Not Another Reincarnation War! (Recruiting)

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"Blah blah blah Sword" Chris snakes his hand around the sword and dives deep into the history of the sword with his structural grasping

You are unable to read much from the sword except for the past decade or so. It seems the trouble with Arthur came from the past ten years. Merlin created this equal to Excalibur with Uru, Adamant, Star Metal the Philosopher's Stone. What he didn't tell anyone is that he imprisoned the soul of the Lady of the Lake inside the sword, after murdering her.
You are unable to read much from the sword except for the past decade or so. It seems the trouble with Arthur came from the past ten years. Merlin created this equal to Excalibur with Uru, Adamant, Star Metal the Philosopher's Stone. What he didn't tell anyone is that he imprisoned the soul of the Lady of the Lake inside the sword, after murdering her.

"How do not notice the lady of the lake is in your sword" Chris beings fiddling with the philosopher stone in sword
Chris Grasp the ruby containing the soul of the lady of the lake and rips it free from the sword before crushing it with his foot
Chris Grasp the ruby containing the soul of the lady of the lake and rips it free from the sword before crushing it with his foot

Chris attempts to crush the philosopher's stone, only for nothing to happen. Maybe Chris now has a nice fine red welt on his foot.
"ah fuck!" Chris holds his foot in pain as he pics up the piece of shit "Alrighty what else can I try" Chris begins to rush Hamon into the gem
I just look at all of this with an amused face. Very interesting, it is. Mostly because I can't do anything about it, and can only refrain.
The attacks from the protagonists in the large ritual chambers were effective. However, the albino priest could be seen just entering this same chambers through teleportation. Furthermore, the dead all arose from their demise as if from some strange, powerful magic. Didn't matter if their bodies were reduced to a fine, bloody, mist. New problems would arise as every time they would be slain, they would come back from the dead stronger, tougher, and faster than they were before. Furthermore, these problems for our protagonists would be exponentially worse through the Cult's power to resist the magic and abilities of their enemies.

The albino priest laughed, as if in retort, and the PC's would find themselves temporarily stunned, only momentarily, and perhaps somewhat confused.

@ England

Against any logic, the reaping scythe would only kill, but not permanently get rid of the assembly of madness. James Frampton would conjure fire balls from his finger tips, and launch them, hoping to incinerate his targets into nothingness, only for them to reassemble before his eyes.

All of these attacks would fall on the deaf ears of the Universe. As soon as any assault opened against Merlin/Thomas Young, he would snap his fingers, as he rolled his eyes, and disappeared, leaving the King's eyes to suddenly turn pure white, with no pupils, and then shine a flash of red. The descendent of Arthur pulled his sword from the scabbard, and charged towards his targets, hoping to behead, or somehow murder anyone foolish enough to get in his way.
Umbra: "Ok, this has officially gotten fucking stupid. Now I'm stunned for some reason."

Umbra moved his eyes to the albino priest in the distance.

Umbra: "I'm gonna pull my devil trigger now."

A bright light emerges from the giant's body, and a demonic form can be seen with the Yamato on his hip.

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A fleshy sword appears in his right hand, materializing with crimson flames. Umbra looks at some of the cultists.

Umbra: "The time has come and so have I."

The demonic figure charges at one of the cultists, slicing one's head off with the Yamato. He uses the Sparda to shatter the ground into dust.

Umbra: "Your last life, cause you came to die."
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Ok, so Janus gave me permission to DM, so, here I go.

End of Time:

Protagonists pursue the albino cultist. They find themselves in a large hallway designed with what looked to be religious imagery. Murals and paintings littered the hall, the architecture was colored crimson, with silver accents lining the walls and ceilings. Past the hallway, there can be seen a far away chamber where the albino priest can be distantly seen sitting on a crimson throne on top of a large platform that resembled a a giant, glowing, bloody mirror that reflected a pale red light up into its surroundings. It's obvious that there may be obstacles in the way, as dozens of cultists enter from other connecting hallways.


After the dissapearance of Merlin, the protagonists find a key on one of the stairs leading to the throne, they curiosely inspect the key, searching for any lock it could open. Suddenly, as the key nears where the Excalibur was once sheathed, the key jumped out of the hand of one of the protagonists and lock onto a hidden compartment in the throsecret chamber beneath The King's throne. They enter the passage that leads to the hidden room, and what they find, is a library, possibly containing information that might be crucial to their mission. There are arranged runes littering the place, and when one of the protagonists tried to reach for one of the books, a powerful electric charge shocked them. This place seems to be booby trapped. It seems that this was also the place that Merlin had fled to, evident of the magical signatures present here. He fled into a deeper part of the secret chamber, probably somewhere that isn't the library.

After the dissapearance of Merlin, the protagonists find a key on one of the stairs leading to the throne, they curiosely inspect the key, searching for any lock it could open. Suddenly, as the key nears where the Excalibur was once sheathed, the key jumped out of the hand of one of the protagonists and lock onto a hidden compartment in the throsecret chamber beneath The King's throne. They enter the passage that leads to the hidden room, and what they find, is a library, possibly containing information that might be crucial to their mission. There are arranged runes littering the place, and when one of the protagonists tried to reach for one of the books, a powerful electric charge shocked them. This place seems to be booby trapped. It seems that this was also the place that Merlin had fled to, evident of the magical signatures present here. He fled into a deeper part of the secret chamber, probably somewhere that isn't the library
Eric walked down the road of books, looking at them and the runes. He could feel the electrical surges as he passed by, he wondered if he could drain the runes since they're electrical or if the magical nature would stop him. Deciding to test it, Eric reached a hand out to see what happened
Eric walked down the road of books, looking at them and the runes. He could feel the electrical surges as he passed by, he wondered if he could drain the runes since they're electrical or if the magical nature would stop him. Deciding to test it, Eric reached a hand out to see what happened
The runes glow bright, they change color to a fiery hue, and instead of electricity, fire bellowed out from the glowing rune. It seems there is a sort of pattern to these runes, maybe the right colors in the right order will do the trick?
Moz groans. Why can't they stay dead? I mean, what good is an ability that locks souls away to prevent resurrection if it doesn't work here? Wait... there is still the Void... yes... that might do it.

Moz pulls the scythe up in a defensive stance, deflecting oncoming attacks. Moz grunts, channeling some of Gaster's Void into the very edge of the blade. The amazing thing is, the haft of the weapon has not a chip in it, despite the onslaught of attacks. Just how many souls were feed into this thing?

Moz stands, restarting his cyclone of death and grace, moving like a leaf on the wind. If only he could convince his fellow Awakened to have more control and finesse. They might actually rival him. Except Chris. He can stay the brute he is, for all I care.

Now, these cultists seem to possess at least some semblance of skill, albeit jerky, like they know the moves but haven't made it their own yet. Ah, well. All the better for Moz to be the scalpel to their aberrant tissue.
The runes glow bright, they change color to a fiery hue, and instead of electricity, fire bellowed out from the glowing rune. It seems there is a sort of pattern to these runes, maybe the right colors in the right order will do the trick?
Eric pulled his arm back, now on fire, and exhales in annoyance. He looked ar his arma nd shook it but that just made the fire grow. With a groan, Eric swatted at the fire harder and harder but it just caused it to spread more and more. In the end, Eric ripped off his coat and shirt and tossed them.

"Why is it so hard to keep my clothes" Eric complained

He turned back and focused on trying to figure out how to get past the wards
Ok, so Janus gave me permission to DM, so, here I go.

End of Time:

Protagonists pursue the albino cultist. They find themselves in a large hallway designed with what looked to be religious imagery. Murals and paintings littered the hall, the architecture was colored crimson, with silver accents lining the walls and ceilings. Past the hallway, there can be seen a far away chamber where the albino priest can be distantly seen sitting on a crimson throne on top of a large platform that resembled a a giant, glowing, bloody mirror that reflected a pale red light up into its surroundings. It's obvious that there may be obstacles in the way, as dozens of cultists enter from other connecting hallways.


After the dissapearance of Merlin, the protagonists find a key on one of the stairs leading to the throne, they curiosely inspect the key, searching for any lock it could open. Suddenly, as the key nears where the Excalibur was once sheathed, the key jumped out of the hand of one of the protagonists and lock onto a hidden compartment in the throsecret chamber beneath The King's throne. They enter the passage that leads to the hidden room, and what they find, is a library, possibly containing information that might be crucial to their mission. There are arranged runes littering the place, and when one of the protagonists tried to reach for one of the books, a powerful electric charge shocked them. This place seems to be booby trapped. It seems that this was also the place that Merlin had fled to, evident of the magical signatures present here. He fled into a deeper part of the secret chamber, probably somewhere that isn't the library.
Umbra flies into the air, charging at the cultists at blistering speeds, literally spinning like a gyroscope, cutting them up with the Yamato and Sparda. He dispelled Sparda and sheathed the Yamato. He placed his hand on the hilt of the sheathed blade.

Umbra: "I'd advise you to stay the fuck back!"

Umbra lands in an area crowded by waiting cultists.

Umbra: "Slay all....."

The area is enveloped in blue, and then suddenly, a thousand suspended cuts appear in the air, time freezes in place. They appeared in an instant, as If they were always there. Three shades apear with great speed, then converge together to form the shape of Umbra. He then sheathes the Yamato into its sheath, and then the time resume, and the cuts reduce the cultists to shreds.
Moz groans. Why can't they stay dead? I mean, what good is an ability that locks souls away to prevent resurrection if it doesn't work here? Wait... there is still the Void... yes... that might do it.

Moz pulls the scythe up in a defensive stance, deflecting oncoming attacks. Moz grunts, channeling some of Gaster's Void into the very edge of the blade. The amazing thing is, the haft of the weapon has not a chip in it, despite the onslaught of attacks. Just how many souls were feed into this thing?

Moz stands, restarting his cyclone of death and grace, moving like a leaf on the wind. If only he could convince his fellow Awakened to have more control and finesse. They might actually rival him. Except Chris. He can stay the brute he is, for all I care.

Now, these cultists seem to possess at least some semblance of skill, albeit jerky, like they know the moves but haven't made it their own yet. Ah, well. All the better for Moz to be the scalpel to their aberrant tissue.
The hallway seems to shift, as if it was a living being, the walls begin to pulse like the beat of a heart, and the albino cultist's chamber was now replaced by another chamber. It is as if this place abides to his whims.
Eric pulled his arm back, now on fire, and exhales in annoyance. He looked ar his arma nd shook it but that just made the fire grow. With a groan, Eric swatted at the fire harder and harder but it just caused it to spread more and more. In the end, Eric ripped off his coat and shirt and tossed them.

"Why is it so hard to keep my clothes" Eric complained

He turned back and focused on trying to figure out how to get past the wards
The other runes began to light up, and they started to glow brighter in succession. Each light formed a note of music, but the song itself is discordant and filled with incorrect notes.
The other runes began to light up, and they started to glow brighter in succession. Each light formed a note of music, but the song itself is discordant and filled with incorrect notes.
Eric repeated the process until he memorized the notes. He then tried playing them in order of similar sounds
The runes play a short melody, and the runes disapear from the books. A door opens at the end of the library, revealing an observatory in the distance. You now have access to the books in the library.
Eric sends a couple of his demon wasps to explore the observatory while he goes through the books now available to him. He searches to see if any of them hold any useful information to himself
Eric sends a couple of his demon wasps to explore the observatory while he goes through the books now available to him. He searches to see if any of them hold any useful information to himself
You find some books that detail Merlin's rise to power, it seems he took control of the king early on in his life. It also details some sort of ritual that would open a gateway to some future realm. The wasps scout out of the observatory, it is safe.
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You find some books that detail Merlin's rise to power, it seems he took control of the king early on in his life. The wasps scout out of the observatory, it is safe.
Eric puts the books away and heads towards the observatory. The wasps fly back to him as he looks around and the vast room, filled with random objects and artifacts. Some old looking with wood and gold and some newer with metal and glass
Eric puts the books away and heads towards the observatory. The wasps fly back to him as he looks around and the vast room, filled with random objects and artifacts. Some old looking with wood and gold and some newer with metal and glass
At the center of the room there seems to be a large gateway of sorts, the runes from the library appear on the edges, and the portal opens up. You go inside, finding Merlin conducting some sort of ritual in the distance.
At the center of the room there seems to be a large gateway of sorts, the runes from the library appear on the edges, and the portal opens up. You go inside, finding Merlin conducting some sort of ritual in the distance.
"Ah shit" Eric moans as he finds himself facing the evil, possibly insane, powerful mage

"Soooo, what is all this?" he asks as he approaches carefully
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