Oh this has become a vampire quest now, eh? count me in as watching it.
Skills vote: end
Right. Closing the skills vote.

So, yer a Wizard, Petra!

For simplicity and story's sake, we'll go with Necromacy. Congrats, you can cast Re-Animation as a spell.

In combat, this allows you to resurrect a one zombie that went Out of Action in the last round on a successful cast. Out of combat it lets you animate standard zombies and dire wolves.

So. Warband composition: discuss!
Hm. I guess we want some zombies as meat shields. And dire wolves sound like they would be fairly fast. But I would like to have some dregs too, just so we have at least a few underlings who can think.

I'm not confident enough to get into specific numbers. Do other people have thoughts?
Hm. I guess we want some zombies as meat shields. And dire wolves sound like they would be fairly fast. But I would like to have some dregs too, just so we have at least a few underlings who can think.

I'm not confident enough to get into specific numbers. Do other people have thoughts?

So far, the warband has two dregs.
We need weapons and armor for our mortal followers badly. We're very under equipped for any engagement besides single combat as ourselves which is simply unacceptable. Bring in some necromancer commanders followed by zombies dreg assistance and we go from there on which elites we'd prefer.

Edit- that tome of magic is expensive but worth considering. Other than that see if we can nab some low cost hero equipment for now.
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Zombies and good bois it is then.

So zombies should be the most numerous. Otherwise they will be practically pointless. So I recommend 7 zombies.
Otherwise, if we do not want so much money, spent on meatshields. I think we will need some old good Dhar.
So a necromancer.
I think we should, give him, rather light weaponry, considering he likely wouldn't have ability to use armour anyway (lack of warrior wizard skill)
1 Bow.
2 Daggers.
1 Sword.

Dire wolves as a quick and powerful good bois hounds, would be perfect, so two of them should be enough, considering how much money we have, but we always can hire one or two more.

I think, dregs we have, are enough now so...

I really don't have idea, what we should give him, considering he already has heavy armour and helmet, and good dagger.
I'm guess an extra dagger or sword? Maybe spear?
Victoria, light armour and bow should suite her. Oh! And extra dagger.

Variant-Necromancer: Around 234. We can have (and I recommend that) extra dire wolf or two, and/or perhaps some ghouls too.


Around 196 left. Again, we can have extra Dire wolf or ghouls or both.

If we hire a necromancer and zombies...
Variant-Both equally rotten.

Adding to that Dire wolf and ghouls...

Also. I don't think we need hero equipment (for now) ,and should instead collect money for it later, in all three plans.

[ ] Plan-Necromancer commander.
-[ ] Necromancer plus equipment.
-[ ] Kasper equipment.
-[ ] Victoria equipment.
-[ ] And around three dire wolfs and Ghouls.
144 gc left.

[ ] Plan-Zombie legion.
-[ ] Seven zombies.
-[ ] Kasper equipment.
-[ ] Victoria equipment.
-[ ] And around three dire wolfs and Ghouls.
106 gc left.

[ ] Plan-Both equally rotten.
-[ ] Seven zombies.
-[ ] Necromancer.
-[ ] Kasper equipment.
-[ ] Victoria equipment.
[ ] And around three dire wolfs and Ghouls.
34 gc left.

This is every warband composition I could come up with so far.

Personally. I vote for Zombie legion , becaue we already have necromancer in the form of...Well, us.

[X] Plan-Zombie legion.

And @Thief of Words, is everythink okay with my warband compositions? Thanks in advance, for answer.
I feel I should point out that the vote isn't open. You're still under moratorium. Discussion, not plan voting, is what should be happening atm.
Really cool quest!

Sorry of this has been clarified already, but do our minions have an upkeep, the living ones at least? Because that would be an option, otherwise I am tempted to go big and have both zombies and the necromamcer as second in command.
Really cool quest!

Sorry of this has been clarified already, but do our minions have an upkeep, the living ones at least? Because that would be an option, otherwise I am tempted to go big and have both zombies and the necromancer as second in command.

For ease of bookkeeping, I'm counting presumed upkeep as part of the hiring costs, so the answer is, "No, not unless they're wounded."
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Love the quest so far. please continue. also my favorite thing about this quest is that the vampire was not an aristocrat before becoming a vampire. i absolutely love that.
So, going to close the moratorium here before too long (probably Friday evening). Before I do, however, I would remind you of a few pertinent facts:

  1. Anything with a listed rarity has to be rolled to find someone selling it before it can be bought. The rarest items, such as Tomes of Magic, require a critical success to find. Such items (the Tomes, specifically) are, after all, highly illegal on pain of death by Witch Hunter. Other items simply don't exist in significant quantities inside the Empire.
  2. Each additional Hero provides an additional Hero Personal action during the management phase. Think of them like mini-councillors in a CKII/CKIII quest. They participate in combat if brought along, but they also have outside-combat utility that reanimates (henchmen) simply lack.
  3. I realized that by summarizing the uses of the henches, I didn't give full stats. Zombies, Dregs, and Ghouls all hit at a -10. Zombies also have a -20 to initiative. Ghouls attack at twice the rate of the other units, baseline. Zombies will almost always attack last. However, they are cheap, and subject to reanimation on successful spellcast. They're chaff you can potentially expend more than once. They are weaker, slower, and worse-equipped than Skaven clanrats, but they cause Fear.
Alrighty, I guess that's all the discussion I'm going to manage to wring out of y'all just now. I'll post up the vote in the morning, as it bears some explanation on the vote format for this one. Unfortunately, I'm not really feeling great this evening, so it'll have to wait til then.
Warband Composition Vote
Alright. I'm going to need you to pay close attention to what I say after this, because it's going to take me a while to write up, it's fairly in-depth, and if you don't follow the instructions to the letter, I will not count your vote.

It's time to vote on warband composition. This will be a plan vote. Vote using the name of the plan (if you aren't the plan originator). You are required to vote on every category. Bookkeeping matters for this.
Your warband composition / expenditures plan should be structured as follows.

Also: Ghouls are hired in packs of 1-5 ghouls.

Vote: Warband Composition: 3 Current Members, 15 members maximum

[ ] Heroes
-[ ]: +0/+1 Necromancer; +35g ea
-[ ]: +0/+1 Dreg; 15g ea

[ ] Henches
-[ ] +0-12 Zombie(s); 15g ea
-[ ] + Pack of # Ghouls; 40g per ghoul
-[ ] Repeat above for each Pack of Ghouls
-[ ] +0-5 Dire Wolves; 50g ea

[ ] Equipment
-[ ] +# (Insert Item name here); XXg ea
Equipment Options
Warband Armoury:

  • spears: Attacks first; +1 Str on mounted charge; Str as user otherwise; can only use shield or buckler in offhand; 10gc
  • daggers; Str: user, +1 to enemy armour; 1st free, others 2 gc
  • shield; +1 to armour; 5 gc
  • sword; User, Permits parries: roll vs to-hit-roll, if your roll is higher, you're unhit.; 10 gc
  • helmet; downgrades stunned injuries to knocked down; 10 gc
  • Halberds; Str+1, 2handed; 10 gc
  • Hammer; S as user, stuns on 2-4 instead of 3-4; 3gc
  • Axe; Reduces enemy's armour save one step; 3gc
  • Mace; S as user, stuns on 2-4 instead of 3-4; 3gc
  • 2h-weapon; Strikes last in combat, +2S; 15 gc
  • Bow; Str 3, longer range than shortbow; 10 gc
  • Shortbow; Str 3 ranged weapon; 5 gc
  • Light Armour; 17% chance to negate a wound; 20 gc
  • Heavy armour; 33% chance to negate a wound; 50 gc

Misc equipment: (Hero only)

Rope and grapnel; reroll failed climbing checks; 5gc
Net; ranged weapon, forces str check on target hit, prohibits moving, shooting, magic the next turn if failed; 5 gc
Lantern; see hidden foes from further away; 10gc
Other reminders: your Hired Sword costs 15g per fight he participates in. Rare gear can be sought for purchase as a Hero Action, but is typically significantly more expensive (Gromril weapons, for example, cost 4x their base cost). Other Hired Swords are potentially available for hiring, but likewise cost gold per combat they participate in, in addition to a hiring cost.