No good deed... (Worm AU)

Interlue: Mouse Protector
Interlude: Mouse Protector

"What a fluster cluck!"

Her words made Colin turn to look at her, and she could just picture that eyebrow hiked up to his forehead under that helmet.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

She looked to him. "What would you call it?"

He opened his mouth… then promptly closed it.

She nodded, smiling as much as she could given the circumstances.

Lung had started fires over a nearly ten square block area.

Oni Lee had all but collapsed three buildings, two others had enough structural damage that they couldn't be occupied until they were repaired or torn down.

There were sixty-seven dead and well over five times that in terms of injuries, including Brine, who had been hurt by falling debris trying to contain Lung's fires.

Panacea had healed her, but there were so many injured, and Panacea couldn't stabilize all of the worst in time..

So yes.

Her assessment of made-up words was relatively spot on.

"You know… when you said the coming weeks wouldn't be 'easy' I didn't think you were quite so good at understatement." she jokingly complained.

"The severity of Lungs attack was unforeseen, as was the location. We were expecting him to hit Empire holdings further north, not the Medhall building that's-"

"Colin," she interrupted. "The appropriate response is 'Tough luck' and move on."

She tried to smile, but even she failed at the sight of Colin's frown.

For once it wasn't because of irritation or frustration, but rather seemed to be born out of an emotion she could only liken to sadness, or even despondency.

"Sorry," he said.

She flinched.

Way to stick your foot in your mouth, she chastised herself.

There was a time for jokes, a time to lighten the mood.

For Colin, this clearly wasn't one of those times.

She decided to cut the jokes short. He didn't need that, her pressing down on the old issue of his social awkwardness.

He needed to be back in his comfort zone, get his head on straight.

He worked with facts, not jokes or people.

She stood up, circling the table towards the digital map of the area's damaged by the fighting on the touch screen.

"So…" She ventured. "Where do we go from here?"

Colin straightened where he stood, turning his head to look over the map.

With what must have been some kind of interface in his helmet, or hidden controls she wasn't seeing, the digital map zoomed out to show the whole city. Soon enough it was color coded for convenience in mostly red and blue swathes of territory, with smaller multicolor blocks spread out around the edges. Red for ABB and blue for Empire.

"Lung has caused a massive public outcry," he answered. "Frankly, I'd been hoping his retaliation towards the Empire 88 wouldn't have been quite so great in its scale or its collateral damage. With the way things are, we won't have the luxury of simply ignoring him and focusing our efforts on the Empire as I'd originally hoped."

"Why not just focus on him and then the Empire?" She asked, genuinely curious. "Sure, he's tough, but take him down fast enough, before he can amp up, that's One cape to bring down as opposed to… what does the Empire have left? Ten?

"With the deaths of Hookwolf, Krieg, and Stormtiger, along with our capture of Rune, Alabaster, and Crusader last night, that would leave them a total of eight major threats. Othala, Victor, Purity, Night, Fog, Fenja, Menja and Kaiser, along with any minor members or reinforcements they might try to call in."

She shook her head. "You know… it's kinda fucked up that they can take Five casualties and still say that they're a match for the Protectorate out here, number-wise. Even with our temporary reinforcements. What? Do they grow their capes on trees?"

"Now you see what we've been dealing with," Colin answered. "Regardless. We can't focus on Lung and ignore the Empire either. It will be difficult to capture him by any estimate and once the Empire notices we've committed ourselves to a full on fight with Lung, they will likely strike at us in order to free their captured members, who we can't ship to the regional prison for holding until trial for another week at minimum, due to the difficulty of holding Rune or Crusader except in our maximum security cells."

"So split up and focus on both sides?" She shook her head. "It's a shit move."

"It is…" He admitted. "Frankly, if it were up to me I would ignore the ABB and maintain our focus on the Empire now that the momentum is squarely against them and their morale is in tatters. But Piggot won't hear a word of it."

She winced. "I imagine Chevalier hasn't exactly made talking with her any easier?"

The Tinker's frown grew a little more severe.

Ever since Colin had told them that the Ward, Stalker had some kind of nervous breakdown from lack of sleep, Chevalier had been concerned.

And concern led to questions. Especially since Colin had been so fuzzy with details.

When those questions led to a hint that Stalker hadn't been ordered to see one of the Protectorate psychologists after her kidnapping, torture, and near murder, the man had gone from concerned to angry.

When he found out it was because they didn't have a Protectorate psychologist, Chevalier had gone from angry to marching on a bloody warpath.

And even with the Ward remanded to a psychologist who had been quickly flown down now, the man was still furious. And the dubious honor of bearing the brunt of his ire fell on Director Piggot.

Chevalier was a good guy, but he had his temper. He'd almost been given the name 'Relentless' after all. And this thing seemed to be pressing every single one of his hot button issues. To the point that you could swear he was half a second away from shooting Piggot in the face with that canon blade of his whenever they were in the room together.

He'd already reported her to Chief Director Brown.

Now, Mouse wasn't sure what that woman's opinion was on the whole thing but Lung's rampage last night must not have left Piggot feeling safe and secure in her posting, which probably explained why she wasn't exactly eager to take Armsmaster's recommendation of ignoring Lung and just focusing on the Nazi's.

Add in Chevalier butting heads with her over all the skeletons he was tripping over and Mouse would be surprised if you could convince the woman to take a cup of coffee she didn't ask for, let alone advise her on a strategy that could very well backfire horribly if Lung didn't decide to sit still until they were done dealing with his biggest competitor.

For her part, Mouse could understand her... sort of.

The Vegas branch had been tight on funds once, and one of the first things to go had been the on-site psychologists for the Wards until they'd been able to square the budget again and bring them back.

They were Wards, they didn't fight, and yes they underwent some levels of stress but so did everyone else in the world and in the vast majority of cases the psychologists simply weren't necessary for people to learn to deal with whatever problem it was on their own.

So she could understand.

But to have sat on it like they did with this Sophia girl after she'd been nearly burned alive was a whole different issue.

It was one thing to shave off something that seemed to be a luxury most of the time given the amount of combat Wards saw on a common basis.

It was quite another to ignore the need to seek out professional help when a Ward had clearly gone through a traumatizing, horrible experience that most Protectorate members didn't ever face or recover from alone when they did face it.

So while she didn't think the situation in regards to the other Wards was quite so 'world ending' as Chevalier seemed to view it, she did believe it warranted Piggot getting her coat pulled.

Still… time and a place, and Chevalier was making what seemed to be a tough job on its own, even tougher by causing a rift between the Protectorate and PRT leadership.

She wasn't gonna go anywhere near that issue though. Officially, they were here for a max total of six weeks. And getting into inter-office arguments in a Branch where they wouldn't have much say in after they were gone was a fantastic way to squander those weeks.

Chevalier could try to help out the Wards long term.

Far as she was concerned though, that was a symptom of the cancer, not the cause of it.

Best to just tear it out from the root, or at least tear out as much as they could before they had to leave rather than split their efforts in a bureaucratic nightmare.

Chase two hares and all that.

Still, she wasn't stupid enough to go tell him to back off.

"So," she said after a moment. "How do you wanna approach this?"

Colin looked at her. "I haven't figured it out yet."

She leaned back in her seat. "Need some help?"

Most people didn't think she had a mind for strategy.

Colin knew her well enough to know better.

He nodded. "Thank you."

She smiled. "It's what you called us here for right?"


My thanks, once more go out to my three Beta's for their help @Axel Fones, @nitewind and @DarkMagyk great work as usual.

Now we have a bit more insight into how the Protectorate has been forced to act and what the fallout has been from Lung's attack, as well as what is happening in response to Sophia's breakdown. Hope you all enjoyed :)
Wonder if it would make sense for Chevalier to try to get Taylor to see a psychologist too? I mean she suffered as much as Sophia did, and arguably is a more "famous" case. Yes, she might not have joined the wards, but for all Chevalier knows, she might have if she had been offered more support.

We readers know that Taylor is not about to have a total nervous breakdown like Sophia, but Chevalier in-story would not (from his POV, if they so completely missed Sophias impending breakdown, then maybe they missed Taylors too). And he is a good enough guy that if he is on a crusade, I could see him trying to get Taylor to see a psychologist too. Both because its the right thing to do, and also because it might make PRT/Wards look better/more attractive. Oh, and also to prevent the super-illusion-master from going nuts and brainwashing the entire city I guess.

I mean it would be one thing to justify getting a psychologist for a non-ward like Taylor specifically. Its another to invite her to see one now that one is already present for another reason. And it would probably be fun to see some interaction between Taylor and MP/Chevalier now that they are here.

I also wonder about Taylors thoughts if she were to learn that SS had a total breakdown. Both now, and later when Taylor learns that SS is Sophia.
Really liked what you did with Mouse Protector here, she's usually a one note character in a crack fic, even when she's not supposed to be. I enjoyed that you managed to stretch her character into a real character while still keeping the humor that is her hallmark there.
Wonder if it would make sense for Chevalier to try to get Taylor to see a psychologist too? I mean she suffered as much as Sophia did, and arguably is a more "famous" case. Yes, she might not have joined the wards, but for all Chevalier knows, she might have if she had been offered more support.

We readers know that Taylor is not about to have a total nervous breakdown like Sophia, but Chevalier in-story would not (from his POV, if they so completely missed Sophias impending breakdown, then maybe they missed Taylors too). And he is a good enough guy that if he is on a crusade, I could see him trying to get Taylor to see a psychologist too. Both because its the right thing to do, and also because it might make PRT/Wards look better/more attractive. Oh, and also to prevent the super-illusion-master from going nuts and brainwashing the entire city I guess.

I mean it would be one thing to justify getting a psychologist for a non-ward like Taylor specifically. Its another to invite her to see one now that one is already present for another reason. And it would probably be fun to see some interaction between Taylor and MP/Chevalier now that they are here.

I also wonder about Taylors thoughts if she were to learn that SS had a total breakdown. Both now, and later when Taylor learns that SS is Sophia.

While he might like to, she's completely outside his purview - it's quite likely they won't even have any interactions until Chevalier meets her 'heroic' identity, and he may very well not know it's her even then.
So, I can't help but notice that Cricket is missing from the list of Empire capes.

Cricket, who ran the territory Taylor and Danny were found in.

Cricket, with no Hookwolf to protect her from Kaiser.
Chevalier: "Who?"

I don't see his mood improving in the near future.

Given that what happened to Taylor was publicly broadcasted (likely one of the reasons he and MP are here), given that Taylor killed Hookwolf (Empires strongest brute) and given how closely linked the whole thing is to SS situation (the case Chevalier has become very familiar with recently), I find it extremely unlikely Chevalier would not be fully aware of who Taylor is.

Though yeah, the fact Taylor (watched her father tortured to death, was nearly tortured to death herself, killed 7 people, gained really tough power and had to deal with everyone knowing) was offered no psychological help either would presumably have just enraged him even worse.

Especially since people saying Taylor was coping (while true) probably would not be all that believable to him given that everyone missed SS having a breakdown.

While he might like to, she's completely outside his purview - it's quite likely they won't even have any interactions until Chevalier meets her 'heroic' identity, and he may very well not know it's her even then.

Well, Taylor basically has no secret identity or anything and the PRT obviously knows where she lives now. PRT has no direct jurisdiction or anything so they obviously can't do much to make Taylor see a psychologist or anything. However I see absolutely no reason why Chevalier could not go visit to make the offer to see one voluntarily to Taylor and to her current guardians and try to convince her to give it a try.

Now whether or not Taylor would actually agree is ofcourse a separate matter (probably not), but I don't see what would stop Chevalier from visiting and making the offer (or inviting Taylor to visit PRT to make the offer)? Taylor spent considerable time living inside PRT already after all. And like I said, since someone was already flown in for another case, Taylor would basically be a "bonus" for far less cost for both moral (something Chevalier obviously cares about a lot) and PR (gives Taylor better view of PRT and makes it more likely she might reconsider the wards) gain.
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Next (and last) interludes are done :) Just waiting on Betas'

After these, we go back to Taylor.

Anyone wanna try and guess who they belong to???
Three way tossup between Night, Chevalier, and Panacea.
I have a hard time believing Coil has been idle this whole time so it seems likely to hear from him, there's plenty of ways he could twist perception of what happened to discredit Piggot enough to either get her fired of at least moved.
Interlude: Coil
Interlude: Coil

For Thomas Calvert, events this particular month had been...less than put it mildly.

The… situation born from the Empire Eighty-Eight's ill advised attack on the leader of the Dockworkers Union, Daniel Hebert towards the middle of december had been an unforeseen complication, but not something he couldn't really adapt to, perhaps he could have even managed to utilize it to his advantage given enough leeway.

Then he'd learned the particular power of the freshly triggered young woman.

It said something...that his first thought had been, rather than utilize her, that he should eliminate her quickly and quietly.

A Master who only needed eye-contact to control all five senses? Make someone see or do anything?

He actually had killed her, in one timeline at least.

Not a day later word had gotten out that he was responsible, something he very much suspected Miss Wilbourne had been the cause of. And in even less time his holdings were under attack from both the Protectorate and the Empire.

Needless to say, he'd dropped the timeline.

Defended by the Empire that was under-siege, by and large in her name.

Ironic really.

But he could understand.

Kaiser had dropped the ball not once but twice.

As such he was apparently, very much ready to go to great lengths to clear his name, part of that must have been to come to Miss Hebert's defense in the event of an attack.

It seems that they were both feeling the noose tightening around their necks.

Unlike Kaiser however, Thomas had to deal with the rather uncomfortable feeling of sitting on a proverbial time bomb.

Just a glance, a glance from down the hall, or across the bloody cafeteria, or from out of her window while he was making his way across the parking lot, could be enough to completely ruin him.

Best case scenario if she could see both timelines by catching just one version of him, one version of him outed to the Protectorate, but he would have enough warning to collapse the timeline into the 'safe' one, where she hadn't caught him in the effect of her power.

A horrible waste of both valuable time and resources at the best estimate. And that's not even factoring in that he might just be stuck with a less than pristine choice in his options.

Worst case scenario, she captures him in her effect and can somehow manipulate what he sees in both timelines. Compromising both and destroying his most powerful weapon.

She can completely destroy him with a glance.

She can make herself utterly untouchable with a glance.

And the best he can do is walk around with a pair of contacts in the hope that it might prevent her from gaining control of him with her bloody periphery.

Oh, certainly she marched around with the blindfold Armsmaster had given her, but without anyone's knowledge, she could very easily make it seem like she was wearing her blind-fold properly when she was doing no such thing, gathering up the whole base in the envelope of her power while everyone remained completely oblivious.

It's what he would have done.

Frankly, her leaving the base couldn't come fast enough for his taste.

When she finally did leave, he considered killing her again, this time taking Miss Wilbourne into account, but there was no way to guarantee her continued ignorance, and she was, indisputably, the most useful cape in his employ at this time.

Knowledge, information, these things were the most powerful weapons available to anyone. Not blades, or guns or brute levels of strength. And Miss Wilbourne was the best at acquiring that precious resource.

A double-edged sword in his case.

As such, he wasn't willing to restrain her and make do with the reduced utility of her power quite yet for a threat that had largely been rendered moot with its departure from his day to day life.

Then, no less than a day later another issue came from this mess Kaiser's Empire had decided to create.


He came across him in a now dropped timeline, and immediately had master stranger protocols called on him.

Apparently, the man could *see* powers…

Because of course he could.

This time he left the base.

Called in sick. He had nearly three months worth of unclaimed vacation and sick days to bank on. And if he had to use every last one, plus extra to wait out the issue that was Chevalier and his ability to see powers, he would do so.

It was a disadvantage in the sense that he couldn't keep quite as close an eye on the movements of the PRT as he would have liked, especially now when there was so much activity, but it did allow him to focus more fully on his criminal activities and begin manipulating things in the background to expedite the Empire's fall, while at the same time highlighting Emily's mistakes in both the news, and internally at the PRT.

It was a bit sooner than he'd anticipated, but if he acted quickly to seize the momentum now firmly against them, their collapse would create a power vacuum. One that would allow him to take full control of the criminal underworld through proxies. Trainwreck was his best positioned at the moment, poised to sacrifice Skidmark to the heroes and take control, but his Undersiders despite being relatively untested could also be used to seize control of parts of the underworld. More promising than both of these was the Travelers, a group of nomadic mercenaries who he had been working for a crime boss in Virginia, how had numerous secrets and issues that he was positioned to deal with. It had required the revelation of his power to them, but that was worth gaining 5 powerful, desperate capes.

Not ideal, not all of his ducks were quite lined up in a row. But the opportunity was too golden to be wasted.

Then Lung happened.

To anyone who complained about hurricanes, or tornadoes, or floods. Let them survive a twenty foot flaming brute with a Dragon complex roll through their proverbial backyard.

His holdings were left undamaged, but the fallout in the aftermath is what was truly causing the most difficulty.

Medhall was a cornerstone of Brockton Bay's economy, with over three hundred employees on site and hundreds more across the state, with business deals and investors that stretched even further. It was one of the biggest sources of inter-state and international economic stimulus to the dying beast that was Brockton Bay since the death of its shipping that wasn't even getting into the other building's Oni-Lee and Lung had damaged in their attacks, many of which were businesses themselves.

Now it was gone.

Not just gone in the physical sense either. But gone in the figurative one.

An attack on that scale led to questions. And questions were leading to answers.

Of course, he'd already been planning to out the empire and its capes, along with its near tangible ties to Medhall. But only after he'd had time to set up many of his own business ventures to step into their proverbial shoes and transition away from their very necessary, tangible assistance to the Bay in a smooth, controlled way. he was left literally scrambling and few- far too few investors and businesses wanted anything to do with the Bay. And those that did were vultures of the highest degree.

All anyone saw anymore was a sinking, burning ship. With a dragon standing at the fore ready to destroy anything that got anywhere near it.

Coil had a plan. He knew what he could do to pull this city out of the mire and turn it to his proverbial and literal fortress.

But the fact was he couldn't do it without money.


And all that money was rapidly drying up…


Coil's interlude, and later tonight there will be another. Hope you all enjoy :)
Shit happens Calvert. Let's see you try and get out of this! As they say, "It's only a matter of time...".
While I do find some satisfaction from Coil getting his shit wrecked I'd probably be happier if that didn't come with Brockton Bay's economy getting ganked with it. The city's got 99 problems and it doesn't need 1 more.
Muhahaha, that was very fun to read.
I can only imagine him leaving Dinah's house after getting shot a few times and seeing Ziz at which he just goes "fuck my life"
Interlude: Max Anders
Interlude: Max Anders

For Max Anders, also known as Kaiser, ever since that moment in December, every day felt as though his world was a tin can, slowly collapsing and buckling under the weight piled on it to crush him in its confines.

Hookwolf's death would have been a problem on its own.

The man had been, hands down, one of the heaviest hitters on the east coast. A bit difficult to control at times, but useful, in the same way a snarling dog straining at the leash was useful. A threat and a promise to any who dared to cross him or think of cheating him.

That he died in such an ignominious manner was just insult added to injury.

Image was everything in the criminal world.

And the last image people across the nation had of Hookwolf, of one of the faces of the Empire Eighty-Eight, was him dying to a bloodied nobody.

The vultures and snakes smelled blood in the water, and they were beginning to circle.

The people of his Empire could feel it, feel the cord beginning to tighten around their necks.

More than that, the people of his Empire, the recruits, the ones who joined more for a feeling of security in a city that was rapidly sinking into its own filth than actual dedication to the cause he professed, were leaving.

They were hemorrhaging more people than he could ever remember in his life, but this time it was without any new recruits to stem the bleeding.

No one wanted to join an Empire under siege.

More than that, no one wanted to join an Empire that would torture a man in front of his daughter.

Purity's assessment had been dismayingly accurate.

Few believed he was not responsible for the attack on the Heberts after news of their involvement in the rescue of Shadow Stalker leaked to the press.

What was worse, was that he had little idea of how to stop it

The most fanatical of the remaining members needed to hear the rhetoric, to be reaffirmed that their opinions and beliefs were true. That they were held to a higher purpose than being a simple gang.

The others, the ones that were leaving, needed to hear the opposite. They needed to be shown that the Empire wasn't as bad as the media was portraying. That Mr. Hebert's death and the attack on his daughter had been an extremist fool acting on his own. That the Empire wasn't a massive lynch mob, but a place where people could form a safe community that could still treat well with neighbors that weren't a part of them.

Two irreconcilable speeches. Either one would alienate the other side and would lose him people.

More than that, he wasn't a public speaker. Not really.

Manipulation? One on one conversations? These he excelled at. People considered themselves individuals, with their own 'unique' views and thoughts.

They weren't. All he needed to do was find what strings to pull. And when he did he could play them like an instrument.

But the mob… the fickle, unsightly, uncooperative bloated beast that was the populous?

That was another matter. And while he could understand the beast, see how it breathed, growled, and what way it leaned, he wasn't foolish enough to claim he knew how to manipulate it as easily as he could individual people.

The mob had been his father's gift.

Allfather had lain the foundations, his sister Iron Rain had strengthened them, and when both were cast aside, out of his way, he had taken the reigns with expectations on his shoulders from the plebeian masses.

Expectations that had been laughably easy to fulfill in comparison to getting to this place in the world.

Since then, he had been the Emperor… and Emperors didn't mingle with the peasants of the Empire.

It's why he allowed his lieutenants their territory, why he gave them such broad autonomy.

They could deal with the masses on a more individual level.

And he, in turn, could deal with them.

Tug at their strings as it were.

It was a system that served him well. It was a system that had allowed him to amass a power base that was the most feared and expansive criminal organization on the eastern seaboard. It was why from across the country he had a constant cycle of recruits coming to learn from the Empire.

Now, it was a system that he was effectively locked into.

Image was everything in the criminal world. And changing tactics would only cement the image of weakness. Of scrambling for a solution.

The only good news he'd had in the last few weeks was that of Purity's return to the fold along with some of her old team, and even that was a bitter-sweet pill at the best estimate.

Frankly, Purity and her team wasn't worth Medhall, or the massive blow, both to their image, and their morale it had been to lose five capes in one night, much less the investigation being conducted into all of their lives because of it.

Especially not with the numerous strings she came attached with.

She had gathered him, Night, Fog, Crusader, Fenja, and Menja together to hear him announce to all of them the conditions for her return, and the promise of full custody of Aster and Theo for her continued support.

Even then she only committed herself to fighting Lung or other Villains.

No heroes, Protectorate or otherwise.

Those had been her conditions. And nearly all of his remaining capes heard him agree to it.

Fenja and Menja were inconsequential, neither of them would ever betray him, or do anything to go against him.

Crusader, Night, and Fog were another matter entirely. Crusader because even a blind fool could tell how infatuated the man was with his… leftovers, and Night and Fog because, first and foremost, Night and Fog were loyal to the Gesellschaft's goals and little more.

If he backed out of his deal with Purity and they felt that he might do the same with them, they would turn on him like a group of tamed wolves.

Domesticated until you exposed your throat. Then they would rip it out.

As such, effectively, in a few months she would cut the leash that was Aster that he had around her neck once their deal reached fruition and he renounced any parental rights to her.

Needless to say, he didn't like it.


In the world of criminals, image was everything.

And his image, he realized, was of a man rapidly losing control of everything around him. Of a man losing everything!

He'd tried playing to the 'rules'... tried to play things 'nice'.

To continue doing so in circumstances like these had been a mistake.

Lung had taken advantage of his miscalculation. Others would follow his example.

The Protectorate first and foremost.

He wouldn't allow it.

If the world thought that they could take bites out of his Empire without retaliation…


Tomorrow morning they would wake up to a harsh, bitter reality.

It was the cornered beast that fought the hardest.


Whelp, ladies and gents. That's it for the interludes that you all asked for :p

Now we can see what has happened between the interim of 2.2 and 2.3. So for the next chapter we'll be going back to Taylor, and see what exactly she's been getting up to for these last few weeks since her discussion with Hassan and with them hammering out a strategy to get her to maximize her current advantages and get some new ones. :)

So. Speculations :p

A) What kind of retaliation do you all see Kaiser able/willing to pull off?

B) What kind of "Big Splash" will Taylor be pulling off?

The person that gets closest to the eventual reveals gets a cookie :)
A) What kind of retaliation do you all see Kaiser able/willing to pull off?

B) What kind of "Big Splash" will Taylor be pulling off?

A: Attacking Lung(and co.) and killing him before he ramps up. Initiative motherfuckers! Or he has decided to go after Taylor in the process of starting a full-on, no fucks given, every man and woman and child for him/her-self, war in Brockton Bay. Or he's decided to do what Lung did, but to the PRT or Protectorate HQ(I don't remember which is which and where they are) to showcase that the Empire is still "strong"(since image is everything apparently).

B) Killing Kaiser. Finding Coil and killing him/using him to her own ends/outing Coil to the PRT. Claiming the Docks publicly as Morphine. Taking out the Merchants. Capturing all the gang leaders and members in her "sight" in one shot/battle.
Kaiser's retaliation... an extremely literal decapitation strike on one of the major opposing powers. Wishful thinking says Coil, but more probably options are Lung, Armsmaster, and/or Piggot. I particularly like the last one because it'd force Thomas Calvert to be temporary Head, which in turn forces him to be around Taylor and Chevalier.

As for Taylor... her power is uniquely suited to learning civilian identities. Not sure what she'd do with them, though.
which in turn forces him to be around Taylor and Chevalier

Taylor isn't around the PRT anymore, though Chevalier could be a problem(unless he finds a way to manufacture a bullshit reason for Chevy to head back home or trade in another favor to Cauldron for them to have Chevy recalled back).