No good deed... (Worm AU)

The latest chapter "Interlude: Lung" needs added to the threadmarks.
If memory serves his power resets his body every 5 seconds or so rendering damage dealt null.
Unless you kill him in before second 5 which is how levi did in the monochrome bastard
Memory serves you wrong. Leviathan couldn't kill him either... Not directly. But when people tried hitting it with timestop bombs of Bakuda's it threw several of them into the blast radius while dodging (Leviathan is fast) and one of those was Alabaster. Technically he's still alive at the end of Worm, just stuck out of time.
She might not have know LUNG hadn't decided to shit on everyone's day by burning buildings just a few blocks away from her apartment

Ohh I know that it made it tempting for her to intervene. I was just hoping that the selfish part of her, the one that realizes that if she just stay away and isn't seen helping Kaiser in his time of need then she will probably get Aster and be disassociated from the empire when they fall, would win out over the 'must stop Lung!' part.
Memory serves you wrong. Leviathan couldn't kill him either... Not directly. But when people tried hitting it with timestop bombs of Bakuda's it threw several of them into the blast radius while dodging (Leviathan is fast) and one of those was Alabaster. Technically he's still alive at the end of Worm, just stuck out of time.
Actually, that depends on whether or not Scion's Fuck You Beam vetoes Bakuda's Time Delayed Bombs.

As for the update itself... how did Lung make the connection between Medhall and the Empire, when it took Coil years of active research and dead ends? Did Lung's lack of a civilian life give him a head start? Did his actually having local subordinates in the criminal subculture give him an edge? Is Coil just that stupid?
Actually, that depends on whether or not Scion's Fuck You Beam vetoes Bakuda's Time Delayed Bombs.

As for the update itself... how did Lung make the connection between Medhall and the Empire, when it took Coil years of active research and dead ends? Did Lung's lack of a civilian life give him a head start? Did his actually having local subordinates in the criminal subculture give him an edge? Is Coil just that stupid?
Ld is apparently going with an AU were Kaiser and the Empire was much stupider and more lax in keeping Medhall and the Empire separate, despite the fact that in canon Kaiser had a strict policy of keeping the two separate. So basically just something to hasten the E88s downfall while also making them look stupider in the process. Or something like that. So no worries, its just AU.
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Actually, that depends on whether or not Scion's Fuck You Beam vetoes Bakuda's Time Delayed Bombs.

As for the update itself... how did Lung make the connection between Medhall and the Empire, when it took Coil years of active research and dead ends? Did Lung's lack of a civilian life give him a head start? Did his actually having local subordinates in the criminal subculture give him an edge? Is Coil just that stupid?

Ld is apparently going with an AU were Kaiser and the Empire was much stupider and more lax in keeping Medhall and the Empire separate, despite the fact that in canon Kaiser had a strict policy of keeping the two separate. So basically just something to hasten the E88s downfall while also making them look stupider in the process. Or something like that. So no worries, its just AU.

Nice to know you think so highly of my methodologies Nitewind.

As stated over on SB and in the Google doc.

"People talk. There's a world of difference between knowing something on the street and being able to prove it. For decades everyone knew Capone and Escobar were criminals. Getting concrete evidence (Like Coil did) to prove it was a whole different ball game.

This situation was no different. Lung knew based on rumor and word of mouth"

So no. Not incompetence, but not hyper competence bordering on deific omnicience/omnipotence of stoping rumors and word of mouth from spreading through the street. Doesn't matter how strict your policies are, word always spreads, and after several decades, in the criminal underworld it'd basically be an open secret that Medhall has ties to E-88
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Nice to know you think so highly of my methodologies Nitewind.

As stated over on SB and in the Google doc.

"People talk. There's a world of difference between knowing something on the street and being able to prove it. For decades everyone knew Capone and Escobar were criminals. Getting concrete evidence (Like Coil did) to prove it was a whole different ball game.

This situation was no different. Lung knew based on rumor and word of mouth"

So no. Not incompetence, but not hyper competence bordering on deific omnicience/omnipotence of stoping rumors and word of mouth from spreading through the street. Doesn't matter how strict your policies are, word always spreads, and after several decades, in the criminal underworld it'd basically be an open secret that Medhall has ties to E-88
:facepalm:What you said was this: As far as I know several members/people with white supremacist ties had legitimate jobs within Medhall. Alot of their money laundering was pushed through that buisness. There is a HUGE difference between the criminal underworld 'knowing' things and the government police agencies able to 'prove it' Government needs warrants, months of evidence gathering, eye witness accounts and written records. People on the street can simply point and say "Yeah, X drug pusher owns that gas station" with enough of his people pointing to Med hall, he'd just have to hear about it a certain number of times before he recognized it as a place he could attack and really put the hurt on the Empire.

Kaiser didn't do ANYTHING with Medhall, it was 100% legitimate with no ties to E88. He did not use it to launder money, produce drugs, or anything else. But it was pretty obvious that you wanted E88 to fall extremely fast, damn the competence (maybe). Which is why I didn't say anything. And think about what you are saying with Coil, he needed their identities, not iron clad proof. He was not a law enforcement officer looking to arrest them and having to rules, he was planning to expose them in order to eliminate them. "Word of mouth" would have been enough for that. But, you said I should just regard it as AU and it was obvious what you were planning so I didn't say anything.
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We don't know what Kaiser did with Medhall. It only shows up in a grand total of three chapters directly, and then it is mentioned in Purity's Interlude. From canon, it was very much tied to the E88. In Purity's Interlude, Medhall is included in Max's offer for leadership:
Interlude 4.x said:
You can make Empire Eighty-Eight into a humanitarian effort, sell the business, turn us all into superheroes.
Now, he is almost certainly lying, but it would have to be a possible truth for Kayden to accept it. Given how long she was with the Empire, she would call him out if he couldn't hand her the reins.

More damningly is the evidence from the Dossiers that Coil made and released:
Buzz 7.4 said:
Kaiser. Max Anders, president and chief executive officer of Medhall Corporation, a pharmaceuticals company based in Brockton Bay.
Krieg was alleged to be a James Fliescher. Head of a pharmacy chain, in turn connected to Medhall.
Every piece of information connected to others. Even the info on the mooks like the ones I had met earlier with Kaiser's business, showing how they were employed as low level employees of Medhall and its derivative businesses. It seemed like everyone had a criminal record except the people at the top.
Medhall was certainly a front for the E88, with fairly significant ties. Now, the only mention of money laundering that I could find was on the Worm Wiki, so that is not canon, but Medhall was not some separate entity from the E88.
Which is why I didn't say anything. And think about what you are saying with Coil, he needed their identities, not iron clad proof. He was not a law enforcement officer looking to arrest them and having to rules, he was planning to expose them in order to eliminate them. "Word of mouth" would have been enough for that. But, you said I should just regard it as AU and it was obvious what you were planning so I didn't say anything.

I'm pretty sure he had legit proof to back up his claims. Otherwise he risked people not believing the allegations and then having a very very pissed off E-88 to be free enough to go after him. The people who took Aster wouldn't have had a leg to stand on without legit proof. Word of mouth isn't enough to take away someones kid (unless the laws in NH are vastly different from here) Launch an investigation? Sure. Outright remove kid? No.

There MUST have been solid evidence, even if it was juuuust enough to get the public to believe it. And the fact that @LordCirce points out that he had their criminal records he definitely went and did ALOT of digging, didn't just post a list of 'random' names on the internet.
The list included pictures and text. Beneath each of the villain's names was a comprehensive block of data, noting their civilian names in full, professions, addresses, phone numbers, the dates they moved to the city and the first appearances of their costumed identities in Brockton Bay. There were pictures of them in costume paired with pictures of their alleged civilian identities, roughly matched in angle and size for easy comparison. Most of the entries had zip files attached, doubtless with more data and evidence.

From the pictures, it was clear to see how the armor fit around his face and body, how both Kaiser and Max Anders had the same height and body type.

There were other images as well, showing Max Anders with a gorgeous twenty-something blonde, and Max Anders with an older brunette woman at a coffee shop, their table strewn with what looked like paperwork. I scrolled down to confirm my suspicions, the blonde appeared in another picture with her twin sister. Fenja and Menja.

According to the notes in his block of information, he took a vacation twice a year with his family. The email stated that the zip file had copies of inter-company emails where he'd told his coworkers he went to places like South America or Paris, and flight records showed that he was lying. He always went to London. Twice a year, every year, for nearly twenty years. Not once, during these trips, had Krieg been seen in Brockton Bay.

In short, It was comprehensive enough it would take a special kind of willful ignorance to not buy into what the email was selling.

We don't see what's in the Zips or anything, but it's clearly supposed to more than comprehensive enough for word of mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if it was enough to get warrants, if not arrests just from that.
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I really don't know what it is with people and underestimating Coil, but I've seen this claim that he didn't have proof before, as if arrest warrants were issued just because of an anonymous tip instead of a mountain of evidence. It was wrong then, it's wrong now.

Coil put in some long hard work and hired professionals to present the police with a fait accompli investigation that they couldn't ignore.
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I like how you write Lung as if he would have equally been perfectly suitable centuries ago, without powers as some feudal warlord. To such beings, it didn't matter what you did but whether you did it with nerve and valor. No matter how ruthless or appalling.

No mistake, Lung is a monster, maybe not sadistic like Jack or a hate monger like the E88, but a monster nonetheless (I count human trafficking as one of the most appalling crimes of the modern age) Granted he'd be perfect as a Krogan. Make of that what you will.

Dammitt.. Now I want to read a story where Lung is transported to Tuchanka.. :cool:
Nah. Reapers would be too much trouble to kill.

There's a huge number of them, and every one of them can do planet cracking ftl attacks

But those attacks won't really damage the main bodies of the entities.

Also, I highly doubt that a Reaper could take a hit from the Golden Fuck You Beam. Or an unrestricted Sting. Or whatever physics-cancelling BS Siberian uses. Add a precog shard or three to guarantee a hit every time.