Penny For Your Thoughts? v2 (Cyberpunk/Va11 Hall-A/AU)

[X] "Smile more, honey!": Next social tier with Dorothy. Options unlocked and random events with this character.
[X] Talk with Dana before closing Time?
[X] Mix a bit, get a new recipe?

On one hand, practicality says that we should have a safety net for when we inevitably fail our rolls.

...On the other hand, more Dorothy. How could I possibly say no?
[X] "Smile more, honey!": Next social tier with Dorothy. Options unlocked and random events with this character.
[X] Talk with Dana before closing Time?
[X] Mix a bit, get a new recipe?

Random events are always good, so are more drinks.
It's pretty cool. Not for everyone though. You don't play it for the gameplay, just for the characters.

And the music, the musics fucking great as well.

[X] "Smile more, honey!":

Dorothinquisition is go.

[X] Talk with Dana before closing Time?
[X] Mix a bit, get a new recipe?
[X] "Smile more, honey!": Next social tier with Dorothy. Options unlocked and random events with this character.
[X] Talk with Dana before closing Time?
[X] Read The Augmented Eye?
-[X] A Rising New Star? Lilim are being represented...
[X] "Smile more, honey!": Next social tier with Dorothy. Options unlocked and random events with this character.
[X] Talk with Dana before closing Time?
[X] Read The Augmented Eye?
-[X] A Rising New Star? Lilim are being represented...

You've played the game before, then, what sort of options do you think would be unlocked?

[X] "Smile more, honey!": Next social tier with Dorothy. Options unlocked and random events with this character.

[X] Talk with Dana before closing Time?
[X] Mix a bit, get a new recipe?
1.11 Not My Fault!
[X] "Smile more, honey!": Next social tier with Dorothy. Options unlocked and random events with this character.
[X] Talk with Dana before closing Time?
[X] Mix a bit, get a new recipe?

This time, Jill was well and truly bored. No one interesting had shown up since Dorothy left, and all anyone wanted was shots of vodka or a mug of beer or something. These past few days had been quit interesting, so much so that she'd forgotten what it was like the majority of the time. Resting her elbow on the counter, Jill's eyes flicked over to the bottles of alcohol. The ones that were about to be thrown out were sitting on the floor, hidden from customer view.


Dana wouldn't get mad if Jill messed around a bit, probably. She was never too strict, especially on slow nights like these. Gillian was still talking to the man from earlier, so she couldn't conscript him into a "friend" even if she wanted to. Squirming a bit, Jill glanced down the hallway towards Dana's office. Closed. She was probably taking a nap. Feeling a bit giddy, Jill quickly snatched the bottles. Tonight would be one of conception! On that vein of thought, do Lilim get pregnant? Probably a good question to ask Dorothy the next time she swung in.

For about an hour or so, Jill was completely invested in mixing. After having a small sip of each which, incidentally, helped make the creation process a little more fun, she set about to trying a multitude of things out. On the rocks, aged, simple mixes, mixes with four or more drinks, anything was game. But...when Jill saw how little alcohol was left, she had a morbid desire to create the grossest drink possible....

New Recipe Discovered!
Zen Star (??????????????)
Added to Recipes Tab.

"Truly, a pinnacle of art." Jill examined the glass, then sniffed it. The scent alone almost made her cough. It was a dark murky drink. It looked like Cola, if Cola had a couple ounces of dirt water thrown in. You'd think that something that had such a balance of different drinks would actually end up tasting or looking drinkable. But oooooh you'd be dead wrong. Jill was having second thoughts of tasting it. Her stomach felt a little soured.

Just as she was considering tossing it, Gillian walked up to her, "What do you got there?"

Jill felt no reason to lie, "I cooked up a new mix. Been doing a little bit of experimenting."

Peering into the glass, Gillian wrinkled his nose and muttered, "Looks a bit like battery acid. I wouldn't offer any free samples of this if you plan on putting it on the menu."

"It'll be fine. I do have someone to taste it though. I'm sure it'll pass with flying colors!"

"....Jill, you talkin' about me?"

"Who else? Open wide, please. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

Gillian backed away, a terrified look on his face, "I think I need to talk to Dana first. There might be some health discrepancies regarding my contract--"

Jill advanced on Gillian, a wicked and determined look in her eye. Gillian was scrambling backwards, slowly finding himself pressed against the wall as Jill closed it. Holding the glass out in front of her like a chemical weapon, a small smile reached her lips. Almost there. Don't move, or I might spill it. Just as she was about to douse Gillian in it, Dana's office door kicked open, and the boss walked out, looking refreshed.

"Productive use of my time! Anyway, Jill, how's the counter--" Dana stopped, a smile frozen on her face as her gaze fell upon the pair, "Jill, what are you doing?"


"N-nothing, boss. A customer just refused an order, so I was about to ask Joh---Gillian if he wanted it."

"Oh? Unless it's expired, nothing goes to waste in my bar! Gill, man up and drink it down. Jill, I need to speak with you for a moment. Important business, you understand."

For a moment, confusion reigned supreme as they both tried to figure out what Dana wanted and who to do what. Oh, for fuck's sake. Quickly shoving the drink at Gillian, Jill quickly stalked towards Dana.

"It better be gone by the time I'm finished talking, Gillian!"

Leaving Gillian to his fate, the two women walked back to the office. Dana settled into her seat and Jill settled down on an impromptu chair of boxes. There were papers strewn about the desk, some important, others not so much. On a pile, clear fluid was leaking on the side.

"Boss, were you sleeping in here? I think those are drool--"

"Nope, no idea what you're talking about. Anyway, I came in here to talk to you about Gillian."

"I'm just teasing him a bit, Boss. No bullying going on here! Ask Dorothy."

Dana's eyebrows were raised, "I didn't ask about any of that. I didn't realize we were in grade school, Jill."


"Actually, you're doing just fine. I was a bit worried about him, but he seems to be doing okay. He's...having some issues in his life. Without going into too much detail, he seems to be a wreck emotionally. If you can at least befriend the poor bastard, well, you'd make me a very happy boss."

"Boss, I don't do friendships. You must have me mistaken for someone else."

"Really? I think Dorothy would be very sad to hear that. Maybe even that cat-eared girl. I wonder if they'd feel sad that our cold Jill doesn't consider them friends."

Jill crossed her arms, glaring at Dana, "Don' that. Fine, I'll try and help Joh--Gillian out. No promises though."

"That's all I'm asking for. Oh, and the jukebox. I need you to pick some tracks for it. I don't have an ear for music."

"That should be easy."

"Good. It's about closing time, let's get Gillian and close up."

Nodding, they both turned off the light and exited the office. There weren't any customers hanging around. Well, that makes everything much easier. Except...Gillian was missing too. Maybe he left a bit early? Dana looked around in confusion too.

"Gillian? Still here?"

A deathly groan floated from behind the counter. It was then that Jill noticed the cup that had the Zen Star, some black flecks still hugging the inside of the mug. With a pale face, she checked behind the counter, only to find Gillian spread eagled on the floor, twitching.

"...Not my fault, Boss."

September 28th

Only one more day till payday. The first thing she was going to do when she got her money was go out and grab some chicken fried rice from that asian place down the street. It was delicious but pretty damn expensive. Her mouth was already watering at the thought of eating some real seasoned chicken. It might be a good idea to buy something for my apartment too, it's pretty bare bones. There was this old gaming console i saw at the store--

"Hey, Jill, I might need some help here."

"John, you just interrupted a perfectly good daydream. What do you need?"

He motioned towards the wide array of customers. Oh, right, my job.

Serve an outlier!
[] Stella's back!
[] Old man brooding over his drink.
[] A black man with the name "Donovan D. Dawson" on his nametag.
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[X] A Black man with the name "Donovan D. Dawson" on his nametag.

I am pretty sure somewhere in the future, there gonna be someone who like that Zen Star mix. I just knew it.
I'll be honest with you guys, I thought you were gonna go for Stella again. Any reason for the switch?