Not Another Reincarnation War! (Recruiting)

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Seeing as things had once more gone to shit, Alexis manifested her armor and Excalibur, her face hardening, as she tapped into her newst soul, great leathery wings erupting from her back as she channled Mana burst though them to rocket forwards at frightening speeds, Excalibur intercepting the incoming blow, and with another surge of mana, attempted to have it cleave straigt though this imposters weapon.
All of these attacks would fall on the deaf ears of the Universe. As soon as any assault opened against Merlin/Thomas Young, he would snap his fingers, as he rolled his eyes, and disappeared, leaving the King's eyes to suddenly turn pure white, with no pupils, and then shine a flash of red. The descendent of Arthur pulled his sword from the scabbard, and charged towards his targets, hoping to behead, or somehow murder anyone foolish enough to get in his way.

woops, seeing that he's charging straight for us, I got a few things I can do.
Bones and stone rise up to trip him.

While Alexis duels him, I try to turn his soul blue, trying to force gravity's heavy rules on him. It's hard, almost like the world is fighting against that course of action.
Seeing as things had once more gone to shit, Alexis manifested her armor and Excalibur, her face hardening, as she tapped into her newst soul, great leathery wings erupting from her back as she channled Mana burst though them to rocket forwards at frightening speeds, Excalibur intercepting the incoming blow, and with another surge of mana, attempted to have it cleave straigt though this imposters weapon.

The attack would manage to knock the Excalibur from the King out of his hands. Fortunately, for Arthur, the weapon was completely unharmed. Meanwhile, the mages suddenly lost their invisibility cloak, all turned towards each other, then towards the protagonists. Their eyes would also glow red. Manifesting magical power in their eyes, they all conjured fireballs, which twisted through the air, attempting to fry their targets to a crisp.

The enemy Merlin's laughter echoed through the King's audience chamber.

@Gnich ,
The bones and stones made little difference.
Manifesting magical power in their eyes, they all conjured fireballs, which twisted through the air, attempting to fry their targets to a crisp.

A burst of magic and I'm raising up large bones that appear around the fireballs and the mages. The fireballs burn some of the bones to a charring black, but they hold. The mages on the other hand, use their skills to break free, but with each broken bone, new bone grows from the old and further entrap them.
The attack would manage to knock the Excalibur from the King out of his hands. Fortunately, for Arthur, the weapon was completely unharmed. Meanwhile, the mages suddenly lost their invisibility cloak, all turned towards each other, then towards the protagonists. Their eyes would also glow red. Manifesting magical power in their eyes, they all conjured fireballs, which twisted through the air, attempting to fry their targets to a crisp.

The enemy Merlin's laughter echoed through the King's audience chamber.

The magic does little to Alexis due to Magic Resistence, as she prepared a Shout. If this Merlin was trying to wrest control of the magi... she would wrest it right back.

"GOL HAH DOV!" She bellowed, hoping Bend Will would be enough to overpower this Merlins magic. It was powerful enough to affect dragons, after all.
All of these attacks would fall on the deaf ears of the Universe. As soon as any assault opened against Merlin/Thomas Young, he would snap his fingers, as he rolled his eyes, and disappeared, leaving the King's eyes to suddenly turn pure white, with no pupils, and then shine a flash of red. The descendent of Arthur pulled his sword from the scabbard, and charged towards his targets, hoping to behead, or somehow murder anyone foolish enough to get in his way
The attack would manage to knock the Excalibur from the King out of his hands. Fortunately, for Arthur, the weapon was completely unharmed. Meanwhile, the mages suddenly lost their invisibility cloak, all turned towards each other, then towards the protagonists. Their eyes would also glow red. Manifesting magical power in their eyes, they all conjured fireballs, which twisted through the air, attempting to fry their targets to a crisp.

The enemy Merlin's laughter echoed through the King's audience chamber
Eric is pushed back as a fireball explodes on him. But luckily for him nothing else happens, in response he inhaled deeply and exhales a powerful burst of air at the surrounding people. Erin then leaps up into the air and starts hurling lightning bolts all around himself
The attack would manage to knock the Excalibur from the King out of his hands. Fortunately, for Arthur, the weapon was completely unharmed. Meanwhile, the mages suddenly lost their invisibility cloak, all turned towards each other, then towards the protagonists. Their eyes would also glow red. Manifesting magical power in their eyes, they all conjured fireballs, which twisted through the air, attempting to fry their targets to a crisp.

The enemy Merlin's laughter echoed through the King's audience chamber.

@Gnich ,
The bones and stones made little difference.

Chris bobs and weaves through the fire balls as he structurally analysed the 'Excalibur' that fell from Arthur's hands before he Traces his black bow and begins to take unnaturally perfect shots direct at the mages
A burst of magic and I'm raising up large bones that appear around the fireballs and the mages. The fireballs burn some of the bones to a charring black, but they hold. The mages on the other hand, use their skills to break free, but with each broken bone, new bone grows from the old and further entrap them.

The fireballs would transform into bolts of cosmic energy. These were mages from Merlin's school, after all. Suddenly, the earth and bones would be shattered, and if these energy blasts connected, it would definitely cause significant damage.

The magic does little to Alexis due to Magic Resistence, as she prepared a Shout. If this Merlin was trying to wrest control of the magi... she would wrest it right back.

"GOL HAH DOV!" She bellowed, hoping Bend Will would be enough to overpower this Merlins magic. It was powerful enough to affect dragons, after all.

The Bend Will shout wouldn't be powerful enough to over power Merlin's magic. However, it would still function as intended, since as the Thu'um, it was an outside of context problem.

Eric is pushed back as a fireball explodes on him. But luckily for him nothing else happens, in response he inhaled deeply and exhales a powerful burst of air at the surrounding people. Erin then leaps up into the air and starts hurling lightning bolts all around himself

The lightning bolts would harm some mages, though they would tank these blows. Other magicians would regenerate or simply phase straight through the electrical attacks.

Chris bobs and weaves through the fire balls as he structurally analysed the 'Excalibur' that fell from Arthur's hands before he Traces his black bow and begins to take unnaturally perfect shots direct at the mages

The Excalibur was created by some kind of metal that was not found on Earth, in addition to Adamant and Uru two different mythological metals, and combined with the legendary Philosopher's Stone. The spirit of an individual, trapped inside the sword was screaming to escape. Unless someone was listening very intently, or studying the sword directly, they wouldn't be able to tell if anyone was inside.
The Excalibur was created by some kind of metal that was not found on Earth, in addition to Adamant and Uru two different mythological metals, and combined with the legendary Philosopher's Stone. The spirit of an individual, trapped inside the sword was screaming to escape. Unless someone was listening very intently, or studying the sword directly, they wouldn't be able to tell if anyone was inside.
Must Save Chris pumps Hamon into his legs and once more to blast off towards the fallen sword
Must Save Chris pumps Hamon into his legs and once more to blast off towards the fallen sword

The sword continues to scream. However, the King Arthur finally stopped. The carnage throughout the audience chamber could be heard. Finally, the guards all bust in. . . The King, no longer under the effect of Merlin's magic, raised his hand for the men to stop.

"Now. Can any of you explain why there are dead bodies in my audience chamber, what I'm doing here, and whatever else the fuck is going on? Cussing is not something I usually do, being the King and all, but I've had it."
The lightning bolts would harm some mages, though they would tank these blows. Other magicians would regenerate or simply phase straight through the electrical attacks.
"Dammit" Eric thought as he saw his attack have only marginal effect.
The sword continues to scream. However, the King Arthur finally stopped. The carnage throughout the audience chamber could be heard. Finally, the guards all bust in. . . The King, no longer under the effect of Merlin's magic, raised his hand for the men to stop.

"Now. Can any of you explain why there are dead bodies in my audience chamber, what I'm doing here, and whatever else the fuck is going on? Cussing is not something I usually do, being the King and all, but I've had it."
Eric stops as he sees the fight is over with the king freed from the control of Merlin

"Evil wizard" Eric offered simply
"Don't just order the man, I swear of we end up attacked by the clear minded king because you went and offended him......." Eric warned
"Bruh trust me I have met King Arthurs before I would have to try real hard to piss one off" Chris looks at Eric with a dry look "Anyway for the third time little king GIVE ME THAT SWORD" The last words that left Chris mouth were sharp conveying absolute seriousness
"Bruh trust me I have met King Arthurs before I would have to try real hard to piss one off" Chris looks at Eric with a dry look "Anyway for the third time little king GIVE ME THAT SWORD" The last words that left Chris mouth were sharp conveying absolute seriousness
Eric gave up and just hoped he didn't get arrested in a foreign country on charges of attempted regicide. He gave a half hearted smile and added on

"Please Your Grace, despite his demeanor, he usually is in the right"
"I don't want to deal with any of this. The sword, why do you need it?"
( On the phone now)
"I don't want to deal with any of this. The sword, why do you need it?"
( On the phone now)
"For you see my Little King I have a special connection to swords and yours is screaming out in pain It is most likely cursed by merlin so if you give the sword to me for a little bit I could fix it and make it better than ever before"
"For you see my Little King I have a special connection to swords and yours is screaming out in pain It is most likely cursed by merlin so if you give the sword to me for a little bit I could fix it and make it better than ever before"

"Oh. . . um, I don't know what you mean by Merlin, but if you really think that someone is suffering, and you can stop it, go ahead and fix the Excalibur." The King stated.
"Also, why are twelve of my Mage's Council all dead?'
"Oh. . . um, I don't know what you mean by Merlin, but if you really think that someone is suffering, and you can stop it, go ahead and fix the Excalibur." The King stated.
"Also, why are twelve of my Mage's Council all dead?'
"Im going to take that sword now" Chris reaches toward the Excalibur Facade "Oh we murderalized them they knew you were being mind ganked and didn't do anything about it until we showed up and then they tried to kill us for merlin"
"Im going to take that sword now" Chris reaches toward the Excalibur Facade "Oh we murderalized them they knew you were being mind ganked and didn't do anything about it until we showed up and then they tried to kill us for merlin"
"You should really better screen your guys. Next time guys lile us might not be there to save you" Eric offered
"Im going to take that sword now" Chris reaches toward the Excalibur Facade "Oh we murderalized them they knew you were being mind ganked and didn't do anything about it until we showed up and then they tried to kill us for merlin"
"You should really better screen your guys. Next time guys lile us might not be there to save you" Eric offered

((Sorry it's taken so long.))

"Take the sword. . ."
Arthur relented. "So help me, if this is some kind of deception, I won't be happy."
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