Mycelium Roots

Part 47-2

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
Once again, you killed it my guy!
Love the backgrounds, love the soft floof of the cat and the little bouncing that happens when it pets us, the text boxes look baller as always, and again as always, I really love this whole unique 'small bits of animation plus static drawings' style you got going on!
Keep up the great work!

We need to return pets later, its only polite!

Also, seems like we found some communication device of a friend of Terra and Sin. How do we explain we found it from a zombiemail man and then three made from onion eating it? They might be an adventuring party based on conversation.

[X] Try to type out that you have no arms and that you found phone on mailman. Could they maybe meet up?
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[X] Try to type out that you have no arms and that you found phone on mailman. Could they maybe meet up?
[X] Pet the cat back between messages.
[X] Nuzzle the kitty
[X] Try to ask what an AGID is with our feet

There's a coded message below the post:

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

Reformatted to hexadecimal:
76190199 841B1243 69868048 3224E581 
1CA34201 56D9F270 6F090A75 0490A048 
D3F02521 603A9266 850CC242 81214239 
05247619 01998156 F9F20D29 24304190 
B6338292 70DD261A 42C0CCD1 2C1B582A 
2906C490 B65198F9 04993C09 09E08956 
2C5261A4 850730A4 8EA1A527 50DC0EF9 
F2168378 487640D2 270DD81D 412642EC 
7025258C C7EF80

Letters in ASCII are 41-5A (uppercase) and 61-7A (lowercase), so, this obviously isn't plain ASCII... I'm having trouble decoding it, but I think I'll leave this here for now. Hopefully this helps decode the inscription.
[X] Try to type out that you have no arms and that you found phone on mailman. Could they maybe meet up?
[X] Nuzzle the kitty
Part 48

ALCHEMICAL BEAKER INSCRIPTION VII: Oyraq n jubyr flagufuebbz gbtrgure jvgu 15 yvgref bs chevsvrq znan vashfrq yvdhvq. qvfgvyy fgenvtug vagb gbffornxref naq hfr ntnvafg nal rarzl gung pneevrf rdhvczrag. Gurer'f abguvat yvxr sbepvat lbhe rarzl gb or jung gurl jrne.

This has to be the most important update I have ever made to any of my stories and I hope the payoff of 15 years of artistic progress has lead to this.
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God, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Amazing update as always Dex! I really liked the mini-animwtions in this one, they really make the entire thing feel alive!
Yup, worth it!

[X] Type back that you have no arms and that you want to meet, also you have a cat!