Adhoc vote count started by RebelYell on Aug 26, 2021 at 11:55 AM, finished with 24 posts and 20 votes.
Hokay. So a few points of clarification:

[X] A Magister of the Cult of the Possessed
[X] A Vampire of the Von Carstein Dynasty

Now these boys seem like fun. Haven't seen anyone do a chaos quest before.

[X] A Vampire of the Von Carstein Dynasty

I loved my Vampire band back in my tabletop days. Fear causing minions are amazing in gang warfare, and the City of the Damned will have no shortage of material for building plenty of them.

[X] A Magister of the Cult of the Possessed
Edit: Approval voting me second choice

[X] An Imperial Mercenary Captain
[X] A Vampire of the Von Carstein Dynasty
either would do for me

[X] A (Dispossessed) Noble Dwarf
[X] An Imperial Mercenary Captain

Please pick one each. Who are you (in this case) is a single answer question.

Second: just to clarify in case the snippets didn't do so: each vote has its own tone which would then become the initial tone of the story. It also dictates (in part) what you would be doing in the story. In a few minutes I'll update the FAQ (meant to get this part done earlier, but writing this all up ran late last night and I felt it was more important to get the options out there). I'll edit this post to include a tl;dr of initial tones and themes for each option. After I've posted up the format on the FAQ post. Should be up within the hour.

Voting will probably continue until I wake up tomorrow, to give stragglers a chance to vote and to give players a chance to discuss and debate the options if so inclined.
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Vote 1 Option Tones and Themes
Mercenary Captain:

Mercenary, Impious, Workmanlike, Soldierly, Somewhat Jaded, Somewhat World-Weary
Themes: A Day on the Job, Wages vs Risks, Nothing Personnel Kid, Business, Fight Hard and Celebrate Harder

Chaos Magister:

Resentful, Othered, Outsider, Culty, Surreptitious (or Very Not), Religious, Manic, Possibly Maddened
Themes: My life as a Chaos Cult Leader, The Wages of Sin are Corruption, What would you do for a klondike bar Chaos Boon?, Convert or Kill the Non-Believer, Sanity is for the Weak, Daemonic Possession for Fun and Prophet.

Witch Hunter:

Tone: Religious, Zealous, (Justifiably?) Paranoid, Hateful, Wary, Judgmental
Themes: Everyone Sus...YES EVERYONE, Rendering Judgment upon the Unfaithful, It's Not Paranoia if Everyone's Out to Get You, Hard Men and Harder Choices, Rabble Rousing for God and Prophet


Amused, Ambitious, Occaisionally Pitying, Immortal, Better-Than, Artistocratic, Competitive
Themes: A Vampire Cares not for the Opinions of Cattle; You Think You're a Monster? That's Cute~!; The Sigmarite, The Witch, and The Effrontery of This Bitch!; Yes, They're Cattle, but There's Something Pitifully Endearing about the Dregs; Ghoul Management for Fun and Profit; I Would Literally Kill for a Proper Drink Right Now

Dispossessed Dawi:

Dwarfy, Grumbling, Ambitious, (Totally Not) Desperate, Proud, Stiff-Necked, Determined, Aggreived
Themes: Of Course It's Umgak! It's Made by Umgi! Umgi=Umgak, That's Just Logic!; I Will Absolutely Strike It Rich, This Time for Certain!; Raki, Zakidum, Umgi zealots? Nothing a good az or round from the thunderers can't solve; It's Personal: It's Business; Fight Harder and Celebrate Even Harder Than That; Hands Off, That's Dwarf Property!
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[X] A Vampire of the Von Carstein Dynasty

I too share @veteranMortal 's logic. Vampires...

Also I trust Thief to write vampires that are both cool and appropriately creepy and awful. Which is a combo that is hard to find.
I'd like to see what it'd be like to be on the side of chaos for once, however I shall also support the vamps for the same reason rather than see another imperial story. It's rather overdone imo and i'd like to tread new ground.
Vote 1 Results: A Tie, Apparently
Well, this is where I'd normally be calling an end to the vote, but as you'll see below:

Adhoc vote count started by RebelYell on Aug 27, 2021 at 1:09 AM, finished with 34 posts and 26 votes.

Even with @Dracon Von Blood having double-voted being accounted for, it's still a tie between Mercenary Captain and Von Carstein Vampire.
Vote 1 Results, Take Two: A Vampire of the Von Carstein Dynasty
Adhoc vote count started by Thief of Words on Aug 27, 2021 at 12:46 PM, finished with 36 posts and 26 votes.

Per the request by @ancusohm and @Dracon Von Blood clarifying their vote, Von Carstein Vampire it is!

The Sub-Votes will be up shortly to permit you to select and clarify particulars about your Vampire Lord or Lady.
Character Definition Votes
A Von Carstein, then. Well, let's learn a little more about you before we get to the business of wyrdstone.

[ ] Who Sired You?
-[ ] Vlad's Brood
+Bonus to perceived status among lesser vampires of the bloodline and among other bloodlines
-No bonus to status in Vlad's eyes or Isabella's

-[ ] Isabella's Brood
+ Significant bonus to status in the eyes of Vlad and Isabella themselves
-Small malus to status in the eyes of other bloodlines and among lesser vampires of the Von Carstein Bloodline

[ ] Standing before the Kiss?
-[ ] Born High
You were of the aristocracy before you were of the Aristocracy of the Night.

-[ ] Born Low
You were significantly further elevated than others of the Midnight Aristocracy.

Voting has a four hour moratorium for discussion,
as each option will significantly change the resultant MC. If you have questions for me, please do ask.
[X] Plan: Up jumped Brute
[X] Who Sired You?
[X] Vlad's Brood
[X]Standing before the Kiss?
[X] Low Born

Basically my idea is essentially an "up jumped mercenary" idea. Someone who before his transformation a brutal violent man with ambitions of wealth and power who upon his ascendance is actively trying to ape the image of the "Vampire Aristocrat" though he still has the brutal low class background and if pressed will lose his Vampiric composure and fall back on his more rustic instincts.
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Plan maximum status with grandpa vlad
[] Isabella's Brood
[] Born High

My plan Banks on maximising our status in Vlad's eyes as his opinion is what truly matters in Von Carnstein, I don't think we have to worry too much about lesser vampires as long as we keep our wits about us.
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Neither Vlad or Isabella would sire a lowborn

Off the top of my head, Herman Posner never struck me as having originally been highborn, but that might be unfamiliarity with the eventual Baron of Waldenhof and the particular way he was written in Death's Cold Kiss. Edit: and that I'm still only partway through Inheritance atm.
Off the top of my head, Herman Posner never struck me as having originally been highborn, but that might be unfamiliarity with the eventual Baron of Waldenhof and the particular way he was written in Death's Cold Kiss. Edit: and that I'm still only partway through Inheritance atm.
I could also be mistaken, or that was something I read in a fanfic, since I can't recall where I read about Vlad and Isabella not siring lowborns
I kinda want to play a lowborn of Isabella's brood. I like the idea of being a jumped-up peasant who is only popular with the top two camps. Might make for interesting gameplay.

Also, it might put a fun twist on our interactions with our underlings.
I could also be mistaken, or that was something I read in a fanfic, since I can't recall where I read about Vlad and Isabella not siring lowborns
That's fair. My interpretation was always that whomever they sired became the nobility of Sylvania and that they used the existing nobility when they were willing and killed and replaced them where they weren't cooperative.

Plus I know for a fact that Isabella sired at least one possible lowborn, as the first Vampire she sired was the Sister of Shallya who tended to her in her illness who eventually was known as Elize von Carstein (and WHFRP 2nd ed gave the impression that priestly initiates didn't strictly or often come from the nobility (as literacy instruction is mentioned as part of their training).

Also, it might put a fun twist on our interactions with our underlings.

That would in fact have the potential to do that.