Vista and Panacea apparently know who/what Penny is. Does the rest of the wards?

If so, then why did Sophia confront Penny in the first scene? Sophia's dialogue with Penny strongly suggests that Sophia does not know who/what Penny is (running to teachers, when armsmaster simply reviewing her memory would paint sophia guilty, threatening to put penny in a filthy locker, when penny likely won't be inconvenieced, attempting to fight a robot who most likely has some electrical systems).

Vista seems to be unusually cavalier about her and Penny's identities, as if she didn't care if she outed herself or penny to Taylor.

Penny did say Vista is her new friend to Taylor. Any introductions may have occurred after the the incident with the locker.
Vista and Panacea apparently know who/what Penny is. Does the rest of the wards?

If so, then why did Sophia confront Penny in the first scene? Sophia's dialogue with Penny strongly suggests that Sophia does not know who/what Penny is (running to teachers, when armsmaster simply reviewing her memory would paint sophia guilty, threatening to put penny in a filthy locker, when penny likely won't be inconvenieced, attempting to fight a robot who most likely has some electrical systems).

Vista seems to be unusually cavalier about her and Penny's identities, as if she didn't care if she outed herself or penny to Taylor.

Of the two Vista either knows or thinks Penny is a brute of some sort and Panacea likely think Penny is just a brute cape unless they touched some time.
Taylor: What, Penny?
PENNY: Numerous movies have proven that dumpsters are impervious to flames of over 32000 degrees!
Taylor:(Looks at Rampaging Lung) I don't like where this is going.
PENNY: For your own safety, I must carry you in a dumpster across the fire and flames!
Taylor:(Sighs Resignedly) There's no escaping this.
PENNY: I'm so glad that sigh of relief means that you trust me! Huzzah!

PENNY: *Looks into smoking dumpster* "Gasp!:o Movies have lied to me!" :cry:
Vista and Panacea apparently know who/what Penny is. Does the rest of the wards?

Vista knows who she is and who she is related to, as do the rest of the Wards, but they don't know of her true nature.

Penny greeted Dean with a

"Salutations, Dean Stansfield, it's good to see you again." Greeted Penny.

And if you read between lines here

"So..." I began looking for a diplomatic way to ask if she had been shangaied by my overly enthusiastic friend. "How did you two meet?" Not very subtle Taylor, not at all.

"Her father helps with... a martial arts class that I'm part of and yesterday she was visiting and overhead me complaining that I was the only girl there." Missy said as the three of us started walking in a random direction.

When she says "martial arts class" she really means the Wards. As for Amy, no, she didn't know about Penny.

If so, then why did Sophia confront Penny in the first scene? Sophia's dialogue with Penny strongly suggests that Sophia does not know who/what Penny is (running to teachers, when armsmaster simply reviewing her memory would paint sophia guilty, threatening to put penny in a filthy locker, when penny likely won't be inconvenieced, attempting to fight a robot who most likely has some electrical systems).

The answer to this is in the previous quote too. Armsmaster didn't introduce her to the Wards until the day before the chapter. And in fact if it hadn't been for Sophia's mess he wouldn't have brought her to their attention at all because he doesn't want her in any kind of combat situation.

He rationalizes it by telling himself that she's not equipped adequately to handle Brockton bay's villains and that her main priority is to conduct a social experiment on how an AI interacts with people. The truth is that he's just worried for her.

So, yes, Sophia had no idea who Penny was.

Vista seems to be unusually cavalier about her and Penny's identities, as if she didn't care if she outed herself or penny to Taylor.

Missy tried to get the best out of a bad situation. She knew that help wouldn't get to them on time and had a civilian in the group to worry about. But even then she still didn't use her power in the fight and tried to warn Penny to be discreet (it's not her fault that her warning went over Penny's head). So, given the circumstances I don't see her attitude as being cavalier.

The only strange thing about her that Taylor picked up was that she was unusually calm and that's hardly anything that screams 'superhero'.

I think the problem is that I'm trying to tell the story from Taylor's POV so there are some things I can only hint about and hope that the readers piece the clues together, like the thing with the Wards. And others like the reason Armsmaster delayed introducing Penny to the Wards I have to wait to explain them in future interludes.

So given that Missy in a round about way works for Armsmaster, does that make her like Ciel?

I hadn't thought about that but now that you mention it, yes, Missy is basically a friendlier Ciel. :rofl::lol
No. She's a Robot who became a Parahuman! There's a difference! Her power is to be adorable and cute while choking out a motherfucker.
ANd be completely casual savage.

Kaiser: [Racist BS]
PENNY: Sir! Your Logic Is Flawed! See?{Casually destroys all potential arguments with cold hard logic} From an economical standpoint, that the Aryan race is superior right now is that most of them are upperclass and have more oppurtunities. From a moral standpoint however, the Aryan race is actually inferior as they are bullying supposedly inferior races. It's okay though! I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.(Laser Blades of Awesomeness And Adorableness come popping out)
Armsmaster: That's my girl.
PENNY: Thank you father figure!
Armsmaster:(Awkwardly figures out how to show feelings of pride.)
ANd be completely casual savage.

Kaiser: [Racist BS]
PENNY: Sir! Your Logic Is Flawed! See?{Casually destroys all potential arguments with cold hard logic} From an economical standpoint, that the Aryan race is superior right now is that most of them are upperclass and have more oppurtunities. From a moral standpoint however, the Aryan race is actually inferior as they are bullying supposedly inferior races. It's okay though! I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.(Laser Blades of Awesomeness And Adorableness come popping out)
Armsmaster: That's my girl.
PENNY: Thank you father figure!
Armsmaster:(Awkwardly figures out how to show feelings of pride.)
Penny is less robotic than that. Nor does she operate on pure logic as she is an emotional being.
Actually... I think the giant Nevermore landed on her remains to add insult to injury, so they might not have been able to recover the parts that stored her memory.
No they got blown out of the way.

Also, I love this fic, not only does it have Best girl but her parents are frickin D&D, Which is amazing. I couldn't help but Squee several times while reading this.
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"I'm fine. Him, not so much." She said pointing at the man at her feet. "Nothing too bad, don't worry. He just has cramps...

When I read this, the first thing I thought was that Amy gave him PMS. I'm fairly certain that I'd be curled up on the floor whimpering if someone gave them to me with a touch. Which would be far more brutal than what she did do to him.
Penny 5

Did you know that the PRT gets jurisdiction over any crime that involves a parahuman, either as perpetrator or, like in this case, as a victim? That is something that I wasn't aware of but, luckily, Missy did seem to know somehow because the first thing she did after making sure that the men that attacked us were not going anywhere was to call the PRT.

After a few minutes, and I still can't believe that I got to meet him, Armsmaster arrived. I might have had fangirled a bit... okay, a lot, but it's not every day that you can meet the leader of the local Protectorate and one of the most important Tinkers in the world. I think he said something to us but as I said, I was fangirling a bit too hard to pay attention. Something that both Missy and Amy gleefully pointed out on our trip to the PRT headquarters. Penny asked what was so special about meeting him. At first I thought that she was just following Missy and Amy's lead but then I remembered who I was talking with. I mean, there's no way someone like Penny could fake such a look of innocent curiosity, with head tilt and all. It took the rest of the trip for me to explain to her who Armsmaster is and why is so unusual for someone like me to meet him. I think that by the time we arrived at our destination she still didn't get it.

So, anyway, fangirling aside, that's how we ended up in the PRT building, giving our statements and waiting for our parents to come pick us up. Or in my case, so I could sign some non-disclosure agreement because, well turns out that my friend Penny is a parahuman and the PRT already knew, even if she isn't a Ward. Something that should have been obvious to me given that her father works for them.

At least Penny was keeping me company. Amy's mother came to take her home a while ago. And even though Missy's parents seemed to be out of town or something she disappeared god knows where with a 'case worker' or something like that. I had no idea what was the deal with Missy's family situation and I wasn't going to pry.

So that left both me and Penny in one of the PRT's interview rooms, totally not an interrogation room, it didn't have a one-way mirror.

"So... powers?" I asked rather lamely turning to Penny.

"Huh?" She blinked at me, tilting her head.

"I... I mean, you are a parahuman, that's how you got me out of the locker, right?" Ok, time to grab the elephant in the room by the trunk.

"I do in fact have some abilities that baseline humans do not have." Penny said with her gaze firmly on the table in front of us.

"Okay." Well, excellent conversation skills, Taylor. Penny just kept fidgeting in her seat as the silence went on.

"I really wanted to tell you, Taylor, but..." Penny trailed off giving me the saddest stare I've ever been exposed to.

"No, it's okay, really I get it, secret identities are a big deal." I tried to reassure her again. "But..." I continued as something about the situation suddenly clicked in my mind. "Missy knew, right?"

"Father gave her a brief overview of my abilities, yes."

Hello again, awkward silence. Come on, Taylor, say something.

"So... Are you joining the Wards, Penny?" I finally managed to blurt looking at my green eyed friend.

"No." She said shaking her head. "I really want to help people but both father and mother said that I'm not ready yet to face that level of combat."

"Really?" I asked incredulously, remembering how she handled the gang members that attacked us. "You seemed pretty ready to me."

She just shrugged in response. "They just really worry about me." She looked uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation so I tried to change the subject.

"So... Missy was pretty cool too, I guess those martial arts classes with your dad really paid off."

I was saved from having to make more awkward conversation when the door opened and dad entered followed by Mr. Wallis.

"Taylor!" I barely had time to stand up from my chair before dad hugged me tightly. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He added backing up to look at me from head to toe to make sure that I was indeed in one piece.

"Dad, I'm okay, really. Not even a scratch. It was really scary but Penny the others kept me safe."

"But, others? What?..." He finally calmed down a bit. "What happened? They only told me that you were here at the PRT and that I needed to come for legal reasons."

"I apologize for my colleagues, sometimes they are too strict with operational security protocols." Interjected Mr. Wallis as he put his briefcase on the table.

"I'm sorry, you are?" Asked dad turning to the other adult in the room.

"Colin Wallis, special consultant for the PRT and Penny's father." He answered offering his hand for my father to shake.

"Do you have any idea of what happened?" Dad asked after shaking his hand.

"I had access to Armsmaster's report of the incident, yes."


"He was the first responder." Mr. Wallis clarified that point. "A group of seven men, suspected of being part of the Archer's Bridge Merchants, assaulted the girls and their two companions with the intention of kidnapping them." Mr. Wallis lifted his hand when dad looked like he was about to interrupt. "The four girls defended themselves and subdued their assailants."

"Wait, four? And they took on seven gang members all by themselves and won?" Asked dad looking from Mr. Wallis to me and back in a confused manner.

"I invited another friend to our day out at the last moment and made a new one while we were on the Boardwalk," Penny said answering dad's first question.

"And yes, dad, we took them down, hard," I said. And I couldn't help the little bit of pride that slipped into my voice, even if Penny and Missy did most of the work.

"The reason that the PRT responded instead of the BBPD and the reason why we're here is that there were two parahumans involved, both independent but affiliated with the PRT." Added Mr. Wallis taking a folder out of his briefcase. "And while I'm sure that Miss Hebert wouldn't betray their confidence, and I don't say that lightly as one of the parahumans involved is my own daughter, we at the PRT are still under legal obligation to cover for those affiliates who have secret civilian identities. Hence this." He took out a bundle of papers out of the folder and passed it to dad.

"A non-disclosure agreement," Dad said after skimming over the documents.

"Yes, as I said this is a mere formality that I would have avoided if I could, but the legal department insisted."

"It's okay I know how it is." Dad continued reading this time taking the time to go over all the text. "But this only mentions your daughter, is there another for the other parahuman?"

"No, as Panacea's identity is public knowledge it isn't needed."

"Wait. Panacea?" Dad asked turning to me.

"Yes, we kinda... met her in the boardwalk and she invited us to coffee." I fidgeted a bit under dad's gaze.

"You met Panacea, she invited you to coffee and then you all beat seven gang members." Dad said, "I knew that raising a teenage girl wasn't easy but no one warned me about this." Mr. Wallis just clapped dad's shoulder in solidarity giving him a knowing look. "Okay, any more surprises?" Asked dad after signing at the end of the document and passing it to me so I could sign it too.

"Well, since we are here there is something I wanted to discuss with you both." Said Mr. Wallis leaning back in his chair. "After the incident at school last week I reconsidered my decision of enrolling Penny at Winslow. I will not expand on my reasoning for that decision but in hindsight, I should have expected something like this to happen, it's a miracle that she wasn't outed back then. So, given Penny's nature and the risk of another incident because of Winslow's current state, I decided to transfer her to Immaculata."

"WHAT!?" It was obvious from Penny's outburst that this was news for her too. "But... but, what about Taylor?" She added with the saddest and most teary puppy dog eyes I've ever seen.

"Oh." In contrast, my reaction was more subdued, I just sighed. Of course, everything was going too well for my life. It was about time for the other shoe to drop. Well, at least I still can hang out with Penny, Missy and Amy outside school. I just have to endure the trio and especially Sophia's retribution for the backfiring of their latest big prank. What else is new?

"Actually, that's why I wanted to bring this up now. Miss Hebert, would you consider transferring too?" Mr. Wallis added turning to me.

"I..." Okay, I wasn't expecting that. I looked at dad and he seemed to be caught as flat-footed as I was. "I'd love to," and I really would but..."but I don't think we can afford it." Really, Immaculata was THE private academy here in Brockton Bay, the old money kind of place. And even if it wasn't so exclusive it still was private and our family's budget was strained enough with me going to a public school. "If it was a public school maybe, but a private one..."

"I'm afraid that the closest public schools, Clarendon and Arcadia, aren't an option. Clarendon doesn't accept new students until the next trimester and Arcadia's waiting list is even worse." He said shaking his head. "But the only problem is monetary, isn't it?" I looked at dad and he just shrugged telling me that it was my call. I nodded. "Then what if you could enter on a scholarship?" Mr. Wallis took out two brochures from his briefcase and handed one to dad and one to me. "It is a pilot program focused on giving young parahumans, especially those who aren't part of a government sponsored program, some kind of stability in their lives. In this case keeping a peer who knows about her powers close to her as moral support would be very beneficial for Penny." He said as dad and I read the brochures.

"Program sponsored by 'The Guild'?" I read out loud. "And you are sure I'm eligible for this?" I asked incredulously. I guess that other shoe will have to keep hovering a bit longer.

"One hundred percent sure. It's a new project so it wouldn't surprise me if you and Penny are the first to benefit from it." He answered.

I turned to Penny to find her giving me such a hopeful look that I'd swear that I could see stars in her eyes. "Please, Taylor, pleeeease."

I looked one last time to dad. "It's your call, Taylor." He said giving me a nod.

A small part of me felt like accepting was like letting the trio win, like I was letting them run me out of my school, but I quickly squashed it. Those three weren't worth it, not even Emma, the only thing I could get from giving them so much attention was to make myself miserable, and I had enough of that from them for a lifetime. And anyway I already tried to transfer once only for my filled forms 'accidentally' get lost. Well, now I have another opportunity so I am going to grab it with both hands and I won't let go. Those three want to be the top bitches of the cesspool that is Winslow high? Well, they can choke on it for all I care. I'm going somewhere better.

Finally, I answered. "Okay, then yes. I'd love to tran... gah" and I was tackled by an overly enthusiastic Penny before I could finish. "Penny, air." I managed to croak tapping her arm.


Well, this chapter wasn't easy. I had to rewrite this chapter at least six times and I ended up using bits and pieces of old versions of it to make the final product like some kind of literary Frankenstein monster. I went over it again and again to make sure everything was as it should be but if you find something that doesn't make sense that's why.

On the first versions of the chapter I had Missy in the room with Taylor and Penny but, I don't know if it ever happened to you that you have a scene in mind but when you try to write it the characters end up doing whatever they want. Well, no matter what I tried Missy always ended up unmasking to Taylor so I had to send her out of the room. Bad Missy. :p
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Wait... It's back? Yay it's back! Now featuring the rare and elusive 'GTFO' solution to Taylor's bullying problem. Neat!