Not Another Reincarnation War! (Recruiting)

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Moz groans. Just die already! Even with all the blades swirling around him like some horrid silver tornado, he still can't keep these pests down. [Harvest] at least seems to seriously slow down the respawn, but they still are respawning. Whatever that core was is shattered, so it isn't that. Maybe...

Moz backs off, leaving a couple of blades to provide covering attacks. He feels for the boundary of the palace, then starts preparing a little something to help. Moz chants quietly, then after a full minute of dodging and chanting, yells out, "[Private World]!"

Only as he says this does Moz notice another couple of unknown variables stumbling into the battlefield. Lovely.
Noticing the battle, Reiss tried to hurry over to the scene of the fight, hoping to get some answers in light of...whatever was going on currently.
The albino priest launches a stream of pressurized blood at you. Before you can react, what looks to be a demon blocks the blood with a summoned sword.

"New guy, you really need to get your shit together!"
I slash at the what may or may not be undead. Hard to tell at this point. The Hamon going through the BFS will be their bane if they have a weakness to the sun. Otherwise at the level I'm putting out it should burn and char whatever I cut.

What a day. Being underground and fighting guys like these. What. A. Day.

Moz chants quietly, then after a full minute of dodging and chanting, yells out, "[Private World]!"

I hear Moz yell something and F-f-FUDGE!

"FUDGE SPACE SHENANIGANS!" I angrily scream.

Aw gross I think some blood fell in my mouth! Or my mouth is bleeding. I take a second to scan the battlefield. Moz is gone. Mistake! Mistake! I'm being dogpiled!
The albino priest launches a stream of pressurized blood at you. Before you can react, what looks to be a demon blocks the blood with a summoned sword.

"New guy, you really need to get your shit together!"
"WELL EXCUSE ME! I just arrived from god knows where and being sprayed at with blood is not helping!" Reiss Varner replied, now doused in blood as he began hurling large boulders at the Ablino priest, infusing them with metal through a major MHA villain's Quirk.

Also crafting a dirt Pickacke from re-arranging the molecules, he begins mining the dirt to start the process of building a wall or possibly tunneling underneath the Albino preist to catch him off guard.
"WELL EXCUSE ME! I just arrived from god knows where and being sprayed at with blood is not helping!" Reiss Varner replied, now doused in blood as he began hurling large boulders at the Ablino priest, infusing them with metal through a major MHA villain's Quirk.

Also crafting a dirt Pickacke from re-arranging the molecules, he begins mining the dirt to start the process of building a wall or possibly tunneling underneath the Albino preist to catch him off guard.

Turning around to the Albino, Jacob knew that this was one powerful enemy. Maybe the group couldn't kill him, but perhaps the High Aldwin's acorns could transform into stone. Then they could decide what to do with him later. Jacob took an acorn from out of his leather pouch that hung on his hip, and threw it at the Priest, hoping to petrify him.
I slash at the what may or may not be undead. Hard to tell at this point. The Hamon going through the BFS will be their bane if they have a weakness to the sun. Otherwise at the level I'm putting out it should burn and char whatever I cut.

What a day. Being underground and fighting guys like these. What. A. Day.

I hear Moz yell something and F-f-FUDGE!

"FUDGE SPACE SHENANIGANS!" I angrily scream.

Aw gross I think some blood fell in my mouth! Or my mouth is bleeding. I take a second to scan the battlefield. Moz is gone. Mistake! Mistake! I'm being dogpiled!
Turning around to the Albino, Jacob knew that this was one powerful enemy. Maybe the group couldn't kill him, but perhaps the High Aldwin's acorns could transform into stone. Then they could decide what to do with him later. Jacob took an acorn from out of his leather pouch that hung on his hip, and threw it at the Priest, hoping to petrify him.
The albino cultist's arm is partially turned to stone- but before it could be fully petrified, he amputated it, replacing it with a construct of solid blood.

"I'm seeing it now, things are beginning to fall apart. Flesh, so much flesh. So many monsters... There's only one left, my beloved, my lady... Beauty into horrof, horror into beauty. Ohhh... my sweet lady, I would do anything to set my eyes upon your face again. Ah'f'nah ya, ya lady, mgah'ehye ya ymg' ah'bthnk ftaghu ehye ephaii. Ahlloigehye Y' stell'bsna if ymg', mgah'ehye ya ymg' mgr'luh ahororr'e ephaii, ahlloigehye " , His tone was that of a madman, his voice breaking apart as his eyes burts into tears, and his expression contorted in sorrow.

The cultist conjures up a vortex of razor-sharp crystals below him. The protagonists are caught in the vortex.
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Frustrated with the enemy being unaffected by his attacks, Jacob gestured with his hands again, this time conjuring a huge clenched fist several meters above the Albino priest. This fist would proceed to beat the Albino around while giving the other PCs time to recover.
Hilda awoke to a normal day, get up, get dressed, dismiss blue box telling her she was fully heal- wait what? stopping Hilda looked at the blue box and was confused for a moment before multiple sets of Memories bombarded her mind. the first was of a girl who persevered and climbed to the summit of a very strange mountain and even higher still. the second was of the man who was gifted the power to live life as a game, who's power was what had surprised her. the third was of a robotic woman looking for answers about her mysterious origin's. the fourth was of a deranged A.I. who believed herself god. the final one was of a women who arrived in a new world, with great power and imprisoned for many years. after shaking off the memories Hilda felt a flash of... something she couldn't describe, before finding herself with a robotic body, matching that of the robot girl. in another flash she found herself elsewhere...
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Frustrated with the enemy being unaffected by his attacks, Jacob gestured with his hands again, this time conjuring a huge clenched fist several meters above the Albino priest. This fist would proceed to beat the Albino around while giving the other PCs time to recover.
"Is this my redemption? My new salvation, my lady?", The albino grunts as he slowly lifts the fist above his head.

"Very well, I shall reveal to them the truth.", As the albino finishes his sentence, the walls start to shift and turn, morphing into twisted flesh and gore, the once beautiful architecture was now but a perverted copy of what it once was. The stink of feces, puss and rotting flesh litters the air, and the flesh walls pulse like a beating heart.

"The Palace shifts to the inner state of the owner, this is what I see of the world."
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hilda awoke to a normal day, get up, get dressed, dismiss blue box telling her she was fully heal- wait what? stopping hilda looked at the blue box and was confused for a moment before multiple sets of Memories bombarded her mind. the first was of a girl who persevered and climbed to the summit of a very strange mountain and even higher still. the second was of the man who was gifted the power tolive life as a game, who's power was what had surprised her. the third was of a robotic woman looking for answers about her mysterious origin's. the fourth was of a deranged A.I. who believed herself god. the final one was of women who arrived in a new world, with great power and imprisoned for many years.
The sky is corrupted, colors of chaotic red and pink dance across the once blue canvas. A castle littered with abominable daemons is seen below, strange birds watch Hilda in silence.

"You shouldn't be here, citizen.", A booming voice echoed in her head. She turned behind her where a massive giant easily over 10ft tall stands behind to her.
"I am Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Space Marine chapter. I am very sneaky.", The giant spoke with a deap, deadpan tone, devoid of intense of any emotion.
Reiss grimaces as the attacks failed to work. However, the fight against the Albino Priest was in full swing, and currently their current forces were desperately trying to finish him. Using his Overhaul Quirk to make the ground to put his footwork 3 feet under, burying his mobility hopefully as the Wall made out of his crafting experience was erected, ready to shield any incoming blows. A dark red fire glowed in his eyes as the anger began to show a little, but he held on to his calm demeanor, even if this was entirely a new and unknown place.
Reiss grimaces as the attacks failed to work. However, the fight against the Albino Priest was in full swing, and currently their current forces were desperately trying to finish him. Using his Overhaul Quirk to make the ground to put his footwork 3 feet under, burying his mobility hopefully as the Wall made out of his crafting experience was erected, ready to shield any incoming blows. A dark red fire glowed in his eyes as the anger began to show a little, but he held on to his calm demeanor, even if this was entirely a new and unknown place.
"No... I will not be defeated here, not after all I've done. I have yet to see her again. Now is not the time for me to falter!", The wounded cultist stands up, clutching a broken club of stone.

"You know one thing about being devote?", The albino slowly straightens his stance,
"You devote yourself, everyday, every part of your very being is an extension of your cause.", The cultist wipes some blood from his cheek, "You memorize every scripture, every piece of text in a gospel, all of that, to serve what you believe in.", The cultist is now hunched, swords of blood begin to form around him.
"No matter what adversity comes, no matter what amount of shit they throw at you, you'll still be devote, you'll still be serving them faithfully like a loyal dog! Can you say the same, you faithless sacks of shit?!"

"Hehe... I've never sworn before in my life, I've always thought that it was so crude, but-", The cultist ruffles his silver hair with a hand,

"You are all an exception, wanna know why?"

"It's because bastards like you really get my blood boiling!", The cultist said in a furious tone

The cultist's stance is now straight, his stone bludgeon held in a kendo stance and the swords primed at his targets like heat seeking missiles, "And now, it's time for you die, you little rats!"
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"No... I will not be defeated here, not after all I've done. I have yet to see her again. Now is not the time for me to falter!", The wounded cultist stands up, clutching a broken club of stone.

"You know one thing about being devote?", The albino slowly straightens his stance,
"You devote yourself, everyday, every part of your very being is an extension of your cause.", The cultist wipes some blood from his cheek, "You memorize every scripture, every piece of text in a gospel, all of that, to serve what you believe in.", The cultist is now hunched, swords of blood begin to form around him.
"No matter what adversity comes, no matter what amount of shit they throw at you, you'll still be devote, you'll still be serving them faithfully like a loyal dog! Can you say the same, you faithless sacks of shit?!"

"Hehe... I've never sworn before in my life, I've always thought that it was so crude, but-", The cultist ruffles his silver hair with a hand,

"You are all an exception, wanna know why?"

"It's because bastards like you really get my blood boiling!", The cultist said in a furious tone

The cultist's stance is now straight, his stone bludgeon held in a kendo stance and the swords primed at his targets like heat seeking missiles, "And now, it's time for you die, you little shits!"
Eric leans against a far wall as he pants with his hands on his knees.

"Holy shit dude, you really need some help. And I'm talking as someone with multiple past lives as a crazy villain. I would recommend you start treatment with staying hunched over while each amd every one of us lodges our foot up your ass." Eric snarls as he pushes off the wall and stands tall

"But that's just my opinion"
"I'm not pretty why is everyone calling me pretty like for god's sake throw in a Handsome" Chris dismisses his bow and Traces Excalibur Lily he Fills his buddy with Hamon and Reinforcement

Chris's body is engulfed in the sun's radiance as he beams ahead towards the Demon Excalibur poised to slice through at least pair of its arms
"GOOD, CHRIS-MAN, DO ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS KILL THAT STUPID BIRD!", Draigo charges forward into a hallway engraved with blue runes.

Suddenly, a giant humanoid bird materials out of thin air,
"Ah, it's seems you have arrived, materials.", The bird spoke with a surprisingly intelligent tone.

"Do not attack me, I am not here to fight you. In fact, I am here to speak with you.", The giant bird summons a staff to his hand.

"I have watched you via my Lesser daemon brethren, I have seen your abilites, I have felt it... This "Awakening" process is fascinating, they are untainted manifestation of previous lives of an individual soul, but their souls are not tainted by the corruption of the Immaterium. Almost as if it The Warp never existed at all.", As the bird finishes speaking, Aligern arrives at the scene.

"Oh, it seems that bad company has arrived, and now I actually have to defend myself. I will discuss this topic later", The bird extends his staff, conjuring runes in the air
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Eric leans against a far wall as he pants with his hands on his knees.

"Holy shit dude, you really need some help. And I'm talking as someone with multiple past lives as a crazy villain. I would recommend you start treatment with staying hunched over while each amd every one of us lodges our foot up your ass." Eric snarls as he pushes off the wall and stands tall

"But that's just my opinion"
"Arghh!", The cultist charges at the protagonists with his club, swords guarding him from any attack.

"Shut your mouth, you dirty infidel!", The cultist swings his club at a part of the corridor, shattering a large wall into pieces.
"Come on, You rats know nothing of devotiom!", The cultist continues to masterfully swing at the protagonists, catching them off guard with his skill.

"Have you no motivation, infidels?!"

"How's the idea that we hit him with our strongest attacks to finally finish him off?", Umbra said in a hushed tone.

"I heard that!", The cultist charges at the
protagonists, causing an explosion from where he stood.
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"Arghh!", The cultist charges at the protagonists with his club, swords guarding him from any attack.

"Shut your mouth, you dirty infidel!", The cultist swings his club at a part of the corridor, shattering a large wall into pieces.
"Come on, You rats know nothing of devotiom!", The cultist continues to masterfully swing at the protagonists, catching them off guard with his skill.
Eric charged ahead, he raised a barrier to deflect the pieces, and had to swerve to avoid a strike from a blood sword. He quickly found himself in a intricate dance of weaves and dodges as the swords tried to kill him
Reiss charged as he formed a dirt spear at will, shaping it with near sharpness as he readied balls of metal, throwing at the cultist, namely at the head.
Reiss charged as he formed a dirt spear at will, shaping it with near sharpness as he readied balls of metal, throwing at the cultist, namely at the head.
The cultist catches the dirt spear with a dextrous motion, redirecting it back at you.
"Hgaah!", The cultist stabs the ground below him, gathering the blood on the ground to his club, the blood morphing into the shape of a crude sword.
The cultist screams in fury as her rapidly slashed the blade in the direction of the protagonists, a trail of blood extending the range of his attacks.

"Remember the part where we need to combine our finishers?"
Moz groans. Apparently, the nature of this place resists [Private World]. Charming. In any case, Moz hefts [Harvest] up. The blood and gore and finally started to weigh it down. That just make these next few steps a little more tricky. Of course, if only [Helheim] worked as intended. The more I learn about this System, the more I am aggravated by it's increasing incompetence.

Moz spins his scythe in a sideways swipe, aimed to bisect the Albino Cultist, channeling the Void edge, just to light up the air pressure if nothing else. The twin draconian skulls fired their baleful beams towards the main cultist, all in an effort to final pin down this cockroach! The only other people that have given him this much trouble was his old mentor, the vampire, and his own father.

This time, he will insure that they fall. [Harvest] falls, the blood flung off like some crimson curtain.
Moz groans. Apparently, the nature of this place resists [Private World]. Charming. In any case, Moz hefts [Harvest] up. The blood and gore and finally started to weigh it down. That just make these next few steps a little more tricky. Of course, if only [Helheim] worked as intended. The more I learn about this System, the more I am aggravated by it's increasing incompetence.

Moz spins his scythe in a sideways swipe, aimed to bisect the Albino Cultist, channeling the Void edge, just to light up the air pressure if nothing else. The twin draconian skulls fired their baleful beams towards the main cultist, all in an effort to final pin down this cockroach! The only other people that have given him this much trouble was his old mentor, the vampire, and his own father.

This time, he will insure that they fall. [Harvest] falls, the blood flung off like some crimson curtain.
"Hehe..", the cultist clutches another wound that almost bisected him.

"You're pretty good... But, not good enough.", The cultist slams his blood-stone club at Moz's head, causing a shockwave in the air and the ground beneath Moz to crack; although the cultist seems to be moving more sluggishly than before.

"Did you forget about the whole combining your attacks thing?", The cultist let's out a chuckle, as his blood cells are struggling to regenerate his wounds.
"I got two. Two wounds that were meant to be bisections. Blood regeneration is quite useful, you see", even though the cultist is bragging about his regeneration capabilities; he seems to cough up a bit of blood on his hand.

"Hey, I'm gonna heal you now, heretic. I should be the one to destroy a heretic, not another heretic.", Umbra channels some of Draigo's power to heal Moz's injuries. Umbra transforms the Devil Sword Umbra into a form that more resembles the Yamato.

"Let's kill him, Moz... That was your name right?"
"Hehe..", the cultist clutches another wound that almost bisected him.

"You're pretty good... But, not good enough.", The cultist slams his blood-stone club at Moz's head, causing a shockwave in the air and the ground beneath Moz to crack; although the cultist seems to be moving more sluggishly than before.

"Did you forget about the whole combining your attacks thing?", The cultist let's out a chuckle, as his blood cells are struggling to regenerate his wounds.
"I got two. Two wounds that were meant to be bisections. Blood regeneration is quite useful, you see", even though the cultist is bragging about his regeneration capabilities; he seems to cough up a bit of blood on his hand.

"Hey, I'm gonna heal you now, heretic. I should be the one to destroy a heretic, not another heretic.", Umbra channels some of Draigo's power to heal Moz's injuries. Umbra transforms the Devil Sword Umbra into a form that more resembles the Yamato.

"Let's kill him, Moz... That was your name right?"
The wounds on the cultist start to fail their regeneration. As more blood began to pour out of his wounds, Umbra lunged at him with the Devil Sword Umbra and impaled him with it.

"Alright, time for you to die, for real this time."

The cultist raises his hands to the air and groans in pain.

"My... My lady, I have failed. Hehe... At least I had a good fight.", The cultist evaporates into a mist that flows through Umbra's being. "I'm gonna give the authority of the Palace to you guys now, I'm just gonna keep my share."
The sky is corrupted, colors of chaotic red and pink dance across the once blue canvas. A castle littered with abominable daemons is seen below, strange birds watch Hilda in silence.

"You shouldn't be here, citizen.", A booming voice echoed in her head. She turned behind her where a massive giant easily over 10ft tall stands behind to her.
"I am Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Space Marine chapter. I am very sneaky.", The giant spoke with a deap, deadpan tone, devoid of intense of any emotion.
"We should probably assist the people who are currently fighting the Lord of Change.", The mustached giant pulled out what looked to be the massive cross between a sword and a chainsaw.

"We will assist them, if you do not comply; I will stab you.", Dorn's tone was as deadpan as ever, even when he was threatening someone with a giant chainsword.
"Hehe..", the cultist clutches another wound that almost bisected him.

"You're pretty good... But, not good enough.", The cultist slams his blood-stone club at Moz's head, causing a shockwave in the air and the ground beneath Moz to crack; although the cultist seems to be moving more sluggishly than before.

"Did you forget about the whole combining your attacks thing?", The cultist let's out a chuckle, as his blood cells are struggling to regenerate his wounds.
"I got two. Two wounds that were meant to be bisections. Blood regeneration is quite useful, you see", even though the cultist is bragging about his regeneration capabilities; he seems to cough up a bit of blood on his hand.

"Hey, I'm gonna heal you now, heretic. I should be the one to destroy a heretic, not another heretic.", Umbra channels some of Draigo's power to heal Moz's injuries. Umbra transforms the Devil Sword Umbra into a form that more resembles the Yamato.

"Let's kill him, Moz... That was your name right?"
"I see... This is quite the interesting turn of events.", Merlin's voice echoed throughout his library.

"Oh well... That cultist was annoying anyways.", With the last word of his sentence, Merlin steps atop the mirror-portal and teleports into the palace.

"Well. Well... The cultist was a very annoying one right? Almost as if he had Battle Continuation or something.", Merlin strokes the back of his head, the tone of his voice aloof.

"Oh yes! Those of you who want to fight me can just go back with me for a good duel; although I never was the kind of guy to fight with my fists."

"So...", Merlin's eyes were now stripped of their aloofness, now replaced by a sinister mischievousness that was always there deep inside, hidden away by a veil of foolishness, "Let's have a nice chat..."
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"GOOD, CHRIS-MAN, DO ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS KILL THAT STUPID BIRD!", Draigo charges forward into a hallway engraved with blue runes.

Suddenly, a giant humanoid bird materials out of thin air,
"Ah, it's seems you have arrived, materials.", The bird spoke with a surprisingly intelligent tone.

"Do not attack me, I am not here to fight you. In fact, I am here to speak with you.", The giant bird summons a staff to his hand.

"I have watched you via my Lesser daemon brethren, I have seen your abilites, I have felt it... This "Awakening" process is fascinating, they are untainted manifestation of previous lives of an individual soul, but their souls are not tainted by the corruption of the Immaterium. Almost as if it The Warp never existed at all.", As the bird finishes speaking, Aligern arrives at the scene.

"Oh, it seems that bad company has arrived, and now I actually have to defend myself. I will discuss this topic later", The bird extends his staff, conjuring runes in the air
The bird-thing does a gesture, summoning tentacled monstrosities to his side.

"Let's see how you handle this, materials.", With a wave of his hand; the abominations charged at Draigo and Chris.

Draigo swats the monsters away with his sword. He jumps at the location of the bird, using the monsters as platforms to be jumped on.

"PANCAKES ARE THE PINNACLE OF CULINARY SKILL!", Draigo lands near the bird and then swing his sword at one of its hands, cutting it off with a thin swish. Draigo fires a concentrated beam of pressurized orange juice from his eyes, the bird-man blocking it with his staff.

"Do you honestly think that obviously telegraphed special attack will work on me, a Lord of Change!?"

"Of course...", Giorno theme plays.

Nani? What ridiculous moves does he have up his terminator gauntlets now? I've been watching him since we invaded Aligern's palace, Rotsnot got flooded by a tsunami of deep frying oil with shear psychic might! But he dosen't have enough psychic power right now; his control over this realm is all but gone... So what does this madman have up his sleeve? Could it be some sort of psychic technique I was unaware about? Does he have some kind of weapon? Did he awaken another soul I was unaware of? Godsdammit! I'm a Lord of Change, why can't I figure out the machinations of some mad material! I've had enough! I'm going to-

The inner monologue of the Lord of Change was interrupted by a jet of orange juice cutting through his remaining arm, leaving it useless.

"WHAT?! How did a water jet of orange juice bounce of the wall? That thing should have cut right through it!", The Lord of Change's expression was filled with shock and anger.

"That's true, by all logic that jet of orange juice should have cut right through the wall, but...", Draigo's voice was now unusually stoic, holding a noble passion that wasen't there before.

"I, Kaldor Draigo of the Grey Knights, have a dream!", Draigo dug into his armor with his fingers, tearing away a part of his torso armor and pulling it to the side of his chest while posing unusually.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOU-", The Lord of Change's words were interrupted by another jet of orange juice from Draigo's eyes.

Impossible! I have been defeated not only physically, but psychologically as well, and by a godsdamn material no less! This can't be happening, I am a Lord of Change! I cannot be outsmarted by a mad dog!

"Now...", Draigo turns to Chris,
"You should attack him while he's vulnerable."
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Moz ducks to the side, still casting the blades about at the lingering cultists. He manages to see a few odd things pop up after the fight. First, new arrivals. At this point there needs to be some kind of pamphlet. Second, some skinny person with very little muscle just challenged everyone in the room to a duel. Sounds like a lovely way to blow off the steam remaining from the cockroach. Third and final thing Moz saw, was a bird somehow holding a staff, get bombarded by orange juice that defies physics. How...? Ok, alright. You live in this reality now. You didn't get the choice, but who gets to choose if they get born?


Moz decides to ignore both the bird, and the new arrivals, opting to walk up to the one that is so audacious to claim to duel in his vicinity.

"Well, a duel? I am feeling rather frustrated. Well then, where shall I lay you out?"
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