In any other situations, we need to have something in hand if our Buster Sword is elsewhere or tied to something during transport. Because the few moments we're weaponless is dire. We're lucky we had our friends on arms reach but if Neianne was alone, that would have gone badly.

So we need a knife.
I would prefer to have a Tome so girls will approach us to nerd at us as we have a Plan B of Explosion
"Good day, Your Ladyships," calls out one of the bandits in sarcastically good cheer. You can't actually see her out your window, but you strongly suspect this is the leader of this band of highwaywomen. "My sisters and I keep this road in working order, you see, so you highborn ladies can travel upon it unimpeded to wherever it is you go." You imagine the woman putting on her most winning smile as she declares, "I suspect it's only fair recompense, then, that you contribute a little to our endeavors? Surely, you have enough to spare."

Although you can't see her either, the next voice you hear is that of Aphelia's who speaks in a measured, almost incredulous voice. "Are you...robbing us?" she asks.

"That is such an inelegant word," the bandit tut-tuts. "But if you absolutely must insist on using it...yes."

There is a pregnant pause before something dangerous slips into Aphelia's tone as she remarks, "Oh."
Bandit decisionmaking is always dubious, especially the ones well off enough to be cocky about it rather than desperate.
Your buster sword, on the other hand, was tied to the rooftop of the wagon - really the only place it could be stored - so it takes half a minute for you to exit the carriage and climb onto its rooftop, and then work on the knots securing your weapons so it doesn't slip off during transit.

Suspiciously, it's around the moment that you free your buster sword from its strappings and strike a ready stance from atop your wagon that - entirely coincidentally - the remaining bandits either flee screaming or surrender. You have no idea how that happened.
...but sometimes they can make good decisions
Secondly, on the pay bonuses issue: I think an important thing we don't know here that's probably affecting Azalea's perspective here is precisely how many dryads - particularly those of House Charmaine - are enlisted in officer roles. It also wouldn't surprise me if Fulwaite's role in this scheme is influencing her view - the produce offered only exists because of House Charmaine and they may well have had a hand in the proposal.
Missing another angle, being paid in produce basically means that Dryad soldiers aren't being paid. Dryads need far less food than the other races, and I vaguely recall Aseri needed a bit more for the same build?
I would prefer to have a Tome so girls will approach us to nerd at us as we have a Plan B of Explosion

Bandit decisionmaking is always dubious, especially the ones well off enough to be cocky about it rather than desperate.

...but sometimes they can make good decisions

Missing another angle, being paid in produce basically means that Dryad soldiers aren't being paid. Dryads need far less food than the other races, and I vaguely recall Aseri needed a bit more for the same build?

Well, an industrious Dryad could sell the food to the Aseri? :V
Well, an industrious Dryad could sell the food to the Aseri? :V
I think someone speculated that's what the Charmaignes are up to- having gotten a lock on food production they're trying to step up and use food to solve the problem of not getting enough pay to buy food. helps that Dryads don't really need the food they're growing that much so they can totally afford to cover for those who don't have the luxury of eating once every few weeks.
It's...An interesting thought that culturally speaking long-term I suspect Dryads are more often then not going to end up on the bottom of the totem pole in terms of 'standing' but less because they don't reach for it but because they tend to be the first to throw themselves into the trenches to help the whole 'forest' so to speak.
So with the conclusion of Arc One, everyone hopefully now has an idea of the direction I'm going for in terms of narrative, tone, and style. This being said, this only being Arc One means there can be a lot of adjustments made. In this vein, I'd really appreciate it if I could get some feedback. I'd like to provide some questions as a template if you don't know how you'd like to structure your feedback, but honestly, anything will do; feel free to not be constrained by the questions below. ^_^;

1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?
2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?
3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?
4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?
5. Similarly, if you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you like the most, or you think is the strongest link?
6. What are your favorite scenes?
1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?
I think the plot is coming along really nice. You've stuck out a pace that's your own and recognizable. It's like a brand. There's this meaty and weighty feel to your storytelling that feels real.

While the walls of text are daunting at times, they are fun to read with my limited attention span. They give insight to the characters and the world but when the need arises to be fast paced, it remains as is I think? I'm not really sure how to articulate it.

It's engaging and interesting. You're doing well.

2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?

They feel fleshed out for those that we met and engaged with. And while we only touched upon the other briefly, they feel all right too. I think the characters are one of the strong points of this story and you're doing well with them.

Though I wouldn't know about weaknesses. I might not be the best person to ask given I'm enjoy things too easily. You're certainly better at this than I am :p.
3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?
Elizabeth, Sieglinde and Melanie. Maybe Lucille too.
4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?
Too many waifus The narrative tends to ramble. Now what that means to me would be that it would go off tangent to less interesting flavor text. I can't mark specifics at the moment, sorry.
6. What are your favorite scenes?
Any scene that has Siegline and Elizabeth in them. Also everyone looking at our buster sword.

This quest is a good, please make more of it.
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1.Excellent plot, I'd say. The Media Res notion was probably actually a solid idea if you have issues with characterization- it set in stone A conclusion without it necessarily being Quest Conclusion, which freed you up for focusing on characters since you know where the setting is going.
2. Everyone's felt relatively distinct- I'm inclined to think if anyone sounds similar in my head that'd be more down to either me overlooking a part of their character or just outright similar personalities. And that includes once-offs like that merchant playing the table game.
3. Mia! She seems like a ton of fun! But uhh, it's very hard to choose, because there's so many flavors of fun here on display!
4.*Shrugs* Maybe general schoolwork not being much of a factor but uhh, I half-blame that on our own choices (read: Wyvern stomped arm!). Besides, it seems to me like it's also taking a backseat because the point is character-writing and in turn schoolwork basically is an opportunity for characterization and Neianne being influenced by friends as well means it's fairly natural for it to not be the biggest thing to care about.
5. Again-Everyone is distinctive, even once-offs like those Bandits felt like living people who have their own tales, with only a lack of screen time to set them apart from main characters.
6. Hrrm...The mental image of the Bandits going 'MOMMIIIEEE!' In reaction to the Buster Sword was great. Also Azalea's generally been a fun time.
Though...I'm rather hard-pressed to decide, I think.
So with the conclusion of Arc One, everyone hopefully now has an idea of the direction I'm going for in terms of narrative, tone, and style. This being said, this only being Arc One means there can be a lot of adjustments made. In this vein, I'd really appreciate it if I could get some feedback. I'd like to provide some questions as a template if you don't know how you'd like to structure your feedback, but honestly, anything will do; feel free to not be constrained by the questions below. ^_^;

1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?
2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?
3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?
4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?
5. Similarly, if you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you like the most, or you think is the strongest link?
6. What are your favorite scenes?
The plot is interesting, from both an internal content perspective and a structural one in the quest's voting setup. Watching Neianne learn how to be a mercenary coupled to the economic and cultural intricacies of Caldrein is interesting content to read over. Structurally you've had several updates at times which are a cohesive narrative without the need for votes, this particular arc being a great example and it hasn't interfered with my enjoyment or understanding of what the quest is talking about.

This also extends to the characters. From a content perspective you've set up a cast of varied and somewhat intricate characters, but it is an actual cast. In the sense that there are clearly delineated main and support characters and the use of a lack of a character to be significant in a scene or series of scenes. There interaction is also quite interesting because you show people poking at each other's boundaries and being poked in return, instead of one person sucking away the character from every other source.

The way you go about character writing is interesting enough that I am trying to model my own character writing, since that's the main focus of my skills at the moment, off of yours. Your BGM's are also an interesting flavor addition which adds to the professionalism of your writing, because I often feel like I am reading a novel or something similar.

Neianne, Sieglinde.

I don't have much to say about what I don't like, because to be honest nothing turned me off from the quest in a way that I could point to and say "I don't like that". On the flip side you've generated a lot of scenes I like from what we've come up with and on you're own. The ones that spring to mind are the Wyvern and Neianne's crawl towards it, the battle against the Squirrels in the courtyard, and the most recent political segue.

Another point I feel like should be brought up is that for all that the magic is there and a part of the world, it's not omni-present in an attempt to mimic the comforts of the modern age as is common in a lot of low quality isekai or other generic JRPG based fantasy. The principles of magic, and how you frame it as an active scholarly debate is also a very very nice thing to see, because it fills out the culture in a direction that simply isn't there for most renditions in other stories of a historical confederated multi-monarchy or whatever you want to use to describe Caldrein.
The character writing is excellent, but...

I find myself failing to associate some names with the appropriate characters. Sure, I remember the protagonist's squad's names and a few others, but when a new chapter comes out with sections focusing on side characters, I sometimes find myself struggling to remember who's who. I remember a lot of the other characters by their characteristics and previous actions, but I have trouble associating that with their names. It might be a symptom of the longer, less frequent updates, or it might just be because I lurk rather than voting.

Is there a character sheet somewhere?
I have been sick TWO separate times this vacation it is the absolute worst
The gallery is built at steep enough a slant that any who sit on its seats - even someone as short as you - can see most of the floor below.
Alas, there goes the excuse to have Neianne sitting on someone's shoulders...

a small sea of mostly elven faces and colorful robes
*shakes fist* Elven privilege! Almost every fandom! Bloody elves!

It is yet another sign that Caldrein respects the commons
Or it's just pageantry and a sop to the commoners to keep them in line :V

But at the end of the day, it has always been known, after all, that Caldrans volunteer for their duties, that Caldrein honors its warriors, that Caldrein provides much higher pay for its trained and motivated soldiers than its neighbors.
*cough* Well, trained and well paid soldiers need to justify their salary also, so that's a double-edged sword.

Also, something something needs industry to support their efforts something something military-industrial complex something something

So, of course, you look imploringly to Sieglinde. Tragically, she doesn't immediately provide an explanation of what's going on, but what she does say is telling. "Of course," she mutters with muted frustration, "instead of having a dedicated budget meeting with the Confederated City of Stenard, which actually mints our coinage, confederate budgetary discussions are relegated to the realm of petitions."

You fidget uncertainly. "Is that...b-bad?"

"We share a common currency, have the same strategic imperatives, and are fighting the same war, yet a unified monetary policy seems to be beyond us."
TBF, unified monetary policy is somewhat beyond 'just' year to year budgetary concerns.

Coin has become not only a figurative but also a literal problem; costs are outstripping revenue, and with the mines in Elspar being constantly attacked or even outright annexed by the Tenereians, the ability of the Confederacy to mint coins has come under serious threat. Other regions have their share of mines, of course, but Elspar has always had the lion's share, especially of silver and copper.
Psssssst, the siren song of fiat currency calls to you~

"Agricultural produce," nods Countess Dalcan, almost as if her Elsparian counterpart needed a definition of the word. "Crops, mostly. Grain, wheat, barley. Different vegetables, meats, occasionally livestock. Produce of equivalent value would be offered as payment at reduced market prices to guards and soldiers. It was never a long-term solution, of course, and stopped as soon as Fulwaite moved onto local coinages, and then the confederate mark decades afterwards. But if the problem of coin and coinage is not something that can be solved this year, then perhaps we can make do with crops." She straightens in her chair. "Fulwaite has a modest surplus of produce that I am willing to begin shipping to Elspar, if only to reduce the burden of coinage and give ourselves more than just three years to readjust our finances and our economies. You are welcome to repay me in full when you're able, with no interest."
oh my god what is this, is Caldrein really having to devolve back to koku? Ye gods, this war is ruinous.

Before you can answer, though, a familiar drawl interrupts your conversation, providing the answer to Azalea's question. "Why am I not surprised?" asks Elizabeth from behind you, and you jump a little as you turn around to face the tiny elf. "The moment I turn my back, you run off to be educated by Ravenhill instead of me."
I am not putting it past Elizabeth to simply stalk Neianne for her own amusement and interject when is most comedically appropriate.

Again Azalea curtsies to her sociopolitical better: "Lady Zabanya." And a moment later, she's pulling you by the hand through a throng of highborns, leading you through this maze of Caldrein's most powerful. "It's...a little surprising," she admits a moment later, out of Elizabeth's earshot, and you're weirdly glad the latter isn't an aseri, given your previous experience with Lilith, "seeing you with her. I didn't think she cared much about you."
'Or cared much about anyone' goes unsaid by basically everyone.

"The ranks were dominated by aseri and humans. Martial prowess may be a Caldran virtue, but there were more well-paying jobs with less sweat involved and just as much respectability for those more fortunate. Of course, elves who were down on their luck and looked to the guard or the army for work were more likely to be promoted to sergeants or officers relative to their aseri and human cousins. It was rarely ever outright malice or prejudice; elven officers and highborns had more opportunities to mingle with elven enlisted and sergeants, and thus more likely to think of them when matters of promotion came up.
ARGLBARGH I WAS RIGHT IT IS THE ELVES FAULT *gets sedated dragged away mid-rant*

Although you can't see her either, the next voice you hear is that of Aphelia's who speaks in a measured, almost incredulous voice. "Are you...robbing us?" she asks.

"That is such an inelegant word," the bandit tut-tuts. "But if you absolutely must insist on using it...yes."

There is a pregnant pause before something dangerous slips into Aphelia's tone as she remarks, "Oh."
Alas, poor Torchwick, what poor timing...

You actually feel a little bit rueful, having contributed practically nothing to this skirmish. Most of the others have weapons compact enough to keep on their person as they ride on the wagon, and were thus immediately armed when they leaped out of the wagon to confront the bandits.
:campaign for fist secondary weapon intensifies:

Suspiciously, it's around the moment that you free your buster sword from its strappings and strike a ready stance from atop your wagon that - entirely coincidentally - the remaining bandits either flee screaming or surrender. You have no idea how that happened.
Sorry Neianne, no Descending Mountain Smasher for you. :3

You are growing more confident.

You are developing out-of-the-box thinking.

You are nurturing a hatred towards Tenereians.

You are achieving competence with a buster sword.

You are developing strong relationships with Azalea Cherilyn Charmaine, Elizabeth Irivich Zabanya, Lucille Lorraine Celestia, Melanie Aster, Sieglinde Corrina Ravenhill, Stephanie, Vesna Rainer, and Wendy.
You are just as cute as the day you entered.

1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?
The pace isn't slow enough. :3 I want more ten thousand word digressions and explorations into world building. I don't even need to vote. There's just so much cool stuff that seems to be off in areas Neianne has no information on (and so we as readers aren't even really aware of) that I'd love to see.

2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?
Your characters are pretty well handled and I can see you've been trying to strike a balance between giving just winning voters what they want and trying to avoid mono-focusing down to only the same characters by making sure to keep having other faces pop up. At least the people who get screentime are all somewhat memorable and I can tell that everyone has at least something of their own story to tell, even if we may not get to see it.

3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?
Vesna, Mia, Melanie, and little sister :3

4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?
I dislike that we have to choose between several interesting options for what to study or who to spend time with as a conceit to time, both OOC and IC. :3

We~ll, I wouldn't mind an/more occasional interlude(s) from another character's perspective to see what they think of either the current situation or of Neianne.

5. Similarly, if you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you like the most, or you think is the strongest link?
Cute Neianne doing Cute Things

6. What are your favorite scenes?
Neianne's trip into town where she had to boast about the wyvern
The infirmary aftermath of the attack
Elizabeth/Melanie flirting(?) after the attack
Neianne's hometown reacting to her after a year away

Happy New Year~
1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?
2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?
3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?
4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?
5. Similarly, if you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you like the most, or you think is the strongest link?
6. What are your favorite scenes?
1. Well, I cannot help but believe your planned introduction and character buildup exploded out of control. I'm starting to wonder if you should just rename the quest and then have the actual elsparian road title as part 2.

2. No issue with characters, this is where you usually shine. But...

Come to think of it, I realized something else. We see Neianne changing by interacting with others. Granted, we're the MC and this is an extended character buildup of a sort, but I don't exactly recall seeing others changing much due to her yet. But maybe that will happen this second year? Neianne's not static and neither are the others.

3. Outside of Neianne? Elizabeth, Sieglinde and Lucille. Especially because they stick out a fair bit. Memorable characters are those that stand out after. And Lucille stood out by getting the worst lesson in Leadership.

4. At first glance, it's hard to find SOMETHING. But frankly, am I glad you ditched the OSTs. This is not a VN, so don't try to imitate it to try to set a mood. At least a forum can allow quickly starting it. Other than that... I worry of that habit I saw in SaWTF of escalating things in the name of giving a challenge. Like having too many points of failure that ruin the whole job. And actually, now that I recall it, the wyvern may have been exactly that. If you're offering many solutions, at least have more than one good option to not have people killed. Most won't think like you and you have a GM viewpoint on things that may be obvious. Why do you think we joked about you not hesitating to murder the cast with a smile with wrong choices? You can set a fluffy mood one moment then start bleeding them the next. Otherwise, see 2.

5. Interactions is your usual strong point, as well as action. Battles don't feel mechanical in how you write in, like how Neianne actually only killed an assassin accidentally.

6. Neianne not realizing her image of a smol spiked wrecking ball when she's ready for action with her sword? And when Elizabeth catch her completely flat-footed. She's becoming a favorite for a reason after all.
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not sure I have any answers for the other questions but I can answer one of them easily
3. Elizabeth, Melanie, Sieglinde
I'll give my in-depth reply later, but I love that Lisa is such a fan favorite.

1. The plot is being handled so well, sugar. The events are pretty interesting, and even the downtime don't come across as boring filler. There is a sense of time passing that should never be understated. Characters are living their lives and the pacing is pretty indicative of that.

2. The characters are definitely a high light of the quest. Everyone is their own person with their own quirks, opinions, strengths and weaknesses and it's something that stands out it the best possible way. In some quests you get the sense that your actions decide the actions of everyone around you. In this quest, Neianne is very visibly the only person whom you have any type of agency over and it's lowkey such a wondrous thing. Sieglinde is gonna Sieglinde, Stephanie is gonna Stephanie, Elizabeth is gonna Elizabeth, and Neianne is just floundering about trying to navigate the social landscape in her own very specific way.

3. Elizabeth, Neianne, Melanie and Elana.

4. The only gripe I have, that isn't really a gripe is that I wish for more time socializing. I know I am guilty of focusing on very specific people but that is because despite use having a year each arc, there kind of exists a sense of pressure to social with people to max out relationship points that really shouldn't exist. I'm not saying let us outright vote for 8 people a turn, but, maybe have prerequisite people each week and an additional four that we vote on. Like, hey, this is sword training week. So put four people we would interact with automatically while we do this, and four people that Neianne actually goes out an socials on her own prerogative. THIS IS JUST AN IDEA.

5. The interactions between the characters. They feel like real people who have bias towards each other, both good and bad. I love them all.

6. Every scene with Elizabeth in it. Stephanie revealing her SUPER SECRET SPECIAL FLAME STRIKE ATTACK and then trying to downplay it like anyone else in this entire quest has ever done it onscreen before. No, Steph, you're a main character, deal with it. Everyone's reaction to Neianne's sword. That one specific scene during the time when Sieglinde's continued presence in our team was up in the air and Elizabeth and Stephanie were seemingly finally going to actually address Stephanie's secrecy. The tension in that scene did things to me. Every scene with Elana in it.
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1. Pacing is fine, I'd say, especially for people who are catching up. Maybe the second half of summer vacation could maybe have been shorter, but I'm not sure I'm judging that right considering that I followed it as it updated.

2. Character writing is probably one of the stronger parts of the quest.

3. Neianne, Elizabeth, Lucille, possibly Wendy and Mia.

4. Hmm, for the writing it's probably what AnonymousRabbit said, that you sometimes dwell too long. I personally think that one of the recent magic explanations (one by Elizabeth) was a bit too much. I don't recall if she gave two explanations or if the one just went on a bit long. But imo it felt unnecessary and had lost the connection to the characters (unlike the start of Elizabeth's explanation and the maid most recently, both of which were very character-based and imo very good). Note: I did not reread the part I'm talking about so accuracy not guaranteed, but the feeling must've come from somewhere.

5. The character writing. I also think the way you write is very comfy, somehow? I believe I said that once before though, and that's probably not something you want for all scenes :V

6. Err my emotional memory is trash, sorry. Possibly the wyvern and the invasion but that feels like I just picked the big action scenes because they're noticeable. Maybe if there was a scene of Elizabeth getting owned that I forgot, because as much as I like her as a character I am instinctively opposed to her worldview (also because I like seeing dominant personalities get owned in general but shhh).

fake edit: oh also I do have problems remembering which province is which, but I'm not that great at remember places
also on reflection I don't like that we've ended up mostly hanging with nobility but I blame that on the players (myself included for the votes I was there for so lol)
Caught up in time to answer your questions.
1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?
The plot is great and I'd say it improved over time and has become even more engaging. There's quite a few things going on in the background, but I don't think it's overwhelming. That might also be because I just binged the whole quest and didn't have time to forget details yet :V
2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?
The characters writing is probably the best part of the quest for me. There's a lot of them and they are all distinct. Neianne's continuing development over the course of the quest is especially well handled.
3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?
There are honestly too many to name. Neianne (Obviously), Elana (cheeky brat), Elizabeth (I hope Neianne can curb that cynicism a little over time), Lucille (Ganbatte!)
4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?
Hm. Maybe that sometimes things seem a bit too detailed/long-winded? Hard to find something specififc.
5. Similarly, if you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you like the most, or you think is the strongest link?
Definetely the character interactions.
6. What are your favorite scenes?
Neianne standing up for herself or others and taking action, like with the wyvern and more and more in her talks with Elizabeth.
1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?

Definitely, though I'd personally advocate breaking updates up into smaller, its hard to find the time to comment on them when they are novella sized!

2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?

I love the characters, but theres a weakness in that theres a LOT of characters and as such it can be difficult to keep them straight, especially in a complex multi-party event like the previous update.

3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?

Elizabeth, Melanie.

4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?

As mentioned above, update more often, in smaller chunks!

5. Similarly, if you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you like the most, or you think is the strongest link?

You somehow made all these characters lovable and they need more screentime and/or hugs aaaaa..

6. What are your favorite scenes?

Basically every single time someone reacts to the Buster xD
My opinion is unusably biased and we talk about how I feel about this story all the time already! Answering anyway:
1. An entire year has passed in-game, to say nothing of more than two OOC years, and a tremendous amount of stuff has happened thus far. How am I handling the plot thus far? Is it still engaging and interesting, and am I managing the pacing alright?
I'm really engaged and want to see a lot of things play out, but part of that is this... tremendous sunk cost investment where I really want to see where certain characters end up.

2. We've had a lot of time to hang around and build upon characters. How am I handling them? Is my character writing alright, or are there significant weaknesses?
I've told you before that I think your character writing has improved over the course of this project. An ongoing issue is that you sometimes don't pay attention to things like... conveying the physicality or appearance of certain characters or places. There are some fairly prominent characters who never got a comprehensive physical description, or who got one... two years ago, at the start of the quest, and it's possible to forget. In contrast to this, though, are characters like Elizabeth, who has a really well defined and described presence, with her looks and size used constantly to convey the unsettling vibe most people get from being around her (and that Neianne is substantially becoming immune to!). This inconsistency is quite possibly something that contributes to people not easily being able to put a name to a face when someone's been offpage for long enough.

3. Who are your favorite characters thus far?
Elizabeth is a pretty fascinating and complicated character here. I'm also really glad that Wendy's developed so far beyond "Penelope flunky #1" and there's a lot of fun personality that comes through with her. It feels good, like a reward for voters going out of their way to save her, when she could just as easily have been wyvern food without any of this being discovered. You know about several others I have pretty strong positive feelings for, which I don't really need to go over in a lot of depth here in the interests of getting across some useful information for you.

4. If you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you dislike the most, or you think is the weakest link?
I do feel like sometimes the extremely ponderous rate of this quest is a downside. It on one hand offers a really extended period of time to develop multiple characters and concepts, which is good -- we have very gradual and organic feeling development for Neianne -- but I can't help but feel that finding a way to expedite that process, especially now that we've more or less settled on a general core cast and a range of character trajectories, would be preferable than proceeding at this same pace and taking another... 320,000K words just to get to what you think of as the "main story." Your commitment to keeping at a certain scale of significance is good for the sake of consistency, but I feel like sometimes it results in the quest going a bit too long without checking in for direct audience input, given the format.

5. Similarly, if you had to name something, what is one thing about this quest and/or my writing that you like the most, or you think is the strongest link?
The strongest thing about Elspar is that it kind of dropped us into this socialisation sandbox, so to speak, with way too many interesting characters to actually get to know them all. So there's a palpable feeling of this cast being one that the audience has had a real hand in shaping, which does a lot to change the story compared to how it could have been. Like, Elizabeth and Sieglinde could very easily have both been background characters who Neianne talks to once or twice but who we never really get to know outside of a cameo or two, like Wilhelmina, and Neianne's social circle could have been very different and could have said very different things about her. Seeing how those choices collide with the pre-determined events hinted at at the start of the quest is a really fun aspect for me.

6. What are your favorite scenes?
Anytime where it feels like Neianne has made some kind of breakthrough in terms of trying to befriend someone is extremely my shit, but about equally the much rarer moments of danger and extreme violence are very effective and dramatic for feeling like they are genuinely intruding on this kind of sheltered little prologue we're all invested in. On the far end of the spectrum from that, neither the buster sword reactions nor people teasing Neianne ever get old.
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