Oh God, am I the Mannis now? - GoT/SI

Nah, for one, he actually likes and respects Stannis here.

Two: Jon Arryn.

Stannis knows better than anyone his job in the crownlands, it's the height of stupidity to randomly choose a substitute for not only an extremely important job, but also not consulting the extremely important guy who made that job. Stabby has set bureaucracies in place, overhauled the entire system.

Also pointlessly aggravating your fiercest supporter and one of the most powerful men in the Realm.

So yes, I'd take that bet any day.
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Lady Olenna just had to make her opinion know. God damned, I was growing so tired of her.

"Would men such as those not be rather inclined to...appropriate funds to their personal benefit?"
And Tax farmers don't? :V
Besides, I am quiet well aware of the extent of the wealth of those that work for me.
Should be "quite". Though "queitly" could also work.
Gunther spoke up, "Do your have any plans to extend your reforms to the rest of our Realm?"

My grin was entirely genuine when I replied, "Not in the slightest, grandfather."
Again Olenna felt the need to poke, "Which seems fairly surprising, my prince. One might even be forgiven for believing your'better nature' might ache on behalf of the commons across the Realm."

Now I was the one slowly raising an eyebrow, "Ah, I can see why someone might believe that after a superficial consideration."

Her response was prompt, "Oh?"

As was mine, "Yes, I couldn't care in the slightest about your smallfolk." A short heartbeat or three of silence before I smiled wider and contined, "Stipulated on nobody breaking the King's laws, of course."

I wasn't even exaggerating that much. There was, practically speaking, very little I could do to make life considerable better for people outside of my borders. Hell, I didn't even have clear authority to tell my own bannermen how to treat their people.

I could cajole them, bribe them and promise the world to them. If I was desperate, I might even threaten them. I couldn't simply order my Lords to unilaterally do my bidding. Let alone force the hand of lords outside of the Stormlands. Great or small.

Every lord was a miniature king, who only truly obey the big King. Soothing my, of late, much put upon conscience is simply not worth butting heads with most of the Realm.
Another thing I really like about your Stannis is that he's a realist. He knows that shoving all these inventions and reforms will not necessarily make things better for all peasantry. He knows you can only truly, personally care for so many people, and 6000+ people is a lot of people already (and he just lost 700 of them).

And let's face it. For all the work Stabby does to improve the quality of their lives, given a reason many of those peasants would cheer to see him hang like some other bandit lord or pirate captain.
Sensing that this subject too has run its coarse Gunther asked
Should be "course".
I gave him my widest fake smile and said, "Ah, Lord Petyr Baelish of the Fingers."
It was jokingly said before, but yeah Baelish could work as a foreign delegate to Tyrosh or Braavos. IMO, Baelish is very good at making himself rich at the cost of everybody else. So why not send him somewhere he could do a bit of corporate sabotage in behalf of the throne?

Might want to do something about his unhealthy obsession over Catelyn though.
Temp Chapter
283 AC – King's Landing – Nation Building and Errors of Judgment

Attending court is simultaneously one of my most lucrative duties and the most horrifically boring of them. Occasionally some truly interesting game is afoot and everything shifts into focus for me. Something that helps me shed the bone deep weariness that accompanies the perpetual effort spent in pretending to give a shit about the court fops. Usually I enjoy these breaks of monotony. Because court is monotonous, and silly, and mostly a giant waste of time. What these people consider entertainment, gossip and scandal mostly, fails to keep my attention. Why would I care that Lord random of random defiled the daughter of Lord never heard of him of what, where the fuck is that? Or that the wife of some other Lord is currently banging someone not her husband.

I mean, I suppose I could blackmail them. Technically. Why would I though? Anything I can get done through blackmail, I can fix with gold and the promise of royal patronage. Anything gold and honors won't fix...subtle threats would. If even that fails, well...then its time to start enriching their direct rivals and neighbors. Usually that brings even the most recalcitrant of lords to the table.

Of course, with the way I tend to breed enmity by the sheer virtue of being myself...I tended to shy away from shady shit. There was precious little reason to engage in such matters. Obviously, when I judge it necessary I'm perfectly willing to play in the mud.

Usually it isn't.

My lack of reaction to such scandalous matters has set some tongues wagging. Apparently half the court approves of the way Prince Stannis holds himself above the fray. Unfortunately, the other half argue that the open contempt of a princeling is never a good thing. Oddly enough, I sympathize with the latter group. I can see how I ruffle some feathers here and there, but there is a limit to my patience.

isn't interesting.

Now, rumor on the other hand is. Despite my semaphore lines, and the various raven networks operated by the Maesters, information still moved slow. Don't get me wrong. It still moved faster than anything else in this world, but I've grown accustomed to the modern methods of global communication. To me...this world may as well stand still. And that very fact means I'm always continually bored.

Until something like this happens.

The young Vale Lord in front of me recovered quickly and with a brittle smile responded, "My prince, I see you already know of me. I must admit some confusing as to how that came to be?"


Should I have let that on? No matter, what's done is done. I may as well keep pushing.

I let my grin grow a slight shade sharper and replied, "I do like to keep aware of my brother's capital, Lord Baelish."

His response came quickly and with a studied grin in return, "One might say as a dutiful younger brother should."

Still no particular reason to play his game. I felt silly worrying this much about what amounted to little more than a particularly clever fifteen year old. The kid had, save for Lysa Arryn, precious few allies and resources to speak of. At the moment he wasn't a threat to me.

So why not go directly for the jugular?

"Indeed. Well, my Lady Lysa, if you would leave us to it?"

She clearly didn't expect a dismissal, but it seemed Petyr did. "You have my warmest regards, my Lady."

Well, wasn't that a conversation-ender?

She smiled radiantly at Petyr, "You are most welcome, my Lord." And even graced me with her bright smile, "My Prince." Before she slowly walked back in the direction of the feast. With Lysa gone, and unable to further intervene on his behalf, I had Petyr alone.

I lazily twirled my hand to direct the kid to my offices and set a brisk speed towards them, "Is this your first time in the Red Keep, Lord Baelish?"

It seemed he might, "It is indeed, my Prince, and I must admit to some trepidation. The Red Keep certainly is marvelous, but one shudders at the history these walls must have witnessed."

Before I could reply he continued, "Both wonders and horrors I must imagine."

I held in a snort and responded, "You certainly wouldn't need to imagine. Not when certain walls of the Red Keep curiously hold on to their coloring while others have so sadly paled."

The walls and the floor of the Great Hall are super, super fucking red.

We walked past some of my Stormbringers guarding the hallways, waved them off, and entered my office without a fuss. Occasionally, midling Lords attempt to ambush me and sneak through a private meeting. I've been getting better at enforcing my appointment based scheduling practices, but still people attempted to wiggle past them.

"Do have a seat, Lord Baelish."

With a sharp grin Petyr said, "My thanks, your Grace."

And then he fell silent. Well fuck, so much for my attempt at getting him to spill.

"Lady Lysa has informed me your are looking for suitable employ."

There, that should do it. And it did, "Indeed I am, your Grace." The young man sat up straighter and looked me straight in the eye, "I am young enough to learn that whichever you deem fit, your Grace. Lords and merchants alike may grumble about the changes you brought to bear, but I must admit my own curiosity and interest. My strength and wits are yours to command, your Grace, for as long as I may call you my liege."

Now the lad seemed to slightly shrink into himself, "If it should please you, your Grace."

Well. Well...

That was smooth. If it was anyone else. If some random lordling had said those words...I would have chucked them into my bank immediately. Or maybe even into the fledgling Merchants Collective of Westeros.

Unfortunately, this wasn't just any man. This was a potential threat.

It was also a sixteen year old boy, who so far...has done absolutely nothing wrong. His antics in Riverrun are just that, teenage antics. If Brandon Stark tried to be the adult in the situation...steel would have never been bared. If Lysa hadn't raped him while he was recovering...If Catelyn had just been a touch more insistent. If Edmure wasn't such a disloyal little shit who actually sided with the grown ass man over the boy he grew up with as a sibling...

If the man he saw as a foster father hadn't unceremoniously thrown him out of his keep...

Lots of 'ifs'.

Maybe... Maybe if my formative experience in this world hadn't come with a dose of hellish siege I might have been swayed to let it slide. To see whether I could benefit from this brilliant lad in front of me. With plenty of checks and balances in place, of course. But the siege did happen. And it did get ugly. And then Dragonstone happened. I've found myself running out of sympathy.

Poor Petyr.

Things won't end well for you. I could try lying to myself and claim this is some form of preemptive self defense, but it isn't. I don't fear this boy. I wouldn't fear a full grown version of him either, based solely on the idea that he's only dangerous to people who trust him. With some selective auditing, a few whispers here and there, I could easily keep him from becoming relevant.

No, Petyr is dying because I'd rather he die, than I want to even mildly upset either Tully or Arryn.

283 AC – King's Landing – Nation Building and Errors of Judgment

After Baelish left my office, I waited a few extra minutes before I walked out as well. As soon as I received confirmation he left the Red Keep itself I made way to the lavish suites surrounding Maegor's Holdfast. It wasn't all that far away, but the nature of the visit dictated I couldn't be seen. I wanted absolutely no tongues wagging about tonight.

Maybe the lengths I'm going to are ridiculous. Was, in the larger scheme of things, Lysa's support worth the effort I expending? Merely to ensure there wasn't the slightest hint of collusion between her father and myself?


She's a Tully. A Tully with ties to two other regions. A Tully that will birth the future heir of one of those regions. The Lord of said region...was an old fucking man. I'd likely be dealing with Lysa far longer than with Jon. Even if she doesn't decide to cut his existence short. As long as she didn't do it before Westeros becomes somewhat stable.

I exited the secret tunnels, took a quick right turn, and found myself in from of the Lord Trout's room. I didn't enjoy having to sneak around like this, but the matter is fairly urgent. A few knocks on the heavy oaken doors later and they swung open.

A servant peeked through the door way and exclaimed, "Prince Stannis! I mean, your Grace! How may I serve you?"

Was it a good sign I was enjoying being addressed as such?

I smiled widely, even as I added the servant to the list of people who were 'aware', "I've come to call on Lord Hoster."

If I was anyone else I would have had to add 'is he available?'. Fortunately, social niceties like that simply didn't apply to me anymore. No wonder Royals occasionally get mad with power. It's intoxicating as fuck. The girl muttered a vapid response, but soon opened the door widely. I quietly walked into the ante chamber, slow enough to give the lass a chance to opened the other door for me.

Again, this Prince gig is awesome.

Lord Hoster fucking Tully was seated behind a massive desk, but from a glance you could only see the tip of his head. Stacks and stacks of books obscured the man from sight. Not so much his companion though, because of course Lord Jon fucking Arryn had to be present too.

Great. Just great.

"Prince Stannis, what a pleasant surprise!"

I'm sure it is, and with the way he said it...so does he.

I nodded at both lords, "Lord Hoster. Lord Jon."

This was traditionally the part were the inane and mindless drivel gets spewed, so imagine my shock when Arryn showed some good sense.

"I can't imagine this a visit of pleasure, is there something you've come to discuss?"

Should I bring this up now? With Arryn here? I quickly cast my mind around for anyone subject to broach. Any other subject that wouldn't seem out of place. Shit.

Fuck it. I may as well bite the bullet, "Indeed, my Lord. I've just been visited by a young Valelord in search of opportunity. Usually, I wouldn't bring such matters to either Lord Hoster or yourself, but there are...complications."

Eerily in unison they both replied, "Oh?"

"Yes...I was approached by one Lord Petyr Baelish."

Their reactions were interesting. Hoster, having slid a little past the books, went tight around the fact. I could tell I had his attention, in a bad way. Jon didn't seem to be aware of the lad, but did catch on to the sudden tension in the room.

Hoster said, "I see." A few heartbeats later he continued, "How, might I ask, did you respond?"

Was he going to take this badly?

I cleared my throat and replied, "I've set him to work on my canal together with the Lannister presence in the King's Wood. It seemed...out of the way and convenient enough for the time being."

I considered involving him in the reconstruction of Weeping Town, but came to conclusion that he could do the least of amount of damage in the King's Wood. Unless he sets it on fire..

Hoster kept up his intense gaze, but eventually slowly nodded. Arryn on the other hand, "Baelish...of the Fingers?"

Hoster answered him before I could, "Aye, Jon. I would venture his Grace brought the matter to me on account of Lord Baelish' wardship in Riverrun."

Oh, the man slipped there. The word Lord came out a hiss and I could tell he regretted it immediately. Lord Jon looked actually interested now, which couldn't have sat well with Hoster. Did the latter not inform the former on the subject of Baelish? Or did Hoster just remain vague in his assertion of Lysa being...spoiled.

In which case...crap.

Lets see if we can recover from this, "Quite right, my lord. I had some inquiries regarding the lads character. Should he perform adequately I should like to heap some responsibility on his shoulders."

Alright, tell me you understand what I'm doing Hoster. Jon is already suspicious. If he doesn't know, I already gave away there was something about Baelish that would complicate my relationship with you. Don't react badly.

Don't react badly!

Instead, the man smiled ever so slightly and said, "Ah, I can see why you might be concerned, your Grace. There is indeed more than a hint of scandal surrounding his stay, and while I cannot condone his actions...there is something to be said about understanding the circumstances."

Hoster made a sound as if he was sucking in lemons when he continued, "If you have the time, I would be more than pleased to explain, your Grace." The Riverlord turned to the Valelord and sweetly asked, "Perhaps we could finish our conversation later tonight, my Lord Hand?"

Jon, with his ever present poker face, replied, "Of course, my Lord. I shall be either with the King, or in my Tower."

There was a little bit more insipid chatter before the man finally left, but I was already operating on autopilot now the worst of it was over. Hoster fucking Tully didn't tell Jon about Petyr. No wonder Arryn gave him a job in Gulltown and later actually brought him to King's Landing. At least one good thing came out of it.


Now I have leverage.

"I take it you're rather more informed than our Lord Hand?"

I had to actively resist smirking.

I caught the Lord's gaze and said evenly, "I know Baelish thought of you as a foster father. Of your family as his family, and that certain inappropriate lines were crossed because he mistook his place in Riverrun."

There, I absolutely couldn't put it any more diplomatically. As far as I'm concerned, this is a testament to how much I've grown. Or my self interest has simply gotten sharper and more pronounced.

Before Hoster could reply I continued, "Which brings me to this. Baelish will be working deep into the King's Wood for the foreseeable future." I slowly stood up and brought a light smile to bear, "Should he find himself hale and well, say... a year from now, I shall take it as a sign old grievances have been forgiven and buried."

I waited just long enough for the man to nod before all the smirks I've saved up came out, "I must say, I'm glad I patched matters up between us. This could have gone much, much worse. Don't you agree, my Lord?"

And there was that facial tick again. Because at the end of the day, I'm still a bit of a dick.

I know its short, but I plan to expand it. I'm just looking for feedback, since the last chapter proved so divisive. Also, can you spot the paranoia?
So, are you rubbing it into Hosters face here or do you let him know that he can assassinate the boy? I am a little confused.
Smoothly handled, actions consistent with the characters and cleverly positioning the SI to profit from Hoster... handling Baelish. Seems like a good chapter to me.
Quick question, next chapter there will be a tourney (a legit one with brackets and drafting) and I want it to mimic Harrenhal. How could Stabby be expected to respond to a straight up calling out for the hand of Janna Tyrell?

Keeping in mind that;

Robert is his brother and he will definitely look down on you for not slapping it down like a man.

He rules over Stormlords which are insanely martial even compared to other regions.

Brandon Stark apparently felt the need to respond to a little shit like Petyr.

He's being called out in front of almost the entire high nobility that was involved in the war,including the Dornish.

Janna is sitting literally next to him as this happens. Also, this happens immediately after a bracket is won by Ser Fossaway the suddenly skilled. If Jorah the Explora can beat Barristan and Jaime, why not call it the power of deluded affection.

also; How will people react to it? Including Janna and the other Tyrells. As well as the gathered high nobility.

What can reasonably happen if he laughs it off? Or if he just shoots him in a fit of rage. (The last one is unlikely to happen)
Laughing at the guy than challenging him to a duel to the death. You cannot stand such a direct challenge against you, that motherfucker must die in public by your hand. Because anything else and everyone will think you weak.

Do not play there game make them play yours. Kill that Fossway.

So now you have a guy that for all purpose is putting what I am assuming is the Bareathon, Tyrell, lannister alliance at risk. I am assuming Mina is marrying Jaime. The tyrells would be pissed, Robert would be pisssed since someone is challenging his family, Jana would be honored and pissed since Stabby is her best option for a husband, really one dead Fossway.
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Quick question, next chapter there will be a tourney (a legit one with brackets and drafting) and I want it to mimic Harrenhal. How could Stabby be expected to respond to a straight up calling out for the hand of Janna Tyrell?

Keeping in mind that;

Robert is his brother and he will definitely look down on you for not slapping it down like a man.

He rules over Stormlords which are insanely martial even compared to other regions.

Brandon Stark apparently felt the need to respond to a little shit like Petyr.

He's being called out in front of almost the entire high nobility that was involved in the war,including the Dornish.

Janna is sitting literally next to him as this happens. Also, this happens immediately after a bracket is won by Ser Fossaway the suddenly skilled. If Jorah the Explora can beat Barristan and Jaime, why not call it the power of deluded affection.

also; How will people react to it? Including Janna and the other Tyrells. As well as the gathered high nobility.

What can reasonably happen if he laughs it off? Or if he just shoots him in a fit of rage. (The last one is unlikely to happen)
Tell them to fight in the melee since you consider the tourneyvis foolish tradition of prancing ponies and idiocy in buckets
Tell them to fight in the melee since you consider the tourneyvis foolish tradition of prancing ponies and idiocy in buckets
Won't fly with the Lords who like Tourneys although people like Jon and Hoster, and Olenna would certainly think less of him if he goes along with it. He's the current Prince of the Realm. That said having a sworn sword fight on his behalf would be an acceptable compromise only Robert perhaps would make light of it.
Quick question, next chapter there will be a tourney (a legit one with brackets and drafting) and I want it to mimic Harrenhal. How could Stabby be expected to respond to a straight up calling out for the hand of Janna Tyrell?
Depends on the person doing the expecting. Specifically, on how familiar they are with Stabby's character. Traditionally, he would be expected to accept the duel for her hand, and go through whatever ceremony that involves, and try his best to kill the challenger in single combat.

That being said, Stabby is an iconoclast, and expecting tradition from one of those is like expecting celibacy from the Dornish.
1. House Fossoway is a principal bannerman of the Tyrells. His challenge of Stannis is not just an insult to him but also indirectly questioning the judgement of his liege Lord. So the Tyrells would not be happy with the challenge for various reasons.

2. The King and his supporters would not be happy as this is coming from an ex-supporter of the Dragons which calls into question the sincerity of the Tyrells and people would wonder if this was planned by them indirectly so as to remove Stannis, especially if Stannis is badly wounded or dies.

3. Not withstanding this, Stannis would know that he needs to answer the challenge or belittle him so much as to enrage him into doing something unwise in front of the rest. Alternatively, he could look at Mace and ask him if this way his plan in the first place... although that would put Mace in a hard spot and spoil the relationship there.
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Translation from stabby speak

"Why you here?"

"Dude we need to talk you want your bro here?"

"My bros fine."

"It involves some shady shit this prick pulled on you."

"Bro, I need to talk to dis guy."

"Its all cool Im going to go chill."

"Thanks bro, ok talk?"

"So the little shit who fucked with your baby girl? Asked me for a job, I know he fucked you over, he's going to be all alone in the forest where no one can hear him scream. Yep just him in the fucking woods for an entire year, if he gets shanked and shit were still cool, but if you haven't handled it then I got to give him a job and shit."

"Thanks for the heads up, I will decide weather to put this punk on ice later."

"Have fun."
I caught the Lord's gaze and said evenly, "I know Baelish thought of you as a foster father. Of your family as his family, and that certain inappropriate lines were crossed because he mistook his place in Riverrun."

There, I absolutely couldn't put it any more diplomatically. As far as I'm concerned, this is a testament to how much I've grown. Or my self interest has simply gotten sharper and more pronounced.
Well-worded, Stabby! *pats on head*

I waited just long enough for the man to nod before all the smirks I've saved up came out, "I must say, I'm glad I patched matters up between us. This could have gone much, much worse. Don't you agree, my Lord?"

And there was that facial tick again. Because at the end of the day, I'm still a bit of a dick.

I thought this was a particularly concise and well-written chapter. :)

I must admit some confusing as to
some confusion
Lady Lysa has informed me your are looking
you are
Lysa's support worth the effort I expending?
I'm expending
and found myself in from of the Lord Trout's room
in front of
If I was anyone else
If I were
to give the lass a chance to opened the
to open the
Let's see
regarding the lads character.
the lad's
Quick question, next chapter there will be a tourney (a legit one with brackets and drafting) and I want it to mimic Harrenhal. How could Stabby be expected to respond to a straight up calling out for the hand of Janna Tyrell?

Keeping in mind that;

Robert is his brother and he will definitely look down on you for not slapping it down like a man.

He rules over Stormlords which are insanely martial even compared to other regions.

Brandon Stark apparently felt the need to respond to a little shit like Petyr.

He's being called out in front of almost the entire high nobility that was involved in the war,including the Dornish.

Janna is sitting literally next to him as this happens. Also, this happens immediately after a bracket is won by Ser Fossaway the suddenly skilled. If Jorah the Explora can beat Barristan and Jaime, why not call it the power of deluded affection.

also; How will people react to it? Including Janna and the other Tyrells. As well as the gathered high nobility.

What can reasonably happen if he laughs it off? Or if he just shoots him in a fit of rage. (The last one is unlikely to happen)

''I will be my brothers champion for his beloved!''
''Robert, what do you think you are do-''
''I'm going to crush his skull brother, before I allow this dragon spawn of incest and madness take Lyanna ever again!''
''The name of my 'beloved' is Janna.''
''Shut up Stannis. Squire, bring me my armour and warhammer! Now!''

Yeah no, this is definitely going to hit far too close for a number of people there.

The awesome part of this is that I can see problems stirring up for people both on a personal level and on 'national' one by the declaration of sir apple pie, or whatever his name is.

The first reaction would most likely be shock and silence before actual outrage from pretty much everyone involved.

Janna for example seems to want to marry Stabby and sees him as her ticket to get the hell out of the Reach and not having an overbearing husband whilst she expressed pretty dismissive feelings about sir apple so it's not like she will have much sympathy for the dude. Adding more bad news still is that this could put a pretty big dent her reputation and house Tyrell by association since this comes after Renlys lie about her kissing the man. Judging by what Stabby noted about rumours in the royal court I could see people whispering that Janna led apple pie on and that it's really her fault.

For the Tyrells as a whole it also spells bad not only because the marriage is pretty advantageous but because with the problems and distrust they are having with the hightowers being unable to control other sworn houses makes then look weak and might plunge them into a bit of paranoia.

Overall they would probably fall over themselves trying to apologise for this travesty.

The rest of the highlords and their houses will probably be equally put out.

The only one that I could see getting something out of the show would probably be Cersei since it would be a perfect opportunity to try to tarnish the notion that Janna is fit to marry into the royal house. Tywin might see some advantage to it but overall he seems like a man that values stability, especially so considering that they just ended one war, and things are going pretty good for the Lannister only to have a fool in love to risk it all.

Could Stabby laugh and mock him? Well sure, his lords would probably have a laugh with him but after that they would probably go 'Heh, yeah he's an idiot. Now kill him for the honour of the Stormlands! My prince.'

They would expect him to take up the sword since the dude pretty much challenged him publicly and without the thinnest pretext. I think that Robert has warmed up enough to Stabby that he would be more furious about someone doing that to his brother, in the presence of himself and Lyanna, than sparing a thought o look down on Stabby if he didn't fight him.

Which brings the question; can Stabby beat the man if he has to? My impression is that he is more of a 'shot them in the face with a bolt' kind of guy. He won against Robert by making him tire himself out and even then he lost a few times.
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