-[] [Capital Action] The Capital is the most important place due to it being the center of all governmental and commerce functions, thus it is better to plan it from a clean slate. Build a new city with walls and sections to house the government while making it accessible to the populace.
-[] The Colonial affairs all require funding, which comes from the trade, the farm, and the craft. So we must enlarge the body that governs economic development and trade. This body shall inherit the properties that used to house the government, which should ease transition pains.
-[] There is a rebellion, even though we don't call it that, which demands military goods. Direct efforts to setup gunpowder and other military good production.
-[] The militia is in a slightly embarrassing state, but they should be capable of defending their home. Organize them into 3 rotating parts, training, city patrol, and rest. Hopefully time will improve the quality of the militia.