Mountains of Faith (Warhammer Fantasy/Dragon Age Crossover)

The Old World pantheon does consist of many gods, and they do get along somewhat with Sigmar worshipers.
As long as you don't venerate the Chaos gods, right?
Ulricans and Sigmarties famously fight over the supremacy of who. Ranald worshipers get on the nerves of everyone. Verenian followers protect knowledge as much as possible, even when some other priests may find it heretical. Myrmidia and Shallya avoid fighting though.
Eh, not like the Chantry has any legs to stand on.
Faith shattering events have two outcomes. Either A) You come out stronger, or B) You lose it.
AN: Thanks once more to @RedrumSprinkles for her help in editing this. Please don't murder me people who know the fluff better than I a mere mortal. Hope you guys enjoy and let me know your thoughts!

Therinfal was no more.

After evacuating what was left of the loyal templars, and after Reinhardt had inspected each of them for signs of this 'Chaos taint' he spoke of, they burned what they could and left the place. Even now as they walked under the shadows of the Brecilian forest, Eve could make out the faint wisps of smoke drifting over the skies.

As they made camp at the other side of the forest, Eve couldn't help but hear that distinct booming voice of the stranger from this Empire, Reinhardt, coming from the back of the camp, nearest the forest. Seeing as she had nothing better to do, she made her way there, Cassandra following her as always .

"Something at her feet stirred and a cry split the night," the man boomed from the side of a roaring fire, a couple of templars and his fellows on the cart listening with all their heart. "Wallowing in the blood of human and orc lay a baby. Its head was covered in thick black hair and it rested on the birth caul. Above the battlefield, a great comet, trailing two tails of flame, streaked across the sky, heralding Sigmar's birth. He who entered the world with the sound of battle in his ears and the feel of orc blood on his skin. That is the tale of the birth of man-god, Sigmar." he finished to the applause of many, even Varric.

"That was quite the story!" the dwarf said as he patted Reinhardt on the back. "If this whole templar thing doesn't work out for you, you have a future in storytelling friend!"

"I say only the truths of Sigmar's life," Reinhardt replied with a simple nod.

"If that was his birth… I imagine he had a far more amazing life," one of the templars said.

Eve scoffed a bit. Really? This was all probably just myth blown out of proportion. Something like that Calenhad those Fereldans love. A national hero to rally behind, and a bloodline to respect.

"Aye, Sigmar fought and slew many a dread foe in his day. From mighty Orc Warbosses, to fearsome Dragon Ogres. He even defeated the evil Nagash, most dreaded of all Necromancers." he replied, eyes closed, almost as if he were imagining each of the fights. "Yet he was not only a mighty warrior, and fine general, he was also a wise leader, able to unite the warring tribes of what would become the Empire. He even forged an alliance with the brave dwarves of the Karaz-Ankor, one that has stood the test of time."

"An alliance with dwarves?" Varric asked. "One that has stood for… how many years?"

"Thousands." he replied with a nod.

"What did he do to earn that?" Varric scoffed.

"Sigmar saved Kurgan Ironbeard, then High King of the Dwarves, and earned both the warhammer, Ghal Maraz, and eternal friendship with the dwarves that day." Reinhardt nodded. "Each high king since then, has honored the alliance, even if man was not always as diligent in fulfilling his end of the deal." he replied, the last bit sadly.

"I can't even imagine Orzammar holding up their end of the deal for a year, let alone thousands of years…" Varric muttered. "The merchant guilds aren't any better."

"I… find it hard to imagine dwarves not honoring an agreement," Reinhardt replied after hearing that. "I've met dwarves, unable to fulfill their oaths or agreements, swore themselves into the Slayer cult, to die an honorable death. Not to mention what they will do to make the other party pay back."

"Hmph, sounds like a lot I wouldn't want to meet." Varric mumbled as Eve tried to process this increasingly weird and wild world Reinhardt painted. Though it could just be his dedication to what was clearly a warrior god. Eve thought that maybe the mysterious older sister, Kat, and her dedication to a god wisdom and justice, would be able to paint a less bleak world, where man was seemingly surrounded.

So she sought her out, Cassandra still following, and a few minutes later, she found her on watch, keeping her eyes steadily on the forest.

"Eve," the woman said, eyes still trained on the forest.

"How did you know?" Cassandra asked.

"Her hand… it glows to my witchsight, yet she is no wizard, or even has an inkling of the gift." she replied. "It is not tainted with Chaos yet… the Winds react to it."

"Witchsight?" Eve asked.

"I see the magic in your hand, how it can manipulate the winds of magic, something like a wizard's yet… it is hungry. I sense that in time, it will consume you." she replied.

"That would be the mark then," Cassandra sighed. "We know not how or why she has it, only that it can close these rifts. It will kill her if the Breach grows."

"I see," Kat replied. "How may I help you?"

"You can relax you know," Eve said as she walked up next to the woman, her face hidden behind that golden mask of hers. "There's nothing in that forest but wolves, bears and the occasional bandit. Any of those stupid enough to try and attack a full force of the Inquisition would just have it coming to them."

"It is… strange to think that I need not be vigilant around the forests," she sighed as she broke her vigil and turned towards the night sky. Up there, hung the two moons, Selena and Saturnia, lighting up the rest of the world. "The moons themselves are the true indication of how far we are from home. I should have suspected it when we first arrived and the strangeness in the air… not to mention the very Winds of Magic itself." she sighed.

"Why? What's different about the moons?" Eve asked.

"You need not fear them for one," Kat answered. "Or to be more precise, fear the one, Morrslieb, the Dark Moon." she paused. "It is an ill omen, a portent for ill things to come, and you can never predict when it will arrive. Men and women must hide, lest their exposure to the moon's light mutate them."

"Wait, the moon can literally mutate you?" Cassandra asked aghast. "What happens to them?"

"If they are lucky and retain their sanity, they may appeal to the gods to cure them. If, however, they were not living just lives…. they may retreat into the dark, forever outcast by society, otherwise they die by our hands before they worsen. Those are the lucky ones."

"The truly unlucky, are those that have lost their minds in the process, lashing out against their friends and family, destroy entire villages before retreating into the forests."

"Maker," Eve cursed. "Is your Empire so besieged by enemies that even the moon is a danger?"

"Even within our own borders we are not safe."Kat answered. "Beastmen… Mutated fusion of man and beast, great in cunning and strength, lurk within our forests forever a threat to outlying towns and villages. Without Morrslieb or the other fel magics of Chaos it is probable they do not exist here," she sighed as she turned towards the forest. "Greenskins as well, Orcs, creatures twice the size of a man and much stronger. Numerous beyond count, aided by their goblin minions, small yet full of great cunning. They and their warbosses rampage across the Empire, from the Badlands to the south, from the mountains that border our Empire, and even from the forests themselves. To the east lie the Vampire Counts of Sylvania. Foul undead necromancers who raise the dead to wage eternal war on the living. And always, from the north in Norsca, does the threat of Chaos hang in the air, ready to rush down from the Chaos wastes, south through Kislev and into the Empire. The Elector Counts, the leaders of each province have an army, and always are they ready for war, either with each other or against the numerous foes of the realm. "

Eve was flabbergasted. How… how could people live like that? The closest she'd heard about was the darkspawn in the Anderfels and the Dwarves… Like a perpetual Blight.

"Have… have you tried making peace with them?" Cassandra asked after a while the silence becoming too much for the two women.

"Peace is only possible when the other side doesn't want you dead." Kat answered frankly. "Beastmen are beasts, cunning beasts, but beasts. Orcs want to fight, they live for it. At best you can buy some to fight others. The Vampire Counts will not rest until the Empire is under their 'rightful' rule, and Chaos desires the destruction of all. There can be no peace between us."

"It sounds to me that your Empire would have been great allies in the early days of the Breach," Cassandra said. "Great warriors, experienced in fighting demons and the like."

"I'm afraid you'll have to settle for a humble wizard and templar," she said as she turned towards them. "We will do our best to not shame the Empire. Maybe in time, we shall find ways home. If not…" she sighed, turning back towards the forest, the idea hanging about.

"You two have already pulled your weight and more back at Therinfal," Eve said, trying to comfort her. It was now obvious why those two went through those Red Templars like a hot knife through butter. Obviously they've fought and seen so much worse in their lives.

"In any case… you two are more than welcome among the Inquisition," Eve nodded.

"Thank you," Kat replied, her vigil still alight. Eve let her be as she and Cassandra made their way back to their own tents.

A world constantly at war… Eve thought. Yet Reinhardt for all his seriousness, had a certain sort of charm to him, Eve grudgingly admitted. That sort of humor amidst a battle, and a flippancy to the dangers that surrounded him. Though that may just be because he had seen worse. Kat, cold and distant though she may be, seemed an amicable sort, and certainly not cold the way Vivienne was.

Maybe life in Thedas isn't so bad, now that she had something to point out and say it could be worse. The trick now was making sure some asshole didn't destroy it.
I really expect the templars to have completely converted to Sigmar by the end of this, hell a lot of others will probably also convert in time, might change into a nice civil war in a few years.

I'm really looking forward to a proper debate about theology between some Thedasians against Reinhardt and Kat.
I'm not so sure so many would convert rather than just assume he's some strange type of mage with a strange type of magic, just like his sister. Templars are, after all, more devout than average.

In this fic, there's way too much of the Warhammer characters showing how superior they are to the poor people of Thedas in one way or another. It's one thing for that to be the case, it's another to constantly have it rubbed in everyone's (mainly the reader's) faces. It's not bad enough to make me quit reading this, but it is definitely there.
Therinfal was no more.

And a good thing too, Chaos taint already ruined it's property values.

I imagine he had a far more amazing life,"

That's.... one way of putting it.

This was all probably just myth blown out of proportion.

Suuuuure, and the cult that sprang up around Him with actual PROVEN miracles?

At best you can buy some to fight others.

And even then, they'll probably backstab 'em.

I'm not so sure so many would convert rather than just assume he's some strange type of mage with a strange type of magic, just like his sister. Templars are, after all, more devout than average.

Not really, they can sense the magic, or lack there of, they're probably busy reeling from the revelations that someone high up in the Chantry can go to Chaos, and Lyrium withdrawal may be playing a role.
I'm not so sure so many would convert rather than just assume he's some strange type of mage with a strange type of magic, just like his sister. Templars are, after all, more devout than average.

In this fic, there's way too much of the Warhammer characters showing how superior they are to the poor people of Thedas in one way or another. It's one thing for that to be the case, it's another to constantly have it rubbed in everyone's (mainly the reader's) faces. It's not bad enough to make me quit reading this, but it is definitely there.
Thank you for your comments. I'd like to leave it open to reader interpretation on the Templar conversion, but on your point on rubbing it in for the readers, I think I was aiming more for emphasizing the whole otherness of them.

In Dragon Age, the most WHFy we get in the setting is when a Blight happens, which is like a Nurgulite beastman horde on steorids, or Orzammar and the Anderfels (which when you look at it is really The Empire mixed with Kislev).

To the southerners, Blights and worldshattering events are a tale, rarely within living history. To see one before them, or to meet people who deal with something that seems like it everyday is a wtf thing. Something I was aiming for with this bit.
I look forward to more discussions about the wider pantheon in the Empire and beyond. Everybody in the Empire respects Morr and Shallya, even if they don't directly worship them, so I imagine they'll come up, even if it's an indirect mention ie Handrich mentioned around money or for Morr guidance for the dead.
AN: New TW DLC was up. Defeated Chaos with the aid of Volkmar the Grim! hope you guys enjoy the next bit as much as I enjoyed the DLC (Free Company Militia are awesome) Thanks to @RedrumSprinkles for helping me out with this.

Haven was very different from what Reinhardt expected.

Instead of a fortress with strong walls and an impressive keep, Reinhardt found a snow covered village with an army of tents outside its palisade. He'd seen villages with better walls, though these Inquisition troops were certainly better drilled than any village militia he'd ever seen. Knights oversaw each of the raw recruits as they practiced relentlessly.

"I know it isn't much," Eve said as they passed closer to the village gate."But… its sheer proximity to the Breach more than makes up for everything else. "

"It's… quaint," Reinhardt conceded. "I'm more shocked at how lightly defended this place is. For an organization like yours… I expected more. Other than the palisade, I like this place. It reminds me of our home." He smiled, thinking of the Grey mountains. Sure they had tons of creatures that would sooner rend you limb from limb, but they were a great backdrop to his ancestral home. A little chillier, as if he were in Nordland, but bearable.

"Well you two might be the exception to this place." Eve shivered. "We know enough to say that whoever this Elder One is, he's behind the Breach. Once we close it, we'll move out and concentrate on bringing him and his allies to justice. " she continued.. "I for one look forward to it. This place is a frozen isolated village. We can leave the villagers be while we look for a real place to headquarter ourselves."

"Find an abandoned keep, kick out the monsters living in it, move in." Reinhardt supplied. "Many a Knightly order started that way. Or was resurrected. Still, the point stands." Reinhardt shrugged.

"Hammer, the more you talk about your world, the more I start to worry just how sane you and Shiny are." Varric mumbled.

"This is all perfectly normal in the Empire. Gods know how many keeps and orders have been lost to the countless wars and enemies that plague us," Kat nodded earning more dumbfounded looks from the locals.

Reinhardt was getting this sinking feeling that he and Kat were somewhere both foreign and naive. Not the good backward like Kislev or arguably Bretonnia, but more like Estonia or Tilea. All squabbling, and no true idea of the greater horrors that surrounded them.

His thoughts were interrupted by a cheer coming from the recruits. It seems the greenhorns caught sight of the convoy and the templars in two. A ragged cheer echoed throughout the valley as the end was seemingly in sight.

Reinhardt knew better than to let his guard down. Not so close to the Breach. This close to it, the damn thing was impossible to miss. Yet… something was odd about it. It hurt to look at it yes, but there were no whispered lies coming from it. No mind-shattering images imprinted onto his vision by glances.

It was certainly magical. You didn't need to be a wizard to figure that out, but… part of him knew it wasn't Chaos, the Great Enemy. Still it was an enemy to man, and Sigmar demanded it closed. This much he knew for certain, and he would do his duty.

By the time they reached the village square, centered around some temple to their Maker, a crowd had gathered around the stone building. On each of their tired, frozen faces was the idea of hope. Hope that all their troubles will come to pass.

"People of Haven," Eve stated from her horse. "We have secured the alliance with the Templars. Soon we will close this Breach!"

The crowd cheered at the thought, as soldiers and villagers alike hugged each other in relief. If they were anything like home, this village will be a town in a year's time.

Ignoring the cheers of the people, Eve canted up to Reinhardt and Kat's wagon. "I'm afraid Cassandra and myself must inform the rest of the leadership of what happened. Varric and the others can help you two get settled."

"I'd rather start with a bath. And a change of clothes if you please," Kat replied. "We've… rather ruined our clothes I'm afraid."

Eve giggled before pointing out a set of tents by the palisade. "Go find Threnn the Quartermaster. Tell her the Herald sent you, and you can requisition some clean clothes. Better yet," she smiled as she turned towards Varric and the elven wizard.

"Bull, Varric, Solas, why don't you two help them settle in." she asked.

"It'll be a pleasure," Varric grinned, while the elf, Solas bowed. "Of course. I'll do my best."

"Thank you," Reinhardt said with grit teeth before he followed the three. He may not be a beastman, but Reinhardt didn't trust Bull. An hour later, he and Kat were clean, warm, and settled in a cottage on the outskirts of the village. Its former owner had apparently died, at the epicenter of the Breach. And none had claimed it till now.

"So," Solas started as he settled on one of the benches. "I gathered that you two are… from very distant shores. Yet there are dwarves and elves there?"

"Aye," Kat nodded. "I've met many a dwarf, but very few elves. For a moment when we first saw you, I thought you one of the Wood Elves, though I've only heard of them. By your… speech though I would say you are more kin to the High Elves."

"Oh? There are different kinds of elves?" he asked, curious.

"I know very little of the Wood Elves, and if rumor is true, so do their kin." Kat nodded. "High elves though, are the mightiest wielders of magic bar none. They can wield magic that would kill mere men as if it were nothing, and utilize them to great and terrible effect. All proper human nations respect them and their duties towards keeping the world safe."

"I see," he nodded. "But what made you think I was more kin to these High elves?"

"It's the barely restrained disdain." Kat sighed. "I'm not offended by it, gracious me no. You're one of the most bearable Asrai I've ever met. There are those who in their sheer arrogance and disdain for their inferiors, would tempt even the most patient to break politeness."

Solas frowned yet nodded all the same.

"Sounds completely different from the elven situation here," Varric grunted. "You'd be hard pressed to find a respected elf alive today."


"It's complicated, but needless to say, the Elven nation and human nations fought, the elves lost, and have since then been relegated to the side." Varric waved his hand. "It's… not pretty but," he shrugged.

"If any elf heard this…" Reinhardt gasped, imagining the revenge they would wreck. "Well, it's a good thing we're far away from Ulthuan or Naggaroth."

"It is a despicable situation for my people," Solas sighed.

"My friend, I promise to do what we can to alleviate these pains." Kat and Reinhardt nodded.

"I've got a question," Bull snorted. "In this… Empire of yours. How common are those?" he pointed to one of Reinhardt's pistols.

Teeth grit, Reinhardt grabbed his maul before he turned to Bull. "Do what you want qunari, but the secret of gunpowder dies with us."

"Relax," Bull replied, hands raised. "I ask because my people back home have orders to keep an eye on anyone who figured out the secret to something like gaatlok."

Reinhardt shivered as the image of beastmen armed with guns and cannon came to mind. It was a nightmarish thing, each piece likely covered in their filth before used to tear down great cities of the Empire.

"I curse thee Bull for the horrible nightmares that are sure to haunt me," Reinhardt spat.

"Brother," Kat scolded. "Calm down. We are far from home and he doesn't seek it." she said before turning to Bull. "The secrets of powder and shot will likely die with us. We are sworn to its secrets for the Empire. Reassure your comrades that we will not be trouble."

"I'll try." he sighed. "On my, I will do my best. Not that it smells right anyway. It's just that you guys are the closest ever to come close to it."

"On your head are the consequences," Kat declared, staring down the giant right as the door opened.

"It's time," Eve declared. As one the five of them gathered their weapons and armor and followed Eve towards the Breach. In mere hours,they found themselves at the very edge of Inquisition lines, a small camp of soldiers keeping a sharp eye out for any demons that could come from the breach or any other rifts.

Yet the closer they came to it, the more confused Reinhardt got. He felt none of the signs of Chaos as they approached, or saw any of the signs. Blasted, scorched earth, like a Bright Wizard unleashed his fury on the area, but no taint, no mutated creatures or twisted trees. Even the still and charred corpses that littered the area should have been feeding ground for whatever evil creatures it attracted.

He turned to Kat, looking for some sort of wisdom. She shook her head, whispering "It's as if the Winds… the winds do not blow properly."

"There is no taint?" Reinhardt gasped in disbelief.

"None." she nodded, "Though I dare not try anything without further study. Or your eyes."

"Of course," he nodded. Were anything to go awry… He must do his duty.

"There it is," Solas pointed as they reached the edge of a crater. On the fringes, reinhardt could see great red crystals, similar to the ones emerging from the backs of the mutants at Therinfal. If nothing else, that meant that these things were evil.Anything that did that to normal people…

Yet as they reached the crater's edge, what captured Reinhardt's attention was the green rift, hovering above the ground. He could make out vague shapes within, and not a sign of the usual madness were he to stare this long into a portal.

So… what were they looking into if this wasn't the realm of Chaos?

"Watch," Cassandra said as Eve walked down towards the rift. Their escort of templars, each took a swig of that mysterious mineral, lyrium, then took up positions on the crater edge. He watched as she approached the rift, her right hand glowing as a bolt of energy struck the rift.

The Templars, as one, bent the knee, plunging their swords into the charred earth. Yet from here, even here could feel the electricity in the air as the Templars did… something.

"Impossible," Kat muttered.

"What?" Reinhardt asked.

"They are doing what I thought was impossible by a human. What the Runepriests of the dwarves could and, if rumor be believed, do. They are dampening the very winds themselves, stilling them." she gasped. "I thought it coincidence before at Therinfal, but now... "

"Now we know there is a method to stopping magic," Reinhardt whispered as Eve completed the ritual. Sealing the Breach as a shockwave of air passed above their heads. Whatever this Breach really was, whatever strange realm it lead to, it had closed.
I think I just realized what has been bothering me about the writing of this: the scene transitions are funky. The way each chapter is written feels like one giant scene when it is meant to be multiple. You jump hours into the future in the middle of a paragraph. I find it quite jarring.
You know, the elves in Dragon Age and elves from Warhammer are REALLY different.

For one thing, Dragon Age Elves are not only a bit shorter than some humans, but they lack the inhuman strength, ethereal grace, and perfection that the Asur/Asrai/Druuchi seem to possess.

Another thing is that if any Warhammer Dwarves land in Thedas, and learn about the environments, histories, and peoples, they might, in a REALLY hilarious fashion, treat the local "elves" with a LOT more respect than they would elves from their world!

Their ancestors never took part in the War of the Beard!

Speaking of beards...


VARRIC: Eh. I make up for it elsewhere...
You know, the elves in Dragon Age and elves from Warhammer are REALLY different.

For one thing, Dragon Age Elves are not only a bit shorter than some humans, but they lack the inhuman strength, ethereal grace, and perfection that the Asur/Asrai/Druuchi seem to possess.
I think they lost those things around about the same time they lost their immortality and a whole load of other things.
Another thing is that if any Warhammer Dwarves land in Thedas, and learn about the environments, histories, and peoples, they might, in a REALLY hilarious fashion, treat the local "elves" with a LOT more respect than they would elves from their world!

Their ancestors never took part in the War of the Beard!

They're Elves. You can never trust an Elf, so I doubt the Dwarves would treat them any better. Hell, they'd probably be absolutely fine with the state of affairs tbh.

Too true. And an elven race so diminished would certainly be a shock to the Asur!

The Asur reaction would most assuredly be along the lines of 'That isn't an Elf, it's some degenerate sub-human race, but not an Elf'. Hell, they'd probably rank even the Asrai above the DA Elves. I mean, we are talking about the USA/Great Britain Equivalent here from Warhammer Fantasy, who've lasted longer than either of those and managed to hold off even worse things than Thedas can throw at them.

EDIT: Also, purification of Magic isn't that utterly radical. Assorted Order God Priests can do so (such as Shallyans), but the difference is probably less in the ability to remove magic, and rather in the fact that they can utterly cleanse an area of magical 'taint'.

Granted, that would literally be impossible in the Warhammer world, but you can see how it amazes people from there.
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Too true. And an elven race so diminished would certainly be a shock to the Asur!
I do believe they would get the complete monkeigh experience. Lower even than humans.
You know, the elves in Dragon Age and elves from Warhammer are REALLY different.

For one thing, Dragon Age Elves are not only a bit shorter than some humans, but they lack the inhuman strength, ethereal grace, and perfection that the Asur/Asrai/Druuchi seem to possess.

Another thing is that if any Warhammer Dwarves land in Thedas, and learn about the environments, histories, and peoples, they might, in a REALLY hilarious fashion, treat the local "elves" with a LOT more respect than they would elves from their world!

Their ancestors never took part in the War of the Beard!

Speaking of beards...


VARRIC: Eh. I make up for it elsewhere...
Dwarves hold grudges period. Those elgi are still elgi. Runts, but likely as untrustworthy as their cousins
I hope to see more culture shock in the future.

REINHARDT: Humble elves and beardless dwarfs.

KAT: And neither are trying to kill for sitting in the same room. What do you think is next?

REINHARDT: ... Civil orcs?

KAT: Ha! Like that will ever happen!

RANDOM ORK: G'day, mates! Ya humies want some squig on the barbie?

(Siblings stare in horror.)

KAT: ... Sigmar damn my mouth...

REINHARDT: ...Mine as well...
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Better yet, some Asur meet the Eliza Doolittle of all elves!

SERA: Oi! Mister High-Elfyness! Check this out!

WHF ELF: What is it this-gasp!

SERA: It's me BUM! Ha! Made ya look, didn't I?

WHF DWARF: ....I like this elf.
AN: Okay guys, hope you like this next bit. Thanks again to my friend @RedrumSprinkles for helping me out in this. Enjoy and leave comments and thoughts below plese.

EDIT: Whoops. Wrong part

The party they arrived to was something Kat found boorish. Something you'd expect one of those Stirlanders to perhaps throw when they're not being attacked by the Vampires. Not anything a Reiklander, let alone a resident of Altdorf would normally come near.

"Excuse me," Eve said as Kat turned around to meet her, Cassandra and three strangers. A blonde man in plate, a redheaded woman in a hood, and last a woman who would have turned heads back home in Altdorf. At last, someone who looks vaguely cosmopolitan!

"Greetings," Kat smiled as she stood up from her seat by the fire.

"These three are the rest of the Inquisition leadership." Eve began. "This is Cullen, our military commander, Lelianna, our spymaster and finally Josephine, our ambassador."

"A pleasure to meet you all," Kat smiled as she bowed. Not that they could make out anything going on under her mask but it helped her.

"We've heard a lot about you and your brother,' Lelianna began. "Including both of your… unusual magic."

"I'm afraid you're mistaken." Kat nodded. "I perform magic, specifically of the Lore of Metal. Reinhardt asks for Sigmar's blessings. If he is worthy, or needed, then Sigmar sends it."

"Told you," Eve muttered as she turned to Lelianna.

"Either way," Josephine smiled. "It's good to have you two helping us. You two have a wealth of experience to share. If there's anything we can do to make you more comfortable-"

"A lab, and some materials." Kat began, quickly remembering a list of basics. "I'd like to do some experiments on the nature of… magic here. Maybe the help of Solas as well." Perhaps some proper beer, food, and a good tailor. I feel like a peasant in these borrowed robes, she added mentally. A bit too soon to complain, mayhaps tomorrow.

"We'll see what we can do," Cullen nodded.

"Have you met my brother yet?" Kat asked.

"We were about to go find him. Some of the Templars from Therinfal seemed to enjoy the tales of Sigmar. They're just outside by the training yard." Cullen smiled. "Personally, I'd just like to see what kind of training he does. As a former Templar, I'm curious to see if he lives up to the title."

"He won't disappoint you there," Kat nodded. "I for one, have some questions about magic. I was hoping you know where Solas is? I'm certain he can answer my questions."

"By the apothecary near the base of the cliff. It's pretty empty now that everyone's celebrating." Eve said.

"We'll talk later, after all this," Lelianna nodded. "We'd like to know… well everything we can about the Empire. For now, we just want to bid you and your brother thanks for helping."

"Till next time then," Kat said before downing her ale. A few minutes later, she found Solas, leaning on his staff as he watched the rest of the celebrations.

"Magister," he nodded. "I thought you would come here."

"Oh? How so?"

"I think you seek knowledge on magic," he nodded. "As a Magister, i imagine you have a thirst for knowledge no?"

"I earned my title for honors both on the battlefield and in my studies," Kat replied. "Though yes. I do seek what you say."

"You should reconsider saying your title then," Solas nodded. "Here in the south, Magister means you're from Tevinter, A nation where mages rules over all. This has… negative connotations as I'm sure you can imagine."

"The politics of the colleges on a nationwide scale?" Kat mused, thinking of some of the battles that were waged to achieve renown.It was said Gelt himself had to fend off more than one mercenary company before he became Grand Patriarch. Then again, could it not be said the same for the title of Emperor? "Intrigue is intrigue with or without magic I think."

"I see…" he nodded. "I must ask though. Why me? Why ask an elf on magic?"

"Elves wield magic in a way no human could," Kat nodded. "They can wield all of the winds without fear of corruption or death. I have had the pleasure of seeing High Loremaster Teclis himself, the very man who taught humans to wield magic safely, in action against a marauding band of Norscans and their warleader. With but a single word, they were naught but dust on the wind."

"That would indeed be… impressive." Solas answered. "I would have loved to meet an elf of your world."

"I think they'd all ask why you're all shorter." Kat replied. "Or why you let the idiots rule over you. By idiots we mean the humans." she said, just imagining how those pompous bastards who visit every now and then would act. "I mean… don't get me wrong, they of all people deserve their pride, but…"

"There is pride, and then there is arrogance," Solas answered. "I know your meaning."

"Still, I'm afraid we've strayed from my original questions." Kat said. "I must ask… how do you wield the winds here?"


'Indeed the Winds of the magic," Kat nodded. "It feels so… different here. Purer and of a different sort. As if… as if I need not fear the taint of chaos."

"Chaos?" Solas asked.

"Horrifically dark magic. It twists you, and those around you by its very presence." she shivered.

"I feel like we're talking about completely different magic here," Solas said. "I know of… very little that achieves what you describe. And if you did practice it… I imagine we would not have this conversation no?"

"Indeed. So I must then ask how you perform magic."

"It is simple in practice. I draw upon the Fade, reach beyond the Veil and harness its ability to change the world as I will it. Most any mage will tell you the same basic principles, it only matters in the particulars."

"Fade? Veil?"

"Ah. I forgot. Terminology may differ." he sighed. "The Fade is the realm of spirits and magic. Where men go to dream, and the world changes as one walks. Spirits and demons can change the world as they will there."

"The realm of Morr? You draw upon that to change the world around you?"

"Your god of the dead? I do not know if it is his realm. But indeed, we draw upon it, as few can. Not everyone has a connection to the Fade. Much as i imagine not everyone in your world can. Anyway the point is moot. The Veil is the barrier between this world and the Fade."

"Hmm…" Kat paused. This raised more questions than answers.

"So all, human or elf, can draw upon The Fade… and harness all parts of it?"

"I'm not sure what you mean." Solas asked.

"Well The Winds of Magic… humans can only harness one of the Winds. At least without fear of corruption, and even then, they must be cautious. I harness the lore of Metals, Chamon." she said as she grabbed her knife and with a few words, transmuted the good steel to worthless lead.

"Fascinating," Solas said as he grabbed the knife. "Never have I seen something like that. You… you harnessed the ambient magic itself… however little there is of it."

"Little? The winds blow as they blow," Kat shrugged. "We cannot truly control them, only harness them as a sailor might. Only the Elves of Ulthuan could perhaps, and even then, through innate mastery of the art, at least as I understand it."

"Yet all races, even the qunari tap into the Fade for magic." Solas nodded. "Beyond that, the fine details come upon the mage in question. I've seen mages harness ice and fire instinctually, along with other more esoteric rituals."

"Even humans?" Kat asked gobsmacked."They… they can harness all magic? "

"Indeed! Magic is a tool like any other. Like a builder who wields a hammer. If he is not careful, he may break his hand, but properly harnessed, he will create castles."

"And demons? Possession? Tearing open great rifts like the Breach?" she asked after a moment of silence.

"The Chantry teaches them to fear demons. I've learned in my travels through the Fade that it is much like walking through a forest. Learn the nature of where you are, and you will do fine."

"This… this is all so different." Kat whispered. "Are you certain about demons? There are countless tales of what armies of them have done to the realms of men. Entire cities are still damned to this day, in the wake of the last great Chaos invasion."

"Demons are spirits who have been twisted. Nothing more." he nodded simply. "Possession is what happens when you forget your place… or dig deep greedily."

"Yet more ways your world is so much different from home," Kat sighed. "Thank you Solas. Once again, your kind help illuminate things for us."

"It is no problem at all, Katherine." he nodded. "I, for one, have many questions about your world's elves and dwarves. If you'd be kind enough to answer some of them."

"Of course!" Kat smiled, reminded of her younger days in the College. How much learning there was, and how discourse helped advance-

Bells rung as cries of panic rippled throughout the village. Immediately Kat grabbed her staff and ran for the gates as Solas followed suit.

She arrived to find Reinhardt panting, along with Eve and the rest of the Inquisition leadership clustered around the still open gates as the last of the villagers and soldiers made their way inside.

"Brother!" she shouted as she got close. "What's going on?"

"An army marches on us, under no banner."

"No banner?' Josephine cried in shock. "Who would do that?"

As if in answer, the tell tale whoosh of fireballs slung, and the crackle of ozone hung echoed outside the gate.

"If someone could please open the gates." someone cried outside, panting.

A nod from Cullen, and the other warriors readied themselves. As the guard opened the gate. A mage stumbled in, panting.

"Fashionably late I'm afraid," the man said as he collapsed straight onto Kat. Surprised, she dropped her staff as she instinctively went to grab him and gently lay him on the floor. "My name is Dorian Pavus. I bring dire news from Redcliffe. An army of rebel mages are marching here under the command of the Venatori. In service to something called the Elder One."

"Elder one?" Eve asked.

"That," he pointed towards a hill in the distance as a monstrously mutated man came up alongside a woman. Tall, emaciated, with red crystals growing out of his ribcage and claws for hands. He was obviously in service to Chaos…. Or something like it, in any manner.

"The woman's his lieutenant, Calpernia." Dorian went on. "She commands the Venatori."

"Cullen. Please tell me you have a plan." Eve said as she turned towards the commander.

"We're outnumbered, and Haven is no fortress. We cannot allow them to control the battle. We need to take control of the battle with the Trebuchets. Then maybe we can survive this."

"A good a plan as any," Eve said as at a nod Kat and the others followed her into the heart of battle.
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