Eric finds himself in some sort of throne room, with a large hallway in front of him. There is a recognizable dome of reality marble enveloping most of the hallway, tremors can be heard from the sphere, shaking the entire palace.Eric walked over shining mirror and suddenly found himself somewhere else.
"Where is this thing anywhere" he wondered
Eric walks closer to the sphere and reached out towards it with sharpened claws. A swarm of more wasps head to the other room to scout it outEric finds himself in some sort of throne room, with a large hallway in front of him. There is a recognizable dome of reality marble enveloping most of the hallway, tremors can be heard from the sphere, shaking the entire palace.
There is a hallway that connects to some other room.
The claws are stung with a great pain, but you can at least tell that some sort of fight is going on.Eric walks closer to the sphere and reached out towards it with sharpened claws. A swarm of more wasps head to the other room to scout it out
Eric grits his teeth and reaches out with both hands now. He inhaled deeply and spews out fire and miasma to add to the assaultThe claws are stung with a great pain, but you can at least tell that some sort of fight is going on.
The assault is barely enough to damage the reality marble to the point where you carved out a while where you can JUST fit in.Eric grits his teeth and reaches out with both hands now. He inhaled deeply and spews out fire and miasma to add to the assault
Eric snarls as he turns into flames and pours into the slight opening he managed to make.The assault is barely enough to damage the reality marble to the point where you carved out a while where you can JUST fit in.
Eric makes a small crack, just enough to see. He sees a literal vortex of black flames, with an albino looking man in robes and a demonic figure with what looked to be the godly lovechild of a nodachi and a Kriegsmesser.Eric snarls as he turns into flames and pours into the slight opening he managed to make.
'There's the bastards' Etic thought as he laid eyes on the inside of the sphere.Eric makes a small crack, just enough to see. He sees a literal vortex of black flames, with an albino looking man in robes and a demonic figure with what looked to be the godly lovechild of a nodachi and a Kriegsmesser.
The bolts ripple across the sphere, distorting it somewhat. The two fighting notice Eric.'There's the bastards' Etic thought as he laid eyes on the inside of the sphere.
With a pained shout, Eric let go of his attack and flew back. He got to his knees as he painted in pain. He glared at the sphere and fired of bolts of lightning at it in anger
The core seems to ripple with energy. An ethereal tendril emerges from the core, and tries to bond you with the palace. The cracking on the sphere continues to grow, it is now quite sizable.Void enhanced attack. Slip. Defend. Attack. Dodge. Weakness in core. Strike. Again.
Moz wrests control back from the blasted Knight.
The weird sphere thing was busted, missing a lot of chunks sent to the Void. It would be nice to properly train with it, but it will suffice for now. Moz pulls forth the draconian skulls, letting them fire upon the Albino Cultist. Twin beams of Void-fire is sent hurtling towards him. The beams may be thin, but that only concentrates the destructive power.
The beams are slow/fast/normal. The Albino Cultist dodged/ducked/vanished/rewound/stood still. Each time the beams unerringly found the man.
Moz turned his attention back to the core, shivering. Ranged dueling. Always sends shivers down his spine. Then again, this isn't a duel. It is a purge.
He swings [Harvest] across the core, leaving a wilting crack, but holding up rather well. He swings again, focusing the edge of Void with the edge of Wilhelm, resulting in a force both penetrative and bludgeoning, given that the core seems to be a crystalline substance.
Eric sees his attack having an effect and increases the assault. His arms start to glow a bright red from under his skin. He also focuses some of the lightning at the albinoThe bolts ripple across the sphere, distorting it somewhat. The two fighting notice Eric.
"Just so you know, the albino guy is the bad guy here.", A distorted voice echoed from the devil.
The albino priest laughed, as if in retort, and the PC's would find themselves temporarily stunned, only momentarily, and perhaps somewhat confused.
Moz stumbles past the form of Bas.
"I've been doing all the hard work. Now get going."
Then he collapses
"Just so you know, the albino guy is the bad guy here.", A distorted voice echoed from the devil.
The core slightly cracks, the albino cultist flinches, and he looks at your general direction. He raises his fingers, casting some sort of spell. Suddenly, the demon slices off the albino cultist's arm with his sword.I can't move. Wait why do I want to move? Where is this... sleepy.
Mmmm this darkness is nice. But why do my legs feel a little numb?
"... doing... hard... work.."
I sleep.
Ah fudge! That is not pleasant to hear. Cracking my eyes open I see a demon fighting the albino. And Moz smashing something.
Hmmm not enough room to go EVO.
Forming the Rex Ride I angle it just so. Giving it a rev I grin. Breath. Exhale. Yellow sparks off the orange battering ram and I can feel heat coming off the Hamon heated metal. Hmmm Moz's beams weren't enough... Chi? Yeah Chi might so something. Oooo glowy.
"JAJAJAJA! Dis is awesome!"
I ram the core at what at least has to be 200mph. With a hop I'm on top of the core and I begin pumping it with Chi and Hamon doing my best to gum up however it functions.
The core finally shatters, breaking the cultist's connection to the palace.I can't move. Wait why do I want to move? Where is this... sleepy.
Mmmm this darkness is nice. But why do my legs feel a little numb?
"... doing... hard... work.."
I sleep.
Ah fudge! That is not pleasant to hear. Cracking my eyes open I see a demon fighting the albino. And Moz smashing something.
Hmmm not enough room to go EVO.
Forming the Rex Ride I angle it just so. Giving it a rev I grin. Breath. Exhale. Yellow sparks off the orange battering ram and I can feel heat coming off the Hamon heated metal. Hmmm Moz's beams weren't enough... Chi? Yeah Chi might so something. Oooo glowy.
"JAJAJAJA! Dis is awesome!"
I ram the core at what at least has to be 200mph. With a hop I'm on top of the core and I begin pumping it with Chi and Hamon doing my best to gum up however it functions.
"I am Father Time, I've summoned you here to deal with some problems of mine."Jacob
The young man stands in front of Father Time, curious as to what's going on. He puts his hand to his head, distracted by all the memories that come to mind. Dressed in Medieval apparel, he had just finished a shift at the Renaissance Festival. After a moment, he managed to compose himself properly and began to look more intently on Father Time, "What am I doing here? Who are you?"
"I am Father Time, I've summoned you here to deal with some problems of mine."
Father Time raises a cane he is holding in his hands and points it at Jacob.
"Tell me... My boy, Do you know how to fight?"
I just start juggling rocks in the air for entertainment. Making small sculptures of hallownest.
"See, my boy... There is a couple of zealous cultists that want to drain me of my power. As common sense would have it, draining the incarnation of time would not be a good thing for every other being.""I do. In fact, know how to wield a lightsaber, among other things."
"Could you maybe elaborate on what problems of yours I need to deal with?"
"So, uhh... You guys wanna play some Modern Warfare?"Chris claps his hands at the surprising show of skill "Can you do me?"