[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[x] Maybe... Show her support to give her confidence? Like, this is not awyvern again after all. And support herwhen she need it.
As opposed to telling nobody anything and doing nothing to stop said assassins from killing people?
Keeping everyone together and watching out for each other would prevent any opportunity for an assassin to get the drop on us. Also has the advantage of working against the other threats we're expecting and not starting everyone worrying/freaking out about just why there's an unknown number of assassins stalking the area (especially since we don't have a solid answer for that).
@Megaolix please cease. There is debating a vote and then there is outright telling someone what they should and should not be voting. The line has been crossed.
There is debating a vote and then there is outright telling someone what they should and should not be voting. The line has been crossed.
Oh please, that's nothing. And quite frankly, I do believe I'm not wrong about it either. But if you doubt anyway, we can ask Kei.


I'm not wrong to assume the vote is only about deciding a leader for this mess and not for making plans, right?
Keeping everyone together and watching out for each other would prevent any opportunity for an assassin to get the drop on us. Also has the advantage of working against the other threats we're expecting and not starting everyone worrying/freaking out about just why there's an unknown number of assassins stalking the area (especially since we don't have a solid answer for that).

Why are people so hung up on this? Everyone already knows that there are people roaming around slitting throats. Do you think that people are just going to forget that if we try to ignore it? They're going to be coming up with their own reasons, and it would help if those reasons are at least somewhat accurate.

Again, the vote is only to decide leader. I suggest you stick to that.

The vote is to decide the leader and, as a subvote, have a method to get either get that person to accept being the leader or handle the role. My suggested method is to be the only voice who knows what's happening and have a plan to deal with it. I felt that that would be served by actually having a plan to deal with it. If Kei doesn't want that addressed, I am more than happy to cut that out. If Kei doesn't mind it, but wants the subvote shorter, I'll cut out everything I can. I made it way too long anyway, since I was basically just spewing thoughts out. But you are not Kei. Stop pretending you have any authority just because someone disagrees with you.
Oh please, that's nothing. And quite frankly, I do believe I'm not wrong about it either. But if you doubt anyway, we can ask Kei.


I'm not wrong to assume the vote is only about deciding a leader for this mess and not for making plans, right?
There is literally an option to write in what you want. I refuse to go back and forth with you about this when that is a fact.

All I ask is allow people to vote as they wish.
[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[x] Maybe... Show her support to give her confidence? Like, this is not awyvern again after all. And support herwhen she need it.
Re Lucille. Easiest way is probably to subtly remind her she can delegate.

Lady Lucille, I'm good at x so maybe I can do y. What do you think?

Sieglinde seemed pretty good at leading fights. Should she /we be standing guard etc? Or handling the guard rotation?
[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[x] Maybe... Show her support to give her confidence? Like, this is not awyvern again after all. And support herwhen she need it.
[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[x] Maybe... Show her support to give her confidence? Like, this is not awyvern againafter all. And support herwhen she need it.

Sieglinde while being reliable and strong may not be suited as leader in these circumstances. Given her personality she may be a good adviser but never the front role.

Elizabeth is pandora's box.

Neianne can take charge but she's ultimately doing it because we chose to. I think we're better off nudging the people we do know are capable of the job instead of doing this hands on.

I'd say we go for Lucille and give her the boost she needs. We can cover where she lacks.
[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[x] Maybe... Show her support to give her confidence? Like, this is not a wyvern again after all. And support her when she need it.
It is late one night at Faulkren - when the days of winter and spring seem to blur together and no one is sure which is which, well after the candles in every dormitory window went out so each apprentice may sleep - when you are awoken by the sound of horses.

The academy has its own stables with a sizeable amount of horses, and you have been told by your instructors from the beginning that equestrianism will be an elective topic starting from your second year of training. The sound of cantering and a general commotion, however, is too loud for you to ignore, and you and Stephanie - similarly awoken by the sounds - lean over to the window to see what is happening.
Those are either very loud horses or they're light sleepers.

Then, belatedly, in a moment of sudden clarity, you realize that the town of Faulkren is on fire.
Cue prologue end credits? :rofl:

Your foot comes down in a puddle of something slick and warm on the floor tiles, and you feel your legs fly out from under you, sending you crashing to the floor.
Thaaaaaat's another 6 hours of training for you, Neianne.

A floormate of yours, one you don't know well, but has always been friendly enough to exchange cursory greetings with you when you meet in the hallway. But here she now is, suspended a meter above the floor, her body twisted at an unnatural angle at the waist, a distant look of terror on her face that remains even after life left her body.
RIP, sacrifice to rising drama.

You struggle not to panic, not to slip on the blood again even as you bring up your training weapon, And it is at the same moment that the direwolf lunges at you with a snarl, it's mouth almost large enough to swallow you whole and powerful enough to snap you in two, its charge so terrible and frightening that you cry out in alarm, instinctively stepping backwards.
unnecessary capitalization (seems like you combined the sentences in editing and missed it? it's a bit of a run-on if so. could just end the previous one with a period instead)

The direwolf snarls at you, baring its large, sharp teeth, even as your floormate's mangled, crumpled corpse drops from its jaw and onto the floor with a wet, sad smack.

And you are trying to regain control of your footing, your weapon, the fight, your fear, when Stephanie suddenly charges the direwolf from the side, and her wooden practice katana is on fire.
...I think we're in the wrong classes.

And although no one explicitly told you this is the case, you have always been under the impression that under basic principles, magecraft didn't work that way.
Oh hey, there we go, no scrubs on the protagonist's squad!

"I'd better not kill this entire direwolf by myself with a training tome!" a short, gold-haired elf snaps, her voice sharp and critical, shaking you out of your staring.
C'mon, she was just waiting for her ATB to fill!

With a battle cry that comes out a little closer to a squeak than you'd prefer, you lift your sword up and then swing it down again, and again. Its neck gives out before its skull does, a harsh snap that echoes against the second floor hallway of the West Wing. With a last, faint whine, the beast's head lolls, and it slumps over, stone dead.
Good job, now get to carving it!

You look to Stephanie, who shrugs as if she had nothing to do with it. "Lani was a mage," she points out, indicating the pitiful, mangled form of your floor mate.
*shakes head* Poor girl got it backwards. You have to let the readers know your name -beforehand-, then you only die at an appropriate dramatic time, not merked off screen.

"Other people are up, though," someone else points out. "There's a lot of shouting in the other buildings. Maybe we should go to them and..." she trails off, even as her eyes widen with a belated realization, and with a quiet, unsettled whisper, she hesitantly asks, "...you don't suppose they have wolves in their dorms as well?"
Well, at least wolves are not particularly adapted for fighting inside buildings?

The apprentices scream and scatter in panic, many of them back into their dorm rooms, others down the other end of the hallway. You don't blame them; many have come out in their nightclothes, and most did not bring their practice weapons with them, having only stepped out of their rooms to figure out what the commotion about.
...yeah, they're cadets for a reason.

But Sieglinde's eyes narrow as she gets a closer look at the gash - difficult, considering the darkness of night - and she announces, "That's not a claw wound. It's too clean. Her throat was slit with a blade."
Oh great. Either infiltrators or maybe even a traitor.


At any rate, let's do this another way...

[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[X] ...by way of removing your squad from the picture by volunteering to check out the armory, because Stephanie at least needs a weapon.

No leadership challenge, no convincing one of the others, no grand speech, just something tactically expedient.
[X] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[X] ...by way of removing your squad from the picture by volunteering to check out the armory, because Stephanie at least needs a weapon.

Lmao, better option.
[X] Take charge by acting like you know what's happening and you have a plan
-[X] Lay out the facts: The instructors were drawn out late at night, likely to deal with something in a nearby town. There's the same brand on the dire wolf that there was on the wyvern, which is supposedly a Tenereian beastmaster's brand. Someone slit an apprentice's throat. This is clearly a deliberate, orchestrated attack on the academy. The beasts are intended to kill who they can, sow chaos where they can't, and attract our focus so that the perpetrators can kill us piecemeal in the confusion. This is what we're at the academy to learn how to fight against; we just
-[X] Make a plan: We need to keep a watch out for the attackers, preferably chosen from those whose weapons are ineffective against the dire wolves. Help the other apprentices who don't know what's happening. Then, move to a centralized, defensible location to wait for the instructors to return.
-[X] You don't know everyone's strengths and weaknesses, so ask questions freely and delegate when you can.
[X] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[X] ...by way of removing your squad from the picture by volunteering to check out the armory, because Stephanie at least needs a weapon.
[X] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[X] ...by way of removing your squad from the picture by volunteering to check out the armory, because Stephanie at least needs a weapon.
Works for me
I'm not sure splitting our forces is a great idea to start with, and our group splitting off might get us out of the blast radius of a disastrous command meltdown, but it's not likely to stop it and might even cause it. (As it could very easily look like a vote of no confidence or promote a "every squad for themselves" mentality.)

[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[x] Maybe... Show her support to give her confidence? Like, this is not a wyvern again after all. And support her when she need it.
[X] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[X] ...by way of removing your squad from the picture by volunteering to check out the armory, because Stephanie at least needs a weapon.

Truly, the hardest thing for quest voters to do is not try and take full 100% tactical control of any situation they get put in.

Edit: And also, we're basically the only ones that are even trying to break the XP curve in this quest. We've done the 'Lost Huntresses' quest, and now just killed two Dire Wolves with a different set of people. If we keep this up we'll be close to the level of those 'premium start' characters that are paying-to-win in this quest.
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[x] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[x] Maybe... Show her support to give her confidence? Like, this is not a wyvern again after all. And support her when she need it.

Voting officially, just to be sure.​
-[X] ...by way of removing your squad from the picture by volunteering to check out the armory, because Stephanie at least needs a weapon.


Should have noticed before, but... What the hell, guys? We're apparently the only one with a training weapon that can land a decisive blow and... And we should leave the rest? Think nobody will try to follow us because of that fact?

We don't even know how goddamn far the armory is ooc. This could be a strategically very stupid decision for all we know.
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[X] Allow Lucille to remain in command.
-[X] ...by way of removing your squad from the picture by volunteering to check out the armory, because Stephanie at least needs a weapon.
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