Yay. Page 20.
Thank you! It means a lot to me, honestly.
Credit where credit is due. I also like that you're taking it slow and starting Dragon Ball-ish. It was my favorite era of the franchise, Z was a bit... much sometimes in the later seasons and I've never gotten around to checking out Super besides the movies and what I've seen at a friend's house.
Dude, here's the great thing about quests. Filler doesn't exist. Every single line can be used in the future or referenced. Down time? Character establishment. Action? The exciting part of plot. In a half competent writers hands, EVERYTHING is able to be used to build the world and plot of the story.
I believe we've found the most valuable possible prize. Seriously, what else could possibly compare to a wish?
"It tells time."
So, useless, whiny, and craving Dad's attention?
Yeah, that's who I was talking about too.