So. Principal James Fliescher. That's Krieg, if I'm not wrong. Colin and Dragon are gonna be pissed that their daughter was (even nominally) under his authority when they find out. Heh.

Also, before this chapter, I was totally hoping for Immaculata to be an expy of Atlas Academy, with Penny and Taylor-as-a-Ciel-standin. But yeah, E88 Junior shenanigans are nice too.
So Krieg as Principle, Dorothy/Night(?) as secretary, Cassie is Rune, Theo is Theo. I'm almost expecting Hookwolf to be the hard ass coach of whatever sports team they have, Othala the Nurse, Purity the Librarian, Victor the Psychologist/Councillor, Fog the grounds keeper, Cricket can be either music or gym, and Stormtiger can be the mild mannered English teacher with a mysterious past in martial arts. You know, go all in on the Nazi school to absurd levels.

This has the chance to go hilariously wrong. "Girls, I can't keep sending you to different school when you keep trashing them no matter how many criminal activities you expose." Like an accidental buddy cop duo.

But more seriously. I wonder if "Cassie" will have a change of heart, other than one Penny hug at a time. Well, at least Theo has a possible out here.
Also, before this chapter, I was totally hoping for Immaculata to be an expy of Atlas Academy, with Penny and Taylor-as-a-Ciel-standin. But yeah, E88 Junior shenanigans are nice too.
...Okay, now that you've mentioned Taylor-as-a-Ciel-stand-in I really want Taylor to get a nice blue beret. It just... It sounds so cute.
I somehow missed the last chapter, but that just makes this two chapters now. Also, Nazi teachers, never something I've seen before but certainly amusing.
More Penny! Yay!!

Something is rotten in the school of Immaculata.

So Krieg as Principle, Dorothy/Night(?) as secretary, Cassie is Rune, Theo is Theo. I'm almost expecting Hookwolf to be the hard ass coach of whatever sports team they have, Othala the Nurse, Purity the Librarian, Victor the Psychologist/Councillor, Fog the grounds keeper, Cricket can be either music or gym, and Stormtiger can be the mild mannered English teacher with a mysterious past in martial arts. You know, go all in on the Nazi school to absurd levels.

No, Hookwolf must be the Councillor :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Also Kayden is an interior decorator in the OTL, maybe could be better put her as art teacher.
"What the hell did you tell my daughter?!"
"Who, Dinah? She needed some self confidence."
"She just beat the shit out of like half a dozen 16 year olds!"
"Yeah, so?"
"She's 12! She put one of them through a wall."
I can see Councilor!Hookwolf giving the students approving looks and thumbs up from behind the parents' back after he talks to them.

Hookwolf: They grow up so fast. I'm so proud. *sniffle*
Well, his father will hear about this and think "Finally !". Now for the big question, is that girl the civilian identity of Rune ?

Man, at this rate when Taylor trigger her shard will have a copy effect of all the parahumans that she will have been exposed at the time.
As I watched the scene unfold I couldn't help thinking that I'd better pry her off him before he passed out, either from lack of air or from embarrassment judging from how red his face was getting. Maybe I should start carrying a crowbar around?

Don't be silly.
A mere crowbar is entirely insufficient to defeat the PENNY Power-Hug.