Of the Chalice, Overflowing - A Mordheim Quest

[X] Getting our Fangs Wet
-[X] Heroes
—[X]: 1 Necromancer; 35g
-[X] Henches
--[X] 5x Zombie(s); 40g
--[X] + Pack of 3 Ghouls; 120g
--[X] 3x Dire Wolves; 150g

Here is a first stab, do we arm zombies and Ghouls?
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Here is a first stab, do we arm zombies and Ghouls?
We can't do this. Zombies and Ghouls, don't use weaponry.

Ghouls are living, but debased, creatures. Some say they're distant relatives of the Strigany caravans that wander the eastern Empire. All say they're mad and debased cannibals...because they are. They congregate to food and power and tend to travel in familial pack or clan groups. In combat they fight as a pack-unit or alone. They're not sufficiently sophisticated for weaponry anymore. Like zombies, they tear their foes apart with hands and teeth. Unlike zombies, they have claws and fangs.
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[X] Plan-Necromantic squad.
[X] Heroes:
-[X] +1 Necromancer. 35 gc.
[X] Henches:
-[X] +7 Zombie(s). 105 gc.
-[X] +3 Dire Wolves. 150 gc.
[X] Equipment:
-[X] +1 Light armour. 20 gc.
-[X] +3 Daggers. 4 gc.
-[X] +1 Helmet. 10 gc.
-[X] +2 Bows. 20 gc.
-[X] +1 Axe. 3 gc.
-[X] +1 Mace. 3 gc.
Misc equipment:
-[X] +2 Rope and grapnel. 10 gc.
-[X] +2 Net. 10 gc.

Having necromancer as a hero is superior to yet another dreg, because of magic.
Also, I think we don't need ghouls for now, and much better investment for us, will be in well equipped Dregs, Dire wolfs and meat shields for them.

So for Victoria: Light armour, helmet, daggers and a bow (the rest of daggers and second bow is for necromancer).
For Kasper (because he has already armour and dagger) will get axe or/and mace as a extra weapons, beside, either of them should be picked anyway, because of they unique and useful abilities like reducing armour save rolls.

And in case of Hero items we can choose now, those two are most useful and practical in my opinion.

So: 435-35-105-150-20-4-10-20-3-3-10-10=65.
65 gc.
@Thief of Words can you tell me if everything is okay with my plan?
Which of these hires will cost what for each fight?
If they are each costing something (in addition to our hired sword) we might want to leave a bigger warchest for the start.
Don't know if the first expeditions will bring in enough money to pay everyone.
Which of these hires will cost what for each fight?
If they are each costing something (in addition to our hired sword) we might want to leave a bigger warchest for the start.
Don't know if the first expeditions will bring in enough money to pay everyone.

In this case, for ease of math, I'm going the tabletop route and having upkeep included I'm hiring cost.

That said, treatment costs money. As does using rather than assaulting or rushing past the gates of the city.
Okay! I'm going to give folks until tomorrow to vote. Then I'll go ahead with the attached story bits and offer you the first turn of actions to undertake.
Vote closed!

Plan: Necromantic Squad won. There was one vote not for it.

Will generate your Necromancer and update the warband status this afternoon. After that, we'll go over your planning/actions phase.

EDIT: And since you purchased additional equipment for him (presumably) to replace parts of his starting gear, you have revealed ???? trait on Kasper.
  • ???? trait revealed as 'Runefang': Refuses to replace gromril dagger replica of the Ostermark Runefang in his personal armament for any reason.
  • Kasper's dagger revealed to be gromril weapon. 4x value, negates armor save bonus daggers normally grant to opponents.
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So...rolled the advances our Necromancer started with and did the same for spells. And point of origin and gender.

She's practically running as a Tenser's Transformation Wizard, Warhammer edition.
I don't want to be pushy @Thief of Words , but when we can expect the next update? It's been a while now, and I can't wait to finally take action turn in the cursed city of Mordheim.

As soon as I manage to get a final draft to my betas. Mind you, I'm on draft 4 of the post at the moment. Draft 1 was about halfway through when a power outage ate it. Draft 2 had to be tossed for being bad.