Netflix, Riot Game & Fortiche's Arcane

League "lore" is basically just a loose backstory summary that not infrequently changes in the specifics or context. Ie, Cait was the sophisticated upper class Detective sniper "I can't believe she's not Batman" lady with a longstanding relationship (professional and intimate) with her partner (professional and intimate...) Vi. Vi was the hotheaded and punch-happy ex-Zaun current Piltover cop. Both had a longstanding beef with Jinx, who ranged from Joker to (Tiny) Tina depending on how serious you were looking at. Etc.
yes they change lore all the time like what happned to Varus
the good news is even normal league lore doesn't bother to keep continuity with league lore :V
yes what happens is they release a bio and short story and then they fire the writers who made it and then five whole years latter they have a new writer replace the pitiful old amount of lore. like in Mordekaiser story he destroys the throne he made out of souls and says he doesn't need it. but in Legends of Runeterra which is set latter you see Mordekiaser with a throne. but isn't the last time we say Mordekiaser he said he didn't need a throne/

no who cares lets get this shitty card game made.
I happen to like the "2 gays and a vengeful spirit in one body" take we got with his update a few years ago.
Varus in Legends of Runeterra went through a whole personality shift. Going from hating Mortals for killing his own Species. To empowering humans to kill another Darkin. The exact opposite of his characterization.

Before this Varus was retconned from Ionian Archer with nebulous corruption who uses the very thing he was sent to guard and who he lost his family guarding as a weapon against Noxus while it slowly consumes him.

Which isn't that good but it's a simple and thematic story with potential compared to the mess he is in now.

Not helped by them retconning the amount of Darkin from five to as much as we can sell. And the concept of Darkin from a mysterious species with no defined origins to Mind Broken praise the sun mega ultra chickens fan club. Alongside demonizing War Veterans.

Making his motives of vengeance dumber.

Which doesn't deal with the issue people had with either retcons.
Valmar and Kai are still silent observers who don't even have any voice or defined personality. With their role is to help their abuser be a better person.

Varus has his whole characterization from his comic, bio, and short story flipped. The only content we had on him for years. that's not character development that's a total 180 to someone that Riot has totally ignored for five whole years.

Varus said lines like "too long since I supped the sweet stink of human terror."

that is not someone who will suddenly become chill. without a whole book long character arc. not flavor text in a card game storyline where Varus could have been removed and changed nothing.

it is frustrating Varus had the most change compared to the other Darkin when he had the least amount of focus. Legends of Runeterra rarely changes champions personalities so the fact they did it to Varus frustrates me.

Man, I hate what Legends of Runeterra did to Varus.

In his comic Varus was more sadistic than Rhaast and Aatrox.

While Rhaast was an adorable murder puppy and Aatrox is struggling with his trauma. Varus took pleasure from people's pain and emotionally tortured his two hosts.

His biography described him as "sadistic" him suddenly listening to his meat suite is out of nowhere.

He didn't even have a part in the crappy Darkin saga event.

If they wanted a darkin Who learns to sympathize with their host I think Rhaast was a much better choice. He already enjoyed playing with Kayn and was much more into killing people then the pain derived from violence.
Side-note: His followers give us literally nothing and I hate them because they feel like they only exist to justify him being a Runeterra champion and not because they fit him or compliment his story.

No, it was abundantly clearly that Varus is trying to end them, otherwise Kai and Valmar wouldn't be trying to support each other to keep themselves from disappearing. Val and Kai spoke as "we," but I don't think I ever saw Varus himself refer to himself as a "we."

Varus now seeks out those who trapped him, in order to enact his brutal vengeance, but the mortal souls within still resist him every step of the way.

This isn't willing cooperation.

Varus fights to silence the two mortal souls once and for all, and wreak vengeance for the destruction of his race. Still, Kai and Val struggle against his malevolent influence, hoping against hope that their love can overcome the darkin's hatred.

How long they can keep Varus conflicted is anyone's guess—but should this sadistic and egotistical killer come to fully dominate his new host...

Again, not willing cooperation.

He felt the anguish of Valmar and Kai within him, and grinned. Every death gnawed at them, weakened them, and made them less able to fight him.

This doesn't sound like Varus is trying to make friends. None of his lore or bio sounds like Varus wants to do anything other than eradicate them so he has full control of the host body, exactly like Rhaast and Aatrox do.

Varus's lore in LOR ignores all his previous characterization. It might be called "character development" but people usually see character development.

To use a example imagine if in Breaking Bad we see Walter White as this down on his luck chemistry teacher with terminal cancer and then after five real life years of radio silence we see him as this brutal drug lord.
Varus was a sadist dedicated to avenging his kind who emotionally tortured his hosts far more then Aatrox and Rhaast did.

He literally grinned at the emotional torment he caused them.
Him suddenly becoming more "human" makes no sense with his previously established lore. Which I reread religiously. The fan voice over update that was posted on the subreddit was way more accurate to his previous persona then the VO update he got five years later.

It's so frustrating that it took five years for a simple voice over update, and it completely changed his personality.

It's like if thresh suddenly developed a conscious. It's odd because that music video cost a lot of money. but they did nothing with it.

Riot changes lore whenever convenient like making Arcane canon instead of a AU because it was popular.

I don't want them to be in charge of Arcane and making it sell skins
dear god Konrad, eat a snickers and look away from any League stuff that is not Arcane if it makes you so gods damn angry. 0.0"
I found the whole thing informative-keeping up with League Lore is an exercise in futility and its nice to get some-slightly angry-cliff notes.

And yeah, Arcane should be relegated do AU since its a bit more grounded in its approach. At this point it'd be easier to just go with your own Headcanon when comes to LOL lore-which s probably for the better so you don't drive yourself mad trying to keep up with the 'New Meta' for storytelling.
Honestly, with the pace and the amazement of arcane, I would be fine with arcane being canon, because I don't know shit of the other characters. But then again, I watched the show based on the animation style, which is highly influential, combining 3d characters with 2d backgrounds.

Its also mostly because it's a new style of animation I never came across before. Most animation shows and movies of 2d and 3d animation has them separately, because combing them together can come out looking bad. Seeing arcane makes me go "yeah, this doesn't look too good, I can't watch this." It took me, like, 3 months to get into it, but I found it amazing.
I found the whole thing informative-keeping up with League Lore is an exercise in futility and its nice to get some-slightly angry-cliff notes.

And yeah, Arcane should be relegated do AU since its a bit more grounded in its approach. At this point it'd be easier to just go with your own Headcanon when comes to LOL lore-which s probably for the better so you don't drive yourself mad trying to keep up with the 'New Meta' for storytelling.
Yes they can't stop changing lore when ever they feel like it and then doing nothing.
Started reviewing Arcane, if anyone's curious.

Because I missed this until today, I missed commenting on Leila's excellent review of Arcane until today.

So I have one mostly irrelevant comment- Leila thought the development of Arcanotech was too fast, given it took only seven years (according to the creators). Which oddly, leads to my insurrection:

Basic Hextech is not that difficult to discover.

I mean consider- under pressure, two students (albeit geniuses), with zero funding develop the basic principles of Hextech in what, weeks? Days? That's an incredibly short time, and there's only two of them.

Now imagine hundreds, maybe thousands of technicians, engineers, testers, assistants, and all the resources they could want. Every time they make a new refinement to hextech, it gets shuffled off to an army of people who test it out and make it a practical technology. And as practical applications are developed, money comes in to expand them.

Imagine a NASA program that is devoted to Hextech. The US went from Mercury capsules to a Moon landing in that time period. So the first gates might have gone up in what, two years? And with a successful pilot program, allowing people and goods to flow quickly without worry of pirates or spoilage, other countries world spend money to get their own gates.

It's fast, but I consider it plausible.
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Looks like the rest of the chembarons are going to have a larger part to play this season. Odds of most of them living... low.
Did the first season have the League of Legends branding on the title at all? I recall that it didn't but it's been a long time. If it's new I guess they want to get more show to game converts like CD Projekt Red got with Edgerunners lol

In any case it looks like it'll be great. Some fantastic looks for many of the characters and a real sense of things going wildly off the rails.
I'm still sadden by the fact this show will only have two seasons. I wonder what they will make next.
So, I'm seeing a cute female Enforcer who is most certainly going to die. Though let's be real, if the season matches the tone of the trailer, there's going to be more dead named characters at the end than living ones.
Reports are that the first five episodes of S2 leaked, so I'd advise being careful when it comes to browsing the internet on anything pertaining to Arcane.
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