Mipha as slave-girl ...oh gosh that is disturbing. Implications are that she's either seen it (and is a good actress) or done it before (and whoever that is just went up a notch or two on our death list), and neither is a fun thing to think about.
[X] Magic and the gods with Kapson! Maybe Link will learn something, or understand things more.
No one seems to want to buy into my write-in, so this one works too. Playing doctor with Mipha sounds like it would be a little funny, but it's also very likely to increase the threesome vibes between Link, Zelda and Mipha, and none of them really need that drama right now.
[X] Medicine and taking care of yourself with Mipha and Link!
Considering the mentions of Queen Tetra, and Ordona, and other bits... a mention of Werewolf-Knight we reminded them of with our prowess seeeems like an obvious reference to Twilight-Princess Link being our dad? But I haven't followed most of the quest discussion OR played breath of the wild, so I could be terribly wrong xD
Amaaazing art in the update btw. Both the harem-comedy link and the landscapes <3 Sage Harem Ship is a go.
Was there speculation earlier on who various Sages are? Zora girl is obviously Water, Zelda's very-special-friend from Kakariko is Shadow, Birb Girl is uncertain, Fire Forest Spirit (Light?)... none of them were mentioned in the scene were Zelda magic-sang at the Sheikah Shrine. Unless it was the bit about people hearing her sing before going back to prison, but I assumed that was the denizens of the Dust Domain (hopefully we made things a bit better with song of healing/storms or something). But maybe its a proximity thing (with shadow cheating because friendship magic, or sheikah/shrine) ?
Wait. There are sages in this story. Why is this the first I have heard of it? Although in hindsight it should have been obvious to us when Zelda sang and Medli's instrument shone.
Wait. There are sages in this story. Why is this the first I have heard of it? Although in hindsight it should have been obvious to us when Zelda sang and Medli's instrument shone.
I honestly must have missed that part. Unless the reveal was made in a non story post before I joined the quest. I just read the Chapters up to where it left off then read the following posts to vote.
I honestly must have missed that part. Unless the reveal was made in a non story post before I joined the quest. I just read the Chapters up to where it left off then read the following posts to vote.
She turns slightly, glancing towards her Lyre she had set against a stone wistfully, "Our mothers were truly amazing people. They along with the other ladies in waiting and Queen Tetra were known as the Seven Sages, the greatest sorceresses in all of Hyrule.
I honestly must have missed that part. Unless the reveal was made in a non story post before I joined the quest. I just read the Chapters up to where it left off then read the following posts to vote.
[Medi] turns slightly, glancing towards her Lyre she had set against a stone wistfully, "Our mothers were truly amazing people. They along with the other ladies in waiting and Queen Tetra were known as the Seven Sages, the greatest sorceresses in all of Hyrule. They helped so many people, changed so many lives for the better. Many still remember them as holy figures, even though the Empire would rather they be remembered as evil witches. It's... hard to imagine after hearing all their great deeds that they were even real..."
Link's mother, Mipha's mother, Medi's mother, and Zelda's mother were four of the seven Sages, which means it stands to reason that Medi, Mipha, and Zelda are three of them too (somewhat confirmed during Zelda's spell-song). I mean, it's not confirmed that Sage-hood is passed along bloodlines like Zero no Tsukaima Void magic, but it seems likely and is consistent with lore.
As for the others, we have no idea. The OoT Sages (other than Zelda) were each a different race: Hylian, Kokiri, Goron, Zora, Sheikah and Gerudo, so we should expect the same here, likely with Rito subbing in for Kokiri since the later all died out in the years following the death of the elder Deku Tree and the cursing of the Lost Woods. The Hylian Sage in particular is a bit problematic, as Link doesn't have any siblings and IIRC you can't really have the Hero of Time be one of the Sages. It means we're probably going to have to track down his mom's family at some point:
Your mother though, your mother's house wasn't [peasant-born]. They were minor nobility from East Necluda, the author apparently not even knowing the names of the line other than they were listed in taxes year after year. It was probably because they likely weren't even a real noble house, simply a family from one of the coastal or island tribes that lived there. But it gave you a sigil for you to search for, that of a seagull.
The really only negative thing that was mentioned was that your family were peasant born, who was given a noble title by Zelda's great something-or-other grandfather for their service.
Anyways... well. Shit. We've rather been missing/overlooking a big part of the picture. In order to stop the Blood Moon to free up Hylians and other peoples' assets (former Hyrulean army, rangers, guerrillas, etc.) so that they can actually work against the Empire instead of worrying about day to day survival against infinitely respawning monsters we likely need the sages to counter act the dark ritual and magic used to cause the blood moon.
Not sure about here, but canon is that Koroks are actual nature spirits whereas Kokiri are Hylian children that have been modified/empowered/whatever by the Great Deku Tree (which includes becoming unaging), and revert back into Hylians if they go too far away from the Deku Tree.
Not sure about here, but canon is that Koroks are actual nature spirits whereas Kokiri are Hylian children that have been modified/empowered/whatever by the Great Deku Tree (which includes becoming unaging), and revert back into Hylians if they go too far away from the Deku Tree.
That doesn't sound right to me and I don't recall that being mentioned in either the Hyrule Hystoria or the Hyrule Encyclopedia... can you provide some citation?
Also a thought came to me the Spirit sage is likely going to be either Urbosa or Riju, who I'm willing to bet are also Ganondorf's older and younger sisters.
That doesn't sound right to me and I don't recall that being mentioned in either the Hyrule Hystoria or the Hyrule Encyclopedia... can you provide some citation?
Also a thought came to me the Spirit sage is likely going to be either Urbosa or Riju, who I'm willing to bet are also Ganondorf's older and younger sisters.
That's what I heard about the early translations that were posted online when Hyrule Encyclopedia was first released. I've linked to them in either this thread or a different Zelda quest around that time.
You know. Reading through the update again, is it just me or does someone seem to be tweaking the weather to help cover for Zelda and Link in Lanaryu?
Because it seems to be a hell of a coincidence that every time they ran into a patrol there's a heavy downpour that just happens to arrange things so that Zelda is bundled up and keeps attention off them?
You know. Reading through the update again, is it just me or does someone seem to be tweaking the weather to help cover for Zelda and Link in Lanaryu?
Because it seems to be a hell of a coincidence that every time they ran into a patrol there's a heavy downpour that just happens to arrange things so that Zelda is bundled up and keeps attention off them?
[X] Medicine and taking care of yourself with Mipha and Link!
After a bit of discussion, Zelda ends up roping both Mipha and yourself into her lesson idea. Sidon ends up being volunteered to hold the Sheikah Slate (After Zelda pried it from Undyne's hands with an expression that actually made the Zora captain take a step back from Zelda) and you were all directed into a clearing.
After explaining to Sidon how her Sheikah Slate worked she runs over to you and Mipha and turns to Sidon, "Okay start recording..... Now!"
A large smile splits Zelda's face, and she gives an exaggerated wave, "Hello class! Today I have a special lesson today for you! Today we're going to learn about medicine and taking care of yourself! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!"
Zelda claps excitedly, and you try desperately to not look amused at her antics as Mipha clasps her hands in front of her face and stares at Zelda with the same expression you would expect her to have when looking at a kitten.
"Joining me today are two very good friends of mine, Sir Link Ordona and Princess Mipha of the Zora!" Zelda announces, stepping to the side while gesturing to the two of you.
"Uh, hi!"
"Hello Zelda's class! I hope you'll all enjoy today's lesson!" Mipha says, sounding just as into this as Zelda is.
"SO!" Zelda turns to you, clapping her hands together, "What'll be the first thing we will discuss today Link and MIpha?"
You and Mipha both turn to each other, then back to Zelda with eyebrows raised.
"Uhm... you didn't give us time to prepare Zelda. We thought you were going to give us the first topic and go from there," You tell Zelda, who turns bright red before she turns back to the slate with a forced smile.
"HAHA! Link's such a kidder, isn't he class? Now um... uh..." She trails off, desperately looking around, until she see's the river, "Ah, health from proper hygiene! Link's going to talk about the importance on remaining clean and not smelling like a butcher shop!"
Zelda turns to you, smiling but there was something... terrifying about it, "Well Link?"
"Haha... well... um... Wash your hands before every meal? Because um.... You'll get sick?" You say, desperately trying to think of how to explain this. Boy, you're really aware you lived in the woods for ages now.
"That's right Link! And that's because there are a large number of microscopic organisms such as bacteria and viruses that live all around us, they are mostly-" and then she goes off on a rant about bacteria and those virus things, explaining various types and how they attack the body and you're pretty sure this'll fly over the heads of her class. Especially when she starts going into an explanation of how bacteria and viruses were discovered.
You and Mipha glance at each other until you cough into your hand, causing Zelda to jump.
"Ahahaha, got a bit sidetracked class!" A beet red Zelda tells the Sheikah Slate, before she continues, "S-so you should also make sure the water is clean, as there could be several dangerous diseases in it!"
Her expression turns slightly sad, and much of the energy she had vanished "As we all know..."
Then that fire she had before comes back, and she's practically hopping as she says "So you must be very very careful! But luckily if you do get sick there are ways to treat it, like with Mipha's healing magic! How does it work Mipha?"
"I use my magic to return life to my patient's body, making them healthier than they were when I began," Mipha explains, stepping forward, "Of course, it has limitations and is reliant on my own strength. But at full power, I can even heal crippling wounds, such as Zelda's sca-mmf!" A hand pressed against Mipha's mouth had cut her off, as a rather panicked looking Zelda turned to face the Sheikah Slate.
"Haha! Good thing all of us are fine and have never needed it!" She responds through clenched teeth, her face split into a wide forced smile, "Well I guess that concludes our lesson! We'll have more lessons in the future! See you next time!"
And with that Sidon taps the screen, lowering the slate to regard the three of you, "Well... I think that went very well!"
Entering the Pillars of Levia led you into a maze of moss covered stone and patches of forest. Streams broke up landscape, snaking their way through rocks and undergrowth. The whole place felt old, untouched by time. Well, save the occasional hints of footfalls as well as horse and cart tracks, but you suspect that was only your own skill at hunting as they were barely noticeable.
Still, you can't help but feel something is off about this wilderness, there was something in the air, something old. Just being here felt disorientating, and were it not for Zelda guiding you even you would have gotten lost. Which disturbed you greatly that such magic could affect your mind. How every time you glanced between the tree's the path beyond seemed to have changed, how the tree's seemed to shift in number and type, how cliff would turn into pathways or rocks would vanish. Even the sun seemed to change position. It was confusing, to say the least. You weren't much of mage after all, but the Zora helpfully told you this whole area seemed to have powerful magics placed over it.
"Why," Kapson tells you, "I don't think anything mortal could have been capable of placing the magics that infuse this place. I'd read the Sheikah had dealings with Great Fairies in the past, but to think I would actually feel the power of their magic in my lifetime..."
Zelda, however, couldn't have been more at home, and she moved through the woods with purpose until she came upon a moss covered stone she happily wiped cleaned, revealing a Sheikah eye carved into its surface.
She turns to you, a bright smile on her face, "Here we are, our guide!"
"A marker?" Muzu asks, inspecting the stone.
"Not quite, this is a gossip stone!" She happily exclaims, as though it would have any meaning to any of you. When she see's all your blank expressions she frowns, and lets out a frustrated sigh,
"It's a stone that's been enchanted to be capable of speech and telepathically communicate, along with other functions. They're mostly used by the Sheikah to gather information, though I suspect Koroks make deals with them from time to time, as they sometimes play pranks,"
"Ooooh!" Was the collected response, and there was a smack as Zelda brought her palm to her face.
"ANYWAYS, the Gossip stones here are designed to guide Sheikah to the village, or subtly lure people who wander close away. Here, I'll demonstrate how they work!" She then turns to the stone and speaks in old Hylian. The eye on the stone flares, and the stone itself seems to pulsate as.... it replies back in the same language.
Zelda turns back to you, looking rather pleased with herself, "Alright, they won't try to lure any of you away and they'll guide us to the village. Just stay close though."
And so you all set off, and the forest suddenly becomes less confusing and more.... well rather straight forward. It's almost like someone had constructed a road that seemed to go straight through everything, but you have no idea how you had missed it. Was the power of those Gossip Stones really that great?
After a bit of walking Zelda however, suddenly stops you all, a worried expression on her face.
"What's wrong Zelda?" You ask, handing Epona's reigns to Jiahto.
"Well... I just had a thought. While Impa knows the Zora, the other villagers might become nervous if a large group of Zora wanders into the village. If You, Mipha and I go ahead, we can let them know."
Sidon who was standing nearby nods, "These are your people, your majesty, and you know them best. We will defer to your judgment."
"Thank you, Prince Sidon."
Thus you, Mipha and Zelda went ahead, while leaving Epona and Abby behind with the Zora. You were beginning to see more evidence of habitation, and more and more the presence of the Sheikah became obvious. Small shrines and structures, statues and sculptures including bizarre sculptures of frogs. It reminded you have Zelda's experiments and you can't help but wonder if that was a thing with the Sheikah.
Also why did a few of them have apples in front of them? Were the Sheikah... offering apples to frogs? You're so confused.
"Right!" Zelda suddenly announces, snapping you out of your thoughts, "The village is just up ahead! Oh it's so good to be home!"
Mipha nods, "I can't wait to meet your people Zelda!"
"Well then what are we waiting here for?" You ask, walking ahead, "Let's go meet the-" You stop, hand flying to your sword and drawing it halfway out of its scabbard.
The blade of some strange polearm was leveled with your neck, and you aren't sure you had drawn enough of your sword to have been able to block a swing if the owner of it had fully committed.
The owner was a young woman, maybe early twenties but everything about her spoke of years of constant combat. This woman's long white hair was tied back in a messy ponytail, with bangs that flowed over her face, which was decorated in markings you didn't recognize. She was wearing a very strange outfit, with armoured shin and arm guards, an armoured belt, sandals and some blue coverall like clothing made of material you did not recognize, as well as a black cloak that hung over her shoulders. One strap was hanging loose to reveal her bandaged wrapped chest and a badge like piece of metal covering her left breast. Emblazoned quite prominently on this piece of metal was the recognizable eye symbol of the Sheikah.
Piercing red eyes regarded you, looking like they belonged to a demon rather than the young women who had leveled the polearm at your neck. Your mind whirled with questions, when had this woman arrived? When had she swung her weapon? Had she simply let your hand fly to your weapon? Sweat began to bead on your forehead, your hand tightening on your sword's hilt when Zelda suddenly shouted in alarm.
"Wait! Impa! This is Link! It's Link!"
Impa's eyes widened, and her expression softened much to your surprise, "Link? Is that really you?" She asks you as she lowers her weapon.
"Y-yeah, it's me," You respond, letting your hand drop to your side, "I suppose you're Impa?"
Impa suddenly stiffens, and bows deeply at the waist, "My apologies Lord Ordona, I did not recognize you. I never anticipated you would grow so little since we last saw each other."
...Ow, your pride.
"How is Lord Arn?" She asks, "I did not see him with your group..."
Your head lowers, "He... passed away a few years ago."
A flash of sympathy passes over Impa's face, "I... I am sorry to hear that, and I grieve with you. The Werewolf was a great man."
"Thank you."
She then turns to the girls, "I am glad to see you well though, Lady Zelda, and you Lady Mipha. You've grown into a wonderful young Zora."
Mipha smiles, "Serious as ever Impa, you don't have to act so formally around us."
"As you command, your majesty."
Zelda turns to you, apparently just realizing something, "Oh, you must not recognize her! Impa used to babysit us as kids Link!"
Impa nods, "Yes, though I was not much older than you. But I quite clearly remember how Zelda would always make you play house, and be the hu- Um?" She pauses, looking over at Zelda who was making a chopping motion at her neck, beet red and with an air of total panic about her.
Impa then clears her throat, looking serious, "M'lady, the Elders wish to speak with you and Master Link now that you've returned to the village. It is quite important, but I would understand if you wish to change into something more befitting your status. I will collect his majesty Prince Sidon and your retinue."
Wait... how did the elders even know you were...?
Without another word though Impa begins to walk down the path, only pausing to turn to Zelda with a warm smile and say "Welcome home, Zelda."
Then she vanishes from view completely.
You turn to Zelda, an eyebrow meeting your bangs. Zelda herself looks worried but gathers herself before she turns to you, "So um... that's the Kakariko greeting!"
When she notices your expression though she lets out a long sigh, "I know we should see what the Elders want, but we'll be staying in the village for awhile. If you want to meet some of the villagers first, or help get unpacked we can do that first. Though I wouldn't want to keep the Elders waiting for long. If they knew you were coming whatever it is must be incredibly important."
"What could it be?" You ask, but Zelda only shakes her head.
"I have no idea, at a guess it might be because you're a warrior. We're... limited on that front. I hope the village is alright and nothing horrible has happened..." Now Zelda looked veryworried.
"I guess I'll be helping the others get settled in, if you need anything, anything at all come find me," Mipha informs Zelda, and the Princess nods.
With your options in mind, you turn back to the path ahead, only to rub your eyes in shock when the path had somehow materialized into a village and rice paddies, nestled in a valley with buildings of an architecture you had never seen before.
This... this must be Kakariko village. Last home of the Sheikah.
What do?
[] See the Elders for the important meeting.
[] Visit Zelda's home.
[] Meet Zelda's class.
[] Help the Zora get settled in.
[] Write-in.