Mountains of Faith (Warhammer Fantasy/Dragon Age Crossover)

If Kat can tell if someone is corrupted or not, then it's likely that the Fade is connected to the Warp somehow, if it's not just the local (DA) term for it. Question is if Reinhardt (I LOVE the name) can still get blessings from Sigmar or not, though. Because if he can, then it means Sigmar can reach that far through the warp, which means...other things can too.
Honestly? Just once, I'd rather not watch the warp taint somewhere else. It always seems to crop up in warhammer crossovers, that Chaos gets to taint even more of the multiverse. That good men and women can't just - for once - be transported to a world where some foe who wouldn't have mattered as much or some friend in secret gets corrupted by powers who specialize in just that. Where they could see a world without it, and experience it.

But...if the wizard can use magic, that means they're drawing on the Winds of Magic, also known as the Winds of Chaos which...well.


Either way, it's hopefully not going to break my enjoyment of the work. Still, it'd be something I'd like to see someday. Hell maybe I'll write it. Eh.
So... for the Dragon Age golems, because I'm Sure they'll come up at some point or another, are these Gameplay or Lore based? Because one could be taken down relatively easily by a merry band of misfits, and the other could bitch slap Ogres and only really went down to either overwhelming numbers, or extremely skilled groups. At extreme difficulty, either way.

Also, was the Anvil of the Void saved during the Blight ten years ago? Personally I never want to save it, because you use real live dwarves as an ingredient in the forging process, but even I have to admit it's an extremely potent tool.
Honestly? Just once, I'd rather not watch the warp taint somewhere else. It always seems to crop up in warhammer crossovers, that Chaos gets to taint even more of the multiverse. That good men and women can't just - for once - be transported to a world where some foe who wouldn't have mattered as much or some friend in secret gets corrupted by powers who specialize in just that. Where they could see a world without it, and experience it.

But...if the wizard can use magic, that means they're drawing on the Winds of Magic, also known as the Winds of Chaos which...well.


Either way, it's hopefully not going to break my enjoyment of the work. Still, it'd be something I'd like to see someday. Hell maybe I'll write it. Eh.
I won't lie. A lot of handwaving and fiat is gonna work to merge these two settings
Honestly? Just once, I'd rather not watch the warp taint somewhere else. It always seems to crop up in warhammer crossovers, that Chaos gets to taint even more of the multiverse.

The problem with this is that it's almost always one-sided. Chaos comes in, faces no opposition, and starts tainting things. I'd love it if it were like the other Warhammer/Dragon age crossover, where demons from Dragon Age start fighting with Chaos demons.

In general, I like it when enemy factions end up fighting (and weakening) each other. Especially if the viewpoint character/nations manipulated them into doing so.

But yeah, if the chaos gods just come in and start stomping things, it's no fun. Chaos in general is just so powerful and untouchable that it's kind of a boring enemy. There's nothing meaningful you can really do to Chaos, which makes the setting pretty depressing and pointless. Warhammer (both Fantasy and 40k) is designed to keep the status Quo, which is fairly crappy. Battles are won and lost, but no side ever really comes close to winning.

That's why the various fics on SV and Spacebattles that introduce actual hope into the setting are so much more interesting to me than the actual canon.
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AN: So just to let in a little secret, but I've got a lot of this written down in advance. Thanks again to @RedrumSprinkles for taking a looksee at the earlier much rougher work of mine. Once again lore specialists, pls don't skewer me to

Eve watched the two strangers stare at the Breach as they made their way out of the forest. From what Varric had told her mere moments ago, these two were telling the truth. No One could fake the sort of shock he heard in their voices at the very idea of Sera and Varric working together, let alone tolerating their presence.

He went on to further describe their reaction Bull, calling him a "beastman", and how much Reinhardt kept glaring at him the entire time, one hand clenched around that hammer amulet of his, the other on his gory maul.

Now the two of them stared at the great gaping green gash in the sky. A portal into the Fade, where demons could freely crawl out to wreak untold havoc amongst the world. All the while the column moved slowly forward to Therinfal.

"By Sigmar and all the Gods," the templar, Reinhardt muttered as he sat back properly. "It is worse than I feared."

"Every day, we lose more men holding the demons from small rifts at bay. Not to mention... it could grow even bigger." Eve sighed as she slowed down her horse, wondering how this all started.

"And corruption? Madness amongst the ranks? That close to a portal of that size…" the woman, Kat asked as she turned to Eve.

"I'm… not sure what you're talking about there." Eve replied. "We lost them only to battle and wounds."

"But… to be exposed to Chaos so close." Kat muttered. "I'm more surprised more of your men have not mutated by now. You are certain?"

"Yes." Eve nodded in understanding. They were probably worried about possession and abominations. "The Inquisition keeps a very close eye for what I think you're talking about."

"Astounding," Kat replied, turning back to the Breach. "You must tell me of your methods. If they do not involve the gods… then it may become one of our most powerful weapons against demons."

"I'm sorry, I hate to interrupt but gods?" Eve finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "The only ones I know of who still worship gods to speak are the tribes far to the south and the Dalish. Who are these gods of yours?"

"I myself am curious to hear about them,"Varric added. "If nothing else, I find ancient myths are great for my writing."

"Of course," the brother, Reinhardt grunted. "A far away land, with foreign gods, and not even a hint of the familiar. No matter, as a Templar of Sigmar, I may as well educate you as best I can on my god and the basics of others." he finished, sitting up ramrod straight.

"First," he bellowed such that probably the entire column heard. "There is Sigmar, the Man-God. He founded our great Empire centuries ago, bringing together our ancestors together with the brave dwarves to fight off the greenskin menace. Under his rule, our Empire thrived, until one day he left for the far East, to ascend towards his rightful place as chief of the gods. His tenets are simple: Obey orders given to you. Aid the dwarves of the Karaz Ankor when you can. Work towards the unity of the Empire, even at the cost of your own freedoms. You owe all allehgiance towards the Emperor. And finally… wherever you walk, inside or outside the Empire, you must root out and destroy the evils of the Old Night. Goblins, Orcs, servants of Chaos and those who wield corrupt magics, wherever they hide."

"Hence you saying it's your duty to go aid us," Eve nodded.

"Yes. I am duty bound by my god to help you in your quest. Though in far lands we may be, Chaos affects us all, and if I fail to aid you here… well, I fear for my homeland." Reinhardt sighed.

"Then there is Ulric," Reinhardt added. "Mother always tried to get us to follow her ways, but I'm afraid only Ulrica ever really took them to heart. He is the Wolf God, the Winter King, and a god of warriors.He always demands that warriors defend their honor and fight with their own strength."

"There is Verena," Reinhardt went on. "But Kat knows her better than I."

"She is a Goddess of knowledge, learning and ultimately, justice." Kat nodded in return. "She demands that we guard what we know, that we consider it in the context of the situation, that we may be able to deal true justice, the spirit of it, not merely the letter.We must seek wisdom so that we may deal justice properly. "

"The others I'm afraid like many in the Empire, I only know the essentials, none of the deeper mysteries of their cults." Reinhardt continued. "Shallya's the goddess of healing, and abhors all violence. Taal is the God of Nature, while Rhya is his wife, the Goddess of nurturing and farmers. Morr is the God of the Dead, he who guards our souls in the afterlife from foul necromancers and Chaos. Though we revere him much, few know his secrets.Manaan governs the seas, and… then there is Ranald." he finished with grit teeth.

"He is not talked among polite company," Kat added, nodding. "The god of thieves, beggars, and pranksters."

"Whut, nothing poncy?" Sera smirked "Sounds like a right simple guy unlike all the others." she laughed, eliciting confused gazes from the two siblings. Almost as if they just saw a nug talk.

"Fascinating," Eve replied, noting to ask why the two why they thought an elf and dwarf working together was so strange. She couldn't help but be enthralled by people who had such an interesting pantheon from some unknown land. She'd heard of the Dalish and their own gods, but this was the first she'd ever hear of another pantheon still being worshiped by humans.That their experience of elves and dwarves were so different, only added another layer of mystery to the two siblings.

"And you?" Reinhardt asked her. "What of your gods?"

"I'm afraid I'm not much help there," she sighed. "Though I came from a pious family… fact of the matter is I never really paid much attention. The Maker made the world, and we ruined His creation. Only Andraste managed to convince him to turn back to us, but we killed her. Now unless we spread the Chant of Light everywhere, we won't be able to return. Not that recent events have helped much."


"Because they think she's the next coming of Andraste that's why!" Bull roared. Of course he'd be the one to let that one out. She sighed as she covered her face in shame.

"It's complicated," Eve muttered as she turned her head away from them. "We're an hour away from Therinfal. You should infact be able to see it very soon."she deflected.

She hated that people thought she was the next coming of Andraste. Maker above, all she wanted to do was represent the family up at the Conclave, and out she comes with a weird… mark thingy that allows her to close these rifts that spit out demons, and seen by many as the Herald of Andraste.

Talk about getting more than you asked for.

Still, she had a responsibility to do what she can to close not only the Breach, but also all other rifts. Chaos reigns supreme, and like it or not, the Inquisition is needed to stop this Hence why she needed the aid of the Templars. She hoped the weight of respect behind their order would help pave the way for any unforeseen troubles up ahead.

"Rather old fashioned castle over there," she heard the foreigner, Reinhardt comment. "Like one of the old forts near the Drakwald. Not the good, "old because it was made by dwarves" kind either."

"You can see the disrepair too," Kat replied, her voice having this strange echo to it. "I'd wager my fortune that only an hour's worth of bombardment from some of gunners in Altdorf to take it down."

"Therinfal was abandoned centuries ago," Eve answered, even as Varric and Bull gave the two of them strange looks. "It was only recently that the Templars decided to go back. Ever since the… Templar-Mage war they've been headquartered here."

"A war?" Kat asked. Unsurprising considering her magical roots. "Between magic-wielders and Templars you say?"

"Yes. Magic is to serve man, not rule over him." Eve quoted. "Chant of Light. I don't know how you do things in your Empire, but all mages must be quartered in their Circle."

"Lest the dangers of demons and Chaos consume them," Kat nodded. "A very sensible approach. And your templars are sworn to either guard them, or kill those who go rogue?"

"Apostates and maleficar. Those who perform vile sorcery." she continued. "It's all very complicated but suffice to say that there's bad blood."

"Oh the Templar position is perfectly understandable," Kat said, to Eve's surprise. For someone with the title Magister to agree that mages should be in the Circles… Whatever this Empire was, it was no Tevinter obviously. "Normally we treat all mages not with the Colleges or apprenticed to an appropriate one with a good old fashioned pyre. Our state-approved licenses are very important to prevent this." she said before bringing out a small piece of parchment. The words were foreign, though made in a very elegant script, with an emblem on the bottom with a griffon. "Any without must be sent to the Colleges or, if tainted or refuse, die."

"They would be too dangerous without training then?" Eve asked, curious. Surely it was not something as binary.

"Worse. They might be tempted by the dark powers," Reinhardt grunted. "None are exempt. Every citizen of the Empire knows this. They fear magic with good reason. It was only with the aid of the Elves in fact that we allowed any to even have magic in the first place. Before that, most would be outright killed on the first signs of magic. Those few who didn't die, became hedge-mages, doomed to eventually be consumed by demons and corrupting magics."

"Some are still of the opinion that never should have been allowed in the first place." Kat added. "You lot sound rather accepting. A refreshing change of pace I must add," she nodded. "And a decentralized system? It could work I suppose… if we got the other Electors to see reason."

Eve only quietly stared at them. The Circles? A Refreshing change of pace? She's only ever heard something approaching that from Vivienne, and even then only in passing.

The more the two talked, the more they painted a wild and unusual portrait of this Empire of theirs.

Why did Kat always wear a mask? Is it like the Orlesians where hiding their faces is a thing? But why didn't Reinhardt have one too? And how did worshiping multiple gods work anyway? Is there not any conflict between their Chantrys? Maker knows there's enough fighting within one Chantry, let alone several.

The two strangers occupied her thoughts for what felt forever before she was jolted of her musings by Cassandra.

"We're here," she said as Therinfal came in sight. "The Lord Seeker I remember would be amiable. But he is not the man I remember... if he cannot be made to see reason, there will be others who can. I know we've made the right choice here."

"I hope so too," Eve sighed as they made their way up towards the castle, friends, strangers, and nobles in tow.
Of course, Kat should know eventually that many of the templars weren't exactly well behaved themselves.

Caution is one thing, but almost constant degradation and abuse is quite another.
Why did Kat always wear a mask? Is it like the Orlesians where hiding their faces is a thing? But why didn't Reinhardt have one too? And how did worshiping multiple gods work anyway? Is there not any conflict between their Chantrys? Maker knows there's enough fighting within one Chantry, let alone several.
Heh, there may be some minor conflict but that kind of stuff is rather easily put aside when chaos rears it's ugly head again.
Man the Dragon age world must be like one big vacation, the darkspawn have nothing on Nurgle and even Tevinter is not quite as bad as the Dark elves.

mhm how would a greater demon compare to an Archdeamon? I think the medium powered ones would be on what would amount to the same powerlevel.
AN: Thanks once more to @RedrumSprinkles for giving this a looksee, and fixing any issues. The train's still on the canon rails but I'm sure you can sense the weight of things soon enough.

The Castle immediately felt wrong to Reinhardt. His amulet was pulsing, a comfortable warmth on his chest. Instincts honed over many battles told him this was a trap.

"I sense it too," Kat muttered in Reikspeil. "Though I don't think our new friends realize it."

"It's too quiet. Something is wrong about this place, though I know not what yet." Reinhardt replied as they passed through the castle's gates. "Do the winds at least blow favorably here?" he asked, eyeing the heavy plate these 'templars' favored as they glared at him and the rest of the entourage.

"Very." Kat replied. Reinhardt shivered at the answer. "Enough that I may cast some of the more… effective spells."

"Good." Reinhardt nodded. Kat worked best when the enemy surrounded themselves in the heaviest armor.

"Keep a sharp eye out brother," Kat nodded back. "It may be nothing, but from what they tell me this Order was founded to fight demons and abuses of magic. Yet they sit here with a portal of Chaos hanging above their heads.."

"What are you two up to?" asked a woman, her face scarred from many battles, and hair cropped short. She proudly wore her armor, emblazoned with the Inquisition's heraldry in white.

"Forgive us, as my brother is rather paranoid," Kat replied before Reinhardt could. "He's telling me he has a bad feeling about this place and I was merely trying to mollify his fears."

"We are surrounded by Templars under the command of Lord Lucius. We're safe enough here," she nodded back. "I'm Cassandra Pentaghast, a Seeker who trained under that man. If there's anyone who we can trust among all this… madness it would be the Lord Seeker."

"I'm afraid that to us foreigners that means nothing." Reinhardt replied, looking directly at her. "Still, if you're so confident… I'll try and not let my distrust show." he grunted.

"I understand," she said, her face still locked in that scowl of hers as they were approached by Eve along with one dark skinned templar in full plate. A Ser Barris if Reinhardt remembered, he greeted Eve at the gate and spoke of the unusual circumstances.

"I've decided," Eve said as she walked up to three of them. "I'll do the ritual. I'd like you and the others to watch."

"Oh?" Reinhardt asked, remembering the small request the Lord Seeker wanted them to do. Something to do with flags, incredibly trivial yet... "Why do this ritual? Why play into his hand?"

"Because I see no harm in performing it," Eve sighed.

"Inquisitor! Let's not keep the man waiting," said one of the nobles. Reinhardt never really got any of their names. A mere few hours with them was enough to convince him that their arrogance was almost as bad as the Bretonnians back home. Almost.

"We've time enough for this," Eve answered back as the noble stomped away. "Shouldn't take too long." she said as she walked up to one wall. On it hung three flags, one of a blazing sun, another a golden dog, and the last the flaming sword of the order.

"Take your pick as to what should come on top." Ser Barris, the templar that greeted Eve at the gate explained.

Reinhardt watched Eve stand there for a moment before heading towards the dog's winch, She hefted it high above as Barris explained it representing the people. Next she raised the sword, obviously representing this order of templars, leaving the sun last in importance.

"Interesting choice, picking the people and the order over Andraste. Any reasons?" Barris asked.

"They are my own thank you," she nodded back. Now if you could kindly?"

"Of course," he bowed before leading them deeper into the keep, a small escort of templars following them.

Yet the further they walked in, the more Reinhardt worried. Where there should've been activity, even amidst the heavy rain that began to pelt the castle, there was instead only silence. The castle's inhabitants waited with baited breath but for what, he could not say. Only that it wasn't going to be good for them.

Even Eve and the others, the… qunari, Bull foremost among them seemed most uneased by the silence. Only Cassandra and the foreign wizard, Vivienne, seemed at ease while walking through these halls, perhaps still trusting in these 'templars.'

They quickly arrived at a small room, maps and charts scattered about, but no sight of anyone. Reinhardt took the opportunity to take a look at the maps. He frowned as he took quick look, and though he was no cartographer, he saw nothing familiar.

""I see nothing either," Kat whispered in Reikspiel as she walked up to the charts. "And this place feels wrong."

"I agree," Reinhardt whispered even as one of the nobles argued with Barris. "I fear the worst is here," he continued in Reikspiel.

"A cult?" she whispered.

"An insidious one," he nodded, hand resting on his maul. "I'm certain that is the warning Sigmar is sending me now."

"I'm ready brother," she nodded back, leaning on her staff. "I'll follow your signal."

"I don't know what you two are talking about," Eve said as she walked up to the two of them. "But I don't like what the Lord Seeker is-."

"Wait," Reinhardt interrupted as he clutched his amulet. "We're in trouble."

"The Lord Commander has sent me here," said one templar, a captain if Reinhardt judged by his armor's ornaments. The moment he caught a glimpse of his and his guards faces though...

"Chaos!" he roared, as he drew his pistol and fired a shot, downing one of the guards as his head turned to pulp.

"You were supposed to be changed!" the captain roared as he pushed forward with his guard. "Now We purge the questioners! For the Elder One!"

More of them came from behind, taking down several of the uncorrupted escorts Barris brought along, oaths of brotherhood meaning nothing to these cultists.Their treachery ended as Kat turned their lauded armor into molten lead, their screams echoing throughout the chamber as Reinhardt chanted the Deus Sigmar.

"Though he was surrounded," he roared as he smashed in the skull of one treacherous bowman with his maul, "He persevered! He brought upon all who came against Him, His righteous wrath!"

Again and again, he brought down the enemies of man. Again he purged the corruptors. Again he brought justice, as he swung down with his maul, felling any who stood in his wake.

At last until only their captain remained. Reinhardt managed to corner him, even as he deflected each blow of Reinhardt's maul with his shield until with one deft strike, Reinhardt smashed his kneecap, bringing him to his knees.

"Wait!" Eve panted, even as Reinhardt had his maul raised. "I want him alive."

"You'll make him talk?" Reinhardt asked.

"By any means," she nodded back. Satisfied, Reinhardt decked the captain before he could talk further.

"Take him outside!" she ordered Varric and Bull. "The rest of us will go find the Lord Seeker. He has much to answer for."

"And you!" she scowled, finger pointed at Reinhardt. "What was that!? What if he were-"

"He had clear signs of Chaos taint. I thought you would have recognized it." Reinhardt stated, staring into her fierce, strange purple eyes.

"I have no damned idea what this, this this this Chaos taint is!" she bellowed. "This isn't over." she panted, finger at Reinhardt's chest. "We'll find the Lord Seeker, then you'll explain your actions."

"Of course," Reinhardt bowed, confident that his actions were vindicated. "Shall we then?" Reinhardt urged. "We must help them purge this place of these corrupted templars."

"Barris," Eve said, ignoring Reinhardt's quip. "Lead on."

"Of course, follow me." he bowed as he led the way deeper into the castle.

They quickly emerged into a courtyard, the last before the great keep, where this Lucius now awaited. Between them and that keep, was a battlefield of uncorrupted and corrupted templars.

With no need to hide, these cultists unleashed their more corrupted kin, red crystals emerging from their backs, talons sprouting from shattered gauntlets.More beast than man, these mutants were making short work of the loyalists as their claws cut through plate like it wasn't even there at all.

"Sigmar!" Reinhardt cried, digging deep into his heart. "Though our spirits may falter as we face Chaos, grant us the strength to carry on! For Sigmar! For the Empire!" he finished as a comforting warmth settled on him. A warm blanket against the cold of Chaos as Reinhardt and the others charged into the fray.

For Reinhardt, all that mattered then was the now. The crushing of skulls, and the spray of blood against his face. All while he recited the Deus Sigmar, swinging his maul left and right as Eve and the others dispensed death.

Vague glimpses of what went on around him passed by. Eve beheading a mutant, her sword sharpened by Kat's magic. The foreign wizard dispensing lightning like a Celestial, while the elf summoned fireballs to roast the enemy.

They turned out to be the deciding factor in the battle. What looked like a desperate battle for the righteous moments ago dissolved into a mop up as the cultists and their mutated ilk were slain by both spell and sword.

Panting, Reinhardt leaned on his maul as he took stock of the aftermath. The cultists were routed for now here, but from the sounds of battle still rang throughout the castle, this was but a temporary respite. There were more of these cultists lingering deeper within.

"What was that?" roared Eve as she stomped up to Reinhardt. "Your chanting, in that foreign language of yours and the warmth and the the the the- you were glowing!"

"That's no magic. None I've ever seen." the shaggy elf said as walked over, eyes wide.

"Sigmar granted us aid," Reinhardt replied. "Though I find it strange that he aided you unbelievers, I am not one to judge. He must have judged the battle to be worthy to aid all."

"Your god granted us aid." Cassandra stated, staring into Reinhardt. "Your god."

"Aye. And you're hurt," he said to Eve, noticing how Eve clutched her side. "Broken rib?"

"Yes but- What are you doing?' she gasped as Reinhardt laid his hands on her shoulder.

"Blessed Sigmar," Reinhardt began, continuing in Reikspeil. "Though she is an unbeliever, grant her the strength to continue the fight. That we may dispense your will upon the great enemy, and fight off the horrors of the Old Night."

Sigmar was generous today. Eve gasped, her hands patting her ribs repeatedly. "Healing too?"

"Sigmar is generous today," he nodded, taking a moment to translate the verse he had in mind. "And lo against the Enemy, he united the peoples, and together, they brought down the enemies of man, and built the Empire."

"And your other gods… They answer you too?" Eve asked, almost whispering.

"I have seen priests of Ulric and Morr do great things, and I've owed my life to Shallyans countless times." Kat replied. "It is rare for a Templar to be granted blessings of Sigmar, and I'm proud to say that Reinhardt is one of the few I know to be be blessed with his ear." Reinhardt spirit glowed at the praise from Kat. He didn't think he'd hear her give out praise in his presence.

"We'll talk after all of this." Eve glowered. "For now, the Lord Seeker has much to answer for. If this this... Sigmar will aid us then all the better. If not, then we'll do this the old fashioned way."

Reinhardt nodded as he followed Eve further into the castle. The others in the party were giving him…. Looks. The elves especially, Sera and Solas, gave him glancing looks, as if they didn't know what to make of him.

Let them judge. He dispensed Sigmar's will to protect people. If they doubted his motives, let them. He knew what guided him every day. He will prove himself in deed as Sigmar did.

A few skirmishes with scattered pockets of cultists later, and the party found themselves at the base of the steps to the very doors to the Great Keep. From there, this keep commanded views of the surrounding hills, the rich soil turning to mud amid the raging storm.

Above those steps stood the man who was responsible for all this madness. The man who served Chaos.

The party crept forward, eyes peeled for any signs of traps. That he stood there unmoving, not even bothering to look down on them spoke to his bones that nothing here was right. Maul in hand, Reinhardt was ready to dispense His Wrath.

"Lord Seeker!" Eve demanded as she reached the top of the steps. "What have you done?"

The man stood there ignoring them even as Reinhardt and Eve drew closer, weapons in hand. Reinhardt drew to strike, but Eve signaled him to hold. Fine, if he can speak of the source, maybe this Elder One, then mayhaps he can serve a purpose in his capture.

As they drew within range to strike, the man turned around and grabbed Eve. Without thought Reinhardt charged forth to tackle the man, even as a glowing green portal opened up right behind him.

"Siiiiiiiigmar!" he roared even as he, Eve and the monster was swallowed whole by the portal.
"And your other gods… They answer you too?" Eve asked, almost whispering.

Someones a little jealous that their Gods actually interact with them and earn their worship. :D

Also, it will be interesting to see the interactions between Sigmar and co. and the Elvish faith (Particularly Solas). The Elven Gods are a interesting group, as technically they are simply powerful immortals who people revere as gods. They are not omniscient and worship of them gets you nothing substantial.

On the other hand, the Warhammer Gods are more concepts than actual individuals. Even Sigmar, who was once mortal has become more of a symbol of humanity than a super powered human. Combine this with their semi-omniscience and actual interaction with worship and they are more Godlike than anything in the Dragon Age verse.
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Plus, it offers concrete benefits and makes sense, as opposed to the Chantry.
Well it depends on how you look at it.
The Chantry provides benefits such as : A conversation for wherever you are in Southern Thedas, somewhere to keep all those maidens. A way of unifying human dickery over another. The Chantry makes as much sense within Thedas, in its context.

With Sigmar though? who knows? Let's find out readers!