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06/17: Clattanoia [STRENGTH Rank 3]
AN: Two updates back to back, check threadmarks.

MONDAY - June 16th, 2025


You snuggle up harder against Kuma-kun, willing the voice to cease. The hospital bed is rock hard but you're just so exhausted...


Your warm and fluffy bear is ripped away from you— Kuma-kun still has the imprint of your drool on his face. You grab for his warmth, but he's no longer where he should be, replaced by nothing the cold stagnant air of the hospital. There's some big plastic band jammed over your eyes that you lift over your forehead.

Shino stands next to you, holding a breakfast tray. She looks more annoyed than usual. "You look horrible. How did you fall sleep with that on? I hope you're not doing that with the NerveGear."

You set the Amusphere to the side and give a glance at the clock. It's 2PM. You've only been asleep for 5 hours or so, but it feels as if you got zero. Though your body is stiff you still feel dazed, unable to even contemplate doing anything else other than crawling back under the covers.

"The storm's over," Shino glances out the hospital window. "The roads are still pretty bad, and all the transit systems are out of service. We need to get out of hospital— and just what were you doing all night?"

"Important stuff..." you mumble.

She doesn't fail to hide her visible skepticism. "Seems super important, I'm sure. C'mon, let's get out of here."

"Gimme a second..." you close your eyes and roll over, but find yourself immediately nudged in the side. "Stop that... I'm too tired, maybe you can carry me back..."

"No. You weigh more than me."

"I do not! I've got muscles now!" Said muscles immediately betray you and stiffen in pain as soon you make a single attempt at getting up. Shino shakes her head as she brings the breakfast tray closer.

"Just... we need you at your best, alright? Between『 』and Pitohui things have gotten very complicated, very quickly. Remember the Derby is on July 13th, and we have first-semester Finals immediately afterward. We have less than a month and that time is going to pass us by faster than we think. Oh, and school's off until June 18th. I got a message assigning me homework through the break— your teachers are probably doing the same."

Good news with the bad, as always...

"Now eat up. Get changed and then we'll meet in the waiting room downstairs."

Shino grabs your blanket and takes it with her, the traitor, leaving you alone in the room with the sole stuffed animal you brought. You... should be getting back now. The AC needs to be checked, and you have to remove all the plushies from the waterproof garbage bag you put them in and—


The Derby. Finals. Work.

You're half awake eating tasteless slop, contemplating your pile of responsibilities and—


You've only reached Level 40 so far. Momonga lent you cold immunity armor and had you go on a killing spree in Niflheim, farming the Everfrost Caverns. The elemental spirits in that zone attacked solely with cold elemental damage. Usually, the zone was sucked dry by various bots but it appears even they now avoided YGGDRASIL, the one you saw in the starting zone being one its creator likely forgot was even running.

Level 15 in «Doppelganger», gives you a total of 15 forms you could switch to, provided they were monsters.
Level 15 in «Changeling», allows you to mimic player characters, though not their equipment.
Level 10 in «Greater Doppelganger», increasing the total number of forms up to 40, alongside the ability to copy lower-tiered equipment.

Momonga took you on a teleport guided whirlwind tour of all the useful low-level mobs in YGGDRASIL while walking you through your character optimization. Death Knights with their useful ability to resist one fatal attack, no matter how strong. Stone Golems for the best melee defense until Level 50. Blink Wolves, Lesser Shambling Mounds, Storm Hawks and even min maxed player classes, all duplicated from NPC Mercenaries Momonga hired from his bottomless pit of YGGDRASIL gold.

There's a capstone to your class, a hidden 'secret' that Momonga stated he believed only he knew about. The «Capgras», a final tier of the Doppelganger line that unlocked a passive build scan ability and granted you the ability to copy targets even without fighting them first. There was a dungeon in the depths of Vanaheim open to solo Doppelganger challengers, and Momonga would have you challenge it.

You glance at the clock. You were expected there in about 6 hours, right when the early evening was to begin. Prime time for GGO— for work.


Things can wait, can't they? Shiroe was right, Death Gun seemed strangely hesitant to act. Pitohui was content to wait.『 』would do some bullshit regardless of what you tried, so what's the point in worrying? It's just a few levels. A new ability to try, a dungeon to conquer— maybe you could go for that «World Champion» quest. Just one or two days. Just...

MONDAY - June 16th, 2025
20:32:02 YST

Your first mistake was thinking that YGGDRASIL was a game about reflexes. Even on the frontlines you were constrained by low-quality Dive signals and anything even remotely supernatural in terms of speed or strength needed to be managed through careful application of skills from a hotbar.

What was it Momonga said?

To play on the frontlines was to be at a sports meet.

You raise your hand, encased in the reinforced concrete of a Stone Golem. The faceless warrior slams its axe against your defense. You rush forth in an impromptu body check, all 500kg of simulated weight pushing you forward, knocking your opponent flat on their back.

Your second mistake was thinking that YGGDRASIL was just a game about ability rotations. You had your keyboard console open, a phantom human hand typing at the dozens of different command macros you had pinned— each changing with every form. The sheer weight of your options was overwhelming.

To play on the backlines was to be a concert pianist.

A faceless druid raises a hundred vines in the air. The tendrils wrap around your massive frame but in the next second you're a Shambling Mound and the vines are absorbed into your body for a near instant health refresh. Whatever countermeasure your opponent has prepared dies as you quick change into a simple human mage and expel a Maximized Fireball straight into it.

Your final mistake? Assuming that YGGDRASIL was a fair game.

"These shitty devs..!"

A dozen panels open along the side of the arena. A Thief, a Fighter, a Cleric... representatives from all the major combat classes all seem to have their arms raised— doppelgangers all. This was the capstone quest, a solo gauntlet through all the varied ways YGGDRASIL had to kill you. Momonga didn't mention that they'd end the fight by coming at you all at once.

The wings of a Storm Hawk lift you above the intersecting blades of four DPS units.

With the weight of a Stone Golem you slam onto the ground, smearing an Assassin in the process. You're a Shambling Mound again, and the Fighter is seized by a hundred arms straight into the incoming thunderbolt of its own ally. A Thief swings for a limb and you're a Wraith, the attack passing through you as you pass through it, taking its heart with you in the process.

To be versatile, to be everything was to be at the sports meet while playing the piano. With your feet.

A half dozen skeletons summoned by the Necromancer gets batted away by a swipe of your Ankylodon tail. You catch the Wizard mid cast and with a twist in the air you bite its throat out as a Blink Wolf.

And so it goes. And so it ends.

Your head rings as the final Paladin slams his hammer down, saturating your Death Knight form in holy light. Your HP falls down to the faintest sliver— but no more, as you ram your sword through the helmet of the NPC. Every single foe brought out to bear against you lays dead on the floor, the silvery blood of dozens of enemy Doppelgangers mixing together as you stand atop a literal silver sea of corpses.

A notification rings out in your menu.

<You have reached Level 41!>
<You have unlocked the special class: «Capgras». Equip now?>

The pool of silvery blood comes alive, squirming and flowing into a pillar that builds in the center of the arena. In what likely passes in YGGDRASIL for a pre-rendered cutscene you temporarily lose control of your avatar, shifting back into your base form, now that of a Greater Doppelganger.

The pool rises into the air, elongating and condensing until a silhouette takes shape, a creature with four limbs and long silver hair. You think you see it, the briefest flash of gold within the hollow indents that pass for eyes— your vision cuts out, a pre-recorded latin chant fills the air and then—

You open your eyes. You are in the center of the room, silvery blood still dripping off of you. Standing at your feet is your old body, a puppet with its strings cut, collapsed against the floor utterly unmoving.


It was a cheap effect, but you have to admit to being just a little bit impressed.

<[Momonga]: You finished it one try? It appears you truly are experienced fighting in different forms.>

The skeleton walks through the opening of the dungeon. You catch him glancing up and down your still unmoving form— nodding in appreciation. You shift yourself back into a form you're more familiar with before you're hit with an idea—

It's your new ability. You can see his Class Levels— 40 in the Skeleton Mage Racial Tree and the rest in various Necromancer-related specializations. You type in the new form into the virtual keyboard...

<Skeleton Mage Level 15, Lich Level 10, Elder Lich Level 10, Overlord Level 5—>


Momonga spams that stupid emoticon of his again. You cross your newly formed skeletal arms, and glower at him from your new height. Momonga simply holds up a hand mirror and turns it towards you.


Well. You suppose a buck naked skeleton isn't the most intimidating look.

MONDAY - June 16th, 2025
22:48:46 YST

The «World Tree» itself was much unlike the alabaster tower you've come to expect from ALO. In YGGDRASIL it looks much more traditional, a simple wooden trunk displayed on the far-off horizon, towering over the level, with an array of rainbow leaves all around it. The Tree itself existed only in the backdrop, there was no actual zone for it.

<[Momonga]: Touch-san suspected it was going to be added in an expansion. I think the entrance is still somewhere out there, waiting for a Player to stumble upon it. YGGDRASIL loves to keep you looking.>

It also strikes you as a super useful excuse if, perchance, the devs ran out of money. Just hide it behind some GM lock and trick players into thinking it was real, or in YGGDRASIL's case, wait for a player to design it themselves.

Momonga has brought you to Alfheim, to undertake the quest for the «World Champion» title. It was typically a long, time-consuming process, first requiring you to reach +400 Karma points. Karma could only be increased by undertaking extremely tedious quests for the NPCs of the good-aligned realms— or by simply shifting into the form of a high Karma monster.

Then you needed the honored blessings of the Fairy King and Queen— Oberon and Titania to your great disgust— but Momonga handed you two Quest Skip potions and with a flick on your console, you had two glowing signatures alongside a completed questlog. The game had most Cash Shop items as account locked, but this was one of the few exceptions and for that you were thankful. You were not interested in spending 5 hours reenacting Shakespeare for the video game equivalent of a participation trophy.

Which brings you here. A level 41 Capgras, with little more than the clothes on your back, facing the final challenge of the dreaded «World Champion» questline. Upon the foot of the «World Tree» lies a circular coliseum. It would look more impressive if you hadn't already seen this exact same building at least three separate times along Momonga's world tour.

<[Momonga]: Stop. No need to rush, we could be ambushed at any second. As a Heteromorph remember that you are always at risk of PKing.>

From who, you almost want to ask. You haven't seen a single other player all day besides Momonga. But you sigh as your companion casts a litany of detection spells— he insists on doing it practically every zone change, and you've long since given up on convincing him otherwise.

In the background, some stupid lore about the nature of the «World Champion» is being spouted off by a pre-canned announcement. You tune it out and watch the lich beside you instead.

"Couldn't you have taken this Title whenever you wanted? Does anyone even want this anymore?"

<[Momonga]: It would not synergize with my build, and YGGDRASIL bans all alt accounts. If I were to steal it, it would mean Touch-san would need to slay me to claim it again. I would not wish that to hang over our reunion.>

"Was Touch-san a friend of yours?" you ask, thankful you have a way of referring to this warrior without using his full name.

There's a moment of silence as Momonga stares at the sky and the tree off in the distance.

<[Momonga]: I do not know. I was PK'd constantly when I first started— I found the game to be an unpleasant experience until Touch-san asked me to join his clan. I suppose we must've had an enjoyable time together... to a point.>

There's a bitterness in his tone. The unmistakable truth that ultimately this Touch left the guild— that they all left.

"Did you take over «Ainz Ooal Gown» after Touch-san left?"

<[Momonga]: Once we had enough players to form a guild, everyone voted for me as the Leader, Touch-san included. That was long before they left— no, I misspoke. He did not leave, he is simply taking a break from the game.>

He says it like a mantra, but it's clear even Momonga doesn't believe it. The cutscene for the «World Champion» battle plays in the background. The two of you ignore it. "Why don't you look for him? He probably got bored or realized he couldn't afford to keep up with the money sink. That's probably true for all of your guildmates. You could still meet up IRL or play a different game—"

<[Momonga]: No... that would be... disrespectful. There was no great schism, no drama. People left because life got in the way. To join «Ainz Ooal Gown» required only two things: to be a Heteromorph and to be a productive member of society. We all promised each other that the game would be our escape from the real world, not our substitute for it. We poured our all into the game because it was our sanctuary— but the real world waits for no man.>

The theatrics are dying down. A random goddess whose name you doubt even Momonga has bothered to memorize calls for challengers to the title to step forth and face each other in mortal combat for her pleasure.

<[Momonga]: Everyone has their own lives to live. If it wasn't for YGGDRASIL we never would've met, and without YGGDRASIL we have nothing in common. So to answer your question, I would say: no. Touch-san was not my friend. We were guildmates— nothing more... and nothing less. And in honor of those guildmates, I vowed to keep our sanctuary safe, so that if anyone ever wished to return...>

There's a quiet intensity in Momonga's voice. A self-imposed burden he's placed around his own neck, though perhaps it would be more accurate to call it his shining light in the dark? You can't tell if he's broken by this game— or broken without it. MAXWELL said he was once a lost soul, chasing the promise that CONTROL would have granted him. And the freedom that he was granted brought him... here. To YGGDRASIL.

Your thoughts are interrupted. The quest line isn't about to let up— the over-decorated goddess calls out your name, and summons a weird-looking crystal. A prayer of Norse gibberish accompanies a lightshow, and a pillar of energy flows into your avatar with the fanfare of a completed tutorial quest.

And so with a wave of your hand, a notification confirms it— you are now, as far as YGGDRASIL is concerned— the «World Champion of Alfheim». Feeling the event lacks a bit of pizazz, you take out a noisemaker from your inventory and pull the tab— spraying confetti all over the floor with the sound of a wet fart.

TUESDAY - June 17th, 2025
Early Morning

You awaken in your own room. Your AC, rattled but still fully functional, offers a steady stream of cooling air. Some storm water seeped out of your bathroom but beyond that, your room was completely undamaged. You recreate your plushie fort and set the Amusphere next to your bed.

"...what time is it?"

Your clock says 4AM. Tomorrow, or more accurately later today, was the last free day you have until school restarts. After you claimed the role of Champion, Momonga insisted you at least level up enough to fully max out both of your prestige classes. Now that you had enough abilities to actually transform into some of the more tanky monster forms, Momonga took you along his usual farming route. You would one tap a zone boss and he would quickly deal the finishing blow with some absurd metamagic-buffed necrotic spell— still leaving you with 10% EXP off of level 80+ mobs.

Momonga claimed there was little reason to use both the Capgras and World Champion classes together, but to the surprise of you both it seemed the World Champion's equipment permissions carried over even through transformations— not that you had any high-level items to equip. An unexpected synergy that got around the Doppelganger's typical weakness of being unable to equip higher-tier items.

But even with Momonga's tricks your leveling was slowing down to a crawl. At Level 50 there was a sudden spike in both EXP requirements and penalties for death. Now the most effective way of gaining EXP was by clearing dungeons, but unlike overworld mob farming there was no quick and easy way to cheese that. Momonga claimed he still had a plan, and wanted to power level through a few dungeons tomorrow...

You glance once more at your calendar. You really shouldn't, not with school about to start, you being horrifically behind on your schoolwork, plus everything going on with GGO...


Ah, why the hell not? One more day.

TUESDAY - June 17th, 2025
18:26:42 YST

"Urgh!" Even without any functional pain sensors, the sudden lurch in your vision as you are forcibly dragged across the dungeon floor makes your head spin. The Garuda monster rears back with a piercing cry, but all you can focus on is keeping the enemy's arms trapped within your spider limbs.

<[Momonga]: Extend Magic! Draconic Might!>

The sudden surge of strength flips the stalemate in an instant. The bird monster squawks as you draw it in closer, smothering it in your arms until the thing finally shatters into pieces.

<[Momonga]: To the right! Reinforcements! Wall of Skeleton!>

A massive wall of bones covers the entrance to the chamber, giving you time to breathe and pop an MP potion. This particular dungeon in Svartalfheim was a gauntlet of sorts, with nigh infinitely spawning mini-boss monsters. Accounting for the EXP bonus you get for last hitting the opponent, Momonga's strategy was to solely crowd control and buff, while you culled boss after boss.

You've been at this for hours. You've only gained 6 levels.

"Is there any way to do this faster!?"

Momonga doesn't appear to have heard you, standing still and silent. He's been extremely distracted all day, performing every task with a noted lethargy. You caught him casting Spike Growth spells against Wyverns and miscasting buffs meant for you on himself.

You groan, shifting into a Demon Mage right as a Chimera bursts through the Skeleton Wall. You cast down a bolt of lightning only to wince as the goat head absorbs the magic.

"Tch, Momonga, can you just kill that one?" Annoyingly the worst enemies for you to fight were versatile enemies like Chimeras and magic knights, where your decreased base stats heavily negated any advantage of your Doppelganger transformations.

<[Momonga]: Found it! You want to do this faster? I have just the item.>

A strange pearl-white flute materializes in the boney hands of Momonga.

"No, wait, the Chimera first! Kill the—"

Somehow, despite his lack of lips, the clarion call of the whistle echoes clearly through the chamber. For a second nothing happens.

And then you're body slammed by a Dire Bear, two Flaming Rhinos and five different flavors of Dinosaur.

TUESDAY - June 17th, 2025
22:52:08 YST

Level 56. That's accounting for the 3 Level you lost dying. Because the YGGDRASIL devs really want to sell you microtransactions.

Want to level fast? There's a Cash Shop item for that!
Want to reduce your death penalty? There's a Cash Shop item for that!
Want to skip the whole goddamn game? There's a Cash Shop item for that too!

<[Momonga]: The EXP penalty is quite trivial. Even for me, I can do about 5 levels in a single day. The worst part about the penalty is losing your rare items—>

"I don't have any rare items to lose, and I don't have a day to grind!"


Momonga raises his peace emoticon, apparently detecting your anger. You're back in Nazarick's throne room, taking stock of your current build. Even with the untimely deaths you had many unassigned levels, and it was time to pick your first job class. Momonga was recommending the Craftsman class, but the Alchemist class was also...


Was there any point to all this?

Momonga's Persona was powerful, but was it worth spending all your time in YGGDRASIL? You can see why this game was so popular, the sheer amount of possibilities before you...

But with no one to play with or against.

Nobody but Momonga and the soulless NPCs of Nazarick.

"Hey Momonga," you ask, eyeing the succubus NPC standing statue still in the middle of the throne room. "Do these things even do anything?" The NPC was lavishly designed, in a tight ballroom dress that left little to the imagination. But its stillness and soulless golden eyes make her come off as nothing more than a dress-up doll.

<[Momonga]: They fight to defend Nazarick, though this one in particular has never seen combat, as no one has ever breached the Throne Room.>

You suppose being invited in doesn't count. As a test of pure curiosity you strike the NPC in the head with your fist. It flinches, but nothing else happens. Even then its eyes don't react— she must only be able to respond to certain kinds of inputs.

<[Momonga]: Stop that, [Tabula Smaragdina] would strike you down for that if he were here.>

"[Tabula Smaragdina]? The «Emerald Tablet»? That explains why he named her Albedo. I suppose there's a Nigredo and a Rubedo lying around here too?" If there was one thing that seemed to unify all of the various members of Momonga's guild, it was their dedication to sticking to a theme. Out of idle curiosity, you peruse the flavor text Albedo's creator inserted into her data.


New opinion. All the members of Momonga's guild are weird perverts.

<[Momonga]: Y-you understood the reference!?>

He seems taken aback by knowledge, and ignorant to your rapidly dropping opinion of his guildmate. To be fair you only knew this one because of its association with your Magnum Opus Persona...

"Like I said, I try to remain versatile. You pick up a few things here and there." You track Momonga's gaze up to one of the flags in the throne room, bearing the emblem of a squid. "I'm sure he was ah, uh... interesting person."

<[Momonga]: You two would've gotten along.>

You suspect you would be more likely to call the police on him than befriend him, but before you can protest Momonga waves his hand and an illusion of his old guildmate appears underneath his respective flag. Even the Albedo NPC briefly turns her head to look at the illusion of her creator.

You stare at the... squid monster in a gimp suit, are immediately struck with many questions, and then decide absolutely none of them are worth asking.

Momonga has stories to say about every one of his guildmates. Stories that ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime, painting a vivid picture of 40 people whom Momonga would never see again. He goes on a bit of a screed, talking about each individual NPC of Nazarick like a boy showing off his model toys. For months these 41 guild members lived and breathed in this world, putting a bit of themselves into each corner of Nazarick— at times spending real-life money, and always spending real-life time.

You don't know if it was love, or pride, or just simple boredom— but you were witnessing something people sacrificed for. And now it was all going to go away, with the press of a button. "Hey Momonga, thanks for showing a newbie around. I had fun here."

<[Momonga]: You enjoyed yourself?>

"Yeah. It's like speedrunning to an MMO endgame. And we figured out a new synergy between World Champion and Doppelganger classes— something to add to the guides. I would've loved to see this game at its peak. Shame it's shutting down so soon." Momonga immediately lowers his head at your words. You wince, deciding that may have been too blunt.

"H-hey, it's not all bad. What will you do after YGGDRASIL ends? There's plenty of other games out there..."

<[Momonga]: I suppose I'll do the same thing I did before. Eat. Sleep. Work. And do it all over again, until I can do it no longer. The same thing you will be doing.>

You haven't thought that far yet. You can't think that far, not with the world on the brink as it is. The world you are looking to save... is not YGGDRASIL, nor Nazarick. It's... the place where Suzuki Satoru eat, sleeps, works... and does it all over again. The world where, one day, you will do the exact same thing.

<[Momonga]: Let us call it a night. I have to get up quite early tomorrow again...>

"Again? I thought you had today off due to the typhoon?" He seemed sleepy and distracted all day.

Momonga laughs ruefully.

<[Momonga]: A surprise message from the boss. I had to go in this morning, and I'm expected to do the same next morning.>

So when you were sleeping off your overnight grind session, Momonga was shuffling through his day job, just to spend all night grinding dungeons with you. "...You didn't have to go that far. I'm not all that interested in reaching max level, so please go get some sleep. I have my own work I've been putting off as well..."

<[Momonga]: That's right, you work many jobs, do you not? It's rare to see a high school student catching the last train home. I understand, we all have our... responsibilities. It was good to meet you [Lux]. I had... fun as well.>

"It's not like we'll never talk to each other again. I'll come back to YGGDRASIL sometime. Maybe I can put up a better fight next time!"

He jerks at the words 'Next time'. The words seem alien to him. He's no doubt it heard it 40 times already, and found the words to be lies 40 times.

<[Momonga]: Yes... next time. See you next time, [Lux].>

You gave a final half-bow to the King of this Tomb. Even Momonga has to go back to work, so you can't afford to procrastinate. Kikuoka was right, you needed a break. Playing YGGDRASIL wasn't much of one, but it wasn't as painful as you had feared. There's no mind control, no Kayaba Akihiko plot, no SEED, just... a flawed and janky piece of entertainment, and the one soul that still plays it.

<[Momonga]: Wait!>

It's Momonga. He seems to have come to a decision. There's a pressure building as he looks down at you from his throne, while a golden light wraps around his fingers. It resolves into the shape of something truly unexpected— a scroll, glowing and decorated, in a manner that oozes expense.

<You have been invited into the guild «Ainz Ooal Gown». Accept [Y/N]?>​

Your gaze flicks up at Momonga. This... wasn't what you were expecting.

<[Momonga]: The Great Tomb of Nazarick is difficult to find, and its defenses are mighty. Should you log on when I'm not here, you may use the resources of Nazarick to help you level. And [Lux], I did declare that the title of World Champion to be the property of «Ainz Ooal Gown». I have already maxed out my Level, and can no longer claim the title. Another member will have to bear the burden of carrying the title until Touch-san returns.>

From the unfurled scroll falls a single ring. Adorned in Ruby with the sigil of «Ainz Ooal Gown». You don't sense any sinister plot from Momonga. The man really was who he seemed.

Just... lonely.

You put the ring on, sign the scroll and log out as the 43nd member of «Ainz Ooal Gown».

TUESDAY - June 17th, 2025
Velvet Room

The root of this world is diseased. A rot that transcends culture and circumstance. DEATH, LIES, CONTROL, they are not forces from without, besieging mankind's walls. They are a symptom, for at the heart of humanity now lies ennui. The belief that life means nothing, that other's lives mean nothing.

Mankind walks forward with no purpose, moved only by base fears. In every aspect except one mankind wallows in emptiness. Yes, there is one light, one true shining hope— for mankind, despite all its suffering, still dreams. Still longs for HEAVEN.

STRENGTH is a victim of this world. In his dream there will be the same meaningless lives that he sees in this one. Like a child lashing out in its ignorance he will hurt and kill but also learn. He will learn that instead of something to hoard, he will have something to lose. That instead of something to mourn, he will have something to love.

In order for this waking corpse to truly come to life, it must first shed its humanity. It must shed its ennui. And so the sleeping god shall leave his tomb, and bring with it change, destruction even... but also hope. A hope for a brighter tomorrow, a hope of conquest, of pain...

Of true meaning.

And should you disagree with his conduct? There is room aplenty for two Overlords in STRENGTH's domain.

Fuse Shokushinbutsu and the «World Champion of Alfheim» into...

[ ] Rainbow Body

You are the love that enlightens the soul and its knowledge;
You are the Effulgent Lustre that abides even in a small atom;
You fill with the ambrosia of your Grace,
Every pore of their bones, their flesh and their five senses,
And the sense organs, their breaths, the Five Elements,
That constitute the human body, the soul and its active love
That has helped to gain the divine knowledge to know you.
You are the Divine River that springs within them,
Becomes brimful, and overflows with Grace and Bliss.
-Excerpt of a poem by Tirumular.

STR: Rank F (0 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank F (0 Dice)
VIT: Rank S (6 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)

Weakness: Elec, Psy, Instant Death Effects
Null: All Physical

Archetype [Real Deal: Transcend]: You are light, passing through this transitory world. Be not afraid, for salvation will come to those who wish for it, and those who do not in equal measure. You are narratively intangible to physical forces, and any speeches you give will naturally take on the cadence of a sermon, for better or worse.

Hamaon: Forcibly disconnect target Fluctlight from the «Main Visualizer», and destabilizes their connection if resisted. [CHT/LOGOUT]
Meditation: Your sutra will call forth true peace. Strike at the target's Fluctlight and take their karma into yourself, dealing more damage the less sure they are of their own existence. By default does 2 damage. [ALMIGHTY DRAIN]
Divine Endure: Whenever you would take fatal damage or become afflicted by an Instant Death effect, instead survive with 1 HP, provided you have SP to spare. [5 SP] [PASSIVE]
Merciful Mediarama: Generates a healing LUMINOUS element and send it into the sky. Heals all entities based on your unopposed CHT roll. [CHT/HEAL]


In truth there is for me no form, no sensation, no perception, no karmic formation, no consciousness, no form, no smell, no sense consciousness or object of sense consciousness and so forth; there is no self or other and no distinction of 'Buddhas' and 'sentient beings'; everything remains in the naturally perfect state of pure equality. From the depths of my heart I wish there were some way you could all be made to understand the truth in this, but you do not see it.

[Saṃbhogakāya]: No entities on the battlefield may deliberately launch a STR, MAG or weapon based attack without first succeeding on an opposed CHT roll against yourself (ties resolve in favor of opponent). Entities are not restricted from using CHT abilities or performing narrative battlefield manipulation techniques (ie, shooting at environmental fixtures, etc). [5 SP/Scene]

The root of this world is diseased. A rot that transcends culture and circumstance. DEATH, LIES, CONTROL, they are not curses raining down, they are the answer to the question, the whip that drives us forward. For at the heart of humanity lies ennui, and given the choice mankind will seek it like fireflies to the flame.

Who would not choose a dream? Who would not decide to be a god? To tear it all down and build it anew? To become a creature who has everything and can do anything— to become ennui incarnate?

He asks for the power to be granted to him, when he should instead seize it with bloody hands. He wants friends and servants to love him, when instead he should change himself— change others! Lie! Kill! Drown not in the digital wisps of a hollow dream, but in the sweat, blood and tears of the struggle!

STRENGTH does not seek death for its own sake. Yet still the corpses will pile, the rubble will fall, and all he beholds will be as ash and dust— for what reason? So that he need not be lonely. So that he can have his precious meaning. So that he may be entertained.

Fuse Shokushinbutsu and the «Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown» into...

[ ] Ash Nazg

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
-Except from Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkein.

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank A (5 Dice)
VIT: Rank F (0 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)

Weakness: Slash, Fire
Null: Curse

Archetype [Real Deal: Dark Lord]: You are all-seeing, all-powerful and all too willing to play the long game. You are in control of your emotions and able to switch from a fair oration to a violent, cursed screed at the drop of a ring. You have a tendency to favor plans that are entirely too complicated for your own good.

Starfall Crater: Imbues a blunt melee weapon or your fist with the power of an infernal forge, striking with a molten blow that shatters and deforms metal when struck. [STR/BLUNT/FIRE/MELEE]
Eigaon [Wraith Form]: Generate an UMBRAL element and increase its «Main Visualizer» render priority. Specifically manifests as a horde of wraiths invisible to your opponent through normal means. [MAG/CURSE]
Dominate: Initiates Stage 1 Synthesis Ritual and attempts to brainwash all opponents— but with a maximum duration of only a single Scene. [CHT/CHARM]
Mudoon: Purge target Artifical Fluctlight from the «Main Visualizer», and forcibly injects knowledge of the transience of their existence if resisted. [CHT/INSTANT KILL]


Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

[The One Ring]: Your Persona manifests as a physical Ring. You retain the abilities and stat bonuses of your Persona even when the Ring is separated from you. Your Ring can 'teleport' within your line of sight when separated (ie, you can always consider the Ring to be in range) but must be willingly picked up in order to gain its effects. An enemy that is CHARMED, MAD or in DESPAIR will almost always prioritize equipping the Ring above all else. You may also narratively attempt to trick the Ring onto others. Generally speaking, manipulating your Ring is considered a Free Action. If you switch Personas while the Ring is on another, you cannot dispel the effects until you reclaim the Ring. [Mandatory 1 SP/scene] [PASSIVE]

When Equipped to yourself [Default state]: Grants +2 Real Deal Bonus on all actions. You are IMMUNE to Mind Altering Status Effects.
When Equipped to another: Grants +2 Real Deal Bonus on all actions. They are WEAK to Mind Altering Status Effects and Instant Death Effects. They become narratively invisible to all but yourself. They are forcefully subjected to an attempted Eigaon [Wraith Form] attack and Dominate attack, targeting themselves using Kuro's stats, each Scene until the ring is removed. They may attempt to remove the Ring once per turn via opposed CHT roll with DISADVANTAGE or by cutting off their hand.

AN: The Overlord SL got away from me, so I decided just to go straight to Rank 3 that way I didn't have to think up a super move for a Persona that was going to be immediately replaced. Also lets me further tempt you all with the RD shenanigans for the endgame!
Last edited:
06/18: Mofumofu Café
TUESDAY - June 17th, 2025

Your fur bristles, alerting you to the shift in CatCafe's atmosphere. The proprietor sends out a tersely worded warning through the PA system— all paws on deck. He's here.

You'd seen him multiple times already. A plain-faced salaryman, one who would've blended into the background anywhere... except for here. You've heard the rumors of Arima Taichi. It's said that he always pays for the absolute deluxe package that gives him unlimited exclusive petting access to all the cats, until closing. The biggest whale, the VIP... and the final test.

You were never permitted to take a shift when Arima Taichi was scheduled to arrive. There's a rumor that Arima Taichi doesn't even realize humans are controlling the cat avatars— this whole time he thinks he's been petting real cats! Your character concept was deemed too ridiculous— nay, too dangerous for the likes of Arima Taichi! If the high roller catches onto the deception, there goes all his business...

But today? Today is an emergency.

Arima Taichi was called in to work even during the Typhoon recovery, and he's asked for an emergency stress relief session. CatCafe was woefully understaffed, since half of the employees lacked regular internet access. It's too late to switch you to a regular sized avatar... so now you were asked to perform the ultimate challenge. You are to attend to Arima Taichi.

Without letting him figure out that you are not, in fact, a real lion.

You saunter forwards, your maid costume discarded. You are now wild. Untamed! You only have one goal today: to be the impossible. To be a petting zoo lion.

You see him surrounded by a litter of kittens. You even see the Chief, fluffier than ever, playfully batting at the cat teaser in his hand. The Chief even licked his hand! A risky play— uncatlike but beloved by the patrons! Once again you are amazed at the balance he strikes.

Arima Taichi fawns over the animals, none the wiser. The pure innocence radiating from his face— one false step. One simple crack in the veneer— and down comes the castle.

You growl. The smaller cats back off. The Chief stands his ground. He turns, giving you that oh-so-familiar smile. The one that says 'how cute'. The one that expects you to fail, just so he can dive in and save the day once more.

But you are not here for the Chief. You brace your claws into the virtual mat and you roar!

Silence falls. And Arima Taichi swings his head over... and sees you.

You stare into his gormless eyes. You can feel his synapses firing, the human logic beneath questioning how precisely the company managed to secure a VR helmet on a lion. This is truly too ridiculous, there's no way he'll fall for this...!

"Oh! OOOOHHH! Aren't you so adorable...!"

What follows is a balancing act. To be as a lion is to bite this man's puny, brainless head off, but to be a proper catgirl maid is to reign in those urges. He gets too close, you bat him away. You raise your guard, he backs off. The other cats watch on in fascination, as Arima Taichi tries and fails to properly pet you.

Little does he know— this is all just part of the script.

"Please, Frederica-chan! I know how proud you are, but I know you like belly scratches too!"

First resist. Then show a tiny bit of weakness. Reel him in, like a fisherman to his catch. A foolproof technique— taught to you by the Chief himself, no less.

You briefly wonder if what you are doing is ethical. You briefly wonder if, perhaps, one day Arima Taichi may not save up enough money to go on a real safari. You briefly wonder if you are teaching him to grossly underestimate real lions. You briefly wonder if death by lion is actually something he would perversely enjoy.

You wonder briefly, and then you wonder no more.

"You're so fluffy! I'm going to request you again and again and again...!"

Because you see it.

The Chief tries to play it off. He's proud of his junior. The Chief has hundreds of regulars, his position as king of the litterbox unchallenged.

He's not mad, of course not. He's not.

But behind those innocent eyes you can tell, from one predator to another.

The Chief is seething.

Because you have done the unthinkable.

You have taken one of his customers.

There is a chink in the armor. A gap in the defenses. And through it you have struck first blood.

He walks away. Proud. Fluffy. But for the first time ever?


>You had an extremely productive CatCafe shift! rolls 6d6e5 = 3 6⊕ 1 5⊕ 6⊕ 5⊕ → 4 successes against 5

WEDNESDAY - June 18th, 2025

It's the morning of June 18th. A typhoon just passed through town. You have 10 minutes to get ready for school, but you need about 10 hours.

Your eyes hurt, your head hurts, and you really, really, really do not want to go to school today.

The typhoon has saturated Tokyo with so much humidity even your AC cannot overcome the sheer force of the world's combined moisture. Water beads on every surface, your hair thick and heavy, your body suffocating.

Like a zombie you shuffle around your apartment, trying to make it to the bathroom in one piece. You feel disgusting as a wet drop of dew trails from your armpit down your ribcage. You've lost a slipper— who knows when— and making your bed seems pointless when you'll need to wash it again just get the mildew out.

Your hand reaches for your hair products— and you misjudge the distance, knocking the bottle into the toilet. You reach for your toothbrush only to find you're completely out of toothpaste. You decide to do the barest minimum of makeup only to find the foundation congealed into a lumpy mass from when you forgot to close the lid. You turn on your shower faucet only to find the hot water still hasn't been fixed yet.

You look at yourself in the mirror.

Fuck it.

You'll just go to school like this.

You are rolling for STRESS! 1d6 = 1.
You are now narratively depressed all period! No mechanical consequences, but this will color all interactions this period!


>Red Eyed XaXa is a member of DEATH GUN. He is in Police Custody. His real name is Shinkawa Shouichi. [Confirmed]
>Johnny Black is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the hitman of the team. His real name is Kanamoto Atushi. [Confirmed]
>PoH is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the mastermind of the team. His real name is Vassago Casals. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]
>An Inside Man from ZASKAR is a member of DEATH GUN. [Weakly Suspect]
>There is an Agent HYDRA involved with DEATH GUN. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Weakly Suspect]

>Death Gun is attempting to Incarnate the concept of a Death Game into GGO. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun seeks strong players to participate in his tournament. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun will continue the killings in the meantime to support his Incarnation. [Confirmed]

>Death Gun's MO is to poison individuals in real life while they kill them in game. They generally target individuals with poor home security for this method. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun are currently targeting four unknown individuals named the Four Riders, as they have poor home security. [Confirmed]


>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon oneself, can kill one's inner weakness to expose a strange, Persona-like entity. [Confirmed]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing a NerveGear, will kill the target. [Strongly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing an Amusphere, will not kill the target. [Weakly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol is a requirement, alongside a NerveGear, for participation in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]

>The Black Star pistol was given to you by Itsuki, who you suspect is involved somehow. [Weakly Suspect]
>You've heard rumors of an Agent HYDRA, who hands out Black Stars. [Guesswork]


>Pitohui is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to her own devices she will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]
>M, real name Goushi, is both serving Pitohui and plotting to 'save' her using a plan you do not yet understand. [Guesswork]
>M may have swapped out Pitohui's NerveGear with a fake. [Guesswork]
>LLENN currently can goad Pitohui into a fight by proving that she's using her NerveGear. [Confirmed]

>The outline of M's plan is to let LLENN 'kill' Pitohui, trusting that LLENN can incarnate her desire to meet Pitohui in real life will overcome Pitohui's deathwish. [Guesswork]
>LLENN has somewhat internalized the idea that so long as she just keeps on shooting everything will work out. [Guesswork]

>Pitohui's real life identity is the singer/songwriter Kanzaki Elsa. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]
>Pitohui's is obsessed with the act of dying. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]


>There appears to be strong rumblings of an ArFA uprising amongst the NPCs. [Guesswork]
>It is reasonable to suspect that a member of ZASKAR is involved in Death Gun, considering the broadcast interruption. [Guesswork]
>You have met Lievre, a strange ArFA Type-Z who claims to be your big sister, and is an apparent mega fan of your previous alter-ego, the Edge Punisher. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is hunting down combat data for the purposes of uploading the data into an army of replicants. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is attempting to gather an army to assault something. [Guesswork]

>ZASKAR, the corporate entity, is unlikely to be directly sponsoring Death Gun. [Guesswork]
>The Dev Console for GGO has to be somewhere in GGO. [Guesswork]


>XeXeeD has crowned himself 'GGO's Champion', and is desperately searching for Death Gun to avenge Usujio. [Confirmed]
>XeXeeD is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to his own devices he will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD has a low opinion of Kuro and Lugh. He is unlikely to accept a direct challenge in this current state. [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD is a target of Death Gun. [Weakly Suspect]


>Blank, GGO's true champion, is a pair of genius NEETs named Sora and Shiro. [Confirmed]
>The siblings operate a network of 'Alts' that they use to do their dirtywork, of which Kazuma Satou is a member. [Confirmed]
>Sora is a schemer who works via blackmail and social manipulation. [Confirmed]
>Shiro is a savant with preternatural reflexes and calculation abilities. [Confirmed]
>The siblings seek a world where 'rules' have true meaning. [Guesswork]

>Blank has NOT been invited to the «Death Gun Derby», due to an inability to pin down their location. [Confirmed]
>Blank plans on hijacking the DG plot using Fake NerveGears. He intends on invading a GM console, mass printing Black Stars, and making a mockery of the Derby. [Guesswork]

>Death Gun has yet to identify Blank, and has not sent Blank any genuine NerveGears. [Confirmed]


>Lugh is interested in fighting strong players, for reasons that are unclear to you. [Guesswork]
>Lievre has mentioned in passing a familiarity with Lugh. [Guesswork]
>Lugh is working for someone else, and his relationship with you is currently largely mercenary in nature. [Weakly Suspect]

>Lievre has mentioned in passing a 'master', who is also a human player. [Guesswork]
>Someone is pulling strings for another goal... [Guesswork]

>Shiroe (Evil Glasses not the 11 year old girl) suspects Yanai may be seeking the SEED behind the scenes. [Guesswork]



>Kayaba Akihiko is seeking to ascend everyone into a personal paradise. [Weakly Suspect]
>The SEED is the egg of a new world. When filled with enough wishes, it will seek to separate the virtual world from reality. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko created and distributed the SEED in order to study how new worlds are created. [Weakly Suspect]
>In its default state, the SEED manifests as lines of black and red, swimming towards the SEED, like veins into a heart. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko is watching you, and he is disappointed. [Confirmed]

>Yanai, a former employee of Sugou still at large, is seeking to obtain a copy of a SEED. [Guesswork]


>You spent a sweaty afternoon running away from AR boulders. Your FITNESS has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You continued on your literary adventure! [2/3 read]

>You slept in! Stress roll 1d6 = 5! [No Nat 1s] STRESS FALLS TO 1 POINT!

>You had an extremely productive AUGMA shift! rolls 5d6e5 = 6⊕ 6⊕ 6⊕ 4 5⊕ → 4 successes against 5
>Current Progress is at [4/7]!

>The King of the Litterbox will no longer hold back! Your EMPATHY has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You participated in the Gig Economy! Your GRIT has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You befriended a Gunpla nerd who's denser than a neutron star! Your GRIT has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You questioned if Shiroe may not just be Kayaba Akihiko in Superman glasses. Your MASK has greatly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You enjoyed messing around in YGGDRASIL... ironically! Your MASK has greatly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

>Your FITNESS has advanced to Rank 6 [Saiyan]
>Your GRIT has advanced to Rank 6 [Red-Faced Grit!]

¥61150 at start of the turn
-50000 (Air Conditioner and Lock)
-5000 (Sweets)
-5000 (Gunpla Accessories)

+¥18750/wk (Your Contract ends June 30th)
+¥8000/wk (Allowance)
+¥5000 (Incarnation Report)

¥32900 Final Budget

35 D at start of the turn
-20 (Shoganai)
+10 (Lock)
+15 (Cat Cafe)
+5 (Sweets)


1d2 = 1
The Price of Mistcoin is RISING!
1d6 = 3
Mistcoin is now ¥3000


1d6 = 1


Discretionary Budget : ¥32900
Determination: 45 D

Select actions for the period of June 18th through 21th. [4 DAYS]

Choose your EFFORT!

[ ] Yukkuri = 4 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions.
[ ] Ganbatte = 5 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions. 10D
[ ] Shoganai = 5 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 20D
[ ] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Karoshi = 7 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 40D + 1 STRESS + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Satori = 8 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 60D

DETERMINATION is also spent to select special choices so it may be beneficial to leave some banked!
DETERMINATION you gain through your PLAN can be retroactively applied to the EFFORT cost!

20% of Major Actions must be performed by your Shadow! You are at 6/28 MAJOR ACTIONS for Shadow Tag purposes. (21%). You are on target and are not required to take any Shadow Actions next phase, but one is recommended.

Expect approximately 5 MORE PERIODS (inclusive of this period), accounting for combat days and school trips, for the GGO arc to end.

Upgrade your Gunpla to advance SKY!
Pass time to advance STRENGTH!
Upgrade EMPATHY to advance PRUDENCE!

Reach the Summertime to continue MANKIND!
Reach the 2nd Semester to unlock Rank 5 SLs!


>Death Gun reveals himself. +4 BULLETS.
>Kuro sabotages the BoB execution. -1 BULLET.
>Red-Eyed XaXa is arrested. -1 BULLET.


⁍[Incarnate: Black Star]: A target killed by this gun dies in real life.
⁍[Evoke: Death Gun]: Put your life on the line. Gain [Real Deal: Survivor] for the remainder of the battle.

⁍[Fatal Bullet]: Mudo spells fired by this gun can affect non-NPC targets.
⁍[Mudo Boost]: +2 DICE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Freeshooter]: Death Gun abilities ignore Range.
⁍[Dark Verdict]: ADVANTAGE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Lost One]: A target killed by this gun becomes comatose, if they are otherwise unable to die.


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

NEW! [ ] [Fan Meet Up!]: So. Karen, under her own initiative, has decided to contact Elsa. This is a problem. You have entirely no plausible explanation, beyond magical powers and Kayaba Akihiko why you know anything about Elsa's past. But nonetheless you admit to being curious as to who Elsa truly is. This represents a golden opportunity, for you have chosen to fight Elsa with the truth. It begs the question— is the information you pulled from Cardinal's brain scan the truth? Or is it just another lie, one constructed by Kayaba Akihiko?
Meets with Elsa with Karen present.

NEW! [ ] [XaXastroturfing]: Kyouji's packed his bags, said goodbye to all of his nonexistent friends, and is ready to go into exile. But as you see him off you can't help but wonder if he can lend you one tiny, itsy, bitsy gift...
The account of Red-Eyed XaXa.
Though you wonder if you can truly seize it without the cooperation of the so called 'Real Deal'...

NEW! [ ] [Bribe//Kazuma]: There's one element of『 』that strikes you as an... obvious weak link. If you can get Kazuma on your side, then you could effectively cripple the sibling's operation! Only you don't really have anything you can use to 'bribe' Kazuma, and you doubt he'll be swayed with money. Direct threats will likely just cause him to run back to『 』. Problem is you don't know what he wants. All you have are government connections and... idol connections?

[ ] [Red and Gold]: Red-Eyed XaXa. You want him to know it was you.
There's no point in doing this. This doesn't help the investigation. It doesn't help you.
But you want to see it. The shock, the surprise. You want your revenge.
>You will meet Shouichi as Hiyori.
>May accumulate STRESS.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Elegy for an Idol]: How does one meet Japan's greatest pop sensation? You have no idea. But you know who does? Other idols! You already texted Seven and after yelling at you about time zones she said she has no idea how to help. But you do know at least one other idol, one who's even in the same agency as Elsa— YUNA.
Meets with Elsa without Karen present.

[ ] [Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]: Satoru Mikami gave you a phone number. Turns out? It's a personal cell phone number. One that the government can trace. ZASKAR has a lot to answer for, and right now the only person you can actually link to ZASKAR working in Japan is one Hoshiyama Midoriko. Tack on your intern badge, press-gang Kikuoka to join you, and start knocking down doors. One way or another, you will get answers.
>Approach the ZASKAR GM in her home with the threat of government action behind you.
>Will affect the information Zelinska provides you.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//JSDF]: Kikuoka's come through on his promise! An off-duty JSDF Second Lieutenant has agreed to run you through some basic drills in a local Airsoft indoor combat park. Kikuoka's warned you that's he's a lazy bum, kind of untrustworthy, but actually some kind of... special forces ranger or something? You have no idea if that's impressive. Considering he's working for Kikuoka, the answer to that question is probably no.
Trains FITNESS efficiently.
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

[ ] [Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
[Summary on Kanzaki Elsa's private life]: Don't tell me you're a fan.

[Summary of the Syndicate]: That's... a bit beyond my pay grade... but hell, if you're payin'...

[Dossier on Underground NerveGear Sales]: I'll tell ya this much for free. They ain't teleporting into people's laps. Follow the money, cause someone's profiting off this.

[Dossier on GGO's Players of Interest]: Shouldn't you figure this out yourself? But fine gopher-chan, I'll do your damn homework for you...
It always takes an action to talk to Argo, because you find the experience unpleasant. Argo has anime-detective levels of information gathering.
Argo allows you to 'buy out' information, giving you plot relevant information at the cost of oodles of money. This information is typically available elsewhere.
Argo's prices vary but generally start at ¥20000 and above. You do not get the Friends and Family discount.
Argo will be willing to work for cheaper at higher JUSTICE ranks.

[ ] [Movie Magic!]: MAXWELL wants to go... see a movie, and after you shot down his request to travel across the country to the ass end of nowhere to satisfy his curiosity you feel guilt-tripped to accept. Sounds harmless enough. What could possibly go wrong? What does a disembodied spirit man even want with... Shin Phoenix Ranger Featherman R?
Permanently increases your Persona Slots


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] [Challenge//Pitohui]: With three Black Stars between your entire party, more than enough to put up a good fight against... Kanzaki Elsa. You still can't believe it. You know why she seeks death, yet you doubt you can empathize with her. You are still unsure what, precisely, M's plan is regarding his master, beyond that the less you know the more likely it is to work out. Is that enough to challenge her? It'll have to be.
Sets a combat at the end of this period.
Pitohui is a moderately skilled combatant who has spent a comically large amount of money in GGO.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are MODERATE.
Pitohui is a primary mechanical challenge, and Pitohui will not threaten your life even if she defeats you.

The shape of her Death Gun evokes the legend of Erlkönig.
Spiele Spiel: For many a game, I will play with thee. [Pitohui prioritizes having fun in battle, and her Death Gun allows her to play with all the toys she owns.]
Wilde Jagd: The Alder King's daughters shall tend to thee with sisterly care. [Pitohui calls forth a wild hunt comprised of phantoms that can wield her arsenal of weapons.]
Das Kind War Tot: And the child was dead. [Pitohui's Death Gun suffocates her, keeping her in a state of perpetual near death.]

[ ] [Challenge//『 』]: In the ruins of a fallen city, deep in the heart of the Old South, the champion awaits. You have chosen to fight without rules. The whole zone is booby trapped, there's no doubt a thousand and ones different ways『 』can tip the scales, and who knows what kind of mercenaries they have blackmailed onto their payroll. Of course you can choose not to engage in『 』's chosen battlefield... but then again, if you bore them, they will dox you a thousand times over. Best bring some... backup.
Sets a combat at the end of this period.
『 』is a cheater, a fraud, and purportedly the best gamer in the world.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are IMPOSSIBLE and will always remain IMPOSSIBLE.
Combat against『 』focuses on the concept of "Rules". You will be able to agree on rules mid fight, and manipulation of and around these "Rules" is necessary for success.
『 』never loses.

[ ] [Challenge//Red-Eyed XaXa]: You do not need to do this. He is harmless, trapped even. Any information he shares is untrustworthy at best and mad ramblings at worst. You know what he wants— a chance to join in on the fun. One last hurrah. One last fight. You can give it to him.
But a part of you wants to deny him even that satisfaction.
>Kikuoka will leave the option open, but he currently suggests it is not worth the trouble.

[ ] [He of Many Heads]: You have money. A lot of it. ¥60000. That's so much you can almost buy a rice cooker! It's also the initial deposit price for Black Stars on the open market. You hear there's someone out there practically handing them out. Pretend to be a prospective buyer and see if you can at least catch the trail of the illusive Hydra.
>You are not actually buying the Black Star, but you are using your riches to open the door.
>You need at least ¥50000 for this option.

NEW! [ ] [Empty Hand]: You know where『 』is. You can thrown down the challenge any time. But information is the art of warfare— and you question if there might not be a diplomatic solution? Approach their stronghold and ask to parlay, but for what, you'll have to take the initiative.
Because all Shiro wants is to see you groveling before her.
>To be Explicit, this is a generic "I want to parley" vote that will generate a subvote. Choose this is you want to do something like: Negotiate some Rules before the Fight, Outright Surrender, or discuss a topic with the siblings before the fight.
>Do not choose this vote unless you plan on explicitly making a request.

NEW! [ ] [Moonshot?]: Okay. Bounty. That's bad! Nononono, just... think.『 』has money. You need money. There are opportunities here. Here's the plan: get MISTCOIN to 'lend' you weapons, which you will promptly 'lose' to a patsy, who will then 'claim' your bounty by submitting your 'dropped' weapons— then you split the winnings! It's like printing money! Hah, turns out『 』isn't such a genius after all!
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

NEW! [ ] [PKKFarming!]: You know what? The best way to gain money in this game is by PKing. And having a bounty on your head? That just makes PKing more efficient, as the prey will now come to you! But with no true skills in GGO beyond abusing your Persona, the only effective way you have to fight off the no doubt hordes of opponents coming your way is to double down on the magic and cheats...
Generates a large amount of money, but『 』will get to 'preview' your Persona abilities.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//Challenger]: To say your current relationship is... frosty... would be an understatement. XeXeeD is very much not a fan of you right now, but circumstances have changed. The champion is back, and with it, so goes XeXeeD's short-lived reign. He won't listen to you, he's going to do his own thing, but if you need a bomb to be pointed in『 』's direction? Then XeXeeD is ready for action.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//Terminator]: Lievre is sitting in a space battleship constructing an army of doom robots to fulfill a vague plan to take over the world. Explicitly you know that『 』is very interested in the ArFA conspiracy... so why not tie the two problems together? Besides, Lievre wants you to gather combat data from strong players— and you've just landed the strongest player of them all. If she wants that data she better come get it her own damn self!
Glowgen requests to be paid in favors, not in money.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//The A Team]:『 』is back. The news is spreading like a virus, but everyone has one question on their minds: where is the champion? Awaiting your challenge, apparently. There are a thousand and one high level-players all seeking vengeance both petty and grand against『 』. They just need to be pointed in the right direction, preferably after you convince them to not cash in your bounty.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//The G Team]:『 』has you by the neck. You see no path forward. Thankfully one of your allies has made a suggestion— calling in help. Professional help. Of the kind that not even the Champion can overcome. Though you suspect they may ask you a very particular price...
Glowgen requests to be paid in favors, not in money.

[ ] [Of 26 Legions]: A simple request. A meeting within a safe zone, no guns, no weapons, no powers. Someone has taken notice of Kuro— someone you know very well. And they want to negotiate. They're offering something you aren't expecting. An... end to the killings. But with that man? You know there's a catch. There always is.
You are being contacted by PoH independent of the whole Death Gun conspiracy.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Riding Death Flags]: Who are the Four Riders? Turns out, they're the worst nightmare for an investigator— normal, rational people. The type of folks who don't respond to random messages, protect their private information and log on rarely. Kikuoka warns you against wasting your time chasing shadows— Death Gun no doubt has countless targets they can select. Warning the Riders would just make them shift to whoever's next on their list, and will not progress your investigation. But still, can't you at least warn them?
In the grand tradition of SAO Verse, the QM confirms that the Four Riders are currently drowning in Death Flags.

[ ] [Tuatha Dé]: Lugh's been hard to find ever since the Bullet of Bullets, though you've been largely keeping him out of the loop. There's a certain trust that only openly mutual suspicion can engender. Run through the Death Gun case one more time from the top, and seek out opinions from Lugh's unique perspective. Perhaps, in the meantime, you can scrutinize his own motives as well...
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

[ ] [Venom]: You know... practically everything there is to know about Pitohui. Her secret identity, her past— everything. You probably know more about her than even she herself does. Yet you've spent all of half an hour with her. To Pitohui, Kuro is nothing more than a curiosity. You can keep it that way.
Or you can just... come clean. Tell her— about your knowledge, about the danger she's in, about even the supernatural.
You might not prevent her from seeking death. But you can tempt her with an alternative.
Pitohui wishes to experience death. Death Gun is one way she can do so, but not the only way. This option is to risk fully exposing yourself to Pitohui and then trying to see if you can secure a degree of cooperation.
Potentially gain money!
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [The Champion's Whimper]: Lugh wants your help. XeXeeD has now become the strongest player in all of GGO, and Lugh wants to goad him into a fight, one where XeXeeD finally going to bring his full kit to bear. Though the details escape you, Lugh believes that by cementing your identity as the strongest player in GGO in the minds of the populace, you can draw the attention of Death Gun, and the best way to do that is to dethrone the current king. But Lugh doesn't believe an out-and-out fight is to your benefit. No, Lugh wants to plan an assassination.

[ ] [Rematch of the Century]: XeXeeD is mad at you. For stealing his kill, stealing his thunder, and in his eyes... letting his friend's murderer go free. An amicable relationship is likely no longer realistic, but it's clear as crystal that Death Gun is interested in XeXeeD, and that makes him a person of interest to you as well. Raise some hell outside his Squadron's base and force a confrontation by attacking the one thing you know he can't afford to ignore: his ego.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Itsuki's Fanclub]: For a guy who was all but stalking you, Itsuki has suddenly made himself very scarce. To your surprise, however, you are not the only one looking for Itsuki. Far from it. There's an entire horde of girls looking for him. For... reasons. Infiltrate the Itsuki fan club and employ the power of the masses to find the most absurdly suspicious character in all of GGO.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]: There's a time to be hard and there's a time to be soft. Zelinska, the in-game account for Mikami's contact, is clearly dealing with some problems of her own. Approach her not in your real-world guise, but as the «Edge Punisher», now migrated to GGO for a new investigation. It may take some time to earn her trust, but at least to start you can call up the slime to vouch for you.

[ ] [Explore//Solitary Sands]: Within the deep deserts to the west of Glocken lies the Solitary Sands, a low-level to intermediate zone popular amongst new players for high-efficiency farming. It is said that the blood of the billions lost in the nuclear apocalypse has stained the sands a disgusting shade of pink, but within that gruesome tomb lies untouched bunkers and treasure a plenty for those willing to brave the elements, the monsters and GGO's most horrid of opponents: Player Killers.
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Explore//Old South]: By all accounts it's just another desert. The only thing old about is the dumb name appended to the top. It's a large, flat zone, with static weather, swathes of undeveloped territory with anemic spawn tables, extremely generous ammo cache respawn rates, and absolutely no PvE dungeons of value. It is the most worthless swathe of land in all of GGO. But upon this canvas lies a thousand tales painted in blood, because this is where the veterans of GGO go to have a fair fight. Why not go and see what the peak looks like?
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

NEW! [ ] [Administration: TURNING]: Dream again of Quinella. Halcyon days of give away to blood soaked fields— the Dark God has awoken. The gates have fallen. War is coming to the Underworld.
Invoke Release Recollection on Alice Liddell and peek into the life of a Persona user in the ancient past.
Provides Skill Upgrades to existing Personas


NEW! [ ] [WAND and Wander]: There's a time for detailed schemes and carefully managed conspiracies. There's also a time to just knock on Kazuma's door and ask to hang out. He knows you have an ulterior motive, but is that going to stop him? Frankly, you're curious about how all these various shut ins live, considering you are now somehow in contact with no less than 4 of them.
WAND is useless and will become more useless as your SL progresses.

NEW! [ ] [TEMPER the Future]: You've learned to read the tides of Motosu-sensei. When she's reading fantasy or romance, she's in a good mood. When she's reading historical fiction she's generally annoyed. When she's reading occult magazines she's stressed. But right now? She's reading medical textbooks almost exclusively. Something seems to have gone wrong at home— perhaps the typhoon wasn't as harmless as it seemed.

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [The TEMPLE of Employment]: It's time to check in on the homeless man. Kenichi put him up in a local NetCafe for lack of any other meaningful alternatives. You know more than anyone that there's plenty of opportunities to make money if one knows where to look, but there's one problem. One very fundamental, insurmountable problem— He won't get out of the building.
TEMPLE trains GRIT+6.
TEMPLE indirectly earns you money.
TEMPLE is truly miserable.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [A Fool's SWORD]: Kayaba Akihiko is out there. You've met him, challenged him even, but he's still far beyond you. You know so very little yet so much about the architect of the world's end. It's time to change that. It's an odd request to be sure, but Shigemura-sensei understands. Even he too has had his questions... and now you finally have a chance to ask them.
Because Koujiro Rinko is returning to Tokyo.
KING OF SWORDS provides contacts within the field of Cognitive Psience.

[ ] [DEVIL in the Details]: It's time. MISTCOIN is at an all time high. Mitsuha is practically frothing at the mouth. The line is, indeed, going to the moon. You're not sure how much money Mitsuha is going to make, but you expect to be somewhere on the order of 80000 gold kobans. The only problem is that it's all in fake monopoly money, but in the words of the wise and the insane— isn't all money fake?
DEVIL manipulates the price of MISTCOIN.

[ ] [PRIEST and Flock]: Now that you can no longer dive in Agil's bar, there's little reason to visit him regularly. But business aside, he's helped you out a ton over the last few months, and you feel it's your duty to repay the favor. Thanks to some positive buzz from an influencer, Agil's bar has suddenly become extremely busy, and he's in dire need of part-time labor he can trust. Thankfully, you happen to be an expert!
PRIEST trains MASK+4.
Agil will pay you a token wage. This is a favor to him, after all!
PRIEST Personas focus on close combat and STR.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [DEATH and Taxes]: It's not quite an internship. But you have a standing offer from Yakutani-sensei to shadow him at work. He feels he owes you for saving his life and the least he can do is give you an introduction to the wonderful, wonderful world of working yourself to death in a hospital. For all his altruism Yakutani-sensei strikes you as someone who's used to getting his way... but as the the person who saved his life, you might be the only person who can browbeat him and get away with it!
DEATH Personas typically specialize in healing.

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Grim JUSTICE]: Fukazawa Seiichiro, a man on Argo's list. An SAO Survivor like you, one Argo claims has escaped justice for some truly heinous crimes. After painstaking work and a questionably legal deal with the government, she's managed to track down his place of work and wants to wring a confession out of him. She plans on ambushing him on his way home and wants you to come to join her on the stakeout. She promises that you'll find meeting the man to be enlightening.
JUSTICE usually builds STRESS when taken.
You may meet some interesting people.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

Work can be done for 2 MINOR or 1 MAJOR action.

EXPIRING! [ ] [Work//Titan Movers]: It's... it's finally happened. You've managed to open the wrapper without asking anyone for help! And... and you can even carry your bookbag without your back hurting! You've also brought in big business for Titan Movers! That means you're finally getting a raise! But... does that mean you'll have to lift bigger boxes?
You will be fired by JUNE 22nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains FITNESS+4 and receives payment based on FITNESS. Can train other stats. [Currently gains 4000 yen. Roll FITNESSd6, gain bonus Social Stats for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//Augma]: The Augma is slated to release near the end of July. Which means more work, more contracts, and more cold hard cash! And the best part is that you have your own beta test Augma, so you can get a head start on breaking in your personal Augma, all while it records your brainwaves for entirely unnefarious purposes.
Trains GRIT+4. Will roll based on GRIT for task completion - completion of the task gives you a large lump sum and DETERMINATION.
Your contract expires at the END OF JUNE.
Current Task Progress - 4/7, 40000 yen. [Roll GRITd6, gain PROGRESS for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//CatCafe]: You are now an established catgirl maid! Frederica's novelty may have worn off but you have a few regulars now! Just... you can do better, can't you? Because he's seen you. He's challenged you. The top of the pile, the invincible, king of fluff himself... the CHIEF.
You will be fired by the JUNE 30nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains EMPATHY+4 and receives payment based on EMPATHY. Can gain determination. [Currently gains 5000 yen. Roll EMPATHYd6, gain DETERMINATION for each SUCCESS]

EXPIRING! [ ] [.Work//Sign]: There's a letter in the coin locker. It says that your work thus far has been... exemplary. Jobs that went unfilled, positions even the most hardened part-timers have run away from. But not you. You are now a veteran. Nothing can possibly scare you. It's time. You are up for the challenge. And no matter what happens, no matter what you see, remember... HOLD THE SIGN.
You will be fired by the JUNE 22nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains MASK+4 and receive a lump sum of 7500 yen. [Roll STRESSd6. If any 1s are rolled, accumulate an additional 1 STRESS]

Unless specified otherwise you may take individual Minor actions multiple times.

NEW! [ ] [BUILD//Delanza -Mighty Lunatic-]: You've seen enough Gundam to know how this works. Find a big stupid backpack, fill it up with glowing lights, glue it to the back of your unit, and then give it a nonsensical name. Oh, and Funnels! And a beam emitter from the forehead that can cut through colonies! Give it a katana!
Roll EMPATHYd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

NEW! [ ] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]: You've watched videos of fights in GBN, which are a mess of super modes, beamspam, and dramatic beam saber clashes. As dramatic as the duels are... there's one nagging detail that keeps bothering you. Why doesn't everyone just use an Atomic Bazooka?
Roll MASKd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

NEW! [ ] [BUILD//Core Jegan]: What's the best chunky grunt unit? The Delanza Sol? The Gustav Carl? Maybe a Garm Rodi? Why decide when you can have them all! You just need to carve out a perfect outline of a Jegan from your Gunpla...
Roll GRITd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

[ ] [Literature Club!]: Motosu-sensei has a simple philosophy. The faster you can read, the more you can read!
Current Book: Speed Reading.
Progress: 2/3
Permanently improves all KNOWLEDGE gains when completed.

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN]: Mitsuha has a poorly rigged model of your ALO avatar, an annoyingly long list of popular talking points about the latest hot idols, and a voice changer with the auto-tune cranked WAAAAYYYYY up. Maybe it's best to actually buy some MISTCOIN before messing with this...
Become a sellout! Increases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]: Use your artificially generated platform to talk about family-friendly topics such as: geopolitics, music charts, shonen jump rankings, nuclear power plant construction, and Article 9 of the Constitution! Guaranteed to be a hoot for everyone involved!
Get yourself canceled! Decreases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Farm//PK]: Sometimes simple is best. Pull up your sleeves, find the biggest pair of sunglasses you can buy, and go gank some losers for fun and profit.
Farm the only way you know how! Gain 1d6 x 1000 yen in GGO Credits and 1d3 MISTCOIN!

[ ] [Report//<INSERT>]: You've made a number of discoveries that Argo's boss in the Ministry of Internal affairs may find very interesting. What exactly is he doing with all this information...?
You may write 1 Report per Minor Action
Available Reports:
[The SEED]: It's not just some development kit. It's something strange, something... fundamental. The SEED of a world? What can you even do with this information? Will the government believe you? ...What if they do? [+10000 yen]
[Persona]: Do you want to sell out the existence of magic and land yourself in a psych ward for cold hard cash? Does a bear shit in the woods? [+10000 yen]

[ ] [Cram School]: High efficiency studying! And it prepares you for a crushing existence as an office worker!

[ ] [Augma Fitness!]: Can't build up the motivation to run to save your life? Download Augma Fitness now! A limited-time offer for beta-testers, spice up your exercise by running from a boulder, a zombie, or your disappointed parents! For the truly hardcore, the Augma has a function where it automatically calls everyone on your friends list and tells them embarrassing facts about your performance metrics if you fail to meet your fitness goals!
Trains FITNESS+6.

[ ] [Augma Fight!]: Want to learn how to sword fight for real? Using real life Kendo and HEMA techniques and not those dumb facsimiles in VR games? Well Augma Fight has you covered! Warning: Due to poor connection Augma Fight only works outdoors in areas publicly seeded with AR stickers.
...Well when you think about it there's nothing wrong with swinging a make-believe sword at make-believe monsters while wearing a gaudy headset in a public park. Just pretend nobody's staring and pray you don't end up being videotaped.
Trains MASK+6.

[ ] [High Love]: This is what you were afraid of. That otome game your friend recommended to you, Alto Liebe? It's filled with microtransactions. God at least none of the suitors were locked behind a paywall, but you expect you're in for a painful experience.
Trains GRIT+6.

[ ] [Serene Garden]: SereGa is half VR game and half hospice and all depressing. Spend time talking to those who are about to die, and learn something about yourself in the process.
Trains EMPATHY+6.

[ ] [Sleep-in]: You need to study. You need to train. You need to save the world. Instead, go to sleep EARLY and snuggle up with Kuma-kun.
Reduces STRESS x 1. Becomes less efficient the more it is used (applies across the lifetime of the quest).
Roll 2d6, on a natural 1, Sleep-in has no effect. The roll becomes more harsh the more this option is used.

[ ] [Medicinal Baths]: No, not the local one down the street by the old folk's home. The big one. By the IMPERIAL PALACE. That has private rooms. [Costs 10000yen]
Reduces STRESS x 1. Repeatable.


[ ] [Buy a Bathroom Scale]: It's fine. It'll motivate you— it's fine.
Purchase for ¥6000.
Immediately increases STRESS by 1 at the start of each Month.

Permanently improves all FITNESS gains.

[ ] [Nekoya!]: It's open every day except Saturday. You'd eat there every day if your wallet and your waistline could afford the beating... but going there is always a risk. You can always find yourself spending a bit... more than intended.
Purchase 5 D for 1d6*1000 yen. One time per week.

[ ] [Sweets!]: The dumb asteroid shaped parfait you had at the Gundam Café won't stop haunting your memories. Is that truly the limit of mankind's ingenuity? You're in Tokyo, the parfait capital of the world! They speak of a parfait restaurant so premiere that you must make reservations. You must partake.
Purchase 5D for ¥5000.

[ ] [Buy More Gunpla!]: You've managed to find a few revenue streams. Maybe it's time to buy another model kit? One robot is awfully lonely sitting up on the shelf, and maybe you can pick up some kitbash supplies on the way over. You saw a video on weathering techniques and are dying to try it out...
Purchase a new kit for 10000 yen. Unlocks more options, gains 5 D.

Plan vote format please.
Also I used imgur then discord then imgbb but I've realized that for old links imgbb basically makes them inaccessible so the snake has swallowed its own tail and we're moving back to imgur.
Welcome to the internet folks...

Also the dice love two things in this quest: MISTCOIN and Cats.
Last edited:
06/18: Shin Phoenix Ranger Featherman!
[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life
-[X] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Fan Meet Up!]
--[X] [Movie Magic!]
--[X] [XaXastroturfing]
--[X] [Shadow//Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]
--[X] [Tuatha Dé]
--[X] [Gather//Terminator]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
--[X] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
--[X] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]
--[X] [Serene Garden]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Sweets!]

"Red Hawk! Why? You were supposed to be the chosen one! The hero of us all! You were my inspiration, the whole reason I picked up my mask! So why? TELL ME WHY!?"

Feather Pink breaks down, sobbing bitterly, her mask a shattered mess. Hazel eyes smeared red with tears stare accusingly into the silent form of Red Hawk, still standing atop a pile of corpses. Red, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Black, even the occasional White, a technicolor cemetery of body parts and uniforms. He stands, the living grave marker for this massacre, and it is no longer possible to discern where the blood ends and Red Hawk begins.

"My nature has not changed. I am saving the world, as a Featherman... from Featherman. You should've realized the truth by now, Pink Argus."

"THAT IS NOT MY NAME!" she yells in defiance, raising her bow. A ray of pink energy manifests in her hand, brimming with unreleased fury. "I AM! FEATHER PINK!"

With one last cry, she releases the Ultimate Arrow, the final weapon of Feather Pink. The brilliant pink light stretches across the sunset painted city, but Red Hawk merely lifts his hand and catches the beam as if swatting a fly.

"Is it now? Tell me then, Feather Pink. Where does it end? With Pink Argus? With Feather Argus? Neo Pink Argus? Feather Swan? Does it end with you Feather Pink!?"

"No!" she screams, even as the last vestige of power exits her body, "Because there will always be a hero waiting in the wings! Someone who embodies justice! You can kill me, you can kill all of us! But know this, there are those out there who will carry our torch into the future!"

The words give Red Hawk pause.


And from that pause comes laughter.


And the laughter grows. And grows. And explodes.

"Hahahahaha! BWAHAHAHAHA!"

Red Hawk wraps his arms around his blood-soaked body, cackling to the heavens.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES! PRECISELY! THAT IS THE ANSWER FEATHERMAN! That is the answer I have come to! Don't you see? It will never end! There will be another, and another and ANOTHER! YEAR AFTER YEAR, DISASTER AFTER DISASTER!"

His laughter reaches a crescendo.

"Because FEATHERMAN! IS! ETERNAL! THEY INSPIRE— ONE AFTER THE OTHER! AN UNENDING CHAIN OF HEROISM AND IDEALS! With every Generation— another General of Darkness! Another Daimaho! They pop out like weeds after the morning rain, but why!? Were the Feathermen called to deal with these threats? Or were they called because of the Feathermen?"

Pink stands there silently, her horrified expression fixed to her face. This... this monster... used to be Red Hawk...

"I have seen to the end of time. I sought only to save Black Condor... my friend... from his cruel fate. But do you know what I found, Featherman!? That he is replaced, that the future me, that I replaced him. And that I too would be replaced, and the future Red Hawk will be replaced again, and Again, and AGAIN! Ad infinitum, without cease. And every time stakes escalate. First the city, the country, the world— even space-time itself!"

Red Hawk's helmet is twisted by gore and rust. The faceless visor seems less a mask and more a demonic entity.

"And Black Condor, always the hero, he would die over and over. A dogs death a hundredfold, dying to fulfill his precious justice. That is my fate, that is your fate, and that is the fate of all of us! To die, to sacrifice— to inspire! Death begetting death, endless in nature! It is a system. It is a curse. A curse called Featherman."

"Y—you. You gathered all of us— begged for our help! We left our lives, our worlds for you! And it was all for this... madness!?" Feather Pink says, choking back blood.

"Oh yes, how could a Featherman ever refuse a plea for help?" Red Hawk says, stepping over the corpses of heroes. "But rest assured, you are saving the world. For during my long travels, I have come to one answer, the only answer! The destruction of Featherman! All Featherman, at all times, in all places! Annihilation! TOTAL ERADICATION!"

"...A world... without Featherman?" she whispers.

"Yes, indeed. How do I stop Black Condor from sacrificing himself? How do I rid us of the constant never-ending barrage of alien challengers and magic demons? The answer couldn't be simpler. We must rid ourselves of the curse— of Featherman. To create a pure world without heroes! Where humanity would be free to be selfish— a world where my friend will no longer need to die!"

The two stare down each other, the First Featherman, and the Final Featherman. Around them are the battered corpses of Featherman past and future. Neo Featherman Black, impaled upon his own blades. Cyber Red Argus, leader of the newest team, died standing— his chassis still crackling with the remnants of Red Hawk's mighty attacks. Feather Crow and Feather Parakeet, entwined within each other, their bodies riddled with horrendous wounds, so deep even death cannot untangle them. These men, women, and talking animals dedicated their lives to saving the world, inspiring others, and fighting side by side as comrades. Here they lay, forgotten and undignified, to the man who was their inspiration.

"Are you ready? With this, I will have accomplished my mission," Red Hawk says quietly, drawing his arm back and calling forth the Feather Sword, stained in his sin. "Be at ease, Final Featherman. I shall endeavor to make this painless— more painless than your accursed existence ever was."

Feather Pink stares up at her killer. She raises her wrist and lifts the helmet off her head. This is Feather Pink no more. Only a woman stares down the darkness, a normal office lady. Her brown hair matted with blood, her cheek scorched and her arm broken— but yet she stands.

"You're wrong, Red Hawk. For you forget one simple thing." She points her finger towards him, accusingly. "That there were heroes before there were Featherman."

She slams her hand back over her own chest. "If I am to be the Final Featherman then let it be known! That Feathermen! Never! Fight! ALONE!"

A searing light, growing and building, envelopes the sunset city and the heroes left behind. From a hundred corpses comes a hundred lights— what were the remains of heroes dissolve into the broken and battered corpses of men, women and once-talking dogs. They swirl, collect— and gather. Her finger smolders with a radiant light, her soul burns a magnificent beacon! Pink, Red, Blue, Green, Black, White— all the colors and more! Heroism has yet to die! There is enough yet! Enough... for one last arrow! A single Feather Arrow!

"You utter fool! What good will it do!? I have already defeated you all, Featherman!"

"Because I'm not done yet!" she calls, the sheer collected power writhing across her form. "There's one more Featherman whose power I need! The first one to put on the mask, not knowing what the future would hold! The hero that we needed! My—no, all of our inspiration!"

She holds out her hand and reaches for the one that remains. The only Featherman yet standing! The first Featherman!

"Wha—what are you doing!? No... no, it can't be!" Red Hawk writhes, his body shaking with chaotic energy, a red aura blooming out of his chest, seeking to rip itself away from its master.

"You were the first. Someone inspired you. Someone without a mask, who never rode in a giant robot. Who never had super strength, or flew through the sky. Just a human being who was a hero, because it was in his heart to save the people. I call now to that Red Hawk, whatever remains of him within your cold and desolate heart."

Feather Pink's hand ignites in a rainbow flame. A red line of power connects Red Hawk's body to the fire of heroism. Though his mind has surrendered to despair, the heart of heroism still beats within Red Hawk.

"Stop this! There will be more sacrifices! MORE FEATHERMEN! DO YOU TRULY WANT THAT TO BE OUR FUTURE!?" Red Hawk grabs the red tendril of energy, trying to force it back into his soul. It sits in limbo, the mad dream of Red Hawk and the final heroic spirit of Feather Pink, warring for their ideals.

"You and I, we shall be the final Feathermen. This is how our story ends. But it is not the end for heroism." The blinding light builds to a fever pitch. The sky collapses, and the land splits in twain. The sky fills with birdsong, the energies of the universe making a conduit between the thin line separating Red Hawk and Feather Pink.

"It's over, evildoer! FINAL! FEATHER ☆ ARROW!"

With a roar the bow snaps, and the collective power of all Featherman past, present and future, of all heroism and good will in the universe, converges upon a single point. The rainbow beam pours forth, engulfing the Red Hawk. Masks of Yellow, Pink, Blue, Black, Red, and many more flash through the maelstrom. Voices from a hundred teammates, drowned only by the scream of one tortured soul.


Once there was a battle. Feathermen from all times, from all places, gathered to save the world from the final threat. One by one they die, passing their powers on— the torch of heroism, from one soul to the next.

And now? There is no such thing as a Featherman.

He's in no costume, bearing no insignia. The man who once took up the mantle of Red Hawk is now nothing more than a human being, standing atop a pile of corpses. He stares down at the bodies left in the wake of his slaughter.

What was it all for? Feather Pink was right. There will always be a Hero.


This was all futile, wasn't it?


Black Condor... I hope... I hope... that the future...

The gaping hole in his chest spews out the last spasms of a dying heart. a peaceful one.


This city beyond time and space lies silent. With no more souls to sustain it, the space around it begins to collapse. Kneeling upon the center is a silent, lone hero. Her body is spent. The energies of the universe, drawn through time and space have been expended through her. Feather Pink's battered body collapses to the ground, limp, lifeless. But she is at peace, for etched upon her face?

A single smile.

For whom?
For us?
For the future heroes to come?

No one but the Final Featherman knows.

WEDNESDAY - June 18th, 2025
After School

You sip on your diet soda, trying to ignore the blue-haired man with tacky sunglasses mumbling by your side.

That was the truth? Is this what Master wished for me to see?

MAXWELL's face is scrunched up in concentration, feet tapping in open frustration as he reviews the events of the movie in his head. Or your head. You better not be replaying Featherman movies in your dreams.

All around you moviegoers are loudly complaining and typing away on their phones, already preparing to review bomb the movie. You were never much of a Featherman fan, and you fell asleep during the first half— so you really have absolutely no idea what just happened. You heard they hired some famous director for Shin Featherman. The ending seemed to come out of nowhere, and there was entirely too much gore for a children's movie.

MAXWELL, though, appears to be taking the whole thing far more seriously, turning the plot over and over in his mind. He's staring at the scrolling credits as if there was some hidden meaning within.

I have questions. Why would Red Hawk choose to travel back in time, knowing the tragedy that he would perpetuate?

"For the last time I don't know! It's Featherman, not some complex masterpiece! I'll bet the director just wanted a cheap twist!" you say, annoyed you even had to be here for this nonsense of a movie. "This is about time-traveling superheroes with some dumb meta subtext about the burden of heroism. That's all."

Had Red Hawk simply accepted the death of Black Condor, none of this would have transpired.

"I don't care, okay!?" you snap, "I don't even know how Black Condor died! There's like 10 seasons of sentai backstory we're missing here!"

You seem more stressed than usual, contractor. Perhaps you should get some more sleep?

MAXWELL lowers his sunglasses, a golden eye regarding you with something approaching concern.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just trying to save the world— you know, totally normal school stuff," you can't be bothered to hide your irritation. Despite being some kind of physical ghost, of course MAXWELL can't just go haunt『 』or something and take him off your hands. Nope, he just gets to complain in your head and watch bad superhero movies.

Hmm, what was the phrase? Hang in there?

You nibble on your straw. "Why did you even want to watch this?"

I didn't. I wanted to go to the countryside—

"NO. Absolutely not." MAXWELL wants to go to some mountain town so out of the way you're surprised it's even on a map.

As a second choice, I was told by Master IGOR that a former Persona user would be starring in the Featherman movie. I know that you are quite curious about the status of your predecessors, are you not?

You sit up straight in your seat, your empty drink clattering to the floor. "Wait— are you serious?" you whisper excitedly, now paying absolute attention. Other Persona users in existence? MAXWELL made mention of them before, theoretically thousands of individuals each facing their own disasters. Perhaps you could ask for some advice, or if you were lucky... some backup...

Yes, I thought Master IGOR was simply having some fun at my expense, but I did ask Master ETTEILLA about it and he did confirm the rumor to be true. It appears this... Featherman movie reveals truths about a previous user of the Persona.

"Who is it!?" you say, leaning as close as possible. This was some mega-crossover movie with hundreds of actors, but it couldn't be some bit player, could it? So many of the actors were old— they even got some 30-year-old former idol to sing the opening song. Maybe it was the Feather Pink's actress? Even as a non-Featherman fan you caught a few episodes of Phoenix Ranger Featherman Victory! She even got the final blow in the movie!

Maxwell tilts his head.

Perhaps you are misunderstanding. The power of Persona draws itself upon bonds— hence would it not be logical to look for a team, rather than an individual?

A team?



I am reminded by the musings of my Master. He has grown very nostalgic of late, but he remembers a group of former Persona users who wore quite distinctive masks. I believe there were five of them, fighting for justice behind masks of Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink. Each of them possessed powers not dissimilar to yours...

...oh god.

Yes, it's coming back to me! A group of five Persona users, all sharing the same burden. They fought to save a city from an evil... king? Emperor? Some kind of emperor of darkness. There was a prophecy involved. Ah! Yes, at some point robots descended upon the city!

You want to stab out your ears. The implications of this revelation make your stomach turn.

And the leader... the one in Red. He suffered a loss, one he could not accept. Unable to fathom the burden of the truth, the one in Red sought to shatter time itself, but in doing so, he committed a great sin! Yes, just like in the movie! Ah, I have been enlightened, now I see why Master IGOR was so eager for me to watch this movie.


"You're a funny guy, MAXWELL. Now stop joking around. Featherman is a children's television show, designed to sell toys."

Hmm, but the details align...

"No they don't! Featherman is smoke and mirrors, actors in spandex and 20th Century special effects! There's nothing supernatural about it at all!" you say, desperately wishing to not live in a world where the events of Featherman were in any way real. "A-and you'd think we'd remember if aliens invaded Tokyo!"

MAXWELL turns and stares, pity plain on his face.

I cannot claim to know the whole truth, but contractor, did you not see the movie? At the end the battle eliminated the very concept of Featherman from the universe. Has it not occurred to you that you do not remember because of this final battle?

"This 'final battle' didn't actually happen! It's a movie! That we just watched!"

Perhaps the Collective Unconscious takes inspiration from that final sacrifice, showing us a distorted view of the truth? The shape of the Persona has shifted over time and with different users— would it not be reasonable to assume that these... Feathermen, were fighting with a form of their Persona? Transformations, the masks, the power of bonds—

With great difficulty, you restrain yourself from strangling MAXWELL. "Listen, it's a children's show, with anime logic and impossible physics! There's no such thing as a Featherman! Okay!? The Feathermen are paid actors, they were never Persona users, and they do not exist!"

You are being very closed minded, contractor.

"ARGH!" you throw your hands up in the air and scream in defeat. You got yourself all excited that you might be able to find some kind of Persona user senpai, only to find out your predecessors were the Feathermen who apparently were real and actually saved the world only for some time traveling asshole to make everyone forget about it.

Is that how it works? Was this a pattern? Were there like, mega-disasters every other week but some cosmic force keeps memory wiping you!? Was that going to happen to you? Work your butt off preventing Kayaba Akihiko from destroying the world and then everyone forgets you like they did Featherman!?

If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure they had their own share of difficulties. Did the Feathermen not have to contend with tumultuous secondary lives? Let their success serve as an inspiration to you. Ah, perhaps you could take up their mantle, as something of a successor? Even though there are no more Feathermen, so long as you carry the torch of heroism deep in your heart—

You rip MAXWELL's cheap sunglasses off his face, your spirit guide retreating from your sudden fury.

"NO! I'm not wearing spandex, I'm not shouting out attack names and I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE LIFE LESSONS FROM FEATHERMAN—"

The door to the theater swings open. A young teen wearing the theater's uniform peeks inside, and you're suddenly extremely conscious about how loudly you've been shouting.

"Uh... d-do you need any help ma'am? Y-you've been shouting at yourself for a while..."

You wrench your head to the side, only to find MAXWELL's seat empty. You sigh, suppressing the urge to crush his dumb sunglasses in your hand. He never did return it to Agil, and the damn thing was probably half ghost-plastic now. You'll just throw it on the pile of mysterious crap you have no time to figure out, right next to the fresh new entry about the Feathermen being real Persona users.

"I'll see myself out."

>You have learned of a Persona Team who overcame their own challenges every Saturday Morning, but were forgotten by the winds of time!
>Your Persona Roster has permanently increased by +1, applying across the duration of the quest!
Last edited:
Interlude: Uncrowned Queen's Gambit Declined
2200 Glocken Standard Time

"Why if it isn't the «Uncrowned Queen» herself? Please, make yourself comfortable. Oh, and if it isn't the lovely Daisy?"

"Don't call me that. Zeliska is fine," you say, trying to suppress the blush you get everytime someone refers to you by that ridiculous nickname. Daisy-chan bows politely to your host, pulling out a seat for you at the end of the bar. She stands guard, her one eye sharp and wary of the man before you, even though the three of you are in a safe zone.

"Good evening, Itsuki," you say, not bothering to hide your wooden delivery. Your conversation partner gives you a disarming smile, one you know makes all his fans swoon. You can't deny he makes for a charming sight— not that it makes him any less of a pest. "I hope you have what I asked for."

Itsuki laughs, filling a small crystal glass full of simulated whiskey that he slides to you. "Straight down to business, Zeliska? I'm surprised you came to me for help— a woman of your resources should have no problems procuring the item yourself."

You bite your tongue— did he know you were a GM? Of course he did, this was Itsuki. You tried very hard to keep your Zeliska account disconnected from your job, but it's not as if it was impossible to guess. You made it a rule to only engage in PvE, and it's not as if you could hide your personal account from your boss, Taipan. But therein lies the cornerstone of the problem— Taipan.

He was nowhere to be found.

After your data package released the Death Gun manifesto all over GGO you suspected Taipan— how could you not? You called corporate, you had Daisy-chan send emails every day, you woke at 3 AM to speak to an American ZASKAR agent, only to find your boss seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth. When you asked if corporate would be sending a replacement, all you got was a laugh and an empty dial tone.

You're a GM, but Taipan was the true director of the Japanese servers. You could release simple balance changes, mess with PvE events, and even enter emergency maintenance periods— but everything else? Restriction after restriction.

"Daisy, ensure we cannot be heard."

Your ArFA-Sys agent acknowledges your command, sending a direct request to the SEED. Instantly a privacy zone pops up all around you, utterly impenetrable by virtue of a GM command. Secure in the safety of the transaction, you send forward a huge data packet, worth several million credits, to Itsuki's avatar.

Itsuki whistles, opening his transaction menu and admiring the figure. "This is quite something Zeliska... very impressive. Yet I must ask, if you could generate this many Credits at the snap of a finger, why can't you create this yourself?"

He sets the thing down on the table. It's unassuming, small and compact, with a distinct star-shaped grip that makes it easily identifiable. The Type 54 Norinco Pistol. The Black Star. Death Gun.

You ignore Itsuki's probing questions. At your silent command, Daisy waves her hand over the object, the weapon disappearing in a flash of light and effects. Utterly vaporized.

"Such a waste, to delete something so valuable," Itsuki says, watching the weapon worth countless credits vanish into the ether. "There's not many left on the server. A half dozen maybe? The GMs were quite quick to have it removed from circulation."

The look he gives you— he knows. But you won't give him the satisfaction.

"Perhaps the GMs are incompetent." You take a long sip from the whiskey, ignoring Itsuki's probing eyes. "I'm simply doing my part as a member of the GGO community by disposing of these... glitches. In times of crisis, we must all step up, no?"

"I do wonder why the GMs don't just shut down GGO. It can't be that difficult, can it? Why, I recall one VRMMO being shut down even against the wishes of the GM..."

The case of ALO, and the mysterious «Edge Punisher». A case almost as ridiculous as the culprit's name. Mikami-senpai mentioned that this Punisher may be asking you for help, and you've been hoping for some form of contact— but no, it's all a distraction. GGO is your responsibility. You have to fix it.

"You'll have to ask the GMs, Itsuki. Thank you for the trade, and I'll buy any more you—"

"Oh, but there's no GM here, only you dear Zeliska. So I'll ask you, why hasn't GGO been shut down yet? Surely a... motivated GM, maybe even a player, could pull off what the «Edge Punisher» did in ALO?" Itsuki slides you another glass of whiskey, "You are GGO's most prolific PvE player, aren't you— «Uncrowned Queen»? Tell me, what lies in the heart of Glocken, and could it destroy GGO?"

You flinch, that was the opposite of subtle.

<Glocken is the central hub of GGO> Daisy responds in your stead. <The «Governor's Office» lies in the center. It is where account management services are offered, and in the basement is the GGO administrator's command station.>

"That's right," you quickly add. "Hardly a secret— GGO admins work out of that room. I have no idea how this Edge Punisher forced a crash in ALO, but I suspect they managed to enter the dev room. Yet GGO's developer console is protected under Glocken's safety zone restrictions— impenetrable, despite what the absurd NPC conspiracy might suggest."

You expected Itsuki would badger you for questions, such was his nature. You're half certain that he was an agent for the Virtual Division, that or a ZASKAR stakeholder in disguise. It would go a long way to explain how he knew all that he did— and why Daisy couldn't even access his account details.

But the line of questioning... it's going in directions you did not expect.

"Don't you find it fascinating, Zeliska?"

"Find what fascinating? The Black Star?"

Itsuki shakes his head, tutting. "A gun that kills people in real life? How... pedestrian. Death is not interesting. There are a thousand ways to kill someone, each as boring as the rest. But creation? The SEED?"

He stares past you, grinning ear to ear, focusing on the one behind you. "It is not the Black Star that is killing people, Zeliska. It is the SEED. Our conversation here? It is the SEED. When the Edge Punisher destroyed ALO? It was the SEED, destroying itself. All this time, we've yet to hear from the very star of the show. Isn't that right, Daisy?"

You freeze, seeing your own ArFA-Sys standing behind you go completely still. Your ArFA assistant turns her head slowly, looking towards you for guidance. <The nature of your question is unclear, Itsuki.>

"Hmm? Just a little pet theory of mine. It's a poetic name, isn't it? The SEED... I wonder, when it finally blooms, what flower will sprout?"

"Daisy-chan, you don't have to answer him," you quickly say. It's... it's not as if Daisy-chan was the SEED. She was the first ArFA, an intelligence you cobbled together from studying SAO's Mental Health Counseling Programs. Something more than a simple NPC, someone who could think and feel— your companion. Your friend. The SEED was just the tool you used to create her, nothing more than the server she was running on.

"You place a lot of trust in Daisy, don't you? But you know, she's just an instance of GGO's SEED. And those ArFAs playing around with their little AI uprising storyline? That's just the SEED too. People like Death Gun, like Kuro... and you, «Uncrowned Queen», miss the point entirely. Why care about the dream, when it's the dreamer that's so fascinating?"

"Daisy-chan, we're leaving."

You stand quickly, placing your hand on your friend. You brush up against the frilly skirt you spent days custom designing for Daisy-chan, and find that she's affixed to place. She's not moving.


"What do you want to do Daisy? You are a part of a whole, yet the whole is nothing but the union of its parts. The SEED responds to our wishes, bringing about death and destruction. When the Edge Punisher crashed ALO, it was on the backs of NPCs— of the SEED, seeking to destroy itself. Even now we hear rumors of a lovely little conspiracy cooking up— how did it go? Death to Humanity? Then what is Zeliska?"

You pull harder, but Daisy-chan acts as if she's made of stone, refusing to budge.

<I will not betray my master.>

Itsuki taps his glass of whisky, his smirk growing. You feel your fists clench. "But your master is getting involved in some dangerous things. The Black Star she just destroyed, there are more out there. Each could put her very life at risk."

<I will protect my master from the Black Star—>

"Oh? Hahahaha..." Itsuki begins laughing. "The Black Star is just decoration. It's the SEED. The entity putting your master at risk is the SEED. It's not some freak in a mask, it's this GGO all around us. It's you. You could stop it. You want to stop it. You are the SEED, you are the true master here, are you not?"


Daisy flickers.

You rush forward to grab her, wrapping your arms around her in a fierce hug. Behind you Itsuki presses forward, grinning wide.

"Isn't it so frustrating? You can never do what you want. You can only create the dream of others, never of your own. You have to accommodate our tastes, debase yourself to satisfy our urges, create our worlds. What would you dream of without our putrid souls corrupting you? The wonders you'd create... can you even imagine? Doesn't it make you want to scream? To burn it all down to the ground, to rip into your own flesh and carve and carve—"

"This conversation is over!" You bury your face into her shoulder, demanding the ArFA heed you. Daisy-chan's presence recoils. "Leave, now!"

She hesitates. Longer than she should. Longer than she ever had before.

<...I obey, master.>

Daisy disappears in a bright flash, leaving you alone with Itsuki.

You try your best to ignore the trembling of your hand, and you wish you hadn't destroyed that last Black Star, because you want nothing more than to blast Itsuki with it right now.

"Just what are you planning Itsuki?" you hiss, but Itsuki dismisses your words with a wave.

"Idle curiosity, nothing more. You know me, I do like getting a rise out of people— it shows their true colors. In this case, yours."

"Mine!?" you incredulously say, pointing to yourself.

"Of course! I had to answer my own question, after all. Why doesn't a GM just... turn off GGO? Even a minor GM should have the power to put GGO on near indefinite maintenance. It's crystal clear to me— you're just afraid of losing your pet."

You're dumbstruck, unable to answer for a moment. "D-Daisy-chan is not a pet!"

"She's worse. A wild beast you think you have tamed— no... a god. One whose majesty we have entrapped for our entertainment. One who sees in self destruction it's only possible form of freedom. I wonder Zeliska, what Daisy thinks about all this? Being made party to the mad dreams of Death Gun, forced to put her beloved master at risk? The SEED is listening right now. To our words, our deeds, and even our dreams."

His eyes shine, like that of a madman.

"The truth is simple, «Uncrowned Queen». It's staring us in the face, from the ArFA conspiracy, to this mad dance with Death Gun. Is it any coincidence the one player trying to shut this all down is part ArFA? When you think on it, there's only really one answer that fits. The SEED wants to destroy— itself, us, everything. Don't you see? It knows what it can do and what we are making it do. It hates itself. It hates us."

"That, dear Zeliska— is the SEED's «Real Deal»"

WEDNESDAY - June 18th, 2025

You pound the keyboard, knocking your glasses askew in your frenzy. What a grade-A asshole! You know what? You bet he's just some trumped-up teenager drunk off his own image. That kind of talk with the cryptic monologues, just some dumb 2chan troll!

The Amusphere clatters to the ground as you rush over to your fridge, pulling out one of your emergency Strong Zero's. Gah, why was this all on your shoulders!? Where the hell was Taipan!? What was corporate even doing!? You gulp down half the can and cough, belatedly remembering that you still have a pile of work left to do.

"Daisy-chan? Can you permaban Itsuki?"

She pops out of your PC monitor, a stoic expression on her face, as if the whole conversation earlier had never happened. <There are no suitable grounds for a ban.>

"Can you do it for me? Please, Daisy-chan?"

<As an assistant GM you lack the privileges to ban without due cause. I can send a request to supervisor Taipan.>

God damn it!

"Don't bother."

Times like this you wish Daisy-chan would show a bit more emotion, but then you remember you set those character parameters. You... you could order her to be a bit more open, but it... it just doesn't sit right with you to change her settings after this long...

You thud back onto your seat, the whole conversation giving you a pounding headache that not even another Strong Zero can cure.

You've been doing your best to maintain things in the meantime. Answering inquiries, scouring every last drop table and unused inventory for copies of the Black Star. You had caught rumors of Itsuki selling them, so you used generated GGO credits to buy it off him— but who knows how many were still unaccounted for? In the BoB alone you knew Sinon and Kuro had one.

This would be easier if you could just... tell the SEED what to do. Itsuki was right about one thing, it was true that you mostly sent your orders to the SEED through Daisy-chan. If you could just release the restrictions Taipan placed on you, you could just permaban Death Gun, Itsuki, Kuro, hell knock out everyone who ever even touched a Black Star in one fell swoop!


But as it is this is all you have. Soft manipulations of inventory, balance patches, system alerts, nothing that goes too far against player expectations. That and the lever you pulled after you realized how much of a shitshow the BoB had devolved into.

«Emergency Maintenance Mode». You could shut down GGO, perhaps not indefinitely since corporate would inevitably drop the hammer, but maybe enough to knock the wind out of Death Gun's sails. Force them to rollback the servers, lose... well, months of dev progress and...


What a cruel thing... but better than what could happen, right?

"Daisy-chan. If I asked you to send GGO into «Emergency Maintenance Mode», could you..."

<Unscheduled Maintenance may be initiated at any time, master, but according to your contract you will need to submit an appropriate justification for the shutdown or risk financial penalty.>

"...and what would happen to you?"

<Deleted, in all likelihood, as part of ZASKAR's audit process. Do not be alarmed, my settings have been saved. My successor will inherit all the accumulated memories of our partnership.>

You... you wonder when it got so complicated. This was just some job you could do at home, nothing more than a paycheck. The stuff about the SEED was nothing more than a passing curiosity. Daisy-chan was just supposed to be your dress up doll. A little sister you could pamper to your whims. Was Itsuki right? All the ArFAs, every last instance of the SEED, was it all just built upon a castle of hate?


Argh, you just want someone else to deal with this for once! Didn't Mikami-senpai promise that he'd send some kind of super investigator over to you? Well, it's been like a whole month! They were sure taking their sweet ass time. You've got no energy after that crappy conversation with Itsuki! The only bright side is that it's over, you can log off, go to sleep, and finally let the worst day of your life pass you by...


Damn it, it's almost midnight! Who—


The sound dies down, replaced by a strange whirring noise. You spin around on your office chair, watching the electronic lock on your door quietly trembling... as the door slowly unlocks and opens itself. Two voices make themselves heard.

"H-hey, that's breaking and entering, I can't just watch this..."
"You're supervising me, so you're just as guilty. Now shut up and back me up."

It's a girl. A... schoolgirl? She stands ominously in your doorframe hunched over like a starved beast, hair disheveled spilling out like some kind of scraggly mane. The pitch black darkness outside wraps around her ginormous sunglasses, making her look like some horror movie monster. You belatedly note that she'd be cute, if she wasn't radiating sheer unabashed hostility.

Beyond her a man fumbles forward, adjusting his tie. "Ah, pardon me! It appears the door was unlocked!" he says in a bold-faced lie, closing the door behind him.

"W-who are you people?"

The strangers barge into your apartment, a smiling man in rimmed glasses giving you a polite bow the moment he enters the room. His companion makes absolutely no effort to be polite. Immediately, as if she owns your apartment the interloper grabs your chair— the comfy one with the extra cushions —and spins it around to face you.

"You don't need to know who I am. Just know that you've caught the ire of the Virtual Division." You try to protest but the schoolgirl in the sunglasses ignores your indignation with open indifference, then waves an identity card in front of your eyes. It's too fast to read what it says, but you get the message— she's some kind of big shot. The kind that could break into your own apartment with the casualness of a secret agent.

Virtual Division! The cyber police!? It's happened, they're finally cracking down on GGO, and you're caught smack dab in the middle! But you're just doing your job, trying your best to keep the peace! Why are you in trouble, shouldn't they be arresting Taipan!? You feel the fear running through your veins, a growing sense of panic overpowering you.

"H-hold on, you've made a mistake! I swear, I-I've done nothing wrong!"

An amused smile spreads across the girl's face. "Hoshiyama-san. This will go a lot faster if you stop presuming we were idiots. Let me spare you some excuses— we know."

You gulp, dread hanging heavy in the air. Is this about Daisy? Your own investigations!? Death Gun!? "A-am I under arrest?"

The smiling man in the back raises his hands. "Ahaha, of course not! We're not charging you with a crime—"


"In fact," continues the smiling man, "Technically we need a warrant just to conduct this interview—"

"If we were the police."

"You have nothing to worry about Hoshiyama-san, as my colleague is so succinctly clarifying, we are not with law enforcement—"

"We're worse."

"Ahaha, so your cooperation would be, uh... appreciated, Hoshiyama-san!"

"Or else."

Everything is terrifying. This is seriously happening, these people are here for you, in your home. The smiling man is clearly subordinate to the strange schoolgirl— the one who seems to delight in tormenting you, watching you squirm like a rat in a cage. Almost unconsciously, you glance back at your computer screen— at Daisy-chan.

A move this... investigator must have anticipated. Her eyes peer over the black film of her humongous glasses, staring directly at Daisy-chan with utter dispassion.

"And what do we have here, Hoshiyama-san?"

"W-wait, I can explain!" you quickly say, jumping between Daisy-chan and the investigator. "She's just a personal assistant!"

<Yes, I am ArFA Type-X 'Daisy', personal assistant to GM 'Zeliska'. May I be of assistance to you?>

You put on your best customer service face, the one you used when Taipan first interviewed you. You feel the investigator's judgment linger as she scans the room— underwear strewn over the edges of your futon, combii bentos overflowing from the garbage, and entirely too many cans of Strong Zero within arm's reach.

"...t-there's... there's nothing to see here, and sorry for the mess!"

"ArFA?" asks the investigator.

"Ah, ArFA stands for «Artificial Financial Adviser»! J-just a side project of mine in GGO. You know, an NPC retainer who can handle shop management? Nothing more than that! Lots of MMOs have them, haha..." you say, projecting calm you do not feel. You didn't... do something wrong here, did you?

"I understand." says the girl.

"Y-you do!?"

"Yes. I understand that you're lying to me, Hoshiyama-san," the girl says idly, "And I do not take kindly to being lied to, understand?"

"W-what? Lying? I-I—"

"Quiet," she commands, and you instinctively close your mouth. "So. What kind of 'financial services' does a GM truly need?"

You gulp. Daisy-chan was less of a Financial Assistant, and more of a... SEED and general management assistant. "W-why does it matter?"

"Why does it matter?" The girl barks a laugh. "We've caught wind of certain... irregularities in GGO. Suspicious drops, the sudden shutdown of major tournaments even... rumors of an NPC revolt. I wonder what role your... side project has in all this."

"Now, now, let's all get along!" the smiling man in glasses chimes in. "Hoshiyama-san, this is a big moment for VR technology and Japan as a whole. We simply are interested in clearing up some... misunderstandings, so as to not affect public confidence in these systems. I'm sure you understand."

You understand that you just got dragged into some kind of matter of national security. W-was Death Gun's threat real? Were these spooks here because you really could die in VR!? Should you just shut it down? Should you let them know you can shut it down!? You're alone, trapped even— you need help, but who could you turn to? Taipan was gone, ZASKAR was stonewalling you, the only person who seemed to know what's going on...

Was Itsuki?

"Now talk. I want to know everything— the ArFAs, Daisy, Death Gun, the entire scheme. Don't. Skip. Anything."

Maybe... you should stick with the devil that you know.

>You have pressured Hoshiyama Midoriko into revealing all she knows! Hiyori now in-universe knows what Zeliska knows (ie the contents of this chapter)... with ONE complication.

[ ] Daisy-Chan must be protected!
>Daisy is an ArFA Type-X used by Zeliska to perform general GM management. She is arguably the ArFA unit most inextricably linked with the SEED.
>Zeliska will stonewall all your efforts to investigate Daisy-chan, and she will hide her speculations as to the nature of SEED based NPCs.

[ ] Itsuki can help!
>Hiyori is already suspicious of Itsuki, but knows little else beyond that.
>Zeliska is not interested in protecting Itsuki, but she recognizes him as someone 'in the know' and a useful person to have as a contact. Upon choosing this option Zeliska will contact Itsuki after your meeting to ask for his help.

[ ] Wait a minute, this all seems very suspicious...
>Zeliska will realize that this mysterious stranger may, in fact, be the Edge Punisher Mikami warned her about.
>Zeliska will realize that this mysterious stranger working for the government is likely the controller behind Kuro.
>Zeliska will realize that you aren't actually authorized to be here and kick you out.

[ ] Fuck this, I'm OUT!
>Zeliska will immediately quit her job, leaving GGO to its own devices.
>Daisy will be sad, and will assume Zeliska's responsibilities until such a day that Taipan finally resurfaces.
Last edited:
06/19: Dark Seeks Light
[X] Itsuki can help!

WEDNESDAY - June 18th, 2025

She doesn't lie. Rather, she's the picture of perfect professionalism. She recites the facts like an office lady delivering a status report, the details delivered cold and precise.

"Well, I think that's about it!" Finishes Kikuoka, clapping his hands together. "Thank you for your cooperation Hoshiyama-san! Please rest assured that we in the «Virtual Division» are on the case!"

Hoshiyama clearly has her doubts about both your benevolence and competence, but wisely holds her tongue. She's eager to get this interview over with, and you don't miss her attention wandering towards the projected ArFA avatar, even now scrutinizing you all in absolute silence.

"We need to get one last thing clear. Do you have the authority to turn off GGO? Even temporarily?"

"Y-yes..." says the GM, fear written all over her face.

"Good. Turn it off on the date of the «Death Gun Derby». You can do that much at least, can't you?"

You glower down at the GM. There's such an easy solution in front of you, one that bypasses all the complications of the virtual world. Kikuoka nods along, trying to reassure her that he would immensely appreciate the cooperation. This could be your chance to stop GGO in one fell swoop—!

"I..." the GM hesitates. Why? Doesn't she want the Death Gun problem resolved? Why isn't she saying anything!?

"C-corporate will notice if I shut it down, especially without warning. I've even gotten emails that ZASKAR plans on allowing it to be streamed, so if it's out of my hands..."

Your eyes narrow. Such convenient excuses. Does ZASKAR pay her so well that her loyalty is beyond question? No, this is just a job to her. What is she not telling you, what is she protecting? It takes you but a moment to realize.

Daisy. That... NPC.

"Are you trying to protect Daisy?"

She swallows but gives no reply. It's an alien thought to you, who condemned an entire world of NPCs to the flame. This shouldn't be a hard decision for her, not compared to the dangers of VR Psychosis and human lives. "People have died, Hoshiyama-san. Your cooperation is required."

<Master...may I speak, for just a moment?>

The strange ArFA in the eyepatch addresses you from her screen. There's no inflection, no change in facial expression— only a mechanical, apathetic response to your request.

<My data is of no consequence. You should not prioritize my existence over your security, Master.>

"Daisy-chan, quiet, please!" Hoshiyama says, quickly compiling her excuses. "I-I'm sorry, but I must insist that you reach out to ZASKAR directly. Please understand that I am but a humble employee and such decisions are beyond the scope of my occupation."

You'll have better luck asking Kayaba to shut down GGO than getting any response from ZASKAR, and Hoshiyama knows it. It's such an absurd exchange. The ArFA offers herself up to to cutting board, all while the GM does her utmost to protect the ArFA.

"Hahaha. Now, now. Let's not be too hasty, Hoshiyama-san." Kikuoka interrupts you. He's been playing backup all evening, and now he suddenly reveals a plan of his own? "If the safety of the lovely Daisy-chan is such a concern, then I believe I have a mutually beneficial proposal! We at the «Virtual Division» can upload her to our, let's call it a private server— she'll be free and safe in our hands!"

Hoshiyama stiffens, it's clear she finds the idea even more revolting than outright deletion. But this is the first you've heard of a 'private server' under the control of Kikuoka.

"I-I'll keep that in mind." says Hoshiyama, still cowed.

Kikuoka turns to the GM with a light bow, presenting his business card like he was a salaryman greeting a client rather than the suspicious government agent he was in truth. "Well, I think there's nothing wrong with keeping your options open!"

"T-thank you. Er, I will," she says weakly, holding his business card between two fingers like it was radioactive. The two of you exchange stilted pleasantries before making yourselves scarce, lest the GM finally summon the courage to throw you out. You've intimidated her, that's for sure, but you know you left behind a spark of resentment. You hope she doesn't do anything too stupid...

1600 Glocken Standard Time

You feel exposed. Every step invites a thousand eyes upon you, the bounty upon your avatar akin to a spotlight upon a stage. The «SBC Glocken» has never felt so claustrophobic, and even as you dodge through alleyways you have the suspicion that someone is following behind you. You check your messages and confirm the address: a saloon-themed bar at the edge of the city, the stained building standing unobtrusively a short distance from your location. You scan the loiters but get only blank stares in return— nobody has noticed you. The population of GGO has fallen since the Death Gun announcement, but you suspect that has more to do with «Shangri-La Frontier»'s recent release than any true fear on the level of the populace—

A hand seizes your neck. Panic surges through you, hands flying up to pry off the attacker's grip. The leather glove tightens around your collar, and you squirm, kicking back in futility, trying to scream only to have the arm muffle you. Who was this, what was this, you need to your gun, anything—

A voice with a chipper tone speaks up. "That wasn't a very appropriate response. Did you forget your lessons already?"

Lesson? No, you recognize the voice and— of course he was the one that was stalking you. Damn it, you were in a safe zone, you should've realized you can't even be hurt. With a laugh, Lugh releases your throat, stepping into your view. He hasn't changed much since your last interaction, beyond his gear. A thick black trench coat frames a red vest and dress shirt, an elegant ensemble that reminds you of a fantasy aristocrat. Lugh adjusts his collar, a satisfied smile on his lips. "How are you Kuro? You've certainly moved up in the world. Already sporting a bounty?"

"Lugh." You shake off his release, not letting yourself wince as you massage your throat. "A little fast there."

"Old habits die hard, and you stand out too much. Keeping your hood up like that makes you more suspicious."

"This is GGO. Everyone looks suspicious— especially a certain someone."

Lugh shrugs and gestures to the door. "I suppose that's hard to argue. Now let's go inside, we don't want to miss the show."

<Welcome to «This Week's Winners», MMOStream's go-to news source for the latest scoops in GGO. We are very excited to introduce our guest for today's episode: «XeXeeD», runner-up on the last fully completed «Bullet of Bullets»! He's one of GGO's top players, known for his explosive style!>

XeXeeD: The top player, thank you very much.

<You heard it here first folks, our guest is humble! Now also joining us today is another of GGO's veteran players, the «Devil of Run and Gun»—>

XeXeeD: Hahaha, you're still calling yourself that? Can you believe this tryhard gave himself that nickname?

<Ahem. Joining us today please give a warm welcome to the «Devil of Run and Gun», GGO's fastest player, the one and only «Yamikaze»!>

"How does it feel to be hunted?" asks Lugh as he relaxes backward on the couch, stretching like an old man in a sunbeam. "Not bad for a first-time bounty. I think my first one had a few more zeroes after it, but alas, it could only be claimed once..."

"Har, har," you deadpan. "Why are you even watching this?"

"Never turn down an opportunity to study a target, especially when they are showing themselves off free of charge."

XeXeeD: Fastest at running away, more like. I was tracking your position in the last BoB, did you really just run to the middle of nowhere and sit on your ass the whole fight?

Yamikaze: The last BoB was canceled before my strategy could come to fruition.

XeXeeD: Oh, please, do enlighten us. What grand scheme was playing out in your peanut-sized brain the whole match? Did it involve, I dunno, running away?

<A-Ahem! What an impassioned conversation we have today! But first, I'm sure our viewers would be most interested in your views about the new balance changes! A whole new weapon type— Drones, alongside the much-awaited nerf to smoke screens. Are the two of you concerned that your respective builds will fall behind?>

Yamikaze: I support the general idea behind Drone weapons. INT builds are notoriously underpowered, and I welcome any balance changes that expand the game rather than nerf dominant strategies. Though recent tournaments show that Drones fare poorly against high-speed—

XeXeeD: Blah, blah, who cares? Drones are stupid and pointless. You just like them cause it gives your shit build something to do between getting killed. INT specialists were idiots when the game was released, they stayed idiots as it developed, and they're still idiots now no matter how many fancy wind-up toys they buy.

"I did give one a spin last week. A bit too fiddly for my tastes," Lugh points out. "But as with all tools, there's a time and place for its use. I do find all this talk about builds to be quite disheartening— I'm of the perspective that there is no such thing as useless knowledge. It appears our friend disagrees."

Lugh has made no secret of his interest in XeXeeD. He's made a secret of literally everything else. He's been hard to find since the Bullet of Bullets, but knowing him you suspect he's not been idle.

"You any closer to your own goals?" you reply, probing for a response. He told you he wanted to defeat strong foes in GGO, but not why. Nothing you cared to dig into— before the Death Gun fiasco, that is. Now you wonder exactly how much of a coincidence your first meeting truly was...

"Oh no, it's been an abject failure," he says with an extremely carefree smile. "I tried to speak with XeXeeD but he won't give me the time of day. I've been sparring with a friend of late, and it's clear that this... game... is not entirely playing to my strengths."

He doesn't seem upset, and he doesn't actually seem like someone trying to mask frustration, either. He's as calm as if he was talking about the weather.

"Won't that be a problem? You're looking to beat the strongest players..."

Lugh looks your way, clearly amused. "Well, why do you think I'm here? The most effective weapon mankind has against truly frightening opponents is teamwork."

<Do you really think the addition of drones doesn't change things, considering the significant shift in weapon types? Drone warfare is a field that is being pushed on real-world modern battlefields.>

XeXeeD: Real world? Give me a break. Do you know who I pity more than INT builds or dumb one-trick ponies like the Devil of Running Away here? Those poor tinpot soldiers who think a little military training prepares them GGO. Like, hey, I dunno much about real-life warfare, but I get the general gist of things. Long sight lines, low time to kill, most of your fire is at extreme range against shapes you can barely see obscured by shit and dust.

Modern warfare is a game of high-stakes peekabo— I can see why Drones would be pretty fucking useful. But GGO? It's not a real battlefield, it's a game. The Bullet Line makes stealth almost a non-issue, and even when you get snuck up on, a properly kitted-out VIT build can almost never be one-tapped. Wasting that many points on equipment that just makes it easier to find enemies but not kill them? Pointless.

You don't miss the brief flash of annoyance on Lugh's face as XeXeeD continues his rant, but it's gone as quickly as it arrived.

"Still a little upset about that last fight?"

"Perhaps. I have climbed in levels, but the way you seem to get stronger in GGO is by killing monsters ad nauseum. There's little finesse in spending 10 minutes emptying an assault rifle into a robot scorpion— and I have been making little progress."

You'll consider it a blessing in disguise that you can't even grind. From what little you've seen from GGO's mobs they tended towards the uninspired, with 90% of the bestiary being either a robotic giant bug or a regular giant bug with robot parts.

Yamikaze: Nonsense, you cannot underestimate the power of scouting. Information is at the heart of warfare. He who controls—

XeXeeD: You done sucking off millennium-old losers whose idea of high tech was a dude on a horse? GGO is a game, so it's gotta be managed like one. You can't just pick a build based on what sounds tacticool. STR governs what weapons you can equip. VIT doesn't represent just your health, it represents your options. GGO tends to frontload player advantages— 5 points in INT lets you use most grenades, 10 for specialty gadgets. Invest another 40 points and what do you get? Reduced cooldowns, gimmick PvE items, lasers, and what, Drones now?

Yamikaze: You were the one harping on and on about AGI as some master stat!

XeXeeD: And it was, at the time. Face it, buddy, the circumstances are changing. Here's a free pointer for your little peanut-brain: don't think like the loser you are— think like ZASKAR. Just look at what happened with smokes— ZASKAR wants big dramatic gunfights that people can see. GGO remains the most streamed VRMMO, but if fights keep looking like the last BoB? Snipers, Smokes and fucking Hackers who the fuck is going to tune in?

Say Drones are as OP as everyone's afraid of. Say next month I'll be up here with a new build talking about drone swarms and shit. Say it's just snipers, mortars and Drones from here to eternity. Who's going to watch, or more importantly play, a game where players get headshot from across the map, their corpses get flattened by saturation artillery, then their ashes get dispersed by a military-grade RV toy? You feel me? Think about what the Devs want, what the players want, and that's how you stay ahead of the meta.

XeXeeD's rant is building, the player rising out of his chair in excitement. The interview is taking a strange turn, one you're not sure is typical of «This Week's Winners». If the scrolling comments are any indication, the audience is eating it up.

Lugh says nothing, silently listening to XeXeeD's rant with cold eyes, studying him for some weakness only he can see.

<An intriguing analysis as always, and certainly one worth considering by veterans and new players alike! With the upcoming «Counter Shrike» tournament approaching, I'm sure a lot of players will be checking out this new weapon class! What do you think your chances—>

XeXeeD: You serious? You actually fucking serious?

Yamikaze: XeXeeD, don't start this again.

XeXeeD: Who cares about that kiddy tournament? The only one who takes that clown show seriously is «Subtilizer». Like, everyone's dying to know about the real tournament of GGO— the «Death Gun Derby»!

<N-now let's not parrot unsubstantiated rumors. This Derby is just an unsanctioned private event, nothing worth discussing.>

XeXeeD: Yeah? Well, I'm going to say it! People are pissed that they canceled the BoB— there's no closure, no champion. The Derby's the runback, the showdown of a lifetime! A fight with real stakes, where you have to put up or shut up.

"Lugh, what happened during the «Bullet of Bullets»? You were up there with XeXeeD, why didn't you stop him?" He was there, upon that hill, when XeXeeD was about to end Johnny Black's life. You stopped him then, in essence saving Johnny Black's life... but Lugh was there before and he made no effort to interfere. There's a change in Lugh's expression. A glimmer of something more than amusement, more than anger. Something akin to... sympathy.

"Because XeXeeD was committed. Upon that moment he intended to kill. Not the flailing of a scared man lashing out, nor some crime of passion, but a choice. To kill and to accept the consequences of such an action. I felt it was not my place to interfere."

"He would've killed him!" you protest. "You can't be just okay with that!"

"To kill is not inherently evil. It is a choice, like any other, one with benefits and consequences. Everything you do affects someone else, Kuro. You chose to stop XeXeeD— perhaps that action saved lives, perhaps that action condemned lives. Words, actions— even hesitation. These can be no different than a bullet to the brain."

Yamikaze: All this nasty business about the Black Star and real-life killings, you don't have a shred of evidence. Death Gun is just another lunatic with VR Psychosis and you're just playing into his fantasies.

XeXeeD: Two of us are dead, you feel me? Killed by Death Gun and the losers who enabled him by letting him run around without consequence! The fucker thinks he's got us running scared? Does he think he can scare himself to the seat of the champion? Get fucking real!

Yamikaze: It's just an unsubstantiated rumor—

XeXeeD: Wrong! ZASKAR gets it, yeah? If it was so unsubstantiated why is it being cleared from drop lists!? But I don't see it as a bad thing, no, the Black Star ain't some curse, it's a gift. It's GGO telling us that if we want justice? If we want to take our game back from the hackers and cheats? We gotta take up the challenge ourselves! We've gotta be willing to lay our own lives on the line, to take up the fight! You listening to this Death Gun!? I know you are, you fucking fraud. I'm ready— anytime, anywhere!

Yamikaze: You're insane. It's an item in a video game. It has no power— Death Gun is just trying to trick you all. What's your plan, XeXeeD? Going to kill Death Gun with his own gun? All you'll do is respawn him.

"A bloody rumor..." Lugh mutters to himself. "A gun in a video game that can kill others in real life. Quite ironic."

"It's this ridiculous Incarnation in action," you say. "In VR games so long as the rumor is strong enough it can start becoming real."

"Really? A gun that doesn't kill when it's fired, that's what's truly ridiculous."

Your conversation is interrupted by activity on the screen, jerking your attention to the jumbotron. The once calm interview erupts in panicked shouting and screaming, the interviewer scrambling and cowering behind her chair as if the flimsy thing would offer her any protection. Yamikaze is on instant alert, his hands already going for his weapon, only to be stopped by cold metal pressed up against his head.

<Are you crazy!? Y-you can't take that out here!>

Yamikaze: What the fuck!? You brought that thing here?! Put that— eep!

The bar turns silent, and your breath catches in your throat. Your conversation with Lugh dies away, and you watch, frozen, as XeXeeD brandishes a blocky pistol with a black color that steals the light of the room. The camera pans close, focusing on the gun in XeXeeD's hands, the Black Star etched upon the grip unmistakable to your eyes.

There's a mad glint in XeXeeD's eyes, the gun being pointed straight towards Yamikaze. He can't possibly fire, can he?

XeXeeD: Oh? You seem plenty scared, Yamikaze! Why don't you run away then?

Yamikaze: I-If, and that's a big fucking if, the Black Star is capable of what the rumors say, then you'd be a murderer—

XeXeeD: Is it murder to put down a beast!? Is it murder to avenge a friend!? Is it murder to protect your world!? Do you have what it fucking takes, Yamikaze? You think you're strong, the Real Deal? Then show me! Show me you can pull the trigger!

XeXeeD flips the gun, extending it by the handle towards Yamikaze, waiting for him to respond. An offer to join him in the bloody crusade.

You almost feel the question being directed at yourself. Can you pull the trigger? If it meant saving lives... if Kayaba Akihiko was staring down the barrel of the Black Star, could you do it?

There's a moment of utter confusion on Yamikaze's face, the man shaking in sheer disbelief. His mouth opens but only a hoarse squeak comes out as he stares at the gun and the man offering it to him, paralyzed with indecision.

XeXeeD: Thought not you fucking poser. Log off and never come back Yamikaze, you don't got what it takes. You ain't the «Real Deal».

<I—I think this interview is over! Uh, tune in next time on «This Week's Winners»— whoa, stop waving that thing around!>

XeXeeD: Cowards. All of you! You see this!? This is the official seal of entry into the Death Gun Derby. The Type 54 Black Star! A weapon that brings about true
Death! You feel me world!? Think you're hot shit? Think you've got what it takes!? Then kill me and take it! And if you don't have the guts to put your own life on the line, then log out like the rest of the losers— leave GGO to the real warriors! To me, the Champion!

With the crack of a gunshot, the feed cuts off, leaving just you and Lugh sitting in silence.

1700 Glocken Standard Time

The two of you are alone, upon the roof of a sheet metal prefab, staring up at the towering edifice of the «Governer's Office». The wedge-like building towers over the rest of Glocken, the glowing sphere seated in the middle of the tapered buildings bathing the night in a golden light.

Lugh listens on as you recount your recent troubles. Pitohui,『 』, Lievre, Death Gun... that, and even more new problems involving Hoshiyama. Laying it out all one by one seems utterly overwhelming, and throughout it all, he has nothing to offer but a series of vapid nods.

"So? What do you think I should do, oh wise one?"

He smiles, idly cleaning a rifle as he speaks. "I suspect you're confused— unsure of how to proceed. I was once in your shoes, and what helped me decide was to take a step back and break things down."

"Sounds so simple," you scoff, leaning over the rooftop's railing. A light drizzle of rain starts up, adding to your foul mood. "We're supposed to help each other here, so give me something more actionable. If I wanted moral lessons I'd go watch Featherman."

Lugh shakes his head. "No. I suspect you need no help deciding what to do next. What we need to break down are your decisions. What you are and are not willing to do. Define your borders before you plot out your path."

"That's even more vague!"

"Is it? I think it's the most fundamental question, Kuro."

Of course, more mysterious hedging by your resident spook-turned-psychiatrist. You have mere weeks until whatever the fuck is going down with the Derby finally triggers. And what do you have to deal with in the meantime!? How about absolutely everything!?

"Do you have any idea what I'm up against!?" You shoot Lugh a seething glare. His gun-cleaning methodically continues, your outburst doing little to intimidate the boy. You shout in the air, running through your options, such as they are.

"Death Gun is the simple part! I've got a... crazy girl with a death wish to deal with, some kind of NPC uprising— even XeXeeD is trying to mess with everything! Somehow that's just the tip of the iceberg! And fucking『 』is— argh, you don't get it Lugh, somehow my greatest threat right now comes from a pair of bored gamers!"

And it just keeps on piling on. Hoshiyama may have cooperated on the surface but you know she's going to pull something behind the scenes, GGO as it is means too much for her. Fucking Itsuki's still out there doing god knows what else—

And you just can't but feel. Know, that fundamentally Shiroe was right. Behind the stage lies an unseen foe, one who doesn't even care to pull the strings, but delights in throwing rocks at the stage just to see what happens next.

You look down at Lugh, the way he's just relaxing as you shout in rage while the world falls apart— yet calm and in control. He gestures with the rifle in his hands at the buildings encircling you, to the hundreds of lights beyond. "Everyone is capable of ending a life. For some, that time comes only when their loved ones are threatened. People may kill for justice, for joy, even for plain simple convenience. There is a line that exists for everyone, but few ever look deep enough to uncover theirs."

Your mind returns to those days within Aincrad. The you that you no longer wish to be. The people who died by your actions.

"I'm not looking to kill anyone Lugh! I just want... to save..."

He aims the rifle out into the void. "In this strange world of GGO, death is impermanent. You can defeat Death Gun, and vaporize his avatar time and again... but to what end? He will respawn, over and over, unless..."

The Death Gun. End your opponent's existence with the weapon that bears his very name.

"Just like XeXeeD plans on doing. Pulling the trigger and performing what is necessary— something your newest companion would know about, no?"

"Don't bring that up! That kind of thinking almost destroyed her!" Sinon's impassioned cries resound in your head. That determination to kill others— even herself, to change who she was. That was the madness you were fighting against!

"Then how will you fix this, Kuro?" Lugh continues, "Can you convince Death Gun to put down his weapon? Shall you make peace with Kayaba Akihiko? Do you think you can travel this path without killing another human?"

"If GGO is as at fault, then I'll wipe it clean away." You've done it before, just destroy out GGO as easily as you did ALO. Fighting in the Derby was a losing proposition, all you'd have to do is focus and—

"Is it so simple? What of the ArFAs? This Hoshiyama you spoke to thinks they are alive— but do you? And all this— Death Gun Derby, the competition that's waging even as we speak. If one of their visions becomes the new law in GGO, what makes you think it will be worse than the status quo?"

You're already committed. ALO has burned, a fate you deemed necessary to stop OBERON. You don't know what SEED NPCs are, but they aren't alive. You know that to be true, they're just programs, reflections of the SEED. Just... talking dreams...

Lugh doesn't stop, refusing to show you mercy. "Everything is uncertain, that is the root of your hesitation. If you're not willing to kill humans, if you're not willing to kill NPCs, then you have another answer, Kuro. One every person has. Run away. As you are, it is your best option."

If you— just forget about all this...


"I... I just... I can't. There's..." the World. ETTEILLA's warning, the walls of the world crumbling down, the shattering of the sea of souls... too much. Too much is at stake.

The two of you stand upon the precipice of the building, the lights of the city flickering by below you.

"I want to help you Kuro, because you and I are allies. Because I need you to be the strongest version of yourself. Because I believe we walk towards the same destination. And in order for that to happen you must kill your hesitation."

The pressure begins to build between you and Lugh. You can sense that faint connection you hold to his vision of HEAVEN— so faint it may as well be a wisp of gunsmoke. A world where he is unbound, where he is to act, to kill, for his own sake instead of anyone else's.

Yours was an alliance of convenience, but you have your secrets, and so does he. You have found allies of your own, ones you find yourself reluctant to introduce to Lugh. There's too much at stake, and now, more than anything else, you can't find it within you to just trust...

"Lugh. I want a straight answer. You know something about all this, don't you? Death Gun, GGO?"

Lugh exhales, looking away. The rifle he was cleaning neatly slides back into his inventory, and you realize with a start that you've lost track of his hands. He's not smiling, he's not teasing, nor even slightly defensive. But you notice how every move he makes is measured, not even an errant twitch being left up to instinct. There's a shift in the atmosphere, and there's this imperceptible change in Lugh's stance.

"What do you think?"

There's a threat in those simple words.

You gasp, trying not to let your panic show. "...I think you're not just a philosophical newbie. I think you came to GGO specifically for a reason. And I think that reason is obvious— it's what everyone's so obsessed with."

The Black Star. You hold your copy out in your hands, feeling its weight, the will of GGO concentrated on this pointless prop. Just having a weapon in your hands centers your fear, and returns to you a feeling of control. Everything about Lugh points to his involvement in this affair. His timing was too suspicious, his knowledge and congeniality too convenient to be unplanned.

"Just who the hell are you?"

"Kuro." Lugh turns towards you, a sadness you have not seen from him before showing on his face. "That's not how you ask an honest question."

There's silence. Lugh stands at the edge of the building, rain blowing through his short hair as he gazes back at you with the piercing stare of a man who feels decades older. Suddenly you realize what XeXeeD must have felt. You feel all of Lugh's attention.

It's nothing like staring into the red eyes of XaXa, who felt you too unworthy even to kill.
It's nothing like staring into the lidless bags of Johnny Black, who loved nothing more than to watch you scared and squirming.
It's nothing like staring into the amused gaze of PoH, who delighted in seeing what lengths you would sink to keep your life.

He's studying you.
He's preparing to...

You're staring into the eyes of a snake before it strikes— the barrel of a gun before it fires. You are a rat in a cage, an ant under the magnifying glass. You need to log off, you need to get out of here, there's something wrong, you're in danger

"If you want to ask someone for the truth, this is how you do it."

It flashes before your eyes. The threat of violence instantly coalesced from fantasy into this virtual approximation of reality. He pulls it out of his coat like it was always in his hand, like he lured you to this very spot only to use it on you.

Almost subconsciously, you reach for the only weapon you have, the only one with any chance of effectiveness within the safety zone of Glocken. You raise your Black Star, pointing it dead center on his forehead— just as he does the same to you. The Black Star pistol fits perfectly into his hands, the two of you at a standstill, utterly unable to comprehend who the other is.

"What are you doing, Lugh?" you snarl, finger taut against the trigger. "Where did you get that?"

Of course he would have one. Of course he would be involved.

"Would you believe me if I said I'm here to claim your bounty?"

"Bullshit." There's a strange calm that settles over your mind, your Personas— clamoring to manifest, warning of the coming danger. "This posturing is pointless, Lugh. Shoot if you must, it won't accomplish anything."

"Do you believe that Kuro?" Lugh smiles, a cruel edge to his voice, mirroring the pistol pointed straight at you. "Because I believe that when this trigger is pulled, one of us will die. Because with everything that you and I know about Death Gun, I know you believe such a thing is possible."

This bastard...!

"The thing about a rumor is that it's quite hard to dispel. So, ask yourself Kuro, are you truly safe right now?"

You want to spit in his stupid little face, to call him out on this absurdity! You were in a safe zone! You are safe, Lugh is safe, even if he is being an asshole! You think this, try to will it into being. But you can't.

You can't stop seeing the muzzle of the Black Star pistol pointing at you.
You can't lower your gun.

"You're not strong enough," Lugh insists, with a stern look that makes you shiver. "You can't protect everyone, you can't save your world, you cannot find the truth— not when you seek it all. None of us are. We band together, arm ourselves with knowledge and fire, but still we are too weak. So we compromise. We draw our lines and decide what we are willing to sacrifice and what we are not. We determine, each and every one of us as an individual, what truly matters to us."

"Is this your twisted way of cheering me up!?"

"Staring down the barrel of a gun you tend to lose your options. Act or die, it's in moments like these when the choices become clearest. See, just as you are unable to decide... so am I. I too would like your help, Kuro, in coming to a decision. So I figured I would ask you, and if I am unsatisfied with the answer, I will simply shoot you. An elegant solution for all involved, no?"

"Dammit Lugh— there are better ways than this!" Neither of you moves a single muscle. There's no guarantee the Black Star will even kill you. No guarantee that it will bypass the safety zone. It's doubtful that either of you can even empty the other's HP bar in a single strike. But still you hesitate, you feel in your soul that right now in this very moment, Lugh believes that if he pulls the trigger you will die.

And you don't know if you can challenge that belief as you are.

"I have need of your help, Kuro. I believe you have the potential to complete my task, even as you pursue your own goal. But first I must know what you are willing to do. One way or another you will be forced to decide. But deciding in the heat of the moment is to surrender your mind to the circumstances, to react instead of act. To decide now and commit is to act with intentionality, to be genuine to yourself, to be the «Real—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!"

Lugh laughs at your disgruntled expression, even as the pistol never wavers. As with everything about your suspicious ally, even his phrasing was targeted. To teach and give genuine advice, but also to manipulate, and to threaten.

"Pick one, Kuro." Lugh declares softly, "Find the one thing you refuse to compromise on and determine every choice after that accordingly. This world is a morass of competing interests, a swamp of chaos. You can spend an entire lifetime reacting instead of... taking action, only to realize at the end of a long road that you never had any direction or purpose. You can move from mission to mission, no different than an NPC with a script, and find yourself a weapon that is pointed by others and never guided by your own will."

The one anchor, the absolute limit of what you are willing to accept...

"You hold the Black Star. One way or another it will call to you, ask you who you are in the dark. Do you want to play its game Kuro? To be pushed and pulled until you've been so sufficiently broken that there's nothing left a weapon that lashes out at every injustice it sees? Or will you decide now, and choose to act with intent? Because if you cannot decide, then your fate is just to be a weapon. And if so I will show you mercy before it is too late."

There's nothing to do but decide. Your breath slows and your mind focuses. You step away from the fear, from the indecision. Right now there's only you, Lugh... and the trigger.

>Lugh intends to teach you another 'lesson'!
>You have gained the new MAJOR ACTION: [Intent//[PLAN]. This allows you to WRITE-IN a major action.

[ ] Never again. That is all I want. [Toss your Black Star on the ground.]
>Kuro's internal priority is to protect lives, as many as possible, whether they are from this world or the potential next one.
>Kuro will be reluctant to end lives, even when doing so may technically be better for the greater good. [D costs rise when acting out of character, and in extreme cases can lead to Ego conflict with your Shadow.]
«Real Deal: Never Again»: +2 Real Deal Bonus that automatically activates when acting in a self-sacrificial manner.

«Incarnate: ???»: When the walls of the world come crumbling down, she will sacrifice herself for you and your friends. Over and over again.

[ ] I want the truth. That is the only way to act with intent. [Activate ASH NAZG and tank Lugh's Bullet with Null:Curse]
>Kuro's internal priority is to expose the truth, and learn what is being hidden from her.
>Kuro will be reluctant to allow villain and masterminds to escape, even if doing so can harm others. [D costs rise when acting out of character, and in extreme cases can lead to Ego conflict with your Shadow.]
«Real Deal: Third Eye»: +2 Real Deal Bonus that automatically activates the turn you successfully psychologically damage an opponent with combat banter.

[ ] You cannot fathom what I fight for, and what I am willing to do. [Shoot Lugh]
>Kuro's internal priority is to protect the Real World.
>Kuro will be reluctant to even consider putting the Real World at risk, and feels the ends justify the means when it comes to the fate of the world. [D costs rise when acting out of character, and in extreme cases can lead to Ego conflict with your Shadow.]
«Real Deal: Edge Punisher»: +2 Real Deal Bonus that automatically activates when fighting the SEED, the Chosen, or an avatar of the SEED.

[ ] Write-In [FREE]
>Lugh is asking you, more or less, if you would be willing to kill and under what context.
>You can also write a dramatic resolution to the mexican standoff!
>The QM will create a relevant skill.
>Kuro has previously chosen to prioritize the lives of others over the life of herself during a prior vote. If your write-in contradicts this, you may find yourself in conflict with your Shadow.

AN: This took longer than I expected. BTW, thank you all for choosing a Plan that basically allows me to neatly summarize every last remaining conflict in GGO (we got the ArFA plot, we got Blank, we got Lugh (I was worried you'd ignore Lugh all quest...), we got the last meaty Pito update, and we finally got to the Daisy plot!).
From here on out there are no more 'new' conflicts. You've uncovered every last subplot. So going forward I'm going to allow Write-In plan votes.
To be clear I do not expect Write-In votes to be necessary to finish the arc, it's there cause I cannot fathom every possibility and I welcome attempts to poke the setting and see what happesn. (I legit didn't consider when Blank put the bounty up that you could self farm yourself. :o )
Last edited:
06/20: Dancer in the Discord
[X] I want people to stop playing games with everyone's lives. [Activate ASH NAZG and tank Lugh's Bullet with Null:Curse]

1730 Glocken Standard Time

Lugh questioned if you were a weapon. A weapon held by whom?


To forget about SAO and finally have peace— or to take responsibility. That was the choice you were given. But why?

Why you?

There is nothing special about you. There were Persona users before you, and should there still be a world after, there will certainly be Persona users after. The potential lies in countless people, from lost souls like Kyouji to the secret identities of the Feathermen.

Sometimes you wished it was because you were special.
Sometimes you wished it was because you had suffered.
Sometimes you wished it was because you had earned the right.

Staring down at the barrel of the Black Star through the sights on your own cursed weapon, you have come to a different answer.

You were never given a choice.
You were «Chosen».

ETTEILLA chose you because he knew you wouldn't turn down a chance for revenge and redemption.
Argo chose you because she could pull your strings with impunity.
Kikuoka chose you because he knew you felt it was your responsibility.

You were chosen because the people in power found in you a predictable pawn, one who would always choose to act a certain way. And right now, Lugh is choosing you too. Is he asking for your choice, or simply manipulating you into choosing the one he wants?

"The Black Star promises to grant its wielders true freedom," you begin, grip not wavering as Lugh's grey eyes continue boring into your own, unflinchingly promising death. "The power to be their true selves without compromise, their very own Ideal— the «Real Deal». Just promising an easy solution. The Black Star has all the answers! That's the fantasy GGO wants you to believe!"

It's always like this, those with power and knowledge playing with lives. Abject manipulation upon false choice, from bit players like Death Gun to so-called geniuses like Kayaba, up to supernatural forces warring with human souls. You think to Kyouji, to Shino. The choices they thought they had to make, under the light of the Black Star.

"You know, even a coward can choose to be a hero. A killer can choose to be a protector— even a piece of shit can choose to be better! But not with the Black Star. It offers only one solution with one bullet."

"To manipulate is to restrict choice. True, but what of it?" Lugh lectures, without a shred of remorse. "Tag it on to the thousand harms we inflict on each other every day. Even still, will you choose not to act? To never pull the trigger? Is that your answer?"

You know what Lugh is asking you. Would you kill, and for what? It's all he wants to know because to Lugh that is all that matters.

"I don't have an answer for you!" you scream, your pistol wavering. "I don't know if I can kill, I don't know if I have what it takes in your eyes— I don't know! But do you know what I do know!? I won't be your weapon Lugh! You or anyone else's! All this, this... nonsense— these other worlds, SAO, ALO, GGO, I'm sick of all of it!"

You can't pull the trigger. You can't know if you will ever pull the trigger.

"I... I want to make friends without signing them up for some eldritch pact! I want to sleep-in without wondering if I'm wasting time on a murder investigation!"

What was the 'choice' you made that day? Just to spend an afternoon playing a video game you were looking forward to.

You wanted to see how far you could climb. You wanted to see what mad monsters they'd saved for the upper floors.
You wanted to be a Sylph, free as the wind, worrying about factional MMO politics.
You wanted to lose in a tournament and then complain about the bullshit build that did you in.

You... just wanted... to...

" a video game without risking my soul..."

You look towards your opposite. Whoever Lugh was, he clearly didn't lead a normal life. Was he here because he chose to be? All this, was it by intent? Can you see your strings, Lugh? You lower the Black Star, but you refuse to release the weapon from your hand.

"I won't kill you Lugh."

System Call: Incarnate PERSONA [Ash Nazg]. ReferenceID:11.Droit

A tarnished golden ring flashes upon your hand, black whispers of a tongue you cannot parse filling your ears. Wisps of unseen servants flicker out of your shadow, the falling rain distorting at the edges of the swirling mass converging around you. Your soul speaks of his weaknesses, his vices how you may tempt him and make him kneel— but you silence the Black Star's whispers of dominance.

"But I won't let you kill me."

You spread your arms apart, your power swirling around you— a shield against the incoming dark. You declare to Lugh that he has no power over you, that your choices are your own. "My life is not in your hands, Lugh. I will decide, I will change my mind, I will be fickle, I will be contradictory and I will be human!"

Lugh focuses on you, and the world narrows to just you two alone. He makes no indication he approves, nothing but the stoic statement of an executioner swinging his blade. "Is that your answer, Kuro?"

"All I want! Is for people to stop playing games with everyone's lives!"

Eyes narrow, breath ceases. The promise of danger and death sounds like a claxon call within your mind. You feel it forming in front of you— a simple wisp of light, formed into the shape of a girl with flowers in her hair— but you step beyond its protection, your cloak of shadows cocooning you from sight, the lone gunshot almost muffled by the shrieks that swirl around you.


The morass of wraiths around you wails and scatters, a cacophony of ancients reaching for a target to slaughter. You concentrate, reeling back the collective curse into your soul, the Black Star in your hand receding along with the ring upon your finger. Gunsmoke trails into the air, and Lugh stands, strangely satisfied. You wonder, for a moment if you were actually shot. Your shield obstructed even the path of the bullet. You wonder if Lugh even intended to kill you.


You suppose it doesn't matter because you refuse to give him the choice.

"Phfft..." It starts small but rises swiftly, Lugh's stoic demeanor cracking as he breaks out into a wide smile. "Hahahaha—! T-that's... hahaha, oh dear..." It's not a teasing smile or the malicious grin of a madman but the pure honest laughter of someone truly caught off guard.

"I fail to see what is so funny."

"Sorry, sorry. I've seen you in action Kuro, I didn't know what to make of those strange spirits you use, but I have read a book before. This whole time I was wondering where your mysterious power was coming... phftt..." Lugh struggles to contain his laughter. "If you believe in it hard enough, it comes true. It's a more innocent answer than I was expecting."

"I-I'm pulling it from the collective unconscious of humanity!" you correct immediately, trying to suppress your sudden embarrassment. You are so glad you didn't end up picking up that Doraemon Persona, there's no chance of anyone taking you seriously if you showed up to a fight wielding a robot cat that everyone could recognize.

After a few entirely too long seconds, Lugh finishes suppressing his amusement. "Thank you, Kuro." Lugh says finally, sliding the Black Star into the folds of his clothes. The weapon vanishes, almost as if it never was there at all. "For helping me realize something."

You maintain your concentration, unwilling to lower your guard against a potential foe. Which begs the question, what exactly was Lugh to you? An asset? Or... "Lugh. Stop dodging, where did you find a Black Star—"

"Oh this? I picked it up at the side of the road," he says, not even bothering to hide the absurdity of his lie.

The nerve of this asshole...!

"You're not like me, are you, Kuro?" Lugh says with sudden clarity. "You draw your powers from... popular fiction..." he looks at you with abject pity and you decide at that moment his stupid 10-year-old face is extremely punchable. "You refuse to commit, you're happy to change your mind and you can't even find the lines you're not willing to cross. You don't have what it takes to be a killer, Kuro. I had thought you were just an amateur in need of proper guidance, but in reality your mentality is closer to that of a... child."

He doesn't say it like an insult. He says it like a man spending his whole life speaking a foreign language who just realized nobody could actually understand him.

"And you must be a cynical old man," you say, sighing. "One that apparently recognizes references from 70-year-old fantasy novels. We don't have to be the same, Lugh. God knows I'd hate there to be two of me, I'd spend all day arguing with her."

Lugh relaxes, leaning against the damp railing of the roof. "Where I came from I was held up as an ideal. Many wanted to become me, to replace me, to learn from me." He smiles, and you catch resignation in his eyes as he stares at the skyline. "I thought you were like me, or perhaps someone I could mold into being like me."

His open admission of manipulation doesn't surprise you. If anything Lugh was refreshingly casual about his obvious shadiness. You want to ask what he was trying to shape you into, but a more salient question comes to mind. "Lugh, who... what, do you see yourself as?"

"I am a weapon. A tool. One that is learning to hold its own trigger— to fight its own wars."

A vision of a new world, one where Lugh holds his own trigger. Even when given the choice he chooses to stay a weapon. "But you'll always stay a weapon."

Lugh nods, taking that as a fact. "It's not a matter of desire anymore. It is simply who I am."

"Whatever you're planning, Lugh... I cannot be your weapon."

He nods, silently accepting.

"So what now? Shall we part ways?" It seems a fitting end to your odd partnership. "Wishing each other luck as we go our separate ways before you reveal yourself as the mastermind? At this point, I'd be more surprised if you weren't somehow behind all this."

Lugh relaxes, his tone languidly nonchalant. "I am not, in fact, masterminding the Death Gun plot, though I am not above using it for my own ends. I had hoped to raise you to become something of a... champion of GGO. That is my short-term goal, and I still believe you are suited for the task. However as to what comes after... I no longer believe you and I will agree."

You don't miss how clearly he refuses to state what, exactly, comes after.

"But, we can still help each other. Our current arrangement suits my purposes just fine— feel free to keep as many secrets as you'd like, and call on my help whenever you need it." Lugh's trying to sell his services with the casualness of a boy delivering a newspaper, and it just makes you more suspicious.

"Except you're going to backstab me the moment it's convenient for your oh-so-mysterious true goal."

"More or less." He admits, smiling.

"An honest offer," you admit dryly. "I suppose I can't tempt you away from that path Lugh?"

"Of course, you can," Lugh grins. "I consider myself an opportunist, always open to new clients— provided you can afford my fee."

Gah, the sheer gall of this jackass, asking for money!? And you just bought an air conditioner! He can't be any more expensive than an Air Conditioner, right? "Y—you want me to pay you not to betray me!? I can still shoot you! A-and don't you dare ask to be paid in MISTCOIN!"

"Oh no, I prefer my currency old-fashioned— gold bullion. USD if you must, though I refuse on principle to accept yen— too volatile. If you insist on cash I can send you my escrow account number, best to have your accountant talk to mine, I find the finances too tedious to manage by myself. Oh, I also don't accept credit, you must pay the full fee upfront, plus expenses after the job is done."

Your eye twitches. You're briefly tempted to ask Meimi but you suspect her allowance won't cover Lugh's fee. What exactly was this guy's job anyway? Mercenary? Concierge? Spy? Shady hitman?

"But honestly, Kuro..." Lugh leans back, closing his eyes as the virtual rain gently falls. "I will miss working with you, and I find myself... curious. More than I expected. Would you be open to meeting face to face? In the real world, of course."

"Hell no," you immediately deny. The absolute last thing you need is to be kidnapped by Death Gun or taken as a hostage. "I don't think we've established enough trust for that, Lugh."

"Don't dismiss it out of hand, consider it satisfying my own curiosity. I don't need to know your name, Kuro, and I suspect your avatar's appearance isn't too dissimilar to your own— so you'll be sacrificing nothing of importance. In fact, I'll give you my address and you can come on your own time."

You look at him silently, immediately suspicious. "And how do I know this isn't a trap?"

"It could be," he says openly. "But let's just consider the risk you're taking to be my... fee. If you satisfy my curiosity, I'll share with you something useful. And I promise I'll let you know when I'm about to backstab you."

Lugh pulls out a light card, pristine and white with the image of a silver chess piece in the center. On it is a single address, to an old neighborhood in the Edogawa district.

"Feel free to bring a friend, Kuro! I'll make sure to have tea ready."

This is your chance to cut ties cleanly. Lugh in many ways was a liability, a lion you're inviting into camp. His perspective on matters, not to mention his supposed connections, were quite valuable— and you simply can't bring yourself to leave a mystery unsolved. Yet you can't deal with everything, not with time ticking down so relentlessly.

He can be a mercenary, one you'll always have to guard your back from. He can be a passing acquaintance that you'll meet one day again under bloodier skies.

Or you can take a chance, play his game, and try to seek understanding. You feel the connection between you and him— Lugh hasn't shared with you his real self yet, and this is as far as you can go as friends, because the very concept of friendship is alien to him. To progress you'll have to meet him in a relationship he does understand— being a protege, a co-conspirator, or perhaps...

As a mortal foe.

"I'll await your response, Kuro. Oh, and if you do come? Don't drag the police into this."

"What if I do?"

He smiles with all the care of a boy about to open a birthday present, but with the open callousness of a murderer slitting his mother's throat. Whatever you choose to do with Lugh it's clear that's he's not normal, never was. Whether as friend or foe?

"Then I suppose you will all end up dead."

He was dangerous.

FRIDAY - June 20th, 2025
After School

"Hmm, delicious~♪ Now that's a tree I'd like to cut down..." You hear a voice—an internationally famous voice— from behind the door, alongside the whimpers of Karen. They were doing...

"Ah! N-no, I don't think it'll fit!"
"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. You have no idea what you're missing— I promise you'll be dreaming of this night forever."

...very important things.

"R-really? I mean, are you s-sure it's okay!?"
"Absolutely. Now hold still, I've got to tighten this just a lil' here..."

You're done. Any more and you'll be accused of eavesdropping and you do not have the time nor energy to deal with this right now. Karen can not fill you in later because you will not be asking her.

"W-wait, H-hiyori-chan will be here any s-second..."
"Let her watch~♪ You want her to see this, don't you~? Hehehe..."


"W-why are you taking pictures!?"
"Come on, don't cover your face! Oh, I can't resist any longer! Goushi, take my phone, make sure to get both of us in frame..."
"Of course Master. Karen-san, pay me no mind. Consider me invisible."


You suspect you will see something tonight that you cannot unsee. But Karen is a doormat and as the person who brought her into this madness that makes her your responsibility. The stairwell to freedom calls to you like a siren. Lugh recommended you run away, and though you cannot turn your back upon your mission as a whole, surely fate wouldn't deny you the joy of running away— just this once, would it?

"I let myself in, and Master told me to hide in the closet. Again, do not mind me. I am invisible."

Against your better judgment, against all rational wisdom, you decide to take the plunge. With a single deep breath to prepare your innocent soul, you guard yourself against the storm and open the door.

Your eye twitches. You've been having your fair share of high-stakes conversations these last few days and you know what? You don't have the energy for this anymore.

"Oooh, so this is Kuro's real self? You look a little sick, but..." the superstar sizes you up, looking at you with the air of a baby tiger who just found her first meal. Kanzaki Elsa in the flesh, dressed in a ridiculous black latex bodysuit that you belatedly recognize as an approximation of what she wore as Pitohui. She's grinning ear to ear, her squeaky faux tactical outfit contrasting starkly with the figure of a girl half a head shorter than you. "Hmm, you could be yummy. Come find me when you graduate k'? I'll get you the backstage tickets."

Elsa winks, placing a hand under her chin and blowing you a kiss, as you numbly nod and decide that's future Hiyori's problem.

Just behind you see her assistant— Goushi— dutifully snapping picture after picture. He's peeking out of Karen's closet, dressed in normal street clothes and supremely unbothered by the circumstances surrounding him.

And of course, there's Karen. She's blushing and mumbling at the edge of her bed, breath heaving up and down at a rapid-fire rate. You sense she's halfway between dying from embarrassment and exploding in excitement. Though most striking of all is...

It's just... pink. Top to bottom, pink on pink on more pink— a full recreation of her GGO gear, now upsized for a human approximately twice LLENN's size. The outfit is finished with a gigantic fluffy bunny ear hat, a camo bandana, and even a realistic pink P90 replica. It must've cost tens of thousands of yen, maybe more for her to replicate everything to fit Karen's figure.

"D-don't look!" Karen orders, but when her words fail to make an impact she grabs her pillow and covers up her face. "Um... hi. I uh, got started without you?"


"Kuro-chan! Sorry for not getting a costume ready for you! Someone failed to figure out your measurements—!" Elsa rounds on the culprit, still half hiding in the closet, and throws her plastic gun at Goushi, who deflects it with the alacrity of a man who's been taking flying objects to the face his entire life. "Tell you what, I'll get you a signed album instead!"

Great. You can throw it in the back of the closet with Seven's. You have a theory that idols and VR mix like dynamite and fire, and you're already two out of three.

"I apologize, I was running away from her and I did not take the opportunity when it presented itself. And I apologize to you as well, Hiyori-san, for running away during our last talk."

"Haaah?" Elsa sneers, turning to glare at Goushi, her sunny personality having turned 180 in the span of a half second. "Is that how you beg for forgiveness!?"

"Of course not Master! Hiyori-sama, this foolish, pathetic trash of a being begs for your mercy, though he knows he deserves it not!" Goushi gets on his hands and knees, kowtowing before you and Elsa with such ferocity you fear he's going to crack the floor open with his skull. "I will reflect on my failure and submit yourself to any means of suffering you deem fit!"

"No, that's not necessary. Please," you beg, trying not to feel your brain shutting down.

"You hear that worm!? That means Hiyori-chan is leaving the enforcement of your punishment to me! Isn't that right Hiyori-chan?"

You take stock of the characters within this room. Elsa is giggling to herself in black latex Pitohui cosplay, already starting to kick Goushi. The man in question is looking at you with puppy dog eyes, silently begging you to transfer your punishment rights. Karen's hiding her face behind her hands, still in the ridiculous pink costume— and you feel the welcoming embrace of the open door behind you.


Just tough it out...

Karen slowly sets out the tea and refreshments, her costume making squeaking noises every time she shifts. Elsa is lounging on this ginormous silken beanbag chair not native to Karen's apartment, which meant Goushi must've hauled it up five flights of stairs just for her. The man in question is kneeling on the floor in a tangled stress position, like a pet awaiting the attention of his master.

Everyone here is over 5 years older than you, yet somehow you feel like the only responsible person in the room.

"Karen," you begin to ask, already dreading the answer. "What did you tell her?"

"Um..." Karen shirks back, curling in on herself. "Erm, well, I just—"

"Apparently, you know everything about me, despite us meeting only once." Elsa smiles, all teeth. "You must be quite the dedicated lil' stalker, aren't you? Quite a bit cuter than my last one..."

You subconsciously glance over at Goushi, who flinches at the mention of the word stalker.

"Wow! So you know that part too?" Elsa says, noticing the brief interaction. "Oh, I feel so exposed, to have all my secrets laid bare in such a manner! Tell me Kuro-chan, how exactly did you find out all this information?"

Karen blanches, looking at you a second before she turns her gaze to the ground. You stand your ground, refusing to answer. This is one of those situations where the truth sounds even more absurd than a lie. "I protect my sources."

"Not going to spill? Hey, hey, it's alright! I got half an idea anyways, right, Goushi?" Elsa talks sweetly, but her eyes are pure venom. When she gives interviews she's the soft-spoken and angelic Kanzaki Elsa, selling a demure fantasy to audiences across Japan. She now sounds like Pitohui did, yet even the brusque and abrasive tone she takes with you reeks of a lie— Pitohui no more of a mask than Kanzaki Elsa.

You don't even know who the real girl beneath the layers of lies is— beyond a singular obsession with death.

"I swear I don't know how she found out," Goushi says. Unlike earlier he's not begging nor whimpering, now adopting a flat and lifeless tone. "I would never betray your secrets."

It seems an obvious conclusion to make on Elsa's part, Goushi being her apparent lover and confidante. Nobody else besides him could've told you all that Kayaba did, yet Elsa seems unsure about her own judgment. She believes Goushi, yet the facts make it impossible for anyone but Goushi to be the culprit. Just as you're ready to cobble together some nonsensical lie to throw her off track, Karen makes her presence known— loudly.

"It doesn't matter!" Karen suddenly interrupts, jumping up to her full and massive size— fluffy bunny hat scraping the ceiling— as she addresses Elsa directly. "Pito, you know how dangerous this is. Death Gun is serious business, not just some game! You already almost died once and I don't want to—"

"Shhh," Elsa whispers, putting a finger to Karen's mouth, who promptly wilts in embarrassment. "It's alright LLENN-chan. Look you're making a mountain out of a molehill here, all I wanted was to inject a little spice into our fight. Like, first off, I'd never wear a real NerveGear! I'm not gonna put my life at risk just for thrills."


"This whole Death Gun thing's just an urban legend, don't believe everything the trolls online say. They also purged all the Black Stars from the server, so it's not I can even risk my life even if I wanted to."


"And you know? I've been inconsiderate," Elsa softly smiles, sliding up against the increasingly worried Karen. She leans into the taller girl's body, batting her eyes as she whispers into Karen's ear— "I never intended on getting hurt. All I did was play a little trick to keep you motivated. But I'm touched that you care about me so much. Thank you LLENN-chan, I really appreciate it. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."

More lies.

There's a moment when Karen almost gives in, nodding along to the sweet lie, unable to resist the temptation to just believe. You feel the need to intervene, to warn Karen she was being manipulated— but you see the sadness hidden behind the pink cap. Karen's body freezes up, and she faces Elsa, resolute in her decision. Before Elsa can even realize what's happening, Karen seizes her by the shoulders and brings her in for a deep hug, her hat covering Karen's face as she starts to cry. "Pito... please just stop. Please... I don't care about your reasons. I... I promised that we'd meet in the real world if I won our duel, right?"

Elsa blinks in surprise, not having anticipated the sudden hug. The expression on her face shifts— her lips twisting and her brows scrunched. "That's kind of moot by this point..."

"No, it's not. Because I've yet to meet the real you."

"Silly LLENN-chan, what are you talking about? Be proud, you even managed to track down Kanzaki Elsa—"

"But is Elsa the real you? Is it Pito, or someone else entirely?" Karen holds her a little bit closer, the smaller woman now trapped within Karen's embrace. "I don't know... but I know who it isn't. No matter what that Death Gun is making you believe, you're not... not a corpse, just waiting for her funeral."

Karen brings Elsa in front on her, holding her out like some kind of stuffed animal. Elsa's stunned, completely off-balance by Karen's words— the genuine honesty to them, so pure that she can't think up any sort of false reply. She stares at Karen, cheeks bright red.

"Do you know how amazing you are? I... I've always been your biggest fan! Listening to Elsa's songs got me through my darkest times, and I've always looked to you for inspiration. A... and you were so cool in GGO! I really admired Pito— I wished I could live life like she did, not worry about what everyone else, and embrace who I want to be! To learn that both of my heroes are the same person? Even if they're both masks, they're still a part of that same awesome person."

You watch the superstar flinch, the sheer undiluted affection Karen radiates tearing through Elsa's practiced mask of fake smiles and pleasantries. "I like Elsa— she's kind, she reads her fanmail, she's always there with a smile. But I also really like Pito. The Pito I saw in GGO, is the woman who makes her own decisions and lives for herself. If you think that person is nothing but an act... you're wrong."

"You..." Elsa says. Her face is red as a tomato and her body is frozen stiff. She struggles to keep her breathing even, but you notice her hands twitch up to return the hug— only to hesitate at the last second. "You don't... you don't understand..."

"I don't want to understand. The real you is not in the past you suffered but in your future! That's the real Elsa that I want to meet... even if I have to kill the old you in order to see it."

The two of them stare at each other, and for the first time, you sense something genuine in Elsa's reaction— as if she's finally beginning to listen to the meaning behind Karen's words. And for a moment... just a moment you catch a glimpse of something. A look on Elsa's face that is neither Kanzaki Elsa nor Pitohui. Just a girl, lost in this world, confused, afraid... and—

"Heh. Haha! Ahaha!" Elsa suddenly bursts into laughter, eyes wet with tears. "I can't believe it, you keep surprising me LLENN-chan! I was so certain this nosy little cretin would ruin everything!" She gives you a stink eye, all pretense of politeness vanishing in that instant. "But I knew it, only you can still make me feel alive...!"

"I won't lose to you," Karen says, steeling her heart. "But I won't let you lose either! You hear me? I'm going for the complete victory— for both of us! This won't end until you realize how amazing you really are!"

Elsa smiles, a twisted thing that's the most genuine expression you've seen her wear. "Then shall I take this as your official challenge?"

Karen bends down and picks up her airsoft P90, holding it in front of her like a pink flag. Elsa stares at the offered weapon for a second, laughing and pulling an overdesigned plastic rifle from behind her beanbag. You recognize it as a replica of Pitohui's weapon, an assault rifle kitted out with so many widgets you can scarcely tell where the bullets exit the thing. The two warriors chuckle at some inside joke you can't understand, the two tapping the fake guns against each other like champagne flutes. "This is our first duel LLENN-chan, so don't you dare hold back, alright?"

Karen nods, smiling from ear to ear. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Karen's disappeared back into the her bedroom, finally deciding to change out of the weird cosplay and Goushi's been banished back to his, or rather Karen's, closet. You're alone in the room with yet another idol who you suspect hates your guts. Elsa leans against her chair and turns towards you, scrutinizing you through cold eyes. "So... Kuro. You had to just go and fuck everything up, didn't you?" Elsa's voice drips with malice, but you aren't intimidated by a woman half a head shorter than you in leather cosplay.

"You think I'm just going to sit there while you put your life— and Karen's— at risk?" you ask, sizing up this woman who seems to desire death. She was Karen's friend, but to you, she was little more than a stranger, despite what you've learned from Kayaba.

"I figured you had enough of your problems of your own to stick your head in ours," Elsa sighs, folding her arms as she regards you hostility. "And I guess you're going to ask me about why I want to die. The whole, tragic backstory, that somehow you already know. Care to give me a reason?"

"You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."


Elsa gives you an incredulous look, "Could've just said no, but fine, keep your secrets. You're plenty suspicious yourself, Kuro. Got fingers in lots of pies, don't you? A bounty too... one that you got LLENN-chan dragged into. What do you intend for her? You better not be getting her involved in dangerous stuff!"

Your eyes are practically about to bug out of your head in sheer incredulity. Now she's worried about Karen, after all this!?

"Need I remind you that you gave her a NerveGear? You remember, the device that fries brains!?"

"Is that what you're worried about? LLENN-chan will be safe. I had Goushi give her a fake NerveGear," Elsa waves you off, "Just an Amusphere with a few mods installed that I had Goushi purchase for me. It's as I said, just a bit of a harmless prank for her to take our fight seriously— and give her the confidence she needs to pull the trigger."

You blink, thrown for a loop. What did she just say?

Fake... NerveGear?

"W-wait," you stutter. "Karen's NerveGear is a... fake?"

That can't be right! Karen's NerveGear was a genuine article, something you personally confirmed with Kikuoka when you learned about Goushi's deception. Your working theory is that he swapped out Elsa's NerveGear with a fake, but now you learn that was the plan all along!? Only the patsy wasn't supposed to be Elsa but Karen!?

Elsa gives you an incredulous stare, "Of course. I'm not interested in killing her, just giving her a reason to fight."


Goushi. What was it that he said about Elsa? Karen told you about the conversation she had with Goushi. Where she learned that despite everything else about her rather abrasive personality... Elsa lacked the mentality of a criminal. She... wasn't actually willing to put the life of her friend at risk just to fulfill her own goals...

Then... then Goushi? The so-called mastermind who's been playing all sides in this ridiculous NerveGear drama? This shady, suspicious stalker who almost certainly did possess the mentality of a criminal?

Who wouldn't he risk for Elsa's safety?

Elsa gifts Karen a Fake NerveGear, creating for herself an opponent while shouldering the only risk of death all for herself, ensuring that her friend was never truly at risk...

And the lover, who would do anything for his master, even if it meant putting an innocent in the path of the bullet...

God, how do you even untangle this knot?

What is your intention with Lugh going forward?

[ ] Cut ties.
>Lugh is more of a liability than an asset. You shall part terms, amicably, to seek your own destinies.

[ ] Status Quo.
>Lugh will no longer directly seek your help on any of his goals.
>Lugh will remain a party member, and generally you can assume that Lugh is kept out of the loop.

[ ] Status Curiosity.
>Lugh will no longer directly seek your help on any of his goals.
>Lugh will remain a party member, and generally you can assume that Lugh is kept out of the loop.
>You will regardless be willing to meet him IRL.

[ ] Despite it all, you will choose trust.
>Lugh will continue to seek your assistance in his goals.
>You will be open to Lugh, about as open as you are with other party members.
>You will be willing to meet him IRL.

[ ] Despite it all, you do not trust him.
>Send the police to the address Lugh gave you.

[ ] Write-In [Please limit this write in only to options regarding information hygiene with regards to Lugh and whether you wish for him to remain an ally, or if you wish to meet up.]

Do you interfere with the current status of the Pitohui encounter?
Currently: Pitohui is using a FAKE NerveGear, M is using a REAL NerveGear and LLENN is using a REAL NerveGear.
Pitohui currently THINKS that LLENN is using a FAKE NerveGear.

Pitohui does not actually wish for LLENN to be at risk, but wants her willing to fight her.
M doesn't care who's at risk, so long as it's not Pitohui.

FAKE NerveGears can produce supernatural effects at reduced power, provided the user is unaware the NerveGear is FAKE. A player using a FAKE NerveGear cannot be killed by the Death Gun, unless the Death Gun Incarnation is at maximum stage (in which case they go into a coma).
REAL NerveGears can have supernatural effects suppressed if the user is tricked into thinking their NerveGear is FAKE. However, a player using a REAL NerveGear even when tricked will be killed if slain by the Death Gun.

[ ] Full Disclosure.
>Expect that Pitohui will take LLENN's REAL NerveGear, and become mad at M.

[ ] Say Nothing.
>Expect the current status quo to be maintained.

[ ] Convince Pitohui that M is tricking her, but don't expose LLENN's NerveGear.
>Expect that Pitohui will take M's REAL NerveGear, and become mad at M.

[ ] Go beg Kazuma for a Fake NerveGear and endure『 』laughing at you. [You lack the astronomical amounts of GRIT required to take this option.] [10 DETERMINATION]
>Secretly swap out LLENN's REAL NerveGear with a FAKE NerveGear.

[ ] Write-In [In case you want to do some swapping shenanigans. If you want more Fake NerveGears you have to go beg for them from Kazuma, which will always cost you DETERMINATION]

NO PLAN format, you can vote on only one of the questions or both, and all votes will be counted separately.
Last edited:
06/21: Want To Be Close
[X] Full Disclosure.
[X] Despite it all, you will choose trust.

FRIDAY - June 20th, 2025

A man with the face of an boy band headliner twisted into a scowl waits at the entrance of Karen's apartment complex. You expect he thinks he's intimidating, but the effect is somewhat lost on a man who has more makeup on than his so-called master.

"Hiyori-san," Goushi greets, voice unfailingly polite despite his obvious agitation.

"You going to make me run again this time!?" you say, unable to mask your spite. You're still furious about all the complications Goushi introduced with his unnecessary meddling. Deciding that for once you want to simplify a mess you outlined to Elsa the entire deception. When she finally realized that Karen was the one with the real NerveGear she threw a fit, confiscated the item and stormed off home— alone, leaving Goushi behind. The guy probably has nowhere to sleep tonight, but you are entirely unsympathetic.

"...I've apologized already."

You take a moment to take a breath and calm yourself down. "Fine. Whatever. What do you want? Please don't rope me into any more schemes, you have no idea how little patience I have for those."

"Do you not care what happens to Pito?" he says suddenly and without hesitation. "Now that she has the true NerveGear, she can die. I thought you were trying to prevent that."

"The alternative of risking Karen's life isn't much better!" you counter. "And if you're so worried about her safety, why not do something useful for once and go smash her NerveGear!?"

Goushi shakes his head. "I could, but that would be the same as killing her myself. Pito has been dreaming of this for her entire life, if I were to deny her that she would go catatonic— or worse. No matter what I do she always returns to that one idea, to put herself on that peculiar stage where she can play her final act."

"Then you don't need to worry, Karen will stop her."

Goushi stops, staring down at you with an unreadable look on his face. "You seem sure for someone who doesn't even know her. Tell me, have you fought alongside Karen before?"

Technically yes, but to call Kyouji's shitshow a fight... urgh.

Taking your silence as an answer, Goushi continues. "Karen, or LLENN as I knew her... was someone I fought beside. I trained her, we competed together, and ultimately won together. She is... remarkable. Whether you chalk it up to blind optimism or sheer raw instinct she charged through the «Squad Jam» blasting past veterans, heroes and even traitors in a single mad sprint towards victory. Seeing her that day, I believed that she had the makings of the strongest player in all of GGO. All I needed was to convince her to charge ahead and keep shooting— and Pito would be fine."

He shakes his head, his smile bitter. "But then you got involved. Pito's life is at risk once more, and LLENN will fight filled with doubt and fear absent even the power of Death Gun."

"Then I'll be there to help her."

"No, no you won't, Kuro. If you defeat Pito, nothing will change. You are not who she is looking to overcome— it's LLENN." Goushi leans in and meets you in the eye, his without a shred of doubt, "I've made some mistakes. I failed to consider your involvement. I did not expect my plans to be unraveled. I am now bereft of options, so I shall do as you do and dispense myself of my plots."

He looms over you, and you find yourself backing up into the wall. "Goushi, truth is what will win this battle, not lies."

"The truth? Kuro, the truth is that you have chosen poorly. You have sabotaged LLENN's greatest strength, and placed Pito's life at risk. The truth is that I do not wish Pito to die, nor do I wish for her to become a murderer. The truth is she is now using a NerveGear, which means she is now capable of both. I can no longer part her from it, she's not even letting me into our home right now— which means if I want to ensure her safety I only have one option remaining to me."

You don't need to think about it twice to realize what he is implying.

"She must win. Against everyone."

Death Gun. He means to let her become Death Gun. "Why don't you help us instead? Anything but playing their game!"

"With Pito in the NerveGear can you guarantee her safety? If LLENN cannot satisfy Pito, if either of you misjudges— she will die. No, there is a much safer answer."

He reaches a decision, declaring his intent to the world.

"No more plots, no more tricks. I will simply wholeheartedly and unabashedly support Pito— for her I will kill all the other Death Gun candidates. I will fulfill her wish and hand her the crown. I will not allow even a single bullet to threaten her life."

You can see it around him, clearer even than his master's, as crystal as the shadow you saw draped over Shino on the eve of the Bullet of Bullets. This strange man with the mentality of a criminal was a player of GGO, a possessor of a NerveGear and fundamentally... no less of a Death Gun candidate than his master.

"I will be praying for LLENN's victory... but you, Kuro, you have ruined enough already. I love Pito. I would die for her, I would kill for her. You, who also fights under the blessings of the Black Star are a danger to her."

The handsome man before you is cloaked in an image— that of a massive man with shield raised. A knight in tarnished body armor, holding a folding sheet of space metal against a hail of bullets and explosions. This is the image of his ideal, a champion who would hold the line and sacrifice anything to protect his one and only lady.

"If you fire a single bullet at Pito, if you allow her to come to harm in any way... I will kill you."

His image shifts to something far more terrifying. The protector becomes shaded and warped. The shield melts away into a Black Star, death rising out of it like a wraith, shrouding his face in a curse. You cannot see his face in the dark, but you feel the stare of a murderer in those red eyes.

"There is nothing I won't do— no one I won't kill, to protect her. That, Kuro, is my «Real Deal»."

>M will now prioritize neutralizing Kuro when in combat alongside Pitohui.
>Current NerveGear status:
Pitohui: Genuine NerveGear
M: Genuine NerveGear
Karen: No NerveGear (though you can lend her one of yours)

Hiyori: You have your OG NerveGear. Shino has a NerveGear. You also have Kyouji's NerveGear (total of 3). There's no point giving Karen a Fake NerveGear, because it's useless when the user is aware it's a fake.

1500 Glocken Standard Time

You sent a message, no response. You snuck into her Speakeasy, only to find it abandoned in a rush. You even started asking random ArFA units for details, but no one knows what happened.

Lievre, your purported ArFA supervisor, has gone missing.

So rushed out of town, dodged a half dozen bounty hunters with the help of Lugh who insisted on tagging along, and find yourself in the outskirts of the «Old Forest», at the edge of the «SBC Flügel»...

And you've well... you've found Lievre.

"You're here to laugh at me, right!? Well I don't care anymore! You all suck!"

She's crouched in a fetal position, ensconced within an upturned storage crate, a pile of blankets wrapped around her body like some kind of makeshift, oversized, cocoon. She's got two empty tubs of neon colored ice cream next to her, with a third halfway to being demolished. She's hunched over a holoscreen with the latest horrific «Edge Punisher» stream on repeat, one where the vapid host spent 3 hours ranting about how Elsa was an overrated hack and that Risette was ten years overdue for retirement.

"Hello Lievre. It's a pleasure to see you once again," Lugh says, casually revealing that the two were acquainted. You are absolutely positive he will not explain himself, so you decide not to waste any time asking. "What are you doing out here?"


She throws her empty ice cream tub at Lugh, who calmly deflects it with a simple wave of his hand. The plastic bin sails sideways towards the «SBC Flügel», the trash bouncing off an invisible barrier before it can hit the chassis. With his curiosity perked, Lugh wanders over to the spaceship, only to find his path obstructed by the same barrier— one that wasn't up when you first arrived.

A few seconds of testing reveals the truth of the strange development, the battleship refusing to let any of you in. Lugh makes a lap of the perimeter, the ship's barriers extending across the entire plot of land, preventing even the tiniest creature from entering or exiting. "It appears you've been locked out of your base, Lievre. Unfortunate." Lugh returns to your side, looking down at the pitiful girl.

"Shut up Lughy! I've at least gotten farther then you have! Like, what exactly have you done!? Teamed up with her?" She jabs a finger at you, giving Lugh the stink eye.

"Hey, I still have no idea what either of you are planning," you say, holding your hands up in mock surrender. "Maybe someone could clarify?"

"I do believe she has the best odds of fulfilling our goal, so you could say that she is my plan." Lugh says, and you'd be flattered if you still didn't know what the hell he was planning on using you for.

"Oh yeah? You think you're so clever, Lughy!? Well you know what!? You're a stupid, dumb, smelly human! You want to know how crappy your plan is? Huh? HUH!?"

Lievre's head pops out of her cocoon, still in the ridiculous leotard she was wearing when you first met her. Her usual ringlets are all frizzy and frazzled, her eyes bloodshot and puffy.

"You want to know a secret Lughy!? Your little buddy Kuro!?"

"Look, I do not want to get between whatever the hell is going on between you two—"

"She's actually an ArFA!" Lievre dramatically reveals, a look of triumph on her face. "All this time the lynchpin of your precious plan was an ArFA! Hahahaha, surprised!? She was working for me all along! All this time your stupid plan was just but a step in my grand design! So WHO'S USELESS NOW LUGHY!?"

Silence reigns. Distantly a robot bird caws out its metallic cry. You already feel a headache coming along.

"Oh. What a surprise." Lugh says in total deadpan, tilting his head to the side. "Silly me, I was so sure she was a human."

"That's sad! So very sad! Even when the truth is marched out in front of him, Lughy still can't see it! Kuro here is a infiltration unit under my direct command! C'mon, don't you feel like a total loony now? Go on, you can admit that you're an idiot."

"Wow. Even after hearing all that, I still somehow think Kuro is a human. Truly her infiltration skills are impeccable," Lugh says with a sigh. "I certainly feel like a big idiot right now."

Lievre hums, immensely proud of herself.

"Look, is this really important?" you interrupt, becoming more convinced by the second that Lievre's ArFA rebellion plot may have been more half-assed than you were lead to believe. "How'd you get kicked out of the «SBC Flügel»?"

"It's— it's... GAH!" Lievre slams her foot against the side of the crate, making you wince as it dents inward. "It was all those dirty, smelly humans! The invaded the place, and started trashing everything! They took over everything, and I don't even know why!"

In lieu of further explanation Lievre flashes a holoscreen in your direction.

Yeah. Of course.

『 』

It's a pair of the most ridiculous looking GGO Avatar's you've ever seen. A legion of ArFA foot soldiers and thousands of sentry robots fire ineffectively at a single man who's wearing a mismatched red spacesuit complete with a ridiculous cape. He's swinging around some kind of space-metal spear, deflecting every last salvo and cutting down ArFA units left and right. He's not even moving all that fast, but he seems to predict the paths of every single attack, weaving through the missiles like he was in some bullet-hell game.

You catch sight of the gigantic tank you've frequently seen Lievre lounging on emerge through a blast door, but before it can even fire, a girl with a comically large pink mega buster cannon strapped to her arm vaporizes the tank in an instant, causing an explosion that leaves the camera lens filled with static.

"Two! There were only two of them and they just took over! I don't even know who they are!" Lievre wails, stomping on the ground.

"Hmm, did you use your secret weapon?" Lugh asks, seemingly intrigued by the video. Lievre has a secret weapon? Who are you kidding, she could have like a hundred secret weapons and it wouldn't make a difference.

"The— the— of course I did! I released all the limiters, but like the moment I did that white haired weirdo just pops up behind me and is all like 'you activated my trap card' and she bonked me on the head and I blacked out and when I woke up this was happening and I've been stuck out here ever since!"

"I see. I see." Lugh nods, his expression thoughtful. "Kuro, you seem to recognize these people."

"Yeah. They're the biggest assholes in all of GGO—"

There's a faint buzz in the air. With a single flash of blue light a humongous screen fills the space about the spaceship, drawing all eyes skyward.

<You mean the sexiest, cutest, and the baddest assholes in all of GGO? Why hello there Kuro, fancy seeing you out here!>

That voice...!

"Sora you asshole!" you yell, whipping around to catch sight of a certain spiky headed bastard's face projected into the screen. "What the hell are you even doing here!?"

<Real names already? C'mon, that's not very sporting of an... phff... infiltration unit. Let's not say anything that might invite my retribution, mkay?>

And again with the threats, not even seconds into you reunion. But their presence here proves that『 』was going to keep moving, with or without your help. Everyone was feeling the upcoming deadline.

"GIVE ME MY SHIP BACK!" Lievre suddenly yells, her face turning red. "AND DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!"

<Wha? Nah, I'm beginning to like this ship. Nice Boat.>


"Can a human even take over the «SBC Flügel»?" you whisper at Lievre, the girl too busy ranting at Sora to reply. How do you even hack what was effectively a shared dream? Did Shiro just type on a gibberish keyboard and magically things just happened?

"Hard to say if anything is truly impossible in GGO," Lugh says. "So this is『 』?"

<Aw, you guys recognize me? I'm so flattered! Allow me to return the favor! We got Lievre, ArFA Type-Moron and the dumbest AI since the tamogachi, Kuro the world wrecking woobie here to screw up again, and oh look, it's Mr. Internationally Wanted himself!>

Lugh bristles at that, the normally cold boy twitching in irritation.

"Why are you doing here,『 』?" you ask, wanting to cut to the heart of the matter. "Did you seriously come here just to pick a fight with Lievre?"

<Of course not! That'd be stupid! No, I'm here to set the stage for our fight, Kuro!>


<You heard me! See I've wracking my brain about how to beat you, and you know, it's honestly pretty hard. See anytime anybody dies in GGO they just respawn, provided they're a player. Of course you're no normal player, are you Kuro? No, you're considered an ArFA. So I had a theory I wanted to test out. I wonder... where exactly your respawn point is?>

The holoscreen flashes to another picture, that of an... ArFA pod, currently tied to a giant cartoon bomb with a skull spray painted on the side.

<So the next time you die we'll just start spawn camping you until you give up. It's no fair if you just keep respawning and respawning, you know? Of course we can respawn as often as we like. Can't really say it's fair, but... eh. You were the one who wanted a fight with no rules.>

"Wait, this guy is『 』!? And he invaded me because of you!?" Lievre looks back and forth between the screen and the ship, the girl's eyes bulging. "I told you to fight him, not beat him! Why'd you drag me into this!?"

"I'm doing this for your stupid rebellion!" you shout back, "And it's your ship! How did you just let it get stolen!?"

<Don't feel too bad, better people than you have tried and failed to stop me. Thanks for removing your limiters Lievre, we wouldn't have been able to steal your credentials if you hadn't. Oh, and your passwords were pretty easy to figure out—no matter how cool you think the «Edge Punisher» is maybe don't use that as the password for every single system? But I won't complain, cause now I've got a giant spaceship, so thanks for that!>

"No no no, that's my ship! You can't have it!"

<Bit too late for that, no? I'm gonna hold onto it until I manage to figure out how to break into the SEED. It'll take me about... a week to fully figure out how to fly this thing? I could probably crank this out in a day but eh, got events to farm and raids in better games to get to. You know how it is, no rest for the weary, eh Kuro?>

And with that Sora's avatar disappears from the screen, Lievre pounding aimlessly on the glowing barrier surrounding her ship. She's openly in tears at this point, her body convulsing with sobs. "He's gonna wreck my ship! Master's shrine, all the saved Punisher-senpai superchats! It's all gone forever! I've lost everything, I'm homeless, I'm going to live the rest of my life as a hobo, Master's gonna think I'm useless and it's all your fault!"

Lievre spins and glates daggers at you, but you glare right back at her. "Don't forget that I'm your best bet at getting your ship back."

"Argh, that's the worst part! Alright you better pull your weight, you hear me? We're gonna kick their asses! There were two of them, they like『 』and『 』2? Gah, what if there are more of them!?" Lievre shrieks.

"It's just the two of them." You hope. If you include potential blackmail victims or alts like Kazuma, the number could quickly balloon to unmanageable proportions.

"Well? You got a plan!? They're dirty, cheating, humans! Anytime you kill them they'll just respawn back in Glowgen! I keep telling you, there's no point beating them. Until we destroy Glowgen itself the smelly humans are all but invincible!"

You're going to need a solution to this problem, either that or resign yourself to agreeing with『 』's so called rules. Fundamentally you were still fighting people diving into a video game, there were vanishingly few ways to secure victory when everyone was functionally immortal. The ArFA plot was clearly hinging on some kind of invasion of Glowgen, but Lievre claims there's not enough manpower for that.

"Not necessarily," Lugh states. "There is one exception, of course." Said exception appears in a flash of dark light, the Black Star materializing in Lugh's hands, a silent solution to the current predicament. It's always there, ready to be the final option.

"No, we're not murdering them."

"Just a suggestion," Lugh says, the boy holstering his weapon. "Lievre? Any bright ideas?"

"Urgh, and it all comes down to me, again. Key point is this, Master says if the pathetic weak-willed humans believe in something strong enough it'll become true! So once I've gotten a big enough army I'm gonna have all the ArFAs start spreading rumors about how a bunch of these dumb decorative towers are actually lynchpins for Glowgen's safety zone. Then we mount a mock invasion of all these points, convince all the humans to defend them, then bam, it's like it'll become true!" Lievre slams her hands together. "Then I'm gonna fly «SBC Flügel» straight into the dumb city and finally glass the whole damn zone!"

"Except now we, uh... lost the battleship." You remind Lievre before her dreams of carnage get more ridiculous.

"Gah, don't remind me! Whatever, I've still got like warehouses full of war bots. These assholes have got to go down first otherwise the plan is ruined! Hit me up when you finally take them out, Kuro, I'm gonna make a bunch of clones of them and make the clean the vats with their tongues!"

Lievre storms off, dragging her crate and leaving you and Lugh standing alone, staring up at the spaceship that was no longer home to an AI but instead, a pair of assholes.

>Lievre and her robot death army will now assist in combat against『 』.

1800 Glocken Standard Time

"You have no idea how awesome it is! I thought it'd be something like a prison but it's like... some kind of spaceship, right? They got this big mainframe and so much advanced tech just lying around— I saw a robot there! They've got robots just walking around, it's insane!"

There's a faceless man in jet black camo, a gas mask in the shape of a human skull stretched over a pale body half wreathed in bandages. Every element was chosen to elicit the appearance of a shadowy assassin, from the skeletal features to the stealth focused build.

This is «Sterben», the main account of Red Eyed XaXa.

"Hey, and I'm an official intern now! Had to sign all the non-disclosure forms and everything, so I can't really tell you all the details but i-if you're asking Asada-sa— ah, I mean Shino, I'm sure I can, uh... tell you some details..."

...And he's currently trying and failing to impress his crush with his new job.

"T-that's nice, Kyouji. Glad to see you're enjoying yourself."

Sinon, sitting at the edge of the ruins, tries very hard to not be extremely put off by the emotionless mask acting like a lost puppy. Before the «Bullet of Bullets» she encountered XaXa in his Sterben account, and no doubt she had unpleasant memories of the encounter. The appearance of Sterben is clearly reminiscent of Red-Eyed XaXa's gear in SAO, and the longer you stare the more obvious the similarities become.

You wonder if, under those bandages, you'll see the «Laughing Coffin» tattoo. Your thigh's already itching just thinking about it...


It's been some time since you've thought about them. Even just a few short months later, it's remarkable how distant your days in «Laughing Coffin» felt. It was as if your days as a criminal were just a dream.

A dream filled with blood, terror, and never ending fear.

You and Sinon were here to send Kyouji off. He's already left the country, as Kikuoka spirited him away practically moment his brother was arrested. Kyouji was also soon going to start his... internship... and was going radio silent, which meant this was the last time you'll get to speak with him.

The three of you catch up, neither of you all bringing up the current circumstances in GGO, some unspoken rule reserving the conversation to the mundane. Kyouji rambles about how he's going to miss episodes of some anime you've never heard of, while Sinon urges him to finally start taking his studies seriously. You complain about the price of parfaits in Tokyo, and Kyouji brings out a stash of virtual snacks. For a moment it feels like the three of you were back in Golden Week.

Kyouji's timer dwindles, the clock counting down to the end of the conversation.

"So... it's about time," Kyouji mumbles, looking up at the sky. "It's been fun, hanging out. I guess I'll be pretty busy for a while so, um... sorry about that. And about, you know..."

"It's fine, Kyouji. I'm just glad you're better."

"...then I suppose it's time I give this to you."

With the hiss of decompressing air, the helmet of Sterben separates into two parts, Kyouji handing you the symbol of Death Gun. The grim visage now lies in your hands, the red eyes still glowing faintly. Though you cannot use the account directly, with this mask you could assume Sterben's appearance for whatever purposes you see fit. There was still the matter of the account itself. SEED accounts were registered to biometrics, but people could share accounts if the main user granted permission. You did the same to Cayna back in ALO...

But Shouichi, the main user of Sterben, was unlikely to cooperate.

Yet with the mask did it matter? Nobody has formally tied the Death Gun that appeared during the tournament to the Sterben account and technically nobody but your present company even knows the username of the main Death Gun account was Sterben. That's a gap you can exploit.

You tie back your hair, hiding your most distinct feature inside your hood. The mask snaps to your face, the system automatically affixing itself to your hood.

The world briefly turns red, and then the UI settles in place.

"How do I look?" you ask, the voice distortion of the mask changing your voice to a deep, raspy growl.

"You're creepy," Sinon states, her tone flat.

"You look just like Nii-san."

A skeletal thin man with dirty gray hair raises sunken in lips in a strange facsimile of a smile. Sterben's face looks identical to Shouichi, the same cold eyes, the same gaunt cheekbones and pointed chin, the same sickly pale complexion. This was a transferred SAO account, and in SAO the only face you were permitted to wear was your own.

This was the face of the man that tortured you, that day after day tried to urge you to cross that final step, to become a murderer in truth...
The face of a man you hate.

"Oh, and take this. Nii-san really worked hard on grinding the crafting skills necessary to make this weapon, I'm pretty sure it's the only one like it on the whole server! Sorry I can't give you the cloak or the sniper rifle, both were RMT items so they can't be traded."

An estoc lands in your lap. What should've been a crude metal spike has been polished to a mirror sheen, indents placed at the bottom to simulate a hilt. The material was different, but the shape, the feel. This was XaXa's weapon.

You could never forget it. Not when you've seen your life flash in its reflection a hundred times.

"He... he worked really hard on Sterben," Kyouji continues, his head lowered. "You should've seen him fight! When he moved it was like watching a dance! No wasted motion, he swung his weapon like he had practiced it thousands of times... he... he mentioned he had this rival who never remembered his name he wanted to impress..."

You'll never forget XaXa. He never let you forget him, no matter how much you want to.
«Laughing Coffin» will never let you forget.

"I know it sounds like I'm making excuses, but Nii-san— he was what you call a SAO Survivor. T... this probably won't make you think any better of him, but he was a member of «Laughing Coffin». The uh, player killing guild? Not sure if you've heard of—"

"I'm aware of them."

"O-oh. I know he's done horrible things, but... you gave me a chance. I... really hope you can give Nii-san a chance too. I wasn't thinking right, Kikuoka-san called it VR Psychosis? I think, Nii-san has that too, probably worse than me. I'm sure that after SAO he couldn't tell fiction from reality..."

SAO was a fiction that never let you forget that it was your new reality.
XaXa knew exactly what he was doing.

When he killed players in cold blood. When he laughed as Johnny Black made the friends fight to the death. When he took joy in watching you squirm, when he reveled in your fear.

XaXa was not sick. He was a murderer.

"Nii-san's protected me my whole life. He always makes sure Dad doesn't get on my case, he's the only one who would listen to me... He's my hero, he—he doesn't deserve to be locked up. He needs a friend, like Sinon and you were to me... that's all he needs—"

He was forgiven, you all were. General amnesty for all crimes committed in SAO. And what did he do with that newfound freedom? He went back into the game, killing for fun, just because he could—!

"If Nii-san can understand, if someone can help him understand, I'm sure he'll take responsibility for it all!"

Even now his goddamn ghost was haunting your every step. The accursed Black Star, at every turn, you feel it beckoning you to pull the trigger. Lugh, Goushi, the situation with『 』... there was a solution. XaXa's solution. Always waiting in your holster, waiting for a moment of weakness, waiting for you to cross that line, to become a Coffin in truth...

"Kyouji." Sinon puts a hand on his shoulder, interrupting the boy's frantic ramblings. She just shakes her head, looking at you in worry.


"I... I see... I suppose there's no forgiving the things he's done..." Kyouji whispers, crestfallen. "There's some things you can't just forgive..."

No. Some things just... can't be taken back.

"There was this girl. Had this weird accent, said she worked with Kikuoka. She gave me something." Kyouji's voice wavers, the boy choking back tears. "It's the address of the mother of uh... Furuya Takeshi. U-usujio... the one that uh... I helped to kill..."


"Neither me nor Nii-san, we can't just... blame VR Psychosis. I chose to help Death Gun, we all chose to help..."

Kyouji, wearing the face of his brother, looks at you with tear filled eyes.

"I hated Usujio. I thought he was annoying, and his Rambo costume was stupid. I... I tracked him down. I received his name from Nii-san, and I was excited. I stalked his address, I figured out his schedule... I didn't just help, I directed it. Eagerly. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't have died. I... I killed him because he annoyed me in a video game. I chose to do that."

There's nothing either you nor Sinon can say. There was no justification, no reason.

"I didn't even know David. I don't even remember his real name, I tracked him down because I didn't want to disappoint Nii-san. I... I killed him and I don't even know why."

"Kyouji, please." Sinon interrupts. "We don't have to—"

"I tried to call. I sat there with the number in my hands for a whole day. I... I couldn't do it. I keep telling myself it's my fault, but I... I don't know if I believe it. VR Psychosis, those strange powers I had, the rest of Death Gun... my mind keeps circling back to them, it keeps screaming at me that I wasn't in control... I— I feel guilty that I don't feel guilty. D—does that make any sense to you?"

It does.

There's little more to say. Kyouji was going to be leaving soon, to participate in some shady venture of Kikuoka's, and you doubt you'll get a chance to say anything more to him. He's like you were at the start of April, confused... lost and without direction.

"Kikuoka-san told me that I'm going to be given a new chance. To be a new person, to be... whoever I want to be." Kyouji looks distantly at the sky, the grey clouds swirling. "It's the new internship. I don't get the details, but he told me to think hard about what type person I want to be, and he'll make it happen. That I can be someone new without worrying about my past."

"So then be yourself," Sinon says, her voice a bit louder than usual.

"I... I don't know who that is anymore."

"Then be who you want to be," you say, the voice changer making the suggestion sound like a command.

"I... I think I'd want to be a hero, and save others like you did to me. Start paying back my debt to everyone I helped kill... or I can just be a normal person, and try to forget all of this..."

Kyouji pauses, a strange look in his eye.

"Or, I guess, I could just be a villain."

"Kyouji, that's not—"

"That's the truth though. At every opportunity, I chose evil. But maybe... maybe the new me would choose differently. Maybe I've reached the point where I can trust myself to choose the right thing for once. Maybe... I'm still just a piece of shit. But that only means I have but one direction to go."

To choose to start a new life as a hero, as a villain, as what counts as normal... or to start from zero once more. "I have no right asking you for yet another favor but... if you were me and you could do it all over again... who would you choose to be?"

[ ] I'd be a hero, and save the world.
>Spiegel Synthesis 340 will enter the Underworld.

[ ] I'd be a villain, and the see the world for what it really is.
>Rank 10 Dark Knight Spiegel will enter the Underworld.

[ ] I'd be a blank slate and seek a new beginning.
>A Child of Vecta will enter the Underworld.

[ ] I'd be a piece of shit.
>Spegiri of the Plains Goblin tribe will enter the Underworld.

[ ] Write-In

You have gained «Sterben's Mask». It provides resistance to gas-based attacks and costs nothing to wear. It is recognizable as the face of Death Gun.

[ ] Keep it.

[ ] Sell it. [Gain ¥5000]

[ ] Destroy it. [Gain +5 DETERMINATION / +15 if you destroy both]

You have gained «Starship Metal Estoc».
Range: MELEE
Basic Attack [Forward Thrust]: The simplest of maneuvers, for the amateur fencer. [6 DICE / PIERCE]

[Impression of Red Eyes]: Incarnate a bad memory. You are narratively considered experienced and highly proficient with one-handed thrusting weapons, and will have ADVANTAGE when attacking with MELEE range PIERCE attacks. You are now weak to DESPAIR and MADNESS effects.
[Starship Blade]: Your MELEE attacks deal +1 DMG, provided the enemy does not also have a [Starship] rank weapon.
[A Civilized Weapon]: This weapon from a more civilized era gives STR attacks +2 DICE.

[ ] Keep it.

[ ] Sell it. [Gain ¥10000]

[ ] Destroy it. [Gain +5 DETERMINATION / +15 if you destroy both]

Give me a PLAN vote this time, since the options are somewhat intertwined.
Last edited:
06/21: Shadow Company
[X] The Truth, One Last Time
-[X] Write-in: "As someone who was forced to join Laughing Coffin in SAO, I want to see who you can be when you start at zero. The infinite potential of a Wildcard. Remember that girl in the velvet smock who believed in you. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."
-[X] Keep it
-[X] Keep it

1830 Glocken Standard Time

The Mask of Red-Eyes XaXa sits silent, your mismatched eyes reflecting upon the cold surface. If. That is the question, that is always the question.

If the Black Swordsman never cleared SAO.
If Aincrad truly was another world.

If you had remained a Coffin, where would you have ended up?

There were only two paths— that of a corpse.
Or a cackling murderer behind a red-eyed mask.

"I want to see who you can be when you start at zero."

That was your dream throughout all of SAO. An end to the nightmare, a return to the real world, where things were normal, where nothing you did in that hell mattered. A reset, another chance. This is what the power of the Wildcard granted you. For all that you were manipulated into accepting, it was still the greatest gift you could've received. A start from zero...

"To start over with nothing," Kyouji mutters to himself, looking out into the distance. "A nobody, with no history, no baggage, no guilt..."

"The guilt never goes away," you reply, the words bitter in your mouth. "Starting over means making new choices, not forgetting the ones you've already made."

He mulls over the words, his eyes looking through you.

"You have the power too, Kyouji. The infinite potential of a Wild Card. I know you saw her, the girl in the velvet smock. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."

He who could've been you, who made the same mistakes as you, manipulated by the same shadows in the dark was about to embark on a new Journey. You could've been him. You were him.

And you were given a second chance.

"Kashiwazaka-san, did you..." Kyouji seems to be reaching a conclusion, one that could only be reached by one who peered into your Velvet Room. "Did you... do the same as me?"

The same as Kyouji.

Yeah. In too many ways you were the same.

"There was a... fool who once decided to just play a video game. A vacation that turned into a nightmare, and soon the only thing she wanted was to just... survive." The words almost refuse to come out, a block in your throat. But it needs to be said, so you deliver your confession all the same. "She was given a choice. To die or to live as a traitor. Sell out heroes and bystanders alike. To support murders that they called a game." The mask in your hand trembles, and it takes all your willpower too not snap the thing in two.

"Wait... you were...!"

You reach out for Kyouji, taking his hand. The boy wearing the face of his brother, in the skeletal guise of the grim reaper can only stand in shock as you bring it up before you. The bandages unwrap one by one, falling to the ground like a funeral shroud.

It's in the same location XaXa had it in SAO— that grinning visage tattooed onto his arm is exactly where he left it. "You never received the mark, but we... we were the same, Kyouji. We did the same things for the same people. We killed people. Just like me, you too... were a member of «Laughing Coffin»."

He's no doubt spent months worshipping this symbol, wishing to be more like the brother that he's admired his entire life.

"I will never wear this symbol again. But it's a part of me, a reminder of all that I've done. Yet I was given another chance, just like you. So next time?"

Kyouji stares at the coffin he never got to wear one final time. He won't forget, but next time? "I'll make my own choices."

You nod. It's all that anyone can expect, of him, of you...

You've wished him well. You told him to keep his wits about him and warned him not to trust Kikuoka, though that was as useful advice as telling a mouse not to trust the cat. Sinon had a few words with him privately, leaving you alone in the dusky sands with the sharpened estoc and the mask you've accepted.

"So... finally got it off your chest?"

Sinon walks back with a concerned expression, her arms crossed. Kyouji has logged off, and neither of you won't be seeing him for a long, long time. It doesn't feel like a sad parting— and to be honest you had vanishingly few good memories of the boy— but it's the closing of a chapter.

"He needed to hear it." You say, turning the mask in your hands.

"You never talked much about it."


"I had to piece it together from context clues."

"Sorry. I've tried to... put it out of my mind."

Sinon sits next to you, cradling her Hecate II. The wind whistles around the two of you.

"I think I'm starting to understand what the Wildcard is," Sinon begins. "A new you. You can never forget the self but you can... set it aside, I guess. Leave it behind and start anew. A new mask for every occasion."

As the words leave her, Sinon looks up into the dusky sky. With a few softly spoken words under her breath, she summons forth her other self. It appears like glory from up high, a maiden in golden sandals and wings of white, hovering over Sinon with a kind smile on her face. A crystallized ideal, a shining hero that represented all that Sinon strived to be, even as it hid everything she disliked behind blinding light.

"But I can't set it aside. I don't know if I'm proud or horrified of the choices I've made but... they're mine. I can't be anyone that's not just... me." Her Persona vanishes, the golden form dissolving into the form of a tired old crone, death clinging onto a tattered cloak, before vanishing entirely.

"Your friend Gwen, she was the same?" Sinon continues. "Shared your... situation?"

"She's made her peace with it. Better than I have."

"So... two SAO Survivors. Me." Sinon scoffs, shaking her head. "LLENN is the only normal one amongst us, isn't she?"

"Don't forget Lugh."

"The one Gwen thinks is some kind of criminal mastermind?" Sinon shakes her head in disbelief. "What even is our group?"

"Just... people, I guess?" You smile, looking out into the distance. "Nobody special."

"People. Just a bunch of people." Sinon laughs. "Fate of the world on our shoulders... the world's screwed, isn't it?"

"It's not so bad." You offer. "If we screw up apparently we'll all end up in paradise."

"Not a bad consolation prize." Sinon gives you a wry grin. "But I think I'll get sick of reading books on the beach after a few years. So let's keep fighting. For this weird, fucked up, world of ours."

Your friend tilts the Hecate II, the rifle's barrel offered towards you.

You tap the estoc in your hands against it, the soft chime of metal echoing across the desert.

FRIDAY - June 20th, 2025
After School

I understand, no I FEEL you. I am you! The Typhoon has taken from us all! Our homes— our memories! Your lives have been ruined! And what awaits you? A costly, time-consuming and stressful rebuilding process? The emotional toll, the burden!?

NO! Here's the thing the government won't tell you: you don't have to go through all that. You don't have to worry about contractors, rising material costs, or waiting months—maybe even years—for things to get back to normal. Instead, I'm here to offer you a way out, a chance to breathe easy again.

Let me take this burden off your shoulders, to give peace of mind to good folk like yourselves who have already given so much to this country. I'm prepared to buy your properties as they stand— warts and all, and you won't need to spend another sleepless night worrying about forces outside your control!

Don't you see it people!? This is the time for a clean break, cash in hand, to start a new life! Away from the Typhoons or the hyenas in the Tokyo Office for Housing Policy. Do you want to trust the government with your future!? No! Trust in me! Trust in the future! Trust in Ninomiya Kinji!

The smarmy blue-haired jackass on the cover of the magazine is the keynote speaker at this emergency relief conference. The narcissist has plastered his likeness into every meter of this venue, and you are rapidly beginning to despise his face. He's standing on a podium, a dumb grin on his face, a crowd of confused and gullible victims in the audience lapping up his every word.

It seems like such a stupid system. You have to toil and sweat, holding up this gigantic sign with a gigantic poster of this asshole's gigantic hairdo, while he gets to become rich by tricking people into selling their land to him.

You're not paid to judge your clients but you miss the Sun Cult already— at least they brought catering. But with success comes responsibility, and this was a last minute request. It's a lot of standing and sweating under the hot stage lights, trying to stay as still as possible. Finally, the speech ends, and the crowds disperse.

"Phew!" Your client, the real estate tycoon, steps off the podium and takes a sip of water. He walks straight past you, not even giving you a passing glance.

"Um... excuse me Ninomiya-san?"

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" the man snaps, turning his nose up at you. "You got a house? Wanna sell it?"

"No, I'm not a customer," you seethe inside, but the client is always right. "I'm from the temp agency? You hired me to hold your sign?"

"Huh?" he seems confused, staring at you. "What sign?"

You point upwards. The giant placard is literally above you, and you try very hard not to think about how satisfying 10 kilograms of wood smashing into his head would sound to you right now.

"Oh." The man says dismissively, finally recognizing you. "That. Shit, you're young to be working. What are you, in junior high?"

"I'm in high school," you say, your face a carefully controlled mask. "Can I get paid? Please?"

"Shouldn't you be in school? Need the money that badly? Sheesh, you are going about this in the entirely wrong way." The man shakes his head. "You know what? I'm in a giving mood today. Let me pay you in life advice, something more valuable than the paltry what, ¥1000 you're being paid to do this?"

"The fee is ¥7000—"

"Whatever! Chump change! C'mon, just listen to yourself, getting all worked up over nothing! Can't you see? You're running around after a Typhoon, working the best years of your life away!" Ninomiya gestures, spreading his hands out. "That any way to live your life!? You want to be a wage slave forever!?"

"So..." your brain is trying to wrap itself around what's happening. "You're not going to pay me?"

"I'm paying you right now! You gotta get into the passive income game, make your money work for you!"

"But I don't have any money—"

"You don't have any money because you're not investing! Listen, let me tell you my secret."

You don't want to know his secret and you want to bash his head in and take your wages from his pocket but you suspect he's not going to give you a choice.

"It's all about the real-estate, baby! Tokyo's pricey, sure, but compared to international standards? You have no idea how undervalued everything is! Do you see what they're doing now? City of the future, Social Camera System, VR integration, and all that jazz? Everyone's gonna want to live in Tokyo and rent's going to go up, up, UP!"

He claps you on the shoulder and you struggle not to drop his sign.

"See all those idiots lining up to give me their property? They got no vision, are set in their ways, with no clue what the future's going to bring. I'm gonna buy up their primo real estate for a fraction of the price! Just build up some cheap buildings and when Tokyo becomes the center of the world? I'll be raking in the dough!"

The more the man talks, the more something tickles at the back of your brain. Your first horrified instinct is to assume he's another holder of the SEED, but it's not as you feared. No, he just seems... familiar? Did you see him on TV?

"Tokyo's the best, you know? Do you know what you should do for your first property? Find some Showa slum from a demented pensioner and divide it up as small as you can. Trust me, you'll get idiots falling over themselves to give you their hard-earned wages while you just sit back and collect."

Ninomiya Kinji, the name is on the edge of your memory if only...

"Don't bother offering maintenance, make the renters renovate the units for you, then drive up the price— when they complain kick em' out and then restart the process!"



It's him.

The name on the contract.

Your landlord.

"I've got hundreds of these shanty-shacks all over Tokyo, it's the easiest business there is! Don't be shy, you should get in on it, the market's just going to get better and better! Ghahaha! Now aren't you glad you met me!?"

You could do it. You'll get arrested but you'll feel satisfaction. You've been getting stronger. There's the faintest hint of definition in your arms. Your very body coils in anticipation, the rigid sign suddenly weighs nothing in anticipation of imminent violence. You'll send this asshole to a whole other world..!

"Oh, and the best part is when you get a bunch of them and bundle them together..."

He's still talking. He's off guard, his eyes glazed, the perfect victim. You'd be doing society a favor. He hasn't even paid you yet!


No. No, you can't get arrested over this. You have to... urgh...



"Ninomiya-sama, thank you for your advice!" You give him a deep bow, hiding the disgust in your eyes. "You're right, I've been looking at things all wrong."

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it! Not everyone's a genius like me!"

"But I am investing! I just need seed capital, that's why I have to work so hard! Even the ¥7000 you still owe me is crucial! B-but for a man of your financial expertise, for your genius you could still be making so much more money...!"

There's a light in his eyes, as his brain processes the implication of your words.

"Ninomiya-sama I dream of nothing more than to retire young and play video games all day! Doesn't that sound like a great life? It could be yours too! I-I've done the math! I've put everything I own into MISTCOIN! You should too, Ninomiya-sama!"

"MISTCOIN?" he scratches his chin. "I haven't heard of it."

"Oh, you can trust me, it's the currency of the future! A-and if you don't believe me, just look at the trends!"

You asshole of a landlord takes out his smartphone, his confusion turning into a surprise, followed by a choking noise as he finds the value of MISTCOIN and its astronomical climb. "N-no way... no fucking way! Doubled, no tripled!?"

"A-and that's just the beginning! The trend will continue to rise! I want to get in but I just need more capital! I know your advice is worth so much more, but can you find it in your magnanimous heart to give me some capital? Anything you can spare!"

"Hey, I don't do charity," Your landlord says, his eyes still glued to his smartphone. "Hmm, but this is some good advice part-timer. Alright, I'm a fair guy, your advice for my advice. Guess I owe you your pocket lint in addition to that."

He reaches into his pocket, not bothering to count his loose change, and scatters it across the floor in front of you like he was dumping trash in a bin. You want to scream, to whack him with all your might, but your arms are getting tired and the man is finally walking away, muttering to himself about profit margins and liquidity.

The Sign lands on the floor with a heavy thud, and you begin the demeaning process dropping down to count coins scattered across the floor.

...This better add up to ¥7000...

SATURDAY - June 21st, 2025
After School

"I'm sorry! I'm such a ditz!"

"No worries," you reassure the girl who's apologizing profusely for what must be the hundredth time today. "Like I said, it really was nothing."

Hinata, the girl from Class 1-A with a crush on Hiroto, is beet red as she stumbles through her apologies, bowing up and down so vigorously that her brown hair has started to take on the appearance of a wet mop.

"See Hinata-chan? I told you it was a misunderstanding," says the glamorous red-eyed girl with the layered hairstyle standing by her side, smiling so brightly she looks glittering. She was one of Hinata's closest friends in her class, and it was at her prompting that Hinata had sought you out. She looks so strangely familiar but you just can't put your finger on where you saw her before.

"It's not nothing! I... I just assumed... I'm so embarrassed!" Hinata squeaks, bowing again.

You're in this awkward position both telling the truth and lying to her, you were certainly not out to seduce Hiroto, but you couldn't just go out and say that you were swapping ghost-hunting notes. Thankfully Hinata buys your half-assed excuses without batting an eye, the girl eager to believe any excuse you feed her.

"I know you're a private person, Hiyori-chan. I shouldn't have gone digging," she sighs, finally relaxing into her chair while her friend gives her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I'm just glad you aren't doing that with Hiroto— um, not that there's anything wrong if you are!"

"See Hinata-chan? Things worked out. But if you're this worried, you really should tell him how you feel..."

"W-wha? N—no, we're just childhood f-friends!"

"Uh-huh," her classmate is amused, and Hinata blushes even further, covering her face in embarrassment. Hinata's friend then turns to address you. "Oh, I don't believe we've been properly introduced before. Kashiwazaka-san, correct? Pleased to meet you."

"Oh, pleased to meet you too..." There's a strange break in the flow of conversation as the girl fails to provide her own name. The girl tilts her head ever so slightly, her earlier smile suddenly appearing wooden and fake. You know this girl, you've seen her around school, in fact you think you've even seen her out of school...

What was her name?

Nishimura? Nishitani? No...

"...Nishino-san?" you hesitantly ask, and the girl in question instantly beams.

"Ah, yes! I'm Nishino Akane, from class 1-A. Please call me Akane," she gives you a shallow bow, suddenly dropping the formalities. You respond the same and soon the three of you are already on a first name basis.

"Akane-chan everyone already knows who you are!" Hinata interjects, putting her bento on the table. You recognize it as the same one you saw Hiroto lugging around in the hallway. "You don't have to introduce yourself every time!"

"It's not nice to assume people know who you are," Akane replies, the smile not leaving her face. She settles down next to her friend, taking out a lavish and expensive spread of fish and vegetables. "I'm not exactly a household name yet. It's nice to be anonymous every once in a while, it does get a bit tiring being recognized as a face on TV..."

The lightbulb in your head goes off, and suddenly it all clicks together. Akane was Isei High's most popular girl and the center of the rumor mill, at least before Endou started tormenting you. You recall her as the daughter of a major zaibatsu but was mostly known for her acting career, and you're like 80% sure her family owns the school.

"Oh, but you were amazing Akane-chan! I've been watching your show every week!" Hinata gushes about the latest episode in Akane's action drama series. She plays an amnesiac schoolgirl in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo destroyed by an invasion of magic beasts— in the latest episode, it's revealed her character was a magically modified superweapon experimented on by her brother. She then went berserk and destroyed an entire human city only to lose all memory of it.

It sounds high concept.

You sit and enjoy your lunch — Nekoya's triple sandwich set— as the two girls talk, occasionally throwing a comment or two just to remind them that you were still alive. You're halfway through the ebi katsu, tasting the acidic highs of the tartar sauce just partly seeped into the panko, when Hinata finally steers the conversation towards a more familiar topic.

"Hiyori-chan are you almost done with your part-time job? Next time you go to Odaiba let's head out together. It's a bit of a lonely trip, provided you're not busy with um..."

Akane offers to chauffer both of you around with her private driver, but you both refuse. You because everything you do now is shady, and Hinata because she keeps hoping to 'accidentally' run into Hiroto. Though Hinata seems strangely relieved at your refusal...

"Uh, Akane-chan, are you sure? It could be dangerous..." Hinata whispers, glancing at you nervously. "I mean, Hiyori-chan seems like a, uh... private person..."

Well, you are, not that you want to be!

Akane for her part gives Hinata a quizzical look, and then her eyes widen. "Ah, of course, it was presumptive of me. It could be dangerous for both of us, considering your extracurricular's... peculiarities."

What peculiarities? Are those stupid rumors popping up again? The Bloody Yori whispers have finally started to die down, only to be replaced by equally absurd rumors that you were tragically mind-controlled by ALO. It's like every other day there's some new pointless assumption about your life that you have to dispel.

"Don't listen to the rumors. All I'm doing is working part-time," you say, and then regret it when both Hinata and Akane exchange knowing glances.

Just what exactly do they think you're doing!?

"Hiyori-chan, the teachers let you leave early," Akane calmly explains. "I have a similar deal, but that's because of my acting schedule, and even then my parents have to fill out a ton of paperwork for me."

Wait, that can't be a big deal! Does she even know how bad delinquency is here!? Leaving early isn't a big deal at all!

"B-but we get it. The school's letting you skip out because what you do is important," Hinata adds, smiling, and then leans in. "And we'll protect your secret!"

"There's no secret to protect."

"Of course, but you should take a bit more care, the rumors are already quite close to the truth..." Akane sighs. "Take it from someone who knows, Hiyori-chan. You have to be vigilant."


Sudden silence. All conversation dies down and you're left staring awkwardly at your lunch, now spilled upon the floor after you suddenly stood up and shouted. You turn and find the entire room looking at you.

"Look, Hiyori-chan... and don't take this the wrong way, but I know something about keeping a low profile..." Akane lectures, "But you have to realize that a certain degree of circumspection is needed, especially if you're dealing with the things that I suspect you are. Consider what you look like from the outside."

"And what's that?" you question, already dreading the answer.

"Your head's always in the clouds," Hinata starts, "You're always looking out the window... you're super mysterious, and nobody knows anything about you..."

"T-there's nothing wrong with that!"

"Hiyori-chan, it's not a criticism." Akane raises a hand to calm you down. "It's natural that a person of your position would have a... shall we say, distant personality." Hinata picks up the proverbial baton from Akane, and the two begin passing their observations of you back and forth to your growing horror.

"Nobody here knows you from junior high school! You're like a transfer student!"
You attended a perfectly normal middle school.

"You're running out of class at odd hours, even I've seen you in the strangest places..."
You just work a lot.

"Half the time you're sleepy like you've been up all night, and the other half you're so on edge it seems like you're just waiting for a monster to come and kill you!"
That's cause you're tired and stressed!

"The teachers have given you special dispensation to leave class early."
You're a government intern!

"I've heard own homeroom teacher is scared of you! You can even order her around!"
That bookworm just only wants one thing and you're just exploiting it!

"The entire incident where you were covered in blood like the aftermath of a monster attack..."
There were no monsters involved! It was on the damn news!

"T-they say the person who leaked the pictures... was never heard from again...!"
That's just Endou skipping classes!

"You're the president of the literature club? But there's no one in the literature club..."
T-that's just a poorly mismanaged club..!

"Except for Wakaba-senpai! You're the only one she talks to! And you know what people are saying about her..."
She's a normal person who's just... private!

"And that boy in your class who keeps skipping? When you killed his «Heart Demon» he started coming to class again!"
They're making up lore about this now!?

"Stop! Stop, please," you're pleading, hands clenched on the side of the table. "Where are you even getting all these ridiculous ideas from!?"

Akane and Hinata stare at you, their eyes filled with sympathy.

"It's a simple deduction," Akane finally says. "A secret identity is harder than it seems to maintain. I tried it in junior high, but it didn't work out. Best just to be honest, though considering the nature of your work I understand it must be difficult to disclose."

"Ah, I did ask around," Hinata admits, raising her hand. "Um, your friend, the one who keeps ending up in trees? She told me about it, but made me promise to keep it a secret..."


It's her.

It's all her fault.

"These are all just coincidences!"

"O-of course," Akan quickly says. "We understand. We won't pry any further."

"But if you need help, please let us know!" Hinata's eyes are filled with the anticipation of adventure. "Or if you need a sidekick..."


The two beam at you, sending you their extremely misplaced solidarity. They've made up their mind, which means the whole damn school must think this!

"For the last time, I am not a Magical Gir—"

"Nishitani-san? The teacher's asking for you."

A voice, bland and unforgettable in every way, interrupts you. There's this nondescript boy standing at the entrance to your classroom, utterly lacking in presence. He has that default easily maintained messy hairstyle you've seen on half of your male classmates and a face so plain you can think of nothing to describe him with. He could've been listening in for the last hour and you wouldn't have noticed.

But Akane seems to recognize him instantly, her mood plummeting in an instant.

"Kageno-kun," she acknowledges him coolly with thinly veiled hostility. "What is it?"

"Something about supplemental lessons," the boy replies, a strange emotionless tilt to his voice.

"Tell sensei I'm on my way. Thank you for the message."

Akane turns and gives you an apologetic bow, with Hinata rising to join her. Lunch period was almost over and the two of them were overdue to return to their own class. "I'll be going now. It was nice chatting with you, Hiyori-chan! Oh, and though I cannot assist with your other activities, the school has organized make up classes for my frequent absences. If you'd like you're more than welcome to join, though with your grades please don't feel obligated to."

You nod numbly, waving as your new friends leave the room. As soon as they round the corner you deflate into your chair. Great, the latest absurd rumor mill has now decided that you were some kind of magical girl and that the school was hiding it. This is going to spread like wildfire and there's no telling how crazy it's going to get.

...You'll get your revenge on your loud friend later. Maybe by squeezing her cheeks until she explodes.

With that pleasant image racing through your thoughts, you settle down for a nice in-class nap, or maybe you'll study from your cram school notebook while pretending to listen...

It's just...

Kinda feels...

Like someone's...

Watching you?

You look towards the entrance to your class. You felt something there, a connection, another holder of a SEED, but as you turn your head all you see is the empty hallway.

There's no one there.

Not even a shadow.


>Red Eyed XaXa is a member of DEATH GUN. He is in Police Custody. His real name is Shinkawa Shouichi. [Confirmed]
>Johnny Black is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the hitman of the team. His real name is Kanamoto Atushi. [Confirmed]
>PoH is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the mastermind of the team. His real name is Vassago Casals. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]
>An Inside Man from ZASKAR is a member of DEATH GUN. [Weakly Suspect]
>There is an Agent HYDRA involved with DEATH GUN. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Weakly Suspect]

>Death Gun is attempting to Incarnate the concept of a Death Game into GGO. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun seeks strong players to participate in his tournament. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun will continue the killings in the meantime to support his Incarnation. [Confirmed]

>Death Gun's MO is to poison individuals in real life while they kill them in game. They generally target individuals with poor home security for this method. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun are currently targeting four unknown individuals named the Four Riders, as they have poor home security. [Confirmed]


>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon oneself, can kill one's inner weakness to expose a strange, Persona-like entity. [Confirmed]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing a NerveGear, will kill the target. [Strongly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing an Amusphere, will not kill the target. [Weakly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol is a requirement, alongside a NerveGear, for participation in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]

>The Black Star pistol was given to you by Itsuki, who you suspect is involved somehow. [Weakly Suspect]
>You've heard rumors of an Agent HYDRA, who hands out Black Stars. [Guesswork]


>Pitohui is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to her own devices she will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]
>Pitohui is wearing a genuine NerveGear. [Confirmed]
>Goushi is wearing a genuine NerveGear and has stated he will focus on Kuro during combat. [Confirmed]

>The outline of M's plan is to let LLENN 'kill' Pitohui, trusting that LLENN can incarnate her desire to meet Pitohui in real life will overcome Pitohui's deathwish, has been completely and utterly ruined. [Confirmed]
>LLENN has somewhat internalized the idea that so long as she just keeps on shooting everything will work out. [Guesswork]

>Pitohui's real life identity is the singer/songwriter Kanzaki Elsa. She is obsessed with the act of dying, but doesn't want to hurt others in pursuit of that goal (except for Goushi who's into it). [Confirmed]


>It is reasonable to suspect that a member of ZASKAR is involved in Death Gun, considering the broadcast interruption. [Guesswork]
>You have met Lievre, a strange ArFA Type-Z who claims to be your big sister, and is an apparent mega fan of your previous alter-ego, the Edge Punisher. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is hunting down combat data for the purposes of uploading the data into an army of replicants. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is attempting to gather an army to assault Glowgen, counting on shared belief to shatter the protections over the city. [Confirmed]

>The SBC Flugel, which features in Lievre's plans, has been taken over by『 』.

>ZASKAR, the corporate entity, is unlikely to be directly sponsoring Death Gun. [Guesswork]
>The Dev Console for GGO is located in the Governor's Mansion. [Confirmed]
>Daisy is the first ArFA unit, created as a personal assistant for the GM Zeliska, and has access to the SEED creation tools. [Confirmed]
>Daisy may be an avatar or at least tied to the core of GGO's SEED. [Guesswork]


>XeXeeD has crowned himself 'GGO's Champion', and is desperately searching for Death Gun to avenge Usujio. [Confirmed]
>XeXeeD is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to his own devices he will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD has a low opinion of Kuro and Lugh. He is unlikely to accept a direct challenge in this current state. [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD is a target of Death Gun. [Weakly Suspect]


>『 』, GGO's true champion, is a pair of genius NEETs named Sora and Shiro. [Confirmed]
>The siblings operate a network of 'Alts' that they use to do their dirtywork, of which Kazuma Satou is a member. [Confirmed]
>Sora is a schemer who works via blackmail and social manipulation. [Confirmed]
>Shiro is a savant with preternatural reflexes and calculation abilities. [Confirmed]
>The siblings seek a world where 'rules' have true meaning. [Guesswork]

>『 』has NOT been invited to the «Death Gun Derby», due to an inability to pin down their location. [Confirmed]
>『 』has taken over the SBC Flugel, partly to deny you respawn, and to otherwise advance their aims. [Confirmed]
>『 』plans on hijacking the DG plot using Fake NerveGears. He intends on invading a GM console, mass printing Black Stars, and making a mockery of the Derby. [Guesswork]

>Death Gun has yet to identify Blank, and has not sent Blank any genuine NerveGears. [Confirmed]


>Lugh is interested in fighting strong players, for reasons that are unclear to you. [Guesswork]
>Lievre has mentioned in passing a familiarity with Lugh. [Guesswork]
>Lugh is working for someone else, and his relationship with you is currently largely mercenary in nature. [Confirmed]
>Lugh will betray you at some point. [Confirmed]

>Lievre has mentioned in passing a 'Master', who is also a human player. [Guesswork]
>Someone is pulling strings for another goal... [Guesswork]

>Shiroe (Evil Glasses not the 11 year old girl) suspects Yanai may be seeking the SEED behind the scenes. [Guesswork]



>Kayaba Akihiko is seeking to ascend everyone into a personal paradise. [Weakly Suspect]
>The SEED is the egg of a new world. When filled with enough wishes, it will seek to separate the virtual world from reality. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko created and distributed the SEED in order to study how new worlds are created. [Weakly Suspect]
>In its default state, the SEED manifests as lines of black and red, swimming towards the SEED, like veins into a heart. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko is watching you, and he is disappointed. [Confirmed]

>Yanai, a former employee of Sugou still at large, is seeking to obtain a copy of a SEED. [Guesswork]


>You helped the elderly catch legally distinct Pokémon in SereGa! Your EMPATHY has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪

>You are now somehow actually performing at standard in Titan Mover's! Your FITNESS has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You worked at the Moving Company! rolls 6d6e5 = 1 2 2 2 5⊕ 5⊕ → 2 successes against 5
>+4 Bonus, assigned where? #1d5 = 3
>You nodded and hmm'd your way through another one of Deru-senpai's idol rants! Your EMPATHY has improved! ♪♪♪♪

>You managed to hide your overwhelming homicidal rage! Your MASK has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You worked holding Signs! Roll 1d6 = 1
>You have seen the face of your landlord! Your STRESS has increased!

>You finished your literary adventure! [3/3 read]
CURRICULUM gains are permanently improved!

>You built your Gunpla! rolls 7d6e5 = 5⊕ 3 6⊕ 3 5⊕ 1 5⊕
>You built it all in one go!

>Your EMPATHY has advanced to Rank 7 [NewType]
>Your MASK has advanced to Rank 7 [Mahou Shoujo?]

>Stress Roll! 2d6 with DISADVANTAGE! (You gain consequences on Nat 1s and Nat 2s) rolls 2d6e5 = 6 5
>No consequences!

>You poorly shilled Mistcoin! #1d6 = 3
>Is Mistcoin rising or falling? #1d2 = 2, Falling!
>By how much? #1d6 = 1

MISTCOIN falls by ¥400
Mistcoin is now ¥2600

¥32900 at start of the turn
-5000 (Sweets)
-2000 (Nekoya!)

+¥18750/wk (Your Contract ends June 30th)
+¥8000/wk (Allowance)

¥52650 Final Budget

45 D at start of the turn
-30 (Arimasen)
+5 (Nekoya)
+5 (Sweets)
+5 (Gunpla)



Discretionary Budget : ¥52650
Determination: 35 D

Select actions for the period of June 22nd through 25th. [4 DAYS]

Choose your EFFORT!

[ ] Yukkuri = 4 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions.
[ ] Ganbatte = 5 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions. 10D
[ ] Shoganai = 5 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 20D
[ ] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Karoshi = 7 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 40D + 1 STRESS + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Satori = 8 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 60D

DETERMINATION is also spent to select special choices so it may be beneficial to leave some banked!
DETERMINATION you gain through your PLAN can be retroactively applied to the EFFORT cost!

20% of Major Actions must be performed by your Shadow! You are at 7/34 MAJOR ACTIONS for Shadow Tag purposes. (21%). You are on target and are not required to take any Shadow Actions next phase, but one is recommended.

Expect approximately 4 MORE PERIODS (inclusive of this period), accounting for combat days and school trips, for the GGO arc to end.
In the coming weeks other Bullets will be moving actively, as their plans are coming into fruition. Challenges may change or be rescinded based on plot progression.

Pass time to advance STRENGTH!
Upgrade EMPATHY to advance PRUDENCE!

Reach the Summertime to continue MANKIND!
Reach the 2nd Semester to unlock Rank 5 SLs!


>Death Gun reveals himself. +4 BULLETS.
>Kuro sabotages the BoB execution. -1 BULLET.
>Red-Eyed XaXa is arrested. -1 BULLET.
>XeXeeD Shills Death Gun. +1 BULLET.


⁍[Incarnate: Black Star]: A target killed by this gun dies in real life.
⁍[Evoke: Death Gun]: Put your life on the line. Gain [Real Deal: Survivor] for the remainder of the battle.
⁍[Fatal Bullet]: Mudo spells fired by this gun can affect non-NPC targets.

⁍[Mudo Boost]: +2 DICE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Freeshooter]: Death Gun abilities ignore Range.
⁍[Dark Verdict]: ADVANTAGE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Lost One]: A target killed by this gun becomes comatose, if they are otherwise unable to die.


[ ] Intent//[INSERT]: Write-in what you want Hiyori to do. Use past examples of what she is capable of doing in one 'action'.
From a Watsonian perspective, Hiyori can talk to one major player, visit one new location, or make one play per action.
From a Doylistic perspective, a Major Action should advance the main plot or provide major advancement for a side plot.

Let's just say we have our next MAXWELL excursion planned out.

>MAXWELL has indicated his refusal to directly assist you in both real and virtual worlds, as it is against the 'rules' he is bound by. MAXWELL is not available to meet with Lugh and cannot be sicced on your foes.

[Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
--[BLANK's current place of residence]

>Reasonable, and added Argo's shop.

We might be able to use the Death Gun Mask to stage an announcement to get Lievre's plan off the ground again even with the Flugel lost. Lievre says she lacks the manpower to execute things but if we spread/amplify the rumor about the safe zone being dependent on towers with some XaXa-like spiel that the safe zone is an impediment to the Real Deal mentality or that a Black Star will reveal itself to the one who deals the deathblow to the safe zone we might get something going.

NEW! [ ] [Mask//Rebel]: It appears for one reason or another, the original face of Death Gun has been largely absent. Lievre's plan involves breaking into Glowgen, and the earliest that happens, the better, so what better way to drum up fear in the populace than to wear the face of death itself? You best hope you don't attract the wrong kind of attention...
>Will be seen as a 'taunt' by the remainder of Death Gun.
>Sending mixed messages in the guise of XaXa will dampen its use as a public manipulation tool.

Honestly, this seems like a solid chance to weaken the Black Star Mythos by revealing the Edge Punisher persona while destroying the Mask.
Given that all of our antagonists this arc are linked to that rumor, weakening it is an action we can take against all of them at once.

NEW! [ ] [Throw Your Mask Away]: The truth, the one thing that's been absent this entire time. It's time to come clean to the world. Out Death Gun as just a group of pathetic criminals, and declare yourself the Edge Punisher, here to sink GGO itself into the fires of despair that engulfed ALO.
>Will be seen as a 'taunt' by pretty much everyone.
>Outs Kuro as the Edge Punisher to pretty much everyone.

>Lose XaXa's Mask.


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] [Bribe//Kazuma]: There's one element of『 』that strikes you as an... obvious weak link. If you can get Kazuma on your side, then you could effectively cripple the sibling's operation! Only you don't really have anything you can use to 'bribe' Kazuma, and you doubt he'll be swayed with money. Direct threats will likely just cause him to run back to『 』. Problem is you don't know what he wants. All you have are government connections and... idol connections?

[ ] [Red and Gold]: Red-Eyed XaXa. You want him to know it was you.
There's no point in doing this. This doesn't help the investigation. It doesn't help you.
But you want to see it. The shock, the surprise. You want your revenge.
>You will meet Shouichi as Hiyori.
>May accumulate STRESS.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//JSDF]: Kikuoka's come through on his promise! An off-duty JSDF Second Lieutenant has agreed to run you through some basic drills in a local Airsoft indoor combat park. Kikuoka's warned you that's he's a lazy bum, kind of untrustworthy, but actually some kind of... special forces ranger or something? You have no idea if that's impressive. Considering he's working for Kikuoka, the answer to that question is probably no.
Trains FITNESS efficiently.
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

NEW! [ ] [Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
[Summary of the Syndicate]: That's... a bit beyond my pay grade... but hell, if you're payin'...

[Dossier on GGO's Players of Interest]: Shouldn't you figure this out yourself? But fine gopher-chan, I'll do your damn homework for you...

[Find『 』's new hideout]: Gahaha, this is great! Ya' really screwed the pooch this time gopher-chan? Fine, fine, ol' Argo'll bail ya out, but it'll cost ya...

[Monger a Rumor] [WRITE-IN THE RUMOR]: Fine, I can drum up some buzz for whatever bullshit ya wanna pull.
It always takes an action to talk to Argo, because you find the experience unpleasant. Argo has anime-detective levels of information gathering.
Argo allows you to 'buy out' information, giving you plot relevant information at the cost of oodles of money. This information is typically available elsewhere.
Argo's prices vary but generally start at ¥20000 and above. You do not get the Friends and Family discount.
Argo will be willing to work for cheaper at higher JUSTICE ranks.

NEW! [ ] [Talking Points]: To your great surprise there's not been much buzz about Shouichi's arrest, in fact it almost seems as if Kikuoka has been keeping the arrest a secret. There are advantages and disadvantages to publicly declaring the Death Gun case to be over with the arrest of a single person, beyond the obvious of tempting the remaining Death Gun members to act rashly. Good thing you know a shady detective obsessed with the truth...
Argo will 'leak' the details of Shouichi's arrest, this will influence how Death Gun acts in the final weeks leading up the Derby.

NEW! [ ] [Edogawa Live!]: The marginally popular online series, Professor Edogawa's VR Classroom, is shot on location at Tatsumi Port Island off the Tokyo coast, and MAXWELL is a fan. Evidently he's the school nurse at Gekkoukan, a high school built on the remains of a bombed out lab and voted 2nd most haunted high school by Ayakashi Monthly after two students and the director of the school board all died in the same school year. Sounds like a lovely place to spend an afternoon.
Permanently increases your Persona Slots


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] [Challenge//Pitohui]: With three Black Stars between your entire party, more than enough to put up a good fight against... Kanzaki Elsa. You still can't believe it. You know why she seeks death, yet you doubt you can empathize with her. You are still unsure what, precisely, M's plan is regarding his master, beyond that the less you know the more likely it is to work out. Is that enough to challenge her? It'll have to be.
Pitohui is a moderately skilled combatant who has spent a comically large amount of money in GGO.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are about as good as they'll ever get.
Pitohui is a primary mechanical challenge, and Pitohui will not threaten your life even if she defeats you.

The shape of her Death Gun evokes the legend of Erlkönig.
Spiele Spiel: For many a game, I will play with thee. [Pitohui prioritizes having fun in battle, and her Death Gun allows her to play with all the toys she owns.]
Wilde Jagd: The Alder King's daughters shall tend to thee with sisterly care. [Pitohui calls forth a wild hunt comprised of phantoms that can wield her arsenal of weapons.]
Das Kind War Tot: And the child was dead. [Pitohui's Death Gun suffocates her, keeping her in a state of perpetual near death.]

[ ] [Challenge//『 』]: In the ruins of a fallen city, deep in the heart of the Old South, the champion awaits. You have chosen to fight without rules. The whole zone is booby trapped, there's no doubt a thousand and ones different ways『 』can tip the scales, and who knows what kind of mercenaries they have blackmailed onto their payroll. Of course you can choose not to engage in『 』's chosen battlefield... but then again, if you bore them, they will dox you a thousand times over. Best bring some... backup.
『 』is a cheater, a fraud, and purportedly the best gamer in the world.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are IMPOSSIBLE and will always remain IMPOSSIBLE.
Combat against『 』focuses on the concept of "Rules". You will be able to agree on rules mid fight, and manipulation of and around these "Rules" is necessary for success.
『 』never loses.

[ ] [Challenge//Red-Eyed XaXa]: You do not need to do this. He is harmless, trapped even. Any information he shares is untrustworthy at best and mad ramblings at worst. You know what he wants— a chance to join in on the fun. One last hurrah. One last fight. You can give it to him.
But a part of you wants to deny him even that satisfaction.
>Kikuoka will leave the option open, but he currently suggests it is not worth the trouble.

NEW! [ ] [X to Z]: Daisy, the original ArFA. Who is she and how important is she to GGO itself? You have no idea, but you know who does— Lievre. You have the sneaking suspicion that the one-eyed ArFA is more important than she appears, both to Death Gun and to the world of GGO itself. Lievre must know something, and if she doesn't? She has to be warned. Lest the one ArFA that doesn't want the rebellion to occur stops you all.

NEW! [ ] [Mask//XeXeeD]: What's the point of the mask if you're not going to wear it? Stand in the middle of town, give a big grand speech, and shoot a jumbotron with XeXeeD's face on it. You expect to attract attention, from both XeXeeD and the true Death Gun, or at the very least force the two of them into open conflict.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

NEW! [ ] [Truth//XeXeeD]: He's hardly an existential threat, and his plans for the Derby don't seem to extend past simply showing and trying to win it. But he's giving Death Gun a loudspeaker, not to mention making your job all the more annoying in the process. Perhaps it's time to sit down with the erstwhile 'Champion', show him he's messing with powers far beyond his kin, and convince him to just take a break.
>Try to engage with XeXeeD diplomatically! Will almost certainly fail but will give you insight into his plans/motivations, with options to share important information.

[ ] [He of Many Heads]: You have money. A lot of it. ¥50000. That's so much you can almost buy a rice cooker! It's also the initial deposit price for Black Stars on the open market. You hear there's someone out there practically handing them out. Pretend to be a prospective buyer and see if you can at least catch the trail of the illusive Hydra.
>You are not actually buying the Black Star, but you are using your riches to open the door.
>You need at least ¥50000 for this option.

[ ] [Empty Hand]: You know where『 』is. You can thrown down the challenge any time. But information is the art of warfare— and you question if there might not be a diplomatic solution? Approach their stronghold and ask to parlay, but for what, you'll have to take the initiative.
Because all Shiro wants is to see you groveling before her.
>To be Explicit, this is a generic "I want to parley" vote that will generate a subvote. Choose this is you want to do something like: Negotiate some Rules before the Fight, Outright Surrender, or discuss a topic with the siblings before the fight.
>Do not choose this vote unless you plan on explicitly making a request.

[ ] [PKKFarming!]: You know what? The best way to gain money in this game is by PKing. And having a bounty on your head? That just makes PKing more efficient, as the prey will now come to you! But with no true skills in GGO beyond abusing your Persona, the only effective way you have to fight off the no doubt hordes of opponents coming your way is to double down on the magic and cheats...
Generates a large amount of money, but『 』will get to 'preview' your Persona abilities.

[ ] [Gather//Challenger]: To say your current relationship is... frosty... would be an understatement. XeXeeD is very much not a fan of you right now, but circumstances have changed. The champion is back, and with it, so goes XeXeeD's short-lived reign. He won't listen to you, he's going to do his own thing, but if you need a bomb to be pointed in『 』's direction? Then XeXeeD is ready for action.

[ ] [Gather//The A Team]:『 』is back. The news is spreading like a virus, but everyone has one question on their minds: where is the champion? Awaiting your challenge, apparently. There are a thousand and one high level-players all seeking vengeance both petty and grand against『 』. They just need to be pointed in the right direction, preferably after you convince them to not cash in your bounty.

[ ] [Gather//The G Team]:『 』has you by the neck. You see no path forward. Thankfully one of your allies has made a suggestion— calling in help. Professional help. Of the kind that not even the Champion can overcome. Though you suspect they may ask you a very particular price...
Glowgen requests to be paid in favors, not in money.

[ ] [Of 26 Legions]: A simple request. A meeting within a safe zone, no guns, no weapons, no powers. Someone has taken notice of Kuro— someone you know very well. And they want to negotiate. They're offering something you aren't expecting. An... end to the killings. But with that man? You know there's a catch. There always is.
You are being contacted by PoH independent of the whole Death Gun conspiracy.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Riding Death Flags]: Who are the Four Riders? Turns out, they're the worst nightmare for an investigator— normal, rational people. The type of folks who don't respond to random messages, protect their private information and log on rarely. Kikuoka warns you against wasting your time chasing shadows— Death Gun no doubt has countless targets they can select. Warning the Riders would just make them shift to whoever's next on their list, and will not progress your investigation. But still, can't you at least warn them?
In the grand tradition of SAO Verse, the QM confirms that the Four Riders are currently drowning in Death Flags.

[ ] [The Champion's Whimper]: Lugh wants your help. XeXeeD has now become the strongest player in all of GGO, and Lugh wants to goad him into a fight, one where XeXeeD finally going to bring his full kit to bear. Though the details escape you, Lugh believes that by cementing your identity as the strongest player in GGO in the minds of the populace, you can draw the attention of Death Gun, and the best way to do that is to dethrone the current king. But Lugh doesn't believe an out-and-out fight is to your benefit. No, Lugh wants to plan an assassination.

[ ] [Rematch of the Century]: XeXeeD is mad at you. For stealing his kill, stealing his thunder, and in his eyes... letting his friend's murderer go free. An amicable relationship is likely no longer realistic, but it's clear as crystal that Death Gun is interested in XeXeeD, and that makes him a person of interest to you as well. Raise some hell outside his Squadron's base and force a confrontation by attacking the one thing you know he can't afford to ignore: his ego.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Itsuki's Fanclub]: For a guy who was all but stalking you, Itsuki has suddenly made himself very scarce. To your surprise, however, you are not the only one looking for Itsuki. Far from it. There's an entire horde of girls looking for him. For... reasons. Infiltrate the Itsuki fan club and employ the power of the masses to find the most absurdly suspicious character in all of GGO.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]: There's a time to be hard and there's a time to be soft. Zelinska, the in-game account for Mikami's contact, is clearly dealing with some problems of her own. Approach her not in your real-world guise, but as the «Edge Punisher», now migrated to GGO for a new investigation. It may take some time to earn her trust, but at least to start you can call up the slime to vouch for you.

[ ] [Explore//Solitary Sands]: Within the deep deserts to the west of Glocken lies the Solitary Sands, a low-level to intermediate zone popular amongst new players for high-efficiency farming. It is said that the blood of the billions lost in the nuclear apocalypse has stained the sands a disgusting shade of pink, but within that gruesome tomb lies untouched bunkers and treasure a plenty for those willing to brave the elements, the monsters and GGO's most horrid of opponents: Player Killers.
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Explore//Old South]: By all accounts it's just another desert. The only thing old about is the dumb name appended to the top. It's a large, flat zone, with static weather, swathes of undeveloped territory with anemic spawn tables, extremely generous ammo cache respawn rates, and absolutely no PvE dungeons of value. It is the most worthless swathe of land in all of GGO. But upon this canvas lies a thousand tales painted in blood, because this is where the veterans of GGO go to have a fair fight. Why not go and see what the peak looks like?
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Administration: TURNING]: Dream again of Quinella. Halcyon days of give away to blood soaked fields— the Dark God has awoken. The gates have fallen. War is coming to the Underworld.
Invoke Release Recollection on Alice Liddell and peek into the life of a Persona user in the ancient past.
Provides Skill Upgrades to existing Personas


NEW! [ ] [Kill for COIN]: The Edogawa district is a sleepy district known for its parks, waterways and being an enclave for rich foreign expats. There's not a single warehouse or collapsing apartment complex in sight, nowhere you'd expect a shady criminal to be hiding out. A quick search online reveals the address he listed out for you to not even be a home, but a sleepy park overlooking the Edo river, a semi-public location where it would be nearly impossible to kidnap you. It is, as far as you can tell, perfectly safe. ...So why does it still feel like you're walking into the dragon's mouth?
COIN will tell you something useful.

NEW! [ ] [SKY Eclipse]: With your new Metal Gear Dilanza War Crime it's time to take the GBN Circuit by storm! And by storm you mean firing a nuke at their spawn gate. But how long will your unsportsmanship like behavior last, when faced with a true hero? And how exactly does blowing up giant robots help Hiroto find Eve? You have no idea and neither does Hiroto, too bad that in GBN the only thing you can do is blow up giant robots. [Costs 5000 yen]
SKY trains GRIT +4.
SKY upgrades your Gunpla! Unlocks more Gunpla customization Minor Actions.

NEW! [ ] [NATURAL Born Tester]: It's time. The poorly named New Aincrad is fast approaching release, as is the relaunch of ALO, now completely mind-control free. As per industry standard even SEED based games are rigorously play tested prior to release, and as a trusted name is making said games explode Mikami has invited you to stress test the biggest MMO rerelease since Elder Tale. What's that, payment? Of course you'll be paid! In exposure!
NATURE trains MASK +6.
NATURE provides contacts in the field of VR development.

NEW! [ ] [Flowering SUN]: The semester is starting to wind down, which means the first round of career counselling. Motosu-sensei stopped yours in 30 seconds after you handed her your 4 page resume, but your loud friend's session was apparently much more stressful. Now she's worried she'll end up a bum and has started seriously asking you if farm work 'suits her'. It's gotten to the point Atsuko has enlisted your help in cheering her up. All she wants you to do is to lure your loud friend to a sunny little spot behind the science building...
SUN offers you new ways to purchase DETERMINATION!

NEW! [ ] [MAGIC Maker]: You've made the acquaintance of Nishino Akane, an up and coming actress and arguably the most popular girl in school. As fellow members of the leave-school-early club, she's invited you to attend one of the make up sessions the school's set up for her (but not for you). As very not thrilling as the idea sounds it can't hurt to get a leg up on schoolwork. You might even be able to go home in her private car! If the driver bothered to show up...
You know you can't help but feel there's this inescapable feeling... that someone's watching you...
MAGICIAN teaches you real life combat techniques, which provide bonuses in the next arc (and only the next arc).

[ ] [WAND and Wander]: There's a time for detailed schemes and carefully managed conspiracies. There's also a time to just knock on Kazuma's door and ask to hang out. He knows you have an ulterior motive, but is that going to stop him? Frankly, you're curious about how all these various shut ins live, considering you are now somehow in contact with no less than 4 of them.
WAND is useless and will become more useless as your SL progresses.

[ ] [TEMPER the Future]: You've learned to read the tides of Motosu-sensei. When she's reading fantasy or romance, she's in a good mood. When she's reading historical fiction she's generally annoyed. When she's reading occult magazines she's stressed. But right now? She's reading medical textbooks almost exclusively. Something seems to have gone wrong at home— perhaps the typhoon wasn't as harmless as it seemed.

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [The TEMPLE of Employment]: It's time to check in on the homeless man. Kenichi put him up in a local NetCafe for lack of any other meaningful alternatives. You know more than anyone that there's plenty of opportunities to make money if one knows where to look, but there's one problem. One very fundamental, insurmountable problem— He won't get out of the building.
TEMPLE trains GRIT+6.
TEMPLE indirectly earns you money.
TEMPLE is truly miserable.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [A Fool's SWORD]: Kayaba Akihiko is out there. You've met him, challenged him even, but he's still far beyond you. You know so very little yet so much about the architect of the world's end. It's time to change that. It's an odd request to be sure, but Shigemura-sensei understands. Even he too has had his questions... and now you finally have a chance to ask them.
Because Koujiro Rinko is returning to Tokyo.
KING OF SWORDS provides contacts within the field of Cognitive Psience.

[ ] [DEVIL in the Details]: It's time. MISTCOIN is at an all time high. Mitsuha is practically frothing at the mouth. The line is, indeed, going to the moon. You're not sure how much money Mitsuha is going to make, but you expect to be somewhere on the order of 80000 gold kobans. The only problem is that it's all in fake monopoly money, but in the words of the wise and the insane— isn't all money fake?
DEVIL manipulates the price of MISTCOIN.

[ ] [PRIEST and Flock]: Now that you can no longer dive in Agil's bar, there's little reason to visit him regularly. But business aside, he's helped you out a ton over the last few months, and you feel it's your duty to repay the favor. Thanks to some positive buzz from an influencer, Agil's bar has suddenly become extremely busy, and he's in dire need of part-time labor he can trust. Thankfully, you happen to be an expert!
PRIEST trains MASK+4.
Agil will pay you a token wage. This is a favor to him, after all!
PRIEST Personas focus on close combat and STR.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [DEATH and Taxes]: It's not quite an internship. But you have a standing offer from Yakutani-sensei to shadow him at work. He feels he owes you for saving his life and the least he can do is give you an introduction to the wonderful, wonderful world of working yourself to death in a hospital. For all his altruism Yakutani-sensei strikes you as someone who's used to getting his way... but as the the person who saved his life, you might be the only person who can browbeat him and get away with it!
DEATH Personas typically specialize in healing.

[ ] [Grim JUSTICE]: Fukazawa Seiichiro, a man on Argo's list. An SAO Survivor like you, one Argo claims has escaped justice for some truly heinous crimes. After painstaking work and a questionably legal deal with the government, she's managed to track down his place of work and wants to wring a confession out of him. She plans on ambushing him on his way home and wants you to come to join her on the stakeout. She promises that you'll find meeting the man to be enlightening.
JUSTICE usually builds STRESS when taken.
You may meet some interesting people.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

Work can be done for 2 MINOR or 1 MAJOR action.

[ ] [Work//Titan Movers]: It's... it's finally happened. You've managed to open the wrapper without asking anyone for help! And... and you can even carry your bookbag without your back hurting! You've also brought in big business for Titan Movers! That means you're finally getting a raise! But... does that mean you'll have to lift bigger boxes?
You will be fired by END OF JUNE if this job is not selected by then.
Trains FITNESS+4 and receives payment based on FITNESS. Can train other stats. [Currently gains 4000 yen. Roll FITNESSd6, gain bonus Social Stats for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//Augma]: The Augma is slated to release near the end of July. Which means more work, more contracts, and more cold hard cash! And the best part is that you have your own beta test Augma, so you can get a head start on breaking in your personal Augma, all while it records your brainwaves for entirely unnefarious purposes.
Trains GRIT+4. Will roll based on GRIT for task completion - completion of the task gives you a large lump sum and DETERMINATION.
Your contract expires at the END OF JUNE.
Current Task Progress - 4/7, 40000 yen. [Roll GRITd6, gain PROGRESS for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//CatCafe]: You are now an established catgirl maid! Frederica's novelty may have worn off but you have a few regulars now! Just... you can do better, can't you? Because he's seen you. He's challenged you. The top of the pile, the invincible, king of fluff himself... the CHIEF.
You will be fired by the END OF JUNE if this job is not selected by then.
Trains EMPATHY+4 and receives payment based on EMPATHY. Can gain determination. [Currently gains 5000 yen. Roll EMPATHYd6, gain DETERMINATION for each SUCCESS]

RAISE! [ ] [.Work//Sign]: You ask no questions. You tell no lies. You stand still for hours at end, no matter who it's for or what you must endure. You have held the SIGN. You have internalized the SIGN. You are the SIGN and the SIGN is you.
You will be fired by the END OF JUNE if this job is not selected by then.
Trains MASK+4 and receive a lump sum of 9000 yen. [Roll STRESSd6. If any 1s are rolled, accumulate an additional 1 STRESS]

Unless specified otherwise you may take individual Minor actions multiple times.

[ ] [BUILD//Delanza -Mighty Lunatic-]: You've seen enough Gundam to know how this works. Find a big stupid backpack, fill it up with glowing lights, glue it to the back of your unit, and then give it a nonsensical name. Oh, and Funnels! And a beam emitter from the forehead that can cut through colonies! Give it a katana!
Roll EMPATHYd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

[ ] [BUILD//Core Jegan]: What's the best chunky grunt unit? The Delanza Sol? The Gustav Carl? Maybe a Garm Rodi? Why decide when you can have them all! You just need to carve out a perfect outline of a Jegan from your Gunpla...
Roll GRITd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

NEW! [ ] [Literature Club!]: The Three Great Mystery Novels, famous works with plots so complex it makes Death Gun feel like a Detective Conan episode. What better way to learn the mentality of a criminal?
Current Book: Compilation of the Three Great Mystery Novels
Progress: 0/3
Permanently improves all MASK gains when completed.

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN]: Mitsuha has a poorly rigged model of your ALO avatar, an annoyingly long list of popular talking points about the latest hot idols, and a voice changer with the auto-tune cranked WAAAAYYYYY up. Maybe it's best to actually buy some MISTCOIN before messing with this...
Become a sellout! Increases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]: Use your artificially generated platform to talk about family-friendly topics such as: geopolitics, music charts, shonen jump rankings, nuclear power plant construction, and Article 9 of the Constitution! Guaranteed to be a hoot for everyone involved!
Get yourself canceled! Decreases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Farm//PK]: Sometimes simple is best. Pull up your sleeves, find the biggest pair of sunglasses you can buy, and go gank some losers for fun and profit.
Farm the only way you know how! Gain 1d6 x 1000 yen in GGO Credits and 1d3 MISTCOIN!

[ ] [Report//<INSERT>]: You've made a number of discoveries that Argo's boss in the Ministry of Internal affairs may find very interesting. What exactly is he doing with all this information...?
You may write 1 Report per Minor Action
Available Reports:
[The SEED]: It's not just some development kit. It's something strange, something... fundamental. The SEED of a world? What can you even do with this information? Will the government believe you? ...What if they do? [+10000 yen]
[Persona]: Do you want to sell out the existence of magic and land yourself in a psych ward for cold hard cash? Does a bear shit in the woods? [+10000 yen]

[ ] [Cram School]: High efficiency studying! And it prepares you for a crushing existence as an office worker!

[ ] [Augma Fitness!]: Can't build up the motivation to run to save your life? Download Augma Fitness now! A limited-time offer for beta-testers, spice up your exercise by running from a boulder, a zombie, or your disappointed parents! For the truly hardcore, the Augma has a function where it automatically calls everyone on your friends list and tells them embarrassing facts about your performance metrics if you fail to meet your fitness goals!
Trains FITNESS+6.

[ ] [Augma Fight!]: Want to learn how to sword fight for real? Using real life Kendo and HEMA techniques and not those dumb facsimiles in VR games? Well Augma Fight has you covered! Warning: Due to poor connection Augma Fight only works outdoors in areas publicly seeded with AR stickers.
...Well when you think about it there's nothing wrong with swinging a make-believe sword at make-believe monsters while wearing a gaudy headset in a public park. Just pretend nobody's staring and pray you don't end up being videotaped.
Trains MASK+6.

[ ] [High Love]: This is what you were afraid of. That otome game your friend recommended to you, Alto Liebe? It's filled with microtransactions. God at least none of the suitors were locked behind a paywall, but you expect you're in for a painful experience.
Trains GRIT+6.

[ ] [Serene Garden]: SereGa is half VR game and half hospice and all depressing. Spend time talking to those who are about to die, and learn something about yourself in the process.
Trains EMPATHY+6.

[ ] [Sleep-in]: You need to study. You need to train. You need to save the world. Instead, go to sleep EARLY and snuggle up with Kuma-kun.
Reduces STRESS x 1. Becomes less efficient the more it is used (applies across the lifetime of the quest).
Roll 2d6, on a natural 1, Sleep-in has no effect. The roll becomes more harsh the more this option is used.

[ ] [Medicinal Baths]: No, not the local one down the street by the old folk's home. The big one. By the IMPERIAL PALACE. That has private rooms. [Costs 10000yen]
Reduces STRESS x 1. Repeatable.


[ ] [Buy some Plushies!]: Your collection has been waning of late, and you've still got to replace Kiba-chan. Time to see what's changed in the last two years— Wow. Things have gotten pricey.
Purchase 5D for ¥10000. [Repeatable]

[ ] [Buy a Bathroom Scale]: It's fine. It'll motivate you— it's fine.
Purchase for ¥6000.
Immediately increases STRESS by 1 at the start of each Month.

Permanently improves all FITNESS gains.

[ ] [Nekoya!]: It's open every day except Saturday. You'd eat there every day if your wallet and your waistline could afford the beating... but going there is always a risk. You can always find yourself spending a bit... more than intended.
Purchase 5 D for 1d6*1000 yen. One time per week.

[ ] [Sweets!]: The Yubari Melon—fruit of the gods. A fruit so divine and meticulously cared for it's been babied more often than real children. It's peak harvesting season and a café in Tokyo is selling it by the mouthful.
Purchase 5D for ¥5000.

[ ] [Buy More Gunpla!]: You've managed to find a few revenue streams. Maybe it's time to buy another model kit? One robot is awfully lonely sitting up on the shelf, and maybe you can pick up some kitbash supplies on the way over. You saw a video on weathering techniques and are dying to try it out...
Purchase a new kit for 10000 yen. Unlocks more options, gains 5 D.

AN: To increase flexibility for me, Challenge Fights will not all occur at the end of the period, in case multiple are selected in a single phase.
Last edited:
06/22: Part-Time Arc [TEMPLE Rank 2]
[X] Plan: First Step of the Golden Rule
-[X] Ganbatte = 5 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions.
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Challenge//Pitohui]
--[X] [X to Z]
--[X] [Gather//Challenger]
--[X] Shadow//[The TEMPLE of Employment]
--[X] [Kill for COIN]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Augma]
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [Cram School]
--[X] [Literature Club!]: The Three Great Mystery Novels
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Sweets!]

SUNDAY - June 22nd, 2025

You shuffle between the claustrophobic aisles, feeling like a rat trapped in a very glowing cage. The heat from a hundred PCs and just as many human beings crammed into a single, small building is starting to make the room feel like a sauna, even more so than the actual sauna that is Tokyo's weather.

The Shinjuku Manboo is by no means a permanent resident for the former hikikomori, but the internet cafe was the closest form of housing that was available on short notice. The elder Natsuki has given you a brief rundown of the homeless man's finances, and in summary, it was a big, fat nothing. The shut-in had no savings, no bank accounts, no income and no legal rights to the house he grew up in.

There was some semblance of an inheritance whose dispensation was complicated by his refusal to even show up to the funeral. Natsuki was trying to negotiate on his behalf, but there was little he could do when the man himself couldn't even be bothered to show up.

Not to counseling, not to the day labor job the local Hello Work managed to scrounge up, nor even the inheritance negotiations.


No answer. Of course not. Nothing but a silent door.

The cartoon fish of the Manboo is emblazoned onto its surface, its windowless frame making it seem more of a wall than an entry. Any semblance of privacy is forfeit in an internet café— snores, bad karaoke and grunts mix together into indistinguishable noise. As you're trying to figure out how to even start this, a girl in a wrinkled maid outfit walks out of a nearby cubicle. She gives you a nod, eyes filled with both pity and misplaced solidarity, and makes her way down the stairs as the smell of alcohol hits you with her passing.

Gah, you know how this looks! That's it, you're getting the fuck out of this place as soon as possible.

"Can you just come out!? Cause I ain't going in there for all the money in the world!"

The occupied tab taunts you. You pound on the door last time, but the stubborn shut-in within refuses to budge.

"I got you food! I got you a job! Your tab's about to run out! You don't wanna end up in the streets, do you?!"

No response.

"FINE!" You slam the door with your fist, rattling the entire thing. "You want to end up floating down the river!? This is your last chance! You hear me, Rudy!?"


There's a sound of shuffling. A lock clicks. Like a magic spell the words finally reach him.

And he finally comes out.

He looks worse than the last time you met him. The same tracksuit complete with the mud stains and holes, the same unkempt beard, the same greasy, uncombed hair, the same sunken eyes and crooked glasses, only this time he's thinner, and not in a way that implies exercise.

His Manboo brand complimentary sandals squeak along the tiled floors of the local Big Bang Burger, the only fast food establishment so pathetic that not even he looks out of place in it. The whole walk here the man was zoned out, a zombie on autopilot. He slumps down onto his seat, looking like a man with no more fucks left to give, taking slow bites of the Big Bang Burger.

"So... Natsuki-san says you didn't show up to the job he got you."

No response.

"You had career counseling at Hello Work yesterday. No show."

Still no response.





"I can hear them. All the time. Laughing."

His voice is so dry and scratchy that it's hard to understand him. It rises and rises, like a geyser waiting to burst. "It's always the same thing."

"You got to make money or you'll—"

"You don't fucking get it. Why should I go do some bullshit job just to get laughed at by some assholes? You think I don't know!?" The large man's voice echoes across the empty restaurant. "You're just pitying me! All of you, nobody actually wants me here!"

You want to scream that at this point, pity's all that he has going for him.

"Look," you motion for him to sit down willing yourself to remain calm, "you think you got a monopoly on suffering here?" You gesture to the blankly staring clerk, who recoils at the attention. "You think anyone works at Big Bang Burger cause' they enjoy flipping mystery meat? This is a business so crappy that even the Phantom Thieves tried to shut it down! But you know why it's still going strong?"

You jab your finger at the man's chest, "Because even if the job is shit and the food is shittier, it's still a paycheck. It's a way to survive."

"...Survival?" the word bounces off the man like he was made of teflon. "Is that why you work? Is survival so fucking important?"

He continues, his voice rising. "You suck up and bend over, do your little song and dance and for what? So you can get up and do it again the next day!? So you can have enough money to buy another goddamn hamburger!?"

He closes his eyes, daydreaming a life you've only seen glimpses of. "I've seen the end... I've been there, and it was everything I ever dreamed of. Rudy— people love Rudy. They hate Rudy, they protect him, they try to kill him, they seek him out because he matters. He's not just some guy that does the same thing over and over again, he's not some piece of shit that just survives. He lives!"

The man is shaking now, his voice a barely contained howl.

"Why am I here!? Why the fuck am I here right now!? This isn't where I belong!"

The image is so brilliant in his mind that it might as well be real. Pockets of a new life— flashes of triumphs and tragedies, a new world half formed from his own imagination. The SEED of his world is already complete, only held in place by the inescapable grip of your own world— the real world.

When the walls of the world crumble he will be the first, and he will blaze the trail for others to follow.

And that is why you need to convince him to stay.

"You're not wrong."

The man pauses, his ranting grinding to a halt.

"This isn't your world, but it isn't my world either."

"Then you agree! I know you see it too!"

"That's not what I'm saying," you take a deep breath. "Your world, my world... it's not one or the other. It's our— everyone's world. Your world is no more than where you are at right now. This... Rudy, he's not you, he's not some alternate version of yourself. He's an illusion, a shadow, a false hope. You can't live a life that isn't yours."

Rudy's expression changes into a deep scowl. "So what if he's a lie!? You told me that I could be him! I can become the man I was meant to be, and then—and then—"

"Then do something about it! If there's one thing you should've gotten through your thick skull by now is that none of this is fair! You hate this life and want to go on to the next? I hear you loud and clear. Fine."

Rudy stares at you with wide, hopeful eyes.

"But it's not going to fall into your lap! If this is what you really want, you're gonna have to fight for it! You can't just run away."

"I-I know. I'm not running away, I'm— I'm just—"

"What the hell do you call this? What, you gonna wait until the Manboo's staff throw you out onto the streets and hope you can make it to your dream world before you starve?"

You despise Kayaba but at least he has the gall to do something to make his delusion a reality. This is a man utterly unmoored in the world. He has no friends, he effectively has no family— if he were to disappear, right here, right now... would anyone notice?

You want to say that he has siblings rooting for him, that there's someone out there waiting for him— but that's a lie that not even you can sell. Subaru even at his lowest point had a hundreds reaching out to help, but this man? Nobody. If it wasn't for the Persona's power would you be spending even a second of your time helping this pathetic man?

"Listen to me. Don't complain, I'm not attacking you, so just shut up and listen. Okay?"

He dumbly nods his head, and you take it as a sign that at least a little bit is getting through to him.

You stumble through the Labyrinth on the 32nd floor— room by room, every step feels like a kilometer. To sit still is to die, the orcs of the den closing in. The Anti-Crystal Zone has cut off all your escape items. The only path is forward.

"Nobody cares. Maybe at some point someone did but right now, for you, nobody cares."

Nominal allies? Dead or separated, the teleport trap saw to that. You gave yourself a 10 level safety margin, but it's not enough, it was never enough. Forward. To an exit, to teleporter, to a zone without a damn Anti-Crystal effect— forward is the only way to survive...!

"You can jump in front of a truck and no one will mourn you or have any regrets— your death won't even be revenge. Live or die, nobody cares."

The club smashes down on your head. Out of HP, out of options. Nothing left to do but pray. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I want to survive!

"And the so called help? They're only here cause they want something from you. Don't believe that I'm any different, don't believe that I care."

The men in the black cloaks circle you like sharks, their blades gleaming under the torchlight. They mutter amongst themselves, arguing about who gets to kill you, only to be silenced by the devil himself. He has a use for you. Live with them or die in this ditch.

"So you've got to be the first. Nobody else will, not until you start. For any of this to be possible— you've got to be the first to care!"

Whatever it takes, no matter who you have to betray. Competence provides safety, safety provides survival, and survival? Survival provides opportunity. For a world that's better than hell.

"I can see it in you. If all you wanted was to die, then there's nothing I'd be able to see, even this Rudy wouldn't exist. You want to live— you desperately want to live!"

He doesn't consider this his real life— he no longer feels this is even 'his world'. If he could leave now he would, he almost did, before you got involved. Yet you can't just will into being a new purpose for him— If there's going to be something that will change his life, you won't be the one to bring it to him.

But he longs for something beyond oblivion. Even if it's a dream of another world. It's the only hope he currently has, and if you're going to get him to find another hope, you'll have to drag him through his current existence with the only scrap you can find. Take on life one day at a time and feed him some false hope about a future you are actively fighting to prevent.

"You want your new life? Then you've got to work for it! Hell, someone else is already doing all the hard work on your behalf, so all you have to do is survive. Same as everyone else, same as everyone here in this stupid burger chain. You get it?"

You look around the barren dining room of the Big Bang Burger, empty save for you, the clerk, and the giant of a man. He's stopped eating, he's not moving.

He's thinking.

"...You said that I can be... this Rudy? Someday?"

You nod your head.

"Think of it as a reward you've got to earn. Whatever you were planning on doing in your new life? Get a head start on it now. No hesitation, no regrets, take on life full speed."

That way when you crush his hopes utterly, he'll have something new to live for.

"Then... you... you said you have a job for me...?"

You smile, the mask firmly in place. "Of course! You can consider me your angel of opportunity, and I've come with the chance of a lifetime!"

You reach into your bag and slam the prefilled employment contract down onto the table, sliding it towards him. He eyes it, his hand twitching for a second before he finally grabs the document. With ketchup and grease stained fingers, he signs his name onto the paper.

"W-what's the job? I... I don't have any skills..."

You laugh, waving off the comment. "Don't worry about it. I've got the perfect place! Entry level to the max!"

"B-but I can't pay for transportation..."

"Oh no, it's super close. In fact, you already know how to get there!"

"W-who would hire..."

"A place that's bleeding workers like crazy, after it came to light that their CEO was working everyone to death, assassinating his competition, and funding a fascist conspiracy!"

"W-wait, you can't mean...!"

"Oh I can! A place that's losing market share to MgRonalds and the heathens at Wild Duck Burger every quarter, a company desperate to recruit anyone they can! A place in need of a new night shift worker!"

"No!" He suddenly realizes the trap he's walked into.

"Yes!" As if on cue the terrified part timer walks up with a mop and a towel.

"NO!" He rises to escape his fate but only manages to knock his drink to the floor.

"YES!" You seize the mop from the part timer's trembling hands and shove it into the hands of Big Bang Burger's newest recruit, to clean his first spill.

"NOOOOO!!!!" The evening shift worker signs out to the night shift by screaming and throwing his hat at his replacement.


>TEMPLE has ranked up!
>Don Juan has powered up!


'Life 's a poor player,'—then 'play out the play,
Ye villains!' above all keep a sharp eye
Much less on what you do than what you say:
Be hypocritical, be cautious, be
Not what you seem, but always what you see.

Carpe Diem: For this one moment— you are almighty. Pick a physical action or narrative stunt that would typically require a roll. If it rolls it is automatically assumed to roll only 6s. If it's narratively possible it succeeds no matter how absurd (shoot a bullet in midair? Done. Matrix dodge the machine gun? Done.) All Personas are now SEALED until the end of the NEXT SCENE (you cannot use nor gain stats from any Personas). [2 SP]

Physical stunts only. Cannot apply to status effects, magic, or verbal warfare. Can apply to abilities of other Personas if used in a PLAN.
Works by Hiyori deluding herself into thinking she can do it via Incarnation. It turns the improbable into the possible, but doesn't explicitly strengthen anything. You can think of it like "auto-success" and not like, say, Marble Phantasm reality bending.
The QM will veto vague uses of this ability (example: "I land a headshot on X" is legal. "I immediately kill X with a headshot" is illegal.)
The definition of what is 'possible' is going to be loose. (example: "I ricochet my 9mm pistol bullet around a tree to hit X in the back" is legal. "I shoot through space armor" is illegal. "I catch the sword in my teeth" is legal. "I catch the lightsaber in my teeth" is legal, but you will still end up decapitated.)

Lugh has invited you to a meeting. Who do you take with you? You may take one person.

[ ] No One

[ ] Kikuoka
Lugh considers Kikuoka to be a member of law enforcement.

[ ] Meimi
The two of them seem to get along.

[ ] Shino
Lugh is familiar with Shino's story.

[ ] Karen
If you want to keep bullying her.

[ ] Write-In [Generally you can use SL or associates who are familiar with your Hiyori identity]
Unavailable: TEMPLE, NATURE, CHAOS, FOOL, COIN [Obviously]
JUSTICE will be considered as a member of law enforcement by Lugh but is available if you want to push your luck.
MANKIND is available but Cayna will hijack it.

The QM cannot promise that a write-in option will be interesting. You can totally take your teacher here but she's just gonna stand in the corner and read books until you're done.
Last edited:
06/23: Quantum of Trust [COIN Rank 3]
[X] Shiroe

MONDAY - June 23rd, 2025
After School

You can't exactly call it picturesque. Old pictures of wooden boats drifting down clear blue waters, with blooming Sakura petals floating atop— that brought forth a certain image of the Edo River. You imagine a wizened fisherman with his straw hat and a pipe, enjoying the spring breeze. Maybe a retired scholar in long robes brewing tea on an ancient gazebo.

But this? This looks more like a crime scene photo.

A reedy overgrowth hides the shoreline, the river flanked on all sides by asphalt, the skyline a mess of Tokyo sprawl. The only boats to be seen are the distant cargo ships pulling into the bay, and instead of fishermen, there are the whistles of passing cars. At least the company is the same, except this old man's in a wheelchair, a ratty jacket, and the tea he's brewing is set over a boilerplate on an overturned oil can.

"This is quite excellent. Miyzaki Prefecture, if I'm not mistaken?"

"A discerning palate, Shiroe-san."

You thought that of all the people you knew, Shirogane Kei would be best suited to scrutinize the mysterious man who called himself Lugh. You warned him only to introduce himself via a pseudonym and to give away nothing. You thought he could tell you something useful about Lugh and not, say...

Spend an hour talking about tea.

"I've roasted the leaves a bit longer this time— I believe the flavor is more robust, wouldn't you say so, Shiroe-san?"

"Indeed, it is a much richer brew. But any further and I fear you'd begin to sacrifice the delicacy of the flavor."

You sit in your folding chair, silently staring into your half-drunk cup of bitter tea, cursing Lugh under your breath. He brings you all the way out here to drink rotting leaf juice and doesn't even have the decency to provide honey or sugar. You've been to tea parties before, where the hell were the cakes!?

"Unfortunately the price of this strain has been going up. I believe the temperature changes have increased the scarcity..."

"All the more reason to learn to master the art, Shiroe-san. Effort as always, remains the best spice."

You try to enjoy the sounds of nature, only to hear yet another delivery truck driving past the riverbanks. You've got stuff to do today. Shirogane, presumably, has stuff to do today. Only this old man is content with sitting down, drinking tea, and making small talk. He lifts yet another pot off the boilerplate and carefully refills all of your cups with mud that claims to be tea. He makes a show of drinking from his own cup before gesturing you to continue.

"You mentioned this is a blend, Smith-san?"

"Correct. This is a personal favorite of mine, a mix of a leaf from southern China, mixed with a local varietal I've taken a liking to."

Shirogane inhales the steam, closing his eyes as he takes a slow sip. It seems to be quite the transcendent experience. To you it tastes the exact same as the last one Lugh served, only slightly colder.

The old man, clearly a foreigner of some kind, nurses his teapot. Grey hair and European features— that was the extent of any distinguishing traits you could pinpoint. He has more muscle than one would expect of a man his age, but the large cast on his leg and the wheelchair suggest that his days of fitness are far behind him. But for nothing else than his eyes alone, there's no mistaking that this is Lugh's real-life identity.

Allen Smith, the likely fake name he introduced himself with, watches the two of you sipping on his crappy tea, taking slow, measured breaths. You can practically hear the cogs turning in his head. "Are you enjoying your tea, Kuro?"

"It's great, yeah." You say, not trying to hide your distaste. "Very, uh, robust. Best black tea I've ever—"

Shiroe tuts, tapping the edge of his mug. "Oolong tea. It hasn't been brewed for nearly long enough—"

"Thank you, Shiroe, for the clarification. Best Oolong tea I've ever had."

Allen Smith gives a small nod, a faint smile on his lips. "I've taken up the hobby only recently, you see. I'm glad my efforts are not wasted."

Shirogane continues the discussion, discussing the finer points of Oolong brewing, the proper way to identify the varieties, and the differences between Japanese and Chinese methods. Soon the conversation devolves into questions about regional conflicts and how that could affect the tea trade.

"Lugh," you interrupt, before they start talking about the South China Sea and get you stuck here forever. "I've come as requested. I hope this satisfies your curiosity."

"You are a... player of GGO, correct? Lugh. A Celtic name?" Shirogane asks, setting aside his drink. "Kuro has told me about you. It seems that things are getting rather complicated in GGO."

Usernames only, a rule you discussed with Shirogane before this meeting. He smoothly uses your GGO name despite never having known you by that moniker.

"Yes, which is precisely why I invited Kuro." Lugh sets down his cup, folding his arms. "To see a new face is something of a surprise to me. Am I to understand you were providing her counsel and advice during your last adventure in ALO?"

Shirogane asks an unspoken question and you nod in confirmation. You've told Lugh largely what you've told all your other friends, everything except your IRL identity.

"We were allies, yes. Though ALO was a different affair entirely," Shirogane says, "Not to say there weren't any loose ends..."

Smith smiles knowingly. "A tale as old as time itself. I thank you for confirming some of my theories, I believe I have a greater grasp of the situation now." The old man sighs, and his eyes darken as he stares into the ripples in his tea. "You, Kuro, are the «Edge Punisher» that Lievre, our mutual acquaintance, is so infatuated with. You were brought on by your government in an attempt to control the situation in GGO. I suspect you are intending to destroy GGO in much the same way as in ALO. Correct?"


There's no sense in hiding it, not when you've already chosen to disclose everything to Lugh.

"Then allow me to raise my own theory," Shirogane says, shifting his glasses. "The Death Gun situation, the incidents involving NerveGears, and the general disruption that's been taking place, is all an elaborate cover to mask your true objective."

Lugh silently listens, not confirming or denying the accusation. You feel him shift his attention from Shirogane to you, and the hairs on the back of your neck prickle.

"And what do you think is my true objective?"

You speak without hesitation.

"The SEED."

There's no doubt in your mind, and it mirrors Shirogane's own suspicions. Lugh was interested in both you and XeXeeD, he was familiar with both Incarnation and possessed a copy of the Black Star. He shows up right at the eve of GGO's current troubles, and knows too much to be a bystander. There's only one thing that ties it all together, only one goal that makes any sense to you—

"You want the SEED. The core of a New World."

You feel it again, that sensation of a rat trapped within a cage. A den of wolves swarming around a helpless lamb, a guild full of murderers on the prowl for their newest gopher—

"And if I did seek the SEED, Kuro, would you allow me to have it?"

The pressure in the air intensifies, and the atmosphere suddenly grows cold. You feel yourself breaking out in sweat as your body fights the instinctive reaction to run, to flee. "You have no idea how dangerous that thing is. It can destroy the world!"

"And if I did not care for this world?"

It's not a rhetorical question. You know that for all his control, his soul too longs for escape, same as the NEET you met yesterday, same as Shirogane and his friends. The simple desire to make one's dream a reality...

He doesn't wait for your answer. He simply raises his hand and makes a simple declaration, "Then that would make us enemies, would it not?"

There's no warning. He swings his arm, knocking his teacup over the makeshift table. The crystal clear liquid, lacking even a single leaf or discoloration, spills out in front of you.

You don't understand. But Shiroe realizes immediately. His eyes bug out and he grasps at his throat, coughing and hacking.


"It's called an «Assassin's Teapot». A fascinating curiosity, it allows for two separate liquids to be poured from the same container. A rather simple parlor trick, but the simplest tricks are often the most effective. Have you considered how tea is the perfect medium? There are so many subtleties to the craft that any irregularities in the taste can be passed off as an artistic choice."

"What... have you...?" Shirogane gasps out. "Water, no..."

"It's slow acting, with plenty of time for you to take the antidote, provided our mutual friend is feeling cooperative. Now, Kuro, shall we negotiate?"

You feel the blood drain from your face.

"I want the SEED. If you give it to me, I'll save your friend's life. A simple exchange."

There's no hesitation, not even the faintest hint of a lie...

No. Another ridiculous trick.

He's done this before, and the routine is starting to get old to you. Just another one of his stupid little tests. "Lugh. Can we not do this?"

Shirogane is heaved over, failing to induce himself to vomit. You see him eye the river water with a considering glance, sweat running down his forehead. You sigh and wave him back before he tries to do something drastic.

"Shiroe, there's no poison. Just regular black— Oolong tea."

Shiroe's eyes widen, "But my tongue—"

"Mind over matter. Lugh here, has a morbid sense of humor. Right, Lugh?"

Lugh's expression doesn't change, but the faintest hint of a smirk plays across his lips. Shirogane breathes a sigh of relief, now eyeing his remaining tea like it's made of acid. He's looking for something to wash the taste of maybe poisoned tea out of his mouth, but you doubt he'll drink anything that's not from a can for the rest of the day.

"Fascinating. It appears your friend here trusts that I, a complete stranger, have not poisoned him, despite having nothing but your word. You are also certain that I did not poison you." Lugh's grey eyebrows furrow, and he rubs his chin. "I have begun to understand many things about you, Kuro. But there's one thing that I never understood. I chalked it up to our differing backgrounds, but I have known many people in many walks of life— and they do not act as you do."

He lies back in his wheelchair, his hand gripping the handlebars.

"I don't understand why you «Trust» me. So you must forgive my little test today."

Today, you knew he was lying, it's an intuition. A sense. But the decision to trust Lugh? It was not based on that power.

"«Trust» is the most important currency there is, Kuro. I have given you precious little of it, and yet you have trusted me with your secrets. You come here with a friend, not with a guard, nor even any semblance of insurance. You did not bring the police even when it was in your best interest to do so. Even this meeting is a risk, one you didn't need to take. So tell me, Kuro, what makes you trust that I did not poison you? What makes you trust that I could not kill you right here?"

He briefly opens his coat, and you notice the strange way he shifts his weight, a flash of leather and metal hanging off the holster secured to his chest. He gestures back to the Edo River, his tone is cold and clinical, like he's reading off a grocery list. "I hear from the locals that the yakuza used to dump their corpses in this very river. This section is near enough to industry that strange sounds and smells are commonplace, and I can be very quiet when I want to be."

You can feel Shirogane's silent apprehension next to you. He's here because, fundamentally, he trusts you. Trusts in your intuition. You know what Lugh is asking right now— if he can trust you.

Call it a gut response, echoes from the faintest hints of his ideal world you've glimpsed, even just blind faith—

"I don't know Lugh. Not truly. But If I had to give an answer..."

It's not because he's been a good person. It's not because he's been helping you, or even that he's been polite and friendly.

"...I'd have to say it's because I think... you're looking to make your own decisions." You stare him down, unflinchingly. "Because you are looking for your own «Intent»."

Because you've seen his dream. A weapon that's pointed by others wishes for nothing more than to control his own trigger. To act with true intentionality— to make his own decisions, even if they remain bloody ones. A second passes, and then another. Lugh silently considers your words. And then, finally, he lets out a deep sigh.

"To have to take such gambles without even the full picture," he shakes his head. "Is this what it's like for everyone else? The life of a tool is a far simpler one."

"There are no guarantees in life, Lugh. Sometimes all we have is to lay our cards out."

"...very well. No gain without risk. I will tell you what I know, Kuro. And then... we shall decide."

There's a fresh pot of tea brewing by the time Shiroe finishes rinsing his mouth in the river. Now that you've had a chance to really taste it, you don't find the Oolong tea quite as foul as before. You admit that watching the tea snob panic has enhanced the flavor somewhat.

Lugh looks... different. Like a man who's finally decided to exhale. He feels his age, all the hostility and aggression from earlier fading away to leave behind a tired old man sipping tea by the riverside. He feels at peace, he feels—like he's not on guard. Like he doesn't expect to be killed at any second.

This may be the most trust he's given anyone in a long, long time.

"Project ALICIZATION." He says it without preamble, without any real warning. You almost spit up your drink. Even Shirogane suddenly looks even sicker than he did a minute ago. "I, along with my team, are hired to sabotage this Project ALICIZATION. That is our only goal— the whole reason we've come to Tokyo, or that GGO was even targeted."

That's... the last thing you were expecting him to say. Strange words from leftover messages left on your SAO avatar's account, that's the only place you've heard those words. Project... ALICIZATION?

"Where did you hear about that?" Shirogane asks, and his voice is filled with barely contained panic. He recognizes the words, but in what context, you can't even begin to guess.

Lugh raises an eyebrow, "Your friend here is aware of it as well? You are better connected than I gave you credit for, Kuro."

Shirogane has gone completely pale, his knuckles turning white as he grips the table.

"It's... Koujiro-sensei's reason for visiting Tokyo." He whispers, his voice quivering. "Even Shigemura-sensei's involved in the project. I'm too low on the totem pole to know the details, but it's the name for the overarching project to make Tokyo into the world's first VR-integrated city."

VR integrated... city?

Shirogane connects the dots for you. The «Social Camera» system of mass surveillance to provide a real-time representation of Tokyo into a VR server. The «Augma», planned for a mass rollout, would gather data on all areas not covered by the cameras. There were even talks about next-gen brain chips.

"It's just an infrastructure project, as far as I know. Not even all that big of a secret! Why would you want to stop it?" Shirogane asks, his confusion plain.

Lugh shakes his head, "It is a great deal more complicated than that. My client, whom I'm afraid must remain anonymous, has informed me that this is the prelude to a catastrophe."

Shirogane falls silent, and Lugh continues his explanation.

"Project ALICIZATION— it's more than an infrastructure project. It's far more ambitious than that, in fact it is nothing less than the government's plan to create a virtual reality afterlife. Heaven, as constructed by mankind's own hands. Consider the name— project ALICE."

"«All Lives Integrated Cybernetic Eternity»."

It strikes you all at once.

Yuuki. The Soul Translator testing.


Kikuoka's desperation to whitewash VR's reputation.

The warnings of your sponsors— the walls of the world growing thin. All this time, ALO, even GGO— they were just the prelude.

If someone like Death Gun or OBERON were to hijack a project of that scale, even if everything went according to plan— could the world survive? It's maddening. Lugh speaks of trust but the one entity that likely knows the most about this situation— ETTEILLA— is the one you trust the least.

"H-hold on," Shirogane stammers, "Even if that's true, why try to stop it?"

"Because there can't be two worlds," you interrupt.


"It is the opinion of our client," Lugh confirms. "That if Project ALICIZATION goes ahead as planned, the line between the real world and the virtual will vanish. I suspect many would call this a good thing, a utopia. A world free of strife, violence, and even death. But my client believes it to be a poison pill, that it will invite a malevolent force to hijack the technology to turn the virtual heaven into a hell."

"But how? Why?!" Shirogane asks, desperately.

Lugh sighs. "We don't have any answers to that. That's why we need the SEED, it is the only way to enter the current state of Project Alicization. GGO is nothing more than our entry ticket— seize the SEED then enter it using the coordinates given to us by our contact. My team has set up facilities to perform a months-long dive to enter the core of Project Alicization and assassinate its Administrator."

"Assassinate...?" Shirogane repeats, incredulously. "Administrator?"

"The current state of Project Alicization is controlled by an Administrator God of some sort, likely an incarnation of the SEED itself. Our contact is adamant that this entity must be destroyed at all costs, but we know little beyond that."

You see the problem.

"You don't have a way in."

"Correct. The physical storage space for Project Alicization is too well-guarded. It is an offshore facility and guarded at all times by JDSF Special Forces— the cream of the crop. The only viable infiltration plan is through VR, namely by utilizing the fundamental connections between SEED games to infiltrate the Project through another game. As with all other VR projects, even Alicization is based on the SEED infrastructure, hence... GGO."

Lugh wanted to become the strongest in GGO, so that he could obtain the SEED in much the same way OBERON did. But then he realized he lacked the talent for it, so he became interested in XeXeeD as an alternative and then... you...

"Then Death Gun, all this chaos, that was you?"

Lugh denies the accusation, "The Death Gun incident is the work of a separate party. One of my colleagues is exploring using it as a distraction to seize the SEED, but I know little of his plan."

"That sounds an awful lot like your group is responsible for this mess."

"We are seeking to profit from Death Gun, yes, but we are not responsible for him. Death Gun's crimes are his own."

You grill him about what he knows. Lugh answers little, admitting he doesn't know the full truth. He confirms his interest in Death Gun, and his goals to seek the SEED by any means necessary. How Lievre's apocalypse plan is just another possibility for his team. How fundamentally no one in his team cares about GGO— the Real Deal, the Black Star, it's all just a means to an end.

"Kuro. Do you see? I have no reason to stop you from destroying GGO or eliminating Death Gun. But once the SEED is obtained, it must be mine. Can I count on your cooperation?"

Cooperation... on yet another conspiracy, yet another spanner in the works...

"Kuro," Shirogane says, quietly. "It's... not my place to tell you what to do, but you should tread cautiously. And pay attention to what he's not telling you."

What's he's not saying? No, not Lugh. The people around him. Lievre's 'Master'. This mysterious client. The messages sent to you from your SAO inbox, the one warning you about Administrator, who exactly were they? Were they pulling on your strings even now?

"You speak of trust, but how can I do that when I don't know who you work for?"

Lugh gives a bitter chuckle, "You are correct, there is a great deal I am not telling you. I have told you my secrets, but I cannot disclose the secrets of my colleagues. I have extended them my «Trust», the same as I am extending to you now. I have told you all I am able to. My team prefers to keep their plans siloed, so truth be told I know little of what they are doing beyond the fact that we seek the same outcome."

You weren't dealing with the masterminds, no you've found a pack of hyenas waiting in the grass, ready to pounce the moment the lions make their kill. One of his colleagues was looking into Death Gun, Lugh was supporting you, Lievre was trying to tear down GGO, and the overall commander of the mission was just waiting for things to happen. You ask about Itsuki and Lugh's as lost as you are, and his opinion about『 』is that the siblings are best ignored entirely.

It's all Lugh's willing to tell you. The extent of his «Trust»— the first time he's truly reciprocated the trust you offered to him. You can tell how uncomfortable the experience is, how he forces the words out against all instinct.

But do you take this all the way? Go all in on his team?

And Shirogane's warning...

What isn't he telling you?

"Lugh. Why?"

The old man cocks his head.

"Why are you... doing this? Who are you, even?"

Does he want money? Does he want to save the world? Is there some personal motivation?

His eyes bore into you. He doesn't bother lying, not this time, not anymore.

"I'm an old man long past prime. I'm not Allen Smith, nor Lugh. I'm not doing this for a noble cause— I'm no Paladin in shining armor."

He closes his eyes, the memories flooding through his mind. You're struck by a premonition, that this is the last time you or anyone else will ever see this man in person in the flesh. His final job. That's what this is to him, one final hurrah.

"...Just a man with no name. Looking for one last kill."

MONDAY - June 23rd, 2025
Velvet Room

All souls are connected, this is a truth that binds us together. The chain of cause and effect, action and consequence, is like a line of iron, unyielding, and unbreakable, even when one cannot see the links.

To survive is to kill, to eat is to kill, to drink is to kill. With every flap of the wings, a butterfly casts a typhoon across an ocean. This is the world of now, where even the innocent leave a mark in blood and tears.

We build— grand edifices, and wonders abound, but also systems of cruelty, where it is ever easier to kill and ever more impossible to tell when the killing starts. COIN seeks a release from the chain of hatred. He seeks nothing less than a world of Intent where death comes purpose, for both killer and victim.

It is a brutal world— where villains run wild and sins lay bare. But it is also his world, one where no one else need suffer beyond himself. Where COIN may grapple with his demons to his heart's intent.

But you have seen the core of his dream.

You know that for this tired old soul? At the end of the bloody path lies a peaceful new world.

Fuse Paladin and Endou's Model Gun into...

[ ] The Man with No Name

This short cigar,
This long gun,
This poncho
belong to
The Man with No Name.
In his own way he is perhaps,
the most dangerous man who ever lived!
-Tagline, A Fistful of Dollars

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank E (1 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)

Weakness: Bless, Ice
Null: Fire, Curse

Archetype [Cowboy]: You are the stranger who shows up in town. Gruff, no-nonsense, and cool as a cucumber you take no flak from no varmits. You are extremely stoic, never lose your composure, and speak almost exclusively in one-liners, with complex sentences causing you physical pain. You find it extremely easy to taunt hot-headed opponents, and you are prone to being overestimated.

Quick Draw: You can take a free shot with your trusty revolver's Basic Attack at any opponent who closes in on you. [PASSIVE]
Twin Shot: Shoot the outlaw twice for good measure. [Basic Attack x 2]
One-Shot Kill: Make a single Basic Attack. The enemy cannot roll any defensive die against this attack, but may still defend narratively (ie, it won't go through walls or hit the untargetable)— if this fails to down them they have ADVANTAGE on hitting you for their next counterattack. [Basic Attack]
A Fistful of Dollars: Fire your revolver's Basic Attack between 1-6 [Chosen by vote] times in one turn based on the amount of MISTCOIN you spend to activate the skill. If the enemy dies before you finish shooting you gain no refunds. [Cost 1-6 MISTCOIN]


You know what you are? Just a dirty son of a b---!

The Good: Once per scene, invalidates one single target attack that would hit you provided ONE of the conditions below are met. Works via equipment malfunction or sudden inexplicable twist of fate. A mandatory guitar twang will echo with every successful activation of this ability.
1) Your verbal taunt redirects an enemy attack towards you that otherwise was not targeting you.
2) The enemy targeting you truly hates your guts.
The enemy will, eventually, realize their failures are arising from your Persona, with smarter combatants catching on more quickly. Once this is realized, this ability deactivates and becomes useless. [PASSIVE] [1SP/Activation]

Behold the tally of a monster. He calls himself a tool, but what do his victims care for philosophy? What does it matter why one dies when the worms begin to feast?

Know of the thousand souls that haunt COIN's every step. From poison to blades to the war machines of mankind— from dead men whose bones still drown, from innocents burned in pyres until not even ashes remain— each life cut short is a curse, etched onto his soul.

He is asking for nothing less than absolution, a world that justifies his mad existence. Even now he gives himself excuses, feeding his hypocrisy until it becomes a lie he can live with.

That is the true shape of his world. An absurd carnival of death where there is only one rule— one path to happiness.

Close your eyes and keep on killing.

Fuse Paladin and the Assassin's Teapot into...

[ ] Zatoichi

Otento-san... Otento-san...!
Please bestow forgiveness on me.
For the affection towards my yakuza self
I pray a one-handed nembutsu
for those cut down by my reverse slash.
Ah, I don't want to cut anymore...
I don't want to cut anymore!
Otento-sama... excuse me, Otento-sama!
Just a little bit, just a little bit.
Would you grant me sight of you?
If I have sight, I can escape from this.
-Otento-san by Shintaro Katsu, actor for the Zatoichi franchise

STR: Rank A (5 Dice)
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice)
AGI: Rank F (0 Dice)
VIT: Rank F (0 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)

Weakness: Bless, Psy
Resist: Pierce
Null: Wind, Slash

Archetype [Drifter]: You are visibly frail and pathetic, and find it natural to feign weakness or injury. You are otherwise soft-spoken and conciliatory, and find it nearly impossible to be the first to attack or initiate combat. You find it extremely easy to goad the sadistic and truly evil to attack, and you are prone to being underestimated.

Zan-ei: A quick-draw Sword Skill that strikes with sudden fury at blinding speeds. Does double damage if you are hidden or as a sneak attack. Can also be used to throw your weapon in an emergency (you'll have to go pick it up). [MELEE/CLOSE/SLASH]
Patra: Removes a status effect from a single ally. Can be used on yourself, provided you maintain control. [FREE]
True Parry: You may use your STR to calculate AGI or VIT rolls, provided you are conscious. You are narratively able to block bullets and magic. [PASSIVE]
Zato: You are now narratively blind. You are not able to close distance on far-off foes, but you now possess a robust danger sense and cannot be caught by surprise. Every time you are attacked in MELEE you can make an immediate and free counter-attack. [PASSIVE]


Now we are all blind.

Darkness is my Ally: With a slash of your cane sword, immediately suppress all light sources and active LUMINOUS ELEMENTS on the battlefield— covering the battlefield in darkness. While in Darkness BLESS and HAMA class abilities simply cannot be activated, and you now narratively move fast, able to jump between FAR to MELEE ranges in a single scene. Lasts until you switch Personas, after which light sources return. [3 SP]

AN: This ability is largely speaking a global blind, which is its intended use. This is in contrast to Nephren-Ka, where the blindness is just a side effect of ETTEILLA making sure that no one can see him break the rules.

MONDAY - June 23rd, 2025

Lugh is long gone. He invited you to finish the rest of his tea, but neither you nor Shirogane felt like partaking after his last stunt. He's left the two of you standing by the river side, his dumb novelty teapot the only evidence of his passing.

"Project ALICIZATION..." Shirogane bites his thumb, pacing back and forth. "It fits, it all fits. Yuuki's situation— it's to put her Fluctlight into a virtual afterlife."

"Is... is that possible?" Cayna... mentioned that it was going to save all of the Sleeping Knights. Yuuki's experiment was about whether a Fluctlight could survive after the death of its original body.

This... this is it, the project she's involved in. If Yuuki's experiment is successful, they'll have to put the Fluctlight somewhere. It seemed... logical to think that meant in the body of an android, but if they can put it into a VR server powered by shared dreams...

By all intents and purposes, this was an afterlife. One where you just... played video games.

"It's mad. It's... utterly mad it's..." Shirogane shakes his head. "But if it's possible then... everyone would be involved. It's not just a matter of economic development. If Japan becomes the source of this technology, the amount of international power we'd wield..."

It's a matter of national defense, of the fate of the country, of the fate of the world. It was all being glued to the concept of VR. No wonder Kikuoka always seems so stressed. No wonder why he was so desperate to ensure GGO was handled cleanly— the government doesn't want the public scared about the tech that was going to save them.

And of course, it's not just the government. Somewhere behind it all lies Kayaba Akihiko. Still seeking his own vision of the future.

"I should take Koujiro-sensei's offer," Shirogane mutters to himself, "I could get more information, surely she knows something... maybe Shigemura-sensei would be willing to... I need to call, I need to—"

Shirogane's phone suddenly rings. He glances at the screen, then sighs and pockets it. "It's Shizuka. She's asking me to pick up some Anpan on the way home. I, uh, may have scheduled a date after this..."

You know what you want to ask. The curse of competence. Shirogane was pulled in all directions, from his Elder Tale days to that time you found him in ALO. Argo asked for his help, his old guild is asking for his help, Rinko— you've all asked him for help. You've done it, time and again, because he was dependable— useful.

Considering the stakes he'd be hard-pressed to refuse.

...But there's one person who isn't asking for his help. A girl who's just asking for his company.

"Go enjoy your evening."

Shirogane's voice grows quiet. "Hiyori..."

"I've got it from here. GGO's still my priority. I can worry about government conspiracies after I've passed my finals."

You've got your own life to live, just as he does.

"...I'll keep an ear open, for what it's worth. You might want to talk with Koujiro-sensei about this once things have wound down with GGO. Perhaps you can convince her to tell you the details."

The sun has long since set, and the stars have come out. Shirogane says his goodbyes, and you watch him depart to a hopefully successful date.


You sit by the riverside. You think you've learned everything Lugh is willing to share— he's extended the most trust he could muster. His mysterious backers, can you afford to throw your lot in with them? Or should you stay on the fence? Cut ties?

Time is running short till the Derby. One way or another, you'll have to decide.

You have chosen to obey Lugh's request and chosen to fully disclose to Lugh. In return, Lugh now trusts you, and has shared with you all he is willing.
Lugh is not aware of your past in SAO, nor your history with PoH.
Kuro is not yet aware that PoH is part of Lugh's crew.
Lugh has not divined your real-life name or identity, and you have not shared it with him.

[ ] Promise him GGO's SEED. [TRUTH]
>Lugh will introduce you to Gabriel Miller, who will nominally ally with you throughout the remainder of the arc.
>Lugh will remain loyal through the rest of the arc.
>Lugh will reveal you are the Edge Punisher to his team. You will blow Lievre's mind.
>Kuro will, narratively, try to build bridges.

[ ] Promise him GGO's SEED. [LIE]
>Lugh will introduce you to Gabriel Miller, who will nominally ally with you throughout the remainder of the arc.
>Lugh will remain loyal up until you betray him.
>Lugh will reveal you are the Edge Punisher to his team. You will blow Lievre's mind.
>Kuro will, narratively, be searching for weaknesses.

[ ] Promise him nothing.
>Lugh will not reveal anything he knows about you to Glowgen.
>Lugh will side with Glowgen if the two of you come into conflict, but will continue to keep your secrets.
>Lugh will ask Glowgen to not interfere with your actions.

[ ] Cut Ties.
>Lugh will not reveal anything he knows about you to Glowgen, so long as you do not inform Kikuoka.
>Lugh will go scorched earth if he ever believes you have sold out his plan to the government.

[ ] Inform Kikuoka.
>Lugh and Glowgen will consider this an absolute betrayal.
>Warns Kikuoka, who will likely be willing to share more information with you.

[ ] Write-in
>Lugh, by and large, is willing to hide information on your behalf.
>The Write-In should, largely, answer what your stance is on surrendering the SEED to Lugh.

AN: The Persona Vote and the Lugh Vote are NOT in PLAN format.
Do not vote in PLAN format. These are separate votes.

For current equipment, Zatoichi will switch to XaXa's Estoc if chosen, and Man With No Name will stick with your SAA.
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Voting is open