No good deed... (Worm AU)

So what do people think of Lung's decision to attack the Empire at Medhall, revealing the Empire's connections to it? Also does anyone have any speculation on what the ramifications are going to be of his decisions to go all out and kill his foes. At the very least Oni Lee killed Stormtiger and Lung killed Krieg among the powered, along with Oni Lee probably killing a number of people inside the Medhall building. Oni Lee probably didn't manage to catch anyone out again like he did Stormtiger, but any speculation on who is wounded? While Othala is powerful it takes her a couple of days to regenerate someone's injuries if they are bad. The Protectorate probably also managed to capture one or two members of the Empire, and will be put on track to finding more locations connected the the Empire.
I wonder, will we get another POV interlude? Either before or after the attack on Medhall.
Lung reputation is honestly well earned. The fact that he choose to pull back signifies that he could easily have cept going.

Ragedragon for the win! Aye to the fireworks!
I like how you write Lung as if he would have equally been perfectly suitable centuries ago, without powers as some feudal warlord. To such beings, it didn't matter what you did but whether you did it with nerve and valor. No matter how ruthless or appalling.

No mistake, Lung is a monster, maybe not sadistic like Jack or a hate monger like the E88, but a monster nonetheless (I count human trafficking as one of the most appalling crimes of the modern age) Granted he'd be perfect as a Krogan. Make of that what you will.
how was Lee able to teleport from floor to floor isn't his teleporting line of sight.
Lung just showed exactly how strong he is. I always figured that the only reason that neither him or the empire ever went all out was because of mutually assured distruction, this just shows how utterly outclassed the empire is compared to the ABB in terms of power.

One things for sure, in the future everyone is going to step lightly around the dragon. At this point the only fight he's actually lost is against Levithian and it's arguable that he himself didn't lose, he just couldn't win.
So Alabaster, Stormtiger And Krieg are dead? The Empire has really taken it hard. stuff though, Lung can be an interesting read at times.
Alabaster's whole schtick is immortality- healing from anything within seconds is his only power. Lung couldn't kill him if he tried.

Of course, being immortal but not immune to pain isn't the best power for fighting a dragon with.
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I could be wrong, but I think out of most of the outright villainous capes to feature prominently in Worm, few EMBODY might makes right better than Lung, for all that entails.

As for Alabaster, every time I hear someone's most standout shtick is 'I'm immortal,' I want their opponent to go, "oh that's adorable, you think death is the worst I can do to you."
Alabaster's whole schtick is immortality- healing from anything within seconds is his only power. Lung couldn't kill him if he tried.

Of course, being immortal but not immune to pain isn't the best power for fighting a dragon with.
If memory serves his power resets his body every 5 seconds or so rendering damage dealt null.
Unless you kill him in before second 5 which is how levi did in the monochrome bastard
Lung just showed exactly how strong he is. I always figured that the only reason that neither him or the empire ever went all out was because of mutually assured distruction, this just shows how utterly outclassed the empire is compared to the ABB in terms of power.

One things for sure, in the future everyone is going to step lightly around the dragon. At this point the only fight he's actually lost is against Levithian and it's arguable that he himself didn't lose, he just couldn't win.
He couldn't win because leviathan didn't present himself as enough of a threat for his shard to continue expending energy to empower him.

Essentially, Leviathan wasn't enough of a threat for lung to kill.
Aww damn. I was holding out hope that Purity wouldn't buy the ticket offered by Kaiser and board the plane known as the empire as it crashed and burned.
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Aww damn. I was holding out hope that Purity wouldn't buy the ticket offered by Kaiser and board the plane known as the empire as it crashed and burned.

She might not have know LUNG hadn't decided to shit on everyone's day by burning buildings just a few blocks away from her apartment
Aww damn. I was holding out hope that Purity wouldn't buy the ticket offered by Kaiser and board the plane known as the empire as it crashed and burned.

She was one of the last ones to show up to the fight. Lung blantly attacking a civilian business could have been the push Kaiser needed to get her to agree. An argument about how the "filthy dragon" is rampaging unchecked against the people she swore to protect would actually be rather convincing. Especially considering that Purity is one of the few capes in the bay that can actually challenge him in a power contest.

Edit: Ninja'd by author.
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Well, hope Lung gets a taste of his own medicine like he did to the Empire. Two wrongs don't make a right; and if we're taking the unwritten rules to be what's wrong and what's right in cape-cape interaction, then Lung was really in the wrong here.
I mean, besides killing civilians in Medhall, just rampaging like this in the middle of an urban area... This shouldn't go unanswered. And the protectorate really should've only attacked Lung this time, or else forcefully evacuated the Empire to deprive him of threats to fight.
Well, hope Lung gets a taste of his own medicine like he did to the Empire. Two wrongs don't make a right; and if we're taking the unwritten rules to be what's wrong and what's right in cape-cape interaction, then Lung was really in the wrong here.
I mean, besides killing civilians in Medhall, just rampaging like this in the middle of an urban area... This shouldn't go unanswered. And the protectorate really should've only attacked Lung this time, or else forcefully evacuated the Empire to deprive him of threats to fight.

The Protectorate attacked them both because they're both criminal organizations. If Mafia A attacks Mafia B, and Mafia B comes out and starts shooting machine guns at Mafia A you're not going to take a side in the argument and say "Clearly Mafia A threw the first rock/bomb so we're gonna back Mafia B here but next time Mafia B you guys are in for it I promise." They honestly *can't* do that. Even in canon when Bakuda was bombing the whole city the best they could do was stay out of the criminals way by running rescue and relief efforts.

Endbringers are the only threat that can enforce a truce that is generally accepted by the public because to Endbringers it's the whole city that's fair game, not just this guy's territory or that guys territory. know, I think this is one of the few fics where a Lung x Taylor ship wouldn't be far-fetched. After all, the charred remains of an enemy makes for one memorable gift...

I'm an awful person for writing this, aren't I?
Aww man poor Kayden, I was hoping that she'd get the chance to not get involved but dragons don't care for the hopes and dreams of mortals :( Also I was not expecting Lung to be a nihilist.
Aww man poor Kayden, I was hoping that she'd get the chance to not get involved but dragons don't care for the hopes and dreams of mortals :( Also I was not expecting Lung to be a nihilist.

He realized after Kyuushu there really was no way to kill the Endbringers. When faced with that knowledge anythin less than Nihilism would be delusion as far as he's concerned. (Only explanation I can come up with for his utter lack of participation in any Endbringer conflict since)
The Protectorate attacked them both because they're both criminal organizations. If Mafia A attacks Mafia B, and Mafia B comes out and starts shooting machine guns at Mafia A you're not going to take a side in the argument and say "Clearly Mafia A threw the first rock/bomb so we're gonna back Mafia B here but next time Mafia B you guys are in for it I promise." They honestly *can't* do that. Even in canon when Bakuda was bombing the whole city the best they could do was stay out of the criminals way by running rescue and relief efforts.

Endbringers are the only threat that can enforce a truce that is generally accepted by the public because to Endbringers it's the whole city that's fair game, not just this guy's territory or that guys territory.
No, no, no. I wasn't arguing ethically or whatever. My only concern was Lung's rampage not getting full attention.
It's like Mafia A attacked Mafia B with chemical weapons in an urban area; a truce with B at the time isn't unthinkable and frankly, A deserves much more attention right then.
This wouldn't work if not for precedent of it when capes too dangerous for either side of the law are involved and acting unpredictably.
Just a thought *shrug*
Excellent chapter, I like your Nihilist Lung, works pretty well.
No, no, no. I wasn't arguing ethically or whatever. My only concern was Lung's rampage not getting full attention.
It's like Mafia A attacked Mafia B with chemical weapons in an urban area; a truce with B at the time isn't unthinkable and frankly, A deserves much more attention right then.
This wouldn't work if not for precedent of it when capes too dangerous for either side of the law are involved and acting unpredictably.
Just a thought *shrug*

Yes, I understand, and for what it's worth, I agree with you, Lung was both clearly the bigger threat and the more immediate concern. I'm just pointing out that the PRT is a government organization and like most, they're ruled by PR. They can't be seen supporting a group of known criminals in any fashion outside of a handful of select circumstances, and even then, that support is limited in nature.