Pathfinder Campaign: Here, There Be Dragons.

So, something along the lines of "Attempted to search for a weak point in the cage (Craft check: 20) but it seemed to well made."

Right then, I attempt to sunder the chains
Edit: Power Attack with Bite so +16 = 24?

Yeah, you hit the chains easily enough. Go ahead and roll damage.

Also, @HIMP_Dahak go ahead and make a will save.
I'll roll for disable device for picking the lock, and stealth so no one notices. Bonus for DD is +10, Stealth +17. Minus 2 on DD for lacking lock picks.
Also, would my previous K(Planes) check allow me to know that devils don't like silver?
Edit: So that's 23 on picking the lock, 31 for not being noticed.

You don't quite manage to pick the lock, though you can feel that you've almost got it. You do manage to avoid detection, however.
I'm taking 20 on my Disable device check, for a total of 38 (+10 skill, -2 lack of tools), and rolling for stealth as usual, with my +17.
So that is a 26 on my stealth.
Lets try a UMD Take 20 examining the color, which will put me at a 40.
I wrote a page or two on how that was technically wrong then realized thats because its not UMD.

Well I mean actually sort of.

"Activate blindly" assuming activating it opens it.

I was really looking for spell craft for information and examining it.

I'll take 20 on spell craft and roll UMD

Edit: Whats going on, are you guys seeing these post 3 or four times?
Zedalb threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: UMD Total: 20
20 20
Yeah, you hit the chains easily enough. Go ahead and roll damage.

Also, @HIMP_Dahak go ahead and make a will save.

Oh fucking glee.

Wrong move, Devils :D

Isilian is going to activate his Unbreakable gambit as an immediate action, adding his Cha Mod as a Luck Bonus to the d20 Will save roll. If he fails, he recovers a single maneuver and takes a -2 penalty to all D20 rolls for 1 round. If he succeeds, he (uselessly) recovers 3xCha Mod HP, and recovers Cha Mod maneuvers. Granted, he's only used one, so he recovers Flurry Strike either way.

Edit: So a 39. Also, I am going to self-nerf a bit here, and say said gambit only grants its success benefits (healing, extra maneuvers) on the first instance of any recurring will or fort save effect, like any auras that require 1 save/round or whatever. I'll probably say something similar should apply for any other attempts at repeating a gambit over and over, at least until we find out how he stacks up against the casters in terms of spotlight time. Gambits were meant for a MAD normal race, not a fuckmothering dragon, it seems :p
HIMP_Dahak threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Will Save +23 Total: 16
16 16
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Where did you get that force of personality feat from? Is it the 3.5 one? Cause if so, it adds Cha to Will instead of wisdom, not in addition to it. You beat the check regardless though. Also, if you're taking 3rd party content from someone besides DSP or using stuff from 3.5, you should ask me about it.

I'll write up another IC post in half an hour or so, just gimme a bit.
Where did you get that force of personality feat from? Is it the 3.5 one? Cause if so, it adds Cha to Will instead of wisdom, not in addition to it. You beat the check regardless though. Also, if you're taking 3rd party content from someone besides DSP or using stuff from 3.5, you should ask me about it.

I'll write up another IC post in half an hour or so, just gimme a bit.

It's a Warlord class feature.

Though, ah, it actually doesn't stack with it anyways, as the text on FoP says 'any ability.' Sorry, should have checked again. So still at +17. Also, the errata/FAQ for unbreakable is here as the typoes make it look funny when they're meant to make it so you can't resist harmless heals and so on just to recover maneuvers.
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It's a Warlord class feature.

Though, ah, it actually doesn't stack with it anyways, as the text on FoP says 'any ability.' Sorry, should have checked again. So still at +17. Also, the errata/FAQ for unbreakable is here as the typoes make it look funny when they're meant to make it so you can't resist harmless heals and so on just to recover maneuvers.

Its to stop arcane mark.

0 level so unlimited uses, you can resist it, has 0 effect and cost nothing to do constantly.
Hokay, time for a diplomacy check on that devil and a Use magic Device on that collar. Diplomacy is+20, Use Magic Device is +18.

E: That's 39 Diplomacy, 20 Use Magic Device.

You do not get the device to detach. Judging from the feedback, you think there is a command word that could do that, however.

I'm taking 20 on my Disable device check, for a total of 38 (+10 skill, -2 lack of tools), and rolling for stealth as usual, with my +17.
So that is a 26 on my stealth.

The lock snicks open and miraculously, nobody seems to notice. You're still chained to the cage though, and the demons still have you surrounded...

Edit: This'll happen eventually, but first you need to scrounge up some more time to work on the lock and get out of those tentacles.

Knowledge planes roll

Dragons and devils don;t usually have much to do with each other unless they're fighting. This could be some sort of plot to kidnap you for profit - just about every square inch of your body is a valuable magical reagent, and worth money. Alternatively, they might seek to force you to fight for them, or to corrupt you by some means. Perhaps they're attempting to use you as hostages, or they're kidnapping you as a demonstration of prestige or as sacrifices for some blasphemous ritual. They might have a plan that involves multiple of these, or none of them. Devils are a tricky lot, so you can't really be certain of anything, except that it won't be good for you.

I wrote a page or two on how that was technically wrong then realized thats because its not UMD.

Well I mean actually sort of.

"Activate blindly" assuming activating it opens it.

I was really looking for spell craft for information and examining it.

I'll take 20 on spell craft and roll UMD

Edit: Whats going on, are you guys seeing these post 3 or four times?

From what you can tell, the collar has enchantments of obedience and sustenance, and some more subtle effect from the enchantment school that you can't identify. It also feels like all the magic has been shifted a few frequencies - a rather puzzling effort that would do nothing but make the thing harder to enchant.

(I'm not seeing any double or triple posts. Can you elaborate?)

I'm already struggling to keep up with the 8 people I've got, so it's probably best that I don't take on anyone more. My apologies. I can put you on the waitlist and invite you if a place opens up, however.
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From what you can tell, the collar has enchantments of obedience and sustenance, and some more subtle effect from the enchantment school that you can't identify. It also feels like all the magic has been shifted a few frequencies - a rather puzzling effort that would do nothing but make the thing harder to enchant.

(I'm not seeing any double or triple posts. Can you elaborate?)

I figured it it was on my end.(about the post)

Yeah, so I was wrong. I can't actually research it right now (Whoops).
Totally the right skill, can't be done without detect magic though. (which I can't do at the moment).

So I just changed it to UMD activate blindly.
Hmm. let's just go ahead and move all the in game details to the IC thread, including rolls, and save this for rules discussion and such. Sorry to keep changing things, I'm not very experienced at running PBP games.