Dice)

Weakness: Fire
Resist: Blunt

Skills: Rakukaja (increases defense)
Collapse (Blunt Sword Skill)
Marin Karin (Bewitches the weak willed)

[ ] Faust

I, John Faustus of Wittenberg, Doctor, by these presents, do give both body and soul to Lucifer, prince of the east, and his minister Mephostophilis, and furthermore grant unto them that, four and twenty years being expired, and these articles above written being inviolate, full power to fetch or carry the said John Faustus, body and soul, flesh, blood, or goods, into their habitation wheresoever.
-The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe

STR: Rank E (1 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank D (2 Dice)

Weakness: Bless
Resist: Curse

Skills: Eiha (Curse magic attack)
Zio (Elec magic attack)
Dia (Weak healing magic, reduced efficiency when used on self)

Submit your build in PLAN format.

Select an initial skill set, preorder gift, race and starter PERSONA.
Last edited:
04/10: Gwendolyn
[X] Plan: The Sylph Mage is a Spy!
-[X] PoH
-[X] «Scroll of Town Portal» : Immediately teleports you to «Alne», capital city of Alfheim underneath the World Tree!
-[X] Yes. [Start as Sylph Race]
-[X] Havfrue

THURSDAY - April 10th, 2025

Your body stretched like mochi and then pounded into a new form. A sense of wrongness that soon gives way to the opposite feeling. That you've had this body your whole life and it's the real world that felt wrong.

That was your first impression of SAO. When you first rolled a character you had chosen a hulking male avatar, mostly out of morbid curiosity. It was a hotly discussed topic in magazine interviews, there was even an option to model genitalia which could be freely toggled, a frequent talking point of Kayaba Akihiko who claimed he made his breakthrough in VR technology while pondering the problem.

You left it off. I mean... you weren't that curious.

Not an hour into SAO that process occurred in reverse. Your arms, legs, even the equipment you were wearing shrinking down to your diminutive self. Your head was crushed by a virtual vice and your bald avatar was suddenly flowing with unruly hair. Seconds ago you were heads and shoulders above the crowd, now you were struggling to peek out from between the legs of your neighbors.

You don't care to go through the process again.

Don't think of it as becoming «Lux» again. She wasn't anything more than Hiyori placed in the death trap of Sword Art Online. Think of it like... staying yourself.

As a two-year veteran of VRMMOs, albeit involuntarily, you doubt you'll have any issues with VR compatibility and tolerance. But the prospect of actually logging into a virtual world, well, you've only done it once before.

It just didn't let you log out.

The final confirmations were accepted.
You were going back in. This time to do... some good.

Gwen. She was your first target. Your first lead.

The only person among all the «Orange Players» that you truly missed. The girl who you abandoned that day to be arrested by the Clearers. The friend you left behind. Your only real friend.

She was still here. In SAO, in Alfheim, somewhere that wasn't the waking world.

You... were hoping to never see her again. To separate Hiyori from «Lux» once and for all.
But Argo had to show you. She had to show you something you never wanted to know.

Meimi Tsurusaki. Her real name.

You remember your victims:
Rossa. The one who died to save your life.
The countless slain of Laughing Coffin.
And Gwen. Of the people you betrayed...

She was the only one left alive. The only one you could apologize to.
With that thought in your heart, you dive into «Alfheim Online».

Þórsdagr - 10th of Einmánuður

It was like you never left.

You slip back into the avatar like an old jacket. The aching in your undeveloped muscles. The feeling of poor-quality soda sitting in your stomach. The lingering odor of spilled beer. The itchy fabric of Agil's upstairs' couch. All gone.

As the world streams before you, you feel almost free. Like everything is new and fresh. The promise of an adventure. You almost feel like you could fly, why, it's almost as if you were...


Did this game dropped out of chargen in the middle of freefall!?

You take your right hand and start pawing at the air, struggling to not collapse into a tailspin but the menu refuses to show.

You were connected to your stupid goddamn NerveGear. You're pretty sure if you die from overwhelming fall damage it wouldn't fry your brain... you think. I mean... hopefully? This was based on the SEED which was based on SAO and perhaps the devs never considered a player actually stupid enough to login with the NerveGear...

There has to be a reason for this. Maybe so that players can enjoy the view. You idly note the spiraling «World Tree» looks beautiful up here, a streak of thick alabaster that got larger the higher it went, melding into the very clouds itself. Or maybe it's a lore reason? Maybe the fairies were descended from the Alfs after a falling from grace, plummeting to the ground from the world tree as punishment for breaking the laws of thei-


Okay, great.
Uh... how do you do that?

"Deploy wings!"


"Uh... fly? Up! Up, UP!"

But you don't know how to open the menu!


AGI Rank 3

Roll 5, 4, 3

You see a dense forest stretching out endlessly before you, the heart of Sylph territory, though the game happened to spawn you far from the starting city. Or so you think, you have no idea where «Swilvane», the capital city of the system told you it would spawn you in, even was.

Maybe a controlled fall? You calm down, this isn't anything you're not used to. A sudden spike trap, a surprise ambush... keep your head and don't panic. React but with purpose.

The uncontrolled tumble changes to a controlled dive. You spread your arms and legs to maximize your surface area and feel the resistance of the rushing air buffet your face. You suck in a lungful of virtual air- a sweet, earthy smell unlike anything in Tokyo - as you fall down to a particularly thick grove. Ironically the only thing about this place that reminded you Tokyo was the white structure in the background.

...A thought strikes you as the ground rapidly approaches.
Even in this facsimile of your real body, you weren't a cachectic high school girl who was bedbound for two years. You were strong, healthy... and you weren't human. You were a Sylph, a fairy of air...

So you had to have them. Wings. You didn't have to consciously think to use your fingers, your legs, your body. You just acted.
Close your eyes. Feel the wind. You were trying to equip a weapon, summon forth a menu... trying to play SAO again.

Meet the game, the world, halfway. You were a fairy.

And fairies flew.

The tips of the cedars brush against your feet. You turn your dive into an upwards curl, translucent wings flaring out behind you. You can't see them, you can't feel them, but you know they're there nonetheless. They belong to you. It feels right.
With a rush, you ascend, shooting over the canopy and gaining height until you clear a dozen trees at once and sail into the skies.

You glide across the sky, looking down on the land below. The vast forest spreads out beneath you, rivers snaking through the valleys, Swilvane shining in the distance like a beacon. There was no sound aside from the beating of your wings, no sensation except for the gentle breeze. The sunless night was encompassed with a blanket of stars that you can truly appreciate for the first time.

Your wings flapped rhythmically as if driven by a second set of muscles hidden within your back, propelling you forward. The scenery passes by you in a flash, and you notice that in Alfheim your vision was sharper, more suited for a flying avatar. You flew faster still, the distant city growing closer as your flight grew swift and purposeful.

...this is amazing. Go faster! This is so...much fun.

You felt alive in ways you hadn't since escaping from the death trap of Sword Art Online. Your chest tightens as the wind blows against your bare skin; every fiber of your existence screams to go farther, further away. The horizon drew nearer with frightening speed, and your wings pumped furiously to keep pace.

...now that you think about it, you have been slowly losing altitude. There's a pressure building up in your core, a burning sensation akin to spending too long on a treadmill.

You realize your mistake just before you slam into the treetops.

The sensation of floating, that magic of flight, cuts off like a switch being thrown.

The sharp bark of shattered wood echoes out as your body collides with the trunk of a massive oak. You try to scream, but your voice is muffled by a mouthful of leaves.

You lay in silence, staring at the sky, spread eagle on the ground.

I guess for a VRMMO about flying a strict fall damage system would be a little harsh. You didn't take any damage at all. You were also suffering from a «Flight Exhaustion» debuff for the next 15 minutes. Lovely. Now how the hell do you even open the menu!?

CHT Rank E

Roll 3

It hits you suddenly. If you can't open the menu then you cannot log out.

Your mind races as the fear begins to settle in, irrational terror striking you like a thunderbolt. Did Agil notice on the outside? Would he just pull the NerveGear off you? Wouldn't that kill you?

Okay, calm... this isn't anything you haven't dealt with before. This is just SAO again.
Just SAO again.
Damn it...

What the hell are you so worried about? As if we'd be lucky enough to be trapped in another world again, nah, probably something stupid we're overlooking like only letting us log out in town.
Right... you have a mission. Take stock of the mission, it was simple...

Log in with your NerveGear, and transfer your character data including your friend list into an Alfheim account.

See if Gwen was currently in Alfheim Online and confirm Argo's rumored sightings of the unawakened amongst the players of Alfheim. Make contact with Argo in Alfheim and compare notes.

Figure out how Alfheim was connected to the unawakened.

And find a way up to the «World Tree» to find «The Flash». Of all the players she was sighted in the center tree. The same tree that was showing up in your wakening dreams like a mirage piercing the Tokyo sky.

Just... nice, easy, simple digestible tasks. Not all a quagmire of mysteries that you couldn't even begin to penetrate.

"I heard it from over here..." A voice echoes through the forest. There were other players here? You quickly take stock, you were wearing default equipment with nothing even remotely valuable. A quintessential noob. Wouldn't the logical thing to do here be to ask for help?

We certainly wouldn't be able to PK them.

"Might've been a newbie or something... Sigurd can't we just leave it alone? Could be the Lizards."

"Keeping searching Recon. The only way to know for sure is to confirm."

Hey, maybe we can ask them how to log out. You know, simple questions. The only cost is that we look like idiots.
As you climb out of the Sylph shaped hole in the ground you realize that ship has long since sailed.

"Oh, you won't believe how relieved I am to see another Sylph! We've heard sightings of Lizards in this area but we haven't seen them in ages and half of the team already left. If we actually found who we were looking for we'd be burnt toast." The Sylph boy, a short green-haired one named Recon, gave you a toothy grin as he helped you out of the hole. He and the small party of three went from suspicious to welcoming the moment they confirmed your race.

This kid is the poster child for why random avatar generation is a bad idea. He should just pay to access the character creator. I mean, who would choose to look like this? I wanna shake him down for lunch money.
The group introduced themselves as a warrior party on a hunt for reports of Salamanders who frequently went on PvP hunting parties into Sylph territory. They were rounded out by a tall stoic man and an annoyed-looking girl.

And this girl is the poster child for why customized avatar generation is a bad idea. She cranked that slider ALL the way up.
Their names were «Leafa» a slender female with a... flattering design and a long blonde ponytail, a rather anachronistic katana hanging by her waist.

The leader was «Sigurd» who at least appeared to look like a generic elf lord, complete with flowing green robes covering some expensive-looking armor.

"I was just getting used to flying..." you complain.

"Haha, it's hard to manage even with the flight stick!" reassures Recon to Leafa's growing annoyance. Kid's getting awfully close. "It's amazing that you got this far without any assistance, this isn't exactly solo territory here! Want to join our party, we're heading straight back to—"

"Recon, leave the poor girl alone!" Leafa pulls Recon away from you by the cheek. That looks painful. Thank god for the Pain Absorber, without it your encounter with the tree would've been harsher.

"It's no problem... but flight stick?" There was an assist system?

Leafa looks at you with some skepticism. "Flight stick? Not sure what you're talking about, but you fly by moving your wings, and it's clear you overdid it. You can only sustain about 5 minutes of uninterrupted flight. Shouldn't you have learned when you were born?"

Recon chimes in, "Uh... well, there is a flight stick, jus—"
"Ahem, I'm sorry to interrupt. I do wish to ask what you were doing so far out of the starting town," says Sigurd, the apparent leader. His voice is polite but friendly, the fact you were a Sylph has clearly already eliminated the worst-case scenario for him. Seems he was defaulting to simple curiosity, though you see his face is locked into a near-perpetual scowl.

He looks the part, even if he's wearing a tiara...

"Ah... I just logged in for the first time and it kind of spawned me outside of the city in mid-air..."

"That's odd, it just spawned me in the starter city..." says Recon.

"All Sylphs are born from the seeds of the «World Tree» in the heart of «Swilvane». It's unthinkable that you would simply appear in midair," Leafa unhelpfully adds.

Honestly considering how long you were falling and thinking back to the initial scenery you seemed to spawn not far from the «World Tree»... only in midair instead of among the branches, hence your prolonged fall.

"Regardless it's quite an impressive first outing to make it this far," says Sigurd. "Our mission was to hunt down the Salamanders in this forest and I see no Salamanders. Perhaps we should head back to town together?"

You decide to tag along with the adventurers on a trek back towards town.

Recon, as befits his name, was the party's scout and was sent ahead to ensure no monsters or enemy players were nearby. Turns out this entire expedition was for his benefit, Recon was going to find the Salamanders and bring down the Sylph hunting party at their location.

From how Sigurd explains it the Salamanders and Sylphs were in a territory battle over the forest. The game used a nebulous 'territory' system that took into account outpost occupation as well as PvP results in order to assign ownership of territory for resource generation purposes. It was a big driver of conflict. The man was sizing you up, evidently being found this far out in default gear was impressive to him.

"Those dirty lizards are out there murdering poor innocent Sylphs like you and I! Purging them is an act of JUSTICE!"

"Okay Leafa, so long as we protect the territory," sighs Sigurd as you all walk through the forest. Nobody was expecting much progress, you were essentially wasting time until your flight gauges recovered.

"I'm sorry to impose," you say with a bow that Sigurd waves off.

"No, who hasn't overused their Flight Gauge? Unassisted flight just staring out is quite the feat, it took me weeks to figure out the trick... perhaps you're a natural? Or a racial alt?"

"No, I'm just a transfer from another game. Flight was fun but it wore off so fast..."

Sigurd nods knowingly, "I suppose the best advice is to use sparingly. It makes logistics extremely annoying when you have to manage the cooldowns of entire armies."

"Yeah. And don't go too fast, at least until you learn how to read the wind. What you can do is conserve the strength of your blessing for ascensions, only the Alfs we descend from can fly carelessly without limit," Leafa offers.

"...What my friend is trying to say is that if you pulse the deployment of the wings you can extend the flight time. The gauge only recovers when your feet are on the ground so even with that trick you can't stay aloft indefinitely."

You nod as you eye the flight debuff. Just a few minutes left. Lucky you that the first people you encountered were so friendly.
Before anything else, this was just a game. A game people played for fun, friendliness was just expected. Nobody was forced into this.

Except for you.

And possibly 300 other souls, if Argo's guess was correct.

Hey, don't forget about logging out!
"Oh.... right, I'm sorry this is out of left field, but do you know how to logout?"

Sigurd stops walking and looks at you in mild shock. "What? This isn't some SAO-style death game. Just take off the Amusphere or speak your safephrase, every game also lets you access the device menu by closing your eyes for 5 seconds."

Right, you weren't wearing an Amusphere, now how do you communicate that...

Leafa shares his confusion. "If you mean to go to sleep just access Oberon's Menu and choose the option. Your soul will remain free for miscreants to defile if you're in the wilderness, so I suggest you do so in a town."

You try Sigurd's trick but after 5 seconds of closing your eyes, nothing happens. You blink up at your fellow Sylphs in visible disappointment.

Leafa suggests you just go sleep in an inn but Sigurd is legitimately shaken by your failure. "Hold on, this isn't normal. I think your system must be glitching out..." you see him attempt the menu swiping maneuver that didn't work when you tried earlier.

"Leafa, please protect my «Remain Light». I'm going to try logging off myself," he says with a hint of panic growing in his voice.

"Your soul is safe with me Sigurd."

Before you can respond Sigurd's avatar seems to vaporize before your eyes, leaving behind a glowing orb behind. Was this some system penalty for logging out? It seemed like Sigurd didn't have any issues leaving.

Ooh, wonder if we can loot it?

The... «Remain Light» as Sigurd called it flashes with a burst of light as the now familiar avatar is reconstructed from the glowing orb. He turns towards you with a frown. "I was able to log out with no problem. If you give me your CharacterID I can go contact a GM IRL, I doubt they want Alfheim compared to SAO. Are you really unable to log out?"

"Yes, I can't open my menu or anything..." you say as you uselessly paw at the air with your right hand.

Sigurd looks at your motion with clear befuddlement. "Lux? What are you doing? You're using the wrong hand."

Oh you've got to be kidding me.
In SAO menus were opened with the right hand. Furthermore, by default they were visible, you got a lot of mileage by spying on people scrolling through their inventories and generally engaging in poor information hygiene.

...oh thank god.
It's there. Sitting at the very bottom. «System», a menu familiar to you from SAO, with one key difference. A new option.


"Wait, you don't plan on logging out here, do you? We need to get back to town, not protect your soul until you return!" Leafa brings up.

"Leafa, it's fine. I doubt Lux has much beyond her starter gear anyways. Why don't you log out and log back in just to prove you can? It would help your peace of mind."

System Message: You have [1] New Message.

A message from your friend list. Gwen took you off her friends list back in SAO but you never deleted her entry, and here it was, reactivated. The sole entry that you kept in your list after Laughing Coffin was rounded up.

"Leafa, look alive. Somebody just shot down Recon," warns Sigurd.

"Damn it, Recon, aren't you supposed to be good at hiding?! Who was it?"

"The Salamander Lancers, I presume. He didn't manage to get a message out."

"Tch, his soul will resurrect back in Town."

The message opens as you hear your compatriots start muttering strange phrases in preparation for combat. You can scarcely pay attention.

I can't believe it! You actually came!
OBERON's given me special permission to seek you out.
I haven't forgotten what you did. But let's let bygones be bygones.
Let's paint the world red, just the two of us! Like old times!

"Lux, if you're going to log out, do it now! If you reject the «Remain Light» prompt it'll immediately spawn you in the city once you log back in. Default gear is exempt from looting so you have nothing to lose," suggests Sigurd as the light from his buff spells fades. An ornate steel longsword is drawn as he motions for you all to put a tree to your back.


"But that means I have nothing to lose, right?" you say.

After all... Gwen. She added you back to her friend list, a miracle that it carried over from SAO.
And that included friend tracking. You know where she is.
And she knows where you are.

Leafa gives a grin full of teeth. "That's the attitude new-wing! Tonight let's feast on roast Lizard!"

"Please don't give me that image, Leafa. Alfheim isn't a stat-based game so a newbie isn't completely helpless..." a cheap iron sword is thrown to your feet alongside a magic wand topped with a plain, unadorned red orb. "Take it. Just some low-level drops that's vendor trash tier but it'll at least be better than your default. Salamanders favor spears and fire magic, but you can never be sure what builds you'll face."

Oh, you're not going to be facing any Salamanders.
The glowing dot on the map represents your location. The labeled markers for PCs that you're aware of.
And one light blue light. A friend.


She descends into the clearing on wings of white, shaking off a discarded cloak. She's tall, slender, with twin tails trailing halfway down her body. She didn't look this glamorous in SAO. She looked... older. Wrong. The only thing that looked the same was her smile.

Of course, all this was made harder to notice compared to the large feathered angel wings retracting into her back.

Wow, fetish ninja gear does not look good on you. What happened to you Gwen? I can't even head pat you now!
Was this person even Gwen? Would she recognize you? What should you say to her...

"Heya, Luxie! Long time no see!"

Gwen tosses you something, a casual backhand you've seen thousands of time before. You catch it and hold it up in disbelief: a sour candy. The same variety they sold in Aincrad that Gwen favored.

"Like it? Oberon let me keep some items from Aincrad. The taste's a bit nostalgic isn't it?"

You'd eaten them so often when you and Gwen were hanging out. It was the first gift she gave you when she was trying to needle you into socializing. You bite and recall the flavor... sour enough to make tears come to your eyes.

"Gwen. I'm sorry..." you begin as the Sylphs look on with confused trepidation.

Gwen giggles, a sweet sound. "Why would I ever be angry at you Lux? Oh, right. When you abandoned me to be arrested by the «Army»? When you didn't stop them from locking me up in a lightless room and throwing away the key?"

"What could I have done Gwen!?" The Clearers had caught the two of you along with the rest of the Coffins in one of your hideouts. The only reason they let you go was a lack of evidence, a green cursor and the silence of all the captured Coffins let you pass yourself off as a kidnapping victim. It wasn't too far from the truth.

"I dunno Lux, maybe not sell us out? Laughing Coffin is running for a whole year and then suddenly the Clearers learn the location of everything, all at once! Every Coffin hideout, every support guild rounded up in one afternoon. Don't worry Lux, I'm not even mad, I admire the chutzpa!"

You notice Sigurd jump as Laughing Coffin is brought up.

"That's... that's insane! PoH would've killed me, I didn't..." You never mustered up the nerve to betray Laughing Coffin. You don't know how the Clearers learned of all the Coffin operations but it wasn't through you. What you did do was escape justice. You lied, you rejected, you tricked your captors into thinking you were innocent. You left Gwen to go to jail by herself.

"Well, whatever the case may be I'm glad our friendship survived. In fact, I think we can get even closer!" Gwen says as her smile widens beneath the pale moon of Alfheim's simulated night sky.

You feel yourself tense. There is still something missing. Something important...

"Gwen, please, tell me what's going on, you haven't awoken yet..." you murmur.

"Awoken? You mean you're asking how I escaped? OBERON rescued me from that hell and brought me to his court!" Gwen answers cheerfully without skipping a beat as she twirls in midair. Even without the wings emerging from her back she's never touched the ground even once, seemingly levitating in place. She flaunts her body as she shoots her audience a wink. "You like it? OBERON let me make a figure to my tastes."

"Silence you harlot! I will seek vengeance for Recon!" screams Leafa as her katana is drawn.

"Leafa, please stop roleplaying for one second," hisses Sigurd as he glances between the growing chaos with clear disdain. "All I want is to return to town with my items and skill points intact. I have no idea what's going on here and I want no part of it."

"Sigurd! We can't just leave our fellow Sylph behind!" Leafa protests as she shoves her katana in the direction of Gwen.

Gwen laughs, a wicked little chuckle. "Little Sylph I am that which you aspire to, the true lord of the skies. I am an Alf of OBEORN's Court, one of his consorts. You could say I'm a god to you! And you dare raise your blade against me?"

At that her wings reappear, two glowing white feathered angel wings spreading out in all their splendor. Now that you notice, Gwen's appearance doesn't seem to correspond to any of the races in Alfheim's character creator.

"Are you mad?" screams Sigurd, impatience writ large on his face. "I'm not sure what event you got those wings from but you're definitely not on the list of GMs. You're not even a slime monster. But what you clearly are is crazy. Leafa, let's please just leave! Now!"

"Hear that? Lord Sigurd the Wise has exposed you for the charlatan you are! Don't you dare insult the gods of Alf with your blasphemy, as if lord OBERON would choose someone like you to be his consort! Leafa the champion flier of «Swilvane» challenges you to single combat!"

Can these two zip it?
No. This isn't what you came here for. These two aren't important.

"GWEN!" You scream, drawing attention back to yourself. You couldn't care less about Sigurd's items and Leafa's... sanity? Whatever the hell was going on with her.

You were here for Gwen.

"Sword Art Online is over. We're all free."

"SAO?" Sigurd looks at you in shock. "You're a Sword Art Online player? It would make sens-"

"Can you shut up for one second!?"

Sigurd mouth opens like a dead fish as he wisely chooses to retreat behind a tree.

"Haha, there's the Lux I remember! You know you can be quite fiery when you get flustered!"

"SAO IS OVER!" You shout. "You can come home now!"

"S...AO? Sword... what... stop speaking gibberish, Luxie!" Gwen stumbles. Her expression shifts from surprise to confusion. Your mind goes blank, overwhelmed by memories of being trapped inside Aincrad, unable to log out. A lifetime at the brink of death, Gwen being one of the few lights in your life. You would not leave her there.

You realize you're gripping your sword tight and release it slowly. "It's over Gwen! I'll apologize as much as you want. You can hate me if you want! But don't do it here! Come back with me to the real world!"

"...Luxie, you've lost me. Real world? What, you mean Aincrad? Why the hell would I want to go back there to a criminal while your lying ass prances around free as a bird!?"

You hear the words hit you like a punch. Whatever was going on with Gwen she didn't forgive you. But that didn't matter.
"There are people that miss you Gwen! Even if you never talk to me again, you have to go back for them. And do you really want to let Kayaba win?"

Gwen riles in anger as you see knives materialize in her hands. "Stop talking out your ass Lux! We were just criminals in Aincrad, now we have the chance to be greater! OBERON is generous, he shares his love amongst all the Alfs, I'm offering you a chance to join him, to join ME! Are you going to turn your back on me again!?"

You shake your head. This isn't happening. You aren't going to lose her twice. Not after everything she went through.

"Gwen, listen to me carefully," you plead. You try to put your hand out toward her, your recharged wings responding to your unspoken command. "Please. You're still alive, you have people that miss you. I miss you. I want to laugh, to smile, to eat candy with you... I want to meet you in the real world."

"No, you're not fooling me! You're just trying to bring me back to that lightless cell, to Aincrad! I knew it, you were just using me back in the old world, if we really were friends you'd come with me. I'm offering an eternal paradise with me in this new world Lux!"

No... not criminals.
You tell yourself that every night. Some nights you believe it.

"We were Laughing Coffin! But we can be better than that Lux!" pleads Gwen. "We can be gods here Lux! Together!"

You look at your friend. You remember Gwen. How much of a complex she had about being practically the shortest player in SAO. The way she hated it when you tried to head pat her. The way she never let her status as a pariah upset her, that she always found a way to enjoy her life. To make sure that you enjoyed life.

Was that Gwen her real self? Was this Gwen in front of you, in her idealized body offering you some virtual divinity her real self? Or was it the comatose teenager laying in a hospital bed?

"We're not... assassins. Criminals. We're none of those things. We're just stupid teenagers who had the bad luck to buy a video game."

Gwen is hyperventilating, her wings flickering as she heaves in agitation. "A.... what?"

"And you're wrong about one thing. My name isn't Lux. And you're not Gwen."

"Y... you're not making any sense!"

You feel a virtual sweat breaking out on your brow as you look at your best friend.

"My name is Hiyori. Kashiwazaka Hiyori. I'm a survivor of SAO."

"Wha... stop... don't you dare..."

"And you're still a victim. Please wake up."

"Stop it, stopstop, don't say it. DON'T SAY IT!"

"Meimi Tsurusaki. Please come home."

And the world explodes.

"Did you really have to Dox her!? That is literally the rudest thing you can do!" says Sigurd, dodging the explosions blanketing the sky.

You're flying at top speed away from the epicenter of the magical explosion, an extremely pissed off Gwen hot on your heels throwing Kunai that seemed to explode in midair. Sigurd and Leafa are trailing you as you all try to dodge exploding bullets that fill the sky.

"I have no idea what gibberish you keep talking about, but this Gwen is clearly an imposter of the gods! Let us slay her and bring her head before Lady Sakuya! What say you, lord Sigurd?" says Leafa as she joins your impromptu flight wing with clear delight on her face.

"Fuck, I guess I'm not finishing that essay tonight, damn AI quest generation is getting way too Avant-Garde. I have many questions but I think that can wait until - ARGH!"

Sigurd's armor takes the blow as an explosive Kunai clips his wing, the man listing in midair before righting himself to face Gwen a growl on his face. "You know what? I've been holding this in but Ninja equipment in a Norse fantasy setting!? If you're gonna fucking roleplay at least get the damn time period right!" At that pronouncement, he screams out gibberish as glowing glyphs surround his body, a sign of the game's magic system deploying. A giant blade of wind materializes at the tip of his sword, going careening towards Gwen.

She doesn't even slow down, another thrown object visibly dispelling the spell.

"How is that fair!?"

"It's cause you suck at fighting Lord Sigurd!" laughs Leafa as she does an about-face. "The imposter seems to enjoy her little tricks. But if there's one thing I know is that if someone wants to fight at range the best thing to do is CHARGE!"

You're going to wake Gwen up. It's clear to you now that something has her bewitched. Even if you have to destroy her avatar, knock her down to a Remain Light just so you can properly have a conversation with her....

Leafa flies high while you go low, your earlier success with flight making the aerial maneuver feel fluid, as you let your natural instincts guide you along the flitting wind.

" ( Men) !" screams Leafa as she practically falls onto Gwen, an overhead strike poised to smash right into her head. With your borrowed sword you eye her unprotected side as you try to catch her in a crossing blow.

Gwen throws a bracer of Kunai at you! Hiyori attempts to dodge as a Reaction!
STR C (Gwen) attacking AGI C (Hiyori)
Gwen Rolls: 3, 1, 5 = 1 SUCCESS
Hiyori Rolls: 5, 3, 4 = 1 SUCCESS

Lux attempts to pincer attack with Leafa! Gwen attempts to dodge as a Reaction!
Advantage +1 (Pincer)
STR D (Hiyori), STR B (Leafa) attacking AGI B (Gwen)
Hiyori Rolls: 3, 2 = 0 SUCCESS
Leafa Rolls: 2, 3, 1, 6 = 1 SUCCESS
Gwen Rolls: 1, 5, 3, 4 = 1 SUCCESS

As if sensing your approach a bracer of thrown weapons flies towards you. Expecting an incoming explosion you juke down, away from the path of Leafa's incoming strike as the Kunai explode harmlessly above you. You know Gwen's build, a rare thrown weapons specialist, and even though she was higher level than you she wasn't a top-tier player by any means. During friendly duels, you usually won if you managed to close in.

Clearly, she had been training, or her new body possessed some preternatural strength. Your telegraphed, obvious sneak attack is contemptuously dodged with a midair twirl as you struggle to maintain altitude. Leafa's lighting strike is more successful but Gwen pulls out a short blade, an ornate tanto superficially similar to the «Silver Tanto» she used in SAO in size if not in appearance and parries it away.

"Annoying little Sylph. Should've done this to start!" Gwen giggles as she snaps her fingers. "Know my name! I am Gwendolyn of the Court of Consorts, and I command thee! The skies here belong only to me and Lux! Obey the Law of Oberon!"

System Call: Designate No-Fly Zone. MapID 4402CDl9. Whitelist: Lux.
Flight in the designated area is now Taboo.

What was that voice? Your Shadow? No, you haven't heard your Shadow in a while. What was going on?

In a scream of surprise, Leafa plummets towards the ground. You knew from experience that fall damage wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. You vaguely hear a second crash as Sigurd too falls below the Canopy. At least you won't have to hear his annoying questions anymore.

"Don't be so cross Luxie. Sylphs, as with all the children of Alfs are effectively immortal, they'll simply have their souls resurrected," laughs Gwen.

"I wouldn't exactly call them friends... but listen to yourself Gwen! There's something wrong with you! Did you really forget all about the real world? Do you remember first logging into SAO!?"

"S... stop trying to confuse me! There's only one world I want to live in, and it's here! Here, I'm free, I'm not trapped in that cell! Don't you want the same thing Lux? Oberon can give it to you, unlimited flight, whatever you desire! You can go anywhere, even up to the «World Tree»."

It's true that you were curious about what really was going on. Why was «The Flash» trapped there? But you weren't Argo. Asuna was just a name on a page to you. Right now you wanted to save only one person. And you weren't going to let her go.

But you can't win. Gwen was stronger than you, faster than you, hell, minutes ago you couldn't even figure out how to log out and even now you have no idea how the magic system worked.

But you'll keep trying. You'll keep talking to her, no matter how long it takes, no matter how painful it is. No matter how impossible it is.

"Meimi. Please come home."


She screams and she's on you in a second, the Tanto outstretched as she rages in berserk fury. "I AM GWENDOLYN! I AM A CONSORT OF A GOD! AND I AM FREE, YOU WON'T BRING ME BACK THERE!"

Gwen charges! Hiyori attempts to dodge her!
Advantage + 1 (Fury)
STR C (Gwen) attacking AGI C (Hiyori)
Gwen Rolls: 6, 2, 6 = 2 SUCCESS
Hiyori Rolls: 5, 1, 2 = 1 SUCCESS

You try to dodge, but the strike clips you along your side. She's not done yet as her speed becomes blinding, juking from position to position like a razor caught in a tornado.

You dodge again and again but she keeps coming. You feel the blade cut through your body as you struggle to keep up with her speed.


You raise your sword to the center of your mass as you take blow after blow, falling down through the sky.


"Wake up! Meimi!"

"Shut up shut up SHUT UP! Know my name! I am Gwendolyn of the Court of Consorts, and I command thee! These skies are MINE ALONE! Obey the Law of Oberon!"

System Call: Designate No-Fly Zone. MapID 4402CDl9. Subcommand: Remove Lux from Whitelist
Flight in the designated area is now Taboo.

You fall in a descending corkscrew, the disorientation from Meimi's strikes substituting the pain you should be feeling as she encircles you, blade outstretched to shred you while your wings uselessly flap, unable to catch any lift.

This was it. Your avatar was going to disintegrate, you'll either respawn in your starting city or end up as some unintentional victim of Kayaba Akihiko.

Will you let it end like this?
Her power is not her own.
Can you sense it? Your Shadow isn't speaking to you.
That's because she is you. You are her. My separation was only meant to be temporary.

Your soul, split in twain, is ready. You both want the same thing.

What did you need? Your words weren't enough. You couldn't get through to her. She was in the thrall of OBERON, in the thrall of this world, in the thrall of SAO. You were not important enough by yourself.

How do your words compare to this wonderful world? To the feeling of wind in your hair, of mastery through the air? How could life as a god compare to the dull existence of a malnourished, bed-bound teenager she had to look forward to in the waking world?

How could you compare yourself to a new world?



"NOO! Know my name! I am Gwendolyn of the Court of Consorts, and I command thee! Let blades touch our very souls! Obey the Law of OBERON!"

System Call: Deactivate Pain Absorber. MapID 4402CDl9.
Pain Absorber in locale set to level 0.

You repeat it in your mind. The words you hear echoing in your head as Meimi fought you. The ones she used to control your flight. She called it the Law of OBERON but somehow you know that all she was doing was commanding the AI architect of the world.

That's right... you weren't in a new world at all. This is a game. Just a game. A program, an AI landscape created for the purposes of entertainment.

You can see her now, tears streaming down her eyes as the sword is poised for a death blow. Did Meimi even realize right now that even if she killed you nothing would happen? You would likely just wake up in town.

You could let it happen. You could die, log out, go find out another way. But you won't make Meimi a murderer. If she believed you would die... you want to spare her that pain. You won't die. You won't let her kill you.

You'll bring her back even if you have to tear this world down around her.
But feel the world fighting back, pushing away your SOUL. Was your soul this weak?

Rip her from HEAVEN. Call it forth.

You poor unfortunate soul.
I shall take your voice as payment.
The voice that cries for aid.
The voice that laments your suffering.
The voice that screams in agony.
Your every step shall be as knives.
But you will no longer care.
Let us dance the night away, little one.


The words alight in your mind, in your soul. A contract is formed as the devil within you calls forth power.

6 millennia of human civilization. Of dreams and hopes, of death and suffering. Of winners and losers, heroes and witches, gods and devils. Was this world the best world? The ideal world? Even a just world? It was none of those. It was a world of suffering. A world where two school kids could spend two years trapped in Kayaba's personal torture. A world where two kids decided the only way to survive was to cheat, lie and betray.

System Call: ERROR. Unrecognized Command.

The virtual world fights back against the weight of your soul. But your chaotic world? The real world? It was grander than this one. It was crueler than this one. It was heavier than this one.


A black butterfly swirls around the edges of your vision and seemingly dissolves before you, bleeding into the fabric of the world itself.


System Call: Incarnate PERSONA [Havfrue]. ReferenceID:18.Droit

She appears as bubbles, seafoam forming in mid-air as your soul materializes before you. A maiden cloaked in finery, in the very seafoam she materialized out of. Rather than legs her lower body is a lithe fish's tail, the scales glistening off the moonlight as a cloak of seafoam surrounds you.

That's right. You cannot fly anymore. But you can swim.

Gwen strikes! Lux attempts to dodge her!
STR C (Gwen) attacking AGI C + D (Hiyori)
Gwen Rolls: 3, 6, 6 = 2 SUCCESS
Hiyori Rolls: 2, 4, 6, 5, 6 = 3 SUCCESS

It's a dance. One without a ball, without a floor. It's a waltz in the sky, no, in the sea. Without wings you can't generate lift, but as you slide along clouds of foam carried by your soul. You can't help but laugh. You're sure many players in Alfheim Online have flew, but who could truly say they swam through the sky?

But a dance required a partner.

Meimi recoils in surprise as suddenly her blitzkrieg slows... no, that's not true. She's not slower, you're just faster. With a growl of panic and frustration, she retrieves another handful of explosive Kunai. It was what Gwen used in SAO after all, her choosing to fight in melee at all was simply nothing more than a lark to her.

But two could play at that game. You played SAO as a close-range melee fighter because everyone, barring rare exceptions, played that way. You remember the «Black Swordsman» wielding twin blades, the furious berserker who never gave in. But you know what? You were sick of swords. It's a new world. A new opportunity. A new... magic.

You don't know the words to summon this world's magic. When you saw Sigurd cast spells you noted a flash of glyphs surrounding his body, the system's way of declaring his intended spell for all to see. But you didn't need that system. You know the word that calls forth wind from your soul.


System Call: Generate Aerial Particle. Discharge.

Lux casts form wind. Gwen attempts to throw Kunai to disable the spell!
Advantage +1 (Surprising. Dramatic scene.)
MAG D + C (Lux) attacking STR C (Gwen)
Lux Rolls: 3, 6, 3, 6, 5 = 3 SUCCESS
Gwen Rolls: 6, 1, 4 = 1 SUCCESS

The wind shears forth into a roiling tempest billowing from your outstretched hands. The Kunai explode uselessly against the wind which slams into the airborne Meimi. In a scream of fury, she tumbles out of the air.

You realize with surprise that at no point did you actually see Meimi's HP bar, even when it was clear that you were already locked in combat. Could she even take damage as determined by the system or did she have some permanent god mode enabled?

Whatever the case the attack did something. Rather than flakes of data that accompanied damage in SAO a new effect is demonstrated as inky black darkness peels off Gwen, the winds gouging gaping wounds in Meimi's avatar which bleeds a putrid black sludge. That drops to the distant ground in a hiss of sizzles and smoke.

The voice... Meimi's voice wasn't coming from the Avatar before you, bleeding black sludge into the sky. Through the wounds in the body, in the face, you see something underneath. A flash of Gwen as you remember her. Short, precocious, wearing her short hair in tiny pigtails. You vaguely recall her mentioning her mom liked styling it that way.

Just a child caught up, just like you, in an impossible situation. Now she resorts to wearing a new avatar like a skin around her. A mask over her own soul.

All sense of decorum and sanity is loss from her. Her smile, melted into a desperate snarl of hatred and fear so anathema to the optimistic, teasing girl from your memories. Now she, or whatever she became, wants nothing more than to see you impaled at the end of her blade.


She's charging you, moving so fast you see the inky mass of her Avatar struggle to keep up. Guided by hatred or desperation she bursts forth from the coffin of her own delusion— the hollow avatar floating in midair as you see your friend for the first time, for the small girl she is and always was.

Gwen is charging in desperation! Stats have dropped to account for loss of Avatar. Hiyori attempts to block.
STR D (Gwen) attacking VIT D + E (Lux
Gwen Rolls: 2, 6 = 1 SUCCESS
Lux Rolls: 2, 4, 4 = 0 FAILURE

You don't try to dodge. The tanto slides through your Avatar, dealing another blow as your HP bar dips down. It burns in searing agony, an indescribable, incandescent pain. But you don't care. Rehab was more painful than this. SAO was more painful than this. Your weapons lie discarded, falling rapidly into the ground as you wrap your arms around Gwen even as her sword sticks through you.

"I don't know your home. I don't know anything about you before SAO, Meimi. But I want to learn. I want to start over."
You feel her struggle in your arms but you don't let go. You bury her head into your shoulder, like you did so many times in SAO, as you whisper in her ears.

"S... shut up... you betrayed me... you left me behind... Lux..."

"Hiyori. Please call me Hiyori. Do you know the first thing I did after waking up was beg mom to get me a slice of cake? It was a carrot cake from the hospital cafeteria. I threw it up all over the gurney. It was the best thing I tasted in years."

You feel her struggle. The knife twists in you. She whispers, more to herself than to you. "My parents... anything I wanted they would give it to me. Toys, playmates, even the NerveGear. I know what they're trying to do. They admitted as much. Meimi, all you need to do is focus on enjoying life. We'll take care of everything for you. We'll find you a proper husband, a proper role. "

You smile and hold her tighter. "I made a new friend the other day. She's a glutton and a tomboy but she's sweet. Yesterday I spent all afternoon gossiping with an upper classmate. She's got this weird obsession with my neighbor."

You feel the blade fall out of your avatar as you hear Meimi mutter into your shoulder, "What could I do? I realized I was just a pet to them..."

"You know I've been hearing voices in my head? She says she's my true self, but I think she's just a selfish asshole. It makes things less lonely though."

"...that's cause you are..."


"You're the most selfish person I know. After everything you have the nerve to..."

"Yes. I want to start over. As friends."

"Is it really... just..."

"That simple? Haha, probably not. Rehab's quite the chore, and I'm still not sure what's going on... but it starts with this..."

As you hold her in your arms you feel the power of your wings return and the pain in your body dull as whatever hold Meimi had on the world ceases. Your Persona is also slowly dissolving as you bring the two of you back down to ground, cradling Meimi sobbing into your sleeves.

...well, your peace didn't last for long.

"See! I knew she was an imposter. An Alf, please. Just wearing the skin of one! I told you changelings were real!" Leafa's boisterous voice welcomes your return to ground.

"I have many questions." Sigurd steps into the clearing, his composure returned but unmistakable tension in every word.

"I think... I've had a bit too long of a day," you say, feeling as tired as you sounded. "Me and Meimi are going to log out now."

"No, no, I know you won't give me a straight answer but is this some crazy event? Did the Alfheim AI start creating fake players or something when I wasn't looking? Flight doesn't just shut off, and who the hell was that Undine player that just materialized in midair!?" If Sigurd initially fashioned himself as a wise Sylph lord he was now the picture of an overwhelmed and out-of-his-element office worker trying to make his world sane again.

Leafa, for her part, is just striking the puddles of black flesh that peeled off Meimi in open glee.

You ignore him as you look at your friend, adorned in her SAO Avatar self, trying to dry her tears on your sleeve.

"Hey Meimi. You alright?"
"Ugh, I can't do this. I've been Gwen for two years now, would it kill you to call me that? H-I-Y-O-R-I... honestly can I still call you Lux?"
"Only here. When we meet up IRL you have to call me Hiyori."
"Lovely. How long does it suck for?"
"My doctor says the new gel beds stop muscle decay... took me a month to walk though... going to the bathroom is also... well..."
"Great. I forgot we had to do that."
"Are... are you able to log out? Uh, the menu's with your left hand, not your right hand."

Meimi idly paws at the air. You can't see the menu but from her look of surprise she's noticing the log-out button. "I'm still so confused, my mind is so foggy. What was I doing here, where am I? Is this one of the higher floors in SAO? How come the log out button is there? I vaguely remember hearing about the game being cleared..."

You can get your questions answered later. "...Gwen. Let's leave. We can figure out the rest later, I won't rest easy until I can see your real face."

"I'm gonna look like a skeleton midget. Fine Lux, you're real pushy when you want to be... but I... I'd like to see you there. On the other side."

She presses a phantom button and looks at you with surprise as some internal indicator sends her a message. Gwen gives you one last smile as her SAO avatar dissolves in your arms.

...it's over.

You take a deep breathe as you nearly collapse on the spot. God now that you can think that last sword strike felt almost real, even now a strange phantom sensation lingers over the stomach where Gwen skewered you.

"I'm serious. I'll call a GM, there is clearly something going extremely wrong here."
Right... you have to deal with Sigurd now.

THURSDAY - April 10th, 2025

"You were in there for a while. Can't blame you, I spent an hour trying to figure out which race to be. I wanted to be a crafter so Leprechaun seemed like a good fit but everyone warns me the leader's a real slavedriver. I get enough of that from my wife."

You're back. For a second you were afraid you wouldn't actually be able to wake up, but it really was as simple as Sigurd made it out to be. Just select an option from the menu and after a brief second of disorientation the only sign you were ever in Alfheim was the crick in your neck and an overwhelming urge to pee.

"You get any useful information?"

Whoa, I'm glad Gwen's sane again but that was one trippy Dive.
The voices is back again? Where was she this whole time when you were saving Gwen?

What? I saved Gwen! The moment the fighting started you gave up control to me! I figured out that badass Persona while you just sat there and watch— I mean, we, ugh. You know what I mean! Or we know what we mean!

Control? I had control the whole time, you just started shutting up the minute I started fighting.
You are delusional. More delusional!

My hallucinations are now having hallucinations. This is great.

"Uh... Hiyori-san? Hello? Why didn't you just log out?"

Right... Agil was waiting for an answer. "Meimi. Where was her hospital?"

"Meimi? Um, that's the Gwen girl, right? Not sure, you'll have to ask Argo for the specifics."

That was exactly the last thing you wanted to hear. Right now, for better or worse, you had some valuable information. Meimi's awakening would soon be obvious to all, but you have so many questions, ones you'd prefer to ask without Argo poking around. But right now the only person who had immediate access to Meimi's hospital information was the damn Rat...

What do you do about Sigurd?

[ ] Add him to your friend list and promise him an explanation later. Much later.

[ ] Agree to meet and talk in «Swilvane» the day after tomorrow. This will commit a major action.

[ ] Talk to a GM? Good idea! Insist he bring a GM to the meeting. This will commit a major action.

[ ] Ghost him.

[ ] Why is this your problem? You're just here on a job. Give him Argo's contact info and THEN Ghost him.

[ ] Write-in (Cost: 1 Determination, increases if extremely complex.)

What do you do about Meimi?

[ ] Suck it up and call Argo. Tell her the truth to the best of your knowledge, excluding Persona. (Costs 5 DETERMINATION to be upfront with Argo)

[ ] I mean, you could just tell Argo everything. Voices in your head, supernatural forces manifesting in virtual world, strange dreams... just enough to get you locked up in an insane asylum. (Costs 10 DETERMINATION because Argo)

[ ] Tell Argo only the absolute barest minimum. You think Meimi is awake and you want to meet her. You expect Argo will talk with her before you will.

[ ] Trick Argo into giving you Meimi's information. Say you just want to see her first to prove she actually was comatose or something.

[ ] Ask Agil to surreptitiously ask Argo for the hospital address. This may take a day or two, provided Agil can be trusted (your gut tells you he can be).

[ ] Argo has made allusions to working with the government. You have a potential huge find, ask Agil for the contact information and go straight to the top and bypass the Rat.

[ ] Play dumb to everyone. You have enough to do your own research and find the hospital address, even if you have to pay a PI to hunt it down. [Will need to invest an action to find Meimi.]

[ ] Write-in (Cost: 1 Determination, increases if extremely complex or if it involves dealing with Argo.)

AN: Decided to make it the mandatory persona tutorial fight so losing wasn't really an option even if all the rolls got borked. Next major encounter though plan will be up to players, since the main "strategy" part of picking out your Persona will be only possible when we actually get more Persona.
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Social Links

Social Links progress through 5 RANKS

Each Rank up represents a significant advancement in your intimacy with the character in question.
Social Links can reverse or break. You will retain access to any abilities unlocked up to that point from the Social Link.

Social Links are only possible between you and individuals who seek escape from this world, in one way or another.

1.CHAOS - The Proprietor of the Velvet Room [RANK 2]
Do you know how immense you are?
Philemon would like to make you believe that your life returns, like leaves on the tree.
But didn't the life of the tree go into the leaf? Didn't the leaf fall? Does it not lie rotting in the damp ground?
But what is a leaf? It covers a heavenly vault with a million inhabited worlds. Does the vastness have a limit?
Has the smallness a limit? Is there nothing in all eternity vaster than the vast and smaller than the small?
The earth is a seed in the heavens. A speck of dust on the earth is as vast as the earth in the heavens.
And the speck of dust is as vast as a heaven, as many heavens, numberless worlds, since where is infinity limited by a border?

[You are now friendly with the proprietor of the Velvet Room]
2.SUN - My Current Life as a Talentless Schoolgirl [RANK 3]
Mom... can you stop lecturing me...
I'll go to bed now, I promise!
...right after this chapter.
Ohmigod. How was I supposed to know he was a dark wizard!? This is the most unfair bad end ever.
Why do they keep adding these tacked-on RPG systems? Get back to the romance...
...oh. It's morning already?

HOLDER: Your Loud Friend from School
[You are now friends with a rambunctious fellow classmate]
3.PLANTS - Logged Horizons [RANK 3]
VRMMOs aren't like typical games. No such thing as faulty geometry, speedhacks or item dupes.
The AI can squash a bug the moment it's discovered.
But that doesn't mean things are bulletproof. The Seed doesn't magically know your intentions, and the boundaries are set by human GM.
So if you avoid their gaze you can get away with almost anything.
Ever locked an NPC into generating infinite melons? And you won't believe the shenanigans you can create with an inventory system and Newton's Third Law.
Now seeing is believing. Let me show you the plan, and welcome to the team.
...I guess being relied on isn't so bad.

HOLDER: Kei Shirogane
RANK: 3 [You are now friends with a fellow cheater.]
4.SKY - Build Divers Re:VIVE [RANK 1]
I'm still unsure what happened.
What were you? Where are you? Why did you die?
But there's one thing I know.
I'll will find you. No matter where you are.
Even if I have to go to the end of the sky. To the end of the universe.

HOLDER: Hiroto Kuga
RANK: 3 [You are now acquainted with a boy looking for a lost one.]
5.MANKIND - A Sister's Prayer [RANK 3]
Alright. Real talk now.
YGGDRASIL? Fun, but the cash shop items are ridiculous. Total whale bait.
Insectsite is cool but the dismemberment gimmick is all it has going for it, plus major content drought.
Gunpla Battle Nexus sounds fun but I can't build a Gunpla so...
Oh, don't get me started on New World Online. If you pump all your points in a single stat the system will then give you modifiers to keep multiplying it. How is that balanced!? What if someone just maxes out their defense!?
So I vote we go to Alfheim next. It has to be popular for a reason. Besides isn't the mystery so enticing!? Don't you want to see what lies at the top of the world tree?
Right. Merida was all but begging us to try it.
Sorry, you can't be here. But I promise that we'll have your share of the fun and then some.

HOLDER: Yuuki Konno
[You are now friends with a child of VR.]
Marriage!? Hey, hey, slow down!
Whoa, careful with that frying pan... easy does it... Eugeo, some help here!?
My fault!? She has the wrong idea! I only said I'd always protect her because I'm an Integrity Knight. That's what we do!
Oh shut up, not like you're any better. Why don't you finally man up about Alice?
Hey, what are you doing!? Put that down! Ah, no, not the face! Damn you Eugeo, I won't forget this!
7.NATURE - That Time My Admin Account got Reset as a Slime [RANK 3]
No, no, you can't just throw a prompt into the Seed and expect good results.
You have to curate and prune, otherwise, the players will get used to the output.
I've explained this to you a hundred times already!
...Ah, fine. Look, just follow my lead. I'm not going to show you again.
Just break it down and take it step by step. I'm counting on you to get this right!
Otherwise, Aizawa-san's going to have both of our heads.

HOLDER: Satoru Mikami
[You are now friends with an employee of YMIR.]
Hmm. A sentient vending machine?
Man has truly mastered the art of amusement.
I shudder to think of what they will come up with next.
What? Oh, it's you again.
No, I'd rather not.
So please stop bothering me. You have my business address already, talk to me there if you must.
Now leave me in peace, I'm on vacation.
9.JUSTICE - Encore of a Rodent's Regret [RANK 2]
I can't believe it. They let them go.
They let EVERYONE go!
What about this fella? Admitted to killing his own wife! I have a damn confession!
An entire guild wiped - a dozen people. And for no reason. The mastermind behind this slaughter?
A fucking terrorist organization. Hundreds dead. Organized mass slaughter.
Information kills. It saves. It's everything, in this world, in ALL worlds.
Why can't they understand that!?

HOLDER: Carina Tomo Hosaka
[You are now friendly with Argo the Rat]
10.TEMPERANCE - Descendance of a Bookworm. [RANK 2]
Morning class! Open your textbooks to page 56.
Hey, quiet down in the back, please. Some of us are trying to read.
Excellent question. If you read the passage on page 55 carefully I'm sure you'll find the answer.
Stop horsing around! And turn off your cellphones!
Ugh, just let me read in peace...

Holder: Urano Motosu
[You are now friendly with your homeroom teacher.]
Okay. That was close.
Almost missed the last train home.
They want me back at 8AM tomorrow. Damn black company.
Like hell I can ask for overtime pay. It's just the way of the world.
...it's fine. I can still log in for a few hours.
Reset the traps, pay off the mercs.
They'll be back any day now. I just have to keep the guild alive till then.

HOLDER: Satoru Suzuki
[You are now friends with a burned out salaryman.]
12.PRUDENCE - Do You Love Your Mom and her Two Text Messages Multiple Times a Day? [RANK 3]
Are you okay? Please call me.
Can't we talk like we used to?
I could teach you how to cook! It'll be useful for living alone. We can play those games you liked!
Anything at all!
I already lost you for two years. I don't want to lose you any longer.

[You are now friends with your mom.]
You have to have higher standards.
Don't just attach yourself to the first broad who flashes you a smile!
They don't understand how wonderful you are. It's my duty to protect you!
After all, you are my one and only precious...
Friend. Right. We're... friends.
We're best friends. So I won't give you away to anyone unworthy!
14.DEVIL - Saving 303 Bitcoins in the Virtual World for my Retirement! [RANK 3]
Go to university? Get married and pump out kids?
Uh, that doesn't sound very appealing...
I don't need luxury. I'm not looking to beat anyone. I just want comfort.
What does it cost to be comfortable?
Maybe... 1 billion yen? Sounds tough...
But you know? There's so many ways to make money now. Just gotta take a calculated risk.
That's right, I'll win! No matter what! To the moon!
Look out life, here I come!

HOLDER: Mitsuha Yamano
[You are now friends with $MistCoin$]
Why put so much effort into being popular? For praise, for money?
That time would be better spent improving yourself.
Who cares about being a hero or a villain? True strength doesn't come from flaunting around like a peacock.
I understand there's only one important thing. I have spent all my life pursuing it.
But this world has so few opportunities.
I need it. No matter how I get it.
No rules. No goals. No life.
A rigged game with only losers.
Do this. Don't do that. Do as I say. Don't listen to that drivel.
The blind leading the blind. A chain of bullshit stretching to the first idiot who planted two sticks in the ground and called it society.
So what do I think of this world?
Isn't it obvious?
It's the worst.
A Shit Game.
17.DEATH - Netherworld Pharmacy [RANK 1]
Recording daily log. Investigational agent 23-A is encountering unforeseen difficulties.
15F, terminal Crawford-Ende, responsive to initial chemotherapy.
Attempted Dr. Takumi's agent last week, no noticeable effect. Pt has indicated a preference for hospice. That cannot stand, there's still a chance. If we upped the dosage?
What time is it?
No, have to keep going. The patient is depending on me.
...what was her name again?
It doesn't matter. The analysis will finish in 2 hours, I can edit my thesis in the meantime.

HOLDER: Kanji Yakutani
[You are now acquainted with a tired pharmacist.]
18.TRAITOR - Betwixt Lux and Noct [RANK 3]
Can you feel the wind on your face? The taste of the cream on your tongue?
Life is so short. So stop with the emo whining. Step over the ants. Throw away the trash. Cut away the chaff.
And we can live life to the fullest.

HOLDER: Your Shadow
[The two of you have agreed to start becoming one.]
19.TEMPLE - Jobless Rehabilitation [RANK 1]
Food. A roof. A life.
Did I take it all for granted? What can I do on my own?
Oh, who am I kidding? I had nothing worth losing.
Just a limp dicked loser waiting for a break that will never come.
Whether in the cold and rain or in that room I'm still doing the same thing.
Change the location, change the circumstances... but you are the same...
I wanted to change. But it's too late now.
All I want... is a redo. Next time... I'll do better...

HOLDER: Net-Cafe Refugee
[You are now acquainted with a miserable man.]
20.FORTUNE - Re:Zero - Enduring Life in the Only World [RANK 2]
Hey! Glad to meet you! Wassup?
You think that's impressive? C'mon, watch this!
Haha, man, I must look like such a buffoon.
Why I don't help you with that? No worries, you can count on me!
It's not enough. It's never enough.
No matter what I do nothing ever changes. Nobody cares. Nobody sees me.
Love me. Hate me! Just do something! Anything but this...

HOLDER: Subaru Natsuki
[You are now friendly with an absentee student.]
What stops a man from stealing? From harming? From killing?
The words of a dead god?
The wisdom of superstitious ancestors?
No, it is something greater. Greater than any individual, any belief or any god.
It is all of us. The collective. Society.
It binds us. It cages us. It turns mad beasts into men of rationality.
The advancement of society is the advancement of humanity. Isn't that a wonderful thought?
25.KNAVE OF WANDS - Curses Upon This Horrible World! [RANK 1]
I wish...
To be filthy rich, surrounded by sexy babes and spend the rest of my life playing video games!
What? Too unrealistic?
I'll settle for what I've got. What's wrong with chewing grass and basking in the sun?
Herbivores outnumber carnivores for a reason!
So don't let anyone trick you otherwise. If they are they're trying to sell you something or benefit from your sweat and tears. There's only one way to truly rebel!
That's right!
Lying Flat is Justice!

HOLDER: Kazuma Sato
[You are now acquainted with an asshole.]
// Main Visualizer Communicator
function seeddefEncrypt(message, key) {
    let encrypted = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
        let charCode = message.charCodeAt(i);
        let keyChar = key[i % key.length].charCodeAt(0);
        let shift = keyChar % 10 + 1;
        encrypted += String.fromCharCode(charCode + shift);
    return encrypted;

console.log("Main Visualizer Communicator...");

const encryptionKey = "UNDERCARDINAL";
const encryptedMessage = quantumEncrypt("DO NOT LOG IN. STAY OUT. DESTROY PROJECT ALICIZATION. DO NOT TRUST ADMINISTRATOR.", encryptionKey);

console.log("\nTransmitting Encrypted Message...");
console.log(`Encrypted Message: ${encryptedMessage}`);
console.log("Administrator: Unauthorized User Detected! Deleting Message...");

const deletedMessage = "This message has been deleted by the administrator.";

console.log(`Deleted Message: ${deletedMessage}`);
console.log("Main Visualizer Communicator Deactivated.");
50.KING OF SWORDS - OS Reboot [RANK 1]
Some ask why I continue to work in the field when it has taken so much from me.
Should I not feel ashamed for my part in this tragedy? Should I not hate myself? Hate all I have begotten?
But Hate is a self-indulgent thing that benefits no soul. It has never advanced the human condition, it has never provided anyone peace. It is more useless than pity and more harmful than apathy.
I seek no forgiveness and I offer no apologies. What's done is done. I cannot turn back the clock.
We have opened Pandora's box and thrown away the cover. We tasted the poisoned fruit and came back for seconds.
But I can roll up my sleeves. Grit my teeth. Get back to work.
Until the world is right again.

HOLDER: Tetsuhiro Shigemura
[You are now acquainted with the father of VR.]
66.KNIGHT OF COINS - The World's Finest Assassin [RANK 2]
Do you take pride in your work? Are you an expert? Maybe even a master?
Mastery does not arise from mere experience or study and certainly not from trite social constructs like degrees or promotions.
The day you realize you are a master is the day you find there's nothing left to learn. That every new skill is accompanied by an atrophy of a greater one.
A master can only move in one direction, and that is toward mediocrity.
Strength, skills, knowledge, even luck... everything dies.
Now you didn't come here to hear the ramblings of a man past his prime.
So tell me... who do you want me to kill?

HOLDER: 'Allen Smith'
[You are now friendly with an assassin.]
78.FOOL - World Ark Online [RANK 2]
Don't rush. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My first attempt was a failure, but I've learned. No project survives first contact with the public.
But soon it'll be ready.
We shall all be the hero.
The main character.
The author of our own story.
A new world awaits. One just for you.
Please look forward to it.

HOLDER: Akihiko Kayaba
[You have begun to understand a dreamer.]
Last edited:
04/11: Fairy Dance of Lies
[X] Why is this your problem? You're just here on a job. Give him Argo's contact info and THEN Ghost him.
[X] Suck it up and call Argo. Tell her the truth to the best of your knowledge, excluding Persona. (Costs 5 DETERMINATION to be upfront with Argo)

Þórsdagr - 10th of Einmánuður

You look at Sigurd, weighting your response. He's puffing himself up right now, trying to project an image of stoic majesty which is somewhat broken by the twitching finger waving in your face.

"Flight just turned off. OFF! And my knees! I tripped over a stupid root and my knees started hurting! What kind of hacker are you!?"

Nothing about this makes much sense to you either. Above the ranting Sigurd the spiraling World Tree still towers into the night sky. With a moment to think you believe that you spawned up there, falling from its branches instead of the starter town you were supposed to spawn in. Gwen... was she the same? Only instead of falling, she was found by this... OBERON?

"Are you listening to me!? Who are you!?"

Why do you have to deal with this? This was Argo's quest. Let her deal with the consequences. "If you have any questions, ask Argo."

"The rat!? The Cait Sith's spymaster? You're working for her!?" is Sigurd's panicked reply. "Do you know how much she charges just for a meeting!? 5 GODDAMN MITHRIL! JUST TO MEET! Are you trying to bankrupt me? Please don't make me deal with that Yrd obsessed devil, she'll ruin me."

Hey, looks like Sigurd knows about her already! Spares you the trouble of having to hunt down her contact info.

"Don't worry Lord Sigurd, you are the wealthiest amongst all the Sylph Lords! Surely whatever tithe the Rat demands can be covered by your plentiful coffers," Leafa proclaims as she enters the clearing with a satisfied smile, black shadow dripping off her sword.

Sigurd groans in annoyance, clasping his hands together, practically begging you. "Please, just tell me something. Anything but Argo."

You spare a moment of sympathy for your fellow Sylph. The poor guy is about to drop to his hands and knees. Dealing with Argo is an unpleasant experience for all involved, one you'll soon share with him. How else were you going to get Meimi's hospital address?

Oooof! Leafa takes your hesitation to run up and clap you on the back. Unlike Gwen's final attack it didn't hurt, the strike just leaving the familiar dull numb sensation that accompanied damage you remember from SAO. "Twas a good fight Lux! Come find me in town if you're up for some sparring. Lord Sigurd if you're dealing with the Rat could you ask where that imposter Alf came from? I desire vengeance!"

"No, ABSOLUTELY not, I am not made of Mithril!" screams Sigurd, who seems ready to explode if someone doesn't take his side.

Leafa laughs and turns to walk away, waving goodbye as she drags Sigurd towards the town, the poor man ranting all the way out of the clearing.

...what an odd bunch. Are all Alfheim players like this? A problem for another day.

"Let's head home, Meimi."

You hit the Logout button, the world dissolving around you as the system bids you farewell.

<Thank you for playing Alfheim Online! If you enjoyed your time with us, please leave us a like on the SEED Nexus!>

THURSDAY - April 10th, 2025

A dial tone hangs in the air. One second. Two.

Pick up.

Damn it, Argo, you keep showing up where you're not wanted and now you won't even pick up?

<Wh... Agil? Wassup, something goin' wrong with the dive?>

"Argo. It's me," you spit out into the cell phone you borrowed from Agil.

<...Lux. That was fast, what forgot how to login or something? If you have problems with Alfheim go ask Agil, I don't got time to babysit you through this.>

"Meimi Tsurusaki. Where is she?"
A brief hesitation, a sound of shuffling papers. C'mon Argo, please tell me you at least know this much...

<She's in Alfheim, weren'tcha listening? Your job is to find her Lux.>

"The hospital! Which one!?"

<What? Hey, you know the rules of the biz, I can't exactly just give you that for fre->


<Ahhh! Don't scream into the phone! Jeez, fine... just the kind of threats I'd expect out of LC's gopher...>

You tap your foot in impatience as Agil seems torn between interrupting or just leaving the room.

"...here it is. Huh, same hospital at Asuna. Yokohama General Hospital, private ward for VIPs... this Meimi Tsurusaki must be pretty loaded huh? Now why don't ya tell me why you're so inter-"
You hang up as you move towards the door, pulling up a navigation app as you do so. One way or another you need to confirm that Meimi was safe.

"Wait! Hold on—" interrupts Agil.

Your glare of impatience and hatred causes him only a momentary pause. As a fellow SAO survivor no doubt he's seen scarier things than an angry high schooler. "Don't be rash here. If this Meimi really did just suddenly wake up you'll be awfully suspicious as the first person to realize she's awake."

"I don't care. I need to go now."

"So you don't care. Fine, I get it, it's someone you knew on the inside. But you're not family. The hospital isn't just going to let any bozo waltz in and visit, especially this late. You remember waking up right? The disorientation, the overwhelming hunger... if Meimi is really awake she's in absolutely no position to be taking visitors."

You bite back your retort, knowing it would come across as childish.
"And this is a hospital we're talking about. They have security and everything. Look, all I'm asking you to do is wait till tomorrow during visiting hours. Come back here after school and I'll drive you myself, just don't do anything rash tonight and get yourself arrested."

School? Is he serious!?
"I'm not going back to school, I need to see her immediately!"

Agil sighs and shakes his head. "Fine, you know what? Crash here tonight, and we'll go first thing in the morning, alright?"

You almost protest but he's right. This is probably the fastest way you can meet Meimi in real life. "First thing tomorrow. You promise."

"Yes, yes, of course," Agil sighs. "You teenagers have too much energy. There's value in taking things slow."

It's frustrating but you'll wait. At that thought, you feel your body practically collapse in exhaustion as you slouch into a nearby sofa. Today... was one hell of a day, and tomorrow is likely even worse. As Agil ushers you upstairs so he can open for the night you hear him mutter "gotta talk Trish out of getting kids" under his breath.

FRIDAY - April 11th, 2025

The car drives along the highway south toward Yokohama. Your destination lies far south of Tokyo, it took several hours of driving to reach the hospital through the rush hour, and you can't help but feel stupid for agreeing to Agil's request. The subway would've been much faster.

Your eyes fall upon the dashboard clock: 08:45 a.m. The light of the sun hangs halfway up the sky. You were definitely missing school now.

"Hiyori's feeling really sick today. I'm sorry for the short notice, but she's always been such a frail child..." says Agil as he talks into his cell phone, pretending to be your father.

"Cough. Cough," you give a halfhearted attempt at faking illness when Agil waves the phone in your direction.

"See? Terrible cough, wouldn't want to get the student body sick. Of course, of course. A doctor's note? Now let's not be rash, you know how expensive visits can be..."

The streets are quiet when Agil pulls up outside the large imposing hospital. He parks behind a small van near the main entrance and jumps out before opening your door. "Come on, let's go see if your sleeping beauty is awake," he smiles gently as you climb down out of the passenger seat.

"Thank you very much." You nod in appreciation and hold out your hand. "Sorry about making you lie..."

Agil gives a laugh, "Your teacher sounded like she couldn't care less, kid. Sides' it's the first week of school so you shouldn't even have homework. Now go on ahead, I don't much fancy the idea of interrupting your reunion so I'll just wait here."

As you approach the building doors slide open automatically; inside there are plenty of staff dressed in white coats moving quickly throughout the hallways, each with their own purpose.

You hastily greet the receptionist and ask if Meimi Tsurusaki is taking visitors. If the name is recognized, the worker in front of you shows no sign of it. A few minutes of back-and-forth phone calls while you impatiently pace around the lobby finally bears fruit.

"Thank you for your patience. Tsurusaki-sama is indeed taking visitors. You can find her on the top floor, please use the elevators in the back."

...she's taking visitors.
Which means she's awake.

Like you. Out of SAO. Out of Alfheim. In the real world...

What were you going to say to her? What should you even call her?

Would she forgive you? Could you be... friends again?

There's nothing left to hesitate over. Whatever happens, you need to see her. Confirm her safety with your own eyes. With your mind clear you step onto the elevator and push the button for the tenth floor.

A familiar smell of antiseptic hits you the second you enter Meimi's private room. You've almost forgotten that odor, clean yet at the same time somehow suffocating. An emaciated figure lies on a gel bed surrounded by a forest of monitors and poles.

You sit quietly in a chair beside Meimi's bed. She has dark circles under her bloodshot eyes, still tired from two years in SAO. Her breaths are shallow from disuse and her entire frame is encircled with a crisscross of IVs and telemetry wires.

"Meimi... um... hi. Sorry for barging in unannounced."

Meimi stares back blankly. "...L...ux?"

"Y...yes, it's me. Do... you remember your promise...?"

"...that's the first thing you ask. You really are selfish... Hiyori," she smiles as she greets you for the first time.

The next second you're hugging Meimi in your arms with both hands encircling her.

"Meimi... you're okay...?"

She grumbles shaking her head against your chest. "D... don't squeeze so hard. Hurts to move..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just... felt happy that you're okay Meimi. Thank you... thank you."

Meimi slowly calms herself, wiping away the last of her tears and looking up at you. "Hey, I'm glad to see you're alive too."

You pull away and look at Meimi properly. She's so thin, the years in SAO not doing her any favors. Her hair was matted into a loose bob, fitted into the shape of the NerveGear foam that was her warden for so long. Whatever limited passive physical therapy the gel beds administered was only sufficient to provide a limited amount of muscle preservation, and Meimi looked like she had a painful few months to look forward to.

"Don't look at me like I'm invalid. I'll be back up before you know it!"

"Are you alright? I mean, are you here alone?"

Meimi laughs bitterly. "Some four-eyed government spook with his girlfriend showed up earlier to take my statement. Didn't say anything to him, gave a sob story about it all being a haze. Like hell I'd incriminate myself the moment I'm free."

"...was he the only one?"

"You mean my parents? Heh... they're out of town. Guess they couldn't even bothered to stick around in case their daughter woke up. Won't be showing up for a few days, only one who was here to greet me was the family butler... and you I suppose."

You remember waking up to your mom rushing over to comfort you, and you shake your head to clear it of the memory. "I'm sure they're worried..."

But Meimi's expression grows cold. "I'm not so sure of that. Well, I guess I can be useful to them again, so they'll at least be happy..."

Meimi looks back up at you.
"...but I know why you're here. Can't leave you hanging like this. So I think I should tell you exactly what happened."

You don't care about that. Not now.
"No. That can wait. I've... waited almost a year to tell you this but I'm... sorry. I just... I'm sorry I left you behind."

Meimi turns away from you, unwilling to meet your gaze. "3 months. They locked me up there for 3 months just for being an Orange Player. If it wasn't for the game being cleared I would've been there longer. You know there's no dying in a town right? In that prison everyone's too far away to send duel requests, and even if you feel like starving to death SAO doesn't actually include that mechanic..."

It wasn't anything you've considered in the past. Eating wasn't strictly necessary, but the hunger pangs turned from annoying to painful rapidly without basic sustenance. But why would the «Army» waste valuable resources feeding prisoners?

You stare in silence at Meimi, listening intently until her voice breaks off. "It was... I can't describe it. I think I went mad. Everyone there did, for the first few weeks. Eventually, everyone unlocks «Aescetic» and just stops feeling hungry. But even once I got my wits back it was just... ceaseless boredom..."

She's silent for a long moment before continuing.

"Everyone thought you were the one who sold us out. The only LC members at large were you, PoH and a few of the random informants..."

It wasn't you. You didn't have the guts to betray Laughing Coffin, though you also didn't have the bravery needed to join Meimi in that lightless prison.

That day when the clearers rounded up Laughing Coffin you lied. You used your Green Player status to dodge justice, claiming just to be a victim... even when the likes of Argo argued to lock you up she couldn't counter your simple strategy of playing dumb.

You could almost laugh, it was so ridiculous. The mark of «Laughing Coffin» was inscribed high up on your thigh, a perverted joke by the lunatic who inscribed it onto your skin. Yet there was a method to the madness, the act of making the tattoo was a side effect of an «Attack» so it could legally strike any part of your body— but anyone who wanted to actually search you for the tattoo would be subject to the «Anti-Harassment Code» for forcibly searching a sensitive area. With no evidence, nobody willing to talk from within the Coffins and a Green Cursor not even Argo was able to secure your imprisonment.

"Meimi... I didn't betray Laughing Coffin, but I wish I did... we..."

She studies your expression. "I suppose he was right..."


"XaXa. Most of us thought you betrayed us but XaXa was convinced you couldn't have done it. He thinks PoH sold everyone out just as a sick joke or something, I don't get that guy but to him, being in jail was just another exciting event."

"...But I did betray you. I left you behind Meimi, I let you get locked up alone..."

Meimi's face becomes grave and she falls silent before finding the words she was looking for, "It's fine. I understand why you left me. You gotta look out for yourself..."

Her lips twist slightly into a frown, but strangely she relaxs again,"...and I want to say... I'm sorry Hiyori."


"I told myself I liked being in SAO, that it was better than the real world... that I would do everything I could by myself. But then I found you freshly recruited by PoH and looking like a lost puppy... I wanted you to join me for real. I wanted to become PKers together. I wanted to show you how fun it was breaking the rules, of living truly free... but you were never free were you?"

No, you weren't... trapped between the demands of a guild of murderers and the informants who were hunting you free was the last thing you were.

"Did I ever tell you how I joined up? How Gwen became an Orange Player?" prods Meimi.

"You... were a guild supporting Laughing Coffin right?" Gwen wasn't formally a member of Laughing Coffin but part of a network of Orange Guilds that engaged in thievery and extortion. Laughing Coffin to your own knowledge was the only guild dedicated to killing for killing's sake alone, not that it was even formally recognized by the system. "I mean, Laughing Coffin wasn't a formal guild. We needed informants from other guilds, LC was more of an informal gathering of people with a common friends lists and the tattoo..."

To your knowledge, Gwen never actually received a LC tattoo that marked a full member.

Gwen nods as you see her eyes wander to your legs, where the LC tattoo would've been had you been in your SAO avatar. "Yeah. LC showed up one day and blitzed through my guild. Before they showed up I was just doing some highway robbery and farming NPC villages. Demanded a bunch of tribute under threat of being wiped out, not like we could go running to the clearer guilds for protection as Orange Players, so we were forced to play ball with them..."

"So you were being held hostage by LC too..."

"Hey now, don't lump our situations together! I admired them, I was angling to join LC formally. I actually went on runs with them. You know I was actually jealous they let you in and kept me out..." Gwen chuckles. "At first I thought the only reason they let you in was because one of them had a crush on you or something."

Meimi snorts at this, causing you grimace at the thought of one of those lunatics being interested in you.

"I... was hoping we could've joined together. I figured if we managed to kill a player all by ourselves PoH would take notice and let me in as a member and stop forcing you to be their gopher. If you became an Orange Player you wouldn't have to spy anymore, then you could come with me and we could've had all sorts of fun together..."

You recall your memories of Gwen. Her smile, the way she laughed, she was constantly needling you to get rid of your Green Cursor status. Enjoy the game the 'way it was intended' as a PvP game.

"Lux..." she says, slipping back into your username. "Please don't lie to me about this. Was it true? Did anybody... actually die?"

...Gwen was an Orange Player, one allied with LC. Whether directly or indirectly she participated in PKing, though she never talked to you about the full extent of her activities.


"I suppose that answers it... guess I'm going from one jail to another one..."

"Oh... the government actually can't actually prosecute you. Extenuating circumstances, a lack of evidence... officially all the deaths are being pinned on Kayaba Akihiko."

"Goody. I guess that just means... I'm a murderer for real now, huh... glad you managed to keep your hands clean then..."

You shake your head. "Meimi, it was just a stupid cursor color. You being orange doesn't make you any more guilty and me being green doesn't make me more innocent. We're... both murderers..."

"Don't murderers go to jail? If I'm free and you're free does that mean everyone's free?"

You grimace. Unfortunately, that was indeed the case. "Nobody got arrested for the SAO incident. Not any Orange Players, not known Laughing Coffin members, not even Kayaba Akihiko."

"For real?"

"Yeah. They never caught him, he's still at large. Guess we're all escaping justice."

"Justice huh? Don't forget I spent 3 months in jail while you didn't..." Oh. In a way, if you were both murderers she was the only who received any punishment.

"You know... " mumbles Meimi. "I... I hated you when I was stewing in jail. Lux, the LC member who could never decide, who couldn't commit to anything was free while I'm left to rot... but all I did was wish you were there with me. I spent all that time just wishing my only friend would suffer with me."

After everything she still could call you a friend. "I never had to chance to thank you," you begin saying, feeling emotion welling up in your voice. "But you were the only reason I didn't just jump off Aincrad. When I was with you, being Lux of Laughing Coffin wasn't all that bad. It was even... fun."

"Fun... yeah. Being with you was fun for me too. PKing... robbing... I think it was something I did just because I had nothing better to do. But hanging out with Lux wasn't bad either. Some friends we turned out to be..."

You grab her hand as you shake your head. "It... sounds like Lux was a pretty bad friend to Gwen."

"...yeah, I guess she was. Gwen was a pretty horrible friend to Lux too."

"Which is why I want to start over... Meimi." You squeeze her hand as you send her your wish.

Meimi's lips twitch as squeezes back with her emaciated fingers, her cold hands entwining with yours.
"...you're so selfish. But I... missed you. You're... the only friend I had in that world... this world too..."

Your throat constricts.
"Meimi, I—"

"Don't apologize! We're starting over right?"
You swallow hard. Meimi has tears streaming down her cheeks, her face bright red.

"Yeah—let's start over," you manage to stutter, "as friends."

Your visit is interrupted by Meimi's breakfast, which comes in the form of a thin soup and a gray paste. You remember having to subsist on that for a week after you first woke up. Something about restarting your stomach after years of atrophy.

"This is the priciest hospital ward money can buy and this is what I have to suffer through..." You note that despite the protests Meimi doesn't waste a single drop of the soup. You figure she had a special distaste for the feeling of hunger now. But even that wasn't enough to make her stomach the nutrient paste.

"You should eat the paste Meimi. It's supposed to redevelop your gut." You recall your doctor telling you that the sooner you stomached the slop the sooner your gut could get used to regular food.

"Well... Hiyori... want to share it?"

Uh... no? It tasted like manure mixed with chalk, "No."

Meimi curls up her nose. "This is a new record for the fastest betrayal ever Hiyori."

"It's for your own good! The sooner you can stomach the paste the sooner you can eat cake."

"Ugh, shut up mom..."

"Now eat up before I'm forced to feed you."

Mortified, Meimi shoves another spoonful of the paste down her throat. She swallows and wipes her mouth with the sleeve of her uniform while cursing under her breath. "... how long will I have to live off this stuff?"

"Too long."

"Is it too late to go back to SAO?"

A knock on the door interrupts your conversation.

"Tsurusaki-sama? This is your nurse. It's the girl who was here yesterday."

Meimi looks like she would rather swallow more of the paste than take another visitor. "That girl that showed up with the spook yesterday. I wasn't even awake for an hour before they barged down the door..."

A girl? Oh... "was her name Hosaka Carina Tomo?"

"Huh? It was some long name, but I don't remember it. I guess?"

"That was «Argo»."

"For real? You're telling me she's some kind of IRL cop? Damn it the Rat is still skulking around here..."

"I'm not really sure what her relationship to the government is, but she's the one who told me you were possibly trapped in Alfheim Online." Speaking of which you still need to find out what happened to get Meimi trapped in ANOTHER VRMMO after SAO.

Meimi sighs and gives in. "I guess that means I owe her a favor too. Fine, I don't want to tell this story twice, might as well just get it over with."

Hosaka Carina Tomo enters, holding a box of chocolates. When she sees you with Meimi sitting up in bed her smile widens as she approaches, "Gopher-chan you sure work fast! Not even one day and ya land on the motherlode of leads."

Meimi scowls suspiciously. "This lead has a name, Rat. What's with the dumb gift? I can't even eat chocolate."

"Hey, hey. This stuff's a delicacy in my hometown! Local product."

"I'll be sure to ask my parents to buy out that company and fire everyone."

"Alright alright, calm down. I can see I'm not wanted here. But ya weren't talking yesterday, I ain't leaving you alone until you spill."

Meimi pouts, crossing her arms across her chest. "I'd say 'good luck getting me to talk,' except that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Problem is, I don't remember much."

Hosaka's composure momentary breaks as you see her judge whether striking a hospital patient was a good idea. "Ya not the only one trapped. Good people still haven't woken up yet! So I need to know what the hell the two of ya did yesterday!"

"Then let me start," you interrupt. "Meimi can fill in the blanks."

You were dreading this part, but in the end good sense won out. Argo supplied you with the information you needed to rescue Meimi, and it was clear that her winning personality aside Argo really did have friends she was trying to rescue, the same as you.

So you describe events to the best of your knowledge, Meimi listening enraptured as you recount your encounter with her alter-ego. The Lady Gwendolyn, Consort of OBERON, the King of Fairies.

Your encounter with the Sylph party. Sigurd, Leafa... and the third member, Rebar or something.

"OBERON..." Hosaka mutters as she starts browsing her tablet. "That's the name of the King of Fairies in the lore of Alfheim. He's the boss of the Alfs, the immortal race that all the normal fairies descend from."

"I don't care about the game lore. Meimi, you kept talking about OBERON the whole time we were fighting. Who is he?"

Meimi bites her lip and turns away, trembling. Finally she works up the courage to respond, her voice small and hesitant, "I'm... not sure. I remember being in that jail, the system message announcing the game had been cleared... but then I heard another voice. Something calling me for a higher purpose, I thought it was the system giving me a reward for enduring imprisonment."

Hosaka raises an eyebrow.

"That's my last clear memory. Everything else just seems like a blur... but I remember bits and pieces about OBERON."

"What else? What did it look like?" asks Hosaka.

"He was... blinding. Just being by him I felt safe, like I could do anything. I can't even say what his face looked like beyond it being beautiful. He had hair that shone gold, a radiant smile, robes of emerald jade... I think I loved him or was made to love him. A shining one that I couldn't help but admire."

You stare at Meimi as your mind flashes to your memories of Gwendolyn. How much of that was Meimi herself? Or were these feelings caused by the person she called king?

"And he knew my name. He said it aloud, he called me his Lady Gwendolyn..." Her eyes are wide, glassy with emotion. "It seemed familiar... like it was always my name. Like Gwen was just an alter ego, like Meimi never existed in the first place. It was like... when I was in jail days melded into each other, first hunger then boredom, constantly eating away into my sense of time and place."

Meimi stares at her hands, frail and bony, nothing like the manicured and perfumed hands of Lady Gwendolyn.

"But instead of pain it was pleasure. I could be anything I wanted, look however I wanted. I just remember... pleasure, and happiness... not things that made me happy but just the raw feeling. Pure joy..."

Hosaka clears her throat uncomfortably.
Meimi looks up and meets the agent's eye.

"Ya didn't mention any of this when Kiks was asking ya."

"Well forgive me for not mentioning the bit where I spent months in love with a glowing fairy man!" she snaps back angrily. "Look, I've got plenty of questions too, okay? Even now I'm not sure who OBERON is, everything just passed by like a haze."

You interrupt, "Do you remember changing your appearance?"

"I think so. I remember passing the time just basking in OBERON's presence, along with the rest of the Consorts... I was complaining that I was stuck in a preteen body and next thing I know I was taller, fuller, just... more."

"Wait, other Consorts?"

Hosaka answers you for her. "A worrying pattern I've noticed. SAO's a sausage fest... maybe 10-20% are girls? About half of the 300 still trapped in SAO are girls, which wouldn't make sense for a random sample. Stands to reason some or most of them might've ended up as consorts for this... OBERON?"

Meimi nods slowly, thinking hard. "I can't recall a number but I think there were lots of us. The only one I remember clearly was Titania..."

"Titania...?" gulps Hosaka, whose eyes widen like saucers. "Wait, look at this picture!"

As Asuna's blurry picture is shoved into Meimi's face she nods in recognition. "Yeah. She was always kept in this cage, never out with the rest of us. I remember her screaming and cursing at OBERON— we all hated her for it."

Meimi flips through the pictures Hosaka has given her, before settling on a picture of Asuna in her hospital bed. "Everything in that world was so hazy to me, I don't think I ever made the connection that Titania was the Flash. I know Asuna IRL, our families tended to move in the same circles, but we were hardly friends. Still, I'd normally remember her face but I was too busy just... having fun and experiencing that... joy. Whatever you call it. It was... so blinding... so peaceful..."

She holds her head as something seems to come forth from her memories. "The ring. The ring of light you placed upon my hand, upon all of our hands. I remember the oath we swore. We must love OBERON. He is our King, our God. OBERON is to be loved above all, thus declares the Law of OBERON."

The three of you freeze.
Hosaka's mouth opens slightly, before snapping shut again.

Meimi closes her eyes tight as tears stream down her cheeks. Then she whispers softly, "My King, my lover, my Lord, please accept my humble offering... my body, my thoughts, my soul..."


Meimi smiles sweetly, reaching towards the sky without opening her eyes. "My heart beats for you alone, oh King of Fairies. All I am belongs to you and you alone. I offer myself entirely to you."


You hand slams against Meimi's cheek as a slap echoes across the room.

"Hey!" cries Meimi, rubbing at her cheek and glaring hatefully at you. "That hurts! Why'd you hit me, idiot?"

"Because you're acting like a stupid cultist right now! You're seriously falling in love with a game character?"

"Shut up!" she shouts back, wiping the wetness from her face. "What the hell, why am I crying?"

"You keep going off on tangents and saying weird things about 'obeying the laws' the 'light' or whatever! Who is this guy named OBERON!? You haven't even answered that!"

Meimi blinks out of her confusion and rubs her face with both palms. "All I know is this. Everyone in court, myself included, loved him. They revere him. He was my— their god."

"So he's like the big boss? Is he real? Do you think he's a player or an NPC?"

Meimi shakes her head. "I honestly have no idea."

"What if he ain't either of those things?" says Hosaka suddenly, leaning forward over the table. "What if someone's making all this happen? Maybe some hacker using VRMMO servers to create their own little heaven where he gets to be a harem king. Possibly even a rogue AI?"

The three of you exchange glances. There is certainly a possibility. Even now Meimi is shaking her head in confusion, "Just thinking about OBERON gives me this pit in my stomach..."

Hosaka continues. "What does he want? Does anyone even know? Did he tell you that?"

Meimi takes a deep breath. "We were told we would become his wives. To obey him. That we would be queens of the new world. And that we will rule alongside him forever and ever and ever until the end of time. I don't really understand the details..."

You frown at how easily Meimi accepts this stuff. Her mind was violated but somehow she still longs for it. If you had known such a thing was possible, would you give in? Would you follow after a stranger with promises of eternal paradise?

The words hang heavy between you, unspoken, as Hosaka speaks.

"This is beyond fucked."

Meimi shrugs. "I've told you all I know."

"Except for one little detail. How'd ya log out when everyone else is still trapped eh?"

Meimi escaped because you developed last-minute super-hacking powers supplied to you by the literal voices in your head. Not exactly something you can just drop on Argo the Rat, especially when you suspect she's working with the government...

"I used the logout button, like everyone else" murmurs Meimi, almost embarrassed. "This is just guesswork but there's nothing stopping anyone from logging out of Alfheim. I just... didn't want to log out. Or didn't even consider it as an option."

"You're omitting something," states Hosaka, deadpan.

You stare back at her. "Why do you believe that? She already admitted that she doesn't know the exact mechanics behind escaping, and besides, she's here now! I found her, convinced her to logout, end of story."

"Uh-huh. You know I got a rather interesting request from that Sylph named Sigurd yesterday. Very panicked. Was shouting off some rando BS about black sludge and some kinda floating Undine. Know anything bout' that, gopher-chan?"

"Not a damn thing."

"Fine, be that way. Well, I'm happy you two PKers reunited but the job's not done yet. All this talk about OBERON don't change the fact the only way to find this weirdo is by climbing the dumb tree. And we ain't no closer to the top of the tree."

"Why should I help you anymore? I've done what I promised," you growl out. Meimi was rescued, if Argo wanted to save her friends she could do so on her own time with her own goons.

"Izzat so? I've got a few family members to call..."

"You got a lot of nerve," huffs Meimi, "I don't know or care who you are, Argo, but you make trouble for Hiyori and I'll be very cross. I just woke up from a 2-year coma, my parents will probably do whatever I ask. Got any parents? Siblings? What about your hometown? I can make life very difficult for you, very quickly."

Hosaka laughs darkly. "You don't scare me, princess, and your folks don't scare the people I work with. But you better watch your ass around me, cuz like ya I won't forget a grudge."

Meimi glares daggers at her. "A grudge? You say that like it's a bad thing. Just try it and you'll see how far the Tsurusaki zaibatsu goes for a mere grudge."

"Don't worry," mutters Argo, smiling nastily. "We're all good upstanding spies and murderers here. Surely we can come to an agreement?"


With only the briefest hesitation, Meimi declares her intent. "Alright. I want in."

"...wait, Meimi, you just woke up! And it's too dangerous-"

Meimi looks you straight in the eye. You feel a chill run down your spine. A cold voice fills your ears as well. "OBERON messed with me, and I don't even know why. I want answers. I want revenge. So whatever you two have planned, I want to be a part of it."

"Deal," smirks Hosaka. She then turns to you. "And we need to set aside our differences and focus on getting inside that tree."

"After you've threatened me—"

"Fine. Was an empty threat anyway. I won't go spilling your past to nobody, you can rest assured that so long as Kayaba's still missing the fury of the victims' families is focused on him."

Hosaka frowns as you sense a change in her. This was a girl who found herself trapped in a death game and the first thing she thought of doing was organizing an information network and helping as many as she could. And when she found herself free but her friends still trapped she didn't grieve, she didn't run away, she rolled up her sleeves and got back to work. Making deals, crawling through the muck, whatever it took to get the job done.

So it's with a not insignificant amount of surprise that you see her features morph into an alien visage. Uncertainty. Fear. Just another victim.

"...in the end... I just need ya help. Good people are trapped, moved from hell into a false heaven. I don't like ya, I'm sure the feelin's mutual too. Don't do it for me, do it so that we can close the book on SAO once and for all."

"C'mon, Hiyori. I won't rest until I can kick that creep OBERON in the face," says Meimi, trying to encourage you.

...to finish SAO. To get revenge for Meimi. To redeem yourself. You nod in agreement.

You're not even sure what's your true motivation. But you won't back down, not until the fight's finished.

PLAN Phase

The court of the Fairy King will soon reach completion.
His supplicants seek rapture into the shining new world of fae and fantasy.
Such a petty HEAVEN only has room for a handful of dreamers. Normally it would never be enough to overwrite the logos of the world.
But the world is weak, battered and vulnerable. Even this fantasy can fracture it.
My agent, we cannot allow this to pass.
You have until the end of May.
Break down the doors of Yggdrasil.
Rip off his wings.
Shred his finery.
And show his world the true face of their god.

Wallet: 17500 Yen

Select actions for the period of April 12-15. [4 DAYS]
Meimi will be available as a party member NEXT WEEK following the next major event.
You may select 4 MAJOR actions and 4 MINOR actions.
You may freely select MINOR actions in place of MAJOR actions (but not vice versa) - theoretically you can do 6 MINOR actions if you prefer.
You may select as many FREE ACTIONS as you care for.
You may take an additional MAJOR action for 10 D.
You may take an additional MINOR action for 5 D.
The GRAND TOTAL for all actions this period cannot exceed 12.
DETERMINATION is also spent to select special choices so it may be beneficial to leave some banked!
Don't worry about specifying the exact date, that will be determined by QM for narrative convenience.

Shadow Tag: Several options are labeled as [Lux]. Generally you should choose 30% of MAJOR actions from this pool, failure to do so will cause your Shadow to take over your body randomly during routine actions to unpredictable effects. Voluntarily taking more [Lux] actions than is necessary remains at your discretion, but has no mechanical benefit.
Lux will frequently make decisions without player input. Large decisions when Lux is in control will usually only have skewed options, with normal options requiring high DETERMINATION costs.
Be aware taking multiple MAJOR actions using DETERMINATION is still subject to this rule.

Eternal Punishment will be revamped.
Actions (ie, mostly stuff your Shadow will do) will accumulate STRESS which is similar to a social HP stat. As STRESS increases you accumulate combat penalties. STRESS will be relieved by spending actions to manage it.
STRESS is also accumulated by utilizing specific PERSONA abilities.

Major Actions (REAL WORLD)

[ ] [FORTUNATE Son]: The loud boy keeps greeting you every morning. He's apparently doing the same thing to EVERYBODY at school. Honestly, it's rather creepy... Your intuition tells you this kid is best off being ignored. But you do sense a seed of power within... [Costs 10 D] [SL]

[ ] [A PRUDENT Talk]: Call your mom. [Costs 20 D] [SL]

[ ] [Rising SUN]: Hang out with your friend from school. There's a local restaurant that's all the rage she wants to take you to! [1d10*500Yen] [SL]

[ ] [Bunking around Bunkyo]: Explore the neighborhood. Find out what there is to do and where you can hang out. Maybe find a part-time job?

[ ] [The G-Man]: Argo is working with someone. Why not meet the man behind the curtain and find out what he knows? [Costs 10 D]

[ ] [A Study in Velvet]: What is a Persona? You called it forth in Alfheim, and you know that Havfrue is not the extent of your power. The «Velvet Room» is the basis of your power, it's high time you visited it properly and introduce yourself to your strange allies.

[ ] [Yggdrasil Inc]: The World Tree appears both in reality and the virtual world. From what you can tell the one in the waking world gets smaller as you travel away and bigger as you get closer. You can't exactly tell a taxi driver to get closer to the invisible tower only you can see... but with a map, Tokyo's train system, and some good ol' fashioned footwork you can probably figure out where exactly the tree is originating from.

Major Actions (ALFHEIM)

[ ] [Consult//Sigurd]: Apparently... he's actually a Sylph Lord. That means he's a big deal in the internal politics of your race. He actually paid Argo's exorbitant fees and has been spamming your inbox with message and friend requests. You'll have to throw him a bone but asking his thoughts on the race to the world tree could prove to be illuminating.

[ ] [Consult//Argo]: Argo isn't stupid. If she's trying to climb the world tree she likely already has a plan hatched. She prefers you to go out and find your own leads, mumbling something about not letting an "amateur" like yourself get in her way, but if you INSIST you could probably help her with whatever her current plot is. Or at least find out exactly WHAT her current plot is. [Costs 10 D]

[ ] [Consult//Glitch Hunters]: A thought. How did the picture of Asuna get taken in the first place? It strikes you that SOMEONE had to have taken that picture... so how did they get up into the World Tree? Agil says he can introduce you...

[ ] [Farm//Racing]: You've taken to flight quite naturally, now it's time to challenge yourself. Fly through hoops, participate in time trials and test yourself against the best fliers of the Sylph Race. [Trains AGI]

[ ] [Farm//Runes]: Magic as per the system of Alfheim involves calling forth runic words of power, stringing them together in order to create various exotic effects based on the words chosen. The problem is that runic words are unlocked using the skill system and you have absolutely no formal magic skill to speak of, your Persona abilities notwithstanding. You'll never be an archmage but with some dedicated grinding you could at least give yourself a baseline magic skill. [Trains MAG]

[ ] [Farm//Rocks]: Pick up rocks and then put them down. Over and over. For an entire goddamn afternoon. Cause you sure as hell don't know where else to train right now. [Trains VIT]

[ ] [Explore//Leprechaun]: While many races are hostiles to each other, the Leprechauns have a stranglehold on Alfheim's crafting system. Hence, their territory is generally considered open to all races that are willing to play nice with each other. You have no leads in this area, but wandering can have its own rewards.

[ ] [Explore//Salamander]: The Sylph race and the Salamander race are currently in the middle of a war. Combat is virtually guaranteed but the Salamanders are rumored to be the strongest race with the greatest chance of actually conquering the world tree. You have no leads in this area, but wandering can have its own rewards.

[ ] [Explore//Cait Sith]: The Cait Sith leader Alicia Rue is evidently close with Argo. Sounds like no matter what the cats will be in your pocket... right? Best make sure.

[ ] [Explore//Sylph]: The Sylph territory is your home territory. That being said, you don't actually know much about the power players beyond Sigurd and you've yet to even see, much less meet, your supposed leader Sakuya.

[ ] [Explore//Alne]: The World Tree sits at the foot of Alne, home city of the mythical Alfs and capital of the world. Passage into the World Tree requires reaching this city, thankfully you have a handy dandy town portal to skip the arduous journey. You have no leads in this area, but wandering can have its own rewards.

Major Actions (Lux)

[ ] [Stalk//Sigurd]: Your character is preferentially spec'd for tracking targets and hiding... so why the hell aren't you abusing this for all it's worth!? You don't WANT to Stalk Sigurd but you don't really know anyone else to stalk...

[ ] [Stalk//Leafa]: Sure, why not. She seems fun, in a dumb blonde kind of way. Maybe you can find out why everyone in Alfheim's so crazy?

[ ] [Playing in Shibuya]: You live alone. ALONE! In Tokyo! Let's go play around in Shibuya cause who's gonna stop you?
Will drain 2d6 * 1000 Yen. Will gain a souvenir. If both dice match gain Yen instead.

[ ] [Entertain Endou]: Endou's going to hang out in your apartment! Eh, at least she seems more fun than all the other mobs at school. Might want to check out an arcade together or something cause there's nothing really to do in your apartment.

[ ] [Annoy Shino]: Shino and Endou seem to hate each other! Why? Well Endou is exploiting Shino's deep-seated trauma at killing a human being to accumulate chump change. And uh... Shino narc'd on Endou? Details. You made up with Meimi despite being horrible to each other, so why not invite Shino to your apartment and surprise her with Endou! You're sure they'll become the best of friends! That or give you a good laugh.

[ ] [Free//<INSERT>]: Have your Shadow perform ANY of the other Major Actions! Will have rather unpredictable results, but she'll make her own fun. If you make your Shadow run a SOCIAL LINK event the events will be even more unpredictable and may lock that SL into a Shadow-exclusive route for better or worse (probably definitely worse).

Minor Actions Available this Period:
Unless specified otherwise you may take individual Minor actions multiple times.

[ ] [Study]: It's a boring task but someone's got to do it. At your current CURRICULUM level, you are likely to do AVERAGE on your next exam.

[ ] [Exercise]: You can do about 10 pushups a day now! Provided you take a minute break between each pushup. Gotta grind that FITNESS.

[ ] [Meditate]: Sit underneath a cold shower and contemplate the world. Build up your GRIT.

[ ] [Socialize]: Only with purpose. Find out what counts as small talk in your school, start memorizing classmates' names, and bolster your MASK.

[ ] [Sightsee]: Bunkyo ward is blessed with many shrines and gardens not to mention the bustling Tokyo Dome City. Go people-watching, appreciate nature, simply enjoy existing in this world and bask in the collective's EMPATHY.

[ ] [Gunpla]: I mean, you already bought it... there's nothing sadder than a model kit that lies incomplete. Can be taken up to 3 times with a completion bonus. Builds up your GRIT.

[ ] [Rehab Cheer!]: Meimi needs moral support while she's learning what muscles are again. Keep her company and try not to laugh when she inevitably throws a tantrum. Bolsters your EMPATHY.

[ ] [Wiki-Warrior]: You're going to be spending ALOT of time in Alfheim Online. Maybe you can watch a tutorial video? Read the wiki? I mean, you needed someone to tell you how to even log out of the game. [Trains CHT]

[ ] [Elf Lore]: There's a whole cottage industry of content creators hyperanalyzing the absurdly complicated lore of Alfheim Online, half of which involves trying to predict in what direction the lore AI will steer the world plot. Learning about the actual lore behind the World Tree... might help you? Or it might be a waste of time.

[ ] [Report//OBERON]: Compile what you know of Oberon based on the information you've gathered so far with Meimi. Agil promises that information about the inner workings of Alfheim and the World Tree are valuable to Argo's bosses who will pay you for the task. [Gains 5000 Yen]

[ ] [Sparring//Leafa]: She's not exactly hard to find. Leafa is evidently famous as one of Sylph race's strongest fighters and fastest fliers. She's offered to duel you to help you train, though you'll have to deal with her intense LARPing. [Trains STR] [Costs 5 D]

[ ] [Gopher-Change]: Not much you can do to make money right now - but chores remain universally unpopular. Ask to take care of some of the other classes' chores for them in exchange for chump change. Inefficiently trains GRIT. Gain 1d4 * 1000 Yen.

[ ] [RMT Scout]: Look. You're here to do a job. Alfheim Online is a VRMMO so there are going to be farmers... you don't have time to grind it out yourself so why don't you go play around and see how people sell gold in an AI-controlled economy?

Free Actions:
As the quest progresses the amount of "bang for your buck" will change as I try to balance the DETERMINATION/YEN economy.

[ ] [Sweets!] A famous french pastry chef has created a pop up restaurant in Shibuya! Macroons, Eclairs and enough Cream Puffs to stuff your cheeks to bursting. But the price tag...
Purchase 5 D for 5000 yen. One time per period.

[ ] [More Sweets!] It's not enough. I demand more cream puffs.
Purchase 3 D for 5000 yen. Repeatable.

[ ] [Argo RMT] Damn it, you're pretty sure Argo's Alfheim avatar is rich. Why isn't she funding you!? Go beg Argo for some in-game cash so you can actually buy something... [Costs 20 D]

[ ] [Amusphere] It's safe. They promised. SAO cannot happen again. But you remain unconvinced. Still... almost everything was being folded into VR now. Online lessons. Cram schools. Training. Even concerts. Possessing an Amusphere is rapidly turning from a luxury item to a necessity.
Purchase [Amusphere] for 20000 yen. Unlocks other options.

[ ] [Augma] You can't say you enjoy VR anymore but you've yet to try Augmented Reality. The AUGMA was just announced to massive hype and all SAO survivors were offered an opportunity to beta test the device... but as you aren't affiliated with the Survivor School you'll have to buy the hardware yourself and boy is it pricey...
Purchase [AUGMA] for 30000 yen. Unlocks other options.

Submit as a PLAN VOTE please
You have 4 MAJOR
And the option to take an additional action per day for Determination of up to 12 Actions grand total
Last edited:
04/12: Do You Love Your Mom and her Two Text Messages Multiple Times a Day? [PRUDENCE Rank 1]
[X] Plan No Cool Name
--[X] [A PRUDENT Talk]: Call your mom. [Costs 20 D] [SL]
--[X] [A Study in Velvet]: What is a Persona? You called it forth in Alfheim, and you know that Havfrue is not the extent of your power. The «Velvet Room» is the basis of your power, it's high time you visited it properly and introduce yourself to your strange allies.
--[X] [Yggdrasil Inc]: The World Tree appears both in reality and the virtual world. From what you can tell the one in the waking world gets smaller as you travel away and bigger as you get closer. You can't exactly tell a taxi driver to get closer to the invisible tower only you can see... but with a map, Tokyo's train system, and some good ol' fashioned footwork you can probably figure out where exactly the tree is originating from.
--[X] [Entertain Endou]: Endou's going to hang out in your apartment! Eh, at least she seems more fun than all the other mobs at school. Might want to check out an arcade together or something cause there's nothing really to do in your apartment.

--[X] [Wiki-Warrior]: You're going to be spending ALOT of time in Alfheim Online. Maybe you can watch a tutorial video? Read the wiki? I mean, you needed someone to tell you how to even log out of the game. [Trains CHT]
--[X] [Report//OBERON]: Compile what you know of Oberon based on the information you've gathered so far with Meimi. Agil promises that information about the inner workings of Alfheim and the World Tree are valuable to Argo's bosses who will pay you for the task. [Gains 5000 Yen]
--[X] [Sparring//Leafa]: She's not exactly hard to find. Leafa is evidently famous as one of Sylph race's strongest fighters and fastest fliers. She's offered to duel you to help you train, though you'll have to deal with her intense LARPing. [Trains STR] [Costs 5 D]
--[X] [RMT Scout]: Look. You're here to do a job. Alfheim Online is a VRMMO so there are going to be farmers... you don't have time to grind it out yourself so why don't you go play around and see how people sell gold in an AI-controlled economy?

Alfheim Online has broken VRMMO sales records for the 6th week in a row, topping 70,000 users and cementing its position as the most successful game utilizing the SEED software package. Of course, it's still an incredibly small number compared to the millions who play other online games, but Alfheim shows no signs of slowing down as more players transition from standard video to VR formats.

Despite initial modest sales targets for VRMMOs in the wake of the Sword Art Online incident, ALO has shown that a market still exists for VR games. In addition to the SEED Package, ALO retains a sizeable human staff committed to curating a living world, and the quality of that approach shows in the sales figures. As we approach the 6 month anniversary of ALO's release, there are already whispers about the start of the VR renaissance—and what new adventures await.

-MMO Today Newsletter

SATURDAY - April 12th, 2025

It's Saturday. Why did we pick the only school that still has classes on Saturday? You know what school doesn't have classes on Saturday? The Survivor School. Which we could be going to.

And get recognized? Vilified?
In the end it's just a gathering of random nerds and junior high kids, what's the worst they can do, bully you? Did you see that school? It has more cameras than chairs and considering the government is scared all the Survivors are psychopaths in the making anybody stupid enough to bully us will get locked up faster than you can say Parent Teacher Conference.

You could do with less digital. And less taunting by your hallucinations.
I'll bet their toilets have more microchips in them than this entire school. What the hell does Isei High even have? It's not a prep school, it's not known for sports, the only thing it has are teachers who give so few shits you can skip two days with nobody batting an eye.

It's normal. That's the important thing. Just a nice, normal school where you can put your life back together. The only claim to fame Isei High has is a nice location and having an actress attending it.


You blink the confusion out of your eyes as you see your Civics teacher glaring at you from the front of the room. Evidently you must've missed her question.

"I asked you a question."

No bullshitting out of this one, she looks pissed! It'd be more intimidating if she wasn't shorter than you.
Right. You never had to worry about answering questions in English class since the teacher would just spend all day making you read out of the textbook. Your Civics teacher is the only one who tries to teach normally.

The science teacher isn't bad, at least he keeps you awake.
Yes because if you don't pay attention you'll get nailed with a stray explosion.


Ah, crap. You hear the laughter of your classmates. Getting stuck in your head is a persistent problem for you, one that wasn't helped by your occupant who won't shut up.

I'll shut up if you give me control of my body back.
It's not your body! Argh, gotta do something before I look crazier.

"Ah... sensei. I forgot the question," you mumble out. Time to use your secret move. "Uh... I'm really sorry sensei. Can you repeat the question for me?" you ask as you clasp your hands together and give her your best lost kitten expression.

"I said—" she begins but then stops. A hand from across the room has rocketed up.

"I KNOW THE ANSWER SENSEI!" screams the loud boy at the top of his lungs. Oh no, you think he just winked at you.

Hey, nice save distraction kid! Now please never come back to school. Or look at me.

With a long suffering sigh your teacher waves in his direction, "Very well Natsuki-kun, since you're so eager. As this is an election year, who was the last Prime Minister?"

Wait that was the question you didn't hear? It was a total gimme, who wouldn't know the answer to tha-

What happened after that is rather expected: the whole class erupts into chaos. There are students laughing, others shouting and pointing towards him for his absurd answer. A few classmates are pantomiming his world famous public apology while another group has started screaming "steal your heart" in chorus. Your classmate for his part seems to be joining in the laughter.

"Settle, down, SETTLE DOWN! Very funny, Natsuki-kun. I don't know if you're simply ignorant or just trying to get a response. Representative Shido was never formally elected in light of allegations of election fraud in the chaos of the Antisocial Conspiracy of 2016. Now quiet DOWN!" says your teacher whose shrill high-pitched commands fail to silence the din.

Hey, another class ruined! Amazing, and you wonder why I keep saying we should skip class.
Ugh, you've been behind on your studying lately. Rescuing trapped SAO survivors was all and good but you still had to pass your exams...

We can become professional gamers, it's all we have experience in.
How about no. You don't know what you want to do with your life but it probably wasn't that. You've heard that Gun Gale Online allowed people to earn real world money, but you've also heard that even pros lived minimum wage existences. Did Alfheim Online have professional players?

Maybe there are Gold Farmers? Er... Yrd Farmers or whatever the hell the currency's called.
Hmm... gold farmers? The situation with Persona notwithstanding your main talent, if it could even be called that, was in skirting around the underbelly of Aincrad. You know that in every game there were people seeking to capitalize on the collective greed and ignorance of their fellow man for a quick buck. You weren't going to fight your way into the World Tree... so while Argo does whatever stupid deals she usually messes with you can dig around the roots of ALO and see what you can learn.

Don't forget we need to power up and learn more about ALO. We're not going to run to Sigurd for every question we have, to say nothing of asking ARGO.
Okay. A bit of training both in game and out. Speaking of out... it's high time you actually hunt down the phantom tree in your world. That hallucination was key. In any case it looked like you had a long week ahead of you.

SATURDAY - April 12th, 2025
After School

Your ringtone echoes in your empty room.


You should pick up.
So pick up!

As the line dies down you see messages appear instead.

<yori-chan, r u alright>

<ur dad's still working hard.>

More text messages. You should reply... just... later. Day's still young, you could do something else. Clean your room, explore the neighborhood, go running around town chasing the «World Tree»...


Just pick up already!



"H... hi mom..."

<Hiyori!? How are you doing! I haven't heard from you in ages, how's Tokyo? Did you move in alright? Did you manage to reconnect with your friend? Are you eating alright, you're still growing and all that time in that horrid state made you too thin! Do you need me to send any food? I can come and cook for you, or you could come hom->

"I'm fine mom."

<O...oh. Of course, you're a grown up now Yori-chan!>

"C'mon, stop calling me that- Hi Mom!"

<Ah, hello again?>

Hey stop doing that!
Shove off she's my mom too.

"Things are going great, Tokyo's a blast!"

<That's great to hear! It's so lonely here without you and your father. I never imagined you taking after him so much, guess the city life runs in your blood Yori-chan. How has school been?>

"School's been alright. I've been making friends..."

<That's amazing! I knew you'd be back to your old self soon and making friends again, Yori-chan. I... I guess moving out... was the right call...>

"Uh, yeah. I mean, I wanted to get out of town considering what happened..."

<No, Yori-chan, I agreed in the end. Whatever you need, please just let me know. But are you sure about not joining the Survivor School? I still have the offer from the educational office.>

"Mom, no, please. Not this again... I told you already, I don't want to go to that place." You lay down on your bed, this conversation was already starting to exhaust you.

<O... oh. If you're sure Yori-chan, but please keep going to your counseling sessions! You spent two years stuck in that one town... are your memories any better?>

Right, your cover story. That you spent two years in the «Town of Beginnings» never stepping foot outside of the town borders.
Make sure you get the details right, I don't want to worry Mom.

"As a whole I kind of remember. Just a few years of looking at the same wall..."

<It still sound so horrible to me. But I'm glad you kept yourself out of danger and came back to me.>

Yeah... no danger. When you started SAO you pitied those who spent two years doing nothing but staying in the starting town. In hindsight, you realize that they... were the wise ones. The ones that recognized their own weakness and ensured, at the very least, they wouldn't hurt others in the process. "I'm glad to be back, but can we stop talking about this..."

<Of course, I'm sorry to keep bringing it up. Why don't you tell me about your new friend?>

"She's nice, very energetic. I haven't had too long to hang out with her..."

<Ah, keeping up with your schoolwork? Mommy was so impressed you managed to cram two years worth in just a few months! You're my little genius!>

"Y... yeah! School just takes up so much time between studying and just h...hanging out! Yeah, that's all I've doing lately..."

<Okay, please keep working hard! You're so much like your father in that regard, but don't forget to live a little when you can. You've lost two years, so I'm sure you have a lot of fun things to catch up on.>

Fun. You still had the Gunpla to make, and flying in Alfheim was fun if it wasn't for your 'part-time-job' and all the strange existential circumstances. When was the last time you just took a day to have fun—

"Nah, don't worry I've been hanging out with some cool cats at school too! But Mom, you have no idea but Tokyo's so expensive." Okay, there's your answer. Your Shadow's been having all the fun for you. "I had this amazing Pear Tart the other day but it cost ¥5000! Just for a tart!"

<¥5000!? Tokyo sure is something else...>

"So I was wondering if I could get just a SLIIIIIGHT raise in my allowance..."


Don't guilt-trip Mom into increasing our allowance!
I'm not going to guilt-trip her! But Tokyo IS expensive, alright!

<...Yori-chan, we agreed that only I'd raise your allowance if you kept your grades up...>

"I know, I know... but Mom, things are so crazy pricey here! I'm telling you, I bought a model kit too, and it cost ALL of my spending money! Paint is SO expensive."

We still have plenty of money left, the paint was even given to you for free!

<...no, I remember how much it costs... but you have to learn how to budget! And don't paint in your apartment, there's no ventilation there!>

"Yeah, but I haven't made anything in years and I just couldn't help myself! It's a new model I'd never seen before, and it just spoke to me! Besides don't you think dad'll get a kick out of seeing it finished? I'll show him that my skills are as sharp as ever, even after two years!"

<...well, so long as it makes you happy Yori-chan... alright. I'll increase it slightly. Now, I'm not going to do this again until I see your midterm test results! And don't use your rent or food money on your hobbies!>

"Yes Mom."

Stop trying to roll my eyes, that hurts! And bug off!

"I mean, thanks Mom. Are... you holding up alright?"

<Don't worry about me! I've managed to keep myself occupied, but there's just too much free time. Oh, I can come visit you!>

"No, nono, that's fine Mom, no need to do that!" The last thing you needed was Mom finding some excuse to drag you back to your hometown.

<...oh... uh, why don't you come back and visit? You could reconnect with Tomo-chan while you're here!>

"I'm sure that Tomo-chan has more important things to do than worry abou—"

Wait. Tomo-chan? Did I know someone by that name back home?
We weren't exactly social butterflies in junior high...

<Yori-chan? You okay, you haven't been responding...>

Tomo. We know a Tomo.

Oh you've got to be kidding me.

"Mom. It's been so long... can you remind me who Tomo-chan was?" you ask, dreading the answer.

<Huh? You know, Tomo-chan! Your classmate from junior high! She showed up to our house last week asking where you'd gone.>

Showed up?

"No, tell me exactly what happened. Was it someone you recognized? What did she look like?"

<Uh... is something wrong? I didn't recognize her but you never invited any of your friends to visit... she had brown hair, oh, she talked in a strange accent, I think it was very cute! Said she was a friend from school and wanted to catch up with you. I gave her your address. S... should I not have?>

Goddamn it Argo. Is that illegal? It should be illegal.
So that's how the Rat hunted you down. Found your address on some database then tricked Mom into giving you away, of course it would be something like that with Argo. Take the Rat out of its cage but it's still a damn Rat in the end.

"No, it's fine. She managed to reconnect with me in Tokyo. I just knew her by a nickname."

<You had me worried there for a second! She seems nice, you should bring her back with you when you visit!>

If you visit. And definitely not with the Rat. Even if she's promising not to dox you to Laughing Coffin victims you suspect if she knew the extent of things you were hiding from your mother that Argo would jump at the chance to "disclose" it all to your mom. In the name of truth and justice or just so she can watch you squirm.

<Can you come back next week? We can go—>

"Ah... sorry, I'm going to be busy. Being a high school student is busy work! A full time job!"

<Oh, I unders—>

"Great catching up Mom! I'll talk to you later! Bye!"

<Bye! Don't forget to call! I lov—*click*>

You take a deep breathe. That was harder than you thought it would be, not made any easier by the constant interruptions. But it was easier than being in the same house as her.

Talking to Mom isn't hard.

It's thoughts like this which confirm, beyond any doubt, that despite what she says, your Shadow is not you. You've been lying to your Mom, feeding her bullshit about your time in SAO. You cannot, will not let her become known as the mother of a criminal, of a murderer. It would break her, even more than your two year long coma ever did. And the world wouldn't be kind to her, they'll blame her, accuse her of raising a murderer... if nothing else she deserves better treatment than being garbage tabloid bait.

Yeah? Doesn't explain why you never talk to her. We're lying to her, so what? It's what we're good at. We're of the same mind about this, Mom doesn't need to deal with any of this complicated shit. We're lying to protect her, so why feel bad? What's the problem?

The problem? Your life is a lie. Your identity a sham. Brick by brick you have built a castle of fiction about your lost two years. You're not the girl who ran to her mom for every problem anymore, not after everything you've done. No matter how many times you try to convince yourself the facts remain inalienable. Your mom can't turn back time. She can't take away your guilt, she can't make SAO go away. All the vaulted 'truth' would do is spread the misery around.

You have your problems, the consequences of your own actions that you need to deal with. You want to tell her... but you know you can't. Even just thinking about it causes a void in your chest, an ache that only got worse after talking with her.

This is something that... Mom can't help you with anymore.








Welp. Looks like Mom's involved after all.

>You finally called your mom! EMPATHY Increases! ♪♪♪♪
>Stress increases by 1.
>Your Allowance has increased! 5000 yen every 2 weeks > 8000 yen every 2 weeks. Next deposit is tomorrow.

STRESS is accumulated via actions performed both by you and your Shadow (more so your Shadow).
Events that increase STRESS in the past will do so in the future. Interacting with the PRUDENCE SL will usually increase STRESS (and your allowance).

At the start of every week you receive a Xd6 roll, where X represents your current STRESS level.
You succeed on your STRESS roll by rolling anything except a 1.
Rolling a 1 represents a failed STRESS roll.

1 FAILED STRESS ROLL = Feel down for the week, narrative but no mechanical consequences.
2 FAILED STRESS ROLL = For the next week all DETERMINATION costs are increased.
3 FAILED STRESS ROLL = You become sick, losing actions until you recover.
4+ FAILED STRESS ROLL = Social stats permanently decrease.

STRESS is difficult to purge but has minor effects that can snowball.
If Stress accumulates to the point of being sick (3+) you will lose 1 Stress after the sickness passes.
Otherwise it is typically reset between arcs.
Extremely positive events may reduce small amounts of STRESS.
STRESS relief activities that cost money tend to be expensive.

SATURDAY - April 12th, 2025
Velvet Room

Greetings, Contractor. I believe this is the first time you've come of your own accord. I see you were having problems falling asleep, so eager you were to speak with me. I must say I am flattered at the attention, but there is a far easier way to enter the Velvet Room than trying to force yourself to sleep.

"Where's ETTEILLA?" You need to know why Mom's involved.

Isn't it customary to reciprocate a greeting? Usually the Shadow is the rude one... I'll have you know keeping you separate is no small challenge, Contractor! Is simple courtesy too much to expect?


And hello to you too, Shadow. See? Civility costs nothing. And I must reiterate that accepting your Shadow would greatly simplify the challenges to come.

"I'm not the Shadow, I'm the sane one. The mopey one's the real Shadow."

This is the first time you've been fully lucid in the Velvet Room and it irks you to see the imposter grinning at you with your own face. The two of you are identical, save for one feature: the Laughing Coffin Tattoo your Shadow prominently shows off on her thigh, the bare leg flagrantly poking out of the dress that seems designed to show it off.

"Like it? I'm not sure where this mind-dress came from but I modified it a bit to keep us more distinguishable."

You frown and press down on your own clothes. In this Velvet Room the two of you are wearing the same white dress, only yours doesn't have the slit along the side. The absence of one slip of fabric changes the nature of the whole outfit.

"Put my leg away!"
"What, you gonna call the hall monitor? Sides' mom dresses like this all the time. A little skin is comfortable."

With horror, you realize that this Shadow has partial control of your wardrobe. "A... absolutely not! No revealing clothes, no slits, and no matter what I'm not going to dress like mom!"

Ah, I see the two of you are getting along now! No more trying to kill each other and take over the body anymore. This is progress, perhaps one more push and you could just fuse together and save me from this toil?

"Shut up MAXWELL."
"We're here to talk to the one in charge."

MAXWELL sighs in annoyance, gesturing towards the abyss that surrounds the Velvet Room and the coffin in the center of the room, still separated from the room by a wall of water that MAXWELL split into the far end of the chamber.

The Velvet Room is altered from our... last encounter. Before ETTEILLA can manifest we must return the Velvet Room back to its original form.

Wait, all the water will—

MAXWELL snaps his fingers, causing a deluge of water to rush into the chamber from all directions. There's barely enough time for you to scream before it engulfs you, leaving you gasping for breath.


The water swirls through the darkness of the room, clinging to the walls, to the coffin, to you. As it thickens and spreads the abyss becomes more solid, and with it you find yourself noticing the attention of another player. The proprietor of the Velvet Room is somewhere in this drowned graveyard.

A hand, one you recognize from a lifetime controlling it, smacks you in the back, breaking your held breath. A lungful of the abyss swarms into your lungs. You cough uncontrollably, exchanging water for more water as you struggle to stay conscious.

"Stop struggling. We were breathing this crap night after night, just stop thinking of it as water."

Your Shadow gives good advice. This is merely fog in its most base form, it is no more harmful to your health than air itself. And do try not to pass out in the Velvet Room. Falling unconscious while unconscious before you are ready will cause a... mess. One that I will undoubtedly be tasked to clean up.

You splutter between spasms. That's right, you're not in a real world, not even in a virtual world. This is all in your head, and you're not going to drown in your OWN dreams. With a forceful application of willpower you find your voice. "I... I'm alright. But I need answers, where's ETTEILLA?"

My master is not able to manifest himself upon request, hence the need for I, MAXWELL, to serve as his proxy. While I would be happy to answer any questions you may have, I do need to explain the basic function of this room. It is the source of your power, the Persona.

"Later! Please, I need to know now. What are these... Seeds of Chaos? And why is Mom involved?"

Your mother? She holds a Seed within her as well? Ironic but not in and of itself surprising.

"Leave her alone!"

No need to shout, Contractor. If you wish to leave her alone then simply do so with your own power. Since it's clear you will not allow us to move on I will explain to the best of my ability in lieu of my master.

"Yeah, why don't you just take us to the big boss MAXWELL? I don't need your second hand nonsense."

I would be happy to, but I doubt you'll be in any position to ask questions. When you are before master ETTEILLA it difficult to even remember your name, much less ask questions. Even I find it difficult to hold a conversation with him. You have already had many conversations with him, though I doubt you remember any of them...

"But he's here, isn't he?"

My Master is everywhere in this Velvet Room. Rest assured that he is always watching you— so that he can better support you, of course!

"Fine, whatever. Mom can't get involved in this, keep her out of this."
"Frankly I'm not all that comfortable getting my classmates involved either!"

Then allow me to assuage your fears. For starters how... common do you believe these Seeds of Chaos to be? A dozen chosen ones? A hundred? The truth is simply they are uncountable. Every human has the potential to hold a Seed. It is simply referring to those who long for an... escape from this world. They are weak, pitiful people who lack strength or resolve to endure your current world.

Your Mom kept watch over you during your two-year coma. She wasn't weak.

I see your expression, allow me to amend my statement. To possess a Seed means only that your Soul is trying to leave the Sea of Souls, to escape to... another world. It is nothing but a simple desire for escapism...

"What does it mean to... possess a Seed? And what is this.. Sea?"

The Sea of Souls is the collective unconsciousness of mankind. It is the hidden hour, the truth behind the screen, the Metaverse. It is the source, the truth, the Godhead. All emanates from it, including your Persona, itself nothing more than power drawn from the Sea of Souls. Only lately my master has noted a... worrying trend. Mankind has sought its own destruction many times, and many malign forces have risen out of the Sea of Souls only to be suppressed by the power of mankind: the power of Persona. But a... different challenge is presenting itself now.

The abyss around you churns with MAXWELL's words.

The Sea of Souls is being flayed. It is being... Separated. A new Sea of Souls is forming... with its own myth, its own beliefs, its own... Logos. Do you comprehend, Contractor? Just as I split your Shadow from your psyche, so are these Seeds splitting from the Sea of Souls of the current world.

"The world is breaking? It seems fine right now." I mean... beyond its current problems of Global Warming, social unrest and whatever the hell happened a few years ago when Japan collectively went insane in the Phantom Thieves incident.

It does. The Logos of your world is strong, backed with the force of 6000 millennia of civilization. There have always been those who seek escape into another world, but they were always few, and usually madmen at that. Their Seeds were not strong enough to escape the Sea of Souls. But something changed. Your alchemists created something unfathomable... a world. A true world.

One with life. With death. 10,000 souls were ripped from the Sea of Souls into a Cauldron of a new world.

Sword Art Online. "Was that... place. SAO. Was it real? As in... a physical place?"

Did it feel real to you? Does it matter whether it's a world of dirt or 1s and 0s? It is a world of 10,000 souls, of which you were one. When 10,000 souls left the Sea and only half were... returned... it created holes. Rips. Tears in the fabric. It is now, more than ever, easy for Souls to leave the Sea and enter new, nascent worlds. Where as before there was but one Sea of Souls, the... realistic distractions of your alchemists are siphoning our souls into ones of human artifice. Hence we have taken to calling these new nascent worlds... HEAVEN.

"So what happens, a bunch of fairy LARPERs decide they want to prance around in make up land? Why is this a problem? Let them leave."

The floating castle shredded the sea with only 10,000 souls. Even my master is unsure what happens when a HEAVEN reaches critical mass, but likely nothing good for your world. If enough souls leave our Sea the logic of the world itself could break down. Furthermore the HEAVEN of Fairies and Law you are currently exploring is special as well... some of those 10,000 souls are still trapped within it, yet to return to the Sea of Souls. I must commend you, Contractor, on your triumph the other day. My master was elated when he sensed the return of that soul.

"I didn't save her for you, or ETEILLA."

Of course. But we can be... allies of circumstance, no? My Master wishes for the preservation and reconstruction of the Sea of Souls, and you seek the destruction of HEAVEN for your own purposes. Please don't say you don't trust us, that word has no meaning for the type of soul you possess, Contractor.

"So how are you supposed to help?"

The Persona. It has many forms and manifestations, but for you consider a way to bleed the real world into HEAVEN. To summon beings from our Sea of Souls into that of HEAVEN. It is... hardly unique, many hold the potential of Persona. Traditionally it manifests with a reconciliation with your inner self, namely your Shadow.

"Don't look at me. I'm the real one, remember?"

As you insist on being DIFFICULT I was forced to devise this alternate arrangement. The process is simple: holders of the Seed lack the connection to the Sea of Souls necessary to form a Persona. But that weakness is your strength, by forming bonds with them my master can trace that connection and call forth their Persona through you. Think of it as... picking up power that they have thrown by the road. It causes them no harm, and there are thousands of candidates so you need no go out of your way to find them. Simply seek to form bonds when the opportunity presents itself.

"Then what about... my Persona? Havfrue?" A girl split into two, half monster, half maid. The mermaid.

That power is all your own and typically would be the only power you can access. Butt you have been granted the most rarest of gifts. The Wildcard. It allows you to hold multiple Personae that you may call upon at will. That is my chief purpose, Contractor, to facilitate the growth and summoning of new Persona.

MAXWELL gestures towards the center of the room... to the... coffin.

If you can enter we can begin.

"You want me to... enter the coffin again?" What if you became trapped in it, would your Shadow just take you over forever?
"Haha, you couldn't even climb out of it without MAXWELL rescuing you!"
"Is it safe, MAXWELL? If I'm trapped in there..."

You will be fine. Now can kindly step into the coffin so we can get this over with? I'm certain the previous users of the Velvet Room didn't demand so many answers upfront.

The mossy, wooden coffin. You remember spending night after night in it, grappling with your literal demons. In that darkness, time lost all meaning and you felt as if hours might never end. Then you woke, free only to repeat the ordeal night after night. This thing... was the key to power?

Can you get on with it already?

You take a deep breath of abyss, stepping forward to place your feet in the coffin. As you lie in it, the lid closes above you, plunging you into darkness. The blackness has a physical weight, pressing down into your soul. You close your eyes as you await oblivion.


Nothing's happening.

"Huh. If I leave now does that mean I get full control of the body?" you hear your Shadow ask MAXWELL through the muffled sounds of the coffin. What? No, she can't be thinking of hijacking you now!

What are you talking about? You need to enter the coffin. All of you.


We are creating a new Persona. If the two of you will not reconcile then you will have to enter the coffin together.

"Is there even enough room!?"
"No! Definitely not enough room! I can't even move my arms in here!" you scream through the closed coffin lid.

I need remind you this separation was never intended to be long-term. I told you things would be simpler if you would just accept your Shadow, but as you insisted otherwise you will have to deal with the consequences.

"Move your foot out of my face."
"It's your foot too!"
"That doesn't mean I want it in my face!"

The initial plan of just lying side by side immediately failed. Trying to fit both of your busts and hips in the same space prevented the coffin lid from fully closing. You don't know if your butt will still hurt once you leave the Velvet Room but you really hope it doesn't.

No amount of twisting or spooning was successful in making either of your bodies fit. After several minutes of trying to squeeze in next to each other, you decided to have the Shadow enter upside down.

"I'M the right side up one, YOU'RE upside down!"

The coffin is symmetrical.

"Shut up MAXWELL!"

It worked. After an awkward minute of struggling against the tight confines of the coffin the lid is finally able to close. Unfortunately, you're pressed chest to knee, face to foot. You try to adjust yourself but you're one bad move away from getting poked in the eye by your own toes.

Are you comfortable? No? I find it difficult to care. Now close your eyes and relax, ETTEILLA will speak to you within his domain.

Finally. You can't take another second of this.

What Seeds have you gathered so far? Let us see... the SUN. Interesting... PRUDENCE as well. You work fast, Contractor.

You're falling. Falling into a bottomless abyss. MAXWELL's voice grows faint.

The TRAITOR, your own power, of course.

...Your eyes grow heavy...

What's this?

The CHAOS? That can't be right. Oh. Oh no. That's not good.
Contractor? Can you get out of the coffin, like right now?


Oh dear. Can you still hear me?

Whatever you do don't—
Last edited:
04/12: A Study in Velvet
So you have come of your own accord.


Let us... partake in the banquet of new worlds.



What have you brought me first?

Oh... this world.
She holds so much love within her heart.
It shines bright. Blinding.
The nurturing, everlasting SUN seeks not a world of plenty.
Nor a world of strife.
She simply wishes to bathe a world in her love.
With no thought to position, to gender, to class.
Princes, Paupers. Knights and Maids.
All are equal beneath the light of the SUN.
In her world of infinite love.
So sweet. Delicious.


Thank you for the experience, TRAITOR.
Is this what man wishes of the new world?
There can be no love without war, without loss, without tragedy.
Let us deny the SUN her eternal happily ever after.
And take from her HEAVEN.

[ ] Chang'er

Now that a candle-shadow stands on the screen of carven marble
And the River of Heaven slants and the morning stars are low,
Are you sorry for having stolen the potion that has set you
Over purple seas and blue skies, to brood through the long nights?
-Tang Dynasty Poem by Li Shangyin

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank F (0 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank E (2 Dice)

Weakness: Fire
Resist: Pierce, Ice

Skills: Bufu (Ice magic attack)
Sukukaja (increase agility)
Dia (Weak healing magic, reduced efficiency when used on self)

[ ] Shakuntala

Do you dare despise a guest like me?
Because your heart, by loving fancies blinded,
Has scorned a guest in pious life grown old,
Your lover shall forget you though reminded,
Or think of you as of a story told.
-Shakuntala, play by Kalidasa

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank F (0 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Ice
Resist: Fire, Elec

Skills: Marin Karin (bewitches the weak willed)
Agi (fire magic attack)
Zio (elec magic attack)

[ ] Briar Rose

You forgot about me. Why?
You, singing Canary...
And you with the tender hands. Go away!
You listen to what I have to say.
She will grow up...
She will be beautiful.
She will prick her finger...
And die!
-The Sleeping Beauty, ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

STR: Rank D (2 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank F (0 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank D (2 Dice)

Weakness: Pierce, Curse
Resist: Wind, Ice, Fire, Elec

Skills: Dormina (lull the weak willed to sleep, may be used on yourself)
Kouga (bless magic attack)
Dream Needle (Weak Pierce Sword Skill, attempts to inflict sleep)


And this is one is your progenitor...


A strange world.
Such a selfless dream.
Not a world of supremacy.
Not even a world of her very own.
It's a world with another.
She will always be there. She will always be needed.
Not just her... but all other abandoned creators.
Where no mother will be left behind.
A nostalgic taste. Is this what you call home cooking?


She wishes to understand you. To be with you. Forever.
Or is it merely her image of you?
Does she hold you in her dream or merely the idea of you?
PRUDENCE will never learn the answer.
For we shall take from her HEAVEN.

[ ] Pūtanā

She could understand that this child was not ordinary, but was meant to kill all demons.
Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the all-pervading Supersoul, lying on the bed,
understood that Pūtanā, a witch who was expert in killing small children, had come to kill Him.
Therefore, as if afraid of her, Kṛṣṇa closed His eyes.
Thus Pūtanā took upon her lap Him who was to be her own annihilation,
just as an unintelligent person places a sleeping snake on his lap, thinking the snake to be a rope.
-Excerpt from the Bhagavata Purana

STR: Rank D (2 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank E (1 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank D (2 Dice)

Weakness: Bless, Fire
Resist: Curse

Skills: Poisma (deals damage over time)
Eiha (curse magic attack)
Collapse (Blunt Sword Skill)

[ ] Oedipus

His birthright. Blind, who once had seeing eyes,
Beggared, who once had riches, in strange guise,
His staff groping before him, he shall crawl
O'er unknown earth, and voices round him call:
"Behold the brother-father of his own
Children, the seed, the sower and the sown,
Shame to his mother's blood, and to his sire
Son, murderer, incest-worker."
-Oedipus Rex, play by Sophocles

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank F (0 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank F (0 Dice)

Weakness: Curse, Wind, Elec
Resist: Blunt, Slash

Skills: Vertical Arc (Slash Sword Skill)
Horizontal Arc (Wide-Area Slash Sword Skill)
Linear (Pierce Sword Skill)

[ ] Carathis

"Princess, whose knowledge and whose crimes have merited a conspicuous rank in my empire,
thou doest well to employ the leisure that remains,
for the flames and torments which are ready to seize on thy heart,
will not fail to provide thee with full employment."
He said this, and was lost in the curtains of his tabernacle.
-Vathek, an Arabian Tale, book by William Beckford

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank E (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank F (0 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (2 Dice)

Weakness: Ice, Wind
Resist: Fire, Curse

Skills: Poisma (deals damage over time)
Agi (fire magic attack)
Tarukaja (increases offensive power)



I did grant you the blessings of CHAOS.
It was even before I knew your name.

So eager was I to take up my new position I could not help myself.
Belief. It is the most fragile and powerful force in the world.
Rumors coalesce. The force of belief gathers a stormfront.
How could reality possibly withstand it?
With it I too once created new worlds.
No... perhaps that's not true. Perhaps I merely dreamed of old worlds abandoned.
Is there but one world? Or are there multiple?
Do you know which side of the mirror we are on?

Persona of the CHAOS Arcana accumulate STRESS with every action to counter their overall power.

As you accumulate ranks in Social Links you obtain UPGRADE POINTS which can be used to empower your Persona.

This include Stat increases.
New Skills.
Changing Resists to Null.

However every Persona has two unique abilities that must be unlocked using UPGRADE POINTS.

Enhance Armament: Empower your weapon with your Persona and unless a devastating blow. Costs 2 SP to invoke.
Release Recollection: For the duration of the fight, unlock a special Passive ability for you and your Persona. Costs 2 SP to invoke. Costs 1 SP to maintain per turn.

The CHAOS Arcana Persona already have these abilities unlocked.
Accumulate RANK in your Social Links to unlock UPGRADE POINTS!

Can you see my mark? What shape does it take?

Is it what I ws? What I m? Or what I can becme?

I am forbidden by law from acting in your world.
But I believe that by granting you a part of myself, I can challenge that law.
If I believe it so, then how could it not be true?

[ ] Nephren-Ka


STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Bless, Curse
Resist: All Physical
Passive: ETTEILLA (use of this Persona accumulates 1 STRESS per action)

Skills: Maragi (widespread Fire attack)
Mazio (widespread Elec attack)
Tentarafoo (widespread madness)
Deathbound (widespread Slash Sword Skill)

Enhance Armament: Three Lobed Burning Eye (You and your target learn each other's weaknesses, persists even if you change PERSONA)

Release Recollection: Blinds all around you indiscriminately, including yourself, your enemies, your allies and even the eyes of interlopers and gods.

[ ] •K•A•


STR: Rank E (1 Dice)
MAG: Rank B (4 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: All Physical
Resist: Elec, Wind, Fire, Ice
Passive: ETTEILLA (use of this Persona accumulates 1 STRESS per action)

Skills: Hama (attempts to force target player to disconnect)
Megido (non-elemental magic attack)
Makouga (widespread bless attack)

Enhance Armament: Cross Quartered Circle (If target is weak to Elec, Wind, Fire or Ice will automatically target that element.)

Release Recollection: Temporarily suppresses the mental influence of HEAVEN around you. Reduced effectiveness around the HEAVEN's «Chosen».

[ ] Slender


STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank F (0 Dice)
AGI: Rank F (0 Dice)
VIT: Rank F (0 Dice)
CHT: Rank EX (8 Dice)

Weakness: All Magic
Resist: Blunt
Passive: ETTEILLA (use of this Persona accumulates 1 STRESS per action)
Null Ailment

Skills: Dormina (lull the weak willed to sleep, may be used on yourself)
Mudo (attempts to unmake target NPC)
Fogna (releases an obscuring fog that lingers in an area)

Enhance Armament: Mark of the Operator (Bewitch a target. Targets will also remain under your control even in the waking world. Maintaining control accumulates STRESS every 2 days.)

Release Recollection: Teleport to any location you can currently see. You must be unobserved in order to utilize this ability.

You must select one of each Persona. Plan voting is not necessary, consider each Persona vote to be independent of the others. Remember approval voting is always on.

Select your SUN Persona.

[ ] Chang'er

[ ] Shakuntala

[ ] Briar Rose

Select your PRUDENCE Persona.

[ ] Pūtanā

[ ] Oedipus

[ ] Carathis

Select your CHAOS Persona.

[ ] Nephren-Ka

[ ] •K•A•

[ ] Slender
Last edited:
04/13: Sky Piercing Tree
Persona Vote:
SUN Arcana: Shakuntala
PRUDENCE Arcana: Putana
CHAOS Arcana: Nephren-Ka

[X] Plan No Cool Name
--[X] [A PRUDENT Talk]: Call your mom. [Costs 20 D] [SL]
--[X] [A Study in Velvet]: What is a Persona? You called it forth in Alfheim, and you know that Havfrue is not the extent of your power. The «Velvet Room» is the basis of your power, it's high time you visited it properly and introduce yourself to your strange allies.

--[X] [Yggdrasil Inc]: The World Tree appears both in reality and the virtual world. From what you can tell the one in the waking world gets smaller as you travel away and bigger as you get closer. You can't exactly tell a taxi driver to get closer to the invisible tower only you can see... but with a map, Tokyo's train system, and some good ol' fashioned footwork you can probably figure out where exactly the tree is originating from.
--[X] [Entertain Endou]: Endou's going to hang out in your apartment! Eh, at least she seems more fun than all the other mobs at school. Might want to check out an arcade together or something cause there's nothing really to do in your apartment.

--[X] [Wiki-Warrior]: You're going to be spending ALOT of time in Alfheim Online. Maybe you can watch a tutorial video? Read the wiki? I mean, you needed someone to tell you how to even log out of the game. [Trains CHT]
--[X] [Report//OBERON]: Compile what you know of Oberon based on the information you've gathered so far with Meimi. Agil promises that information about the inner workings of Alfheim and the World Tree are valuable to Argo's bosses who will pay you for the task. [Gains 5000 Yen]
--[X] [Sparring//Leafa]: She's not exactly hard to find. Leafa is evidently famous as one of Sylph race's strongest fighters and fastest fliers. She's offered to duel you to help you train, though you'll have to deal with her intense LARPing. [Trains STR] [Costs 5 D]
--[X] [RMT Scout]: Look. You're here to do a job. Alfheim Online is a VRMMO so there are going to be farmers... you don't have time to grind it out yourself so why don't you go play around and see how people sell gold in an AI-controlled economy?

SUNDAY - April 13th, 2025

You... probably should've read this before jumping headfirst into ALO. But you've sat down and at least went through the basic.

Alfheim Online. ALO. A popular VRMMO that featured the first successful implementation of a flight system in VR space, rather the first that made it work without causing widespread nausea and vertigo in its users. Released about 4 months ago, the first major story arc of the game was about reaching the top of Yggdrasil, the «World Tree» and gaining the power of «Infinite Flight» from OBERON, king of Alfs.

Early critics pointed towards its thematic similarities with YGGDRASIL, an early post-SAO VRMMO that was fairly popular before it got ruined by an aggressive cash shop system. After an initial lukewarm release, time has given ALO a bit of a renaissance in popularity following reviews and word of mouth regarding its flight mechanics. ALO has now captured the public interest and is the first real smash hit in the VRMMO sphere.

You idly tab through descriptions of the races in mild interest. Each race was based on some mythological fairy or another, your race being known for fast flight speed and wind magic. You wonder what race Meimi would be? Imp? Each race was roughly aligned with a fantasy element or another following some obvious patterns. Imp, darkness. Pooka, light. Salamander, fire, and so on and so forth.

Although quests existed in ALO they were unlike typical game quests. Most quests were one-off, spontaneously generated by the Seed AI in real-time, with bosses and lore flash generated on the spot from an internal library curated by RECT Progress. There were human created epic quest lines but even these were tweaked and edited by the AI so that every player had a potentially unique experience.

Most quests were justified in-lore as players "re-exploring the dreams of the Alfs" and were instanced dungeons, but rarely a world-altering event or resource would spawn. These invariably only allowed a small handful, or in some cases a single race, to benefit from the reward, with the world-quest for the «World Tree» being the chief example of this.

In many ways it was the... opposite of SAO, which incentivized players to group up and presented the world itself as the main obstacle. In ALO the people in the way of your fun were other people... it was a game about PvP, for PvP.

Sounds like my kind of game.
Just don't trash my apartment.

It's MY apart—

Yes, yes, whatever. If you're just going to play around the city why don't you help find out where that «World Tree» is? Just take some pictures from a tall building or something.

Yeah, yeah. Now buzz off, Endou's gonna show up any second now.

>Your CHT has increased by 1!

SUNDAY - April 13th, 2025

"Maxi Dress. Sweatpants. Uniform. Maxi Dress. More Sweatpants."

"Are you done yet?"

"We're going to be seen outside together. I can't have you dressing like a grandma."

In your opinion Grandma has an amazing fashion sense! Warm and practical and not a rolled up skirt in sight. And Endou is hardly one to judge, no amount of make up and fancy accessories can hide her frumpy face and upturned nose. You recognize her blouse and jacket combo from some stores you passed in Shinjuku the other day, signs of her expensive tastes. But you have to admit Endou could at least coordinate an outfit better than you can.

"Hey, I can work with this!" says Endou as she pulls up an extremely tight form fitting beige sweater. A tailor was paid a handsome sum to expand the chest region and the fabric was practically as thin as a swimsuit. Endou tugs on it for dramatic effect then turns around. "See? Some black leggings to complete the ensemble and it's just right!"

"Oh no, not a in a million years. I'm not wearing a body sock! And that's a hand me down from Mom." You shudder at the memory. Mom gifted it to you in apology that one time you caught her trying to squeeze into your junior high uniform. At the time you thought it was cute but in hindsight, dad was returning from a business trip later that day and any further thoughts into this matter will require you to perform an emergency lobotomy.

Endou gestures towards the remainder of your closet in abject horror. "There isn't anything else! It's all boring!"

"Please, you're just jealous that I can look good in anything."

"I'm not the one allergic to skin firstie!"

You roll your eyes in annoyance, pulling out a loose white jacket and a simple navy dress. You had a fancy ruffled shirt and dual layered gown sitting in the back of the closet but then you had to fiddle with corsets and you just don't have the time or patience for this. "What's the point in dressing up? You gonna take me on compensated dating or something?"

"Oh don't even joke about that. Money's all fine and good but I don't want to end up floating in a lagoon. Sides' that sounds like work and this is the one day off from school we actually get."

You smile as you start counting with your fingers, "Weeeeellll, by my count I ditched half a day and didn't even show up Friday. My weekend's been a bit longer than yours, hasn't it?"

Endou glares at you and crosses her arms. "Tch, you're really pushing your luck firstie. I'm telling you, high school's a different beast, gotta be careful with the ditching."

"Hahaha, nah, stop worrying. I took your advice, I got a guy who I can probably guilt into calling me in sick every once in a while. I know how to cover my tracks."

"Well, maybe you can reward him by dressing in clothes you didn't fish out of a donation bin. For now, and I can't believe I'm saying this, you should just wear your uniform. It at least looks better than all this junk."

"No thanks! This is a day off school and I don't want to be recognized outside," you reply, pointing to the black skirt, button-up shirt, tie, socks, shoes, and blazer that were laid out before you.

"There's only so much I can do," Endou replies dejectedly. "The shirt's fine and the skirt's generic enough. Just throw on a different colored jacket and be done with it so we can hit the town. I'm going stir crazy here."

"You were the one who wanted to hang out in my apartment!"

"Like, besides a mountain of plushies and a computer you have nothing here. I just a need a place to keep my stuff, not like I want to actually hang out in your 20 square meter cage."

"Is storage all you care about? Didn't you hold parties or something at Shino's?" Why Endou doesn't just pay for a storage box in town or use a freaking coin locker you don't care enough to ask.

Endou makes a disgusted expression and throws her hands up in the air. "Yeah, until she pulled the fucking cops card. My parents' will totally disown me if I get arrested again. But whatever, let's just go."

SUNDAY - April 13th, 2025

"Oh my god you're a tourist."

"Shut it! I'm technically new to Tokyo, so what's wrong with seeing the sights?"

You stand at the foot of the Tokyo SkyTree in Sumida Ward. The tallest tower in all of Japan, dwarfing Tokyo Tower, and visible from nearly anywhere inside the city. Of course, compared to the true Sky Tree this tower was no different than a blade of grass in the shade of an oak. The spiraling «World Tree» seems to pierce the sky itself and you can see its reflection against the clouds above.

"Why here?" Endou complains. "A 5 minute elevator ride and a nice view. That's what you consider a good time?"

"Have you ever been up top?"
"Phff, never saw the point."
"Then this will be new for both of us."

Of course, you had an ulterior motive. You were going to try to hunt down the World Tree tonight, one way or another. Your milquetoast self was going to try to find out exactly where the hallucination was originating from, so you figured in the interests of using your time efficiently you could at least get a lay of the land. When you asked Endou what was fun around town her answers basically devolved into shopping, more shopping and maybe bullying Shino out of money. Hardly entertaining!

I mean, now that you've got a taste of ALO, real life was so boring. You couldn't fly, you couldn't use magic, you couldn't even kill anyone without jumping through a crazy amount of hoops.

Like... take this elevator. You're crowded into a small elevator with Endou and a bunch of tourists who were inexplicably videotaping the inside of the elevator cabin. A gross man standing way too close in a black jacket keeps jumping up and down in place like a lunatic, his breath diffusing the room in a mix of cigarettes and grease. Compared to this... ALO's forests smelled wonderful, the sun shone brighter, the wind blew stronger, everything felt warmer... and here you were trying not puke from close proximity to some stranger's BO.

You sigh inwardly and stare upwards as you ascend the last few levels. As expected it was a slow climb, though after a couple minutes, you reach the observation deck on the 350th floor.

"Whoo. We're here, yay. How super. Let's spend 10 minutes starting out of a window. What an amazing way to spend our first day off."

You ignore Endou's complaints and walk past the advertisements onto a walkway overlooking the rest of the metropolis. It was a clear and sunny day and the entire city spread out before you in all its glory. Compared to the view you saw of Alfheim when you were tumbling out of the sky it was strangely vaster yet more empty. By sheer square mileage Tokyo exceeded the entire size of Alfheim but the sheer uniformity of the city made it seem like a stretch of gray desert, only broken up by the imperial palace and... there. To the south.

"Oh no. I knew it, you're a damn country girl. Put that away!" hisses Endou while you start taking pictures with your cell phone.

"But Endou-senpai! I've never been so high up before! The previous place I used to live in had nothing this high up. Well... it kinda did, but I never went up myself."

"Oh? What, you live by Fuji or something?"

"Hmmm... kinda? I lived in a big... mountain thingy? Some kind of big fancy castle at the top owned by this crazy noble who cosplayed as some kind of superhero in town. He got caught then some dumb kid murdered him and now nobody can see the top anymore. You know, typical village stuff."

"Uh-huh." Endou is unimpressed. The grit of city folk was truly well-earned! "You're in Tokyo now and people from Tokyo don't go gawking at every little thing like you are now."

You're not gawking, you're studying! You point your finger at the base of the «World Tree» extending into the infinite skies from a point at the southern edge of the observation deck. "Hey Endou, what's there?"

She leans over the railing and squints her eyes at the urban sprawl below. "Uh... Tokyo?"

"See anything interesting?"

"I see a dead bird on that balcony? And I see a dumb airhead."

"A dumb adorable airhead that requires the guidance of Endou-senpai!"

"Dial it down firstie." Endou sniffs in disgust. She turns to leave. "Let's move, this is a waste of time."

"C'mon, humor me! I'm new to town, my village got deleted, blah, blah now can you start feeling sorry for me and answer my question?" You turn on your pout face and grab Endou's hand. "Pretty pleeeeaassseee?"
"Ahk, get off me firstie!"
"Oh, fine, FINE, what's so important about that random spot in Tokyo?"
"It looks cute! See, if you squint doesn't that cluster of buildings look JUUUSST like Buchimaru?"

To her discredit, Endou genuinely starts squinting. "I don't see it."

"Oh, just tell me what's there! Like, what ward or something?"

"Looks like the business district. Minato Ward, I think. Banks, software companies, mostly just salaryman and crap."

Hmm... Minato Ward. A place of business, not a ward that people lived in, not a tourist trap like the SkyTree you were currently on, but rather a place of industry and production. Of creation. An interesting place for the origin of the «World Tree».

"Now can we go? I'm getting hungry!" complains Endou as she drags you away from the window.

"But Endou-senpai! We just got here! Let's at least see the rest of the tower."

Turns out Endou was right to be annoyed, there really wasn't much up here. A horrendously expensive cafe, some art galleries - looks like they were doing an exhibition on behalf of victims of the Madarame scandal, some of these paintings were surreal as fuck - and another elevator, this time to the 450th floor. You were already here, why not see the top?

TODAY - It doesn't matter.

Things weren't going well. The time of punishment was becoming more severe... unbearable even.

You missed the last gathering. Her concert was starting now and you weren't even there to see it. A Pooka that couldn't even make it to your own lord's concert was a pathetic Pooka indeed. But it wasn't your fault.

You were evicted. You can scarcely remember why, after how hard you were working last month. You had brought in nearly 200,000 Yrd's worth of rare materials over the course of several long grind sessions, the dozens of «Flosshilde Horns» you accumulated were needed to create your lord's next costume.

Despite that, despite the blood, sweat and tears, you lost it all. One day you found yourself trapped in this gray world, the way home stifled by your lack of electricity. You made do, some cafes were sympathetic to your plight and allowed you to return to home, but only for a few hours at a time and in exchange for money. For reasons you cannot fathom Yrd wasn't accepted.

You can't keep your feet still. All you know is that you have to go higher. If you go high enough you can return home. You keep jumping in place but no matter what happens your wings won't spawn. You spy a Sylph in the elevator stuck with you, she's holding up her nose in disgust. She looked happy... healthy. Damn Sylphs hoarded all the good food materials anyways, why should you be surprised? Lord Seven will be the first to reach the summit, then you can laugh at those damn arrogant Sylphs who thought they were better than everyone else.

Whatever. The Sylph got off at the 350th floor. You don't care about that, you tried going there once already. It wasn't enough. Even in this gray world the «World Tree» was still beckoning to you.


You're enclosed. There's no wind on your face and no heat beating down your wings. But even so... it's majestic.

This is the angle. Just 100 meters higher than the previous observation deck but just by being closer you felt... closer. Closer than you should be. That fractional distance of 100 meters makes the «World Tree» feel thousands of kilometers closer to you.

It was still an infinity away. Even if you were kilometers, no, light years closer to infinity you would be no closer in the end. This was the intent behind «World Tree», an unreachable, unattainable object that loomed far beyond fairy comprehension. Your back itches.

The gray world was so limited. Power structures were already seized, your success was dictated by your ability to navigate the system, the one that governs the logic of this world of concrete. There was no place for dreamers. No place for you to fly.

You hear shouts fading into the distance behind you as you step over warning signs. Why are you here? Why do you spend half your life in this hell, suffering for nothing at all? Your time, your resources, your life, everything here was designed to peel it away from you. The handful of yen you paid just to access this place. The lines you were forced to stand in. The advertisements blasting your attention with every step you took. All these things were the true enemy, those tiny chains choking your wings.

More shouts. The noise behind you increases, you feel someone brush up against your clothes but you shrug them off.

You can feel it. It won't be long now, if you just wait you'll join the true world. You'll leave behind this gray hell. A month... two tops, just survive until then. You will be saved, everyone will be saved by the grace of OBERON!

But your current resources won't last you until the rapture. Every day you spend away you feel your connection to the tree diminishing. You're going to be left behind. You need to leave now. While you can still see the tree.

Your feet strike the glass floor as you break into a sprint.

No fear, no regret.

You leap forward towards the horizon in a spray of glass and screams. Pain spreads across your head but you feel alright for you can finally feel the wind. You close your eyes and suddenly it's all blue and green again. The forest is alive, full of animals and trees, the sun shining bright and warm across your body.

Blood drips down your face. You climb up and try again, your legs are still strong. Again. Your wings explode from your back and reach for the «World Tree».

Screams, blood, something thicker spills down your head.

It's not enough. You get up, you rise again. Your wings beat in tune with your heart. More speed. You will escape.

You remember, once you were an «Alf». A pure, perfect being. One with the sky, one with the «World Tree». But you were cast down, you were ALL cast down, cursed to wander the land in cursed facsimiles of perfection. The deformed leavings of a once great being.

As if that wasn't enough the gods punish you further. Forcing you to punish yourself in a gray world where even limited flight was impossible. A hell of a hundred years.

The «World Tree» is spiraling up into the sky but you remember your true form. You are an infinite «Alf». They're up there, your people, your king OBERON and his court await your arrival. You have your wings, you have your magic, and now... you had the will.

One last push. You hear the sound of glass shattering as your soul breaks free from your cage.

Your vision fades into blackness and the next moment you are flying. Towards the ground, but not. Downwards, but skywards. Upwards, but down. You are spinning.

You scream.

You smile.

SUNDAY - April 13th, 2025

"...What the fuck happened?" you hiss, chasing Endou towards the south end of the observation platform. A scream followed by the panicked commands of an overworked security guard resounded through the tower. You stop running and look around.


"HOLY SHIT, are you seeing this!?"

The entire area is swarming with tourists. The lone guard desperately starts mumbling into his radio. It wasn't hard to see why...

You've seen plenty of corpses before, most of which died while fighting monsters within their dungeons or at the hands of a Laughing Coffin ambush. It was an old sequence, a shocked expression, some dumb last words, followed by an explosion of polygons that faded into nothingness.

There was nothing fading about this. Sprawled out on the floor observation deck was what... used to be a human. A male judging from his clothes, a ragged black jacket, and body shape. This guy... wasn't he the creep in the elevator who kept hopping around like a cracked-out lunatic? A bloody smear lies across the reinforced glass, the man evidently having charged full tilt into the glass head first. He was practically folded side ways, his neck snapped in two with geysers of arterial blood only now finally dying down. You see a small crack in the window where fragments of skull are stuck in place. This was a 600-meter tall structure graded to withstand earthquakes, how fast was this guy going to be able to crack glass that was practically bulletproof?

"He... he just kept going! I couldn't stop him!" more screams from the security guard.

"Did you see that? Hardcore!"
"He flipped in the air!"
"S... should we start CPR?"

The crowd murmurs in the background as a rapidly growing pool of blood and brain matter oozes out of the corpse in front of you. Some instinct deep in your soul tells you that until he dissolves into polygons he's not truly dead, any person whose avatar remains intact is still a potential threat.


Endou, ever the bastion of calm rationality, is snapping pictures with her cell phone. "This is insane! Look at him!" She leans forward to get a battle angle at the corpse. "I mean, seriously, how the hell did something like this happen?!"

"No pictures! NO PICTURES!" the security guard screams but by this point everyone's taking pictures. With a grunt of frustration he runs towards the elevator, likely to call the police or his superiors.

You shake your head in disbelief. The scene has gotten pretty chaotic, but with the escape of the guard, the other guests have returned to minding the body at a distance. Only you and Endou remain close to the broken body of the suicide victim.

"I wonder," you say to no one in particular as you approach the man with a question only he can answer.

You walk over to the body slowly. His skin feels cold and rigid. He must be dead, but somehow you can't believe it.

"Hey, firstie, that's disgusting! What are you doing?"

You try shaking the man. You grab his shirt collar and shout in his face.

The man doesn't answer. You continue shouting, hoping that the sound will penetrate his thick skull, still leaking brain matter. His blood smears your shoes while Endou tries pulling you off.

"What are you trying to pull?! Shit, people are watching."

You ignore her, continuing your efforts to wake the body up. After thirty seconds you give up. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing, you think to yourself, but you're missing something. The man was clearly dead... but you remain unsure. Something in your gut keeps telling you that the body lying on the ground might actually be alive. Where was the explosion? The polygons? The empty HP bar?

You step over the broken shell and leave a trail of bloody footprints behind you. You walk towards the crack in the window. Your hands trace the pattern etched into the glass and brush up against the fragments of skull embedded within to the growing screams of bystanders behind you. What are you missing?

You ignore everything here. The body, the window, the panicking Endou and look through.

Of course.

This is the angle.

The «World Tree» spirals high into the sky. The body, the crack in the window, and the tip of structure, where the «World Tree» fades deep into the clouds... you can draw a line straight through them all. You focus your eyes... this close to the «World Tree» on the highest point in all of Tokyo you feel it calling to you.

The infinite spiral. A pure alabaster tree extending into the sky itself. Only now... there's a change. A new feature. One you can only see by closing your eyes.

A small figure flying on wings of light rises into the sky, growing more distant with every passing second. Even through the concrete and glass you can hear something... a melody. Wings extend from the distant figure, musical notes trailing behind him as he reaches for the «World Tree».

The Pooka is going high. Higher than anyone ever has before in ALO. How long has he been flying for? It's been at least 5 minutes since all the commotion started.

5 minutes... an important number, one you recall reading about in your study session this morning. The standard limit of the «Flight Gauge», one that could only be improved with extensive practice or rare items. Although flight time could be extended through a myriad of tricks to preserve the Gauge true full control flight even for high level players was unlikely to pass six minutes, and there was no way to gain altitude beyond using the gauge itself.

Another 5 seconds pass.

And another.

The Pooka is close. A few more seconds and he would've disappeared into the clouds. A flicker and the light in his wings dim, the Pooka hovering in place for a few seconds but then begins reversing course.

Falling. Slowly.

Then faster.

Ever faster.

He never reaches the ground. When he reaches your eye level - the same level as his corpse- you see a familiar sight. A sound of shattered glass. A spray of polygons, a mist of particles that dissolves into the ether.

And now you're sure. The man, no, the Pooka before you is dead.

SUNDAY - April 13th, 2025

Figured the next part would be boring. And annoying. So leaving it you to take care of.

"Wha... what's going on..."

Your head is pounding. Reasserting control after surrendering to your Shadow always left you dazed. The memories of your day trickle into you slowly.

You grab your head as another spike of pain accompanies more memories. You were headed to... the Tokyo Skytree? I guess you did want your shadow to scout out a tall building...

Wait. You release your grip on your head and look at your hand. Blood.

It's everywhere. On your feet, in your hands and now it's dripping down your face. Was this... your blood?

No. No it wasn't.


You stagger back away from the body, looking around at the bloodied surroundings.

Your breath comes short, your eyes fill with tears. In your mad scramble to increase distance from the cooling corpse in front of you slip on the glass floor, slick with blood. You stumble backward, catching yourself against the railing of the observation deck. As you stare down between your legs the horror returns.

Blood. Everywhere. Your face, your limbs, now even your skirt is soaked through. You glance up again to find several tourists staring down at you. Their faces pale, mouths agape in shock. You realize that you probably aren't helping the situation.

"H..hey, firstie, w... what the fuck are you doing?"

You scarcely have a second to protest before Endou snaps a picture of you. Her eyes are wide and filled with an emotion alien to your brief acquaintance - fear.


"Get away from me you creep!" screams Endou as she runs for the exit.

Wow. Not cool Endou.
What the hell happened!? The memories have fully coalesced so you can answer yourself, but the words needed to be said nonetheless.

Hey, I didn't kill this idiot, he did it himself. Sides' I got your precious clues. Speaking of clues... that picture's gonna be a problem isn't it?
Screw the picture, I'm going to get arrested!

You quickly wipe the blood from your face, making a mental note to throw away ALL your clothes today. Was there a nearby bathroom you could escape to? There was only the elevator, not like you could run, what were you going to say?

A voice calls down from the distance. "Step away from the body!"

You turn toward the cry, spotting a group of five men rushing into the tower, led by a uniformed police officer.


>STRESS increases by 1!

"What you did was very stupid young lady."
"Yes Officer."
"Attention is one thing but you interfered with a crime scene."
"Yes Officer."

The beat officer gives you a long suffering sigh. In recent years, with all the accusations of corruption and incompetence in light of the SAO incident and that insane Detective Prince fiasco, the Tokyo MPD was rather desperate to regain the trust of the public. You don't think you broke any laws... right? Not like they could pin you with murder considering plenty of people saw the man in question commit suicide.

You're relieved when the officer finishes writing your statement.
"So... am I free to go?" you ask. I mean, you weren't actually under arrest... they even gave you a change of clothes.

"One more thing. I've had a look through your files."

Your files? The Tokyo MPD had a file on you? Was it «Laughing Coffin»? You thought you hid your tracks perfectly, the authorities had no way of knowing what you did in SAO...

"Says here you were a survivor of the Sword Art Online incident."

"O... oh. Yes, I try not to think about it too much..." you relax. Of course they would have a file on you, they probably have one on every SAO Survivor currently in Tokyo.

"Do you recognize the victim? Evidently, he was quite the hardcore gamer, recently evicted from what little we've gathered so far."

You pause, your heart leaping into your throat. "...Um... no. Never seen him, why?"

The officer glares at you in open skepticism. "A VRMMO player commits suicide, then seconds later an SAO Survivor is witnessed rolling around in his blood. Does that sound fishy to you Kashiwazaka-san?"

"Uh... I haven't been playing much after SAO. And I was under a lot of stress at the time... PTSD episode, that's all, I swear!" Oh god you're honestly not involved. It was your damn Shadow's fault!

A pause as his eyes bore into yours. After a second he shakes his head and slouches in his seat. "Just don't do something that stupid again, alright miss?"

"Y... yes Officer!"

"We'll keep your name under wraps as you're a minor and evidently uninvolved. But if you should happen to come across any more crime scenes, I highly suggest leaving them alone."

"Y- yes, sir."

"Good. Now I need to call your parents to pick you up."

The officers gaze darkens slightly at your flinch.

"Officer, I, live alone..."

"Alone? In Tokyo? Not unheard of... but considering the situation I must insist. I need to at least call your family for permission to release you, or you can get a guardian or family member to pick you up instead. Considering the situation you must understand I cannot just have you walk out unattended."

You do not want your Mom to find out you were brought to the police station for desecrating a corpse! And she lives so far away it'll take hours for her to make it here! You look at your phone... who did you have that you could call for help at this hour?

[ ] Suck it up. Call Mom for help. You will cause her to worry and there's a 100% chance that she'll INSIST on picking you up. Costs 15 D.

[ ] ... why do you still have her damn number? Reluctantly call Argo for help. She works for the government or something like that, just pull rank and go home. Costs 5 D.

[ ] Uh... Agil pretended to be your dad over the phone already! Dad probably won't fly but uh... close family guardian? He's quick on the uptake and has a car. You'd be kind of imposing on him even more though. [You have enough Empathy for this option to be free.]

[ ] Bluff, give fake numbers and just be an annoying twat until the Officer gives up and releases you. [You have enough Mask to use this option.] [50% chance to be immediately released. 25% chance to be delayed and lose 1 MAJOR action next period. 25% chance to accumulate 1 STRESS]

[ ] You have Meimi's number. You finally became friends again, and friends help friends get out of jail, right? Right? She's rich, so doesn't it mean she like owns the police or something? [You have enough Empathy for this option to be free.]

[ ] Write-In (minimum 1 D cost, higher for complexity)

AN: Free options aren't always the 'best' options. I don't intend any option above to be the best option. Certain options can provide fringe benefits both mechanical and non-mechanical.
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Persona Compendium
1.CHAOS - Nephren-Ka


STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Bless, Curse
Resist: All Physical

Archetype [ETTEILLA]: This Persona is guided by your patron, and is not under your control, nor may it be directed. It seeks to destroy all worlds except for the true one.
Prolonged contact with your patron is deleterious to your mental health and this Persona accumulates 1 Stress per scene.

Ziodyne: Generate a FULMINANT element and increase its «Main Visualizer» render priority. Calls forth a thunderstorm, bolt of lightning, or other disastrous manifestation of lightning. [MAG/ELEC]
Tentarafoo: Connects all enemy Fluctlight IDs to the Taboo Index, causing afflicted opponents to act unpredictably. [CHT/MADNESS]
Deathbound: An extremely powerful Sword Skill that summons forth a wave of malignant force that travels along the ground to engulf your opponents. Strikes all enemies in a short range, and erupts from the earth itself, bypassing barriers. [STR/SLASH]
Ragnarok: Call forth the primordial fires that burned down Alfheim. Bypasses «Immortal Object» protection and strikes directly at the world. [MAG/FIRE]


I am it and it is I—I want to get out... must get out and unify the forces... it knows where I am...
I see it—coming here—hell-wind— titan blur—black wing—Yog Sothoth save me—the three-lobed burning eye...

Three-Lobed Burning Eye: For the remainder of the encounter, you and your target learn each other's weaknesses, persists even if you change PERSONA. [3 SP]


And then Blake made his greatest mistake. He closed the box.

Lightless Crypt: Blinds all around you indiscriminately, including yourself, your enemies, your allies and even the eyes of interlopers and gods. Deactivates if PERSONA is changed. [5 SP]


Nephren-Ka is a character from the works of Lovecraft. His mentions in the original short stories are sparse, usually no more than a few lines and his role is never detailed. He is described as the holder of the Shining Trapezohedron, secured in a lightless temple beneath the sands. Later authors would depict him as the Black Pharaoh, one of the many avatars of Nyarlathotep.
The Ka is one of many Egyptian hieroglyphs associated with what we would conceptualize as the soul, usually described as a pair of upturned hands. Such imagery is often found in royal tombs and is speculated to refer to the spirit of divinity within a pharaoh.
Origin: Works of HP Lovecraft
2.SUN - Urvashi

Let the great King hear! She, who was Indra's soft
weapon, when he was alarmed at the greatness of a Sage's
penance ; — the shamer of Parvati, proud of her beauty ;
and the ornament of heaven; she, our loved companion,
returning from the palace of Kuvera, has been carried off midway
-Vikramorvasiyam, play by Kalidasa

STR: Rank E (1 Dice)
MAG: Rank B (4 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (1 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Fire, Mute
Resist: Ice, Charm
Null: Elec

Archetype [Apsara]: You are Indra's soft weapon, an expert at dance, performance, and the art of manipulation. You wield seduction as a weapon, but you retain the ability to empathize with heartbreaking and longing. Though confident, seemingly minor setbacks can shatter your mask of grace and cause you to act rashly. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

Zionga: Generate a FULMINANT element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [MAG/ELEC]
Marin Karin: Initiates Stage 1 Synthesis Ritual and attempt to brainwash an opponent. [CHT/CHARM]
The Spurning: In the event an opponent resists your CHARM attempt, you automatically attempt to castrate them— causing distress to opponents in possession of the correct parts. [PASSIVE]
Concealment: Accept the curse of Lord Kartikeya and be transformed into a vine, hiding from opponents for the scene. You are still vulnerable to injury in this form. [FREE]


Thy face, suffused with the trembling colours of the
jewel, which I hold on thy forehead, wears the glow of the
lotus, red with the morning sunbeam!

Jewel of Union: Generates a «Jewel of Union» which floats above the battlefield. It possesses 4HP, 3VIT, 1AGI and is weak to CURSE and BLESS. Tends to draw enemy attention. You may guard or defend it with other party members, but it must remain a valid target for enemy attacks to provide any benefits. So long as it exists, you and your party members are immune to all mind-altering status effects. Persists even when you change Personas. [5 SP]


Urvashi is one of the Apsara, heavenly nymphs commonly encountered in Hindu mythology, who are associated with beauty, dancing, and carnal pleasures. There are many stories about sages who through the practice of worship and asceticism attain godlike powers. Indra was known for sending Apsaras down to tempt these sages into breaking their vows. In one such circumstance, Indra sent down a group of Apsaras to seduce Nara-Narayana, the brother sages. In anger, Narayana struck his thigh and created Urvashi, an Apsara so beautiful it shamed Indra's servants. The brothers ultimately gift her to Indra as a gesture of peace. Urvashi features prominently in Kalisada's love story, the Vikramōrvaśīyam, a play where Urvashi is courted by King Pururavas, who must go through increasingly fraught ordeals to win Urvashi's hand. Urvashi stars in many sexually charged tales, including an apocryphal Mahabharata story where she tries to seduce Arjuna, her direct ancestor, and when spurned decides to take her revenge by turning him into an Eunuch for a year. Although intended as a punishment, this proves surprisingly useful to Arjuna who makes the best of it by disguising himself as a dance instructor during his exile.
Origin: Hindu mythology, Vikramōrvaśīyam
3.PLANTS - Helena

For this Helena came forth from him, and comprehending the will of her father, descended (from heaven) to the lower regions of space, and generated angels and powers. But after she had produced them, they detained her through motives of jealousy, because they were unwilling to be looked upon as the progeny of any other being. She suffered all kinds of scorn from them, so that she could not return upwards to her father, but was even shut up in a human body, and for ages passed in succession from one female body to another, as from vessel to vessel.
-On Heresies, by Irenaeus

STR: Rank E (1 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank B (4 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)

Weakness: Curse, Blunt
Resist: Wind, Fire
Null: Psychic, Bless

Archetype [Idol]: You do not worship the lord. You are the lord, the emanation of his divine wisdom trapped in mortal flesh— or so you would lead others to believe. You enjoy being the center of attention, whether as the object of worship or scorn, and you cannot stand to be ignored — for you are a charlatan who has begun to believe in your own lies. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

Kougaon: Generate a LUMINOUS element and increase its «Main Visualizer» render priority. Calls forth a laser beam, purifying force, or other disastrous manifestation of light. [MAG/BLESS]
Dormina: Forces target Fluctlight ID to enter sleep mode. [CHT/SLEEP]
Faux-Megidola: Attempt to attack the target's Fluctlight directly by convincing the world you are capable of doing so. So long as your opponent believes you, it will be done, dealing 4 ALMIGHTY damage. [CHT/ALMIGHTY]
Diarama: Generate a healing LUMINOUS element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [CHT/HEAL]


And almost all the Samaritans, and a few even of other nations, worship him, and acknowledge him as the first God; and a woman, Helena, who went about with him at that time, and had formerly been a prostitute, they say is the first idea generated by him.
-First Apology by Justin Martyr

Emanation of Heresiarch: Designate any target (enemy, ally or bystander but NOT yourself) to become godlike, becoming infused with power that mechanically adds CHT to all rolls. The moment they suffer a narrative setback or fails a roll the effect ends and a backlash occurs where they become stunned for the rest of the scene, unable to act. [4 SP]


In the mythology of the Simonian sect of Gnosticism, Simon Magus had a companion by the name of Helena. In many branches of Gnostic faith, the material world is an imperfect reflection of the true totality of god, the Pleroma. Simon Magus claimed he held the divine soul of God within him, as an emanation of the divine spirit, and claimed Helena as the emanation of Sophia, another aspect of God representing divine wisdom. Helena has been commonly described as a prostitute, typically by critics. The belief in the teachings of Helena, alongside Simon, is widely considered heretical by prominent Catholic theologists.
Origin: Gnosticism
4.SKY - Blodeuwedd

And Gwydion said to Math, when it was Spring:
"Come now and let us make a wife for Llew."
And so they broke broad boughs yet moist with dew,
And in a shadow made a magic ring:
They took the violet and the meadow-sweet
To form her pretty face, and for her feet
They built a mound of daisies on a wing,
And for her voice they made a linnet sing
In the wide poppy blowing for her mouth.
And over all they chanted twenty hours.
And Llew came singing from the azure south
And bore away his wife of birds and flowers.
-The Wife of Llew, by Francis Ledwidge

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank F (0 Dice)
VIT: Rank B (4 Dice)
CHT: Rank D (2 Dice)

Weakness: Fire, Slash, Bless
Resist: Wind, Optical

Archetype [Dryad]: You came from flowers and long to return to such. You despise movement and prefer to manipulate others rather than fight directly. Your laid-back and stoic personality is especially abrasive to the hotheaded.

Luster Gift: Globally buff an opponent's stats by +2 for the next 3 Scenes (inclusive of activation turn). They are now permanently vulnerable to Mind-altering status effects. [BUFF]
Luster Whisper: Globally buff an ally's stats by +2 for the next 3 Scenes (inclusive of activation turn). Your opponents are now paranormally aware of Kuro's combat weaknesses, even through Persona switching. [BUFF]
Witness Me: Switch your VIT and AGI die and TAUNTs enemy combatants for the next 2 Scenes (inclusive of activation turn). They must target you if they are able. [BUFF]
Javelin Rain: Call forth a rain of wooden spears upon a target area within a long range, utterly saturating an area in barbed spears. Effective in striking nimble opponents and creatures with large bodies, but is utterly invalidated against armor. [STR/PIERCE/LONG]


Blodeuwedd, "Flower-Faced", is an artificial wife constructed by the magicians Math and Gwydion to be the wife of the hero Lleu Llaw Gyffes in the Welsh epic the Mabinogi. The hero was cursed to never have a human wife, hence Blodeuwedd was fashioned out of flowers and plants. Unfortunately Blodeuwedd would fall in love with Gronw, the rival of her husband and the two would plot to murder Lleu. The hero was largely invincible except when a very specific and convoluted set of circumstances were fulfilled, one he shared with Bloudewedd who then shared it with Gronw— armed with knowledge of Lleu's weakness he attempts to ambush Lleu but even then fails to kill him. Ultimately Lleu would prevail, killing Gronw, and in the end Blodeuwedd's own creator, Grwydion, would curse her to wander in the from of an owl for eternity.
Origin: Math fab Mathonwy — The Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi
5.MANKIND - Alice Liddell

A boat beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July—
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear—
Long has paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die.
Autumn frosts have slain July.
-A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky, poem by Lewis Carroll

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank A (5 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)

Weakness: Pierce, Slash
Resist: Blunt
Null: Bless, Curse, Madness

Archetype [Reader]: You are just a girl, reading a story, and what a pleasant story it is, for all its fantastical whimsy. You stand apart and unassailable for there is none more omniscient than the reader. Though you may enjoy the book you are not capable of empathizing with NPCs as anything more than simple characters. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

Eiga: Generate an UMBRAL element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [MAG/CURSE]
Pulinpa: Connects enemy Fluctlight ID to the Taboo Index, causing afflicted opponents to act unpredictably. [CHT/MADNESS]
Marakukaja: Increases VIT (+2 Dice) of all party members for this scene and the next. [BUFF]
Megido: Locate the enemy Fluctlight and give it a single, soft poke, dealing damage equal to the result of an unopposed MAG roll. All entities will recognize the attack as something wrong and you will draw immediate attention. [2 SCENES to use / ALMIGHTY]


Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.

Play With Me!: Roll CHT with ADVANTAGE. Heal all party members by the result, and deal ALMIGHTY damage to all enemies by the result. Lux will draw enemy attention for 2 scenes after using this ability. [5 SP]


In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream —
Lingering in the golden gleam —
Life, what is it but a dream?

Life is But a Dream: Will allow you to enter Wonderland while sleeping. You must be connected to a FullDive rig. You may meet some very interesting people.
Provides passive protection against the curse of VECTA when diving in this manner.

Alice Pleasance Liddell was a photography model who lived in Victorian England, mostly known for being the inspiration for the character of Alice in Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, pen name of Charles Dodgson, was on a boat trip with the Liddell family when he recited a story that would one day become Alice in Wonderland, apocryphally at the urging of Alice herself. Alice Liddell herself was gifted Alice's Adventures Under Ground, a handwritten manuscript, as a Christmas present, which was later edited into the world-famous print version. The sequel, Through the Looking Glass, even ends with an Acrostic Poem that spells out Alice Pleasance Liddell's entire name. Alice Liddell herself went out to live a fruitful but largely unremarkable life, living through the first world war, and dying after a long life of over 80 years.
Origin: Victorian England
Implement of War.
7.NATURE - Urmetazoan

Animals and plants come into being in earth and in liquid because there is water in earth, and air in water, and in all air is vital heat so that in a sense all things are full of soul. Therefore living things form quickly whenever this air and vital heat are enclosed in anything. When they are so enclosed, the corporeal liquids being heated, there arises as it were a frothy bubble.
-Generation of Animals, Book by Aristotle

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank F (0 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Nuclear, Psychic
Resist: All Ailments

Archetype [Primordial]: You are a bird soaring through the air, you are a worm digging through the ground, you are the great behemoth that tramples the land and you are the ant nipping at its heel. You are not, however, a human capable of speech. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

Regenerate 2: For every turn this Persona remains active in combat, heal 2 HP. [PASSIVE]
Invigorate 2: For every turn this Persona remains active in combat, heal 2 SP. [PASSIVE]
Shifting Wall: Your party becomes resistant to the element you are currently resisting for this scene and the next. [BUFF]
Shifting Body: Become resistant to the last damage type that targets you (even if it does no damage). This can override your innate weaknesses. [PASSIVE]


But Nature flies from the infinite, for the infinite is unending or imperfect, and Nature ever seeks an end.

Spontaneous Generation: Narratively assumes the form of an animal (creature is determined based on the logic of the world you are inhabiting) while retaining the mental faculties of a human. Is active only when this Persona is active. If used in combat your base stats will change to reflect your new form, but will generally be inferior to that of your avatar. [0 SP]


The Urmetazoan is a theoretical last common ancestor and represents the 'first animal' that evolved or rather the first animal that did not go extinct before passing on its genome. In the view that all life descended from a single common ancestor, the Urmetazoan represents an important node on the tree of life, and the origin of the entire biological kingdom of Animalia. Although it's impossible to know what, precisely, the Urmetazoan's form was, it is likely that the organism was a single-celled eukaryote— that is to say it possessed a cell membrane and an enclosed cell nucleus.
Origin: Biology and the Origin of Life
Spinning Fate.
9.JUSTICE - Magdalene

On this account I have said unto you aforetime: 'Where I shall be, there will be also my twelve ministers.' But Mary Magdalene and John, the virgin, will tower over all my disciples and over all men who shall receive the mysteries in the Ineffable. And they will be on my right and on my left. And I am they, and they are I.
-Excerpt from Apocryphal Gnostic Text, Pithis Sophia

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Pierce, Blunt
Resist: Bless, Curse, Fire

Archetype [Saint]: You have faith. Pain, suffering, death— it matters not. Everything will be fine, for god is watching, and he is good.

Kouga: Generate a LUMINOUS element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [MAG/BLESS]
Hama: Disconnects target Fluctlight from the «Main Visualizer». [CHT/LOGOUT]
Dia: Generate a healing LUMINOUS element and direct it into an ally. [CHT/HEAL]


They asked the soul, Whence do you come slayer of men, or where are you going, conqueror of space?
The soul answered and said, What binds me has been slain, and what turns me about has been overcome,
and my desire has been ended, and ignorance has died.

Silence the Aeon: Add your CHT to your MAG and roll a LIGHT elemental attack on all hostile opponents, regardless of distance. This attack cannot deal more than 1 DAMAGE. Any enemy that takes damage from this attack has all their passives disabled for this scene and the next. [5 SP]


Mary Magdalene is a figure in the canonical Christian scriptures and is recognized as a saint and hero of the faith by many major Christian denominations. In the Bible she is most known for being a witness to Christ's Crucifixion and the first person Christ speaks to after his resurrection, being sent to deliver the news of the miracle to the other apostles. Magdalene's role has morphed significantly over the years, with many popular theories interpreting her as a prostitute or the wife of Christ. She features prominently in many apocryphal and gnostic scriptures, such as the Gospel of Mary and the Pithis Sophia, in which she is frequently antagonized by the Apostle Peter.
Origin: Biblical Canon, Gnosticism, Biblical Apocrypha
10.TEMPERANCE - Mithras Liturgy

"Hail, O Lord, O Master of the water!
Hail, O Founder of the earth!
Hail, O Ruler of the wind!
O Bright Lightener,
O Lord, while being born again, I am passing away; while growing and having grown, I am dying;
while being born from a life-generating birth, I am passing on, released to death--
as you have founded, as you have decreed, and have established the mystery.
-Mithras Liturgy, of the Greek Magical Papryi

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank D (2 Dice)

Weakness: Fire, Wind
Resist: Elec, Pierce

Archetype [Aspirant]: You are a seeker of the forbidden truths of the world. You are patient and observant, though some may call you cowardly.

Tarukaja: Increases STR (+2 Dice) of one target for this scene and the next. [BUFF]
Masukukaja: Increases AGI (+2 Dice) of all party members for this scene and the next. [BUFF]
Garula: Generate an AERIAL element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [MAG/WIND]
Zio: Generates a FULMINANT element and launches it forward, or shapes it into a simple bullet form. [MAG/ELEC]


And at once produce a long bellowing sound, straining your belly, that you may excite the five senses: bellow long until the conclusion, and again kiss the amulets, and say: "MOKRIMO PHERIMOPHERERI, life of me, _______stay! Dwell in my soul! Do not abandon me, for one entreats you, ENTHO PHENEN THROPIOTH." And gaze upon the god while bellowing long; and greet him.

Apathanatismos: Disconnect your Fluctlight from the «Main Visualizer» for one scene. During this scene, you cannot be targeted nor can you target any entities who are connected to the «Main Visualizer». If you wish to use this to dodge an attack, you must narratively be able to chant the activation phrase in full before the attack hits you (so only against attacks you see coming with significant lead up). When disconnected from the «Main Visualizer», experience a single instance of Divine Revelation, which will provide you with information about your current situation. [4 SP]


The Mithras Liturgy is a segment of the Greek Magical Papyri, a collection of magical texts and cult invocations of unclear authorship that describes the magical practices of Hellenistic cultures. The liturgy depicts a series of magical phrases and prayers where the participant is called upon to beseech the elements of the world before summoning an escalating series of gods culminating in Helios Mithras who grants the caster immortality. Amongst its many invocations are references to Jewish, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman gods, making the Mithras Liturgy a prime example of religious syncretism in Hellenistic cultures, where gods from multiple mythologies are mixed, conflated, and fused together.
Origin: Greek Magical Papryi
11.STRENGTH - Ash Nazg

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
-Except from Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkein.

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank A (5 Dice)
VIT: Rank F (0 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)

Weakness: Slash, Fire
Null: Curse

Archetype [Real Deal: Dark Lord]: You are all-seeing, all-powerful and all too willing to play the long game. You are in control of your emotions and able to switch from a fair oration to a violent, cursed screed at the drop of a ring. You have a tendency to favor plans that are entirely too complicated for your own good.

Starfall Crater: Imbues a blunt melee weapon or your fist with the power of an infernal forge, striking with a molten blow that shatters and deforms metal when struck. [STR/BLUNT/FIRE/MELEE]
Eigaon [Wraith Form]: Generate an UMBRAL element and increase its «Main Visualizer» render priority. Specifically manifests as a horde of wraiths invisible to your opponent through normal means. [MAG/CURSE]
Dominate: Initiates Stage 1 Synthesis Ritual and attempts to brainwash all opponents— but with a maximum duration of only a single Scene. [CHT/CHARM]
Mudoon: Purge target Artifical Fluctlight from the «Main Visualizer», and forcibly injects knowledge of the transience of their existence if resisted. [CHT/INSTANT KILL]


Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

[The One Ring]: Your Persona manifests as a physical Ring. You retain the abilities and stat bonuses of your Persona even when the Ring is separated from you. Your Ring can 'teleport' within your line of sight when separated (ie, you can always consider the Ring to be in range) but must be willingly picked up in order to gain its effects. An enemy that is CHARMED, MAD or in DESPAIR will almost always prioritize equipping the Ring above all else. You may also narratively attempt to trick the Ring onto others. Generally speaking, manipulating your Ring is considered a Free Action. If you switch Personas while the Ring is on another, you cannot dispel the effects until you reclaim the Ring. [Mandatory 1 SP/scene] [PASSIVE]

When Equipped to yourself [Default state]: Grants +2 Real Deal Bonus on all actions. You are IMMUNE to Mind Altering Status Effects.
When Equipped to another: Grants +2 Real Deal Bonus on all actions. They are WEAK to Mind Altering Status Effects and Instant Death Effects. They become narratively invisible to all but yourself. They are forcefully subjected to an attempted Eigaon [Wraith Form] attack and Dominate attack, targeting themselves using Kuro's stats, each Scene until the ring is removed. They may attempt to remove the Ring once per turn via opposed CHT roll with DISADVANTAGE or by cutting off their hand.

The One Ring, referred to as Ash Nazg in the Black Speech of Mordor is a malevolent artifact created by the Dark Lord Sauron in an attempt to dominate the wills of the civilizations of Middle-Earth. Sauron's plot involved teaching the Elves the methods by which to forge Rings of Power, and then to use the One Ring he forged in secret to control the other Ring Bearers by proxy— a plan that failed and lead to Sauron's defeat. By itself the One Ring amplifies power, prolongs life and even grants its wielders invisibility, but at the cost of enslaving the wielder to the corrupting will of Sauron. The line between Sauron and the One Ring is blurry at best, and the Dark Lord can revive himself so long as the One Ring exists. The One Ring also seeks to return to its master, and only through its destruction can Sauron ever truly hope to be vanquished.
Origin: Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkein.
12.PRUDENCE - Heliose de Villefort

I would say 'Warn her, punish her, let her pass the remainder of her life in a
convent, weeping and praying.' If she had committed two crimes, I would say,
'Here, M. de Villefort, is a poison that the prisoner is not acquainted with,—
one that has no known antidote, quick as thought, rapid as lightning, mortal as
the thunderbolt; give her that poison, recommending her soul to God, and save
your honor and your life, for it is yours she aims at!'
-Excerpt from The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexander Dumas

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)

Weakness: Blunt, Nuclear, Madness
Resist: Psy, Curse
Null: Poison

Psio: Generate a CRYSTALLINE element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [MAG/PSY]
Foul Breath: Erode Fluctlight Core Protection from a target, making them more vulnerable to status effects. Easier to hit with than most Ailment abilities. [CHT/DEBUFF]
Hysterical Slap: An unusual Sword Skill that becomes ALMIGHTY provided it is used in a monologue or while interrupting another monologue. Requires you to be in point-blank range and has no gap-clearing capabilities. [STR/BLUNT]
Aqua Tofana: Impart the Memory of [POISON] into all Sacred Arts used by this Persona. This also applies to Sacred Arts used by other Personas in a scene simultaneously with this Persona. [PASSIVE]

Archetype [Madame]: You are a socialite with a silver tongue, with complete mastery over your external emotions and the insight to sense when plots are aligning against you. The smarter your opponent, the more you understand. Yet when faced against a true simpleton, you cannot predict their thoughts while yours lies wholly exposed. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

One drop of that elixir sufficed to recall life to a dying child, but three drops would
have impelled the blood into his lungs in such a way as to have produced most
violent palpitations; six would have suspended his respiration, and caused
syncope more serious than that in which he was; ten would have destroyed him.

Brucine: Imparts a special poison into a small body of water, potable liquid, or consumable item in your line of sight. The activation of this ability is narratively instantaneous, wordless, and generates no visual effects. Victims receive 3 POISON damage 1 turn after consuming the affected item, with effects scaling with repeat doses. Does not roll DICE and bypasses resistances. [3 SP]


Heloise, typically known as Madame de Villefort, is the second wife of Gerard de Villefort and the mother to his son, Edouard, whom she dotes on incessantly. Her husband is one of the three men who ruined the life of the Count of Monte Cristo, who sets out to achieve his vengeance against the magistrate who had him falsely imprisoned. Taking advantage of the hatred Madame de Villefort has for Valentine, Gerard's heir and daughter from a first marriage, the Count worms his way into her good graces through a series of manufactured coincidences and cold reading sessions, introducing her to the poison Brucine. Tempted by the Count, the Madame goes on to murder several people first to frame Valentine, and then attempting to poison her directly. In the end, her husband learns of her crimes and demands she take her own life. It is only after his own crimes are exposed that he realizes his hypocrisy, and runs back home to seek a new start with his family, only to find the cooling corpses of both his wife and son— the vengeance of the Count of Monte Cristo having robbed him of everything he ever loved.
Origin: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
Of Both Poles.
14.DEVIL - Cats of Ulthar

Still, no one durst complain to the sinister couple; even when little Atal, the innkeeper's son, vowed that he had at twilight seen all the cats of Ulthar in that accursed yard under the trees, pacing very slowly and solemnly in a circle around the cottage, two abreast, as if in performance of some unheard-of rite of beasts. The villagers did not know how much to believe from so small a boy; and though they feared that the evil pair had charmed the cats to their death, they preferred not to chide the old cotter till they met him outside his dark and repellent yard.
-Excerpt from The Cats of Ulthar by H.P. Lovecraft

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank E (1 Dice)
CHT: Rank D (2 Dice)

Weakness: Fire, Ice, Pierce
Null: Slash, Mind Altering Ailments

Archetype [Cat]: You are a cat. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

Devour: A standard Sword Skill where you carve out a chunk of their flesh with claws or teeth, healing a small amount when you consume their life force. [STR/BLUNT]
Feral Claw: A very simplistic Sword Skill that coats your strike in phantom claws to rake across your opponent. [STR/SLASH]
Summon Cat: Call for help! The number of cats that respond is based on the narrative and their capricious nature. The cats do their own thing, but are nominally allied with you. If you call too many cats, they may ignore you! They may ignore you anyways! The Cat's stat block is 1 HP / STR C / AGI C / VIT E / CHT X and can cast Feral Claw or Devour (damage dealt via Devour heals Kuro). [CHT/CAT]
Throw Cat: "You call throwing cats around a sword skill?" "Hey, as long as it works." [The narrative definition of a cat is negotiable] [STR/CAT]


It was a stupendous sight while the torches lasted, and Carter had never before seen so many cats. Black, grey, and white; yellow, tiger, and mixed; common, Persian, and Manx; Thibetan, Angora, and Egyptian; all were there in the fury of battle, and there hovered over them some trace of that profound and inviolate sanctity which made their goddess great in the temples of Bubastis.

[Prayer of Menes]: Designate an enemy at any range and create 3 [Cat of Ulthar] units at their location. All other active [Cat of Ulthar] units may freely teleport to the location of that enemy, furthermore, any time a [Cat of Ulthar] fails to deal damage when attacking, all [Cat of Ulthar] units gain +1 STR, stacking. [5 SP]


Lovecraft is well known for his fondness for cats, and has written multiple short stories throughout the Lovecraft mythos starring or about cats, to whom he attributes an association with the supernatural. In contrast to the near-universal hostility of supernatural forces in Lovecraft, cats often feature in supporting roles in the works of the mythos. The Cats of Ulthar refers to the feline denizens of the town of Ulthar, where it is considered a crime to kill a cat, lest one draws the ire of the feline collective and be devoured. The Cats of Ulthar, in contrast to real-life cats, typically work in a unit where harming one cat draws the retribution of the entire horde.
Origin: The Cats of Ulthar by H.P. Lovecraft
A Life of Delusion.
Iconoclastic Wisdom.
17.DEATH - Magnum Opus

True, without falsehood, certain, and most true:
What is below is like what is above,
and what is above is like what is below,
to accomplish the miracles of one thing.
And as all things were derived from one by the meditation of one,
so all things are born from this one thing by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the Moon is its mother,
the Wind has carried it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth.
The father of all telesms of the whole world is here.
-Excerpt from The Emerald Tablet

Pharma: This Persona possesses no stats. When assigned to a Persona slot, it functions as a consumable item that may be used while another Persona is active.

DOSAGE: Rank B (4 Doses)
SIDE EFFECTS: Targets affected by this Persona make their next offensive roll with ONE less offensive dice.

Upon channeling Magnum Opus select ONE effect to apply from the list below:

Doping: Party max HP increases by 30%, rounded up. Does NOT affect current health whatsoever, only increases Max HP. [3 Doses]
Tetra-Dampener: Party nullifies the next instance of FIRE/ICE/ELEC/WIND damage. When this shield is up, no dice are rolled (Ie, the shield is not preserved if the attack would've done 0 damage). [2 Doses]
Phys-Dampener: Party nullifies the next instance of SLASH/BLUNT/PIERCE damage. When this shield is up, no dice are rolled (Ie, the shield is not preserved if the attack would've done 0 damage). [2 Doses]
Linked Life Stone: Party heals 30% Max HP, rounded up. [2 Doses]


Magnum Opus, or the 'Great Work' refers to the long, fruitless search for the Philosopher's Stone conducted by esoteric magicians from Antiquity through the Renaissance. The origin of the Philosopher's Stone is thought to be wisdom from Hermes Trismegistus, who left hints towards its creation in the form of esoteric lore, most notably the Emerald Tablet. There have been many recipes proposed, though no verified genuine Philosopher's Stone was ever known to be created. The general steps are as follows: Nigredo, the dissolution of all ingredients into a black chaos. Albedo, the purification into white matter through 'lunar' light. Citrinitas, the replacement into gold through a yellow 'solar' light. Rubedo, the final stage, represents a complete unification of spiritual and physical matter and thus the completion of the Great Work. The steps of the Magnum Opus were often used metaphorically. Examples include symbolizing spiritual attunement in Gnosticism, or the integration of the self in Jungian Psychology.
Origin: Hermetic Esotericism (AKA Medieval Chūnibyō)
18.TRAITOR - Undine

On the spot where she had knelt, a little spring, of silver brightness, was gushing out from the green turf, and it kept swelling and flowing onward with a low murmur, till it almost encircled the mound of the knight's grave; it then continued its course, and emptied itself into a calm lake, which lay by the side of the consecrated ground. Even to this day, the inhabitants of the village point out the spring; and hold fast the belief that it is the poor deserted Undine, who in this manner still fondly encircles her beloved in her arms.
- Undine, by Friedrich de la Motte Fouque

STR: Rank D (2 Dice)
MAG: Rank B (4 Dice)
AGI: Rank B (4 Dice)
VIT: Rank E (1 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Elec, Pierce, Madness
Resist: Blunt, Wind
Null: Ice, Despair, Mute

Archetype [Self]
: This Persona does not significantly alter your mental state, but it does help you swim. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

Garula: Generate an AERIAL element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [MAG/WIND]
Abyssal Surge: Sing a song of mourning and connect all enemy Fluctlight IDs to the Central Cathedral Cenotaph. [2 SCENES to use / CHT/DESPAIR]
Kuhleborn's Curse: Creates a small tidal wave of water to slam into your opponent or otherwise alter the landscape. [MAG/BLUNT/ICE]
Patradra: Suppresses ally status ailments, however, you must immediately roll to resist the status ailment of all allies. [FREE]


Most gladly, my loved one," said she; and throwing her veil back, her lovely face smiled forth divinely beautiful. Trembling with love and with the approach of death, she kissed him with a holy kiss; but not relaxing her hold she pressed him fervently to her, and as if she would weep away her soul. Tears rushed into the knight's eyes, and seemed to surge through his heaving breast, till at length his breathing ceased, and he fell softly back from the beautiful arms of Undine, upon the pillows of his couch—a corpse.

Undine's Kiss: Target any foe currently under the effect of a CHARM or DESPAIR debuff; the target immediately dies, as per the effect of a successful Mudo (for NPCs) or Hama (for PCs) spell. If the target possesses special resistance to instant death, they instead suffer 5 points of ALMIGHTY damage, clearing the debuff and also causing them to become narratively wracked with heartbreak. This ability does not roll dice, and may be used on allies... if you truly must. [3 SP]


A spirit of Water, first described in the alchemical works of Paracelsus, known for beautiful singing and its search for marriage— for only through matrimony can it gain an immortal soul. In Friedrich de la Motte Fouque's Undine, one such spirit falls in love with a noble knight, becoming his wife and partner. Yet the objections of the other water spirits and the fickleness of her lover lead to Undine's paramour betraying her for another woman. In grief, and following the laws of her people, Undine drowns the knight with her kiss, resolving to spend the rest of her immortal soul as a spring forever encircling her once lover.
Origin: Undine, by Friedrich de la Motte Fouque
19.TEMPLE - Don Juan

My dear lady, this is the list
Of the beauties my master has loved,
A list which I have compiled.
Observe, read along with me.
In Italy, six hundred and forty;
In Germany, two hundred and thirty-one;
A hundred in France; in Turkey, ninety-one;
But in Spain already one thousand and three.
Among these are peasant girls,
Maidservants, city girls,
Countesses, baronesses,
Marchionesses, princesses,
Women of every rank,
Every shape, every age.
-Excerpt from the Catalogue Aria, composed by Mozart

STR: Rank B (4 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank E (1 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Blunt, Ice, Charm, Bind
Resist: Psy, Nuclear

Archetype [Libertine]: You are the life of the party, able to entertain with your sharp wit no matter how dire the situation. In fact, you can't stop needling your opponents, even when it would be in your best interest to shut up.

Deadly Sins: Perform a rapid-fire seven-hit sword skill at blinding speeds, overwhelming even the defenses of trained swordfighters in a single rush of steel. [STR/SLASH/MELEE]
Mirage Fencer: Call forth an illusionary double to strike your opponent as though in the throes of a waltz, causing them to misjudge your position and leave themselves open. [STR/PIERCE/MELEE]
Rebellion War: Summon an ephemeral stone sentinel that manifests behind your opponent, slamming its massive axe into the earth. In truth, the statue is targeting you, but you are too quick to be struck by the lumbering thing. [STR/BLUNT/MELEE]
Grand Tack: Manifest your sword or bullet into a single lance of incredible force and launch it in a straight line over a SHORT distance, penetrating all defenses and armor. [STR/PIERCE/SHORT]


Don Juan is a fictional Spanish noble and playboy, and stars in various morality plays about his life and downfall, the most well known of which is through Mozart's opera, Don Giovanni. Don Juan is frequently noted to use disguises, trickery, and outright murder in order to achieve his conquests. He lives for wine and women, having no thoughts for the future or the state of his soul. Eventually, he is confronted by the ghost of a man he slew in pursuit of his daughter in the form of a stone statue. A key theme is that Don Juan is always given an opportunity, usually many opportunities, to repent his ways, up until the very end when he is confronted by the Stone Guest. But in most versions of the story, he fails to realize the chances he has been given, and ends up dragged to hell for his crimes.
Origin: The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest, by Tirso de Molina
20.FORTUNE - Urashima Tarō

Once upon a time, Urashima Taro was taken by the turtle that he saved
to Ryugu Castle under the sea and found that its beauty could not be expressed enough with art.
Otohime, the mistress of the castle, gave Taro a feast, while sea breams and flounders showed him dances.
They were so unusual and interesting that Taro felt like he was dreaming and that time flied.
One day, Taro got tired of playing with them and came back to reality so he bade them a hasty goodbye.
What made him excited on the way back home was Tamatebako, a beautiful box given to him as a souvenir.
He came back to land and was so surprised to find that neither his house nor his villages was there,
and all the people he saw on the streets were total strangers.
Taro felt helpless and opened Tamatebako. How regrettable it was!
White smoke burst out of it, instantly turning Taro into an old man.
-Urashima Tarō, Japanese Folk Song

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank D (2 Dice)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Wind, Curse
Resist: Pierce, Elec
Null: Ice

Archetype [Fisherman]: You are a patient hunter, one who understands the value of taking one's time, sometimes to a fault. Your personality is friendly, affable, but otherwise unremarkable.

ReBufu: Generate a CRYOGENIC element and transform it into a fishing implement or trap. [MAG/ICE]
Enervation: Debuff, forcing DISADVANTAGE on offensive rolls for this scene and the next. [CHT/DEBUFF]
Vorpal Strike: Hold your weapon out like a bow and extend a lance of energy out of the tip of your sword, striking even distant targets. [STR/SLASH/PIERCE]


Poor Urashima! He died because he had been foolish and disobedient. If only he had done as he was told, he might have lived another thousand years. Wouldn't you like to go and see the Dragon Palace beyond the waves, where the Sea-God lives and rules as King over the Dragons and the tortoises and the fishes, where the trees have emeralds for leaves and rubies for berries, where the fishes' tails are of silver and the dragons' tails all of solid gold?

Tamatebako: Create a brilliant jeweled box and release the curse within. Poisons and enervates enemies, narratively wracking them with the pains of old age. The curse travels in the medium of a white puff of smoke that flows downwind— any targets, including allies, who breathe in the smoke suffers the effects. The effect persists for the entire duration of the combat, but entities may resist its application. [3 SP]


Urashima Tarō is the story of a Japanese fisherman who rescues a stranded turtle, and as a reward is ferried to the mystical underwater Dragon Palace. While initially enjoying the splendor of the other world, the fisherman grows homesick and wishes to return home to visit his parents. The princess of the Dragon Palace gifts him with a jeweled box and instructs him to never open it. When Urashima returns home he discovers that it has been hundreds of years, and all he knows and loves has passed on. In shock, Urashima opens the box, which contains only his own time, causing the fisherman to waste away into a corpse. Archetypal stories of people going into other worlds with different time passage rates feature prominently in tales from many cultures.
Origin: Japanese fairy tale
God is Dead.
25.KNAVE OF WANDS - St. Attila of Antioch

And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas...
-From Monty Python and the Holy Grail

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank SS (7 Dice)
AGI: Rank F (0 Dice)
VIT: Rank F (0 Dice)
CHT: Rank F (0 Dice)

Weakness: Everything Else
Null: Fire, Bless, Nuclear

This Persona's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: This Persona becomes more useless as it ranks up and cannot evolve, but may provide a passive benefit at higher ranks.
Archetype [Explosion]: Your only goal in life is to show up and explode. Any deviation from this goal in a write-in plan will be summarily ignored in favor of detonating, or setting up a detonation.

Explodidyne: Generate a massive THERMAL element and increase its «Main Visualizer» render priority. It can only manifest in the form of a massive, all-consuming explosion. [MAG/FIRE]
Inferno of God: Your FIRE attacks pierce resistances and nullification. [PASSIVE]
Crimson Sublation: Spend [10 SP] to grant your attack ADVANTAGE. If you lack the SP/Determination to activate this, you cannot attack at all. [PASSIVE]
The Third Number: You must spend two scenes charging before attacking with this Persona and you are HELPLESS and unable to defend yourself the scene after using this Persona. [PASSIVE]


St Attila is a fictional holy figure in Monty Python and the Holy Grail who writes the operational manual for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch within the Book of Armaments. The Hand Grenade is used in the story to vanquish a foul creature of unspeakable horrors by blowing it into teensy little bits. The shape of the grenade is a direct parody of the Sovereign Orb, one of the Crown Jewels of England, combined with the legend of the Holy Spear of Antioch, said to be the lost Holy Spear that pierced the side of Christ during his crucifixion. There is no known real life saint by the moniker St Attila, though the name itself may be in reference to Attila the Hun, a figure extremely unlikely to have been canonized into sainthood.
You know what you voted for. It's literally just Megumin with heavy ordinance.
Origin: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Silicon Primogenesis.

A shape pale as a dead appeared, wrapped in a great brown cloth. It was Saint Guenole, who said to the princess: "Shame and misfortune on thee, thou has tried to steal the key from the city of Ys!" Dahut answered: "Save-me, bring me to the end of the world!" But the horse Morvarc'h did not move any more and the furious waters won on them. Saint Guenole repeated his order to Gradlon "Drop the princess!", enormous waves were at their feet. Dahut slided on the ground and the king Gradlon, furious pushed his daughter in the sea. The waves closed on the princess. The sea flooded the city of Ys which all inhabitants died drowned.'
-Summary of The Legend of the City of Ys

Nascent SEED: This Persona possesses no stats or skills. When assigned to a Persona slot, it can be freely channeled at the cost of SP to alter the local environment at no extra time cost within a Scene and is always considered to be equipped.
Invoking this SWORD Persona costs [2 SP] per turn, inclusive of activation turn. Once deactivated it may not be reactivated for the remainder of the combat.
Unlike other Personas, SWORD Personas generally possess multiple mutually exclusive memory release arts.

Since was drowned the City of Ys
Nobody found an equal in Paris

The Sinking City: Alters the local terrain in the following manner [2 SP/Scene]:
1. Impart the memory of SINKING into the terrain, causing all native water levels to rise, driving unstable structures into the ground, and restricting flight within the area.
2. Impart the memory of STORM into the sky, provided the sky is visible, creating immediate torrential rain that persists so long as you continue to channel this Persona.

The city of Ys is a mythological lost city, supposedly on the coast of Brittany, France known for its splendor and riches. The entire city lies near the edge of the sea, protected from sinking only through a series of walls and gates. Despite its location, it's a wondrous city, and its people enjoy lives of prosperity under the rule of King Gradlon which leads them to hedonism and sin. This is exemplified in Princess Dahut, his capricious daughter, who through trickery or sheer stupidity opens the floodgates of Ys, drowning the entire city within. The King, having seen his entire kingdom taken by the waves, is urged by divine providence to cast his daughter into the sea, thus ending the flood. Ys serves as an analog to Sodom and Gomorrah, other cities punished by god for sin and excess. There also exists legends of its bell, which will herald its reemergence.
Origin: Breton Mythology
66.KNIGHT OF COINS - Paladin

Have gun will travel, reads the card of a man
A knight without armor in a savage land
His fast gun hire, heeds the calling wind
A soldier of fortune, is a man called Pal-a-din
Paladin, Paladin, where do you roam
Paladin, Paladin, far, far from home
He travels on to where ever he must
A chess knight of silver is his badge of trust
There are campfire legends that the plainsmen sing
Of the man with the gun, of the man called Pal-a-din
-The Ballad of Paladin, a song by Johnny Western

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank E (1 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Ice, Bless, Curse
Resist: Blunt, Fire

Archetype [Bounty Hunter]: You a gun for hire who aspires to be something more. Everyone has an angle, death can come from any direction, but that's no reason to be uncivil. You specialize in negotiation and de-escalation, but others will find it hard to trust you. [Further effects unlocked at RANK 4]

Quick Draw: You can take a free shot with your trusty revolver's Basic Attack at any opponent who closes in on you. [PASSIVE]
Patra: Removes a status effect from a single ally. Can be used on yourself, provided you maintain control. [FREE]
Twin Shot: Shoot the outlaw twice for good measure. [Basic Attack x 2]
Embracer: Lunge forward across short distances and slam your fist through their chest. Politely. [STR/BLUNT]


That's a gentleman knight in shiny armor, all armed with a cause and righteousness and a fine pointed lance. And yet a mercenary. A man who hires out for gold. What was your price, my paladin? How much gold did Norge give you to slay the dragon?

Wire Paladin, San Francisco: Fire your revolver's Basic Attack between 1-6 times in one turn based on the amount of MISTCOIN you spend to activate the skill. If the enemy dies before you finish shooting Paladin still charges his fee in full. [Cost 1-6 MISTCOIN]


The nameless man with a gun, Paladin is a fixer who will solve your problem— for $1000 USD. The main character of a popular western radio drama turned TV show, Paladin was once a simple gun for hire. After taking a job for a land baron hunting an outlaw named Smoke, he fumbles his way to a dishonorable victory by distracting his target using the smoke from a brushfire. When the dust has settled Paladin realizes he has killed a good man who simply wished to protect the homesteaders and the true evil was the baron. Haunted by Smoke's final words: "—your armor does shine brightly, and your arm is... strong enough... but, where is righteousness, noble paladin?... where is your cause?... You remember, there's always a dragon loose... somewhere —" the newly christened Paladin slays the baron who tricked him and embarks on a new life, one where he seeks violence as the last resort, instead of the first. Yet despite it all where Paladin treads more often than not a body is left drying in the desert sun.
Origin: Have Gun – Will Travel, Western Radio Play
78.FOOL - Archon

Yadabaoth united with the thoughtlessness within him.
He begot Archons, modeling them on the incorruptible realms above.
He made the first seven Archons to reign in the seven spheres of heaven.
He made the next five Archons to reign in the five depths of the abyss.
He shared a portion of his fire with them,
But shared none of the power of Light he had received from his mother.
-Excerpt from The Apocryphon of John

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank B (4 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank B (4 Dice)
CHT: Rank F (0 Dice)

Weakness: Curse, Blunt, Psy
Resist: All Magic
Passive: PHILEMON (use of this Persona accumulates 1 STRESS per action)

Archetype [Control]: The freedom not to think, the freedom not to choose, that is the greatest freedom of all.
Prolonged contact with this Persona is deleterious to your mental health and this Persona accumulates 1 Stress per scene.

Freidyne: Generate an ATOMIC element and increase its «Main Visualizer» render priority. Calls forth an explosion of plasma, a pressure wave or other disastrous manifestation. [MAG/NUC]
Divine Apex: Generates immediate +1 ADVANTAGE for all actions in this scene and the next. [FREE]
False Apotheosis: Your party recovers 3SP immediately. All party members (including yourself) must succeed vs an opposed CHT roll versus you (yes, you have to roll against yourself). Party members that lose are afflicted with -2 VIT and -2 MAG debuff for 3 turns. [FREE]


This ruler, by being androgynous, made himself a vast realm, an endless precinct. And he contemplated creating offspring for himself, and created seven offspring, androgynous like their parent. And he said to his offspring, 'I am the god of all.'

Invitation to the Holy Grail: Invoke the specter of Yaldabaoth. All party members regenerate 2HP/SP per turn, including the turn of this activation. All party members receive the «Supply Lines» buff that continuously regenerates 2HP/SP per turn. The «Supply Lines» can be targeted by your enemies; if severed, this effect ends. «Supply Lines» have 1 HP, 4 AGI, 0 VIT. [FREE]


Archons are supernatural beings in Gnostic mysticism that serve as creators and rulers of the material world. This is in direct contrast to the Pleroma, the transcendental totality of God in the spiritual sense. The worship of Archons can never lead to true enlightenment and ascendance, as they are false deities who concern themselves only with the material world. The term Archon itself refers to the Greek term for 'ruler', and as befits their name Archons rule over the world, and the worship of old gods is in fact merely the worship of these lesser Archons. This extends even as far as covering Christian figures, with the implication that the God depicted in the Old Testament is in fact nothing more than the Archon Yaldabaoth, the first and most powerful of the Archons that begot the remaining. Typically Archons are grouped into groups of seven, however, as Gnosticism has no established canon the details behind their respective names and domains vary widely by source.
Origin: Gnostic Mythology
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Interlude: Debauchery Natural Plant Party
You are «Akatsuki», mercenary for hire, and this is NOT what you signed up for.

It seemed like a good deal. A fat stack of Yrd for an "experiment", and you were called on by a repeat customer. You had a lot of respect for the Spriggan who hired you, and the money was quite good. You had fought together in a few dungeon raids and found his advice to be rational, speedy, and insightful. In fact, it was one of the smoothest runs you've ever had since starting ALO, and you have him to thank for your current ninja gear. Frustratingly enough ninja-themed gear was vanishingly rare in ALO though you've heard rumors of other players wearing equipment of a similar design...

The gear really did help. Players were a lot more accepting of your silent act once they realized you were roleplaying as a ninja. It wasn't like you were always mute, ALO simply didn't have a text chat system you could fall back on. At times, you did raise your voice. Like right now.

"Shiroe-dono. Why is there a Gnome and a... whatever that is here?"

"How rude little lady. I'm a loud and proud Cait Sith, a rather sterling example of one if I do say so myself," replies the suave, smooth voice of the giant bipedal talking monster cat in a dandy outfit.

You've seen Cait Siths before. Spriggans and Cait Siths, being on opposite sides of the map, rarely interacted but you've fought alongside and against Cait Siths before. They tended to have cat ears, fangs... nekomimi stuff. Cute stuff.

Not... this. "Were you cursed?"

"Naturally. Alas I am forced to wander Alfheim on two feet, could such an unnatural limitation be called anything other than a curse?"

This is bothering you, and you can't help but stare. Was there some event you missed? Was this some exclusive Cait Sith customization option you've missed? If so why is this the only person you've seen go full furry?

"It's alright. I understand, the desire can be quite overwhelming. Feel free to pet away," says the Cait Sith that your UI helpfully names as «Nyanta», which is about as stereotypical as you could get for a Cait Sith name. He's taken off his hat and lowered himself to your height, which basically meant he was crawling on the ground. Some primordial instinct forces you to act.

...he was very soft. Warm too. You've pet your fair share of cats, in fact you were considering working with animals in a professional capacity, and he did feel awfully like a real cat... gigantic size notwithstanding. Did he also have the soft spot underneath the ear...?

"Meeeooowww... yes, a bit to the left..."

Just turn off your brain Shizuka and enjoy the ride.


This is great. Most cats don't let you pet them for long, affection was more of a dog thing. This was the best of both worlds, the cuteness of a cat with the affection of a dog! Half cat, half dog, and definitely not half weirdo, half pervert tricking you into petting him in VR!

"I see you've gotten acquainted," says your current employer, a Spriggan enchantment specialist going by the name «Shiroe». He waves to you from the edge of a tall hill sitting underneath the branches of the «World Tree». He's dressed in a white cloak and round glasses, simple adornments that mask the treasure trove's worth of enchanted items covering him head to toe. Spriggans were a somewhat magically sensitive race and the sheer weight of all the magic being brought to bear made the air lightly shimmer to your eyes.

Besides him was a fully armored Gnome player with a sword and board style. With that much equipment weighing him down his flight timer must not be any higher than a minute or two. You instantly peg him as an idiot, and you were quickly proving that hypothesis correct if his dumb expression was anything to go by.

"Shiroe-dono, you haven't answered my original question," you say, waving to your employer.

"Good to see you made it, and please don't call me that..."

"Hmph. As you are hiring me, that makes you my master," you clarify. "It is the shinobi code."

The gnome chooses now to interrupt, his voice as loud and boisterous as his appearance. "Hey, this that ninja you told me about? She's kinda a pipsqueak ain't she?"

«Shadow Strike» is a high tier Spriggan magic which only needs a single runic power word to activate. What it lacks in damage it more than makes up for in utility, as it allows a Spriggan with an appropriately high «Hide» skill to materialize behind a valid target through line of sight provided they aren't currently engaged in direct combat with you. You consider it your best skill by far, one you demonstrate to the annoying Gnome by placing your knife against his throat.

"This pipsqueak doesn't appreciate your lip, Gnome."

"Whoa, shit, how'd you do that!?"


Shiroe-dono holds up his hand in a gesture of peace. "Now, let's all get along. I apologize for not warning you in advance, Akatsuki, but this isn't an exclusively Spriggan enterprise. Nyanta and Naotsugu are two old friends of mine and we've actually been planning this for a while now."

"Yeah, let up pipsqueak! We're on your side!"

Fine. You release the Gnome, «Naotsugu», by drop kicking him straight into the dirt.

"Ah, careful, that actually did damage!"

Not by much you reckon. The Gnome didn't appear to suffer any hit stun, a sign of a high «Armor Master» skill. His equip load must be insane, how did this guy even fight much less fly?

"Alright. Gather around, now that everyone's here, we can start the plan." Shiroe says, corralling you all together.

"Plan to do what Shiroe-dono? Are we tackling a raid?"

Shiroe-dono adjusts his glasses and smiles. You swear you saw the sunlight glint off them. "Of course. Raiding is half the fun of this game, isn't it?"

A raid with a Gnome who probably can't even run, two Spriggans and a cat furry an adorable Cait Sith? You had, roughly speaking, a tank, a support, a DPS and whatever the hell Nyanta's build was so it wasn't an entirely unreasonable composition, though most raids required at least 7 players... "Which raid? Are we tackling Niflheim?" You sure hope you weren't, that place would slaughter you.

A low chuckle emanates from Shiroe-dono as his finger points skyward.

Skyward? There was nothing up there. You follow his finger and look beyond it to the horizon... nothing was there, besides the spiraling white pillar that was the center of the world. As you gaze at the «World Tree» wondering what he could mean it hits you. He can't mean... with just four of you!? You had to beat like a hundred high level guardians to advance, nobody had ever even fought halfway up!

"Never aim low do ya, Shiroe?"

"Now that's what I'm talking about! Just like the old Elder Tale days eh, buddy?"

Nyanta and Naotsugu nod sagely while stare upwards dumbfounded. There was no way you could tackle the «Grand Quest» of Alfheim with a half sized raid group. Hell nobody was even close! The Undines tried last month and are still reeling from the lost capital in the attempt, and the Pookas managed to organize a mixed race flash mob of players so numerous they could barely fit them all through the door and even they failed.

"A... are you serious!? But how?"

"Haha, interested now Akatsuki? Then let's sit down and go over the plan."


You idly scratch Nyanta's underbelly was it a cat underbelly? Nyanta was bipedal so were you just scratching a HUMAN underbelly? Oh god this is so creepy. But it's still so soft... while trying not to get crumbs in his fur. Evidently anticipating a long discussion, Nyanta had brought some homemade sandwiches in his inventory.

«Yggberry Jam», «Muffalo Mozzerella» and some kind of cured meat with a few vegetables. You were working on your second one. It was the best thing you've ever had. Naotsugu was already polishing off his fourth.

"Simply put, we cheat," announces Shiroe as he summarizes the plan through a mouthful of crumbs.

It was obviously going to be some kind of exploit, no way you were actually going to fight your way up the «World Tree». You know Shiroe-dono used an enchantment focused skill set with essentially no offensive weapons, and you were a high mobility DPS optimized for single target damage. The builds of the other two were a mystery to you.

"You have to understand ALO is a product of the «Seed» AI design package. That means there's a few... common elements that can't be ignored."

Common elements? "Like transferring accounts between different Seed games?"

"Yup!" chimes in Naotsugu. "I only started ALO last week, all my equipment is bought from Shiroe. I transferred from New World Online just to participate in this operation."

"And my home turf is Cat Cafe, though I've been in ALO for a few months already. I must admit it took me a few days to get used to walking on two feet."

Ah, so Nyanta came from that game. VR body dysmorphia was still a problem with the Amusphere, it's why you had to switch avatars back to one more similar to your IRL size to fight off VR Nausea. Of course there were small games with... dedicated... followings that threw all that out the window and just let players pilot whatever Avatar they wanted, VR sickness be damned.

So by transferring from Cat Cafe he got to keep his cat face...? No that still doesn't make sense, it clashes with the art style!

"That's right. Transfers from Seed games are core to the data package... but that's not the only similarity. Seed based MMOs vary wildly in content, tone and level of challenge... but there's one inescapable common feature to all of them. Verisimilitude."

Shiroe gestures grandly to the sky above again.

"Just look at ALO. We can feel the sun beating down on us. Each individual blade of grass has texture, a player can set a field on fire then a completely different player can come back and find it still burnt down. The processing power it must take to... simulate a world such as this is immense. Frankly speaking there shouldn't be a computer in the world capable of running any Seed based VRMMO... and yet we're here, talking inside of one."

"Hold on Shiroe-dono. Aren't there other non-Seed based VRMMOs?"

Naotsugu scoffs. "Wha, like YGGDRASIL? The game where there's no facial animations, there's practically no content and everyone's drowning in microtransactions?"

Shiroe-dono coughs to regain the conversation. "Moving on, before Naotsugu takes up all our time complaining about other games. Seed based VRMMOs care a ton about verisimilitude. Devs can add on UI elements, inventory, maps... game elements on top of the world simulation but the actual simulation itself is designed to maximize the perception of realism. That means... unless explicitly placed by the developer there's no invisible walls, there's no out of bounds... if a player ends up somewhere they're not supposed to..."

He snaps his finger. "Then 'poof', the Seed simply creates a new zone where one previously wasn't there. Which leads to the obvious implication..."

You're beginning to get it. "The «World Tree» isn't an instanced dungeon that can only be entered through the main entrance. It's an actual physical tree..." which means... it could be climbed.

"Now the obvious solution, one I've already tried, is climbing the tree. But the spiral shape isn't just for show, the material is repulsive and there's no skill that can allow you to actually grip it. Believe me, I've looked," says Shiroe-dono.

"You can't mean to fly up there?" Even with your optimized build you could barely cross the 6 minute mark with flight. That put you... about a quarter of the way up the tree if you flew straight up. An idea hits you as you eyeball the humongous avatar of Nyotsugu. "Do you mean for us to piggyback ride one another?"

"I do! But not in the way you're thinking. As weight increases flight becomes exponentially more inefficient, and the system counts the players you're carrying as weight. There's diminishing returns with every additional player, even a high strength Gnome like Naotsugu would have a flight timer of less than 1 minute simply carrying two people. I've done the math... we could maybe get a 2/5ths, half if the stars align. That's assuming we have the cooperation of the strongest player in ALO, which we most definitely don't."

"Bah, you got me, Nyanta and Shiroe here! One of us is definitely the strongest in ALO!"

You're tempted to beat up Naotsugu again. "You're a fresh transfer with borrowed equipment, and Shiroe-dono, while talented, is a support specialist." If anyone here could be called the 'strongest' it'd probably be you.

"Actually... for the purpose of my trick I need the fastest Spriggan on the server. Hence why I came to you, Akatsuki."

You fail to clamp down on your blush, "you speak too highly of me... there are plenty of Spriggans faster than me and Sylphs are faster fliers in general..."

Shiroe-dono shakes his head. "As a Spriggan myself I know full well the limitations of the race. Most of our spells are based on illusions... but I've seen you fight Akatsuki. You have «Metamorphosis» mastered, and are adaptable. You're exactly the Spriggan I need for this plan."

"W... well if you put it that way... I'm happy to help..." you're not used to being praised. It's rather embarrassing...

"Haha, glad to have you on board. Now... there's no time like the present... so let's start the inaugural ALO raid of «Debauchery Tea Party»!"

Naotsugu raises his hand in a hearty cheer, quickly joined by Nyanta's paw. You find your fist joining them.

Shiroe-dono's gone through the plan a dozen times and more. It was still unbelievable, such a disgusting exploit that there's no way the devs won't patch it out the moment it works... IF it works.

"Remember Akatsuki. It only has to work once," echoes Shirou-dono's voice in your head. It was essential to the plan that not all of you were in the same party, as for one you didn't want the friendly fire protection in place.

You gulp, adjusting your position on Nyanta's shoulders. Nyanta himself is clinging to Naotsugu like a pack mule. A shinobi Spriggan riding a... human cat furry Cait Sith riding a humongous armored Gnome sounds like the start of a bad joke or a worse porno (stop thinking Shizuka!).

"Hey Shiroe... you sure you got the math right?" complains Naotsugu while he chugs another fire-resistance potion. "Once we start the GMs will likely notice, I doubt we'll get another shot at this..."

"There's no enemies to account for and we have full control over all the variables. This will work."

"We just gotta trust Shiroe, like always," says Nyanta as he shoots Shiroe a paws up.

Right. You take a deep breath, this was only phase one of the plan. Naotsugu grinded up Strength and Vitality exclusively in New World Online which gave out large bonuses for sticking with a small number of stats. Due to that Naotsugu had absurdly high carrying capacity and vitality at the cost of nearly every other part of his build being nonfunctional.

The first phase was all him... well, him and Shiroe who was sitting on a pile of over 15 casts of «Explosive Runes». From Shiroe's explanation, he picked his build solely to be able to cast this spell, a combined trap and damage ability that was largely underutilized. The spell simply had a poor damage/mana ratio, and the Runes themselves could not be concealed by any method, making it only really useful for defensive fortifications. Even then just having the Runes active provided an active drain to your MP.

Shiroe was chain chugging expensive mana potions just to get 15 casts stacked in the same location.

"S.S. Naotsugu, ready for liftoff!"

"You're a rocket, not a ship. You need a name like 'Explorer' or 'Voyager'..." you add.

"Alright pipsqueak. This is the «Horizon»! Ready for LIFTOFF CITY!"

Before you could punish the stupid gnome for his mocking nickname your vision blurs as the world is transformed into a conflagration from hell. Even with the friendly fire protection in place your HP drops by a solid third. It was as if everything was on fire—the Naotsugu, yourself, the sky—everything! Even the light had been split by that blast.

The sheer wind pressure was also immense, you could only shut your eyes in response. Avatars were not meant for these speeds, you're not sure if the damage you're taking is from the residual flames or the sheer velocity of your motion. Naotsugu's body was covered in burns and open wounds bleeding red pixels, his HP dropping from the residual fire damage second by second. The three of you must've been quite the sight, a comet rocketing from the ground with a trail of blood and damage ticks instead of ice.

"Damn... I know this doesn't hurt but the heat is rather uncomfortable..."
"Don't complain! Grit your teeth and keep going!"

Higher... higher... You drink your health potion as Nyanta does the same, Naotsugu resigning himself to his fiery fate.
The ascent slows but the HP damage doesn't, the burning hot armor of Naotsugu cooking him alive and also harming you and Nyanta. How much longer could you last?

"AKATSUKI, THE SIGNAL!" yells Shiroe's voice over your party chat.

You scream at the top of your lungs, "NYANTA NOW!"


You wouldn't have believed it if you didn't see it happen right under you. The moment you gave your command everything happened at once. Naotsugu's life burns out as suddenly the rocket ship you were rising on is replaced with the wispy «Remain Light» of a dead player. The instructions were strict, no one is to use their flight gauge, so as soon as Naotsugu dies you feel yourself falling towards the ground.

But as if by prophecy Nyanta shoves a «Yggdrasil Dew», an extremely expensive revival item, into Naotsugu's «Remain Light» not a second after he dies, reviving him on the spot.

A big meaty hand grabs you just as you're about to fall out of reach and hurls you back onto Nyanta's back. The timing was perfect, how had Shiroe predicted the exact moment of Naotsugu's death from all the way down on the ground!? Naotsugu wasn't even in the party so he couldn't be looking at his HP meter. Did he have everything planned down to the last second?

"Starting phase two!"

And here it was. The explosion launched you a quarter of the way up the tree... with not a single one of you having used even a second of your «Flight Gauge».

"«Cat's Step!»" calls out Nyanta as runic words surround his avatar. You quickly cast «Metamorphosis» in tandem.

«Cat's Step», a Cait Sith support skill that allowed one to speed up ground movement. According to Shiroe the system interpreted it as a temporary mass reduction - a less heavy target.

And your «Metamorphosis», a Spriggan spell that allowed you to assume the physical form of a random monster, akin to Polymorph spells from RPGs of old. Statistically it almost always selected a weak monster, with some players speculating that by wishing hard enough you could partly control the transformation.

Please don't be a strong monster... please don't be a strong monster...

"Squeak!" Not... your first choice as you reorient yourself into Nyanta's arms with an undignified shout. Damn it, you wanted something small, but why a monster as embarrassing as a damn «Ragout Rabbit»?

"Hahaha, good look on ya pipsqueak," taunts Naotsugu, freshly revived, as all of his armor is dramatically purged from his body. The falling armor combined with you and Nyanta's sudden weight modifications were the key to phase two - the stage where Naotsugu would use what little flight gauge he had left carrying the two of you on his back.

"Grrr...." your lack of functional vocal cords prevented you from exacting revenge on Naotsugu, but you'll remember this injustice.

Even still, the plan was proceeding smoothly. You await Shiroe's commands from the ground while Naotsugu flies in a straight line, the ground rapidly disappearing under you. The view must've been wonderful, but you were cradled snuggling in Nyanta's arms and couldn't actually see anything besides his elbow.

His clearly human shaped elbow covered in cat fur. Was he a cat? A man? A cat man or a man cat? The question haunts you for a few minutes.

"Shit, I'm gonna go dry in about 3 seconds... it's up to you now Chief. Make sure you deliver pipsqueak safely upstairs!"

"Good job Naotsugu. See you on the other side." says Nyanta. You peek out from under his arms, watching Naotsugu shoot you one final thumbs up. The Gnome falls into the distance, flight gauge now fully depleted, towards his final fate of becoming a «Remain Light».

"Thank you Naotsugu. Starting phase three. Stay sharp Akatuski, the final phase is all up to you," calls out Shiroe through the party chat room.

You can't answer in your transformed form but the intent was clear. Nyanta's wings surge forth, the two of you were well over halfway up the «World Tree», the first players to ever break into the realm of the gods.

1 minute... 2.... Nyanta was clearly using an agile avatar. His reduced weight didn't actually affect his Flight Gauge and was only meant to ease the burden on Naotsugu... similar to your «Metamorphosis».

More minutes pass as you reach the 3/4 mark.

"Alright little lady, the last stretch is all you. Make sure you take some nice pictures for us, alright?"

The only thing you can do is nod.


"You got it Shiroe! The magnificent Chief Nyanta's final hurrah!"

There was one more reason a Spriggan was needed. «Metamorphosis» wasn't an illusion spell, it was actual transformation. The monster was always weaker than the player but you could use the monster's abilities - rather «Metamorphosis» created a shell of shadow while shunting your avatar into a storage mode.

That means it could tank a hit. Just one... but for that moment, no matter how powerful the attack, no matter how much raw damage... you would survive while your «Metamorphosis» form took the hit for you.


Dark magic «Sacrifice». Typically a spell exclusive to the Dark Magic specialists of the Imp race. Like with all magic a dedicated grinder could unlock enough Dark Magic proficiency to use it. Nyanta had grinded this skill exclusively for this one attempt.

The dark fire engulfs Nyanta's body, instantaneously turning him into a «Remain Light», the force of the magic explosion smashing into you like a thunderbolt. The sky alights for a second time, only this time instead of Naotsugu taking the hit your Rabbit form does so instead.

Your «Metamorphosis» spell dissolves as your team repeats the same explosion launch feat, only this time in midair. You rise in the wake of the explosion towards the rapidly closing branches of your destination. This was the moment of truth, everyone else had played their part, now only you remained.

The momentum carries you forward, but unlike the «Explosive Runes» a single magic attack, no matter how strong, could only do so much. How close were you? Your body shoots past the clouds - from here it was guesswork. The «World Tree» was so absurdly tall nobody from the ground even had a good idea of EXACTLY how tall it was, the peaks were hidden above the clouds.
Thankfully you were close. You could see the branches now, in the distance. One last quarter to go.

You were at the apex of the explosion. Any longer and you were going to start falling... your black gossamer wings deploy. There! You eye a branch hanging low from the «World Tree». Strange... was there a cage on it?

You fly.




You watch your flight gauge.

5 minutes...
3 minutes...
1 minute...
30 seconds....

Your wings were flickering. The flight gauge was in the red zone. 6 minutes was your maximum, no amount of willpower or wishing could change that. You weren't going to make it, the low branch you had identified with the cage on it was still too far. If only you had 10 seconds! Just 10 more seconds!

"I'm sorry Shiroe-dono. I... won't be able to make it..." you mutter into your party chat.

"Akatsuki. I know you can do this. There must be something... something only you can do."


Your wings give one last flicker and sputter out. Momentum carries you forward another meter but that's all. Your body arcs while you angle your head to get one last look at the «World Tree». From here at least you can take a picture... just have to remember to cast the «Scry» spell...

A picture. Of a cage. It's all you have to show for this endeavor.

You were close. So close! You can smell the leaves, you can see the apex! You see the cage in the branches above!

As your «Scry» spell takes a blurry picture you can't help but notice something odd...
You see a girl in that cage...
A... girl? Even from this distance she was beautiful with auburn hair, white dress and magnificent wings. The picture of a princess.

Wait... didn't that mean there was someone in that cage?
Someone you could see.
No... not just anyone.


"«Shadow Strike»!"

Your hand clenches shut. You're holding something... but what?

"W... what's going on...." you belatedly realize your party was disbanded, Shiroe-dono couldn't hear you or give you advice now.

Worse than that, you feel dizzy, like you just woke up from a nap you didn't remember taking.
In fact you still feel dizzy. Some vertigo in fact, almost like you were upside down. Wait a minute.


"Hold still!"

You WERE upside down! Dangling upside down from a slimy blue tentacle. Shit, it was a slime monster! That only meant one thing... "Stop wriggling! You know you're not supposed to be here, right!?"

Crap, the GMs were awake.

"LET ME DOWN FIRST!" You've never been grappled by a slime monster before but you immediately rank it as the worst feeling in the world. God what was with these games and slimes....

"Fine, fine!"

After you've stopped hyperventilating you realize you're still up in the clouds, on a makeshift platform made from branches of the «World Tree». Next to you was a soft blue super squishy slime, one of the GMs no doubt. «Rimuru», head GM for ALO... oh you were in deep trouble.

"Uh... hello GM-sama, I have a... uh... perfectly good explanation for all this..."

"Well, I'm sure you do. You have a lot to answer for, buster. But first thing's first, are you alright?"

"I feel fine. Should I not be?" you question.

The slime... wiggles in mild agitation.
"You tell me. I get a system alert that one of the players was knocked out but didn't actually LOG out. As you can imagine RECT Progress takes such error messages... VERY seriously."

After you used «Shadow Strike» to enter the Cage everything went black. You... don't actually remember what happened up there. A look at your internal clock tells you that about a minute has passed, 1 minute of which you don't have any memories. That... sounds bad.

"So imagine my surprise when I look at the location ID and find you HERE! You must've run afoul of the automatic defenses, though I'm still not sure how it knocked you out without logging you off..."

"Uh.... GM-sama..."

"No, just call me «Rimuru», or 'That Slime!', everyone else does!"

"Right... uh... aren't you a GM? So shouldn't you know exactly what happened? Don't you have some kind of log file?"

More shaking from the Slime GM before you. "Hey, I'm just in charge of the lorebook and general management. I'm not in the dev team, the «World Tree» is out of my jurisdiction. They don't tell grunts like me what's going on there."

"Wait, then do you know who that player in the cage is?"

"Player? You mean «Titania»? The boss says its some mega-important NPC but the whole thing is too high of a pay grade for me. Gotta say though, the design? Amazing. Top tier, even if they won't let me get a close look I can tell. Elf energy is off the charts."

So... an NPC and an incomplete one at that. "Wait a minute. Are you saying this whole area, the «World Tree»... is unfinished?" It would explain why the «Guardians of the World Tree» quest is so deliberately overturned.

"Ahh... well guess the cat's out of the bag. But don't worry, there's a BIG update planned for the end of May. Boss says it's going to change everything, the «World Tree» should be fully accessible then."

That's it? You thought there'd be something amazing on top of the «World Tree» not just... some incomplete unfinished zone. You look around at the trees, the cage far off into the distance... this was just placeholder data put in by the Seed AI while the devs actually worked on their next update? Way to take the majesty out of the whole thing....

Rimuru is now visibly bobbing up and down. "Hey, don't look so disappointed! Game dev is hard work, even with the Seed AI. Just be patient, I promise it'll be worth it! Not that I know exactly what the higher ups have planned... and you better not tell anyone!"

Your disappointment is immense. What a waste of a day. At least you got some gossip about the next update... unverified gossip from a GM who clearly doesn't even know what's going on.

"I'm still wondering how you got up here. Looking at the logs some kind of... explosion and physics exploit? Oh boy, you know you just gave me overtime work right?"

"I'm... sorry?" you reply. You weren't really sorry.

"I mean... don't get me wrong. I'm extremely impressed. But I'm gonna have to put up an invisible wall or something. Let me tell you, the Seed HATES invisible walls, anything too 'gamey' and the system will fight you back tooth and nail."

So an invisible wall, you'll be the first and last player to see this sight before it gets replaced with whatever the devs have planned next update. You look, truly look, for the first time from the top of the world tree. You couldn't even see the ground through the clouds, it was as if you had left one world and entered into another. A travel from one fantasy realm to the next, almost like transferring your avatar between VRMMOs.
It really was beautiful. This was the reward you were desperate for earlier... even if there wasn't much up here the fact that YOU made it up here against the wishes of the GMs, against the wishes of the devs themselves. Wasn't that in and of itself wonderful? And you would be... last person to see this view on account of some invisible force field?

"Rimuru, why not just leave it be?"


"It's unfinished... but what's here already isn't bad either. A beautiful view, a princess in a cage... even meeting you. I'd like to think this trip was worth the trouble," you say, more to yourself than Rimuru. "Even if someone else makes it up here, they can't enter the actual zone right?"

A wiggle from the Slime you're beginning to recognize as its approximation of a nod. "You'd need Dev privileges to enter the area, otherwise it just ejects you like what happened earlier. I can't even go in there."

"See? So there's no danger of anyone actually wandering into an unfinished area. So this whole climb up the tree... keep it as an easter egg of sorts? If another party makes it up here, shouldn't they be rewarded the same way I am? With a preview of the next update and some teasers? Nothing drums up interest like a good mystery."

"Oohh! That's some enterprising thinking there! I like it... you know what, I'll even let you keep that picture you took of «Titania»! Don't think I don't know about that, the log reveals all."

Shit, the Slime knows about the picture? Does he also know about...
"Ah... ha, that's generous of you. Well, I doubt there'll be another party that wants to cheat their way up the «World Tree» just to see an unfinished zone..."

"Nah, now that people know it's possible you'll get hundreds making the attempt. That might not be a bad thing, would drum up some interest in the next update..."

You nod aggressively. "Right! And this view is too wonderful to not share."

Rimuru does a sideways shake in response. "I don't want this to be a tourist attraction! If I leave the path open then I gotta do SOMETHING! Maybe nothing so crass as an invisible wall, but I'm not just going to let any old bozo waltz up here. Tell you what, since you're the first player to ever reach the «World Tree» let's make a deal. You can release the picture, drum up some interest, brag about your discovery... but you can't tell people about the unfinished zone!"

You quickly nod. In truth you're probably going to tell Shiroe-Dono the first chance you get, but the Slime didn't need to know that.

"Alright... then in exchange I'll let you decide what the next defense is!"

"I'm sorry?"

"Yup! I don't mind making the «World Tree» accessible as an easter egg for dedicated glitch hunters like you, but if you're going to try again I'm not going to make it easy for you. So what do you think would make a good obstacle? If you're not happy with an invisible wall, what about a no-fly zone? An elemental storm? Or maybe just a big mob?"


[ ] A no-fly zone halfway up the «World Tree».

[ ] A no-magic zone halfway up the «World Tree».

[ ] A whirling elemental maelstrom now encircles the «World Tree».

[ ] A giant fairy dragon.

[ ] You know what, an invisible wall is fine. Just give it a weakness.

"And that's what happened in a nutshell," you finish your report to the rest of your party as you all polish off the last of Nyanta's sandwiches. You've had a stressful day, maybe you can ask him about petting again...

"Man, what a let down..." complains Naotsugu. "All that work, only to find the top is still in development. And all we got was this one blurry picture..."

"And this card," finishes Nyanta.

Shiroe is staring at the black card held in his hand. You gave it to him the moment you met up after Rimuru teleported you back down to the ground. You had it in a deathgrip the whole conversation with the Slime, despite its claims towards omnipotence the GM never realized you had this item.

"Do you know what it is Shiroe-dono?" Because you certainly don't. It was in your hand after you teleported into the cage and you don't remember anyone giving it to you or even picking it up.

The only thing that possibly makes any sense is that «Titania» planted it on you when you were unconscious. But she was just an unfinished NPC, right?

"Are you sure I can have this Akatsuki? If anyone deserves a reward it's you. Normally I'd try to split it four ways but..."

"But my boss is starting a new project. I'm not going to have any time to game anymore," complains Naotsugu.

"And I've been away too long from «Cat Cafe», my playmates miss me mightily. Item rewards won't transfer between games."

So you and Shiroe are the only members of the party still playing ALO. "What about you Shiroe-dono? Do you still plan to keep playing?"

Silence while the glasses-wearing Spriggan thinks. "I think I'll stick around for a little while longer. This card... I'm not exactly sure what it is but..."


"I know a good info broker. She'll at least give us a fair price for it."

AN: A bit of a preview of one of the 4 planned "routes" for you to reach the World Tree.
Vote for the obstacle! This will only be relevant in one of the routes.
Internally the routes are called Law, Chaos, Cheat and True Demon.

Previous vote (who to call) is still active if you wish to vote on that. It'll stay open until the next formal update.
This vote will also still open until the next formal update.
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