Mountains of Faith (Warhammer Fantasy/Dragon Age Crossover)

It would make sense as Griffins, like Manticores, are creatures born from the mutating effect of Chaos. Kinda like Beastmen, they've already been warped and gain immunity through that.
Considering that Beastmen can get further warped by Chaos emanations, that idea breaks down somewhat.

Nothing in the WH world (fantasy or 40k) is immune to Chaos, there are just varying degrees of resistance.
Considering that Beastmen can get further warped by Chaos emanations, that idea breaks down somewhat.

Nothing in the WH world (fantasy or 40k) is immune to Chaos, there are just varying degrees of resistance.

You're right, I should have said resistance as Chaos by it's very nature corrupts everything. Still stands that creatures like Griffons could consume the regular rank and file Chaos forces, with exceptions for monstrous units like Chaos Trolls/Giants ,Chaos Spawn and Cygorsa as well as bonefide Daemons. Probably not good for them over long periods of time but I doubt Chaos units would be regular enough enemies/prey when stuff like Orcs/Skaven/Humans breed like rabbits in comparison.
AN: Customer service is universally bad. Finally got internet back for my potato after a week. Thanks once more to @RedrumSprinkles and @Arcman for their input on this!

Katherine Voss had seen many things in her time among the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf. Mysteries great and small had revealed themselves to her, and yet she had also seen the terrors that Chaos can inflict, often on the unprepared or arrogant. People feared Wizards for a reason, and Kat did not begrudge them of it. A single mistake, and she could send herself and those she were trying to protect into the void, begging for a quick end as they were torn apart by daemons.

This in mind, Kat enjoyed the fact that few could get a read on her as she hid behind her golden mask. Not even her family could get an idea of what was going on underneath all the glitter. It made it so much easier for her to look strong when really...

She missed Father so much.

Her favorite part of every visit was showing him what she'd learned over the years since she'd gone to Altdorf. Bonding over the library, telling him about all her discoveries and adventures. She knew that a lot of it went over his head, but the fact that he was so… willing and open to listen and take her in despite her magic. Logically, Mother still loved her, though she knew it would always be torn between her Ulrican upbringing and her maternal love.

Now he was dead, torn apart by those he was sworn to protect. Yet another casualty in the neverending war against the Old Night.

For that, there can only be vengeance.

She must play the part of the Eldest. Sigmund may head the family now, but she was still the eldest. Like it or not, the younger ones turn to her for her wisdom and knowledge. She may not be in line to inherit anything, but she was not a woman without her means. The Gold Order had taught her more than enough to establish a personal fortune to rival the von Grauberg's.

Even then, she knew from experience that the next fight would not be easy. This was not her first tangle with Chaos, having dealt with more than one godsdamned cult and warband at the behest of her mentor and the Empire. That so many mutants were already gathered, and were intelligent enough to use crude weaponry was… troubling to say the least. This sorcerer probably had enough control over them to direct them in such a manner suggested he was a powerful one too.

Kat could only hope that she had enough skill to thwart whatever spells this foul monster would throw at them. The libraries didn't say much about Chaos, but that and her few experiences meant she'd do most anything to avoid it.

For Father though… For Family.

Her brooding was interrupted when she realized of how painful the silence grew. At the very edges of the glade, she could at least hear the wood of the trees creak as the horses neighed and clopped along the hard earth. Add sand, and some greenskins, and this might be what the Badlands are like.

As they approached the village itself, she could hear nothing but the earth eating up the horse's hoofbeats, and their panicked neighs. Not even a slight whisper could be made as the village came into sight, twisted beyond the little hamlet it once was.

The little hovels were stained blood red, their roofs black like caked blood. Though there was no wind, Kat could smell the foul stench of ancient blood from here. As they drew in closer, she could make out the mutants forming into a line at very entrance of the village, their growls intermixed with some begging for death.

And at the very center of it all was the Bastard who killed father. Clad in swirling purple and eyes that glowed to her witchsight, Kat knew this was the thrice damned godsforsaken whoreson that killed Father. His cackles echoed throughout the village, like thunder shaking the Drakwald.

"I see the fools of Sigmar have come!" he gasped between cackles. "You're too late! The ritual is ready, and soon, I will have power beyond any of you mortals!"

"Form up!" Sigmund ordered, ignoring the madman's cackles, even as the screams of the mutants grew more frenzied.

"Fools!" the sorcerer roared. "Kill them all!" he ordered, as he ran towards his foul ritual. Kat could make out images that hurt just glimpsing them, villagers naked and nailed to the ground, tattooed with vile runes Speaking foul words that echoed in the air, each syllable heralding doom, even as the monstrosities blindly rushed to meet them in battle.

"For Sigmar! For the Empire!" roared Sigmund. As he spurred his horse into a charge, Kat and the rest followed in his wake. Left and right, the mutants were cut down like wheat to a reaper. While Kat did her part, sending molten shards of metal where she could. The Wind of Chamon blew strongly here today, and she was channeling it wherever she could, keeping weapons sharp and armor whole, despite the inhuman blows that rained down on dwarf-forged plate.

Kat slashed left and right, finishing off those pushed aside by the vanguard. The tide of mutants seemed endless, the charge blunted by their weight of numbers. If nothing else, they must stop the sorcerer, as who knows what he will summon with that ritual.

"Sigmund!" Kat roared over the din of battle. "We must stop his sorcery!" she cried even as she beheaded a mutant. "A ritual of this size, who knows what horrors he'll drag here!"

"Reinhardt is closest!" he replied, even as he hewed his foes. "Follow him and push onwards. We'll hold them off!"

Nodding, Kat directed those nearest to her to follow her as she spurred her mount forward, following Reinhardt's chants from the Deus Sigmar. Gods know he'd be the one to be chanting something coherent amidst all this. In every battle, she's ever been in, whether it was greenskins, beastmen,or foul Norscans, look for the Templars or Priests. They would hold against all odds.

That's Reinhardt. The Pillar. The Mountain.

"And thus was the foulness cleansed!" Reinhardt roared as he smashed a mutant's arm, before turning to crush another's skull, the scent of gunpowder hanging about him. "Forged in battle, brothers against the darkness!"

Kat threw a volley of molten metal at a mutant right behind Reinhardt. It's screams even as the metal melted it's face drew Reinhardt's attention towards her, as a sort of lull developed. Typical of him to leave his back open.

"Reinhardt," Kat nodded as she drew her mount alongside him, her escort joining Reinhardt's comrades.

"Kat," he nodded back as he turned his attention towards the sorcerer. "Sigmund wants me to lead the charge then?"

"Indeed. We cannot allow him to complete his ritual." Kat replied as she checked Reinhardt, her eyes quickly scanning him for anything. "Your armor's dented a bit."

"I felt the blow from one of the mutants," he grunted. "I'll live." Always a stubborn one him. She smiled.

"Let me help with that a bit," she nodded as she concentrated, harnessing the winds of Chamon to harden the armor of all her comrades. A moment later, and the spell was done, the armor glistening in her witchsight. "That should do it," she said as she gave Reinhardt's armor a quick rap with the flat of her sword.

"Let us begin then," he smiled as he reared his mount towards the sorcerer. "Sons of Sigmar, to me!" he roared, spurring his mount towards a small clearing.

A few men followed suit, their armor and weapons caked in gore, faces grim, but ready to fight. Some mounted, though many were now unhorsed and leaning on their own weapons, breaths ragged as the fatigue crept in.

"Men of the Empire," Reinhardt bellowed, pointing at the sorcerer. "There lies the enemy! There lies the beast that spawns all our woes! Will you let it stand?"

A resounding roar of NO's echoed from Sigmund all the way to Reinhardt's crowd. "Then let us not tarry! Onwards Sons of Sigmar!" he roared spurring his mount forward, promises of vengeance roaring from his and many other's mouths. Kat couldn't help but smile, proud of her little brother.

She followed in his wake, bolstering their armor as the mutants rained inhuman blows, sharpening their blades to cut through their iron hard hides. Blood and limbs flew around and Kat felt her stomach lurch at the sight of it all as she remembered why she fought on.

It didn't help that whispered "thank you's" echoed from the dying mutants. They fell, their monstrous bodies littering the village as Sigmund's charge carved a path straight into the ragged mutant lines.

"Fools! The Ritual must not be stopped!" the sorcerer growled as he turned his attention to the van, throwing bales of warpfire at them before returning to his ritual.

Reinhardt's mount, along with a few unfortunate souls were caught in the blasts. Kat could only watch in horror as Reinhardt was thrown from his mount as the screams of the dying begged for relief from the unnatural flame.

"Push!" she shouted, the command echoing above the battlefield, even as she began to cast more spells. She slashed left and right, her only thoughts was of reaching her brother. She couldn't bear to lose someone she loved again so soon. No screams, no blood, no disorder. Only the single goal of reaching Reinhardt.

She slashed left and right, cutting through the mutated flesh like a hot knife through butter. She could make out Reinhardt already, fending off mutants while he was trapped between a hovel and the braying mutants. Maul in one hand, he fended them off, swearing and praying to Sigmar all the while.

"Reinhardt!" Kat screamed as she broke through the circle of mutants surrounding him, dismounting as she did so. Back to back with her brother, she couldn't help but grin. "I see I've once again come to your aid brother," she laughed, relieved to see him alive.

"It's always appreciated sister. Barely." Reinhardt replied ,grinning, eyes never leaving the thinning circle of mutants. "We're not too far away from the foul sorcerer now. One last push, and we can end this once and for all."

"Ask Sigmar for aid. We'll need all the help we can get." Kat nodded as she began her own preparations.

"Almighty Sigmar!" Reinhardt began, his hammer glowing with each verse, "Grant us the aid in this time of battle! Smite down these fell mutants, that we may cleanse this darkness from our lands!"

As he finished, Kat noticed her own sword, already razor sharp from her own spells, was now glowing with holy fire. She had read many an account of these events, how though rare, they each turned the tide of battle. Kat smiled, Reinhardt had truly done well for himself.

"Sigmar's granted us this blessing friends!" Reinhardt began, raising his maul above his head. "We need only take what is ours! Forward for the Empire!" he roared, charging into the midst of the mutants.

Kat joined suit, saving her spells for the final duel with the sorcerer. Gods above know that she will need everything she has to fight him. She slashed left and right, the mutants burning at the slightest touch of her blessed weapon. Like the texts had said, they were turning the tide, as their tiny throng of warriors drove fear into the mutants, who were already beginning to rout.

"No!" the sorcerer roared, his voice cracking under the strain of this ritual. "You cannot stop me!" he screamed as he threw fireballs with wild abandon. Kat managed to catch a glimpse of Reinhardt weaving between the fireballs before they incinerated his companions, their screams echoing over the battlefield.

Kat charged, a spell on her lips as she turned the sorcerer's staff into lead just as he was about to cast. Thrown momentarily off balance, the sorcerer floundered as the ritual began to unravel before them. Kat could only smile as Reinhardt took the opportunity to smash the sorcerer's knees, driving him onto the cold hard earth.

"For crimes against the Empire, for the murder of my Father, I sentence you to death!" Reinhardt began as he raised his maul to deliver the finishing blow.

"If I cannot finish this ritual… then I'll take you with me!" the sorcerer cursed as his eyes grew blindingly bright. Five fell words that hurt to even hear, and Kat beheld something she had feared ever since she entered the Colleges of Magic.

A portal into the screaming abyss, glowing emerald green, emerged right above her and Reinhardt. Distracted, the sorcerer only cackled, even as Reinhardt drove his maul into his skull ending him forever.

Kat took comfort in the fact vengeance was achieved before the portal swallowed the two of them, and all she could do was scream.

I'm quite interested in seeing a Wizard from Warhammer Fantasy will utilize the energies of the Aethyr/Fade of Thedas, as it's relationship with the physical seems FAR more harmonious, than in a world where Chaos seems to have the upper hand!

From what I've gathered playing Dragon Age, (and dialogue from Mage characters and Cole), the Aethyr/Fade of Thedas interacts with each practitioner in a way according to the form and practice of magic each sorcerer utilizes!

The Wizards from the Imperial Colleges of Magic each have different ways and practices of wielding the Art, because in their world, Magic breaks up into different "colors".

However, in Thedas, Magic is a singular yet EXTREMELY adaptable Force, not shattered into different forms as the Winds are!

Therefore, once properly attuned to this "New" world and it's Aethyr, a human Wizard could not only perform the spells of his respective Lore and Order, but also forms of Sorcery they couldn't master in their own world!

The average well-trained Circle Mage is capable of feats that many a Imperial Wizard would think that said Mage was using multiple winds of Magic, rather than just one as any SANE human wizard should use!
Ooh, this seems interesting.

Are you going to use threadmarks?
Tis done!
True, both the Aethyr/Warp and Fade exist as the Astral Realm of thought and emotion of their respective universes, but clearly the relationship of the Fade with sentients isn't as divided or corrosive as the one the Warp has!

With the Fade, you get what you put into it!

Fade Demon "RAAAAAAAAGE" or insert emotion/thought here.

WARP demon will skull fuck you via four different methods, depending on their patron.
Interesting fic, but is the Fine Art of Diplomacing still alive? Because I still want to see how the SI and his girlfriends take down Amon.
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Refuses to believe that he's a dwarf.
And then Varric outdrinks the longbeard.:D

To be fair, from I recall from Gotrek and Felix, the dwarves there have a GOOD reason for placing such importance in their facial hair, if one beardless Slayer dwarf, (nicknamed "Leatherbeard", if memory serves me) provides an example!

Without their precious beards, the Warhammer Dwarf males look like angry babies.
AN: Thanks once more to @RedrumSprinkles for her much needed help in editing and cleaning this out. To people who know WHF lore better than I, pls do not smite me.

For an eternity Reinhardt screamed prayers to Sigmar, eyes shut as he and Kat were sucked through the portal. He screamed what felt like the entire Deus Sigmar over a dozen times, until one blessed eternity later, he felt solid ground beneath his feet.

Only then did he dare to open his eyes. And what a wonderful sight greeted him. Never before had he thought he'd welcome finding himself lost in the middle of an unknown forest in the middle of who knows where, but he'd take the very known threat of the forests over the realms of Chaos itself. He quickly turned to look for Kat, only to find her behind him. He immediately turned to envelop her in a crushing hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." he breathed out before letting her go.

"And you as well." she replied, voice hoarse, probably smiling underneath that mask of hers. "And we've survived the impossible!" she laughed. "We're alive! Thank the gods for that!"

"Sigmar and all the gods be praised!" Reinhardt said, joining in his sister's laugh. "And not a sign of corruption either! No mutations, no burning desire to strangle you... beyond the norm!" he joked.

"I do feel like you deserve a good slap to the head," Kat joked as they both sat on the cool moist earth and reveled in it all. They were alive, and gods be praised, they were whole and free.

"Now," Reinhardt panted after a moment, the situation reasserting itself on them. "Where are we?"

"In the forest, dear brother. Can't you tell?" Kat snorted as she leaned on her staff. "In all seriousness, I have no idea."

"I'm sure Ulrica or Mother could tell which way to go, but… We both know forests don't agree with us." Reinhardt added.

"Which just means we must be alert. We both know what lurks in the woods." Reinhardt replied.

"Of course," Kat nodded back as she took charge. "Let's head this way. We'll follow the sun until we can't make out where it is anymore."

Reinhardt shrugged back, nothing more to add. The two of them marched forth, alert for any signs of beastmen, orcs, goblins or any other dangers the forest held. Wherever they were,they knew better than to let their guard down amidst the green boroughs.

An hour later, they struck gold. "A road! Sigmar be praised!" Reinhardt grinned. "We must be near a guard post then."

"Pick a direction then, brother. Either one will eventually lead us home." Kat nodded.

Reinhardt was about to do so when he stopped. One hand on a pistol, and the other signalling Kat for silence, he listened keenly for sounds that signaled one of the many dangers of the forest.

"Horses," he said a moment later. "And a lot of voices. A party's headed this way!" he grinned. "We're lucky today, sister," he finished as he enveloped her in another hug.

"Umph," she gasped before patting Reinhardt's back. "Yes, now let me go. We want to be presentable to whoever it is we're going to see. At the rate our luck's going it may very well be the Emperor himself."

Happy to see that Kat still had a sense of humor, Reinhardt dusted himself off as best he could. His armor and maul were still caked in gore, and while Sigmar granted many blessings, He wasn't too fond of cleaning up after battles. Kat didn't look much better either, her sword and staff were still gleaming, but her robes were ruined.

After doing their best to make themselves presentable, the two followed the sound of the incoming party, and while distant, he could hear distinct voices, even laughter. Clearly they weren't expecting any trouble, possibly they were still within the vicinity of a guard post. It would still be best to greet them. It was the polite thing to do after all.

Soon, Reinhardt could make out the leading party. A woman, (judging from the slim figure), in armor of foreign make riding an unbarded steed. Behind her he could make out a similarly dressed woman and another woman who was obviously a wizard. The staff and robes were a dead give away. The banner that they were riding under though, was unknown to Reinhardt - a golden eye, pierced with a sword on a field of black.

"Do you recognize the sigil? Or your colleague over there?" Reinhardt asked.

"Much as everyone thinks that every wizard knows each other, that only applies for within our own colleges." Kat sighed. "And no, I recognize neither. We could just be far north, judging from the chill, or even somewhere near Marienburg. Possibly even the edges of the Wastelands. One thing I can definitely tell you is that they aren't a Chaos warband."

"Maybe," Reinhardt sighed as he walked towards the group, hammer sheathed. "Best greet them now then. Hopefully we're still in the Empire.The last thing I'd want to deal with now would be those damn Marienburg traitors."

Reinhardt walked calmly towards them, Kat trailing behind. Worst comes to worst, he was the one in full plate, and could afford to take hits. "Ho there friends!" he shouted, catching their attention. "We mean no harm!" he said arms raised. "We're just a bit lost!"

To Reinhardt's dismay, the one in front with the foreign armor, presumably the leader, replied in some foreign language he couldn't make heads or tails of. Reinhardt turned to Kat, hoping that she knew what they were saying, but a shrug told him all he needed to know.

"I'm sorry," he shook his head. "I don't understand you." he replied, eyes darting towards the forest. No telling if their little mummer's play here would attract the wrong kind of audience. Beastmen were cunning enough to grab any opportunity, even one so close to a guard post.

The leader nodded and turned around, calling for someone, presumably their translator. Maybe these are visitors from some foreign land? Kislev, or perhaps even legendary Cathay?

While waiting, the leader mimed putting his hands down, which Reinhardt gladly did. Not only was he beginning to get tired, but he took it as a sign that these were friendly people. Good with the bad, he supposed.

To Reinhardt's further relief, he caught sight of a dwarf running towards the front, a massive crossbow on his back. Friends of the Empire, surely this one would know some Riekspiel if he were away from the holds. He looked rather young though, and definitely the first dwarf he'd ever seen without a beard.

"Friend Dwarf!" Reinhardt boomed. "I'm Reinhardt von Grauberg, and this is my sister Katherine von Grauberg."

"Ah an Ander!" the dwarf replied. "And a cheery one too!" the dwarf laughed as he turned to the one who led the ride and translated for the leader.

"I'm Varric Tethras, and this is Ser Eveylyn Trevelyan,Herald of Andraste, we're with the Inquisition!" the dwarf translated. "Do you need any help? You look like you just came from a scrap."

"We're fine thank you. We slew some vile sorcerer and his minions a scant few hours ago. Which brings us to our… predicament."

"What my brother means to ask," Kat interrupted. "Is that we're lost."

"Lost? " Varric asked before turning to the leader, speaking their strange tongue . They had a bit of back and forth before Varric turned to reply. "Well, it's a few hours ride to Therinfall Redoubt. We're headed that way, and The Herald's certain that as long as you're with us, they'll let you rest before you make your way to somewhere more civilized. Or if you don't mind the trip, it's about a few day's travel on foot the other way to the nearest town."

"We have no idea where any of those places are." Reinhardt sighed.

"None? You're in Ferelden friend! I'd have thought you'd have realized that you're not in the Anderfells anymore, what with the whole having trees and not surrounded by darkspawn." Varric chuckled.

"We don't know any Ferelden lands," Kat replied. "We're from the Province of Reikland, of the Empire." a hint of pride in her voice. Reinhardt agreed, who didn't want to be a Reiklander?

Varric narrowed his eyes at that and turned to the leader. By the animated back and forth, Reinhardt wasn't sure that was the right thing to say.

"Well…" Varric sighed. "You don't strike me as the slaving type. Not to mention we've never heard of Reikland, so I doubt we're talking about some province of the Tevinter Imperium here."


"What's with this delay Herald?" some masked man said, in the most bizarrely accented Bretonnian Reinhardt had ever heard. "We're supposed to be at Therinfall before nightfall."

"I have the situation under control Lord Abernache," the woman replied likewise, if in an equally strange accent.

"Thank Sigmar! A language we speak" Reinhardt replied. "We'll join you to Therinfall. We… seem to be even further home than we realize."

"Fair enough. A proper introduction though is in order. I'm Evelyn Trevelyan, a servant of the Inquisition." she bowed slightly.

"Reinhardt von Grauberg, Templar of the Order of the Blazing Hammers, and this is my sister, Katherine von Grauberg, Magister of the College of the Gold order." he replied as Kat did a slight curtsey.

"Pleasure to meet you," Kat said as she walked up towards them.

"A Templar?" Eve asked. "And you don't know Therinfall?"

"No. Should I?" Reinhardt asked.

"It's where your Lord-Commander has gathered your order. It's in fact why we go there, we need their aid." she replied.


"Indeed. We believe they're our best shot at stopping the Breech and preventing Demons-"

"Demons!" Reinhardt interrupted. "Where?!"

"You'll see what we're talking about soon as we leave the forest."she nodded, face grim, as she stirred her horse forward. "I'm afraid we don't have any spare mounts. You'll have to join Varric and the others on the carts."

"That's fine." Kat nodded. "In the face of Chaos, it is our duty to aid you."

She stopped at that, turning around to face them. "That's it? We know very little of each other, and judging from how foreign you are, of the Inquisition. Despite all those unknowns, you're willing to lay down your life to fight demons?"

"Sigmar protects the weak against the corruption of Chaos and dark magic." Reinhardt replied, his hand firmly grasped on his amulet. "It is the duty of the strong, to protect the weak. I am oath-bound to do so."

"Indeed," Kat nodded. "We must close this… 'breach' as soon as possible. Gods know what a portal open for this long will let out."

Eve frowned at her use of the word gods, but Reinhardt let that go. He was in a foreign land, and as much as he'd hate to admit it, Sigmar wasn't popular outside the Empire. Sigmar founded... The Empire, and arguably was part of its very identity, no matter how much Middenland would argue otherwise. Besides, if they were Chaos worshipers, they'd want to keep the demons coming, not preventing them from doing so.

"I see. Well, follow Varric. He'll take you to our carts, where you can rest. Something tells me we'll have a long day ahead of us." she sighed as she mustered her horse again.

Reinhardt nodded, following the dwarf's lead back down the column. Here he passed many of what were obviously nobles, with their foreign but flaired fashions and masks of all designs. What struck him most though, beyond the dated fashions of the oblivious nobles, was the light guard surrounding them. Surely a trek through the forest with obviously important people demanded a better escort? Perhaps the battle against Chaos was worse than he thought, and they were thinly pressed for men. But then why would an order of Templars not heed the call to arms?

As they approached the very end of the convoy, Reinhardt saw a great pair of horns, like a bull's resting atop an enormous man's head, a war axe that would look right at home in an Orc Warboss' hand, strapped on his back. Letting out a growl, Reinhardt grabbed his maul before Varric stopped him.

"Wait!" Varric shouted as she dashed in front of Reinhardt. "Tiny's harmless… Well to us, the enemy is another thing. But still, he may be qunari but he's with us!"

"He's a beastman," Reinhardt muttered through grit teeth. "A gor. I've seen more than my fair share of what their foul kind do, emerging from the forests, laying down a path of rape, shit and destruction in their path."

"Woah," the beast talked, in fluent Bretonnian. "Qunari are many things, but shit and rape isn't us."

"Wh-what's this? You speak!" Reinhardt gasped, hand still firmly grasped upon his maul.

"Yeah. We're big, and foreign looking yes, but we're not mindless beasts." he snorted.

"Kat?" Reinhardt asked turning to his sister. So far, Sigmar hadn't sent any signs that this beast is with Chaos. Better safe than sorry though.

"I see nothing brother," she replied. "And mayhaps… he and his kind are like the lizardmen oft told from Lustria. Foreign, and alien in mind and body, but still an enemy of Chaos."

"Hmph," Reinhardt grunted, sheathing his maul. "You may not be a beastman, but I'll keep my eyes on you."

"What's one more pair among hundreds?" the beast laughed as Reinhardt climbed aboard the cart.

"Well," Varric laughed as he followed. "You two are certainly interesting folk."

"I'm starting to get this feeling that we're far farther from home than we think." Kat sighed as she climbed on.

"That said," the beast grunted as he turned to them. "Introductions are in order. You've met our resident storyteller Varric already. I'm Iron Bull," he smiled. "And this here," he pointed to the hooded figure in red, "is Sera."

"I'm Katherine von Grauberg, a Magister of the Gold Order. This is Sir Reinhardt von Grauberg, Knight-Templar of the Order of the Blazing Hammer. " Kat replied for Reinhardt, his eyes still pinned on Iron Bull.

"You lot look all skully and gory." Sera muttered. "Not like the Templars or Magisters we usually see. No flaming swords… plenty of blood. Who'd you murder then eh?"

"It wasn't murder. It was justice," Reinhardt replied, looking her in the eye. "He used his foul sorcery to turn an entire village into horrible mutants. It was only with the aid of my family that we not only avenged the village, but we avenged our father, and did our duty."

"Nobles you two?" she spat.

"Technically, even if both of us can no longer inherit," Kat replied. "Though believe me, when one walks among my peers, I understand your distaste for them."

"Hmph," she replied, her hood dislodging, displaying a pair of pointed ears and alien features.

"By Sigmar, you're an elf!" Reinhardt gasped. "And you're working with a dwarf!" he said as he turned to Varric.

"What of it?" Varric asked.

"Yeah, Varric's all weird with his words and stuff, but he's alright." Sera replied, eyebrows raised.

"Alright?" Kat gasped. "No Elf would call a dwarf alright with a straight face! And no Dwarf I know would ever work with an Elf! No without much cajoling and never with you two so… so friendly!" Kat wailed, looking between the two. Reinhardt could practically hear the gears grinding in her head as she came to a conclusion Reinhardt was deeply praying wasn't what he thought it was.

"... Brother, I'm now certain we're much farther from home than we realize." Kat finally said, breaking the silence that hung over the cart.

"Sigmar preserve us," Reinhardt breathed as he collapsed on the cart, his body taking its due.
I'll admit, this went in the opposite direction that I thought this would i.e. a group from Dragon Age flipping into WHF.

Still quite interesting regardless.
Honestly it would've been a fun scenario either way. Just imagining Cassandra and Varric there paints a wonderful picture
Cassandra would be interesting to see.

Varric though....

On one hand, no beard.

On the other hand, the WHF Dwarves would be appealing if only because they don't backstab you AND have great beer. Also actually interact with the outside world on occasion.
Same here in hoping something from DA would transfer over to WHF but this is still good.