Mycelium Roots

[x]Duck back out and eat the tiny synthshroom on the ground which is totally small enough for that so you can use it for fusion later
[x] ...then run away again.
[X] wait big shroom is stuck they cant do anything against us we can go back and look at that blue angular shape
Poof remains adorable, the muschroom marm is rad and scary
The marm also has excellent facial expressions like poof.
[X] Next stop for the nope train: Some fucking tunnel. This train has no breaks.
Part 15

CRADLE CLAW INSCRIPTION I: P a t h   o f   o i l :   W a n d e r   t h e   t a r   p i t s ,   s e e k i n g   t h e   s i l v e r e d   s l u d g e .   S o a k   i n   i t ' s   e s s e n c e .   S e e k   n e w   f o r m s   i n   t h e   o i l ,   f o r   o i l   i s   t h e   f i r s t   e l e m e n t . 

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[X] Take the stress ball. You are so stressed right now. Like seriously a mushroom should not be able to get this stressed.
Ths is definitely a deliberately made place. I am kinda curious about that water.

[x] I am shroom, I absorb water.
[X] Take the stress ball. You are so stressed right now. Like seriously a mushroom should not be able to get this stressed.
[x] investigate water thing
[x] EAt a stresbna;ll! for the possible powepoweporpeorer up?!!
[x] talk to the green guy and offer to zap htier chains into notbeingchainsitty?
CRADLE CLAW INSCRIPTION I: P a t h   o f   o i l :   W a n d e r   t h e   t a r   p i t s ,   s e e k i n g   t h e   s i l v e r e d   s l u d g e .   S o a k   i n   i t ' s   e s s e n c e .   S e e k   n e w   f o r m s   i n   t h e   o i l ,   f o r   o i l   i s   t h e   f i r s t   e l e m e n t . 

Putting that into google got me to this site: DDecode - Hex,Octal,HTML Decoder
since it seems like it saves an archive of the inputs and outputs, so a lot of the "x61" stuff turned up results. They were formatted like /x61/x74/x68/ instead of the &# and semicolons, so I swapped those out and the site gave me this output:
Path of oil: Wander the tar pits, seeking the silvered sludge. Soak in it's essence. Seek new forms in the oil, for oil is the first element.\xa\
I don't know enough about hex to tell you if that xa means anything and I just did something wrong or if Dex just dropped a character.
[x] investigate water thing
[x] EAt a stresbna;ll! for the possible powepoweporpeorer up?!!
[x] talk to the green guy and offer to zap htier chains into notbeingchainsitty?

Me want power! Me want arms! Me want lore!
[X] Acknowledge upside-down person
[X] Acquire written information
[X] Absorb A God the pool of water
[X] Retrieve BOOZE
I actually do think the employee of the month wall is worth checking out. For one, seeing if we recognize anyone on the off chance that this is our office, but also it'll give us a look a whoever used to use this place regardless. They might not be human, for all we know.
[X] Wait, is that a guy hanging from ceiling? Is he okay? Poof at him?
[x] I am shroom, I absorb water.
[X] Acknowledge upside-down person
[X] Acquire written information
[X] Absorb A God the pool of water
[X] Retrieve BOOZE
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