[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives