Our Hero Academia (My Hero Academia RP OOC - Class A Filled!)

>implying there would be a body

Tsk tsk. No professionalism these days.

Don't you all know to reduce the corpse to ashes when you kill someone? Disgraceful.

He would rise from the ashes.
Trust me, I know this.
Wrap my coffin in silver chains, followed by an altar cloth, followed by more silver chains and dump a load of cement in the grave

the world cannot let this evil be unleashed
You forgot the tinfoil between the two sets of cement to make sure it can't mind control anyone.
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The aura of a Super Saiyan is caused by said Super Saiyan venting power out of every pore of his body

This power is used to make Kamehamehas

Kamehamehas burn people badly who don't have battle auras themselves

Good thing were all human mutants so there are no sayians.
close enough

Saiyans were always mutant humans in my headcanon

or else why would they be able to create fertile halfbreeds?

Its right there:V
The aura of a Super Saiyan is caused by said Super Saiyan venting power out of every pore of his body

This power is used to make Kamehamehas

Kamehamehas burn people badly who don't have battle auras themselves


close enough

Saiyans were always mutant humans in my headcanon

or else why would they be able to create fertile halfbreeds?

Its right there:V

All aliens are fertile with humans, romance sub plots require it.