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I know words.

I use words before. Before Hunger. I know many times I use words. I...


Hentai Antagonist
Achievement Unlocked!
Long Pork. The Other White Meat.
Consume human flesh.

For gaining your first Achievement, you have received +1 to all Stats!



I know words.

I use words before. Before Hunger. I know many times I use words. I not use words now. Kin not use words now. Not after Hunger.

I look at Meat in front of me. Meat good. Meat tasty. Meat cold now. Hunger back now. Bad before. Better now. Quieter.

Nothing in alley now. Just me. I go. Find more Meat.

I leave alley. I see Kin near me. Kin are Kin. Some like me. Strong, tough. Good legs and good arms and good mouth. Some not like me. Bad legs or bad arms or bad mouth. Weak Kin. Poor Kin.

Bad for them. Good for me. Meat for strong Kin only.

No Meat here. Much Meat once, all places. Meat few now. Meat only once in much time. It okay. We go get Meat any place.

Much walking. It okay. Easy for me. No Kin here. Kin too slow. Not easy for me before. I better now? Weird. Good.

By walking a large distance, you have increased your endurance! +1 STM!

More words. What meaning? Dunno.

Noise! Not Kin moans! Meat nearby! I yell. Call Kin. Many Kin make easy Meat. Kin join me. Walk with me. Is good.

I see Meat. Meat see me. Meat see Kin. Meat run. Meat always run. Kin walk. Kin always walk. I run? I run. Yes. Is good. I strong Kin. I strongest Kin. Strongest Kin get Meat.

By coordinating your limbs for rapid movement, you have gained +1 SPD!

More words. No time. Get Meat. Meat close now. Meat not see me. Good. No. Meat hear me. Meat see me. Meat has big eyes.

"Oh fuck, when'd they start running?!"

Meat says words. I know Meat words? Later. Meat has stick. Bat. Yes.

"Let's do this, motherfucker!"

Meat stop running. Good. Meat grab bat. Meat swing bat.


Is fine. Meat tasty.

"What- Oof!"

I push Meat down. Grab Meat arms.

"Aw shit, no, not like this, no no no-"

Meat still talk? Why? Dunno. I bite Meat neck. Meat warm. Good. Taste better.

Meat scream.

I eat.


Lvl. 3 Survivor Defeated! +300 EXP!

Meat cold now. All gone. Hunger gone. Good. I not like Hunger. Hurt. I see bat. Bat hurt me. Bat hurt Kin. Bat hurt… Meat? I use bat hurt Meat? Yes? Yes. Yes! I grab bat. My bat. My Meat. All Mine. Mine!

Achievement Unlocked!
...Is A Good Offense.
Equip a weapon.
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I swing bat. Hard to do. Meat make it look easy. Tricky, tricky, Meat. Kin near me mostly gone. Went find hiding place or find Meat. Some Kin like hiding and waiting and surprising Meat. Some Kin like walking to find Meat and hitting. Easy telling what Kin likes. Just look at Kin color. Dark green Kin hide, light green Kin walk. Sometimes colors wrong but not often. Easy telling Kin is Kin and Meat is Meat, too. Kin always green. Meat always not green. Simple.

Meat turn green slowly when become Kin, though. Hmm. Mystery!

I want try bat. How do? Meat no near me. Take long time finding Meat. Hmm. Ah-ha! Use Kin! I walk to Kin standing near me. Kin waiting. Kin always waiting or finding Meat. Is what is. This Kin is weak Kin, is missing arm. I hold bat on Kin head. Kin stares at me. Slowly raise up bat. Ready… now!

Smash! Ha ha! Kin head smooshed! Bat work well!

Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +10 EXP!

Achievement Unlocked!

Destroy a zombie.

More words. Words, words, words. Why words? Words show up when I eat Meat. Words show up when I smash Kin. Hmm. Smash Kin again, words show again? I try it.

Hello Kin.


Goodbye Kin.

Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +10 EXP!

Ha ha! I right! Again, again!


Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +10 EXP!

More smash!

Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +10 EXP!

Smash again! Ha!

Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +10 EXP!

. . .

"Hey, Jake. Come take a look at this."

"Huh?" was the reply of the man reclining in the beach chair. A pair of aviator sunglasses hid his eyes as he nursed his beer under the harsh light of the afternoon sun. The breeze at his altitude kept him cool, at least. "Sup, dude?"

"There's a zombie down there beatin' the shit outta' the other ones," the man explained.

"…What? 'Lemme see." The man held out his pair of binoculars to his friend as he leaned against the rooftop railing. Jake set his beer down and tucked his sunglasses into his shirt before he accepted the offered gift. "Where they at?"

"On the left," he replied, pointing a finger. "Near that bus in the intersection."

"Oh. Oh, holy shit, you're right. Look at him go, damn. He's tearing through them. Big motherfucker, ain't he? Wha'dya thinks the reason?"

"The reason?"

"You know," Jake gestured with his right hand, palm held upward, as his left held the binoculars that he watched the zombie through. "The zombie. Going loco. Coo-Coo for CoCo Puffs. Whackin' it harder than a virgin on Friday night."

"Alright, I get it," the man chuckled. "Yeah, no clue, man. Maybe it's not actually a zombie?"

"Bruh," Jake turned to face his friend, visibly displaying his incredulousness, "the thing is baby-shit green. It's pretty obvious it's a zombie."

The man spread his arm wide open. "Maybe it's just a guy who took a bath in green paint?"

"Pfft, yeah. Why're you so against it actually being one?"

"Because it's beatin' the shit outta them with a bat. Deliberately. That's tool use. That's a sign of intelligence. And the idea of a smart zombie, that scares me, man."

"Oh. Oh, fuck me, you're right. That is kinda scary when you think about it, ain't it?


Silence passed between the two men.

"Maybe it's friendly?" Jake offered.

"Heh, I wish I had your optimism."

"Well, whatever it is, hope Eddie down there has a good time."


"Eddie Stubbs."


"Ah, you plebeian, " Jake said with a haughty tone, "you don't recognize the classics."

"Maaaan, fuck you," his friend replied with a smile.

Jake just laughed.
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Ha, ha, ha. Many Kin dead. Too funny. Same Words every time. Not know what mean. Know Words are words. Just not what words are. Can't read. Shame.

Hmm. Hunger not back yet. Is good. I not like Hunger. Hurts. Annoying. Why not back? Always back before I remember words. Always finding Meat or eating Meat. Nothing else doing. This new. Strange. Is nice though. No hurt is always good. Can think.

What next? Hunger will come back. Find more Meat then. Easy. Just do that? Me and Kin will eat Meat. All Meat we want. Meat make more Kin. More Kin eat more Meat. Simple. Easy. Me and Kin eat all Meat. And when no more Meat then…


No more Meat! If Kin eat all Meat then no more Meat! No! Cannot be! What do?! How fix?!

Calm. I calm. Think smart, me.

I eat Meat. Kin eat Meat. If I or Kin not eat all Meat, Meat become Kin. More Kin mean less Meat for me. I need Kin? No. I strong enough without Kin. I know this. Smash all Kin? Less Kin mean more Meat for me. Ha ha, more Meat. I smash all Kin! Meat only for me! Hmm. But Meat still run out in end. How fix? Ah-ha! I remember! Meat make more Meat! Is genius! I smart. I surprise myself. Thinking is great!

For logically deducing your next plan of action, you have gained +1 SMT!

Argh! Head! Head hurts! Ow-wow-wow-wow. Why head hurt? Why? What Words say? New Words? Must learn how read. If Words hurt me, I need know what Words mean. How learn? Hmm. Meat knows. Okay. I learn Words from Meat.

Go over Plan. I smash Kin. Less Kin mean more Meat. Meat make more Meat. I eat old Meat. I have all Meat for all time. Meat teach me Words. Yes. This good. I smartest Kin ever. Hee-hee, I become Meat farmer. Is good plan. I proud of me.

Now, must find Meat.
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This, Jane decided, was totally not good.

The task assigned to her was simple. Travel to the location, scout it for any potential salvage, and return to the Fort with her findings. And for the most part, it went well. But then, she made a mistake; a very silly mistake that she should have known better than to make. Cutting through the alley to save two blocks worth of travel time had just been so tempting. She could see the exit from the entrance, even. These and other such reasonings were what she told herself as she traveled the narrow, enclosed path. Of course, those excuses did not help her when she suddenly found both exits blocked off by a cluster of zombies. It was not a deliberately malicious action, however it may have seemed; merely the misfortune of two wandering zed groups happening upon her. She knew firsthand that the zombies lacked the intelligence to even begin to coordinate something of this caliber, having exploited their stupidity over the many months of her service. Zombies, as she knew them, were slow and stupid - but not stupidly slow or slowly stupid - and thus could be avoided so long as one took care. They only became truly dangerous in massed groups or when one suddenly appeared in your personal space without you realizing it.

Now it was her turn to eat crow, for she had disregarded one of the cardinal rules of traveling through zombie-infested territory: do not entrap yourself in the environment. Which was why, as she unholstered her pistol, she was not looking forward to giving her debriefing at the end of this. A Scout was not intended to engage the Zeds. There was also the matter of her pistol's report, which would draw every zombie within hearing distance to her location. She would have to book it back to the Fort to avoid getting surrounded again. She mentally prepared herself for what was to come.

This was when reality departed from her expectations.

I looking for Meat. Much time since I make plan. I smash Kin where find them. Same Words each time. Ho-hum, ho-hum.

Ah-ha! Meat! Meat go in alley. Kin go in alley too. Stupid Kin, Meat is my Meat. I smash Kin with bat. Smash, smash.

3x Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +30 EXP!

More Kin at other end. I go smash them too. Push Meat out of way. Meat is tiny. Tiny Meat have big eyes. Like Meat I eat after remember words. Surprise. Yes, that. I is surprise.

Smash Kin. Smash, smoosh, smash.

4x Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +40 EXP!

None of her experiences prepared Jane for what she was witnessing. The largest zombie she had ever seen, at least seven feet tall, was annihilating the group of zombies by the alley's entrance. The shock of the sight left her fumbling for her pistol as the zombie finished its bloody work and thundered towards her. She had just brought her pistol to bear when the zombie shoved her to the side and into the alley wall, knocking it out of her hands. Jane desperately gasped for air. As she scrambled to grab her gun, she absently noted that the zombie had foisted itself upon the opposite group of zeds. When it had finished with them, it turned around to face her, stock still. She drew her pistol upon him, unsure as to what would happen next.

Silence passed between the two.

Just Meat and I now. I eat Meat? No, not Hungry. I get Meat teach Words. How do that? Hmm. Oh, must talk. I talk now. Here go.

"Ba. Ha ba ba. Ha ba ba da ga da. Ha ba ba da da ba," the zombie proudly announced.

Jane didn't have the slightest idea what to make of that.

THAT NOT WORDS! What doing, mouth?! Stupid, stupid! Speak good! Do again!

"Me… Kin," came the slow, unsure voice of the zombie. "You… Tiny… Meat."

Jane was horrified. It was one thing to go up against the normal zeds. They acted like dumb animals and they could easily be outsmarted. This thing was different. There was intelligence there. It talked to her. It called her Meat. It also called her short which she was kind of upset about.

So, Jane did the reasonable thing and shot the zombie between the eyes. Then she ran away.

Her debriefing would certainly be interesting.


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Ow. Ow wow wow wow. Owo. Gun hurts. Never get shoot again. Not fun. Made hole on face! Hole smaller now. Is good.

Much time since Tiny Meat shoot me. Pain make me fall down. Tiny Meat run away after. I angry at Tiny Meat. Tiny Meat hurt me! Next time see Tiny Meat, I eat even if no Hunger.

…Why? Hmm. I not know. Feel like right thing to do. Make me happy. Happy? What is happy? Funny word. Happy, happy, happy…

I try find Tiny Meat again. Or other Meat. Either good.

. . .

Achievement Unlocked!
Rainy Day Fund
Have 1,000 EXP in your Bank.

New words again. I smash Kin and this show up. Must learn read soon.

. . .

Much walking. Dark now. Kin sleep now. I not sleep, though. Not sleep any. Is good. More time do stuff. I not sleep since remember words. Many things new since remember words. Why? I not know. I not same as Kin like before. Mystery!

I try talk like before. Talk better now. Sometime Kin think I Meat when hear. No problem, smash them anyway.

Oh! I see Meat. Not Tiny Meat. I Hungry? No. Hmm. Long time since Hunger last. Longer now between Hungers than before between Hungers but after I remember words. What change? Must find out.

Anyways. Meat up there. I say hello. Hope not shoot this time.

. . .

David looked down from upon his lookout tower at the figure that was walking up to the gate. Lifting his rifle to chest level caused its barrel to glean in the pale moonlight. His current task was to protect this end of the walled-off street from anyone that might try to get through. Honestly, he didn't expect anything to actually happen during his shift. The zeds tended to go inactive when the sun went down, so everyone took the chance to catch up on their rest without having to worry about the undead creeping up on them.

Well, mostly everyone, anyway.

David could make out the bat that was loosely gripped in the figure's hand. Unfortunately, the angle of the moonlight obscured their front, leaving a shadowy silhouette. He didn't need to see their definitions to realize just how tall they were, however. Slightly intimidated, David cleared his throat and began to speak. "That's far enough, stranger." The figure stopped where they stood, waiting. "Who are you?"

"I is Kin," came the slurred reply. "Who you?" David's eyes widened. He would have to handle this delicately.

"Well, Ken," answered the man, "my name is David. What brings you here tonight, Ken?"

"Need help. You help?"

"Maybe. What kinda' help do you need?"

"Need learn words."

"…words? You mean, you need someone to teach you how to read?" David clarified, incredulous.


This caught David off guard. Of all the possible things someone could ask for during the apocalypse, gaining literacy was not one of the more common ones.

"I'll, uh, talk to my friend here and see what we can do." David reached down to his belt and brought up his radio transceiver. "John, could you come to the gate? Like, now?"

"Heading over. Any trouble?" was the crackly response.

"No, no, just… head up, you'll see for yourself." With that, David set the transceiver back into his belt. An awkward (for him, at least) silence descended between the two.

"So, you good with that bat you got there?" said David.

"Yes. Much smash. Easy."

"Well, that," David wet his lips, "that's good."

More silence.

"I'm here, Dave. What's up?"

"Ah, John, thanks. Just come up here with me, you'll see."

"Alright. Now, what's got you all worked- oh."

"Yeah. John, this is Ken. Ken, this is my friend, John."

"Hello John," said the figure.

"Dave, what's going on here?"

David leaned towards John's ear, intent on whispering his reply.

"John, I think this poor man's a bit… simple."

John leaned back, glancing down at the poorly illuminated figure below them, before leaning forward to resume his conversation.

"And?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean, 'And'? We can't just leave this guy on our doorstep."

"Well, what does he want? You never said."

"Oh, right," David admitted sheepishly. "Yeah, he wants someone to make him literate."

John stared at his fellow with his bagged eyes. "…Right." He walked over to the siding of the tower. "You down there, whoever you are-"

"He said 'is name's Ken."

"Right, Ken, listen. Say we were to teach you how to read. What would you do for us, in turn?"

. . .

Talk going well! No shoot me. Always good. Meat ask what give if Meat teach words. Hmm. Think what Meat want. Ah. Meat always try smash Kin. Promise that?

. . .

"I smash for you. I good with bat. Smash many on way here!" 'Ken' proudly announced after some delay. The two men on the tower turned to each other.

"This guy gets into scraps with the Zed and comes out on top? That's pretty good," muttered David.

"I will admit, having another strong arm would be useful right now," conceded John. "Very well. Dave, you stay here and keep an eye on our new friend. I'll go wake up the others."

"Got it, boss." With that said, David turned back to their apparent new inductee. "So, seems we've got a deal, Ken."

"Ha ha! Very good. I learn Words!"

David chuckled at Ken's enthusiasm.

. . .

This going so well! I find Meat, I learn Words, all is good!

. . .

After a bit of waiting, David was given the go-ahead by John to let 'Ken' through the gate. David could see each of the six other members of their group gathered around a lantern in the middle of the street. Each of them had tired but happy expressions on their faces, the unpleasantness of being woken up midway through their rest being overridden by the joy of finding a new fellow in this apocalypse. As 'Ken' walked closer to the group and into the illumination of the lantern, each of their faces slowly shifted into a mask of horror. They were moments away from grabbing the weapons at their sides when the monster spoke to them.

"Ah, I know faces! You is surprised!"
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Everyone's voice went off at once.

"John, what the fuck – Holy shit – Is that a – Why is that – Goddamn – Oh my God – Oh dear," the group exclaimed. Every human in attendance had aimed a firearm at the zombie.

"Hello! I is Kin. It nice to meet you. You teach Words now?" was the zombie's seemingly nonchalant response to being threatened. A silence passed over the humans as they worked through what they were observing.

"Hey, Mark," came the shaky voice of one, "am I still dreaming or did that zombie just talk to us?"

"Nah," replied the other, eyes locked onto the zed, "you ain't dreaming. Question is, am I still dreaming?"

"Alright," commanded John's authoritative voice, "obviously, this was an unexpected development. Let's… start off with some answers. What exactly are you?"

"I tell you before, I is Kin."

"Kin? I thought he said Ken," murmured David from behind the zombie.

"Yes, but what is a Kin?" asked John, ignoring David.

"Not know Kin? Many Kin outside. Kin green. Kin eat Meats. Kin go 'Bwaaaaagh' all day long. How not know Kin?"

"Okay, yes, it's obvious you're a zombie," John sighed in exasperation, "What I meant was, how are you talking to us? What makes you different?"

"Ah, I not know. One day I became smartest Kin," the zombie proudly stated, pleased with itself. "That pretty much it."

"Damn. Right. Next question, what do you want with us?"

"I already tell you. I need learn words. You teach me."

John couldn't believe what he was hearing.



"Why do you want us to teach you how to read?"

"Because I want to."

John had an utterly gobsmacked expression on his face, realizing what a silly question he had asked.

"Ah, right. I suppose that makes sense. And you'll kill zombies for us if we do this for you?"

"John, you can't be serious!" countered a voice, "It is a zombie! What if it tries to eat us?"

"Oh, not worry!" interrupted said zombie, "I not eat you. How learn Words then? Yes, I smash Kin for you. It easy. I smash many Kin before, it very fun."

"Good to know," John acknowledged. He took a deep breath before he addressed his followers. "Look, it's obviously a lot to dige- think about at this point. It's late and we're all tired, so let's sleep on it and decide in the morning." He focused on the zombie. "If you'd be so kind, Ken – right, that's not your name – would you wait outside the walls until we come get you?"

"Oh, sure. I forget you need sleeps. I wait just outside walls for you!"


And so the zombie walked out of the gate, which was shut behind it and locked up tight. True to their word, everyone tried to catch some shut-eye after that.


. . .

I meet so much Meat! Not see this many Meat in one place before. Is good! I talk with Meat more after Meat go sleep. Meat decide if Meat want to teach words. Hope Meat does. If not, I go find other Meat to teach words. Remember this place when feel Hunger. Meat still be useful.

. . .

It was safe to say that everyone was feeling a bit frazzled at the breakfast table that morning.

"So," John began, "now that we've gotten a night's rest, let's decide what we're going to do about Ken."

"We're still calling it Ken?" questioned David.

"For lack of a better name, yes. Can't just keep calling it 'The Zombie', now can we?"

"I suppose not."

"Right, let's begin. There's an odd number of us, so we won't have a tie. Mark, why don't you start us off?"

The man known as Mark nodded. "Well, I'm gonna' go ahead and say 'Why not?'. If what he said's true, we got ourselves a big green monster that'll fight for us. That's a win in my book."

"It," a woman interrupted.


"It's an 'it', Mark. Not a 'he'."

"I mean, I guess?"

"We'll all get a turn, Sarah," reminded John.

"Yeah, whatever," she flippantly replied.

"Well, that's one for. Now, David, what do you think?"

"Hoo… go for it. Worst thing that happens is we have to shoot it to death. Undeath. Re-death?"

John softly sighed in laughter. "Okay. Sarah, it's your turn."

"This is a terrible idea. We need to kill that thing right-the-fuck now. All a smart zombie's gonna' do is think about the best way to eat us."

"Noted. Gabe?"

"Don't trust it."

"…Care to elaborate?"

"Gut feeling."

"Well, alright. James?"

"I'm with Gabe on this one. We don't know what it is, where it came from, or what it's capable of. Doing business with it is too much of a risk."

John nodded at the man. He turned to the last remaining member, other than himself. "Lucy? What do you think?"

"Like, ohmygosh, this is totally the start of Ken's redemption arc! Like, we're gonna' teach him what it means to be human again and stuff and he'll help us out and it'll be great and – what? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"…Damn teenagers," muttered Gabe.

"Well, Lucy, your stance on the subject has been… noted. And this leaves us with an even three-to-three split, if I'm not mistaken, which means that I will be the deciding vote. My opinion on the matter is that we should accept this deal, and I will explain why that is. The first reason is that we need dedicated muscle at the point. Right now, Gabe and James are pulling double duty as both a salvage crew and a kill team. Freeing them from that will allow us more salvage opportunities as well as keeping them much safer. The second reason is that all Ken is asking for is teaching, which costs us nothing but time and effort. The final reason is that I fear what would happen if we decline the offer. I'm not entirely sure if Ken would be as easy to eliminate as we would expect from the other zombies. Do you all understand my reasoning?"

Various faces around the table nodded in assent.

"Then the motion passes."

Sarah stood up and slammed her hands palm-down onto the table. She pointed a finger at John. "This is a big mistake. Mark my fucking words. When this thing tries to eat one of you, I want you to remember that I told you so." With that said, she stormed off.

John sighed.

"She gonna' be okay?" asked David.

"She will be," John replied. "I don't like it either, but needs must. Just give her time. Now, I've got to get going. I have a zombie to recruit."
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The zombie was quite easy to find, for all John had to do was follow the trail of broken bodies. He found it in the park across the street. The park was a wide and open area, ideal for making sure nothing was sneaking around nearby. The zombie was standing next to the water feature, a large fountain that had become green with algae. An ichor-stained bat was gripped in its hand. When it saw him approach, a big grin broke out on its face. John stopped a dozen or so feet away from the zombie before it began to speak.

"Hello John. It good to see you again. It just you?"

"Hello again, Ken. It's just me this time. Actually, what is your name? We've been calling you Ken based on a misunderstanding."

"I is me. I not need name. Can call me Ken if want. I not care."

"Very well. So, Ken, we've found your deal acceptable."

Ken raised a fist into the air and shouted, "Yes!"


Ken froze mid-victory-pose and stared at the man.

"Before I let you anywhere near the others, I need you to promise me a few things."

"Bwahhhhh," moaned the zombie, "Fine, fine, fine. What want? I listen."

"First, stay outside of the walls. You stressed a lot of people out by sneaking in like that."

"I not sneak, I walk through front door. But okay."

John tried to hide a smile from his face at that remark. "I also need you to promise never to harm anyone in the group."

". . ."

The small smile on John's face slowly sank.


"…you mean never as in never-never or never as in maybe later?"

"Ken!" John reiterated.

"Ahhhh, you make hard deal. But okay. I really want learn words, so I promise I not hurt them.

"I'm glad we could reach this agreement."

"I too. I just find other Meat to eat when I feel Hunger."

A deep ball of fear formed inside John, but he asked regardless.


"You is Meat. Kin eat Meat. I is Kin. Simple," said Ken with nonchalance.

John was reminded in that moment that for all its seeming intelligence and quirky nature, the being before him was still a deadly monster that preyed on people. He knew that, in the end, coexistence with this creature would be impossible. One day, this undead abomination would have to be destroyed. Until that day, however, he could exploit its efforts.

He let go of the breath he had not realized he was holding. He would still have to hold up this act for the time being. He would warn his fellows later.

"With you being so different, I didn't want to assume, but…"

"It okay. Is what is. Here!" The zombie stuck out its hand. "We shake on it!

John stared at the offered appendage. His eyes flicked to Ken's face, then back to the arm. He said nothing.

"Always shake when make deal. It not count otherwise. I remember, yes!"

"With no offense intended, Ken, I'd rather not touch you."

Ken looked almost hurt before it smiled again.

"Ah, I know! You is scaredy-cat!"

John could not believe his ears. "Excuse me?"

"You excused. But you still scaredy-cat! Come, shake hand. I promise I not hurt you, remember? I not keep deal if you not shake hand!"

John saw the grin on Ken's face and felt his own blush. The damn thing was teasing him! And holding the deal over it! "Damn it, fine," he retorted. John walked towards the playful abomination. Each step felt like an eternity. He tentatively reached out and gripped the offered hand. It held the same deathly chill as all dead things did. "It is agreed."

Ken nodded. "Yes, is-" it began, only to cut itself off with a shout. Its hand tightened around John's, painfully so. Fearing betrayal, John flung himself back. He was surprised when his hand slid effortlessly from the zombie's. Ken grabbed at its head in apparent pain.

. . .

Alliance Created: 23rd​ Street Enclave

Achievement Unlocked!
With Friends Like These…
Become Allies with a Group of Interest.

For successfully negotiating a formal alliance for the first time, you have gained +1 SMT!

Head! Hurt! Oh! Ah! Ow! New Words, not care, head hurt!

. . .

John watched the zombie moan in pain. He had not been aware that zombies could even feel pain. Perhaps it was a byproduct of its increased intelligence? He decided he would try to show concern. "What's wrong? Are you going to be alright, Ken?" he asked.

"Nrgh, give minute. Feel good soon." True to its word, the zombie shortly stopped clutching its head. "I sorry. Sometimes feel hurt in head. Should not have to see that."

"It is alright." John mentally filed away what he learned. A possible weakness was always valuable to know.

"So, I make deal. You teach words now?" the zombie asked.

"Soon. First, we need to make sure you can uphold your end of the bargain. There is a grocery store on 21st​ and Rockhill – that's right, you can't read street signs, it's two blocks that way and five blocks this way," John directed with pointing. "Clear out every zombie inside and report back to us when finished. Feel free to take out the zombies on the way there, too."

. . .

Request Created!
Request: Zombie Elimination
Eliminate every zombie within the assigned area.
Status: 132 Zombies Remaining.
Rewards: +10000 EXP

Oh, many new Words today! So exciting! Can't wait to know what means!

. . .

"Okay! You count on me!" Ken clumsily saluted as it said so. It put its hand down and wagged its finger at John. "You better teach words when return. I back soon!" And with that, the zombie happily trotted off towards the store.

Somehow, John felt like he just made a deal with the devil.
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It easy for me to find "Grocery Store". I just follow John-Meat's directions and see really big building. I see Kin standing in front of entrance. I smash real quick.

Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +10 EXP!

Request: Zombie Elimination
Status: 131 Zombies Remaining

Oh, new Words. Not there when I smash Kin on way here. Is because John-Meat ask me do this? I make John-Meat teach words when done this. I finally know what Words mean soon! I laugh. Kin move away from me. Why? I follow them. Kin keep moving away. Stop. Stop moving, Kin. Kin please, lemme smash.

. . .

Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +10 EXP!

Request: Zombie Elimination
Status: 16 Zombies Remaining

Whew. Much smashing! Take long time. Hmm. Big crowd of Kin around door in back. Kin try to get through door. Why? Meat in there? I find out.

12x Level 1 Zombie Defeated! +120 EXP!

Request: Zombie Elimination
Status: 4 Zombies Remaining

I think I smash all Kin. Not see any more. Yes! Now, what in door? I try open it. It stuck. Hrm. I break it down. I try bat. Bat smash against door. Big "Thud!" made. I try again. Same thing. This not working. How do?

Ah-ha! I remember! I see big stick with sharp part in big red box… axe! Yes, axe in big red box. Maybe cut through door? I try it. I go get axe and come back to door. I put bat down on ground. I practice with axe. Different then swinging bat. Much heavier. But still good. I take big swing at door. Smash! Axe get stuck in door. I pull it out. Big cut in door. Progress! I do again until hole is big enough for head. I put head through hole. Should let Meat know if any here. "Here me," I say.

Oh! I see Meat! Tiny Meat! Not bad Tiny Meat who shoot me but even tinier Meat! Who know Meat get this small? Not me.

Tinier Meat have gun. Gun point at me. Very close to face. Uh-oh. That might hurt. Should talk. Meat not try hurt me when talked to them last time. "Hello." Tinier Meat have big eyes. Gun shaking in hands. Face all wet. Why?

"W-W-What are you?" Meat ask me. What is I? I is me. Easy question. I answer.

"I is me. Others call me Ken. You can too if want. What doing here?" Meat is quiet for time before answering.

"I-I needed to get some medicine for my Dad. He's really sick and he's got a fever. I found the stuff he used to give me when I had a fever but then all the zombies came and I got trapped in here."

Other Kin? Ha, I already smash them.

"No worry! Just you and me. I take care of other Kin."

"Oh… okay. Um, are you gonna' try to… e-eat me, too?"

I eat Tinier Meat now? Good question. Not feel Hunger, so no. What do about Meat though? Hmm. Take Tinier Meat to other Meat. Keep Meat in one place. That it. This good plan.

"No. You not on menu."


HP - 300
BANK – 2910 EXP
HGR – 2 DAY(S)
STR – 1 | (1000 EXP)
SPD – 2 | (1000 EXP)
STM – 2 | (1000 EXP)
SMT – 3 | (1000 EXP)



. . .

Uh. New Words. Go away now. I not see past you. Very distracting. Stop. End. Go away! Quit it!

Quit Game?
WARNING: You will be immediately killed by this action. Proceed?
[YES] / [NO]

Argh, stop it Words! No want more!


HP - 300
BANK – 2910 EXP
HGR – 2 DAY(S)
STR – 1 | (1000 EXP)
SPD – 2 | (1000 EXP)
STM – 2 | (1000 EXP)
SMT – 3 | (1000 EXP)



Now back to this again! Words you being annoying! Stop it! Get away! Stop being so close to me! Oh. Words gone now. Okay.


Oh, that right, Tinier Meat still here. I tell her plan.

"I take you to place with others like you. It safe with me. I smash Kin who try eat you."

"That- that's, nice, but I really need to get this to Dad."

Who Dad? More Meat? Even better!

"Oh, it okay! I go with and take you and Dad to others."

"Well- why don't you wait here, and Dad and I will come back to get you?"

Tinier Meat being tricky. This very tiresome. Time put foot down.

"I not asking. You take me to Dad. I take you and Dad to others. That what going to happen. You like others place. Big wall. No Kin. Such gun. Much impress. You safe there."

Tinier Meat stare at me.

"Beside, you have gun! If I lie you shoot. What matter?"

I really want not get shoot. Hurts much! Hope Meat be reasonable.

"Uh… alright, I guess that makes sense."

"Yes! Is good. I promise."

I move face from door and step back ways. Tinier Meat slowly open door. Tinier Meat swallow nothing? What?

"Lead way! I follow."

"Okay, but just… stay far behind me, yeah?"

"Yes. I smash Kin who try eat you though."


. . .

Much walking. Tinier Meat try sneak at first but I just smash any Kin so we just walk like normal. Meat quiet for long time but start talking.

"So, Ken, right?"

"That what they call me. "

"This is so weird. I never thought I'd get to talk to a zombie before. What's it like?"

"Not sure what mean. What what like?"

"The whole 'being a zombie' thing."

"Is what is. I do what need doing. What else is?"

"Saving me is something that needs doing?"

"Yes. If not save you, Kin could eat you. Very bad."

Very bad if I not one to eat Meat. How deal with Hunger then?

"Well, thank you then, I guess. You call the other zombies 'Kin', huh? That means 'brother or sister', right?"

"Kin mean Kin. Is what is. I always call them that."

"Any idea why?"

"…Not sure."

. . .

"Here's the place. Just, stay out here while I go get him." Tinier Meat tell me this while going up steps to building. That okay, I wait here.


Not many Kin here.

Scream! I hear scream! That Tinier Meat screaming! Oh no! I run through door. Kin better not have eat Tinier Meat or I smash them extra hard for that! I find Tinier Meat in room with open door. Tinier Meat hugging much bigger Meat. Bigger Meat not moving. Not Meat anymore. Tinier Meat making noise again and again and face is all wet.

"Dad… Daddy… Don't leave me…"

Big Not-Meat-Anymore was Dad. Meat can turn into Not-Meat? This very bad. What if John-Meat or other Meat turn into Not-Meat? Less Meat for me. Must find out why Meat turn to Not-Meat and stop it. Oh. Tinier Meat sleep now. Must have been tired. I carry Tinier Meat to other Meat to not waste time here. Move Tinier Meat arms away from Dad. Small size mean easy to carry. I walk out of building with Tinier Meat over shoulder and axe in other hand.

Much to think about today.
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