I feel like a lot of us have similar ideas here but they differ in some particulars. Throwing my own hat in the ring...

I think the question this all comes down to is - with 5 plan phases left, counting this one, how many more BULLETs do we think we can resolve? I'm thinking 2-3 maybe 4 if we really hustle. Thing is, they may be occupied a bit already - Pitohui and BLANK. From there we're basically left with ArFA-sys/Lievre, XeXeeD, Lugh, and... Kayaba? I think crossing XeXeeD off the resolvable list is probably for the best. Lievre and Lugh are interlinked so pursuing that angle seems more productive even if we end up having to decide one way or another (Subtilizer or Itsuki?) and have to leave the other unresolved.

I still think that Pito is the one we should try to finish first, and we seem the closest on that front anyway - to the point we're given moderate odds on being able to successfully resolve it right this moment. Perhaps go for one last push with Karen this turn then commit to resolving it next plan phase? In the meantime, set the groundwork up on Lievre/Lugh - contact Zeliska and chat with Lugh again and get the ball rolling on his end.

[X] Plan Like A Carefully Crafted Gunpla
-[X] Shoganai = 5 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 20D
-[X]Major Actions
--[X] [Fan Meet Up!]
--[X] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]
--[X] [The Champion's Whimper]
--[X] [SHADOW//Gather//Terminator]
--[X] [DEATH and Taxes]
-[X]Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
--[X] [Work//Augma]
--[X] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
-[X]Free Actions

Net Change:
Determination: -5
Yen: +500-5,500

Why DEATH? Because it's been neglected for a while! Also trains Curriculum and Empathy so it fills a hole there. Considered more Augma Work in place of 1-turning the Gunpla to work GRIT as well, but it just leveled so let's just roll. Brain turned off, misread how gunpla progress. Putting Augma back. I'm hoping that the major actions synergize a bit rather than having to make contact with Zeliska this round and then approach Leivre next one. If it indeed works like that... well, adjustments will need to be made.
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Why DEATH? Because it's been neglected for a while! Also trains Curriculum and Empathy so it fills a hole there. Considered more Augma Work in place of 1-turning the Gunpla to work GRIT as well, but it just leveled so let's just roll. I'm hoping that the major actions synergize a bit rather than having to make contact with Zeliska this round and then approach Leivre next one. If it indeed works like that... well, adjustments will need to be made.

Hold it right there! If I read correctly, Gunpla works on a similar principle to the Augma work, in which it´s not necessarily the number of actions we take that determine it´s success. Therefore, if my interpretation is correct, we need only to succeed at the rolls some times, and not to necessarily repeat it three times.

May I suggest you to pick WarCrimes model? Mask is one of our bigger stats and this means we have great odds of closing the roll in one singular turn lest we roll utterly dogshit. This also frees a space for us to potentially end the Augma shop this turn and get a hefty income boost we could either apply in weapons next turn OR to go for the buy option to at least give us a lead in who is pulling the strings on that market.
Hold it right there! If I read correctly, Gunpla works on a similar principle to the Augma work, in which it´s not necessarily the number of actions we take that determine it´s success. Therefore, if my interpretation is correct, we need only to succeed at the rolls some times, and not to necessarily repeat it three times.

May I suggest you to pick WarCrimes model? Mask is one of our bigger stats and this means we have great odds of closing the roll in one singular turn lest we roll utterly dogshit. This also frees a space for us to potentially end the Augma shop this turn and get a hefty income boost we could either apply in weapons next turn OR to go for the buy option to at least give us a lead in who is pulling the strings on that market.
Yeah, I caught the Gunpla mistake myself and fixed it - putting Augma Work back in. And sure, I can switch to the other model - full disclosure, I just picked the model I would prefer building if it were me LOL.
Hold it right there! If I read correctly, Gunpla works on a similar principle to the Augma work, in which it´s not necessarily the number of actions we take that determine it´s success. Therefore, if my interpretation is correct, we need only to succeed at the rolls some times, and not to necessarily repeat it three times.

Gunpla works like Augma. You roll the stat, then get progress based on success values.
Yeah, I caught the Gunpla mistake myself and fixed it - putting Augma Work back in. And sure, I can switch to the other model - full disclosure, I just picked the model I would prefer building if it were me LOL.

Hm. Not a bad plan at all, even if I would rather have something to remove that singular stress point, but oh well. Beggars can´t be choosers.

[X] Plan Like A Carefully Crafted Gunpla
I don't like giving out favors to Glowgen for them helping us. Unless we can screw them when they ask for their 'favor', I'm against going to them for help in any way.
I don't like giving out favors to Glowgen for them helping us. Unless we can screw them when they ask for their 'favor', I'm against going to them for help in any way.

The thing is with BLANK keeping us in our crosshairs and up against their absurd levels of plot armor we're at the point where we have to take risks to move forward. And remember, all plans that deal with Glowgen are done through Lierve as Kuro the role-playing ArsFa who given her...eccentricities doesn't seem to be taken too seriously by the other members. Any favor we have to repay will most likely be filtered through her and she's laser-focused on her SkyNet uprising which benefits us as well.
The thing is with BLANK keeping us in our crosshairs and up against their absurd levels of plot armor we're at the point where we have to take risks to move forward. And remember, all plans that deal with Glowgen are done through Lierve as Kuro the role-playing ArsFa who given her...eccentricities doesn't seem to be taken too seriously by the other members. Any favor we have to repay will most likely be filtered through her and she's laser-focused on her SkyNet uprising which benefits us as well.

Screw it, you've convinced me, and yours is one of the only other plans that takes [Movie Magic].

[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life

Should we also recruit XeXeed to help with BLANK on the next turn? More bodies to throw at them can only be a good thing, right?
Screw it, you've convinced me, and yours is one of the only other plans that takes [Movie Magic].

[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life

Should we also recruit XeXeed to help with BLANK on the next turn? More bodies to throw at them can only be a good thing, right?

I definitely want to in my personal quest to redeem every one-note hate sink male SAO character but he's also sadly unimportant in the grand scheme of things so it depends on how the cookie crumbles this turn and what comes up the next.

Also, the image of freaking XeXeeD of all people beating out everyone and becoming the final boss amuses me as well.
@afreaknamedpete Just to clarify for the future, are Sweets / Blue Actions / Jobs / Minor Action Stat Training repeatable in the same plan?

Since it occurs to me that if so we could indefinitely sustain Ganbatte with either 2x Sign or 1x Sign + CatCafe, Shoganai at the cost of Stat Training and 3x Sign, or Arimasen at 4x Sign (all provided that we get to 0 stress first)?

[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life

It's true that doing the plot actions first gives us leeway to get Personas later, but I would really rather that plan have Medicinal Baths to prevent the possibility of getting more Stress?

Also, @The Zog your plan isn't quite showing up correctly in the tally due to formatting issues?
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[X] Plan: No Time to be Lion Around!
-[X] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
-[X]Major Actions
--[X] [Fan Meet Up!]
--[X] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]
--[X] [The Champion's Whimper]
--[X] [XaXastroturfing]
--[X] [Tuatha Dé]
--[X] [Movie Magic!]
-[X]Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
--[X] [Work//Augma]
--[X] [BUILD//Delanza -WarCrimes-]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
-[X]Free Actions

Shelve Social Links for now to focus on plot.
Get XaXa's account while we still can.
Progress Pitohui.
Progress Lugh who's planning on taking out XeXeed, knocking out two bullets at once.
Finally link up with Zelinska. Read into ZASKAR GM and the robot uprising.
Movies give more versatility and possible location of a Social Link.

Moonshot is definitely a trap option. There's no way Blank just overlooked that exploit.

Think recruiting more people will just make things worse. XeXeed is a Death Gun candidate so he might end up killing Blank and his hotheaded personality is asking to be lead around by Sora, Glowgen is bad news and owning them favors is just asking for a bad time, and trying to sic a bunch of randos sounds like the type of chaos Blank would revel in.

We need to control the rules, not bigger numbers.

You are rolling for STRESS! 1d6 = 1.
You are now narratively depressed all period! No mechanical consequences, but this will color all interactions this period!
Suddenly I'm really glad we chose to sleep in.

We're going to have to talk to people do buckle down for Cranky Hiyori.

Off the bat I want to go for the Lugh options, because I think turning the actual assassin to our side is important for this Arc. We can spare another to contact Zelinska too.

Don't think we should get a new Persona instead of developing what we already have. We need time to build them up, time we can spend building our case or building our existing Personas.

NEW! [ ] [XaXastroturfing]: Kyouji's packed his bags, said goodbye to all of his nonexistent friends, and is ready to go into exile. But as you see him off you can't help but wonder if he can lend you one tiny, itsy, bitsy gift...
The account of Red-Eyed XaXa.
Though you wonder if you can truly seize it without the cooperation of the so called 'Real Deal'...
So to make use of this we might need to contact XaXa. Ugh,

Is this your way of making sure we get a cool VR XaXa fight? Was this your plan all along?!

NEW! [ ] [Fan Meet Up!]: So. Karen, under her own initiative, has decided to contact Elsa. This is a problem. You have entirely no plausible explanation, beyond magical powers and Kayaba Akihiko why you know anything about Elsa's past. But nonetheless you admit to being curious as to who Elsa truly is. This represents a golden opportunity, for you have chosen to fight Elsa with the truth. It begs the question— is the information you pulled from Cardinal's brain scan the truth? Or is it just another lie, one constructed by Kayaba Akihiko?
Meets with Elsa with Karen present.
This is... I don't know if this is a good idea or a bad one.

In canon Karen and Elsa promised to meet up in real life if Karen heated her in game, but that promise shifted from "Have Karen kill me virtually and meet up later" to "Have Karen kill me for real, nothing else matters."

I'm not sure how much Elsa honors the latter part of that promise, but wouldn't meeting up before that promise is fulfilled undermine it?

If Karen rejects Elsa's desires and refuses to kill, then Elsa will just give up on Karen and go to the Death Gun Derby. No point waiting for us if we can't give her what she wants.

On the other hand, Elsa wants Karen to kill her, Karen is starting to lapse into thinking killing would solve everything, and I'm wondering if meeting each other would just reinforce the delusion.

[ ] [Movie Magic!]: MAXWELL wants to go... see a movie, and after you shot down his request to travel across the country to the ass end of nowhere to satisfy his curiosity you feel guilt-tripped to accept. Sounds harmless enough. What could possibly go wrong? What does a disembodied spirit man even want with... Shin Phoenix Ranger Featherman R?
Permanently increases your Persona Slots
I wonder if this is how we unlock another Social Link, like how we met Suzuki on the train.

The ones unaccounted for are... REST and MAGICIAN, I believe. We know where DESPOT and CUPS are and PRIEST is already within reach.

NEW! [ ] [Administration: TURNING]: Dream again of Quinella. Halcyon days of give away to blood soaked fields— the Dark God has awoken. The gates have fallen. War is coming to the Underworld.
Invoke Release Recollection on Alice Liddell and peek into the life of a Persona user in the ancient past.
Provides Skill Upgrades to existing Personas

Yes, more lore! Hope there's something here that can help Kirito, I want to fix him.

Aiming to get this before the field trip to maximize potential interactions, possibly max out the whole history lesson.

...Actually, when is the field trip? June?

[ ] [Challenge//『 』]: In the ruins of a fallen city, deep in the heart of the Old South, the champion awaits. You have chosen to fight without rules. The whole zone is booby trapped, there's no doubt a thousand and ones different ways『 』can tip the scales, and who knows what kind of mercenaries they have blackmailed onto their payroll. Of course you can choose not to engage in『 』's chosen battlefield... but then again, if you bore them, they will dox you a thousand times over. Best bring some... backup.
Sets a combat at the end of this period.
『 』is a cheater, a fraud, and purportedly the best gamer in the world.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are IMPOSSIBLE and will always remain IMPOSSIBLE.
Combat against『 』focuses on the concept of "Rules". You will be able to agree on rules mid fight, and manipulation of and around these "Rules" is necessary for success.
『 』never loses.
Agreed that forcing a draw is our best option.

But I think that it's Blank themselves that need to want to not win.

That winning has a condition or consequence so intolerable that even they would avoid it.

Something like, "The loser will immediately die."

Because while Blank is selfish, antisocial, and arrogant, they are not murderers. Their entire plot for Death Gun revolves around making a World where people don't have to kill.

Taking a life would sabotage the very SEED they wish for.

Are these rules just verbal agreements or supernaturally enforced by Aschente?

How flexible are the rules we can add? Can we add separate tasks to complete during the duel? Like "Every 5 minutes spin a wheel and do whatever is written on where it lands," or "If you land on this spot you trigger an event."

If so, can these tasks be a separate, different game? A game within a game, if you will.

NEW! [ ] [Buy a Bathroom Scale]: It's fine. It'll motivate you— it's fine.
Purchase for ¥6000.
Immediately increases STRESS by 1 at the start of each Month.

Permanently improves all FITNESS gains.
Oof. With Arc 3 coming up, more Fitness does sound good, but that Stress...

We probably not gonna be Goku, but we can at least be Vegetarian!
Are these rules just verbal agreements or supernaturally enforced by Aschente?
It's been a while since I watched NGNL, but isn't aschente that magic thingy that starts all the games? If so, that sounds like something that we'd see if we fought their [Real Deal] version with the Black Star.
Are we? I thought we were on target and could get away with a week.
This plan takes 6 Major, and so even 1 Shadow Tax would leave us slightly behind, and taking 0 will likely force our hand next phase?

Honestly, Blank is super intimidating narratively, and the framing of the effects of winning/defeat don't really allow for compromise as-is (losing our account means we can't use Personas, which is a swift trip to a Bad Ending iirc).
Thus, next phase should we try and lower the stakes with Blank?
Just to clarify for the future, are Sweets / Blue Actions / Jobs / Minor Action Stat Training repeatable in the same plan?

Some of this stuff has built up as detritus over the quest's duration so I haven't been as clear as I could be.

Major actions are one and done.
Sweets/Nekoya are once per week, maximum.
Jobs are generally once per period.
Minor actions, unless otherwise specified, can be taken as many times as one pleases during a period.

...Actually, when is the field trip? June?

The field trip stays in something I call narrative void-space, and I'm purposefully not giving a specific time. AKA I throw it in when I think it'd be thematically appropriate and to break up any big action heavy moments.

Are these rules just verbal agreements or supernaturally enforced by Aschente?

It's been a while since I watched NGNL, but isn't aschente that magic thingy that starts all the games? If so, that sounds like something that we'd see if we fought their [Real Deal] version with the Black Star.

Will be clearer in the fight, but Blank's 'point' so to speak, is that life is like a game and the game is a truly horrible one. The gimmick of Blank's fight and his RD is SEED enforced rules, provided both parties agree. I'm still brainstorming the details but fundamentally you can Blank can agree on any number of rules, to activate mid combat even, to constrain each other.

Even something as simple as "All parties agree not to log off and log back in with an alt" or "All parties agree that when HP hits zero the controller of the avatar loses the game" are up for negotiation.
Blank's 'point' so to speak, is that life is like a game and the game is a truly horrible one.
Their new world doesn't really fix that though, because
1) Nothing in it implies the rules and stakes are fair or compassionate,
2) Nothing in it stops people with power from suckering or coercing people into unfair games, ones that are now literally inescapable for anyone not named Blank?

Switching my vote to break tie after some thinking
[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life
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Their new world doesn't really fix that though, because
1) Nothing in it implies the rules and stakes are fair or compassionate,
2) Nothing in it stops people with power from suckering or coercing people into unfair games, ones that are now literally inescapable for anyone not named Blank?

Switching my vote to break tie after some thinking
[X] Plan: Fool, Work Is Your Life
Its just that the rules are consistent.

Both of Blank are visibly on the spectrum and the world doesn't make any sense or give any allowance to them outside of virtual environments where the rules are finite and knowable, unlike the real world where nobody explains the rules, nobody obeys the rules and it seems dedicated to just repeatedly fucking them over for not following the rules they don't know.

So what they really want is the world to stop screwing them over. Their means is by their own issues - understanding the rules so they can gain control over their lives.