I have a feeling that Elizabeth's biggest regret about this section is not being present each time one of Neianne's other friends gets blindsided by her presence and who invited her.

"M-Magecraft isn't that complicated. If you w-wanted to learn, I'm sure you c-could."

You make a slight sound of distress, before admitting, "Smart g-girls keep trying to explain m-matter dissipation to me."

But for some reason this was the line that made me literally laugh out loud.

One minor typo I caught:
The viscountess-consort glances behind her, the direction her eldest daughter was last scene in,
"scene" should be "seen"
Some of the girls are probably thinking Neianne's going to be needed some saving from Elizabeth. The notion of Elizabeth bringing someone with her is so alien that it baffles everyone and i live for those reactions.
Is the stutter going to be something that she grows past or is it a permanent characteristic? I'll read the story regardless of course and I understand why she does it character wise but it's pretty annoying to read if I'm being honest. Just wanna know if I should brace myself for the long haul of dealing with that.
Is the stutter going to be something that she grows past or is it a permanent characteristic? I'll read the story regardless of course and I understand why she does it character wise but it's pretty annoying to read if I'm being honest. Just wanna know if I should brace myself for the long haul of dealing with that.
As of this point, the stutter has gotten better and it seems like something she's possibly growing out of.

I've got bad news for you, though, Kei later introduces a second stuttering character who people have voted to make friends with, who is currently worse than Neianne.
As of this point, the stutter has gotten better and it seems like something she's possibly growing out of.

I've got bad news for you, though, Kei later introduces a second stuttering character who people have voted to make friends with, who is currently worse than Neianne.
In our defense she's a cutie and a really sharp gal. You might even say she's a cut above the rest. She really blows me away.
Viscountess Zabanya unbends again, nodding at you politely. "She's Neianne of Caelon. She and Elizabeth are squadmates at Faulkren. Elizabeth invited her from Apaloft as a guest."

"Elizabeth?" The viscountess-consort glances behind her, the direction her eldest daughter was last scene in, before turning her attention back to you. She masters her obvious surprise a moment later. "I...see."
"She's a guest of House Zabanya," Elizabeth offers from her corner of this square.

Wilhelmina's eyes narrow for a moment at Elizabeth, before she casts the same look at you, which suddenly makes you feel very self-conscious. Eventually, Wilhelmina's look softens, but only by a bit. "I...see,"
Glancing around, you lean in close enough to whisper up to her, a little despairingly, "I d-didn't expect to be here either. Lady Elizabeth...s-surprised me."

Melanie blinks, confusion - if anything - increasing. "You're here w-with Lady Z-Z-Zabanya?" Abruptly, she glances behind you, as if worried that, perhaps, the smaller elf had been hiding in your shadow, waiting to step out and startle her.
"N-No," you admit, "I'm here with House Zabanya."

Lucille actually gives a slight start at that, considerably less subdued than Melanie's was. Slowly, Lucille let's her hold on Melanie's arm drop, actually frowning a little. "You're here with Elizabeth?"

While others have been surprised at this news, something about the way Lucille asks the question makes it sound as if you're doing something wrong.
"By Zabanya?" There's something about how she says that name - in this particular context - that doesn't quite sound like upset, but somehow makes you strangely uncomfortable. As if Sieglinde has just learned of something you'd rather she not have.
I really did enjoy seeing everyone's reactions to the idea that Elizabeth invited a guest. Doubly so for those who actually know Neianne and thus are even more confused at the idea that Elizabeth and Neianne actually get along. I wonder how many people are going to come to the (partially correct) idea that Elizabeth is dragging Neianne around because she finds Neianne's reactions amusing? It would fit with their preconceived notions of her as a bully who enjoys flaunting her own power since you could view that as Elizabeth forcing Neianne into uncomfortable situations for her own amusement. It's not true since Elizabeth pretty clearly, at least from what we see via Neianne's POV, respects Neianne and actually enjoys spending time with her not just teasing her.

"D-Do you..." you find yourself asking, "...dislike Lady Elizabeth?"

Lucille frowns as if that's a strange question.
It really isn't a strange question from an outside perspective. Elizabeth has a dreadful reputation and unlike most characters with similar backgrounds she has actually earned that reputation and truly does deserve it. Elizabeth shows no love and blatant disrespect to her father when they meet in the capital, keeps her younger sisters in line via the threat (and likely occasional application) of electric shocks, and is highly argumentative when she actually becomes engaged with a topic.

That all being said it's not surprising Neianne doesn't recognize this. Not only does she have very little social awareness which means she misses a lot of the cues about Elizabeth's personality she personally doesn't actually see that side of Elizabeth that much. The reason being that Elizabeth is very much a "respect must be earned" type of girl expect she applies that to everyone instead of half-heatedly and the vast majority of people fail to earn Elizabeth's respect. Neianne meanwhile has solidly earned Elizabeth's respect, as has Sieglinde in her own way, so she sees the more toned down "true" Elizabeth rather then the "normal" Elizabeth who is tired of dealing with all these fools.

"I'm going to go take a seat," Elizabeth announces, moving past you and navigating the rows of seats that line the gallery. "Join me whenever you want. Or don't." She smirks a little. "I suspect you may find a few friends here."
...who wants to bet Elizabeth was somehow observing us through this whole thing. The way she smirks here and mentions our friends has me thinking she has plans. Primarily probably just to gain some enjoyment from seeing everyone freak out when they realize Elizabeth was the one to invite Neianne.

Speaking of which; I suspect that is something Elizabeth will bring up sometime in the future. Possibly when we have the post-session mingling although given the separation of nobles and guests pre-session it might be off-screen. Neianne has made a lot of friends in high places yet not a single one of them thought to invite her to one of the most important events of the year. Only Elizabeth cared enough to invite Neianne. She didn't even settle for inviting her either; she brought Neianne to her home, introduced Neianne to her family, and paid for Neianne to have a dress suited to the occasion. That is a lot of effort for someone normally as detached as Elizabeth.

Now we know that OOC this happened because we voted to spend time with Elizabeth rather then one of our various other contacts over the break but in-universe that doesn't matter. It wasn't even that Elizabeth got there first or Neianne rejected other offers; Elizabeth was the only person to even offer let alone follow through. I have no doubt Elizabeth is going to use that to gain the upper-hand in one or more conversations with our friends in the future.

"M-Magecraft isn't that complicated. If you w-wanted to learn, I'm sure you c-could."

You make a slight sound of distress, before admitting, "Smart g-girls keep trying to explain m-matter dissipation to me."
This; this right here really makes me want to have Neianne get into Magecraft as her second weapon. While I still think she'd be better off with Staff as her second weapon I'd be fine with Tome as well. Honestly all these discussions, which despite her protestations she does seem to be learning from and getting engaged with, seem like the perfect catalyst to spark her interest in Magecraft. Plus it means Neianne would finally be able to contribute back to these discussions.

Yes, it has taken me more than two real-life years to write one in-story year, which is supposed to be only a third of the prologue. I'm not even halfway to the "real" story. Something terrible and wrong has happened with my life.
Honestly while I would love it if you updated and I do look forward to post-school adventures I really enjoy the current story. Everything and everyone feels well developed and fleshed out. The world, despite its various oddities, feels real and the characters all feel like people. So even if it takes months between updates and tens of thousands of words per chapter I think it is worth it for a story of this quality.
You dart forward, as a uniformed servant visibly struggles to lift one particular belonging of yours. "O-Oh, I'll take that," you kindly say to the maid in question, taking the heaviest of all your things and - fighting down a feeling of awkwardness in terms of letting the maids handle your things - taking your bag as well before turning for the front door of the townhouse.

And you would've been fine with letting the two nobleladies continue with their discussion - Anastasia is already turning back to her wife - at least until the viscountess-consort catches a glimpse of your belongings in the corner of her eyes, does a double-take, then stares for a long moment.

"...Is..." she blinks, "...that a sword?"
This never gets old.

Maybe we should wield a tree as a staff at some point.

The overwhelming impression she gives you is, somehow, one of spotlessly white tablecloths and thoughtfully brewed tea. She wouldn't, you're suddenly sure, lead a poor, innocent girl to her doom at the hands of a sleepy Elizabeth. Unlike some maids.
Neianne Will Remember This.

Lilith seems, briefly, to swell slightly under the mild praise from the knowledgeable stranger behind her. She turns to face Elizabeth more directly, a humble, grateful smile on her lips. "Oh, thank yo..."

Upon seeing who it is, the maid's smile doesn't vanish so much as it wilts, flattening out almost at the same rate as her ears. Her green eyes similarly enlarge at the same rate until they are as wide as saucers, bright with horrified recognition. It takes a moment of processing Elizabeth's presence before she abruptly shoots up to her feet, taking the submissive posture of a diligent maid; there's no question of whether or not Lilith recognizes the tiny elf standing in front of her.

If there is any corresponding change to Elizabeth's own smile, it's that it gets bigger; her expression, as it often is, remains angelic and kind, but you've long since learned that this is no safety from Elizabeth's sadism.
RIP Nice Meido Girl.

Elizabeth stares after the two of them, waiting until they're safely out of earshot before musing, "Decent head on that one, even though she's even more of a shrinking mouse than you. Her insights are intellectually defensible." You're still deciding how exactly to respond to that when she continues. "I suppose she wasn't just hired for her tits after all."

You feel your face heating. Down the hall, seeing Lilith from behind, you see the maid's ears twitch and her shoulders hunch. Perhaps Elizabeth isn't quite out of aseri earshot.

Sadly, the tiny elf isn't done. "Mind you, it's Marienberg. So she probably was to some extent anyway."
I'm sure Elizabeth knew that

At the very least, though, you now know where Melanie is - not that she's hard to spot, with her uniquely snow-white hair - and so you nervously make your way over to the aseri in question, approaching from behind. "H-Hello, Melanie!" you say, smiling happily upon seeing your friend. "Your dress is really beautiful."

Melanie flushes, hunching in on herself self-consciously, fingers plucking at the fabric of the garment in question. "Th-Thank you," she murmurs. "Y-Yours is as we..." She stops. Blinks. Looks at you sidelong, as if making sure that she's really talking to the dryad she thinks she is, fluffy white ears perked up in stunned surprise. "N-N-Neianne?" she asks, her voice an incredulous whisper to avoid drawing attention to herself with anything louder.

"It's m-me," you confirm.

"S-S-Sorry! I just didn't expect to see you here."

Glancing around, you lean in close enough to whisper up to her, a little despairingly, "I d-didn't expect to be here either. Lady Elizabeth...s-surprised me."

Melanie blinks, confusion - if anything - increasing. "You're here w-with Lady Z-Z-Zabanya?" Abruptly, she glances behind you, as if worried that, perhaps, the smaller elf had been hiding in your shadow, waiting to step out and startle her.
I'd put Melanie with Neianne and Elizabeth in the same room for a couple of days, but I'm sure that SOME kind of kinky play...

Also its kind of funny that everyone seems to look at us like we had three heads whenever we say Elizabeth invited us...
"Books about Ornthalian merchant's daughters becoming cabin girls for beautiful pirate queens don't count as being 'about the sea'."
I, uh, well they could?

I think we need to see some excerpts. So we can judge for ourselves. *nodnod*


On the first count, at least, you are immediately forced to concede she's right. The Sten curls protectively
around the city
erroneous line break after protectively

"You," Elizabeth mutters against your side, as you actually near the walls, "are the world's most obvious villager."
Yes, but she might be in the running for most comfortable--

She seems to have no compunction about using you as just another surface to curl up against.
--yes, that.

he city has a permanent population of roughly fifty thousand, and that number doubles during the political season, when the aristocracy, their retinues, petitioners, merchants, and even foreign dignitaries all come to Stengard to pursue their own interests.
The real question is how many of those have their own residences already and how many are targets for the hospitality industry. =X

"...Is..." she blinks, "...that a sword?"
No, it's a--hang on a tic, someone got it right! Wow, Elizabeth's got some smart brains on both sides.

The guards that wave you through the great gates of the complex are not Caldran mercenaries, but a combination of the garrison at Stengard, and soldiers wearing dozens of different colors offered by just as many noble houses to maintain security.
I am now morbidly curious who wins in a wargamed assault between Stengard garrison vs Caldran mercenaries.

"I'll do it. I'll join you later." It isn't just you that's surprise; her parents are blink at her and have this expression that looks like they suspect she's up to something suspicious
The entirely suspicious sort of thing for which she brought Neianne, yes.

But Elizabeth - dressed in a black dress and a white coat, more formal than her usual sundress
Oh, nice duds Liz. (Nice commission?)

"No, it's what I'll be reading if Council this year turns out to be even more boring than usual. But I don't particularly care for my parents seeing me with it while I'm supposed to socialize with members of the other noble houses and tell them I'm finally here to electrocute them."
...diplomacy by other means, true.

"No," Lilith decides, shaking her head with a surprising amount of certainty. "I wouldn't presume...please don't think I'm saying anything like that, Miss Neianne. Although, her writing is a bit...um!" She seems to falter and reconsider a few times, shuffling this way and that way in her thoughts. "Anyway. She mostly had some...colorful objections to conventional mana conversation theories. There are some useful observations in her writing, but you need enough background to properly...suss out the problems in order to make much use of it."
There's a not-that-small part of me that almost wishes we vote Neianne's second weapon as magic of some kind just to give you even more of an excuse to flesh out the magic system and exposit at us.

"She treats healing magecraft as it's a contradiction, because she's saying it creates matter directly by filling in wounds or sealing up broken bones," Lilith says.
I think that's missing an 'as if it's a contradiction'

"Yes, very wrong," she nods her head enthusiastically, leaning into your direction, which causes you to blush as you have a full view of her considerable chest.
You're a very good listener to magic girls, Neianne! *smirk*

Upon seeing who it is, the maid's smile doesn't vanish so much as it wilts, flattening out almost at the same rate as her ears. Her green eyes similarly enlarge at the same rate until they are as wide as saucers, bright with horrified recognition. It takes a moment of processing Elizabeth's presence before she abruptly shoots up to her feet, taking the submissive posture of a diligent maid; there's no question of whether or not Lilith recognizes the tiny elf standing in front of her.

If there is any corresponding change to Elizabeth's own smile, it's that it gets bigger; her expression, as it often is, remains angelic and kind, but you've long since learned that this is no safety from Elizabeth's sadism.
Weeeeelp, another capture target identified for Liz.

The elven archer, for her part, mutters to her mage counterpart, "Go bully someone else's maid."
*thinks* Is -that- Elizabeth's type? Well Liz, some people would call NTR a trash fetish, but I won't judge you too harshly.

"...Ah," Wilhelmina nods slowly in a way that all but confirms to you that she does not actually remember the incident.
Okay, that tears it. Neianne, at the very least, you need to get notable enough that at least people remember your failures when they need to bail you out.


I'd bet you that maid spends her nights using her tongue for more than just squeaking and explaining magecraftal theory.
Mayhaps she revealed her other reason for interest? ;P

She grins again. "Although maybe I shouldn't. Do you know that we're actually really bitter rivals?"
...Mia, you, uh, better watch yourself if that rivalry really takes off.

Glancing around, you lean in close enough to whisper up to her, a little despairingly, "I d-didn't expect to be here either. Lady Elizabeth...s-surprised me."

Melanie blinks, confusion - if anything - increasing. "You're here w-with Lady Z-Z-Zabanya?" Abruptly, she glances behind you, as if worried that, perhaps, the smaller elf had been hiding in your shadow, waiting to step out and startle her.
Elizabeth is like a smol shark on the hunt around nervous and subservient maidens?

You assume she means the wyvern scale. "Y-You can cut other things, though, right?" you ask, encouragingly. "After training at it for so long?"

Melanie looks briefly, inexplicably panicked
*snicker* Can't imagine why.

You make a slight sound of distress, before admitting, "Smart g-girls keep trying to explain m-matter dissipation to me."
You attract the type. *nodnod*

Lucille frowns as if that's a strange question. She glances around, making a token effort to ensure that there's not member of the family under discussion within earshot, before saying, bluntly, "She's a cruel bully. She lords her status and her abilities over others. She's not a nice person."
Hey now. Okay, the first and third are probably technically true, but the middle--

You're not quite sure if that middle part, at the least, is entirely accurate.
--yes that.

You jump a little at the accusatory tone, before you quite have a chance to approach your squadmate. The girl who spoke is an elf, of middling height with long, reddish-brown hair. She's standing with an air of quiet triumph, looking up at Sieglinde as if she's won something over on her.

"...Hello," Sieglinde manages, after a long moment of blank staring.

Smugly, the elf in question declares, "It's been a while. Has Faulkren been treating you alright?"
Ah, the cattiness of old rivals.

The problem with reducing an entire chapter to parts under the assumption that I'd be able to update faster is that...well, the parts get longer.
There's a joke about expansion somewhere here that I need some more time to workshop. ;)

Yes, it has taken me more than two real-life years to write one in-story year, which is supposed to be only a third of the prologue. I'm not even halfway to the "real" story. Something terrible and wrong has happened with my life.
Nonono, it's fine and wonderful, it just means that Neianne (and co.) has so much interesting story to tell! *hugs*
There's a not-that-small part of me that almost wishes we vote Neianne's second weapon as magic of some kind just to give you even more of an excuse to flesh out the magic system and exposit at us.
Well, to bring up the long dead horse so we can beat it more. Magic does:
-Gives Neianne an option for long distance fights where she cannot physically reach an opponent for reasons of terrain or speed. Her other options here are Bows anyway.

-Gives Neianne an option for mass combat. The Buster Sword is great at dealing with 'hard' opponents, but its not the most efficient at killing a lot of dudes, because Dryads are known to have poor stamina. Killing them one by one with a buster sword probably means get too tired to fight halfway through. Whereas Explosions solves a lot of mooks very quickly.

-Lets Neianne make use of the dryad race's natural ability for big and powerful spells. I'm not sure if this pulls from the same stamina pool as Swording, but her friends don't really have much in the way of dryad mages to Explosionize.

-Lets her talk magic with her social group, who apparently enjoy talking magic in general and feeds our desire for magic system worldbuilding
Yeah but I don't want to give up on my Neianne-punches-and-kicks build synergy with her buster sword proposal. ;P
Neianne has made a lot of friends in high places yet not a single one of them thought to invite her to one of the most important events of the year. Only Elizabeth cared enough to invite Neianne. She didn't even settle for inviting her either; she brought Neianne to her home, introduced Neianne to her family, and paid for Neianne to have a dress suited to the occasion. That is a lot of effort for someone normally as detached as Elizabeth.
I don't think it quite works like you think it does? By all accounts Brianne doesn't care much for politics beyond issues she's seen personally, and it's not like Elizabeth invited her entirely for Neianne's benefit.
oh god how many thousands of words am I behind again aaaaaaaaaaa but since we seem to be talking secondary weapons I think spears would be best

The best second weapon is obviously another buster sword. All this fun we're having with just one buster sword? Now, imagine the fun we'll have when Neianne dual wields. It'll totally work.
I think the idea is less that dryads in particular have very low stamina and just more that everyone else has less than humans do. Dryads are strong, aseri are fast, elves are magic, humans... are descended from pursuit hunters still, I guess?
That's more or less right as I recall...
Personally, as far as I'm concerned, I'll have to look over the weapon list but magecraft I think is mostly tempting because Dryad power seems better in tome magic if Azalea's interlude is any indication-staff wants precision and tomes are more allowing of one just cutting loose and blasting wildly. Plus no other Dryad that's been on-screen does Tome magic. Plus Stephanie's flame-sword thing showing a possible synergy skill that
On the flip side, I can see the appeal of mastering multiple melee weapons and just turning into a murderblender.
That's more or less right as I recall...
Personally, as far as I'm concerned, I'll have to look over the weapon list but magecraft I think is mostly tempting because Dryad power seems better in tome magic if Azalea's interlude is any indication-staff wants precision and tomes are more allowing of one just cutting loose and blasting wildly. Plus no other Dryad that's been on-screen does Tome magic. Plus Stephanie's flame-sword thing showing a possible synergy skill that
On the flip side, I can see the appeal of mastering multiple melee weapons and just turning into a murderblender.
So Tome Magic + Greatsword:
And then there's this option-play up the sneaky Neianne showed earlier, possibly limited dual-wielding with the Buster (I'm imaging it being a thing Neianne has to see the need for ahead of time since I'm guessing she normally two-hands the thing.) fun stuff. I'm a tad torn because I don't want to just stuff magic into a character because I can, but Neianne seems like she genuinely 'wants' magic, especially given Elizabeth being more than likely to continue talking magecrafts in general.
If we can get a third weapon knives definitely seem like a way to go.