Mycelium Roots

[x] Okay, it looks like certain things can give me powers and others can't.
[x] Refrain from testing powers near flammable things
[x] Explore around a little bit more
[X] Your on fire! Literally! Check your stats now.
[x] Okay, it looks like certain things can give me powers and others can't.
[x] Refrain from testing powers near flammable things
[x] Explore around a little bit more
[X] Your on fire! Literally! Check your stats now.
[x] check stats! or is it skills?
[x] wonder if you can combine fire... beer... with thunder-root? In fact, try that! Imagine, a double-transformation mode!
[X] Think I have seen everything important here, time to move on from tunnel into world
[x] Say goodbye to the water god, it was adorable and deserves attention.
-[x] Unless it moved into the bottle, in which case bring it along. A travel buddy is always good!
[x] Move to an empty area and try the smog.

BUTCHER'S SCROLL INSCRIPTION I: rpb ecCiAeAitut lirahanoidRm seee n siaabptsuntEeySieonhsapret"utn nl" lc hog hsagewl eeltemciain nie eebrt lc h icseel,peevn smn lernsa o a e.v kra f tgg.serhin lv htss.meoitpevyrrg yui ycg​

[x] Say goodbye to the water god, it was adorable and deserves attention.
-[x] Unless it moved into the bottle, in which case bring it along. A travel buddy is always good!
[x] Move to an empty area and try the smog.
I saw what you did with the update text. We now have the candy-cane tower of BUSINESS!

[x] Say goodbye to the water god, it was adorable and deserves attention.
-[x] Unless it moved into the bottle, in which case bring it along. A travel buddy is always good!
[x] Move to an empty area and try the smog.
[x] Say goodbye to the water god, it was adorable and deserves attention.
-[x] Unless it moved into the bottle, in which case bring it along. A travel buddy is always good!
[x] Move to an empty area and try the smog.
For the last few updates all you've wanted to do is leave this place when it's obvious that it's for testing stuff and understanding the way the synth system and the power absorbing works. There's even a mana spring to recharge so we can test stuff. Why are you so intent on leaving?
[x] Say goodbye to the water god, it was adorable and deserves attention.
-[x] Unless it moved into the bottle, in which case bring it along. A travel buddy is always good!
[X] Think I have seen everything important here, time to move on from tunnel into world
[x] Say goodbye to the water god, it was adorable and deserves attention.
-[x] Unless it moved into the bottle, in which case bring it along. A travel buddy is always good!
[X] Think I have seen everything important here, time to move on from tunnel into world
[x] attack the arms with lava magic from range. They look suspiciously like they might have been enemies- and if they were, they might not be quite dead.
[x] if they're not ebil, then...I dunno, eat them?
[X] For lack of anything else to do touch the golden arm things, maybe they make a bridge?
-[X] Shoot lava at it if touching it does nothing.