... are you talking about Dispel there? The canon Void Magic spell that I literally just used here with all the same properties, including the shuts down all magic and "it exhausts you to use it" bit? That I just don't name because it's much more dramatic this way, for her to "speak a single word" than "yelling 'Dispel' when casting"?
It's literally just Dispel.
As for Omakes, my threads are officially an omake-unfriendly territory. That doesn't mean they're banned, but I direct a critical eye at any posted and I won't hold back if I think they're bad, miss the point, or are just a bashfic [1]. The best way to avoid this is, of course, to ask first.
(Any omakes posted in separate threads are none of my business, as a fanfic writer. If people want to write fanfic of my fanfic and post it in its own thread, they're free to. I have absolutely no moral right to protest at people doing that. If you want to write a spin-off fanfic, go ahead!)
[1] The reason I have such a negative reputation for my reaction to them is because someone wrote a foetid pile of shit in the Imago thread, which was a Trio-bashing snippet and I was curt to them and told them to take it to the Worm idea thread. This apparently became warped in the retelling to me turning into a werewolf and mauling them to death. Even though honestly that snippet was bad enough that it wouldn't have been entirely undeserved.
I'm not trying to write recursive fanfiction; I have exactly one scene created as a talking point- one I hope generates ideas and talking. I also have some analysis which ties into this. That's it.
Basically, the first scene is Louise vs the Heroic Interludes- first by talking to them, and when that fails, fighting them (at her home base, but they have the mercenaries). The analysis is an in-depth look at what could happen if Karen and her husband went against Louise. Both of these situations have Lousie using Dispel to destroy all of their magic and exhaust her Evil magic, allowing her to use Wind magic at a square mage level against people without wands- I noted that Dispel attacked
everything magical, so even if Karin could ignore it, her wands would probably die- and according to what I've seen, she still needs wands to cast magic, no matter how powerful she is.
That's it, I promise. No bashing, although the Heroes may be stupider than normal to some extent, as I want to demonstrate Louise's variety of arguments against attacking her- she does have a plethora- and I still want them to fight... and if Louise is arguing against that, I can't see her attacking first.
There will be no
intentional bashing. I don't like bashing- all of the bashing (of characters, at least) I have seen is quite poorly done. Unless Overlady counts, of course.
Do I have your permission to submit an Omake? If you dislike it, I promise that I will remove it- just PM me and it's gone.
*Puts a trained puppy on the floor*