Pathfinder Campaign: Here, There Be Dragons.

The PRSD site says it acts as the spell change shape, which has the requirement I previously mentioned. Care to Cite your info?

And @Angle, care to declare which is right?


Functions as polymorph, except stats are not changed. Unless otherwise stated, the character may remain in the alternate form indefinitely.

The dragon one also has a specific rule that lets you change into a small or medium humanoid, which overrules the Change Shape size limitation.

Also, Isilian's basic sheet is ready. Need to finish up fluff stuff and pick maneuvers/stances, but it's done on other stuff. A little weird, but since I needed a level 3 feat, and Weapon Group Adaptation has no requirements, I picked it a couple levels early. If that's not cool, I'll find something else. Maybe MORE TRAITS, or something.

Now, AFK for a bit.
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Functions as polymorph, except stats are not changed. Unless otherwise stated, the character may remain in the alternate form indefinitely. The dragon one also has a specific rule that lets you change into a small or medium humanoid, which overrules the Change Shape size limitation.
I do concede.
Also, whoooo! My character now can do even more hilarious things.

Diminutive size is fun....
I was asking more about things like tail blades or claw gauntlets and things like that. Still a useful answer though. As soon as I can get the tools and materials, I'm making weapons for everyone! Insane crafting skills for the win!

Yeah, that's all possible. A quick question though, you have a bunch of misc bonuses on your sheet that I can't track. Where do they all come from?
If you don't mind, can I roll Knowlage(Planes) to see if I can identify the Devils (or whatever relevant knowlage skill I need) and Escape Artist to try and move around in my cage, and what the respective DCs would be?
Sure. I'll track the DC's. How exactly are you trying to move in your cage? Just turn around so you face the door?
Sort of squeeze round by curling into a ball as small as I can, and use my tail to push me round, using the bars a leverage.
My escape artist is a +6, K(Planes) +9.

Edit: that would make my Planes check have 20 total, Escape 25.
Estro threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Knowledge(Planes) Total: 11
11 11
Estro threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Escape Artist Total: 19
19 19
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I'm not trying to move as of yet, just figure out what I'm up against.

Rolling for Knowledge (Planes), with a modifier of +10

Edit: Result: 18

Sort of squeeze round by curling into a ball as small as I can, and use my tail to push me round, using the bars a leverage.
My escape artist is a +6, K(Planes) +9.

Edit: that would make my Planes check have 20 total, Escape 25.

The most common devils are Gladiatrixes, or domination devils. They're experts in coordinated combat, and use their flails to bind weapons and trip opponents. They don't have much in the way of magical or supernatural abilities unless they use items, but they're strong and touch, and their skin is heavily resistant to all but good aligned weapons. The winged women are Erinyes, also known as the furies. They wield bows and have magic ropes that can entangle you. The ladies with the tentacles you're not familiar with.

You successfully maneuver yourself around in the cage, though you can feel that it's attracted attention...
Well, not in character we aren't.

Would I have to roll anything to determine what the cages are made out of?

Note, I've tinkered with these a fair bit, both to adapt them for the feat tax rules and also just because they were hardly optimized at all. :o

And yes, you need to roll an applicable craft or knowledge skill for that.
Engineering is better, though dungeoneering would work. Just go ahead and roll both.

Edit: A metalcrafting skill would be best.

Edit: Also, what's the specialization of that crafting skill on Veraths sheet? And that weapon focus should be a category, such as "Natural Attacks".
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Back from stuff. Got some reading in on the phone, noticed Traditions.

The Wayward Path is perfect, and lets me use the Feat to instead trade Steel Serpent for PRIMAL FURY.

Gonna poke at stuff a bit, see about an IC post (maybe) then get to bed and maybe get something out before I go to work tomorrow.
Knowledge Arcana 10
Knowledge Dungonering 15
Knowledge Engineering 9

I have a power to reroll them with a bonus, can't do that right now :(

I'm assuming anti magic zone stops psonics.
(Its an optional rule to split them but it makes psonics op)
Zedalb threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Smart Total: 19
5 5 10 10 4 4
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Nothing, anymore. I wasn't actually thinking when I put that point there, and it's since been reallocated.

Dungeoneering is +11, Engineering is +8

Yeah, you know what that is - That's Adamantine! You're pretty sure the whole cage isn't adamantine, it's probably steel coated in adamantine or something like that.

Knowledge Arcana 10
Knowledge Dungonering 15
Knowledge Engineering 9

I have a power to reroll them with a bonus, can't do that right now :(

I'm assuming anti magic zone stops psonics.
(Its an optional rule to split them but it makes psonics op)

You don't know what any of this stuff is. The metals is very hard, regardless, and the plane is probably one of the outer ones. You don;t recognize your guards, but they're probably evil outsiders of some sort.

(Yeah we running full transparency. You can do balanced non transparency, but it takes a lot of work I don't really want to put in.)
Yeah, you know what that is - That's Adamantine! You're pretty sure the whole cage isn't adamantine, it's probably steel coated in adamantine or something like that.

Fortunately, my claws are also Adamantine, so ripping through the bars is still theoretically possible. Probably won't get far before the devils intervene.

Fortunately, my claws are also Adamantine, so ripping through the bars is still theoretically possible. Probably won't get far before the devils intervene.

It's okay.

Right now I know two things

1) Were alive so we must be important to them not dead right this moment.

2) I have a +20 Bluff.

Time to be a distraction!
Okay, maneuvers and stances chosen, bed-time an hour late. Just fluff left now. For a short descriptive reference, picture Isilian as a blond Karma as his typical human form, including the slightly crazed smiles, and as a typical shiny blue-white color, with some silver highlights, as his natural form.

Might have a post up next morning if I can drag my ass out of bed rather than stealing whatever extra sleep I can get! :p

Also, an intimidation roll, to see if they avoid his cage, for purposes tomorrow :p
Edit: sadly, not that scary. OTOH, this is probably tactically better since it means someone coming close is a nice valid target for Fading Strike.
HIMP_Dahak threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Intimidation +17 Total: 4
4 4
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32 Bluff check to make them think some horrible disease is going to kill the dragons because one is infected.
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Not necesarily the collars, but theres something hitting you with an antimagic field, which inhibits (Su) abilities like that.

Edit: I'll see about putting together a roll20 or something tomorrow.
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