My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

@aceraptor, Gluttony most likely has 6 equals (though slightly more clout as the oldest sibling) and one overlord.

And well... Werewolf... Still has his parents to deal with.
Hm... Gluttony has 7 other rivals of equal strength and seems to have a overlord that it has to obey?
Less rivals and more 'genuinely loving siblings' but yeah.

Oh and there's six of them including the overlord.
Werewolf, from the background, rather seems like the 'Fuck you politics! I wanna enjoy life!' prince, so while his life is likely politically relevant he doesn't have a truly relevant superior he has to unquestioningly obey?
He does work for his mother more often than not. Occasionally his farther sends requests but they tend to be more along the lines of 'terrify this guy silly' and similar pranks than anything actually threatening. That said when his father does get serous the PC knows it's big enough that it needs to be done ASAP.

Also, @undead frog any tidbits about the werewolf prince? Plus, does he lose control on full moon or does he retain full control over himself and his power even when boosted by the Moon?
He becomes significantly stronger physically during a full moon but as a result has much less control and is prone to complete rampages if he isn't careful.

On the opposite end he because significantly better at magic during a new moon but is significantly more likely to troll people for no reason.
Less rivals and more 'genuinely loving siblings' but yeah.

Oh and there's six no including the overlord.

He does work for his mother more often than not. Occasionally his farther sends requests but they tend to be more along the lines of 'terrify this guy silly' and similar pranks than anything actually threatening. That said when his father does get serous the PC knows it's big enough that it needs to be done ASAP.

He becomes significantly stronger physically during a full moon but as a result has much less control and is prone to complete rampages if he isn't careful.

On the opposite end he because significantly better at magic during a new moon but is significantly more likely to troll people for no reason.

That sounds like my kinda guy. Sorry Gluttony. The Oshino will now be on the Werewolf Prince.
...So the Werewolf prince is a troller at heart, with a troller for a father. I'm okay with this.

It'll be hilarious if the heroine gets trolled by the prince without knowing who trolled her. :p Only to find out later.
...So the Werewolf prince is a troller at heart, with a troller for a father. I'm okay with this.

It'll be hilarious if the heroine gets trolled by the prince without knowing who trolled her. :p Only to find out later.
Actually the best combo of interaction of trolling?

The Prince trolls the Princess without either of them knowing.

Until waaaaaaaaaaay later.

There is nothing that says you are a master troll better than pulling off trolling yourself in ignorance. In my opinion.
That's just being a Fey!

My whole plan was that we'd be so blindingly obvious about the "wolf" thing that she'd automatically assume that it wasn't us. Of course, it would also involve lots of wordplay/secondary meanings, not mentioning certain details, and having legitimate reasons to be other places whenever a problem of our faction was going down... But that's just standard for Fey. We'd never lie. But we might not be the most benign in any trick we pulled.

EDIT: Example: "Hello, my name is Romulus. My parents met there and my dad found it amusing."
In this case, it is likely that his parents did meet there at some point, but that might not be where they first met or conceived their child. Lord Shade is stated to be the joker of the pair and what's a bigger joke than naming your werewolf son after a child who had a wolf for a mother?
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[x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
Pros: You could easily be an Big bad in your own right if you weren't working with seven beings who all shared the same weight class.
Cons: You are a major 'Knight of Cerberus' even the other forces of evil are afraid of you so expect them to start ramping very quickly if you show up in your true form, or your power becomes to prevalent.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.

Tricks and prestidigitation vs sheer raw whatever-we-wield? Nice.

Edit: also, I like the premise. I really do, and I don't want it to dissolve. The mad experiment and the werewolf smell to me like independant actors, too much risk of the quest turning neutral within the first 10 turns. The homunculus option is too close of grey vs gray to me. This option ensures the main theme keeps existing, that the main conflict does not mutate into "I'm bad, but not really. I'm just a helpful neutral party".
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Fun fact.

In his human form Gluttony has a cute little stuffed doll with it's arms wrapped around his neck.

When he transforms the doll grows to massive sizes, absorbs his human disguise, and starts rampaging.
Honestly this seems kind of... Odd? Sort of hilarious in the sense that this really creepy skeletal dude becomes less creepy when transformed.
You know, while I still want the mad scientist to win, I honestly like all the options.
[x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
Pros: You could easily be an Big bad in your own right if you weren't working with seven beings who all shared the same weight class.
Cons: You are a major 'Knight of Cerberus' even the other forces of evil are afraid of you so expect them to start ramping very quickly if you show up in your true form, or your power becomes to prevalent.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.

Tricks and prestidigitation vs sheer raw whatever-we-wield? Nice.

Edit: also, I like the premise. I really do, and I don't want it to dissolve. The mad experiment and the werewolf smell to me like independant actors, too much risk of the quest turning neutral within the first 10 turns. The homunculus option is too close of grey vs gray to me. This option ensures the main theme keeps existing, that the main conflict does not mutate into "I'm bad, but not really. I'm just a helpful neutral party".
Well it does mean that when ever the shit starts to really meet the rotary air impeller we can unleash shittons of whoopass as Gluttony.

You know, while I still want the mad scientist to win, I honestly like all the options.

They so good.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 24, 2017 at 9:10 PM, finished with 63 posts and 23 votes.
  • 24

    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Lady of Gears
    [x] Valor: Channeling the virtue of Valor this champion will never cower in the face of evil!
    [X] The Sin of Gluttony
    [X] Valor
[x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.

[x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
[x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
Pros: You could easily be an Big bad in your own right if you weren't working with seven beings who all shared the same weight class.
Cons: You are a major 'Knight of Cerberus' even the other forces of evil are afraid of you so expect them to start ramping very quickly if you show up in your true form, or your power becomes to prevalent.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
That too. This is why my second favorite option is the werewolf.

But then we wouldn't have evil plots and dear siblings.
Werewolf-Fae Prince will have *plenty* of evil plots and dear siblings/cousins. Fae politics for one. And fae likely have boatloads of children over their life time, both pure and partbloods.

All the jockeying for positions in politics magnified.

Edit: The gluttony option doesn't do much for me tbh.
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Less rivals and more 'genuinely loving siblings' but yeah.

Oh and there's six of them including the overlord.

He does work for his mother more often than not. Occasionally his farther sends requests but they tend to be more along the lines of 'terrify this guy silly' and similar pranks than anything actually threatening. That said when his father does get serous the PC knows it's big enough that it needs to be done ASAP.

He becomes significantly stronger physically during a full moon but as a result has much less control and is prone to complete rampages if he isn't careful.

On the opposite end he because significantly better at magic during a new moon but is significantly more likely to troll people for no reason.
Uh, question?

How strong is The Sin of Gluttony in sealed form?

I.e how much whoopass do we pack?
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 24, 2017 at 9:14 PM, finished with 66 posts and 24 votes.
  • 25

    [x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Lady of Gears
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Valor: Channeling the virtue of Valor this champion will never cower in the face of evil!
    [X] The Sin of Gluttony
    [X] Valor
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
Edit: also, I like the premise. I really do, and I don't want it to dissolve. The mad experiment and the werewolf smell to me like independant actors, too much risk of the quest turning neutral within the first 10 turns. The homunculus option is too close of grey vs gray to me. This option ensures the main theme keeps existing, that the main conflict does not mutate into "I'm bad, but not really. I'm just a helpful neutral party".
I think the GM can set things up that it won't be half so easy to deal with any scenario. The Mad-scientist will constantly be making robots that also happen to know all her "helpful" tech's weak points. (It's implied that they're made in moments of psychosis.)

The Fey... Are in some ways utterly bound by who and what they are. Never mind any promises they make. And as someone who grew up in the "bad/Winter" court... We'd have had to have made lots of them. Of course, equally, we'd have some over on other people.

It's not the same, that's just politics with relatives.
And Seven Deadly Sins won't be?

Besides, you did notice the second line of that post right?
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Jul 24, 2017 at 9:28 PM, finished with 72 posts and 26 votes.
  • 27

    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Lady of Gears
    [x] Valor: Channeling the virtue of Valor this champion will never cower in the face of evil!
    [X] The Sin of Gluttony
    [X] Valor
Uh, question?

How strong is The Sin of Gluttony in sealed form?

I.e how much whoopass do we pack?
Your doll in it's normal form is capible of punching a car clear across the city.

The PC himself can fight on par with a low level magical warrior even without arousing suspicion so long as he just empowers an objects in his spare time and uses that instead of using it directly.
[x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.

[x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
Last edited:
[x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
Pros: You could easily be an Big bad in your own right if you weren't working with seven beings who all shared the same weight class.
Cons: You are a major 'Knight of Cerberus' even the other forces of evil are afraid of you so expect them to start ramping very quickly if you show up in your true form, or your power becomes to prevalent.

[x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
Sad that Gluttony seems to be winning. :(

IMO troll werewolf prince trolling the fae!princess repeatedly without either realizing it would be hilarious. And I think their relationship would be the most complex out of all the combos i think.
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Honestly this seems kind of... Odd? Sort of hilarious in the sense that this really creepy skeletal dude becomes less creepy when transformed.
Well keep in mind the his disguised form isn't all that bad looking.

His original human form basically digested itself during the experiments preformed on him...he's a Knight of Cerberus when he does become active for a reason and it's not only becuase of how strong he is.
Your doll in it's normal form is capible of punching a car clear across the city.

The PC himself can fight on par with a low level magical warrior even without arousing suspicion so long as he just empowers an objects in his spare time and uses that instead of using it directly.
Hoooooly shit.

Enchanter for the go!

Sorry folks who want Werewolf + Fairy but this is now my jam!

[x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
Pros: You could easily be an Big bad in your own right if you weren't working with seven beings who all shared the same weight class.
Cons: You are a major 'Knight of Cerberus' even the other forces of evil are afraid of you so expect them to start ramping very quickly if you show up in your true form, or your power becomes to prevalent.

[x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the Fairy Princess attacks her enemies using a variety of confusing magical attacks.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 24, 2017 at 9:32 PM, finished with 75 posts and 26 votes.
  • 28

    [x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Lady of Gears
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Valor: Channeling the virtue of Valor this champion will never cower in the face of evil!
    [X] The Sin of Gluttony
    [X] Valor
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 24, 2017 at 9:34 PM, finished with 75 posts and 26 votes.

  • [x] The Werewolf Prince: The son of the Lady of Savagery and the Lord of Shades you are a powerful fey abomination capible of utterly destroying most who oppose you...and that's without a full moon boosting your power.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] Beautiful Fairy Princess!: Descended from a line of good fey the FairyPrincess attacks her enemies using avariety of confusing magical attacks.
    [x] The Werewolf Prince
    [x] Lady of Gears
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!
    [x] The Sin of Gluttony: Transformed into an abomination as the result of a horrible experiment you are the eldest and most powerful of your brother answering only to the Lady of Sin in your forces proverbial hierarchy, and that's saying something considering how strong each and every one of your siblings are.
    [x] Valor: Channeling the virtue of Valor this champion will never cower in the face of evil!
    [X] The Sin of Gluttony
    [X] Valor
    [x] The Mad Scientist: Instead of and ancient evil or hopped up cult the source of your problems comes from your own madness, while you are decent and even helpful most of the time the fact remains that your worst parts can flare up at a moments notice, and you can cause quite a bit of damage during those instances.
    [x] The Defender of Light!: A heroine who channels the power of light into her attacks, at the moment she's limited to light blasts but who knows how long it will stay that way?
    [x] The Alpha Homunculus: Created by a witch from a long lost magical empire you were actually created recently and have been raised in the modern day to counteract the Witches own behind the times attitude. Unfortunately one of the Witches mortal enemies also happens to have been one of your friends ancient predecessors.
    [x] Lady of Gears: Using a powerful mechanical enchantment passed down through her family the lady of gears face evil with an arsenal of magical firepower!