Oh God, am I the Mannis now? - GoT/SI

Robert will be grudgingly impressed I'll wager but he will not turn from his course. His tunnel vision and stubbornness is only rivaled by his inclination to hedonism.
I need to off load some brainstorming on the hivemind of SB. With what we know of the contentious relationship between Stannis and Robert...how would the latter react to hearing about the former's exploits? I'm planning a Robert, or someone in his camp, Interlude soon and I was hoping for some input.
Eh, Robert and Stannis haven't really been seeing each other all that much. While they might not be fond of one another, I doubt there's any real enmity between them at this point. Robert would probably be happy that Stannis is acting like a "real man" during a war, I doubt he'd be jealous or something. He's not exactly doing too bad himself and has just managed to kill Rhaegar if I'm not mistaken.
How does Robert, Arryn, Tully and Stark feel about this development. Would Robert be moved to march on Storms End before Kings Landing? Would this change anything for Tywin and does he still pick team Rebels? (I'm leaning towards yes, see my earlier post)
While the rebels are probably worried that Storm's End might fall before they reach it, it really isn't practical to march on Storm's End before King's Landing. I doubt they'd be able to supply the army properly without taking King's Landing first and it's also much closer than Storm's End. Additionally, it also makes much more strategic sense to take King's Landing. Capturing it, and presumably the royal family, takes a lot of the wind out of the loyalist sails. They're likely to start surrendering(like the did in canon) in droves after that, since the chances of victory are pretty slim at that point.
Tywin would probably be even more likely to pick team rebel since it seems like the flowers are doing badly and can't possibly win the war alone against the Riverlands, the North and the Vale, even if they eventually manage to take Storm's End. You have to remember that there's really no forces left that are there to stop the rebels from taking the capital.
What can the Redwyne fleet realistically accomplish? Could they ferry in siegecraft on their ships? (God, I hope not).
Possibly? Not trebuchets or anything of the sort, but smaller stuff like ballista and catapults might be doable. The question is if they have these kinds of things lying around and have the experts needed to disassemble and assemble them as well as man them. It would also take quite a long time to transport them in cogs to the Stormlands and there aren't really any safe harbors nearby aside from Storm's End.
What are the odds the Reachlords are willing to keep charging, even with so many knights captured? (I'm leaning towards yes, even though Stannis has Garth Hightowers imbecilic little brother.
Honestly, I was quite surprised that they kept charging after the capture of Mace. It was common for the side capturing the other lord to be able to demand significant concessions from the other side in this period. However, since they've started doing so, honor probably(Westeros is weird) demands that they continue so they aren't seen as craven by the other lords/knights.
The last question feels like cheating but I have no issue stealing clever ideas. What possible butterflies can you spot/think up? Beyond the Reach, perhaps, falling in the same relationship with the Iron Throne as Dorne has?
Nah, the real power in the Reach is Olenna Tyrell/Redwyne and she's shrewd enough to know not to mess too much with the other kingdoms for petty revenge. Additionally, she warned Mace to not side with the loyalists during the rebellion. I doubt there's going to be the same kind of white-hot fury that the Martells felt towards the Lannisters/Robert. If anything, I imagine she would try to hitch some Tyrell onto Stannis since he's proven himself to be resourceful and pragmatic(she won't offended by how Stannis captured Mace, she'll be impressed) as well as being the next Lord Paramount of the Stormlands once Robert takes the Iron Throne.
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I agree with dragon that Robert would grudely respect, may still screw him over. Also find it hilarious that mace got captured by Stannis. Really Robert is a asshole frat boy who will inherit the company While Stannis is more the younger hard working brother who studied business to help out the family business. May be a poor analogy.

Ned will be worried since he is so honor bound. Really he is the only one worried in Robert group. I see Jon not really care except for having mace hostage. Jon always seemed pragmatic sort who will plan to use mace to bring the Reach into the fold.

Tywin is somewhere in the background trying to get one of his female family members married off to Stannis. He will have a high opinion of him. He will still side with the rebels. Really the reach doing so bad he proble left as soon as he confirmed when Mace was captured.

Dorne will use the hatred of Stannis to build support for not Aegeon. Really Stannis has embarrassed them. A boy lord doing so much damage while being so vastly outnumbered. There will be songs praising him and making fun of the reach.

One thing you might consider is marrying one of the Hightower daughters. They are pretty and one of the most powerful houses economically, military, prestige, and family relations. Also fuck Robert plan of giving Stannis to a big eared florent.
Will having healthier people decrease the likely hood of dragon scales (disease) appearing in his people let alone his child/ren? How about better hygiene after the war?
I feel Robert and Stannis's relationship only faltered and dwindled because both men were too stubborn to relent on one another. This Stannis would probably be more willing to endear himself to Robert and establish a brotherly relationship with him. I think we're being a bit too cynical here.
How does Robert, Arryn, Tully and Stark feel about this development. Would Robert be moved to march on Storms End before Kings Landing? )
Just look at a map, and you'll see it's quite silly to march on Storm's End which is surrounded by a majority rested army with full supplies without sieging King's Landing first given it would be far less defended and it is the symbol of royal authority with them being present there. It is also poor positionally given Rhaegar's army has a chance to reform, and should Tywin bring his army into play the rebel army/Lord's would be surrounded.

What are the odds the Reachlords are willing to keep charging, even with so many knights captured? (I'm leaning towards yes, even though Stannis has Garth Hightowers imbecilic little brother.
With how you've made the Reachlord's act counter to intelligent assaulting and hostages, yes. With regards to the Knights/LP when Aery's was captured there was an army surrounding the place certainly but they didn't assault it given they believed rightly they would just end up killing him so they waited and negotiated for months. You had them not even attempt negotiation and assault by night fall which wouldn't have ever happened, especially given you used "indecisiveness" between the commanders as a plot device for the Reach army continuing to sit on it's arse.

Would this change anything for Tywin and does he still pick team Rebels? (I'm leaning towards yes, see my earlier post....

The last question feels like cheating but I have no issue stealing clever ideas. What possible butterflies can you spot/think up? Beyond the Reach, perhaps, falling in the same relationship with the Iron Throne as Dorne has?
As for Tywin decision changing from canon, not with how you've portrayed the Reach Lord's no. At least you acknowledge that should Robert be crowned King the Reach would have been put in a similar position to Dorne which has dangerous consequences, especially considering Dorne was considered the weakest LP and they got up to plenty of shit in canon while the Reach is considered the strongest/richest and is home to the Citadel which they possess some influence over. This has a substantial influence on what happens post-coronation, and even before that given when Eddard Stark arrived at Storm's End in canon the Reach army peacefully went home and that certainly isn't going to happen here so that entire scenario will play out differently. Given how serious it is and unless you're running on plot-time, it would most certainly delay Ned's arrival at the Tower of Joy until after Lyanna's death and Jon/Jaehaery's/suitable Valyrian name's birth.

Given this is a self-insert so you don't have to rely on characters IC-motives you can have the favored merge the Stormlands/Crownland's once more given it matches historical borders, the Baratheon's aren't the Targaryan's with their Dragon's enabling them to exert so much strength from a small holding and afterwards tradition to keep them on the throne, and the potential for a counter usurpation is far more real in this story so they have reason to fear.
I figure that Mace was the one supporting plan "Sit on our asses and starve them out". This seems counter to the high emphasis Reachmen place on honor and courage, which should have seen an assault made. I can see Mace losing face with his men for being a coward, but they not being able to go against their liege lord. Once Mace gets captured, the 'true' knights lead an assault to free him and to punish Stannis for his dishonorable ways.

As for Stannis & Robert, Robert hasn't seen Stannis in years with him still being fostered with John in the Vale at the time of Lyanna's kidnapping. The problems occurred when they met again and their personalities just did not mesh. With SI!Stannis' pre-knowledge, their reunion should be much better this time around. Also, Robert, having never endured a siege, didn't see any reason to praise Stannis for just 'hiding' inside the castle. The SI's action make this unlikely.

Reactions from the rebel camp? Robert will be proud (more bragging rights for House Baratheon), Jon will appreciate the skill and willpower, and Ned will withhold judgement until he hears exactly what happened. The army will still go to King's Landing first because tactics and geography.
Tywin is even more likely to side with Robert since his last powerful ally (Mace) is losing to a 17 year old who he had under siege.

The Redwyne fleet could probably ferry in siege engines, IF there were any to be had which is unlikely. Mace's plan was to starve Stannis out, so I can't see him ordering any built, and the Arbor is an island, so I don't see them having any available either.

Now that their first assaults were repelled and Stannis has led a successful sortie, I see cooler heads prevailing on the choice of tactics. Especially with Stannis holding multiple noble hostages.

I can't see the Reach ending up like Dorne does. The Dornish were super pissed because Tywin got away with murdering Elia and her children who were non-combatants. Stannis' actions were against a besieging army, so, while Stannis himself might be the target of some grudges, it's doubtful that the Reach as a whole would hate on Robert. No real need to plot out other butterflies, as the SI's decisions will continue to muddy the waters.
How does Robert, Arryn, Tully and Stark feel about this development. Would Robert be moved to march on Storms End before Kings Landing? Would this change anything for Tywin and does he still pick team Rebels? (I'm leaning towards yes, see my earlier post)

What can the Redwyne fleet realistically accomplish? Could they ferry in siegecraft on their ships? (God, I hope not).

What are the odds the Reachlords are willing to keep charging, even with so many knights captured? (I'm leaning towards yes, even though Stannis has Garth Hightowers imbecilic little brother.

Robert is probably ok, he should like this, others are too 'honorable'. Robert will probably not march early, stannis is doing better then in canon. Tywin will be more inclined to help rebels.

not really. Either fleet already has catapults built-in or they will wreck the ships with siege engines.

I have no idea. Did they see the bodies of the starved prisoners? If yes, I imagine they are more reluctant.
If I remember correctly, there's a tunnel that the Stormlanders still haven't found, which is honestly pretty damn unrealistic. Anyway, if it is a tunnel that's causing the trouble, I just thought I'd tell you that tunneling in a siege isn't supposed to create a route for soldiers to get behind enemy lines, it's meant to collapse the walls by collapsing the tunnels when they're under them. The tunnels of this period are far too narrow, unstable and inaccurate for that sort of "covert insertion" strategy to be successful.
If it's the ships assaulting the harbor, that's also pretty damn unlikely. You'd be able to see them a mile away so there'd be no surprise, and there's undoubtedly defenses and possibly even a chain in the harbor that'll make any assault costly and ultimately pointless.
I'm also kind of surprised that Stannis would decide to enter negotiations too far away from his castle for a messenger to be unable to reach him quickly. That's honestly pretty damn stupid and doesn't really mesh with the character that's been shown until now.
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I'm also kind of surprised that Stannis would decide to enter negotiations too far away from his castle for a messenger to be unable to reach him quickly. That's honestly pretty damn stupid and doesn't really mesh with the character that's been shown until now.
True. The whole "you must not understand how hostage negotiations work" line suddenly comes off as rather silly. The SI talks laughs at making concessions but doesn't demand the meeting occur near his only stronghold ... ?
True. The whole "you must not understand how hostage negotiations work" line suddenly comes off as rather silly. The SI talks laughs at making concessions but doesn't demand the meeting occur near his only stronghold ... ?

I thought it might be a reasonable show of good faith. Rab!Stannis does kind of regret nabbing Mace like that and the Tyrells insisted. Would it still be too unrealistic?

If I remember correctly, there's a tunnel that the Stormlanders still haven't found, which is honestly pretty damn unrealistic. Anyway, if it is a tunnel that's causing the trouble, I just thought I'd tell you that tunneling in a siege isn't supposed to create a route for soldiers to get behind enemy lines, it's meant to collapse the walls by collapsing the tunnels when they're under them. The tunnels of this period are far too narrow, unstable and inaccurate for that sort of "covert insertion" strategy to be successful.
If it's the ships assaulting the harbor, that's also pretty damn unlikely. You'd be able to see them a mile away so there'd be no surprise, and there's undoubtedly defenses and possibly even a chain in the harbor that'll make any assault costly and ultimately pointless.
I'm also kind of surprised that Stannis would decide to enter negotiations too far away from his castle for a messenger to be unable to reach him quickly. That's honestly pretty damn stupid and doesn't really mesh with the character that's been shown until now.
I...did not know that about tunnels. And suddenly the whole chapter falls apart. I'm defo rewriting it then :(
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We know for sure without a doubt that Robert will win and basically tickle the Reach Lords tummy as punishment.

What would be funny would be to have Stannis tell him that the Fat Flower swore on all the gods old and new and his ancestors, that he would wipe out the Baratheons to a child no matter what he would have to do. See if someone swearing a blood feud with his family will motivate him to do more than blow raspberries in their belly.
I thought it might be a reasonable show of good faith. Rab!Stannis does kind of regret nabbing Mace like that and the Tyrells insisted. Would it still be too unrealistic?

I...did not know that about tunnels. And suddenly the whole chapter falls apart. I'm defo rewriting it then :(

yeap, have to confirm it. There even was a moment with that in Rome. Just imagine how all this armored solders would squeeze through a narrow tunnel, running and with enemies waiting on the other side. But, maybe Reach lords didn't know that and tried a failing strategy?
Chapter 0.08
283 AC – Siege of Storms End

Saying that the negotiations weren't going well was an understatement. The fop they had come out to me, the Lord of Oakenshield Humfrey Hewett, embodied everything I'd come to despise about these Reachlords. The man brought cavalry, some thousand man strong, to the meeting which I didn't begrudge him. I brought a substantial number of my own troops with me as well.

Hewett's heavy horse stood a few hundred meters away from us, neatly dispersed – clearly they learned their lesson -, and I was aware of them at all times. My own troops, seven hundred pikemen and three hundred crossbowmen together with my own knights on their flanks, would hopefully deter the Tyrell force from attempted to snatch me up.

I doubted I'd fare well in Tyrell custody. Which is why despite their moaning and bitching I arranged for the meeting to be within spitting distance of my walls. At the first sigh of trouble I'd fall back to my men, kill as many of these Reachmen as possible, and rush back to my castle.

No, what pissed me off was his insistence on wasting time an dallying about.

"How can we even begin to discuss your terms if you cannot provide assurances our Lord is safe and well?"

I didn't bother holding back my snort, "He's grumpy and hungry but no more so than anyone else in the castle."

Hewett narrowed his eyes and bit out, "You'll forgive me if I don't take your word for it, Stannis!"

It's been an hour of this already. I'd offer to parade Mace around on the walls for him to peruse. He'd refuse and insist I bring him out. I'd resolutely and vehemently deny any such possibly. I'd offer to bring Hewett in the castle again but then he'd just throw another hissy fit.

I probably shouldn't have kidnapped the Fat Flower.

"We're getting nowhere with this. Will you hear my terms or should I retreat to my keep?"

The large Reachlord fell silent for a good long while before he deigned to respond, "Very well."

Contempt dripped out from every pore of the man. The bastard was looking down his nose at me and I wasn't having any of that. Completely at odds with inner turmoil I smiled at the man, "Six months of provisions, enough for four thousand men, and four thousand full sets of armor. In exchange for that; I'll guarantee we won't eat him."

He froze, again.

"I beg your pardon...?"

I smiled even wider, "We're starving and we recently acquired a whole bunch of well fed Reachmen. I'm not saying we'll start with Mace but you have to admit he'd feed us for a good long while."

Hewett flushed red and the little veins on his forehead bulged out dangerously. The Reachlord fixed me with glare of such intensity I was mildly impressed. I knew full well I was acting like a little shit but I had precious few options. I had absolutely no intention of releasing Mace.

I wasn't exactly sure why the Tyrell host ramped up their attacks after I took him. The man himself was utterly inscrutable but short of getting him black out drunk I didn't know how to make him talk. I wasn't about to torture a Lord Paramount, either.

As best I could tell, and this took some mental gymnastics, I thought that the Hightower branch was making a play for the Regentship over the Reach in case Mace expired. The Fat Flower only has young heirs and no suitable siblings. The Hightower spare of a spare wasn't much use either but he didn't deny the possibility when I raised it.

Was that enough of a reason to disregard his safety?

I didn't think it like but I almost resigned myself to notion I'd never find out. The Tyrell host ignored my earlier attempts at a parley, which again...I couldn't rightly blame them for, but apparently grabbing a hundred of their shiny knights brought them to the table.

"You cannot be serious."

I laughed, watched him flinch, and continued, "Of course I am. This is what happens when you starve people. They tend to get desperate."

"You wouldn't dare..."

I smiled even wider, "Why not? Because you'll do what precisely? Try to kill me harder?"

I'll save you ranting and raving of a powerless diplomat. The man attempted to threaten me, cajoled me for a while, until he finally settled down. All the way through his rant I made sure to plaster a pleasant smile on my face. Angry people tend to get upset if people calmly smile at them.

Fuck these Reachlords.

I cleared my throat and said, "Well then, do pass along the message, Hewett. You know where to find me."

I turned my horse around but before I got very far Hewett spoke up.

"Wait! We have terms of our own!"


This wasn't how this was supposed to work. I have the hostages. They didn't have shit. Why would I even entertain their 'terms'? I sighed deeply, swung my horse back around, and stared the man down.

"Is this your first hostage negotiation, Hewett? It doesn't work like this."

This time the Lord of Oakenshield almost snarled, "This won't stop us from attacking, you simpering child. It hasn't stopped us from attacking. Even if Lord Tarly complies, which I highly doubt, you'd still be surrounded, boy."

What is he playing at? Did he really think I was unaware of my, rather, precarious position? I'm sure it must look that way to them. They weren't aware of the fact Eddard Stark was about to completely ruin their day. If I had my dates right. If not...well, I was growing more and more confident I could hold Storms End for another month.

"I'm sure you'll get to the point. Hopefully sooner than later?"

The gruff Lord visibly restrained himself before harshly replying, "Oh, do you have somewhere to be, boy lord?"

Of course I have places to be. Namely, back at my god damned castle. I had a hundred different troubles to address. A thousand petty differences to settle between my men. The list of issues I had on my plate was longer, varied and even thinking about it made me tired.

Not as tired as this conversation though.

"You're speaking words, Hewett, but you're not saying anything. What do you want?"

Hewett pinned with me another long glare. I was fast growing tired of this farce. What in god's name has this bastard suddenly tongue tied?

"You must understand you cannot win this, Stannis. We outnumber you twenty to one and even the might walls of Storms End won't save you. I beseech you to come to fair terms, boy. For your men if not for your sake. Or is the call of glory too great for you?"

The moment I spot displaced dust on the horizon. The first inkling I got that Stark was in the neighborhood I'd force his hand. I'd find a way to commit the bastard to wiping out these smug flowery cunts.

I raised a singular eyebrow and asked the man, "I see. You're rather misinformed but I can't blame you. You clearly weren't chosen for your mental acuity."

Oh, he does not like getting insulted.

Hewett managed to hold on to his temper and bit out, "Oh, do enlighten me then, boy."

I plastered a sharp grin on my face as I said, "The loyalist cause is dead. My brother will destroy anything in his path to the crown. He's on the march as we speak and soon he'll come for you."

The bastard mirrored me and raised an eyebrow of his own, "Is that so? I distinctly recall easily fighting him off before. I have every confidence we can do so again."

This was pointless.

I smiled even wider, "On your heads then, Reachlord. Now, be a good chap and run along with my message."

I gently nudged my horse to turn but once again the bastard interrupted me.

"We're not done here, boy!"

I ignored him and kept riding. I wasn't going to waste more time on this. I picked up some speed and headed off to my men. Once I passed their lines I'd call for an ordered retreat back to the castle. I didn't pay the Reachlord screaming behind me any mind and raced forth. Soon I couldn't hear him anymore and shortly after I found myself among my men.

"Ordered retreat. March in formation! "

The paved main road to the gates was just a quarter mile away. Just far away enough for the Tyrells to consent to a meeting but close enough we could retreat without any concerns of getting caught out. The road itself was wide enough to let my men march in formation but I still made sure to keep an eye on the distance Tyrell force. They didn't seem to be budging yet but cavalry is fast. I didn't think they venture into the range of my artillery but crazier things have happened.

So when a madly running figure came barreling down the road I didn't see him. Orys caught my attention and pointed out the cloaked man running our way. My blood seemingly froze in my veins.

There was no way this was good news. The Tyrells had done something. I knew it, deep in my bones. What could they have done? What could they possibly have accomplished in this short timeframe? Scenario after scenario raced through my mind, each more horrific than the next and all of them vying for prominence, and my panic levels were rising.

Did they finish that god damned elusive tunnel of theirs?

Perhaps they managed to scale a wall while nobody was looking?

Did they turn some of my men?

Anything and everything, even the most far fetched theories, seemed possible as I rode the courier down. I didn't have very far to go, just a short distance to the man, but it felt like an eternity. Orys and his band of cavalrymen frantically chased after me but I didn't pay them much mind. My attention was firmly focused on the man in front of me.

"My Lord! The prisoners escaped! Lord Sebastion has them contained but we dare not denude the walls!"

The bottom nearly dropped out of my stomach when I heard that. I had only just managed to inspire some hope in the men, and women, of Storms End. I, absolutely, could not afford this distraction now. I nodded at the courier, raced passed him, and charged straight through the gates with my small cavalry force on my tail.

When we got to the courtyard I rounded on the nearest sergeant I could find, "You! Hector, what's the situation?"

To his credit the man didn't miss a beat, "My Lord, I peeled off as many men as I dared to contain the outbreak. Most of them have barricaded themselves into the dungeons."


"What about the rest?"

"They're loose in the castle, my Lord. A small force was sent to secure young Master Renly and the Maester. We haven't heard from them, yet."

For the briefest of moments I felt incredibly dizzy. My heart was pumping madly and I could hear its intense beating. It took a short moment, no longer than a second, for me to realize I was losing myself to pure and unadulterated rage. I found myself not caring.

I swung off the horse, unsheathed my sword, and equipped my oversized buckler. I didn't need to look to scream out, "TO RENLY!"

And I ran like the dogs of hell were after me. The main hall flew by in a flurry. I could hear the rushed footsteps of my men, and myself, echoing loudly through hallways leading to the stairs. I rounded into them, nearly stabbed a small child clinging to them, but managed to pull back just in time.

I didn't wait around.

I kept up the pace, taking two steps at the time, reaching ever closer to Renly's rooms. Within seconds I reached them, the suite was locked, and beat at the door with the butt of my sword.



I busied myself kicking at the door. I took aim for the area just over the locking mechanism and on my third try crashed through the door.

The room was empty.

"God damn it, RENLY!"

My men seemed to have caught up with me. Orys grabbed me by the shoulder and screamed something. He had to repeat it twice more before I processed it, "If he's not here, he'll be in the kitchens!"


I should have known this. I was the one who insisted the little bugger would earn his stay. Usually he helped the other kids ferry messages around but occasionally he liked working in the kitchens. As I ran, full throttle, toward said kitchen I thought of the kid. Was it merely his resembling my own little siblings or did some of Stannis' feelings carry through?

I neither knew nor cared.

When we got to the kitchen I still hadn't fully regained control. I crashed through the entrance and saw a small group of men manhandling an even smaller figure.

Later I'd be told I screamed as I charged into the group. They'd tell me of what I did but I could barely remember it myself. I vaguely recalled launching myself in a rugby tackle at them, flying just over Renly's tiny head, and distracting them just long enough for my men to come in. Then things got fuzzy. There was a lot of frantic kicking involved. My sword went missing at some point. Somehow I got my hands on a crossbow bolt.

I found that bolt later in an eye socket.

The only thing that was crystal clear was the death of the very last man.

I almost broke my hand on his face before Orys pulled me off of him. Apparently he'd been dead for a while.

I took a while for me to calm down and when I did I stumbled over to Renly. Absentmindedly I ordered Orys to see to the other threats and leave half the men with me. I didn't let go of the little boy until Balon Swann assured me the other flowers were tightly locked up.

I'm not sure which one of us held on tighter to the other.

Feedback and commentary is appreciated!
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It's definitely better but Stannis going absolutely berserk(caving people's faces in with his bare hands, not remembering anything afterwards, a complete disregard for his own life) at a thing that seems like it wouldn't really cause that amount of rage is honestly quite jarring. I could understand it if Renly was actually his brother(I get it, he has developed an emotional attachment, that doesn't mean they're like brothers) and they had killed/tortured him or something, but this is just over the top and makes the character seem like a bit of a psychopath. Man, I feel like an ass for doing this twice in a row... don't take it the wrong way, your writing is really good and I hope this doesn't demotivate you or something.
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It's definitely better but Stannis going absolutely berserk(caving people's faces in with his bare hands, not remembering anything afterwards, a complete disregard for his own life) at a thing that seems like it wouldn't really cause that amount of rage is honestly quite jarring. I could understand it if Renly was actually his brother(I get it, he has developed an emotional attachment, that doesn't mean they're like brothers) and they had killed/tortured him or something, but this is just over the top and makes the character seem like a bit of a psychopath. Man, I feel like an ass for doing this twice in a row... don't take it the wrong way, your writing is really good and I hope this doesn't demotivate you or something.
You're missing the things that have been narrated over mostly. He's been in life and death situations constantly having to tend to thousands of starving people's issues on top of dealing with the Fat Flower AFTER being transported from presumably a reasonably safe life into, THIS.

And Renly being a family member now, someone he actually genuinely cares for at this point, combined with all that building stress and anxiety that leaped up with this incident? Then he sees these fucks doing shit to one of the few personally good things in this shitty situation? Snap.