Fluctlights are my absolute favorite part of SAO, if only because there are so many horrifying implications you can play around with.
Heh. Speaking of this, Consensus Reality as a concept beyond the lightest touches and least strong looks at it is also pretty Fridge Horror:
Either everyone has equal weight in this sort of thing, in which case pushing beyond Status Quo is more difficult than usual (nevermind the meta-implications of what the Status Quo is like in any kind of recognisable world); or people don't, and...

And then there is efforts to take advantage of this, which can very much get even worse: We have gems like SEED pyramid schemes (...) here and the Persona phenomenon of there being an apocalypse to cancel once in a while and so on.
(Thinking on things further, the only safe way to use SEEDs is probably to keep the userbase down and to fragment things enough so that the threshold of belief for major changes is never reached, but wouldn't that be ironically changing the Sea of Souls being fragmented to RL/VR being fragmented instead?)

FITNESS : 5 / 10 [Krillin] (15exp)
FITNESS : Your body, your castle. Allows you to perform physically demanding jobs, run long distances, and engage in combat while in the Waking World. Level 1 corresponds to a sickly, weak person. Level 5 to a frail but healthy young adult. Level 10 corresponds to someone who's actually athletic!

"O-oh. I'm glad then..." She tries to smile, but it looks strained. "Y-you used to hate miso soup..."
After seeing Motosu-sensei yesterday, you thought you were homesick, but you're wondering what home even means to you anymore.

You really shouldn't, not with school about to start, you being horrifically behind on your schoolwork, plus everything going on with GGO...
Honestly, Hiyori feels like she's narratively at Stress 3 all the time, what with us having to calculate all of her actions towards our objectives (Social => Power, Stats; Plot => Plot; Jobs => Stats, Money; Relaxing => Determination/Stress Buffer to burn) and the responsibilities on her shoulder.
And unfortunately there's not much we can do about it: While Fitness 5 is the level of an average person, Fitness 7 would likely be better for Arc 3 since we are unlikely to be facing off average people there?

At least, I'd like to take the Subaru SL (Subaru will probably ask Hiyori about why she's doing all this soon), Mom SL (finish up the plotline started here and have Hiyori decide what home and roots mean to her now) and Argo SL in the near future if possible.
I'm not sure about what the thread plans are regarding the Argo SL, but I think it would be neat to offer to apologize to the victims ourselves when we have more Grit/Empathy grinded up and having cleared things with our mom with the condition of Argo having to be there all the time:
To see by experience whether this actually helps the victims, and Argo themselves - does it work, or does it not? (While Hiyori was doing what she could as she were at the time, conceding that these sorts of things melding together resulted in the current situation and apologizing for that should be fair IMO)

Wakaba Hiiro: Your senpai in the literature club and the Airhead Queen business. You've never seen her face, but she seems awfully familiar to you. Rumored to be horrendously bullied in school but that can't be true because no-one's yet found the bodies.
Source: Does it matter? Just leave me alone.
Administrator: She's watching.
Source: ???
Anyway, on a lighter note, I wonder what's the source for this one (and the latter one will definitely not matter at all :p)? Seems like a potentially interesting story to read, at least?
It's the freaking One Ring. There is no way I'm picking some weird rainbow skeleton over that.

Listen. I know it's probably too late but like Rainbow Body refers to this Tibetan Buddhist practice of praying so hard you become a force ghost and melt into this buddha of light and summon rainbows in a sky. It is metal as fuck. There are, apparently, eyewitness accounts of this.

Actually, isn't the reason Touch Me stopped playing because he is currently in a custody battle for his kid? I vaguely remember that being a thing.

Is it? I follow the Overlord anime, but I'm no Overlord scholar. It's not on the wiki but I know they aren't always up to date (the whole Elsa/Elza thing is a victim of me depending on anime wikis...)
I'll be honest I just really like the idea of inflicting the absurdity of Rainbow Body to other people.

Like, suddenly there's a psychedelic skeleton launching a rainbow light show like a one-man grave rave.

And it's preaching at you.

The reactions would be gold.
06/18: Mofumofu Café
TUESDAY - June 17th, 2025

Your fur bristles, alerting you to the shift in CatCafe's atmosphere. The proprietor sends out a tersely worded warning through the PA system— all paws on deck. He's here.

You'd seen him multiple times already. A plain-faced salaryman, one who would've blended into the background anywhere... except for here. You've heard the rumors of Arima Taichi. It's said that he always pays for the absolute deluxe package that gives him unlimited exclusive petting access to all the cats, until closing. The biggest whale, the VIP... and the final test.

You were never permitted to take a shift when Arima Taichi was scheduled to arrive. There's a rumor that Arima Taichi doesn't even realize humans are controlling the cat avatars— this whole time he thinks he's been petting real cats! Your character concept was deemed too ridiculous— nay, too dangerous for the likes of Arima Taichi! If the high roller catches onto the deception, there goes all his business...

But today? Today is an emergency.

Arima Taichi was called in to work even during the Typhoon recovery, and he's asked for an emergency stress relief session. CatCafe was woefully understaffed, since half of the employees lacked regular internet access. It's too late to switch you to a regular sized avatar... so now you were asked to perform the ultimate challenge. You are to attend to Arima Taichi.

Without letting him figure out that you are not, in fact, a real lion.

You saunter forwards, your maid costume discarded. You are now wild. Untamed! You only have one goal today: to be the impossible. To be a petting zoo lion.

You see him surrounded by a litter of kittens. You even see the Chief, fluffier than ever, playfully batting at the cat teaser in his hand. The Chief even licked his hand! A risky play— uncatlike but beloved by the patrons! Once again you are amazed at the balance he strikes.

Arima Taichi fawns over the animals, none the wiser. The pure innocence radiating from his face— one false step. One simple crack in the veneer— and down comes the castle.

You growl. The smaller cats back off. The Chief stands his ground. He turns, giving you that oh-so-familiar smile. The one that says 'how cute'. The one that expects you to fail, just so he can dive in and save the day once more.

But you are not here for the Chief. You brace your claws into the virtual mat and you roar!

Silence falls. And Arima Taichi swings his head over... and sees you.

You stare into his gormless eyes. You can feel his synapses firing, the human logic beneath questioning how precisely the company managed to secure a VR helmet on a lion. This is truly too ridiculous, there's no way he'll fall for this...!

"Oh! OOOOHHH! Aren't you so adorable...!"

What follows is a balancing act. To be as a lion is to bite this man's puny, brainless head off, but to be a proper catgirl maid is to reign in those urges. He gets too close, you bat him away. You raise your guard, he backs off. The other cats watch on in fascination, as Arima Taichi tries and fails to properly pet you.

Little does he know— this is all just part of the script.

"Please, Frederica-chan! I know how proud you are, but I know you like belly scratches too!"

First resist. Then show a tiny bit of weakness. Reel him in, like a fisherman to his catch. A foolproof technique— taught to you by the Chief himself, no less.

You briefly wonder if what you are doing is ethical. You briefly wonder if, perhaps, one day Arima Taichi may not save up enough money to go on a real safari. You briefly wonder if you are teaching him to grossly underestimate real lions. You briefly wonder if death by lion is actually something he would perversely enjoy.

You wonder briefly, and then you wonder no more.

"You're so fluffy! I'm going to request you again and again and again...!"

Because you see it.

The Chief tries to play it off. He's proud of his junior. The Chief has hundreds of regulars, his position as king of the litterbox unchallenged.

He's not mad, of course not. He's not.

But behind those innocent eyes you can tell, from one predator to another.

The Chief is seething.

Because you have done the unthinkable.

You have taken one of his customers.

There is a chink in the armor. A gap in the defenses. And through it you have struck first blood.

He walks away. Proud. Fluffy. But for the first time ever?


>You had an extremely productive CatCafe shift! rolls 6d6e5 = 3 6⊕ 1 5⊕ 6⊕ 5⊕ → 4 successes against 5

WEDNESDAY - June 18th, 2025

It's the morning of June 18th. A typhoon just passed through town. You have 10 minutes to get ready for school, but you need about 10 hours.

Your eyes hurt, your head hurts, and you really, really, really do not want to go to school today.

The typhoon has saturated Tokyo with so much humidity even your AC cannot overcome the sheer force of the world's combined moisture. Water beads on every surface, your hair thick and heavy, your body suffocating.

Like a zombie you shuffle around your apartment, trying to make it to the bathroom in one piece. You feel disgusting as a wet drop of dew trails from your armpit down your ribcage. You've lost a slipper— who knows when— and making your bed seems pointless when you'll need to wash it again just get the mildew out.

Your hand reaches for your hair products— and you misjudge the distance, knocking the bottle into the toilet. You reach for your toothbrush only to find you're completely out of toothpaste. You decide to do the barest minimum of makeup only to find the foundation congealed into a lumpy mass from when you forgot to close the lid. You turn on your shower faucet only to find the hot water still hasn't been fixed yet.

You look at yourself in the mirror.

Fuck it.

You'll just go to school like this.

You are rolling for STRESS! 1d6 = 1.
You are now narratively depressed all period! No mechanical consequences, but this will color all interactions this period!


>Red Eyed XaXa is a member of DEATH GUN. He is in Police Custody. His real name is Shinkawa Shouichi. [Confirmed]
>Johnny Black is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the hitman of the team. His real name is Kanamoto Atushi. [Confirmed]
>PoH is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the mastermind of the team. His real name is Vassago Casals. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]
>An Inside Man from ZASKAR is a member of DEATH GUN. [Weakly Suspect]
>There is an Agent HYDRA involved with DEATH GUN. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Weakly Suspect]

>Death Gun is attempting to Incarnate the concept of a Death Game into GGO. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun seeks strong players to participate in his tournament. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun will continue the killings in the meantime to support his Incarnation. [Confirmed]

>Death Gun's MO is to poison individuals in real life while they kill them in game. They generally target individuals with poor home security for this method. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun are currently targeting four unknown individuals named the Four Riders, as they have poor home security. [Confirmed]


>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon oneself, can kill one's inner weakness to expose a strange, Persona-like entity. [Confirmed]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing a NerveGear, will kill the target. [Strongly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing an Amusphere, will not kill the target. [Weakly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol is a requirement, alongside a NerveGear, for participation in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]

>The Black Star pistol was given to you by Itsuki, who you suspect is involved somehow. [Weakly Suspect]
>You've heard rumors of an Agent HYDRA, who hands out Black Stars. [Guesswork]


>Pitohui is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to her own devices she will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]
>M, real name Goushi, is both serving Pitohui and plotting to 'save' her using a plan you do not yet understand. [Guesswork]
>M may have swapped out Pitohui's NerveGear with a fake. [Guesswork]
>LLENN currently can goad Pitohui into a fight by proving that she's using her NerveGear. [Confirmed]

>The outline of M's plan is to let LLENN 'kill' Pitohui, trusting that LLENN can incarnate her desire to meet Pitohui in real life will overcome Pitohui's deathwish. [Guesswork]
>LLENN has somewhat internalized the idea that so long as she just keeps on shooting everything will work out. [Guesswork]

>Pitohui's real life identity is the singer/songwriter Kanzaki Elsa. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]
>Pitohui's is obsessed with the act of dying. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]


>There appears to be strong rumblings of an ArFA uprising amongst the NPCs. [Guesswork]
>It is reasonable to suspect that a member of ZASKAR is involved in Death Gun, considering the broadcast interruption. [Guesswork]
>You have met Lievre, a strange ArFA Type-Z who claims to be your big sister, and is an apparent mega fan of your previous alter-ego, the Edge Punisher. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is hunting down combat data for the purposes of uploading the data into an army of replicants. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is attempting to gather an army to assault something. [Guesswork]

>ZASKAR, the corporate entity, is unlikely to be directly sponsoring Death Gun. [Guesswork]
>The Dev Console for GGO has to be somewhere in GGO. [Guesswork]


>XeXeeD has crowned himself 'GGO's Champion', and is desperately searching for Death Gun to avenge Usujio. [Confirmed]
>XeXeeD is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to his own devices he will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD has a low opinion of Kuro and Lugh. He is unlikely to accept a direct challenge in this current state. [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD is a target of Death Gun. [Weakly Suspect]


>Blank, GGO's true champion, is a pair of genius NEETs named Sora and Shiro. [Confirmed]
>The siblings operate a network of 'Alts' that they use to do their dirtywork, of which Kazuma Satou is a member. [Confirmed]
>Sora is a schemer who works via blackmail and social manipulation. [Confirmed]
>Shiro is a savant with preternatural reflexes and calculation abilities. [Confirmed]
>The siblings seek a world where 'rules' have true meaning. [Guesswork]

>Blank has NOT been invited to the «Death Gun Derby», due to an inability to pin down their location. [Confirmed]
>Blank plans on hijacking the DG plot using Fake NerveGears. He intends on invading a GM console, mass printing Black Stars, and making a mockery of the Derby. [Guesswork]

>Death Gun has yet to identify Blank, and has not sent Blank any genuine NerveGears. [Confirmed]


>Lugh is interested in fighting strong players, for reasons that are unclear to you. [Guesswork]
>Lievre has mentioned in passing a familiarity with Lugh. [Guesswork]
>Lugh is working for someone else, and his relationship with you is currently largely mercenary in nature. [Weakly Suspect]

>Lievre has mentioned in passing a 'master', who is also a human player. [Guesswork]
>Someone is pulling strings for another goal... [Guesswork]

>Shiroe (Evil Glasses not the 11 year old girl) suspects Yanai may be seeking the SEED behind the scenes. [Guesswork]



>Kayaba Akihiko is seeking to ascend everyone into a personal paradise. [Weakly Suspect]
>The SEED is the egg of a new world. When filled with enough wishes, it will seek to separate the virtual world from reality. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko created and distributed the SEED in order to study how new worlds are created. [Weakly Suspect]
>In its default state, the SEED manifests as lines of black and red, swimming towards the SEED, like veins into a heart. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko is watching you, and he is disappointed. [Confirmed]

>Yanai, a former employee of Sugou still at large, is seeking to obtain a copy of a SEED. [Guesswork]


>You spent a sweaty afternoon running away from AR boulders. Your FITNESS has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You continued on your literary adventure! [2/3 read]

>You slept in! Stress roll 1d6 = 5! [No Nat 1s] STRESS FALLS TO 1 POINT!

>You had an extremely productive AUGMA shift! rolls 5d6e5 = 6⊕ 6⊕ 6⊕ 4 5⊕ → 4 successes against 5
>Current Progress is at [4/7]!

>The King of the Litterbox will no longer hold back! Your EMPATHY has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You participated in the Gig Economy! Your GRIT has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You befriended a Gunpla nerd who's denser than a neutron star! Your GRIT has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You questioned if Shiroe may not just be Kayaba Akihiko in Superman glasses. Your MASK has greatly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You enjoyed messing around in YGGDRASIL... ironically! Your MASK has greatly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

>Your FITNESS has advanced to Rank 6 [Saiyan]
>Your GRIT has advanced to Rank 6 [Red-Faced Grit!]

¥61150 at start of the turn
-50000 (Air Conditioner and Lock)
-5000 (Sweets)
-5000 (Gunpla Accessories)

+¥18750/wk (Your Contract ends June 30th)
+¥8000/wk (Allowance)
+¥5000 (Incarnation Report)

¥32900 Final Budget

35 D at start of the turn
-20 (Shoganai)
+10 (Lock)
+15 (Cat Cafe)
+5 (Sweets)


1d2 = 1
The Price of Mistcoin is RISING!
1d6 = 3
Mistcoin is now ¥3000


1d6 = 1


Discretionary Budget : ¥32900
Determination: 45 D

Select actions for the period of June 18th through 21th. [4 DAYS]

Choose your EFFORT!

[ ] Yukkuri = 4 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions.
[ ] Ganbatte = 5 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions. 10D
[ ] Shoganai = 5 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 20D
[ ] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Karoshi = 7 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 40D + 1 STRESS + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Satori = 8 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 60D

DETERMINATION is also spent to select special choices so it may be beneficial to leave some banked!
DETERMINATION you gain through your PLAN can be retroactively applied to the EFFORT cost!

20% of Major Actions must be performed by your Shadow! You are at 6/28 MAJOR ACTIONS for Shadow Tag purposes. (21%). You are on target and are not required to take any Shadow Actions next phase, but one is recommended.

Expect approximately 5 MORE PERIODS (inclusive of this period), accounting for combat days and school trips, for the GGO arc to end.

Upgrade your Gunpla to advance SKY!
Pass time to advance STRENGTH!
Upgrade EMPATHY to advance PRUDENCE!

Reach the Summertime to continue MANKIND!
Reach the 2nd Semester to unlock Rank 5 SLs!


>Death Gun reveals himself. +4 BULLETS.
>Kuro sabotages the BoB execution. -1 BULLET.
>Red-Eyed XaXa is arrested. -1 BULLET.


⁍[Incarnate: Black Star]: A target killed by this gun dies in real life.
⁍[Evoke: Death Gun]: Put your life on the line. Gain [Real Deal: Survivor] for the remainder of the battle.

⁍[Fatal Bullet]: Mudo spells fired by this gun can affect non-NPC targets.
⁍[Mudo Boost]: +2 DICE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Freeshooter]: Death Gun abilities ignore Range.
⁍[Dark Verdict]: ADVANTAGE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Lost One]: A target killed by this gun becomes comatose, if they are otherwise unable to die.


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

NEW! [ ] [Fan Meet Up!]: So. Karen, under her own initiative, has decided to contact Elsa. This is a problem. You have entirely no plausible explanation, beyond magical powers and Kayaba Akihiko why you know anything about Elsa's past. But nonetheless you admit to being curious as to who Elsa truly is. This represents a golden opportunity, for you have chosen to fight Elsa with the truth. It begs the question— is the information you pulled from Cardinal's brain scan the truth? Or is it just another lie, one constructed by Kayaba Akihiko?
Meets with Elsa with Karen present.

NEW! [ ] [XaXastroturfing]: Kyouji's packed his bags, said goodbye to all of his nonexistent friends, and is ready to go into exile. But as you see him off you can't help but wonder if he can lend you one tiny, itsy, bitsy gift...
The account of Red-Eyed XaXa.
Though you wonder if you can truly seize it without the cooperation of the so called 'Real Deal'...

NEW! [ ] [Bribe//Kazuma]: There's one element of『 』that strikes you as an... obvious weak link. If you can get Kazuma on your side, then you could effectively cripple the sibling's operation! Only you don't really have anything you can use to 'bribe' Kazuma, and you doubt he'll be swayed with money. Direct threats will likely just cause him to run back to『 』. Problem is you don't know what he wants. All you have are government connections and... idol connections?

[ ] [Red and Gold]: Red-Eyed XaXa. You want him to know it was you.
There's no point in doing this. This doesn't help the investigation. It doesn't help you.
But you want to see it. The shock, the surprise. You want your revenge.
>You will meet Shouichi as Hiyori.
>May accumulate STRESS.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Elegy for an Idol]: How does one meet Japan's greatest pop sensation? You have no idea. But you know who does? Other idols! You already texted Seven and after yelling at you about time zones she said she has no idea how to help. But you do know at least one other idol, one who's even in the same agency as Elsa— YUNA.
Meets with Elsa without Karen present.

[ ] [Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]: Satoru Mikami gave you a phone number. Turns out? It's a personal cell phone number. One that the government can trace. ZASKAR has a lot to answer for, and right now the only person you can actually link to ZASKAR working in Japan is one Hoshiyama Midoriko. Tack on your intern badge, press-gang Kikuoka to join you, and start knocking down doors. One way or another, you will get answers.
>Approach the ZASKAR GM in her home with the threat of government action behind you.
>Will affect the information Zelinska provides you.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//JSDF]: Kikuoka's come through on his promise! An off-duty JSDF Second Lieutenant has agreed to run you through some basic drills in a local Airsoft indoor combat park. Kikuoka's warned you that's he's a lazy bum, kind of untrustworthy, but actually some kind of... special forces ranger or something? You have no idea if that's impressive. Considering he's working for Kikuoka, the answer to that question is probably no.
Trains FITNESS efficiently.
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

[ ] [Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
[Summary on Kanzaki Elsa's private life]: Don't tell me you're a fan.

[Summary of the Syndicate]: That's... a bit beyond my pay grade... but hell, if you're payin'...

[Dossier on Underground NerveGear Sales]: I'll tell ya this much for free. They ain't teleporting into people's laps. Follow the money, cause someone's profiting off this.

[Dossier on GGO's Players of Interest]: Shouldn't you figure this out yourself? But fine gopher-chan, I'll do your damn homework for you...
It always takes an action to talk to Argo, because you find the experience unpleasant. Argo has anime-detective levels of information gathering.
Argo allows you to 'buy out' information, giving you plot relevant information at the cost of oodles of money. This information is typically available elsewhere.
Argo's prices vary but generally start at ¥20000 and above. You do not get the Friends and Family discount.
Argo will be willing to work for cheaper at higher JUSTICE ranks.

[ ] [Movie Magic!]: MAXWELL wants to go... see a movie, and after you shot down his request to travel across the country to the ass end of nowhere to satisfy his curiosity you feel guilt-tripped to accept. Sounds harmless enough. What could possibly go wrong? What does a disembodied spirit man even want with... Shin Phoenix Ranger Featherman R?
Permanently increases your Persona Slots


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] [Challenge//Pitohui]: With three Black Stars between your entire party, more than enough to put up a good fight against... Kanzaki Elsa. You still can't believe it. You know why she seeks death, yet you doubt you can empathize with her. You are still unsure what, precisely, M's plan is regarding his master, beyond that the less you know the more likely it is to work out. Is that enough to challenge her? It'll have to be.
Sets a combat at the end of this period.
Pitohui is a moderately skilled combatant who has spent a comically large amount of money in GGO.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are MODERATE.
Pitohui is a primary mechanical challenge, and Pitohui will not threaten your life even if she defeats you.

The shape of her Death Gun evokes the legend of Erlkönig.
Spiele Spiel: For many a game, I will play with thee. [Pitohui prioritizes having fun in battle, and her Death Gun allows her to play with all the toys she owns.]
Wilde Jagd: The Alder King's daughters shall tend to thee with sisterly care. [Pitohui calls forth a wild hunt comprised of phantoms that can wield her arsenal of weapons.]
Das Kind War Tot: And the child was dead. [Pitohui's Death Gun suffocates her, keeping her in a state of perpetual near death.]

[ ] [Challenge//『 』]: In the ruins of a fallen city, deep in the heart of the Old South, the champion awaits. You have chosen to fight without rules. The whole zone is booby trapped, there's no doubt a thousand and ones different ways『 』can tip the scales, and who knows what kind of mercenaries they have blackmailed onto their payroll. Of course you can choose not to engage in『 』's chosen battlefield... but then again, if you bore them, they will dox you a thousand times over. Best bring some... backup.
Sets a combat at the end of this period.
『 』is a cheater, a fraud, and purportedly the best gamer in the world.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are IMPOSSIBLE and will always remain IMPOSSIBLE.
Combat against『 』focuses on the concept of "Rules". You will be able to agree on rules mid fight, and manipulation of and around these "Rules" is necessary for success.
『 』never loses.

[ ] [Challenge//Red-Eyed XaXa]: You do not need to do this. He is harmless, trapped even. Any information he shares is untrustworthy at best and mad ramblings at worst. You know what he wants— a chance to join in on the fun. One last hurrah. One last fight. You can give it to him.
But a part of you wants to deny him even that satisfaction.
>Kikuoka will leave the option open, but he currently suggests it is not worth the trouble.

[ ] [He of Many Heads]: You have money. A lot of it. ¥60000. That's so much you can almost buy a rice cooker! It's also the initial deposit price for Black Stars on the open market. You hear there's someone out there practically handing them out. Pretend to be a prospective buyer and see if you can at least catch the trail of the illusive Hydra.
>You are not actually buying the Black Star, but you are using your riches to open the door.
>You need at least ¥50000 for this option.

NEW! [ ] [Empty Hand]: You know where『 』is. You can thrown down the challenge any time. But information is the art of warfare— and you question if there might not be a diplomatic solution? Approach their stronghold and ask to parlay, but for what, you'll have to take the initiative.
Because all Shiro wants is to see you groveling before her.
>To be Explicit, this is a generic "I want to parley" vote that will generate a subvote. Choose this is you want to do something like: Negotiate some Rules before the Fight, Outright Surrender, or discuss a topic with the siblings before the fight.
>Do not choose this vote unless you plan on explicitly making a request.

NEW! [ ] [Moonshot?]: Okay. Bounty. That's bad! Nononono, just... think.『 』has money. You need money. There are opportunities here. Here's the plan: get MISTCOIN to 'lend' you weapons, which you will promptly 'lose' to a patsy, who will then 'claim' your bounty by submitting your 'dropped' weapons— then you split the winnings! It's like printing money! Hah, turns out『 』isn't such a genius after all!
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

NEW! [ ] [PKKFarming!]: You know what? The best way to gain money in this game is by PKing. And having a bounty on your head? That just makes PKing more efficient, as the prey will now come to you! But with no true skills in GGO beyond abusing your Persona, the only effective way you have to fight off the no doubt hordes of opponents coming your way is to double down on the magic and cheats...
Generates a large amount of money, but『 』will get to 'preview' your Persona abilities.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//Challenger]: To say your current relationship is... frosty... would be an understatement. XeXeeD is very much not a fan of you right now, but circumstances have changed. The champion is back, and with it, so goes XeXeeD's short-lived reign. He won't listen to you, he's going to do his own thing, but if you need a bomb to be pointed in『 』's direction? Then XeXeeD is ready for action.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//Terminator]: Lievre is sitting in a space battleship constructing an army of doom robots to fulfill a vague plan to take over the world. Explicitly you know that『 』is very interested in the ArFA conspiracy... so why not tie the two problems together? Besides, Lievre wants you to gather combat data from strong players— and you've just landed the strongest player of them all. If she wants that data she better come get it her own damn self!
Glowgen requests to be paid in favors, not in money.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//The A Team]:『 』is back. The news is spreading like a virus, but everyone has one question on their minds: where is the champion? Awaiting your challenge, apparently. There are a thousand and one high level-players all seeking vengeance both petty and grand against『 』. They just need to be pointed in the right direction, preferably after you convince them to not cash in your bounty.

NEW! [ ] [Gather//The G Team]:『 』has you by the neck. You see no path forward. Thankfully one of your allies has made a suggestion— calling in help. Professional help. Of the kind that not even the Champion can overcome. Though you suspect they may ask you a very particular price...
Glowgen requests to be paid in favors, not in money.

[ ] [Of 26 Legions]: A simple request. A meeting within a safe zone, no guns, no weapons, no powers. Someone has taken notice of Kuro— someone you know very well. And they want to negotiate. They're offering something you aren't expecting. An... end to the killings. But with that man? You know there's a catch. There always is.
You are being contacted by PoH independent of the whole Death Gun conspiracy.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Riding Death Flags]: Who are the Four Riders? Turns out, they're the worst nightmare for an investigator— normal, rational people. The type of folks who don't respond to random messages, protect their private information and log on rarely. Kikuoka warns you against wasting your time chasing shadows— Death Gun no doubt has countless targets they can select. Warning the Riders would just make them shift to whoever's next on their list, and will not progress your investigation. But still, can't you at least warn them?
In the grand tradition of SAO Verse, the QM confirms that the Four Riders are currently drowning in Death Flags.

[ ] [Tuatha Dé]: Lugh's been hard to find ever since the Bullet of Bullets, though you've been largely keeping him out of the loop. There's a certain trust that only openly mutual suspicion can engender. Run through the Death Gun case one more time from the top, and seek out opinions from Lugh's unique perspective. Perhaps, in the meantime, you can scrutinize his own motives as well...
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

[ ] [Venom]: You know... practically everything there is to know about Pitohui. Her secret identity, her past— everything. You probably know more about her than even she herself does. Yet you've spent all of half an hour with her. To Pitohui, Kuro is nothing more than a curiosity. You can keep it that way.
Or you can just... come clean. Tell her— about your knowledge, about the danger she's in, about even the supernatural.
You might not prevent her from seeking death. But you can tempt her with an alternative.
Pitohui wishes to experience death. Death Gun is one way she can do so, but not the only way. This option is to risk fully exposing yourself to Pitohui and then trying to see if you can secure a degree of cooperation.
Potentially gain money!
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [The Champion's Whimper]: Lugh wants your help. XeXeeD has now become the strongest player in all of GGO, and Lugh wants to goad him into a fight, one where XeXeeD finally going to bring his full kit to bear. Though the details escape you, Lugh believes that by cementing your identity as the strongest player in GGO in the minds of the populace, you can draw the attention of Death Gun, and the best way to do that is to dethrone the current king. But Lugh doesn't believe an out-and-out fight is to your benefit. No, Lugh wants to plan an assassination.

[ ] [Rematch of the Century]: XeXeeD is mad at you. For stealing his kill, stealing his thunder, and in his eyes... letting his friend's murderer go free. An amicable relationship is likely no longer realistic, but it's clear as crystal that Death Gun is interested in XeXeeD, and that makes him a person of interest to you as well. Raise some hell outside his Squadron's base and force a confrontation by attacking the one thing you know he can't afford to ignore: his ego.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Itsuki's Fanclub]: For a guy who was all but stalking you, Itsuki has suddenly made himself very scarce. To your surprise, however, you are not the only one looking for Itsuki. Far from it. There's an entire horde of girls looking for him. For... reasons. Infiltrate the Itsuki fan club and employ the power of the masses to find the most absurdly suspicious character in all of GGO.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]: There's a time to be hard and there's a time to be soft. Zelinska, the in-game account for Mikami's contact, is clearly dealing with some problems of her own. Approach her not in your real-world guise, but as the «Edge Punisher», now migrated to GGO for a new investigation. It may take some time to earn her trust, but at least to start you can call up the slime to vouch for you.

[ ] [Explore//Solitary Sands]: Within the deep deserts to the west of Glocken lies the Solitary Sands, a low-level to intermediate zone popular amongst new players for high-efficiency farming. It is said that the blood of the billions lost in the nuclear apocalypse has stained the sands a disgusting shade of pink, but within that gruesome tomb lies untouched bunkers and treasure a plenty for those willing to brave the elements, the monsters and GGO's most horrid of opponents: Player Killers.
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Explore//Old South]: By all accounts it's just another desert. The only thing old about is the dumb name appended to the top. It's a large, flat zone, with static weather, swathes of undeveloped territory with anemic spawn tables, extremely generous ammo cache respawn rates, and absolutely no PvE dungeons of value. It is the most worthless swathe of land in all of GGO. But upon this canvas lies a thousand tales painted in blood, because this is where the veterans of GGO go to have a fair fight. Why not go and see what the peak looks like?
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

NEW! [ ] [Administration: TURNING]: Dream again of Quinella. Halcyon days of give away to blood soaked fields— the Dark God has awoken. The gates have fallen. War is coming to the Underworld.
Invoke Release Recollection on Alice Liddell and peek into the life of a Persona user in the ancient past.
Provides Skill Upgrades to existing Personas


NEW! [ ] [WAND and Wander]: There's a time for detailed schemes and carefully managed conspiracies. There's also a time to just knock on Kazuma's door and ask to hang out. He knows you have an ulterior motive, but is that going to stop him? Frankly, you're curious about how all these various shut ins live, considering you are now somehow in contact with no less than 4 of them.
WAND is useless and will become more useless as your SL progresses.

NEW! [ ] [TEMPER the Future]: You've learned to read the tides of Motosu-sensei. When she's reading fantasy or romance, she's in a good mood. When she's reading historical fiction she's generally annoyed. When she's reading occult magazines she's stressed. But right now? She's reading medical textbooks almost exclusively. Something seems to have gone wrong at home— perhaps the typhoon wasn't as harmless as it seemed.

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [The TEMPLE of Employment]: It's time to check in on the homeless man. Kenichi put him up in a local NetCafe for lack of any other meaningful alternatives. You know more than anyone that there's plenty of opportunities to make money if one knows where to look, but there's one problem. One very fundamental, insurmountable problem— He won't get out of the building.
TEMPLE trains GRIT+6.
TEMPLE indirectly earns you money.
TEMPLE is truly miserable.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [A Fool's SWORD]: Kayaba Akihiko is out there. You've met him, challenged him even, but he's still far beyond you. You know so very little yet so much about the architect of the world's end. It's time to change that. It's an odd request to be sure, but Shigemura-sensei understands. Even he too has had his questions... and now you finally have a chance to ask them.
Because Koujiro Rinko is returning to Tokyo.
KING OF SWORDS provides contacts within the field of Cognitive Psience.

[ ] [DEVIL in the Details]: It's time. MISTCOIN is at an all time high. Mitsuha is practically frothing at the mouth. The line is, indeed, going to the moon. You're not sure how much money Mitsuha is going to make, but you expect to be somewhere on the order of 80000 gold kobans. The only problem is that it's all in fake monopoly money, but in the words of the wise and the insane— isn't all money fake?
DEVIL manipulates the price of MISTCOIN.

[ ] [PRIEST and Flock]: Now that you can no longer dive in Agil's bar, there's little reason to visit him regularly. But business aside, he's helped you out a ton over the last few months, and you feel it's your duty to repay the favor. Thanks to some positive buzz from an influencer, Agil's bar has suddenly become extremely busy, and he's in dire need of part-time labor he can trust. Thankfully, you happen to be an expert!
PRIEST trains MASK+4.
Agil will pay you a token wage. This is a favor to him, after all!
PRIEST Personas focus on close combat and STR.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [DEATH and Taxes]: It's not quite an internship. But you have a standing offer from Yakutani-sensei to shadow him at work. He feels he owes you for saving his life and the least he can do is give you an introduction to the wonderful, wonderful world of working yourself to death in a hospital. For all his altruism Yakutani-sensei strikes you as someone who's used to getting his way... but as the the person who saved his life, you might be the only person who can browbeat him and get away with it!
DEATH Personas typically specialize in healing.

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Grim JUSTICE]: Fukazawa Seiichiro, a man on Argo's list. An SAO Survivor like you, one Argo claims has escaped justice for some truly heinous crimes. After painstaking work and a questionably legal deal with the government, she's managed to track down his place of work and wants to wring a confession out of him. She plans on ambushing him on his way home and wants you to come to join her on the stakeout. She promises that you'll find meeting the man to be enlightening.
JUSTICE usually builds STRESS when taken.
You may meet some interesting people.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

Work can be done for 2 MINOR or 1 MAJOR action.

EXPIRING! [ ] [Work//Titan Movers]: It's... it's finally happened. You've managed to open the wrapper without asking anyone for help! And... and you can even carry your bookbag without your back hurting! You've also brought in big business for Titan Movers! That means you're finally getting a raise! But... does that mean you'll have to lift bigger boxes?
You will be fired by JUNE 22nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains FITNESS+4 and receives payment based on FITNESS. Can train other stats. [Currently gains 4000 yen. Roll FITNESSd6, gain bonus Social Stats for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//Augma]: The Augma is slated to release near the end of July. Which means more work, more contracts, and more cold hard cash! And the best part is that you have your own beta test Augma, so you can get a head start on breaking in your personal Augma, all while it records your brainwaves for entirely unnefarious purposes.
Trains GRIT+4. Will roll based on GRIT for task completion - completion of the task gives you a large lump sum and DETERMINATION.
Your contract expires at the END OF JUNE.
Current Task Progress - 4/7, 40000 yen. [Roll GRITd6, gain PROGRESS for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//CatCafe]: You are now an established catgirl maid! Frederica's novelty may have worn off but you have a few regulars now! Just... you can do better, can't you? Because he's seen you. He's challenged you. The top of the pile, the invincible, king of fluff himself... the CHIEF.
You will be fired by the JUNE 30nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains EMPATHY+4 and receives payment based on EMPATHY. Can gain determination. [Currently gains 5000 yen. Roll EMPATHYd6, gain DETERMINATION for each SUCCESS]

EXPIRING! [ ] [.Work//Sign]: There's a letter in the coin locker. It says that your work thus far has been... exemplary. Jobs that went unfilled, positions even the most hardened part-timers have run away from. But not you. You are now a veteran. Nothing can possibly scare you. It's time. You are up for the challenge. And no matter what happens, no matter what you see, remember... HOLD THE SIGN.
You will be fired by the JUNE 22nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains MASK+4 and receive a lump sum of 7500 yen. [Roll STRESSd6. If any 1s are rolled, accumulate an additional 1 STRESS]

Unless specified otherwise you may take individual Minor actions multiple times.

NEW! [ ] [BUILD//Delanza -Mighty Lunatic-]: You've seen enough Gundam to know how this works. Find a big stupid backpack, fill it up with glowing lights, glue it to the back of your unit, and then give it a nonsensical name. Oh, and Funnels! And a beam emitter from the forehead that can cut through colonies! Give it a katana!
Roll EMPATHYd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

NEW! [ ] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]: You've watched videos of fights in GBN, which are a mess of super modes, beamspam, and dramatic beam saber clashes. As dramatic as the duels are... there's one nagging detail that keeps bothering you. Why doesn't everyone just use an Atomic Bazooka?
Roll MASKd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

NEW! [ ] [BUILD//Core Jegan]: What's the best chunky grunt unit? The Delanza Sol? The Gustav Carl? Maybe a Garm Rodi? Why decide when you can have them all! You just need to carve out a perfect outline of a Jegan from your Gunpla...
Roll GRITd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

[ ] [Literature Club!]: Motosu-sensei has a simple philosophy. The faster you can read, the more you can read!
Current Book: Speed Reading.
Progress: 2/3
Permanently improves all KNOWLEDGE gains when completed.

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN]: Mitsuha has a poorly rigged model of your ALO avatar, an annoyingly long list of popular talking points about the latest hot idols, and a voice changer with the auto-tune cranked WAAAAYYYYY up. Maybe it's best to actually buy some MISTCOIN before messing with this...
Become a sellout! Increases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]: Use your artificially generated platform to talk about family-friendly topics such as: geopolitics, music charts, shonen jump rankings, nuclear power plant construction, and Article 9 of the Constitution! Guaranteed to be a hoot for everyone involved!
Get yourself canceled! Decreases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Farm//PK]: Sometimes simple is best. Pull up your sleeves, find the biggest pair of sunglasses you can buy, and go gank some losers for fun and profit.
Farm the only way you know how! Gain 1d6 x 1000 yen in GGO Credits and 1d3 MISTCOIN!

[ ] [Report//<INSERT>]: You've made a number of discoveries that Argo's boss in the Ministry of Internal affairs may find very interesting. What exactly is he doing with all this information...?
You may write 1 Report per Minor Action
Available Reports:
[The SEED]: It's not just some development kit. It's something strange, something... fundamental. The SEED of a world? What can you even do with this information? Will the government believe you? ...What if they do? [+10000 yen]
[Persona]: Do you want to sell out the existence of magic and land yourself in a psych ward for cold hard cash? Does a bear shit in the woods? [+10000 yen]

[ ] [Cram School]: High efficiency studying! And it prepares you for a crushing existence as an office worker!

[ ] [Augma Fitness!]: Can't build up the motivation to run to save your life? Download Augma Fitness now! A limited-time offer for beta-testers, spice up your exercise by running from a boulder, a zombie, or your disappointed parents! For the truly hardcore, the Augma has a function where it automatically calls everyone on your friends list and tells them embarrassing facts about your performance metrics if you fail to meet your fitness goals!
Trains FITNESS+6.

[ ] [Augma Fight!]: Want to learn how to sword fight for real? Using real life Kendo and HEMA techniques and not those dumb facsimiles in VR games? Well Augma Fight has you covered! Warning: Due to poor connection Augma Fight only works outdoors in areas publicly seeded with AR stickers.
...Well when you think about it there's nothing wrong with swinging a make-believe sword at make-believe monsters while wearing a gaudy headset in a public park. Just pretend nobody's staring and pray you don't end up being videotaped.
Trains MASK+6.

[ ] [High Love]: This is what you were afraid of. That otome game your friend recommended to you, Alto Liebe? It's filled with microtransactions. God at least none of the suitors were locked behind a paywall, but you expect you're in for a painful experience.
Trains GRIT+6.

[ ] [Serene Garden]: SereGa is half VR game and half hospice and all depressing. Spend time talking to those who are about to die, and learn something about yourself in the process.
Trains EMPATHY+6.

[ ] [Sleep-in]: You need to study. You need to train. You need to save the world. Instead, go to sleep EARLY and snuggle up with Kuma-kun.
Reduces STRESS x 1. Becomes less efficient the more it is used (applies across the lifetime of the quest).
Roll 2d6, on a natural 1, Sleep-in has no effect. The roll becomes more harsh the more this option is used.

[ ] [Medicinal Baths]: No, not the local one down the street by the old folk's home. The big one. By the IMPERIAL PALACE. That has private rooms. [Costs 10000yen]
Reduces STRESS x 1. Repeatable.


[ ] [Buy a Bathroom Scale]: It's fine. It'll motivate you— it's fine.
Purchase for ¥6000.
Immediately increases STRESS by 1 at the start of each Month.

Permanently improves all FITNESS gains.

[ ] [Nekoya!]: It's open every day except Saturday. You'd eat there every day if your wallet and your waistline could afford the beating... but going there is always a risk. You can always find yourself spending a bit... more than intended.
Purchase 5 D for 1d6*1000 yen. One time per week.

[ ] [Sweets!]: The dumb asteroid shaped parfait you had at the Gundam Café won't stop haunting your memories. Is that truly the limit of mankind's ingenuity? You're in Tokyo, the parfait capital of the world! They speak of a parfait restaurant so premiere that you must make reservations. You must partake.
Purchase 5D for ¥5000.

[ ] [Buy More Gunpla!]: You've managed to find a few revenue streams. Maybe it's time to buy another model kit? One robot is awfully lonely sitting up on the shelf, and maybe you can pick up some kitbash supplies on the way over. You saw a video on weathering techniques and are dying to try it out...
Purchase a new kit for 10000 yen. Unlocks more options, gains 5 D.

Plan vote format please.
Also I used imgur then discord then imgbb but I've realized that for old links imgbb basically makes them inaccessible so the snake has swallowed its own tail and we're moving back to imgur.
Welcome to the internet folks...

Also the dice love two things in this quest: MISTCOIN and Cats.
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Combat against『 』focuses on the concept of "Rules". You will be able to agree on rules mid fight, and manipulation of and around these "Rules" is necessary for success.
『 』never loses.
So I see we need to reframe their and our Victory Condition, and/or have an outcome where neither loses?

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.
Seems pretty great, but our jobs (and Stat Training options)...
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CatCafe coming in clutch: just look at those gains, holy shit! We can even Arimasen this turn and still have enough determination to do other stuff!

Hm... @afreaknamedpete what is the synergy between the XaXa-related options, just for curiosity? We know we may need his help to get access to his account, but how would that shape any interactions we have with him this turn?
[X] Plan Who's Jobbing Now?
-[X] Shoganai
---[X] Shadow//[Seeking FORTUNE]
---[X] Shadow//[PRIEST and Flock]
---[X] [A Fool's SWORD]
---[X] [Fan Meet Up!]
---[X] [Bribe//Kazuma]
---[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
---[X] [Work//Augma]
---[X] [.Work//Sign]
---[X] [Literature Club!]
---[X] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]

How does this plan look? Aiming to extend our available jobs, to keep ahead of Shadow Tax, and to continue chipping away at Bullet / grind Personas we may be using later during Blank's Challenge.

Also, should I be adding Scales and/or Sweets in my plan?

Edit: Fixed extra MAJOR action, now correct totals

Just to clarify a few tactical questions:
1) Do either of us have a Victory Condition already defined for the Blank Fight?
2) Can Hiyori technically log in using another's account, and have someone else log in to her account instead?

(Thinking of setting a Victory Condition of "Hiyori logs out the account that Blank is using by her own hand/gun she fires", and "Blank logs out the account that Hiyori is using by their own hand/gun they fire" to reduce the effectiveness of getting backup + having a draw escape clause, but unsure if this will mesh well with [Never Again])
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Hm... @afreaknamedpete what is the synergy between the XaXa-related options, just for curiosity? We know we may need his help to get access to his account, but how would that shape any interactions we have with him this turn?

I'll probably just fold it into one scene, but hard to say until I start writing it.

Just to clarify a few tactical questions:
1) Do either of us have a Victory Condition already defined for the Blank Fight?
2) Can Hiyori technically log in using another's account, and have someone else log in to her account instead?

You don't have anything defined for Blank fight, explicitly there are no rules beyond a verbal agreement. During the fight itself you'll have to figure out a victory condition.

Accounts are gender locked, and you have trouble controlling avatars too different from your physical build, but otherwise you can use other accounts and have others use yours.

Hiyori has never encountered this issue before but there has to be continuity with your SAO avatar in order to use your Persona.

Also your plan has 6 Major Actions but Shoganai only allows for 5.
Well, as far as failing stress rolls goes this could be a much worse outcome. At least we won at pretending to be a cat, a normal thing to want and a possible thing to achieve.

[ ] Plan: Instead of Brain there is Gun
-[ ] Shoganai
--[ ] MAJOR
---[ ] [XaXastroturfing]
---[ ] Shadow//[Moonshot?]
---[ ] [Gather//Terminator]
---[ ] [Tuatha Dé]
---[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]
--[ ] MINOR
---[ ] [Work//Titan Movers]
---[ ] [Work//Sign]
---[ ] [Farm//PK]
---[ ] [Serene Garden]
---[ ] [Literature Club!]
---[ ] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
--[ ] FREE
---[ ] [Nekoya!]

Since we're somewhat depressed, I thought this plan could lean into that--dealing with all the dark and crappy jobs related to GGO, grinding away for more ludicrously-valuable Mistcoin, and relating to Kyouji as one depressive to another. (It might be more optimal to meet up with DEVIL, but I do also want the week to end in a more upbeat manner, and I miss my boy.)
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Since we're somewhat depressed, I thought this plan could lean into that
Agreed, I'd have gone for the Challenge//Pitohui if not for that this round.

One thing: Is there a reason you aren't going for Shadow for Subaru, to get ahead of Shadow Tax?
(We have a lot of actions to take that our Shadow isn't very interested in now unfortunately.

For that matter, why not finish up the Book Reading to buff knowledge gains for later, or do you want to get to Empathy Rank 7 earlier?)

Do we know what happens if the Blank Challenge is a Draw, or Draw by mutual DQ, or inconclusive due to Victory Conditions being impossible?

Also, to increase our chances from Moderate regarding Pitohui, any interesting weapons we'd like to buy, like the Cat one or something?
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Hm...thanks for the answer, pete, but I think surprisingly Laughing Coffin is the least of our worries for now. I feel we can tackle Pitohui next turn while also progressing for the inevitable showdown with BLANK. And we have enough to afford an Arimasen attempt and still have enough in bank to afford any Determination costs for the week. So here´s my idea:

[x] Plan Training Arc And Chillax With Friends
-[x] Arimasen
--[x] Major
---[x] [XaXastroturfing]
---[x] [Movie Magic!]
---[x] Shadow//[Moonshot?]
---[x] [Tuatha Dé]
---[x] [PRIEST and Flock]
---[x] Shadow//[Seeking FORTUNE]:
--[x] Minor
---[x] [Work//Titan Movers]
---[x] [Work//Sign]
---[x] [Work//Augma]
---[x] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
---[x] [Medicinal Baths]
--[x] Free
---[x] [Buy a Bathroom Scale]
---[x] [Nekoya!]
---[x] [Sweets!]

Alright, top from bottom.
-First off, holy s**t we should have got Sky earlier, we got free Determination points gain! Like, damn!
-I spoke of synergy with Xaxa interaction, but yeah, not sure how much it will interact with it. Let´s at least keep it close for later usage.
-Movie Magic sounds interesting, especially if it affects later arcs by increasing how many Personas we can carry at basis. And people, remember, Administration option also had a few things other than the skill boost, so this may be the case here as well.
-Here comes the mooooney...maybe some info about BLANK as well depending on how it goes.
-Lugh training arc. Would have also picked his social but not available right now so.
-Priest for new Persona, Fortune for evolution.
-Let´s get some extra money...and maybe end the Augma line to get 40k for us.
-Delanza is likely the more accessible one at the moment due to using Mask to calculate.
-Medicinal Baths just feels right this week.
-No pain no gain. Also sweets!
Just so you know pete, you have [Seeking Fortune] on here twice...

Now, as for a plan...

[X] Plan: Brace for the Madness
-[X] Shoganai = 5 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 20D
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Fan Meet Up!]
--[X] [Movie Magic!]
--[X] [Gather//Challenger]
--[X] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]
--[X] [Shadow//PRIEST and Flock]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
--[X] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
--[X] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]
--[X] [Serene Garden]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Sweets!]

Essentially, this attempts to prepare for both the Pitohui fight and the BLANK fight by gathering information and getting allies, respectively. I trust Glowgen as far as I can throw a VR headset, so I don't want to owe them a favor. I wanted to consult with Lugh, but getting another Major Action would have cost more Determination and given us disadvantage on the next stress roll, so, uh, no thanks to that. Instead, we're trying to start the ARFA plotline, and getting (hopefully) fire coverage not dependent on Nephren-Ka. It'll be close range, but having it is what counts.

Also, will causing MISTCOIN prices to drop temporarily close off the option to advance the Devil Social Link?
Hm...thanks for the answer, pete, but I think surprisingly Laughing Coffin is the least of our worries for now. I feel we can tackle Pitohui next turn while also progressing for the inevitable showdown with BLANK. And we have enough to afford an Arimasen attempt and still have enough in bank to afford any Determination costs for the week. So here´s my idea:

[x] Plan Training Arc And Chillax With Friends
-[x] Arimasen
--[x] Major
---[x] [XaXastroturfing]
---[x] [Movie Magic!]
---[x] Shadow//[Moonshot?]
---[x] [Tuatha Dé]
---[x] [PRIEST and Flock]
---[x] Shadow//[Seeking FORTUNE]:
--[x] Minor
---[x] [Work//Titan Movers]
---[x] [Work//Sign]
---[x] [Work//Augma]
---[x] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
---[x] [Medicinal Baths]
--[x] Free
---[x] [Buy a Bathroom Scale]
---[x] [Nekoya!]
---[x] [Sweets!]

Alright, top from bottom.
-First off, holy s**t we should have got Sky earlier, we got free Determination points gain! Like, damn!
-I spoke of synergy with Xaxa interaction, but yeah, not sure how much it will interact with it. Let´s at least keep it close for later usage.
-Movie Magic sounds interesting, especially if it affects later arcs by increasing how many Personas we can carry at basis. And people, remember, Administration option also had a few things other than the skill boost, so this may be the case here as well.
-Here comes the mooooney...maybe some info about BLANK as well depending on how it goes.
-Lugh training arc. Would have also picked his social but not available right now so.
-Priest for new Persona, Fortune for evolution.
-Let´s get some extra money...and maybe end the Augma line to get 40k for us.
-Delanza is likely the more accessible one at the moment due to using Mask to calculate.
-Medicinal Baths just feels right this week.
-No pain no gain. Also sweets!
Do we really want to buy a scale...? Does not seem worth it, stress is very very scary. Also, buying both sweets and a scale at the same time seems like asking for trouble.

Other then those nitpicks, seems like a good plan. Only thing that's missing is the Arfa conspiracy but I can see the logic in waiting a bit more.

I am a bit worried about only having 4 planning phases, is the tournament itself the end of the GGO arc? if there's anything beyond we'll be cutting this awfully close- 1 misc, one for pitohui, one for Blank, one for whatever comes after the tournament... Very little room for error, if anything goes wrong we'll barely have enough time to fix it.
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[x] Plan Training Arc And Chillax With Friends
[X] Plan: Brace for the Madness

I like both these plans.

Edit: [X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life
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[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life
-[X] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Fan Meet Up!]
--[X] [Movie Magic!]
--[X] [XaXastroturfing]
--[X] [Shadow//Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]
--[X] [Tuatha Dé]
--[X] [Gather//Terminator]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
--[X] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
--[X] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]
--[X] [Serene Garden]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Sweets!]

Like I've been saying we need to put Social Links on the backburner and commit to the main plot for now. We have Sauron now so fire isn't as big an issue as it was before and we're not planning on fighting anyone this turn.

With this plan, we continue the Pitohui plotline and at the same time get the resources we need to make all our big moves in the future. We have no time to play nice so best to just force Zelinska to give us what we need and we also get Lierve's help on the VR side while having the one who created the quest we're trying to hijack in our pocket for leverage so we don't have to worry about Glowgen too much, while at the same time bonding further with Lugh to make him more partial to protect us.

For Kyouji I'm interested in his arc and best to get the Sterben avatar now instead of later so we know what we can use it for and have it ready when we need it.
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[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life
[X] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Fan Meet Up!]
--[X] [Movie Magic!]
--[X] [XaXastroturfing]
--[X] [Shadow//Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]
--[X] [Tuatha Dé]
--[X] [Gather//Terminator]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
--[X] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
--[X] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]
--[X] [Serene Garden]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Sweets!]

Like I've been saying we need to put Social Links on the backburner and commit to the main plot for now. We have Sauron now so fire isn't as big an issue as it was before and we're not planning on fighting anyone this turn.

With this plan, we continue the Pitohui plotline and at the same time get the resources we need to make all our big moves in the future. We have no time to play nice so best to just force Zelinska to give us what we need and we also get Lierve's help on the VR side while having the one who created the quest we're trying to hijack in our pocket for leverage so we don't have to worry about Glowgen too much, while at the same time bonding further with Lugh to make him more partial to protect us.

For Kyouji I'm interested in his arc and best to get the Sterben avatar now instead of later so we know what we can use it for and have it ready when we need it.
This is more my speed but you sure about Arimasen? Next phase we need to fight, being depressed (even if only narrative vise) seems problematic. Either way:

[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life
This is more my speed but you sure about Arimasen? Next phase we need to fight, being depressed (even if only narrative vise) seems problematic. Either way:

[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life

I know it's a risk but given the way we've been playing, how much time the typhoon ate up, and how slapdash our plans have been I consider it a risk I'm willing to take.