- Pronouns
- He/Him
"Hmmm... Perhaps you can help me clear out my inner world?"
"His inner world is a Reality Marble basically.", Enkidu interjected
"Gross why is there living shit in your reality marble you can't control?"
"Hmmm... Perhaps you can help me clear out my inner world?"
"His inner world is a Reality Marble basically.", Enkidu interjected
"It is only similar to a reality marble, in reality it is a sub-plane of the warp. Because of the arrival of my fourth soul, an army of daemons breached my realm. Two of the greater daemons have been slain by my allies, there are still two left. Those two greater daemons will be possibly harmful for your soul if you stay in their presence for too long, they have probably warped my sub-plane to be unrecognizable by now.""Gross why is there living shit in your reality marble you can't control?"
"It is only similar to a reality marble, in reality it is a sub-plane of the warp. Because of the arrival of my fourth soul, an army of daemons breached my realm. Two of the greater daemons have been slain by my allies, there are still two left. Those two greater daemons will be possibly harmful for your soul if you stay in their presence for too long, they have probably warped my sub-plane to be unrecognizable by now."
"Also, your souls will manifest in the warp, so you'll be able to fight with your companions."
"There may be a way, but manifesting your inner world inside the warp may be dangerous for your soul, just make sure no daemons are left in your reality marble. And I'm the subject of manifestation of past lives, you can simply have them go into their spiritual form, I suppose.""Alright I'm down but before we teleport or something what would happen if I opened my Reality marble in yours also is there a way for my past lives not to manifest in the warp"
"There may be a way, but manifesting your inner world inside the warp may be dangerous for your soul, just make sure no daemons are left in your reality marble. And I'm the subject of manifestation of past lives, you can simply have them go into their spiritual form, I suppose."
A warp rift opens up, bursting with daemonic energy. You enter the rift and find some sort of distorted castle in front of you. Space itself seems to warp here, there are buildings in the sky, pointing downwards towards you. Horrifying creatures are crawling on the walls, they notice you, alerting all daemons of your presence.
A warp rift opens up, bursting with daemonic energy. You enter the rift and find some sort of distorted castle in front of you. Space itself seems to warp here, there are buildings in the sky, pointing downwards towards you. Horrifying creatures are crawling on the walls, they notice you, alerting all daemons of your presence.
"Draigo, take care of this!".
Draigo charges at the castle wall, shattering it with his sword and then proceeding to charge into the halls of the corrupted castle, running over hundreds of daemons.
"Enkidu! Fuse with me!"
Golden portals begin to form on the palm of Aligern, shooting out hundreds of chains at the castle, binding it.
"I believe you should get going as well, inform me if you encounter the greater daemons."
You see Draigo fighting so gisnt six-armed daemon with an incredibly long tongue."Alright fairy man" Chris runs off inside the castle cuting down any he sees Deamons with kanshou and bakuya
You see Draigo fighting so gisnt six-armed daemon with an incredibly long tongue.
"Ohhhhhhh... Kaldor Draigo! I'm so horny! Please hit me more, Draigo!"
The greater daemon of Slaanesh notices you and begins to speak up."Nope Nope Nope" Chris Traces his bow and arrow and pelts the Horny monster in the forehead
The greater daemon of Slaanesh notices you and begins to speak up.
"Ohhhhhh, what a pretty young man! I do like them pretty, unlike Draigo here!"
Moz notices some sort of weird bird watching the entire thing, it quickly flies away when it notices that Moz noticed it.
"Ohhhh, oh! Oh! MMMMMMMM... I can't wait to break you, pretty boy.", it's voice suddenly turned deap as it charges towards Chris."I'm not pretty why is everyone calling me pretty like for god's sake throw in a Handsome" Chris dismisses his bow and Traces Excalibur Lily he Fills his buddy with Hamon and Reinforcement
Chris's body is engulfed in the sun's radiance as beams ahead towards the Demon Excalibur poised to slice through at least pair of its arms
"Ohhhh, oh! Oh! MMMMMMMM... I can't wait to break you, pretty boy.", it's voice suddenly turned deap as it charges towards Chris.
"DO NOT WORRY COMPATRIOT! I AM HERE TO HELP!", Draigo stabs the daemon through the chest, leaving it open for Chris's blows
The albino priest is almost cut in half, but he puts up a barrier of incredibly dense hardened blood in the way of the lightsaber, blocking it.The Albino Priest was annoying Jacob already. Quickly, in his instinct, Jacob swung his lightsaber, blocking the attack from the Albino's blood attack instantly. After a moment, he would leap forward and attempt to just cut the High Priest of _____ in two.
"WELL THAT WAS EASIER THAN EXPECTED""Yeah Yeah Fuck off" Chris cut off the demon head using the he opening that was made by Draigo
You suddenly feel several tremors coming from somewhere, possibly caused by large impacts on the ground. The temors become more intense as they get closer. Suddenly, what looks to be the abominable mix between a beautiful woman and a crab comes charging at you, claws bare.Meanwhile....
Deep in the confines of...wherever he was, Reiss groaned as his eyes fluttered before shooting wide awake as memories began to flood him. A man bent on revenge, A boy that shifts into beasts, a blocky civilian, a crime lord, and...apparently a masked villain.
"Okay...that was strange...where am I anyways?" Reiss huffed, in quite a grumpy mood as he began to open up one of his books he brought along with him.
You suddenly feel several tremors coming from somewhere, possibly caused by large impacts on the ground. The temors become more intense as they get closer. Suddenly, what looks to be the abominable mix between a beautiful woman and a crab comes charging at you, claws bare.
"OHHHHH, YES! YOU HAVE SUCH SUCCULENT MUSCLES, CHILD! THE PRINCE WILL REVEL IN YOUR DELICIOUS MUSCLE MASS!""OH @$^@!" Reiss exclaimed, suddenly getting up and closing the book quickly, assuning a countering stance as he prepared to engage her considering no words were exchanged.
'I've heard about women having metaphorical claws, but seriously? Crab Claws? Either she's gotten seafood to the brain or possibly a rogue experiment gone wrong. Actually looks decent, provided you hide the amenities...' Reiss thought, sweating a little amongst the broken ground causes by the tremors as this was his first encounter that he knew of.
Trying to dodge the thrusts and the like, Reiss had one thought that perfectly described her. 'Yup. She's completely insane.'"OHHHHH, YES! YOU HAVE SUCH SUCCULENT MUSCLES, CHILD! THE PRINCE WILL REVEL IN YOUR DELICIOUS MUSCLE MASS!"
The crab woman begins to furiously pelvic thrust towards you, and then raising its claw to attack.
"HNNGNGG. CHOKE ME MORE. MORE!"Trying to dodge the thrusts and the like, Reiss had one thought that perfectly described her. 'Yup. She's completely insane.'
Raising a hand of his own, he charges straight forward, first deflecting the Crab Claw then using a neck chokehold to try and suffocate her...whoever she was. 'Also, mental note. Never get the attention of a lady with crab claws.'
To say that Reiss Varner was a little disturbed actually was pretty accurate. I mean, who straight up enjoys decapitating themselves. Examining the body to assure it was truly now dead, the individual heads to the light, of which hopefully he could get some sense of measure of location."HNNGNGG. CHOKE ME MORE. MORE!"
The daemonette then proceeded to chop of her own head with her claw, moaning in pleasure as she slowly decapitated herself. You see a light in the distance which leads to the outside.
The tremors only seem to intensify when you go outside. You see you are in some ludicrously built monestary seemingly made out of solid red metal. You are currently standing in a courtyard, where the source of the tremors can be felt across.To say that Reiss Varner was a little disturbed actually was pretty accurate. I mean, who straight up enjoys decapitating themselves. Examining the body to assure it was truly now dead, the individual heads to the light, of which hopefully he could get some sense of measure of location.
"I really need some fresh air. Whatever...that...was, mentioned a Prince. But a prince of what is the question." Varner mused a little as the light shone brighter.
Noticing the battle, Reiss tried to hurry over to the scene of the fight, hoping to get some answers in light of...whatever was going on currently.The tremors only seem to intensify when you go outside. You see you are in some ludicrously built monestary seemingly made out of solid red metal. You are currently standing in a courtyard, where the source of the tremors can be felt across.
Turns out, there's some giant battle going on, the courtyard has several scorch marks and molten stones scattered around. The center has white-hot molten stones still glowing from what heated them up. In the distance, you see that a large part of the monestary's cathedral is in ruins, and the source of the tremors can be seen, it was a battle between some albino priest and two figures