At first it seemed normal, but the more he looked the stranger in was.
Foreign words carved into the plates, technology far too advanced for him to fully comprehend. He looked deeper, finding strange runes that seemed to ward of his structural analysis. Then he saw It some sort of demon... Looking at it made his emotions go into overdrive, feelings of rage and bloodlust simmered in his very soul.
You dare strike me, petty material!? I will bring upon you the worst torments of the dark gods! I have the urge to crush, right here, right now. But, contradictory to my nature as the son of the blood god, I will instead subjegate you to the worst punishment of all. Hold still, you should be honored to see a son of Khorne be so calm... Take your time, after all, you have all eternity to wander the depths of the warp. Oh yes, you will wander until you go mad, hopefully you will learn your lesson then, that the blood god should not be trifled with.
I will not die... Not yet, not here, I have not atoned for my betrayal... My sons will suffer at the hands of stagnation if I die here. That is why you must prepare yourself, grey knight, for Silence shall reap you
One head tells the truth, and the other tells all but lies. But even though I am subjegated to such a fate... I can say for certainty, son of the Corpse-Emperor, you are truly mad...
Flashes, dozens of flashes. Images of war, torment, and things he couldn't even comprehend. They all flashed in his mind, making him scream in agony. Every pain, every torment that that armor had endured, was all given to him, in a single moment.