I'm still betting on Saint doing the stupid and kidnapping Penny and Taylor. What else would make Taylor trigger hard than having her new friend be threatened like that?

Well, maybe Saint tries stole kidnap Penny but to make that he has to kidnap Taylor too. When she calls Saint crazy he tries to make his point disassembling both Penny's arms... BOOM! Trigger. But what kind of power?

Another idea would be Sophia, outside now of the Wards and escaped from juvie, ambush Taylor and Penny, maybe damaging badly Penny with a bolt in her main power source. Later she would throw Taylor and the disabled Penny in a dumpster (full of shit, like she was trying to repeat the locker thing).

Penny'll give him a hug and turn him around, just you wait and see. :p

Scion: "Penny, air."
Well, maybe Saint tries stole kidnap Penny but to make that he has to kidnap Taylor too. When she calls Saint crazy he tries to make his point disassembling both Penny's arms... BOOM! Trigger. But what kind of power?

Another idea would be Sophia, outside now of the Wards and escaped from juvie, ambush Taylor and Penny, maybe damaging badly Penny with a bolt in her main power source. Later she would throw Taylor and the disabled Penny in a dumpster (full of shit, like she was trying to repeat the locker thing).

If Queeny is still latched onto Taylor? Maybe some kind of technology control? I imagine Saint still inside the stolen Dragon suit threatening them, so Taylor takes over them?
So which one do you think Theo will fall for? Theo admits he fell for Taylor in cannon mainly because it was a girl talking to him, and spending time with him. (it was mainly training) Now he has two new friends that are girls.

The easy answer is he falls for Taylor, but I kinda of hope its Penny just to see Armsmaster's reaction.

Another interesting thought, Penny is friends with two people with the potential to trigger. Saint is going to cause both of them to trigger, isn't he?
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Crowbar... Why i am thinking about half-life?

Or if you like game parody's there's always Freeman's Mind on youtube where we the viewer get to hear the inner thoughts of Gordon Freeman:p

And now i want to see a crackfic where Emma or someone else gets the powers to read minds but somehow stay tuned to Taylors.

"Oh goody, it's another sh_tty day in the sh_tty school that is Winslow. I'm surprised that no ones burnt this place to the ground already, I mean I'd do it in a heartbeat but because Mom had to nip my growing pyromania in the bud I'm now blacklisted from all the stores that sell matches and lighters. Not like anyone would've missed those flowerbeds......or those warehouses......and the Boat Graveyard. Ya know I bet I could con some of those Merchants into trading me some lighters for gummy vitamins, I'll just tell them it's chewable LSD. Not like they don't deserve to get scammed since they ruined drugs for everyone, if it weren't for them I'd be high as a kite everyday I'm in this hellhole. It's not like the teachers would notice unless they were trying to scam some off of me."

So Krieg as Principle, Dorothy/Night(?) as secretary, Cassie is Rune, Theo is Theo. I'm almost expecting Hookwolf to be the hard ass coach of whatever sports team they have, Othala the Nurse, Purity the Librarian, Victor the Psychologist/Councillor, Fog the grounds keeper, Cricket can be either music or gym, and Stormtiger can be the mild mannered English teacher with a mysterious past in martial arts. You know, go all in on the Nazi school to absurd levels.

Krieg:o: "You knew this entire time?!"
Taylor:eyeroll:: "Yeah."
Krieg:confused:: "Then....why?"
Taylor: "If you'd been to Winslow you wouldn't have to ask."

Or to make this even sillier (it's all for the omakes:evil:) you could have half the faculty made up of Nazi's and the other half drawn from the ranks of the French Resistance from the movie Top Secret!

Nick Rivers for music/singing
Hillary Flammond for history/english
Latrine as the school safety inspector
Dr. Paul Flammond as science teacher
General Streck as the Home Ec. teacher
Chocolate Mousse heading up the cafeteria staff


But more seriously. I wonder if "Cassie" will have a change of heart, other than one Penny hug at a time. Well, at least Theo has a possible out here.

With a groan of pain Cassie opened her eyes, looking around she found herself laying on one of the beds in the nurses office with Theo sitting in a chair calmly reading a book.

"What the...f_ck...happened?"

*Page flip*

"Penny got it into her head that she could 'hug the bitchiness' out of you."


"When kicking and struggling against Penny's grip didn't do anything you tried headbutting her, about the third try you almost ended up kissing her."

"............why am I wet?"

"Taylor thought hugging wouldn't be enough and brought a bucket of holy water, though when she tried to splash you most of the water curved around you and made a break for freedom down the stairs before everyone lost sight of it in the gardens."

*page flip*

"Why are you here?"

"Some of the girls who saw the holy water practically run away from you called in an old priest and a young priest to do an exorcism. I'm supposed to call them in when you wake up."


*page flip*

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I just have one observation. I keep seeing people use Fliescher for neo-Nazis. Fliescher is often a Jewish name.

Krieg must get so much shit from the rest of E88, even the line goons.
I just have one observation. I keep seeing people use Fliescher for neo-Nazis. Fliescher is often a Jewish name.

Krieg must get so much shit from the rest of E88, even the line goons.
You just din't belueve how much jews are neonazi or even hardcore nazi. We even saw jewish chapter in the Hydra substitute we russians fight in Ukraine. It is just insane! They are jews! They are wearing David' star and swastika at the same time!
Nazi teachers, never something I've seen before but certainly amusing.
Actually makes a horrifying amount of sense; control over education is a classic means of indoctrincation to a mindset, and if you do it subtly enough, you can avoid the parents noticing and frame it in ways that make them sound like the unreasonable/uneducated ones if they try to refute it.

No but it does buy you breathing room.
And we know how Nazis feel about needing that!
I just have one observation. I keep seeing people use Fliescher for neo-Nazis. Fliescher is often a Jewish name.

Krieg must get so much shit from the rest of E88, even the line goons.
Considering the E88 seems more like the Ayrian Brotherhood then conventional Nazis I think they likely don't think about it.
Considering the E88 seems more like the Ayrian Brotherhood then conventional Nazis I think they likely don't think about it.

If you think the Brotherhood don't care about that, uh...bad news.

Besides, the E88 is definitely an amalgam of various hate groups and points of view being held together by Kaiser's force of personality, and the majority of the groups they're recruiting from (even the Klan these days) are "Nazified" and anti-Jewish.
I...actually don't know the difference between the two. Even enough to figure out the significance as to what you're referencing.
The AB are first and foremost a criminal enterprise. They've put ideology aside many times for the sake of money. They're willing to deal with non-white gangs constantly to further their own goals.
American White Supremacists aping Nazi imagery vs. dyed-in-the-wool Nazis.

The AB are first and foremost a criminal enterprise. They've put ideology aside many times for the sake of money. They're willing to deal with non-white gangs constantly to further their own goals.

To be fair, the Nazis put aside their racial supremacy business to ally with Arabs against the Russians and the Japanese against the Allies. But I think I get the distinction. Thanks!
The irony: only somewhat. You know that "Aryan" thing? Another word for Aryan is Persian.

Or put another way, Iranian. This obviously hasn't carried over to modern Nazis, but the original Nazis were actually quite pro-Iran.
Which kind-of makes one wonder where they got the idea that "Iranian/Aryan" meant "Pale skinned, blond-haired, and blue-eyed." I mean, Persians can be fairly light-skinned compared to their Arabic, Indian, and African neighbors, but they're still pretty dusky compared to Greeks and Italians, let alone the Viking Nordic Ideal that the "Aryan ideal" is purported to be.
Which kind-of makes one wonder where they got the idea that "Iranian/Aryan" meant "Pale skinned, blond-haired, and blue-eyed." I mean, Persians can be fairly light-skinned compared to their Arabic, Indian, and African neighbors, but they're still pretty dusky compared to Greeks and Italians, let alone the Viking Nordic Ideal that the "Aryan ideal" is purported to be.
It's almost as if the ideology created by a mad man is a little inconsistent.
Which kind-of makes one wonder where they got the idea that "Iranian/Aryan" meant "Pale skinned, blond-haired, and blue-eyed." I mean, Persians can be fairly light-skinned compared to their Arabic, Indian, and African neighbors, but they're still pretty dusky compared to Greeks and Italians, let alone the Viking Nordic Ideal that the "Aryan ideal" is purported to be.
somewhat ironic from russian POW but "Aryan ideal" genetically was mostly descendants of West Slavic tribes which immigrates from proto-russian territories because basically "winter is coming" and not of Vikings.
And yes, all ancient aryan tribes including those who settled in India came from those proto-russian territories in various waves of migration during last 5000 of years. Winter is harsh mistress.
Russian is part of ancient Indo-Aryan group. Somehow german nazis forget those facts. We blame british for that.

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You just din't belueve how much jews are neonazi or even hardcore nazi. We even saw jewish chapter in the Hydra substitute we russians fight in Ukraine. It is just insane! They are jews! They are wearing David' star and swastika at the same time!
enough of that Let's leave RL political fantasies at the door, please. Hydra does not run Ukraine, nor are there Jewish Nazi groups running their government, regardless of what Russia likes to call them.