Our Hero Academia (My Hero Academia RP OOC - Class A Filled!)

You don't count, Aliyah.

You're like a sister to me.

Don't be silly, we were friends before I learned that

This is...shall we say, merely convenient

...I'm going to do something I never do

and trust you

my Mom's agency is having a picnic next weekend

you can be my plus one :V

"See, it's because of initiative like that why you're a perfect member of the team."

"...I'm not sure if this is you backpedaling, or if you've been testing me this whole time."
You don't count, Aliyah.

You're like a sister to me.

I can handle that.

...I'm going to do something I never do

and trust you

my Mom's agency is having a picnic next weekend

you can be my plus one :V

I can't handle that.

You're a good friend

Where am I gonna get a dress on short notice...

Ftfy. You look better in one anyway.

Forgetting about me already, Masahiro-kun?

Just because I've been spending more time with Hisoka doesn't mean I have forgotten about you.

In fact, we both have a gift just for you.

Get away from my little brother, you hussy.
Azrael - Alice
Submitting: One genuinely caring individual, who wants to help others.

Name: Alice.
Alignment: Hero.
Costume: An elaborate, elegant dress combined with modified ballerina shoes. The outfit is designed for maximum ease of movement, and all scarves and such are designed to tear away at the slightest provocation.

Quirk: Coppelia - A bizarre 'mutation' type Quirk. The entirety of Alice's body is composed of artificial materials. Plastic, porcelain, steel, and so on. The usefulness of this Quirk lies in the fact that, aside from her brain, she does not depend on any part of her body to live, and cannot feel pain. What's more, she is able to physically remove and replace body parts, exchanging broken limbs and torn muscles with other, potentially better versions. Her weaknesses lie in the fact that, as a machine, she is extremely vulnerable to electricity and magnetism. She is also guaranteed to set off any metal detector.

Engineering and Maintenance: Learned by necessity, she can create, repair, and maintain the complex parts needed to keep her body operational.

Walking Arms Depot: Alice abuses her Quirk to store a significant amount of weaponry on her person, and is proficient with its use. Whether boot-knives or integrated Gatling guns, she has a weapon for almost every occasion, and can expect to actually hit her target with them.

Bio: Alice couldn't tell you what her early life was like. When she was ten, she was involved in an accident that damaged her brain, the only vulnerable part of her body, leading to amnesia and an inability to store 'explicit' memories for a longer period than 72 hours. She retains implicit memories- such things as skills and knowledge, but she forgets her own identity and circumstances about twice a week. Such memories are recoverable, to an extent, but the process is by no means guaranteed.

As a result, Alice (which isn't her real name, incidentally) never really feels at ease. She feels like she has a hole in her heart that can never be filled, but at least she can try to make a safe place for others. In search of such a beautiful dream, she has decided to become a Hero.

You psychopaths :V
i cant wait until when haru pops his white hole against thirteen's black hole and causes planetary destruction!