Path of the Immeasurable Swarm [Worm/Cradle]

I'm still uncertain that I liked the way the arc played out, or that Mercy's victory felt earned or particularly dependent on any of what Taylor did (and no, an offhand note of it is not the same as it feeling that way), but I quite enjoyed the 2nd half of the chapter and the complete derailing we've reached.

It's also a pretty clever way to give yourself room for Taylor to 'matter' more, insofar as that's qualifiable, without having to change your writing: send the canon plot so awry that you can fit her into the giant openings you've made!
Shen has a secret way to break soul oaths by pushing the cost onto Tiberian's Remnant (the Arelius monarch who was friends with Eithan)

Waybound spoilers:
Because soul oaths don't bind Reigan Shen. He has a way around them. So if she'd made him swear, they'd think he was safe right up until he betrayed them
that's so bullshit, i hate that stupid upjumped cat x.x

Excited for Eithan and Taylors reaction. Though I suppose any serious discussion will be delayed till they deal with the Phoenix.
"I advanced to Overlord the day after the Tournament started."
I'm getting Ozymandis "I did it thirty-five minutes ago." vibes from this and I'm loving it. Respect to the Akura Family for pulling this off.

Months. Mercy had been growing as an Overlady for months, while Sophara's damaged spirit stagnated. Sophara was still strong, strong enough to match Mercy… but only to match her, not to overwhelm her. If she'd known Mercy's abilities, been able to prepare for them, it would have been an even fight. But instead, so much of her preparation and training had been against the Sage's cursed disciple, ever since the girl had humiliated her back on the Ghostwater island. Ghostwater Island, where the Heart Sage herself had let Sophara go instead of killing her.
There was never any chance of Sophara winning, Taylor just stacked the deck even further and made it so that any chance Sophara could've had by training for Mercy specifically was eliminated.

Mercy looked at him for a few moments. "Do you know what my Overlord revelation was?" she asked. He didn't answer, but he tilted his head slightly in invitation. "I care," said Mercy. "I care about all the people your family hurts, even if I'll never meet them, even if they're no one important. I care about making sure they're safe, not about getting revenge. If the only way to do that is to kill you, then I'll do it. But I'd rather not."
Mercy being a good person.

He was silent for several seconds. Then, finally he nodded. "Your mother named you well. Rarely have I seen mercy wielded so cruelly." He turned to Malice. "I swear on my soul to do as your daughter has asked."
In his own twisted way he respects Mercy.

For a moment, nothing else happened. The Wandering Titan didn't vanish, or move, or react in any way. "Did it… did it work?" asked Mercy.

"It did," said Kiuran. "You don't have the senses for it yet, but the fate of this Iteration just shifted considerably. Impossible for anyone with even a slight connection to the Way to miss. I suspect we'll see our first reaction right about… now."
Welp there goes canon, not that it was alive already but still. Also I'm happy that it's dead.

Dread settled into Mercy's stomach. This wasn't what she'd wanted! Surely her mother wouldn't risk a battle between Monarchs on her own territory, not when so much of her family was barely a mile away!
Mercy is now starting to understand that the Monarchs are pretty shitty people.

Kiuran laughed once. "You have a soft heart. Maybe the Phoenixes will want you. Do you have any conception of how many trillions upon trillions of sentient beings inhabit the Way? Even if this entire continent was scoured clean, it would be an insignificant blip in the grand scheme of things. That's what the Hounds are concerned with."

Mercy felt an unfamiliar emotion rising up in her: Disgust. "Fine, then," she said. "We're done here. Put me down. I'll do it myself."
He's being an ass and Mercy's disgust is valid. But he's not wrong even if he's being heartless about things. His annoyance should be at the Monarchs for not ascending not at a kid for trying to make her world a better place.

Mercy looked at him. This time, instead of disgust, she felt pity. As powerful as Northstrider was, she suddenly understood that he was driven by fear more than anything else. "I know," she said, nodding. "I think it's awful that you feel that way, but I accept that's how you feel. So if none of you will stop fighting over the Titan, the only solution is to get rid of it. That's my wish."
The Monarchs are all crabs in a bucket.

"Pay them no mind," said Emriss, smiling. "You've saved many, many lives today. Selflessness is an unfortunately rare attribute in sacred artists. You only get one wish, but I'd like to offer you a second favor, just from myself." She Forged a vivid green leaf with an eye in the center and offered it to Mercy.
Emriss is the exception though since she wants to overthrow the current order. Emriss respects what Mercy did and was trying to do. Also she's pretty happy the Silent King is dead.

He may be a prick, but on this? He's absolutely fucking Right.
Yeah the Monarchs are pretty shitty, expect for the GOAT Emriss.

Looks like Mercy just got a hint of how cowardly they all really are.
Deep down they're just people to afraid to change and be the little fish once again.

It has got to be majorly frustrating for him, knowing that his colleagues are fighting and dying for the monarchs' right to continue being assholes and corrupt their world.
His disgust with the Monarchs is 100% valid it's just that he's being an asshole to a kid who doesn't know why he hates her mother and thinks her actions are stupid.
He may be a prick, but on this? He's absolutely fucking Right.
I mean, the local Monarchs might be a lot more willing to do that if the Abiden had enforced the same rule/levelcap on the rampaging kaiju.
And/or done something about the fact that a given empire having it's Monarch ascend without a well trained replacement is probably not going to have a great time.
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I mean, the local Monarchs might be a lot more willing to do that if the Abiden had enforced the same rule/levelcap on the rampaging kaiju.
And/or done something about the fact that a given empire having it's Monarch ascend without a well trained replacement is probably not going to have a great time.

could probably also put a ounce more effort into improving the "stability" of the arena they have going atm.

like, I'd be surprised if there *wasn't* almost-continuous backstabbing surrounding (or even in) the arena that's ending alot of otherwise high-potential individuals.

somebody getting backstabbed doesn't result in a stronger fighter standing over their corpse; just a pure loss in total potential (by anime logic itself even--you have to fight someone in *some* kind of fair and square sense to get the narrative-driven boost).

edit: scratch that; I just remembered the start of this arc has the protagonist's faction's lessor groups ambushed and killed in what was probably NOT a straight fight with similar-power-leveled people.

like, I get the lessor cults are not going to win in all likelyhood and probably won't ever have anyone get close to assend. but surely they act as a good foe for the others to grow by training/fighting with/against (and help them by allowing them to focus more on training and less on protecting villages and what-not) and every now and then, they produce an artist who actually has a decent shot (see a certain someone on the protag's team actually)--and thats assuming the "primary" cult's heir doesn't die which would mean the secondaries would be the ones to take over and ensure things ensure things don't just instantly collapse (so theres your point about the replacement thing).

to add onto the point and extend it.

It would also make the more sane monarchs (the one's Abiden probably cares about more about anyway, or SHOULD anyway) more inclined to like/trust them too as it would also let the whole deal not feel rigged from the start too since it would show abiden actually cares about the details (and the people) rather then just the outcomes of all this.

basically, this mess and this guy's attitude is the proof that abidan doesn't actually care about all the "little" people they claim to do all these horrably machivilian things to protect...just their power structure and their philiosophy of protecting the Way and those within it (which makes it a hypocritical lie).
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Abidan choose Cradle as their main recruiting grounds but didn't account for the results of this. If a lot of people are coming from the same place they are going to bring their culture with them. And the results are pretty predictably fucked up in this case but biases of Abidan members make it impossible for them to see the problems. Or if they see them they don't see how can they do it better.

As a result they have a lot of bitter and spiteful people who hate their old life, especially after they are read in on nuances and secrets of situation in Cradle, but don't know any other way to operate. Kiuran seems to be the poster boy for this.
I mean, the local Monarchs might be a lot more willing to do that if the Abiden had enforced the same rule/levelcap on the rampaging kaiju.
And/or done something about the fact that a given empire having it's Monarch ascend without a well trained replacement is probably not going to have a great time.
I mean the Abidan Prime-Directive-equivalent being too restrictive is something that's remarked upon in the series and something Ozriel is trying to change. It's better than the other extreme (A heavens that is too involved), but it's unideal.

With that having been said, all of the monarchs in this scene with the exception of Emriss and arguably Fury are just crows squabbling over carrion. When Emriss first advanced to monarch she tried to get a bunch of them together and was like "hey, maybe if we share intel, we can solve this" and all the monarchs (a previous generation of monarchs that is) killed her for it, with her remnant only barely escaping to become the monarch she is today.

In canon, when it's clear that Lindon has the means and motive and a genuinely good shot at toppling the dreadgod system, the only monarchs to throw in with him (who weren't defecting to his side when their defeat became inevitable) are Emriss and the 8-Man-Empire(who benefit because they'll get to stick around). The other monarchs generally regard the existence of the dreadgods and the status quo as a small price to pay for their sovereignty.
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nice chapter thx for writing it
fun way to deal with the problem wonder what that will do for her reputation the common folk might like her for saving there lives but the arists might think she is a fool for not seizing power ?
I mean, the local Monarchs might be a lot more willing to do that if the Abiden had enforced the same rule/levelcap on the rampaging kaiju.
And/or done something about the fact that a given empire having it's Monarch ascend without a well trained replacement is probably not going to have a great time.

Monarch existance in Cradle causes the Dreadgods to exist. If they all acsend (except the 8 man empire because none of them are individually a monarch) there would be no more dread gods. Dreadgods actually get stronger the more monarchs there are

could probably also put a ounce more effort into improving the "stability" of the arena they have going atm.

They can't. They got a binding prime directive. It's what allows them to physically enter a world without causing too too much damage to it.

Basically, if they go against the flow of fate bad shit happens to the world they are on. Or that's my reading of it

Abidan choose Cradle as their main recruiting grounds

They didn't. Abidan orginated on Cradle, that's why it's called Cradle. Also it produces high level people pretty consistantly.

didn't account for the results of this. If a lot of people are coming from the same place they are going to bring their culture with them. And the results are pretty predictably fucked up in this case but biases of Abidan members make it impossible for them to see the problems

*Seething* Like the fucking Slavery problem.

Fuck Mackriel. He redeems himself in canon and has some admirable traits, but fuck him
Monarch existance in Cradle causes the Dreadgods to exist. If they all acsend (except the 8 man empire because none of them are individually a monarch) there would be no more dread gods. Dreadgods actually get stronger the more monarchs there are

They can't. They got a binding prime directive. It's what allows them to physically enter a world without causing too too much damage to it.

Basically, if they go against the flow of fate bad shit happens to the world they are on. Or that's my reading of it
yeah, but meanwhile unless the dreadgods LITERATELY DISSAPEAR IMMEDIATELY, everything the monarchs grew up with/around would probably get gobbled up. and thats assuming the other monarchs dont' swoop in for that matter. (can Monarchs not bring ppl/things with them? I assume thats the case?)

their deal is basically "please ascend and watch everything you ever cared about die around you, then fight endless fights to the death for peoplee you will never know because obviously everyone who just had their families killed will be totally sane and reliable soldiers and morale totally won't be shot to death from us having the worst recruitment scheme ever designed"

wait, then why CAN they pull the "here is a super-weapon" bit?

that he can even offer *A* award kinda implies that its not so extreme that they can't step in every now and then to make sure the Cradle isn't just a hellhole. Heck, alot of the good can be done by merely threatening to step in. with the only times you actually do so being enough to prove your willingness to do so against those who try to push the status quo away from what they push more cooperative monarchs into setting up.

regardless tho:
still could be better about how they talk about these things and not act like bastards regardless. there's a reason army recruiters are paid bonuses when they succeed--because it makes a HUGE difference that your first experience with a organization is a positive one (and not just for your recruitment rates but the perspective and morale of those in it afterthe fact).
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can Monarchs not bring ppl/things with them? I assume thats the case?
When you ascend you can take people with you, from memory in direct proportion to your power. Who knows if this will happen in this story, but in canon Akura Fury ascended after demonstrating he was a monarch, taking his branch of the family with him (including several of his kids who looked old enough to be his parents, I remember it being somewhat bitter sweet).
here is a super-weapon
So doing this from memory, the super weapon was actually made on Cradle, by an ancient member of Eithan's clan, who ascended eons ago, and went on to become the 8th Judge of the Abidan Court (who is missing, although that plot point hasn't come up much from Taylor or Mercy's pov). Ozriel The Reaper, the 8th Judge, has/had as his badge of office a Scythe that can kill anything. Prior to his ascension from Cradle he crafted Penance, the prototype. It can kill anything on Cradle.
then to make sure the Cradle isn't just a hellhole
The style of intervention required to not make Cradle a hellhole is illegal to the Abidan. Ozriel used to advocate for it, and it was trialled. The Abidan declared everyone involved in it other than Ozriel to have gone insane / corrupted by demons (and to be fair they were all corrupted by demons). What is being done here is legal - tweaking the nose of the monarchs, and trying to force them to ascend. Without going into spoilers, the monarchs ascending would actually be good for making cradle less of a hellhole.
I think people are being a bit harsh on Sha Miara by putting her in the same group as the other Monarchs. My read on her is she is a young kid who has suddenly had a lot of power dumped on her and she is in over her head and is also very lonely. Not a good person but not a bad one by any means.

Unfortunately in canon Eithan pissed her off by beating her in the tournament and Reigan Shen got to her and he is a good manipulator and it is likely her advisors would have sided with Reigan Shen as well.

But I think it is very possible Mercy with Emriss' help could convince her.
Without going into spoilers, the monarchs ascending would actually be good for making cradle less of a hellhole.
That only because Lindon left stuff behind to stop the rise of new ones, and the situation in which they all ascended was basically perfect one as far as there not being too much of a fallout from the dreadgods situation.
You have the choice between 'less of a hellhole' and 'a hellhole indefinitely, forever'; even if the first causes short-term pain, it's the better choice.

Also you don't have to be a Monarch to be Abidan, so Kiuran (as a bottom-tier Abidan guy and thus possibly not even a Monarch) could absolutely get fucked with by one of the Cradle Monarchs.
The issue is the situation on Cradle. From Cradle the planet and the people within, its better for the Monarchs to ascend, because they should not be on this level of reality; they should have ascended. Every monarch who ascends makes the Dreadgods less powerful and less likely to be a civilisation wiper. However, from the Monarch's point of view, ascending puts them at the bottom of the Totem pole in the ascended organisation..and leaves their own faction open to being wiped out. Like if Malice actually ascended today, the Akura would have their little civlisation smashed to pieces if not completely wiped out fast. More, if other monarch's ascended but you stayed, well, that's even better.

The issue of 'new' Monarch rising up to replace the old is another problem. Groups like the 8-Man Empire getting to shank any potential Monarch before they establish themselves might help but it's a complicated problem. the Abidan cannot fix it because of their oaths without using something like the Origin shroud or violently breaking the course of Fate.
The style of intervention required to not make Cradle a hellhole is illegal to the Abidan. Ozriel used to advocate for it, and it was trialled

No, Oz was not involved with it. Oz might not have even acsended by then.

That only because Lindon left stuff behind to stop the rise of new ones, and the situation in which they all ascended was basically perfect one as far as there not being too much of a fallout from the dreadgods situation.

I agree, the monarchs have to all leave at once for it to work. But! The Eight Man Empire is the Anti Monarch weapon.

Also, there wouldn't be dreadgod fallout if all the monarchhs went up together. There wouldn't be enough hunger madra for the dreadgods to wake the fuck up/there wouldn't be by the time one of them did wake up.

It's a janky shitty situation. But it ain't the abidan's fault.
wait, then why CAN they pull the "here is a super-weapon" bit?

that he can even offer *A* award kinda implies that its not so extreme that they can't step in every now and then to make sure the Cradle isn't just a hellhole. Heck, alot of the good can be done by merely threatening to step in. with the only times you actually do so being enough to prove your willingness to do so against those who try to push the status quo away from what they push more cooperative monarchs into setting up.
They're desperate. It hasn't really been shown in this story, but in the original story each book contains small sections from the Abidan's POV (so none of this is spoilers for Wintersteel, the book this story is based on). Ozriel is one of the 8 Judges, and one of the Abidan's 3 best fighters (I'd argue best fighter). He's also responsible for destroying worlds that get too old, before they can self-destruct and spew world-bits all over Abidan territory. Cleaning up the mess a world causes when it goes supernova takes a lot of manpower, and by destroying the worlds before they can blow up, Ozriel freed up a lot of the Abidan to massively expand the amount of territory they control.

Ozriel has been missing for 200 years. Without their biggest stick and their world-destroyer, the Abidan are kinda fucked. They're forced to dedicate more people to world-bits clean up, which takes away people who would be used to defend against their enemies. Their enemies have noticed Ozriel hasn't been seen in a long time, and are speculating he's dead or deserted. They're losing more and more territory to their enemies.

So offering Penance is 100% messing with Fate and Not Allowed. But the Abidan are desperate and need all the people they can get.

still could be better about how they talk about these things and not act like bastards regardless. there's a reason army recruiters are paid bonuses when they succeed--because it makes a HUGE difference that your first experience with a organization is a positive one (and not just for your recruitment rates but the perspective and morale of those in it afterthe fact).
Oh, yeah, Kieran's just a dick. Even if the Monarchs suck, acting like this just makes them less likely to ascend. And even if the people who will die in Storm's Edge are minuscule compared to the rest of Abidan territory, they're still Abidan citizens.
I agree, the monarchs have to all leave at once for it to work. But! The Eight Man Empire is the Anti Monarch weapon.

Also, there wouldn't be dreadgod fallout if all the monarchhs went up together. There wouldn't be enough hunger madra for the dreadgods to wake the fuck up/there wouldn't be by the time one of them did wake up.

It's a janky shitty situation. But it ain't the abidan's fault.
Lindon didn't leave just the eight man empire, he also left other powerful constructs, equipped eight man empire with dreadgods weapons, made them swear oaths to the job.

And than there is the fact the dreadgods don't disappear or fall asleep if the monrachs' leave, they will take years to slowly wither down, years that we weren't told were in any way limited, if anything I suspect they will be more active, as they consume madra attempt to extend their lives, I am not even necessarily in an sure they wouldn't try to eat anything when they continue to weaken, as opposed to eating some stuff and than giving up, or coming in bursts.

And without dreadgods to stop him, silent king (who still has his sapience) might go through with the bloody phoenix plan and succeed in that window of opportunity between them being gods and then weakening enough that sages and heralds can stop them.
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Bit sad Fury didn't get to deliver his badass line, but this was still a good chapter. Lindon's reaction to someone deleting his reason to leave his home is gonna be interesting.