Netflix, Riot Game & Fortiche's Arcane

This is getting off topic but Riot has not been treating jts non-Arcane lore is terrible.

when Arcane blew up, the lore went mostly dark aside from some new color stories and LOR cards that where already in the Pipeline.

Riot announced a few months ago that they won't be doing color stories for champions, ended Riot Forge games after seven games, and downsized the Legends of Runeterra team.

It seems like the only lore we'd get is big budget stuff like Arcane and that happens every few years
Why? She was pretty darn anti cop in season one

Vi's title in League of Legends is "The Piltover Enforcer" and has been paired with Caitlyn since she was added.
And Vi wasn't merely "anti-cop", she was anti-topside. BUT now she has seen a bit of the other side. Gotten to know and come to care for one.
And judging by a few quick frames in that trailer....Vi is going to see the aftermath of Jinx's rocket attack. See how it effects the people. See how it effects Caitlyn. And what will she see? I feel she will see The Bridge again. You know, that moment that opened Arcane a few years ago?
Vi is clearly uncomfortable with her new position judging by her face and body language in that line up shot, Vi is still a mess of a person from all that has been happening.
If anything, becoming a "cop" and working with Caitlyn is probably Vi's best option at this point. She is unlikely to be welcomed into Zaun, she probably doesn't know the state of Ekko or the Firelights, and last time Vi left Caitlyn the Piltie got grabbed by Jinx and nearly killed at that Dinner Party. Joining with Caitlyn helps by; giving Vi a "safe" space when not in the field, gives her a means to get info on Jinx, gives her a means to track down Silco Supporters (round 3 with Sevika anyone?), and helps her keep an eye on Caitlyn (who is one of the only people left that cares about Vi and who Vi herself cares about).

It's not great, not ideal, and chaffes at everything Vi has "known" all her life, but War tends to change people.
It's not great, not ideal, and chaffes at everything Vi has "known" all her life, but War tends to change people.

The problem when a story starts leaning on themes of oppression and revolution is that story tends to fall apart at the very end unless the writers actually have the courage to say something other than a vague platitude.

After showing that the status quo is untenable and the 'revolutionary' either is a conman or a nutter true believer (Silco is kinda halfway between both) it then fails to come up with a valid third path.

The first two are not just forgivable, they're completely valid. History is full of failed revolutionaries turned Tyrants and opportunists who presented themselves a revolutionaries.

The failure is not managing to imagine something better than failed Status Quo that kicked off the plot in the first place . . . but slightly nicer?
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The problem when a story starts leaning on themes of oppression and revolution is that story tends to fall apart at the very end unless the writers actually have the courage to say something other than a vague platitude.

After showing that the status quo is untenable and the 'revolutionary' either is a conman or a nutter true believer (Silco is kinda halfway between both) it then fails to come up with a valid third path.

The first two are not just forgivable, they're completely valid. History is full of failed revolutionaries turned Tyrants and opportunists who presented themselves a revolutionaries.

The failure is not managing to imagine something better than failed Status Quo that kicked off the plot in the first place . . . but slightly nicer?
Silco is part of a archetype that I call "the Charismatic Revolutionary Sociopath"

We all know the archetype of this "scary" revolutionary figure/cult leader who fights for a vaguely leftist cause but is actually revealed in the end to not actually care about the values they preach and are only using them cause for personal revenge or personal gain.

People like that exist in real life see cult leader Jim Jones but in fiction it seems like a lazy excuse to ignore any actual moral complexity as they are revealed to be faking their values.

The people the leader attracted to their cause and genuine believes they just disappear once they discover leader was faking.

No discussions if they actually where tapping into something real.

Like Jim Jones made a suicide cult but that doesn't mean the stuff he preached about racial equality was wrong because he used that to attract people to his cult.
Silco is part of a archetype that I call "the Charismatic Revolutionary Sociopath"

That's just called a 'snake oil preacher'.

In fact, he even dresses a bit like the stereotypical southern revival stereotype IIRC.

And part of what makes Silco interesting is that, while he is a hypocrite, he is also a true believer.

He takes Jinx in, and genuinely loves her like his own blood, is willing to sacrifice his goal for her. He even comforts her as he's dying to a wound inflicted by one of her own dissociative episodes.

Of course, that love also twists her into a mini-gun packing, drone warfare wielding, WMD building terrorist . . .
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Of course, that love also twists her into a mini-gun packing, drone warfare wielding, WMD building terrorist . . .
Silco: "You're perfect."

Though I am a bit surprised that Jinx seems to be in some sort of leadership position/icon to the Underground (or at least Silco's crew). Because while she has many talents, leadership isn't one she's demonstrated. She was always Silco's troubleshooter/mad scientist/instrument of destruction more than anything else.
Silco: "You're perfect."

Though I am a bit surprised that Jinx seems to be in some sort of leadership position/icon to the Underground (or at least Silco's crew). Because while she has many talents, leadership isn't one she's demonstrated. She was always Silco's troubleshooter/mad scientist/instrument of destruction more than anything else.

She blew up the council building, an icon of top side's oppression of the under city.
She might not know how to lead or care to lead, but she simply is now because of that one act.
She could do with getting some medications and help for her mental health that isn't using violence as an outlet tho.

She blew up the council building, an icon of top side's oppression of the under city.
She might not know how to lead or care to lead, but she simply is now because of that one act.
This is the most cursed comparison I could make, but it's a bit of a 2019 Joker situation when you think about it lmao.
She could do with getting some medications and help for her mental health that isn't using violence as an outlet tho.

This is the most cursed comparison I could make, but it's a bit of a 2019 Joker situation when you think about it lmao.
Whether or not she leads is irrelevant. She's a symbol for Zaun to overthrow Piltover and disrupt the entire world economy since Noxus and other nations were using Piltover for their magical services for trade.

When you disrupt the bottom line? That gets the big players to swing the hammer.
Whether or not she leads is irrelevant. She's a symbol for Zaun to overthrow Piltover and disrupt the entire world economy since Noxus and other nations were using Piltover for their magical services for trade.

When you disrupt the bottom line? That gets the big players to swing the hammer.
You probably meant to quote jwolfe there.
The presence of Noxus, and Ambessa's introduction later in the first season is important for highlighting this, serves to reminds us that the conflict isn't as geopolitically simple as it is morally simple. Some of Silco's cruellest calls must be understood, if not necessarily justified, with Noxus in mind: it's not just about overthrowing Piltover, it's ensuring that in the aftermath that someone bigger and meaner than Piltover doesn't decide to take the goose laying the golden eggs. It's the same thing for Vi: while in the first season she was willing to work with an enforcer and then with Jace, I actually wouldn't have thought she'd join up to pacify the rebellion (regardless of the fact that in the game she is in fact a bad cop lol) ... if not for Noxus. Because if Piltover doesn't bring things to an end, Noxus will. And they would, without question, be a far worse ruler.

Then there are all the complicated personal feelings bound up in the events which influence the characters. If the story were just about Piltover and Zaun then the conversation would be different, but the wider context in which these two cities exist is kept in the frame, and everything is more complicated and more interesting as a result. That seems suitable for a story that is, in the end, about two sisters trying to kill each other.
The presence of Noxus, and Ambessa's introduction later in the first season is important for highlighting this, serves to reminds us that the conflict isn't as geopolitically simple as it is morally simple. Some of Silco's cruellest calls must be understood, if not necessarily justified, with Noxus in mind: it's not just about overthrowing Piltover, it's ensuring that in the aftermath that someone bigger and meaner than Piltover doesn't decide to take the goose laying the golden eggs. It's the same thing for Vi: while in the first season she was willing to work with an enforcer and then with Jace, I actually wouldn't have thought she'd join up to pacify the rebellion (regardless of the fact that in the game she is in fact a bad cop lol) ... if not for Noxus. Because if Piltover doesn't bring things to an end, Noxus will. And they would, without question, be a far worse ruler.

Then there are all the complicated personal feelings bound up in the events which influence the characters. If the story were just about Piltover and Zaun then the conversation would be different, but the wider context in which these two cities exist is kept in the frame, and everything is more complicated and more interesting as a result. That seems suitable for a story that is, in the end, about two sisters trying to kill each other.

But is it Noxus or just Ambessa herself?(And on that note, who is Ambessa talking to in the teaser? Is it Caitlyn? Mel? Is Mel dead or hurt? Because that'll probably play a big role in this if she is)

Ambessa seems to be somewhat important in Noxus if she is trusted to lead the conquering of a city, so she could definitely have the manpower to take on Zaun's criminal Underworld at least. But would she even have the backing of Noxus? She only came to Piltover to get her hands on HexTech because her family was in a very precarious position because Mel's brother 'Crossed The Wrong Man' and died for it. Honestly it could be a two fold, Avenge Mel(if she is indeed hurt) and or use this as an opportunity to conquer Piltover/Zaun to get back in the good graces of The Empire(Noxus being Noxus will always consume New Territory no matter where it is). And if said Empire will back her probably depends on how successful she is since her being in Piltover was her following her own ambitions, not for Noxus itself.
I can't see the future so I don't know, but the trailer has a bunch of warships that look like they're Noxian so I don't know if it necessarily matters :V
Just stirring up conversation, but as I said, it could just be Ambessa's own personal army, feel like if Noxus wanted to conquer Piltover/Zaun it'd be with a lot more overwhelming force.

Speaking of, does anyone know if this is before, after, or during the Ionian invasion? Or is Arcane removed from the main canon? I can't remember.
Just stirring up conversation, but as I said, it could just be Ambessa's own personal army, feel like if Noxus wanted to conquer Piltover/Zaun it'd be with a lot more overwhelming force.

Speaking of, does anyone know if this is before, after, or during the Ionian invasion? Or is Arcane removed from the main canon? I can't remember.
Pretty sure it's before.
Pretty sure Demacia would be a big possibility.
Lux is one of Riot's Golden Girls when it comes to selling stuff. Sylas is popular. It would be a chance for more antigovernment stuff.

Not to mention the lightcannon ship (Jinx/Lux) would take Demacia next as crumbs. :p
IDK why Lightcannon got so popular. the Wild Rift trailer? is it because there are no non creepy Jinx ships in Arcane so they decided to pair her with Lux.

and not whatever Kayn/Jinx is called. in the Odyssey Jinx thinks Kayn is handsome and a cut line when Odyssey Kayn kills Jinx and said she would have made a excellent concubine.

it has some cannon basis. through Kayn already has ships with Zed (what are you doing stepdad), Zoe (actually she is really seven hundred year old), Akali (vanilla/heterosexual enemies to lovers), and Rhaast (League's Veddie)

I can see Kayn/Jinx with Rhaast as a awkward third wheel or poly thing.

considering Jinx's story in Arcane I can see Parallels with Kayn being adopted by Zed like Jinx was adopted by Silco. the relationship would be deeply unhealthy with them encouraging their worse traits.
IDK why Lightcannon got so popular. the Wild Rift trailer? is it because there are no non creepy Jinx ships in Arcane so they decided to pair her with Lux.

and not whatever Kayn/Jinx is called. in the Odyssey Jinx thinks Kayn is handsome and a cut line when Odyssey Kayn kills Jinx and said she would have made a excellent concubine.

it has some cannon basis. through Kayn already has ships with Zed (what are you doing stepdad), Zoe (actually she is really seven hundred year old), Akali (vanilla/heterosexual enemies to lovers), and Rhaast (League's Veddie)

I can see Kayn/Jinx with Rhaast as a awkward third wheel or poly thing.

considering Jinx's story in Arcane I can see Parallels with Kayn being adopted by Zed like Jinx was adopted by Silco. the relationship would be deeply unhealthy with them encouraging their worse traits.

It started because both have a crazy laugh in League of Legends (especially Lux's original audio).

It really took off when Jinx got a Star Guardian skin the second time Riot did Magical Girls in part because now both were on a team together, SG Jinx had lines directed to Lux, and the Music Video that was released at that time gave a visual to their dynamic.

The Wild Rift trailer was just one of the more reletively recent additions to fuel fans. Lux is popular, Jinx is popular, Riot knows about the ship, so it's a no brainer to use 2 such banner character to promote the new thing.
IDK why Lightcannon got so popular. the Wild Rift trailer? is it because there are no non creepy Jinx ships in Arcane so they decided to pair her with Lux.

and not whatever Kayn/Jinx is called. in the Odyssey Jinx thinks Kayn is handsome and a cut line when Odyssey Kayn kills Jinx and said she would have made a excellent concubine.

it has some cannon basis. through Kayn already has ships with Zed (what are you doing stepdad), Zoe (actually she is really seven hundred year old), Akali (vanilla/heterosexual enemies to lovers), and Rhaast (League's Veddie)

I can see Kayn/Jinx with Rhaast as a awkward third wheel or poly thing.

considering Jinx's story in Arcane I can see Parallels with Kayn being adopted by Zed like Jinx was adopted by Silco. the relationship would be deeply unhealthy with them encouraging their worse traits.
I dont know any of these characters. Are half of them about as crazy as jjinx or something?
I dont know any of these characters. Are half of them about as crazy as jjinx or something?

Kayne war orphan turned deadly assassin who is currently fighting for control of his body vs Rhaast who is an ancient cursed warrior turned into a scythe that looks like Soul Edge. They can get along, but not always and not for long. Both do enjoy killing, though.

Zed is a Ninja and master of a darker clan of ninjas that have the sole goal of protecting their homeland, even if it "upsets the balance of nature". Noxus brought war to their lands, and people like Zed took up arms and said "Fuck balance, I'm getting results".

Akali is a teenage ninja usually under the guidance of the group who seeks balance, but being a teenager (and around the same age as Kayn) she isn't always willing to be patient with or listen to Shen (head ninja of the balance group and former brother in arms of Zed).

Zoe is a crazy child who also holds The Spirit of Twilight, an ancient celestial who is a trickster type and the harbinger of change. Said celestial is also part of the reason Rhaast and others like him were sealed in their weapons to begin with. Can't be a crazy blood mage warrior of great size and power if you get locked in your least that is until some idiot takes hold of said weapon, and then the old warrior can basically take over their body. Buuuuuut currently Zoe has the power but zero attention span and to busy either crushing on Ezreal (traveling archeologist, idiot, and poster pretty boy of League) or pestering a PRIMODIAL COSMIC DRAGON WHO CREATED GALAXIES (Aurelian Sol) who she calls "Space Puppy", much to his annoyance.