Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives
[X] Bevan remained steadfast despite the threats and refused to approve the "investigation." Labour would use every resource available in an attempt to rally the people around the government and ensure that whatever comes next will be as messy as possible.
I rather not cause a civil war over this guys it will instantly end the quest our mission here is to make our Union empire survive til the modern day
I don't see any reason it would instantly end the quest? And anyway a Civil War isn't in the cards any way you look at it. Its coup or bust, and basically all hangs on how the Queen goes if a coup is attempted. Saying this a lot in Discord, but think 23F in Spain rather than well, 1936 Spain.
[x] Bevan condemned his consciousness and soul to damnation by approving the "investigation." The crushing weight of this capitulation will drive him to drink. It was deemed necessary to prevent the worst from coming to pass and ensure at least some policies got through.
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.

Does anyone have a link to the discord?
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.
Yeah, we're kind of down to staking everything on whether the Queen is willing to make a public statement of support for Bevan's government. If she does, that will probably knock the wind out of the sails of reactionary elements within the British officer class. Although even in that scenario I think we might get a coup attempt in Algiers instead of London as the French officer class might decide they're better off as an independent state than accept letting the FLN into electoral politics under a Democratic Socialist federal government.
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.
X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrive
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.

Reaction shall not win!
Yeah, we're kind of down to staking everything on whether the Queen is willing to make a public statement of support for Bevan's government.
There is no way in hell the Queen would have let Britain fall into a military dictatorship coup, even if we are far more left than she is comfortable with, a military coup is far too radical for her to support or even stay neutral on, the writing on the wall is disaster and civil war and the only way to avoid it is to stick by the elected government instead of a clique of reactionary military men with unknown and suspicious intentions with Britain's democracy.
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.

God I'm so excited.
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.
These are weeks where decades happens

[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.
Yeah, we're kind of down to staking everything on whether the Queen is willing to make a public statement of support for Bevan's government. If she does, that will probably knock the wind out of the sails of reactionary elements within the British officer class. Although even in that scenario I think we might get a coup attempt in Algiers instead of London as the French officer class might decide they're better off as an independent state than accept letting the FLN into electoral politics under a Democratic Socialist federal government.

The Queen is unlikely to ever approve of soldiers marching into Number 10 directly. The real threat is an entirely above board 'coup' performed by members of the opposition with the support of the press and police. If they manage a campaign of constant harassment, stonewalling, and accusations of covering for spies it would seriously hurt the government's ability to govern. Bevan has a large enough majority to weather defections from the party, but it'd still hurt. Those accusations of pro-Soviet sympathies are not going to stop, even though Bevan's spoken out against them before.

There's also the risk of a capitals trike being called. Labour has nationalized a lot of industries vital to the economy, so the ability for businesses to cripple it is a bit weaker than it would be otherwise, but there's still sectors where they could cause slow downs and hurt the economy. If the Tories engineer a "crisis" strong enough to require a dismissal of the current government and election called then that'd be a win for them. If unions protest it then that's potential justification for the police and military to be deployed to contain "riots."

The other serious threat is rogue assassinations unofficially endorsed by officers and police. De Gaulle was nearly killed several times while in office. If a French officer or person with a gun was committed enough there's possibility that they could gun down Bevan or other leading figures of the government. After that it's a knife fight for leadership between the left and center wings of the party.

There is no way in hell the Queen would have let Britain fall into a military dictatorship coup, even if we are far more left than she is comfortable with, a military coup is far too radical for her to support or even stay neutral on, the writing on the wall is disaster and civil war and the only way to avoid it is to stick by the elected government instead of a clique of reactionary military men with unknown and suspicious intentions with Britain's democracy.

There'd be potential infighting in any post coup regime as well. David Stirling organized a paramilitary to potentially overthrow Wilson's government, but disbanded it when he realized it only attracted fascist weirdos. He's someone who might legitimately think Bevan needs to be removed as a security threat to the nation, but then allow elections to proceed after a few arrests and investigations. Contrast that to others that'd favour stricter guidelines on parties to outright fascist weirdos crawling out of the woodwork.
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.

I'm so excited to damn the FBU to the Great Reaction, and set about a rapid downfall as it eats itself alive!
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.

This will either be the greatest speech ever, or the biggest assasination since Ferdinand.
[X] Write In: Its time for the speech of Nye Bevans goddamn life. Get every television set in Britain tuned to the doorstop of 10 Downing Street and make it clear that the British Government will not be intimidated by hostile actors, that he will never surrender to the anti-progress forces arrayed against him, and that Labour will go on. You can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver. Call the President. Call Attlee. Call the goddamn Queen of England if thats what it takes. No democratically elected government, no government of the people by the people for the people, and most absolutely no Labour government, now and forever, will see the mandate this nation has given them torn to shreds by men who see the people as a mob of rough-speaking coal miners. The Empire is Dead. A new world is struggling to be born. It must not be choked out before it arrives.