No good deed... (Worm AU)

Few believed he was not responsible for the attack on the Heberts after news of their involvement in the rescue of Shadow Stalker leaked to the press.

Holy shit. That is... I... wow. Wow. If there's one thing that tells you Sophia has changed, that's it. Willingly admitting to being in the situation she was in, nearly dying, and then being rescued by someone she loathed? Sneaking past the PRT and Protectorate to let people know? That takes balls. I heartily approve of this swing in personality for Sophia! Maybe there's hope for her yet?
Holy shit. That is... I... wow. Wow. If there's one thing that tells you Sophia has changed, that's it. Willingly admitting to being in the situation she was in, nearly dying, and then being rescued by someone she loathed? Sneaking past the PRT and Protectorate to let people know? That takes balls. I heartily approve of this swing in personality for Sophia! Maybe there's hope for her yet?
It doesn't say who got the news out. For all we know, it was Greg Veder.
another favor to Cauldron for them to have Chevy recalled back
This, if it would happen, would bring so much scrutiny down on the person that does it, because Chevalier (Which I always pronounced the French way) I believe was specifically told to go to BB, wasn't he?

So if he up and ended up leaving the bay for whatever contrived reason, after making such a large fuss over the wellbeing of the Wards, would get so many people within BB and outside of it looking at why he left... Might not get all the answers but just having a lot of people look would probably cause a small panic for our fair Witch Pot organization.

Well, it's just my take on it at least.
This, if it would happen, would bring so much scrutiny down on the person that does it, because Chevalier (Which I always pronounced the French way) I believe was specifically told to go to BB, wasn't he?

So if he up and ended up leaving the bay for whatever contrived reason, after making such a large fuss over the wellbeing of the Wards, would get so many people within BB and outside of it looking at why he left... Might not get all the answers but just having a lot of people look would probably cause a small panic for our fair Witch Pot organization.

Well, it's just my take on it at least.

You forget, Costa-Brown is head Director and Costa-Brown is Alexandria, who is a part of Cauldron. If she needs Chevalier back at his branch, he'll come back. Plus, they've got Contessa who can create an incident that'd need Chevalier's personal attention back at Chevy's base. That'd be all people in BB PRT/Protectorate need to see, and they'd understand.
You forget, Costa-Brown is head Director and Costa-Brown is Alexandria, who is a part of Cauldron. If she needs Chevalier back at his branch, he'll come back. Plus, they've got Contessa who can create an incident that'd need Chevalier's personal attention back at Chevy's base. That'd be all people in BB PRT/Protectorate need to see, and they'd understand.
Yeah, all Cauldron would need to do is have RBC, or his own branch, give him a call saying "The Crazy Muffin ManTM​ has broken out of prison! We need you back here right now!" and he'll be out of the Bay.
I particularly like the last one because it'd force Thomas Calvert to be temporary Head, which in turn forces him to be around Taylor and Chevalier.
Wouldn't the deputy director-Renick, was it-be the logical next in line in that scenario?
*Looks at resource thread*
Yeah, unless if there's multiple Deputies or something.
A) What kind of retaliation do you all see Kaiser able/willing to pull off?
I don't exactly remember his range (ie from what distance he can generate his metal objects), or if he can control what kind of metal they are, but, if it's some distance away and he can control the metal composition... He could blow stuff up. Pull out a column of francium on top of PRT building (or, better yet, at the foundation). It's radioactive, and super chemically active. It has a melting point of 27 C, and a halflife of 21 minute. As it's pulled out, the part that existed longest will melt (because it's radioactive it naturally heats up), and overflow. In the end? Big boom. A dirty bomb, essentially.
I really don't know what it is with people and underestimating Coil, but I've seen this claim that he didn't have proof before, as if arrest warrants were issued just because of an anonymous tip instead of a mountain of evidence. It was wrong then, it's wrong now.

Coil put in some long hard work and hired professionals to present the police with a fait accompli investigation that they couldn't ignore.

Evidence from an anonymous source. Evidence accusing upstanding citizens of being Nazi supervillains from an unknown source should make the evidence subject to additional scrutiny, at the least. And what kind of evidence could it have been? I mean, pictures comparing physical stats of random people and Empire capes, comparing the schedules of those civilians to appearances of Empire capes? There would have to be hundreds of matches in a city the size of Brockton Bay. Unless pictures/video of them in the midst of changing into/out of their costumes were included it's all circumstantial.

Though yeah, the fact Taylor (watched her father tortured to death, was nearly tortured to death herself, killed 7 people, gained really tough power and had to deal with everyone knowing) was offered no psychological help either would presumably have just enraged him even worse.

Well, Taylor declined to join the Wards so the company shrink(if there was one) wouldn't be required to see her.

You forget, Costa-Brown is head Director and Costa-Brown is Alexandria, who is a part of Cauldron. If she needs Chevalier back at his branch, he'll come back. Plus, they've got Contessa who can create an incident that'd need Chevalier's personal attention back at Chevy's base. That'd be all people in BB PRT/Protectorate need to see, and they'd understand.

That would be interfering in affairs in Brockton Bay. Cauldron has been trying to avoid doing that as that sort of aid would skew the results of the Parahuman Feudalism experiment they're trying to run in Brockton Bay. Many readers are of the opinion that they went too far the other way by refusing all requests from Piggot for reinforcements, but intentionally yanking Chevalier after Coil asked them to would just be way too blatant and completely invalidate any data they got.
I don't exactly remember his range (ie from what distance he can generate his metal objects), or if he can control what kind of metal they are, but, if it's some distance away and he can control the metal composition... He could blow stuff up. Pull out a column of francium on top of PRT building (or, better yet, at the foundation). It's radioactive, and super chemically active. It has a melting point of 27 C, and a halflife of 21 minute. As it's pulled out, the part that existed longest will melt (because it's radioactive it naturally heats up), and overflow. In the end? Big boom. A dirty bomb, essentially.

Oh. Ooooh. Buildings have lots of metal in them, right? Could he cause tons of them to fall down or something? Maybe destroy all the metal bits or whatever to render shit inoperable?

That would be interfering in affairs in Brockton Bay. Cauldron has been trying to avoid doing that as that sort of aid would skew the results of the Parahuman Feudalism experiment they're trying to run in Brockton Bay. Many readers are of the opinion that they went too far the other way by refusing all requests from Piggot for reinforcements, but intentionally yanking Chevalier after Coil asked them to would just be way too blatant and completely invalidate any data they got.

I don't know. They aren't allowing themselves to interfere whenever they want because that would be too easy for them, but Coil could use any and all resources to try and take over the Bay. And Cauldron is a resource he can tap, especially if he promises another favor to them and they could probably use it.

And even if you don't like Cauldron interfering, Coil could always manufacture something himself using his timelines or have Accord create a plan for his men to follow or something. Point is, if things go to hell back at Chevy's area, he'd need to go back, and I'm sure Coil knows it and would try to act on it.
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Oh. Ooooh. Buildings have lots of metal in them, right? Could he cause tons of them to fall down or something? Maybe destroy all the metal bits or whatever to render shit inoperable?

From what I understand he can only create blades out of surfaces he can see/is within a bubble like range of several hundred feet, not control metal within a building he can't see.
From what I understand he can only create blades out of surfaces he can see/is within a bubble like range of several hundred feet, not control metal within a building he can't see.

So he has to absolutely see the metal? Or the area he's targeting to create the blades?
So he has to absolutely see the metal? Or the area he's targeting to create the blades?
It doesn't have to be a metal surface. Here, his cast page's power description:
Kaiser (Deceased) – Was leader of Empire Eighty-Eight. Real name: Max Anders. Could summon metal objects from solid surfaces – blades, beams, bludgeons, spears and needles. Ripped in half by Leviathan.
So, if he can, in fact, choose what kind of metal he summons, then all he'll need to do it so continuously extrude a beam of pure francium / caesium / uranium / plutonium out of a PRT building's roof / wall.
It doesn't have to be a metal surface. Here, his cast page's power description:

So, if he can, in fact, choose what kind of metal he summons, then all he'll need to do it so continuously extrude a beam of pure francium / caesium / uranium / plutonium out of a PRT building's roof / wall.

Never said it had to be a metal surface.

So he can still destroy the buildings then? Just with his blades?
So he can still destroy the buildings then? Just with his blades?

Probably yeah. Though I'm not entirely sure why you're fixated on the PRT building itself, considering that they have another, readily available base on the rig. Sure it'll be a blow to the PRT's image but it won't really do anything for *his* image, given it's relatively low impact for its high risk.
Probably yeah. Though I'm not entirely sure why you're fixated on the PRT building itself, considering that they have another, readily available base on the rig. Sure it'll be a blow to the PRT's image but it won't really do anything for *his* image, given it's relatively low impact for its high risk.

I'm not fixated on the PRT building. Never said that. I just meant any building. Like, he could go into Lung's territory and start destroying homes and businesses like how Lung attacked Medhall. Or if he's really nuts, he could do it indiscriminately.
I'm not fixated on the PRT building. Never said that. I just meant any building. Like, he could go into Lung's territory and start destroying homes and businesses like how Lung attacked Medhall. Or if he's really nuts, he could do it indiscriminately.

Ahh I see.

Still...there is a much more...insidious means of achieving the same effect :)
Sure it'll be a blow to the PRT's image but it won't really do anything for *his* image, given it's relatively low impact for its high risk.
Hmm... For his image... Again, if he can control what kind of metal he makes... He could go on a crusade, using gold or platinum, or even silver blades. Like, generate tons upon tons of precious metals.
Kaiser said that he was done playing by the Rules. I think he might try to attack someone's civilian identity. I don't think he is stupid enough to go after the Wards, of Protectorate. I don't think he knows coil. I don't think that any independent team is going to give him the reputation, and I don't think that he will antagonize Faultline. So is it the Merchants or ABB.
Hmm... For his image... Again, if he can control what kind of metal he makes... He could go on a crusade, using gold or platinum, or even silver blades. Like, generate tons upon tons of precious metals.

Given Med hall's current situation he might just need to :p
Evidence from an anonymous source. Evidence accusing upstanding citizens of being Nazi supervillains from an unknown source should make the evidence subject to additional scrutiny, at the least.
Scrutinized extra, sure. Ignored completely, no. Anonymous tips have solved cases before, even if most of them are worthless.
And what kind of evidence could it have been? I mean, pictures comparing physical stats of random people and Empire capes, comparing the schedules of those civilians to appearances of Empire capes? There would have to be hundreds of matches in a city the size of Brockton Bay. Unless pictures/video of them in the midst of changing into/out of their costumes were included it's all circumstantial.
You know that you can arrest and even convict on circumstantial evidence, right? Especially if there's a lot of it.

And who says he didn't have pictures of some of them changing? Or at least going into or out of their homes in costume. He could have all kinds of stuff on them besides that, like drawing on laundered E88 money for example. Or being treated for wounds that matched injuries the cape in question received at that time. Or any of a number of other things that add up to paint a damning picture.

Anyway, Coil doesn't need to provide enough for conviction, just enough for search warrants because once the police starting searching their homes and going through their computers, the E88 is screwed.
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I mean, pictures comparing physical stats of random people and Empire capes, comparing the schedules of those civilians to appearances of Empire capes? There would have to be hundreds of matches in a city the size of Brockton Bay. Unless pictures/video of them in the midst of changing into/out of their costumes were included it's all circumstantial.

There were attached zip files, with the pictures. One for each cape. We never see what's in them, but I'd assume email logs, information about where they live and when they moved to the city, known affiliations with other people on the list, etc. Maybe them suddenly getting more money in accounts after the Empire has a successful raid somewhere, and so on.
From what I understand he can only create blades out of surfaces he can see/is within a bubble like range of several hundred feet, not control metal within a building he can't see.
Kaiser's ability is to create metal and to control the metal he creates, he can't control other metal that he didn't create with his powers.
From what I understand he can only create blades out of surfaces he can see/is within a bubble like range of several hundred feet, not control metal within a building he can't see.
He can grow metal in any shape, he just likes blades. Either that or he can create any shape out of interlocking tiny blades, which is functionally the same. We know because he uses his power to make his costume.