Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

the idea that regions like Central Africa have a desire to cut ties with us economically could prove to be disastrous for our economy
Honestly, this is the real kicker. Allowing independence under the local comprador class while keeping FBU economic dominance (and thus transitioning from colonialism to neo-colonialism) is probably the only way for FBU dominance to actually survive in the long-term, much like how (pre-Brexit) Britain is still one of the wealthiest and most powerful countries on earth despite not having any colonies. Ironically, the ones calling to crack down on the colonies would likely doom the Empire by forcing violent resistance which would cause a much more complete severance, or even outright communism in several colonies

The goal would be to do what the OTL UK did with its colonies: essentiall preserve the colonial structures and economic dominance, but just with the local comprador class at the top instead of whites. These people would already fill out the lower ranks of the bureaucracy, and are quite friendly to the FBU.

I'm curious to know which the white Algerians would hate it more: the FLN running in Algerian elections alongside them, or carving off an interior state for native Algerians called "South Algeria".

Also, as I discussed on the discord, the options for Kenya don't really make sense in terms of how the "Mau Mau" actually worked (for one thing, they didn't exist). "Mau Mau" as an umbrella connects the British terrorization of their local comprador class (the Athomi), who would go on to make up the future Kenyan government, and the British conflict with the Land and Freedom Army, along with numerous other entities. The thing is, the Athomi and the LFA (which isn't even a coherent entity in the first place) have totally diametrically different goals. The Athomi are urban bureaucracts and petite-bourgeoisie, who want to largely keep the colonial bureaucruacy and government intact, just with natives at the top. The LFA are a bunch of angry young men who want land of their own, and are largely a non-threat by '57.

Agreeing to a ceasefire with the almost-defeated Land and Freedom Army would be lighting a bomb underneath the seat of the future government we'd be negotiating with.

[] Decolonial Compromise
-[] Begin independence negotiations for all FBU dominions, interdependence subjects, protectorates, colonies, & overseas territories as CAN allies.
-[] Demand free elections in all former FBU dominions, interdependence subjects, protectorates, colonies, & overseas territories as condition for independence.
-[] Focus on economic rights for British industries during negotiations.
-[] Accede to French Algiers' demand for military bases in Morocco, Tunis, & Sudan
-[] Demand the end of apartheid for Rhodesia-Nyasaland as condition for independence.
-[][SUD] No, absolutely not! There will be no funny business at the eleventh hour!
-[][UPC] Agree to ceasefire, request they disarm and reorganize if they wish to run candidates
-[][ATH] Agree to release their leaders from jail, include them on decolonization decisions
-[][LFA] Refuse ceasefire, but still scale back the scope of anti-insurgent operations
-[][FLN] Propose a separate independent Southern Algerian state comprising portions of the inland, offer it as a condition of disarmament.
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[X] An Ugly Society Still
-[X][UPC] Agree to ceasefire, request they disarm and reorganize if they wish to run candidates
-[X][LFA] Agree to ceasefire, request they disarm and reorganize if they wish to run candidates
-[X][ATH] Agree to release their leaders from jail, include them on decolonization decisions
-[X][FLN] Agree to ceasefire, request they disarm and reorganize if they wish to run candidates
-[X] Independent Commissions will be established throughout Africa, consisting of a combination of African and Civil Service experts for each Commission, headed by FBU appointed Chairs. These Commissions will create the necessary conditions for complete withdrawal of Anglo-French Presence within each colony, with ensuring stable democratic-socialist states post-withdrawal. Large portions of FBU funds are set aside for this program. (15% Government, 45% African National, 40% Independant/CS Experts)
--[X] Five years after establishment each Commission will submit statements recommending (or not) for their specific mandate to be decolonised. The Bevan Government will take on a firm pledge to abide by these decisions.
---[X] In the event mandates are not decolonised within the first five years, second five year periods will occur, at the end of which the same statement will be submitted. At the conclusion of a third period (fifteen years total), decolonisation Must occur, even if the Commission still does not recommend it.
---[X] Upon achieving Independence, each state will become a member of the commonwealth unless they choose to waive that status. There will also be independent referenda held on the House of Windsor.
-[X] An African International Congress will be founded, consisting of representatives from all African states (including independent actors).
--[X] The FBU will be a member of the AIC until half of the Commissions have been fully decolonised, at which point they will become a observer state. The Bevan government commits to only appoint native Africans as representatives before assuming Observer status.

Plan Name from 1959 Blackpool Conference Speech:
Nye Bevan said:
This so-called affluent society is an ugly society still. It is a vulgar society. It is a meretricious society. It is a society in which priorities have gone all wrong.


1: Not enough words to explain the AIC but hopefully Fission read my 1000 word Discord post where I explained the Bevanite ambition for the UN and other pan-national bodies.
2: This is designed entirely to avoid IRL Decolonisation happening, as well as assuage peoples fears about everything falling apart when we leave. Call it tutelage.
3: Another benefit of the pause is that it means we hopefully kick the Algerian can down the road until at least the Paris talks are over, although I wouldn't support a straight up Pull-Out anyway. No Winds-Of-Change in this house Mr. MacMillan.
4: We couldn't put it in the ForPol plan but I hope its obvious the AIC as an actual international body is going to ride or die on whether Egypt joins, otherwise its just another FBU prop. Hopefully the Suez Handover and everything helps on that front.
5: Yeah I didn't do jack in the UK proper. Are you crazy? Do you want to get couped? Stop talking about the Home Islands and independence! Devolution isn't even a topic of discussion yet!

Cleared out some filler words to establish the layout of the Comissions post-goading by Fission on Discord.
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In light of more information on the Mau Mau provided by PrognosticHannya I've revised the option to be more accurate. I hope it also makes the decision more engaging too.

Also as explained in the revised section, the LFA is still in the field. It's bloodied, but it's far from a defeated force like it was in real life 1957.
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[X] Decolonial Compromise
-[X] Begin independence negotiations for all FBU dominions, interdependence subjects, protectorates, colonies, & overseas territories as CAN allies.
-[X] Demand free elections in all former FBU dominions, interdependence subjects, protectorates, colonies, & overseas territories as condition for independence.
-[X] Focus on economic rights for British industries during negotiations.
-[X] Accede to French Algiers' demand for military bases in Morocco, Tunis, & Sudan
-[X] Demand the end of apartheid for Rhodesia-Nyasaland as condition for independence.
-[X][SUD] No, absolutely not! There will be no funny business at the eleventh hour!
-[X][UPC] Agree to ceasefire, request they disarm and reorganize if they wish to run candidates
-[X][ATH] Agree to release their leaders from jail, include them on decolonization decisions
-[X][LFA] Refuse ceasefire, but still scale back the scope of anti-insurgent operations
-[X][FLN] Propose a separate independent Southern Algerian state comprising portions of the inland to the FLN, offer it as a condition of disarmament.
[X] Plan Best Pull Out Game of The Century
-[][SUD] No, absolutely not! There will be no funny business at the eleventh hour!
-[X][UPC] Agree to ceasefire, allow them to run in elections
-[X][LFA] Agree to ceasefire, allow them to run in elections
-[X][ATH] Agree to release their leaders from jail, include them on decolonization decisions
-[X][FLN] Agree to ceasefire, request they disarm and reorganize if they wish to run candidates
-[X] All decolonized states will grant a one year grace period for people that wants to migrate to the FBU or Italy with their belongings while their lands be given to the new goverments.
-[X] Hold referendums in all our african colonies to become part of our commonwealth or just independent and their goverments can decide whether they want to stay in our customs union and alliance.
-[X] Offers annual payment for Morocco and Tunisia to keep our bases IF they allow it. Tell them that this is a ploy to make FBU legally obligated to pay them for useless bases because the north is protected by Spain, and we don't plan to have colonies to the south.
-[X] Formally give Protectorate of Arab Emirates independence, become UAE, business as usual.
-[X] Stop supplying arms to Saudi Arabia.
-[X] Sell surplus equipments to decolonized states, and they may sell them to whoever they please.
-[X] Nigeria must free Cameroon if they want to stay in commonwealth or CAN.
-[X] Kenya have to ceasefire with LFN if they want to stay in commonwealth or CAN.
-[X] End apartheid for Rhodesia-Nyasaland and voting should not be separated houses, if they want to stay in commonwealth or CAN.
-[X] Accede to reduction of West Indies Governor-General power to be similar to a symbolic head-of-state.
-[X] All decolonized states are free to choose their forms of governments, even communist or monarchist.

This plan is based on this timeline's god words
If you don't do that, well the states will probably find their footing just fine.
I trust the africans to be mature adults.:rolleyes:

The Yemenis are not africans though, no way I let them disrupt red sea trade. We will stop supplying Saudi Arabia with weapons, but if UAE bought weapons from us, how would we know it would be sold to Saudi Arabia? Clueless.

I also want everything south of North Africa except South Africa to leave us by giving uncompromising demands. If you guys are attentive, you guys can see the proxy war between Soviet and Japan already. We just have to sit tight and grab the popcorns. We can even form the non-bloc movement and decry Soviet's and Japan's imperial ambition.

Conclusion: Our military weak, fighting Soviet or Japan one on one impossible. Let them fight each other, we hold moral high ground and watch a good show.
I also want everything south of North Africa except South Africa to leave us by giving uncompromising demands. If you guys are attentive, you guys can see the proxy war between Soviet and Japan already. We just have to sit tight and grab the popcorns. We can even form the non-bloc movement and decry Soviet's and Japan's imperial ambition.

Conclusion: Our military weak, fighting Soviet or Japan one on one impossible. Let them fight each other, we hold moral high ground and watch a good show.
Few things:
1. In no world whatsoever would we have the moral highground for purposefully doing decolonisation in the most disruptive and destabilising matter possible, INCLUDING SELLING SPARE EQUIPMENT TO THE NEW NATIONS.
2. There is already a non-bloc Movement and its called Japan. We are a member of the American Bloc, with the hopes of a United Commonwealth as a Democratic Socialist option to split from being fully aligned to Washington by necessity.
3. Why on earth would we ever get into a military conflict with Japan/Soviets over decolonisation. We're currently in talks with the Soviet bloc (Paris), and aiming to conduct economic warfare against Japan in the American market. Even if we did enter a proxy war, Washington recently made it very clear that they would've been 100% behind us going in on EGYPT, within the Soviet Killbox, much less Africa which is separated from the Soviets and we have significant advantage within.
4. The QM has previously states Bevan will veto certain plans and somehow I feel like the "purposefully start a massive proxy war in Africa so we can point and laugh" idea would be one of those.
5. IDK if you intended it but the use of this emoji makes this part come off with some really weird vibes for me? Just feels like you're suggesting its somehow impossible for the Africans to be trusted with their own futures or something.
I trust the africans to be mature adults.:rolleyes:
6. Tangent but I don't think the Yemenis matter? Like, they haven't been mentioned to be disrupting Red Sea Trade or anything, and its very cynical to assume we have to absolutely crush them just because. (Also we gave up the Suez to Nasser this turn thats a way bigger potential risk than Yemen inviting the wrath of every great power in the world upon their head).
7. Threatening Rhodesia with being kicked from the Commonwealth/CAN if they don't de-racism is pointless. IRL they literally seceded on their own, no point threatening them with something they're completely chill with doing anyway.
8. Our military is actually rather strong? Like not Japan/Soviet/USA level but I'd imagine we can go toe to toe with anyone else, and we just gave them a Big budget bump this term to appease them. (Also we have Damocles).
1. I am being sarcastic on having the moral highground there, I am using American isolationist's logic on just pulling out.
2. How is Japan non-bloc? Japan is a great power, they may have a lot of OTL non-bloc movement ideology, but that just means it is a Japanese bloc with OTL non-bloc ideology. Japan still dominates the bloc.
3. Geopolitics, if somehow they thought we are dominating Africa, neocolonizing or something and they got rebel friends there with their ideology, why not? I trust the Soviets somewhat, but I am not sure about Japan.
4. We are not purposefully starting a proxy war, if we stay in Africa there will still be rebels funded by Japan. So we did not start it. f they continued after we leave, then it is they that started and escalate it.
5. I am sorry but "it impossible for the Africans to be trusted with their own futures or something" is not my intended message. I am pointing out no matter how wise any human or alien are or whether we stayed or not, civil war is inevitable. It is sarcasm because Fission implied if there is no external meddling in Africa, they will be fine. I am Indonesian, I know a thing or two about seperatists.
6. You got a point, but won't the Yemenis attack UAE? And that is not good?
7. Actually that is the point, I gave the racists chance to migrate back to FBU. If they wanna stay, they can get lynched by themselves.
8. You don't use nukes on proxy wars. And if our military is strong, they won't lose in India and the rebels will be halfway to death already.

I respect your opinion and discussion, but with all due respect please don't assume the worst of my personal belief out of what I write 🙏