Mountains of Faith (Warhammer Fantasy/Dragon Age Crossover)

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AN: I've been thinking of this for a long good while thanks to Total War. Thanks to...
AN: I've been thinking of this for a long good while thanks to Total War. Thanks to @RedrumSprinkles for being my beta, and @Gaius Marius , @Teen Spirit and @Arcman for helping me out in the idea department,. AS always, thoughts and criticism make the author happy.

Father was dead. Without a body to bury, Sir Reinhardt von Grauberg mourned his memory instead, praying his grief away on a cold and dark Marktag. He hoped his Father's soul could rest with a simple burial, his name spoken aloud as a priest of Morr performed his rituals to the God of Death. Though a Knight of the Burning Hammer and a devotee of Sigmar, he prayed to Morr that it would be enough… that the fell forces of Chaos had not already claimed his soul. That was all he and his siblings could hope for as Sigmund, the new head of the family, blearily took up Father's seat on the table.

"Ulric demands vengeance," Mother growled between gritted teeth. "Your Father," she said as she pointed to each of her children, teeth barred in anger. "Your Father left with the family guard to hunt what smelled like Chaos infestation from one village. It was worse than he feared."

"Before Sir Gerhart died, he described the situation to us." Sigmund continued, his massive frame already burdened by what Father held up for so long. "A foul sorcerer of Chaos managed to corrupt one of our villages by the Gray Mountains into a small horde of mutants. Since then, they've raided and kidnapped other surrounding villages,even those beyond our lands. It is a threat that we must handle immediately."

"This is why I've called you all here, asking to bring whatever aid you can muster under such short notice." Sigmund sighed. "We must purge this foul corruption from our lands, and gain what little revenge we can from doing our duty."

"I've sent word to Helmgart already," Mother continued. "And while they have sworn to send in what they can, tensions on the border mean they cannot leave. Altdorf and the Reiksguard are too far to intervene."

"Which leaves us." Sigmund stood, clad in fine dwarf-forged plate, his zweihander across his back. He in turn took a moment to glance at everyone on the table. There was Katherine, a wizard of the Gold Order, and eldest child. Then Ulrica and her husband, Lord Urqhart, both Ulricans and ready as ever to pick a fight. Keen Jakob, a brace of pistols and his arming sword at his side at all times. Only young Viktor wasn't here, no doubt secure in Nuln, learning in some of the finest schools Father could arrange for. If worst comes to worst, and everyone dies on this expedition… then Viktor will at least be left to pick up the pieces, Reinhardt glumly thought.

"We take the rest of the guard with us, and ride for the village Sir Gerhart marked for us." Sigmund grunted as he grabbed his helm,. "No food. Weapons, ammunition, and water only. Let's go!"

With a roar, The House of von Grauberg roused themselves from their gloom, and made ready for war.

Within the hour, Reinhardt and his family were riding for the tainted village. Father had departed with only twenty of his best men and was cut to pieces. Now, the family marched forth with nearly their entire guard, along with the prestigious help of a few friends and family. Their main advantage would be the aid of their sister Katherine. It will be her spells that will hopefully be the deciding factor, turning what weapons the mutants may have forged against them.

As Reinhardt brought his horse around, his eldest sister Katherine looked him in the eyes. Unhorsed, she would be about his height, and she shared the distinctive brilliant red hair of the von Grauberg family. He couldn't remember her face though, for the last time he had seen her without her golden mask was over five years ago, before he left the Pistolier corps to join his Order.

"Reinhardt," Kat greeted with a nod. Cold, and Reinhardt would've sworn with a hint of an echo. "How are you?"

"If you're asking how I'm dealing with Father… I'm fine," he grunted in reply, clutching his amulet. Typical Kat. "Sigmar guides us this day, for we will avenge him."

"Good," she nodded as she turned towards the road. "Channel that hate into something useful for once."

"If this about that time at the Drakwald, then may I remind you I'm no longer an initiate... I've learned a lot since then."

"Like to pay attention to your surroundings?" she replied. Reinhardt knew deep within his bones, that Kat had her eyebrows all raised up and a grin plastered under that mask like the know-it-all she was. It was so much worse that she was right.

"May I remind you that I managed to call down a blessing from Sigmar himself that day?" Reinhardt countered. "Who granted us flames to purge the Greenskins?"

"Yes. After I created the opening by weighing down what crude weapons the brutes had by turning them into useless lead." she teased. "Don't worry brother, I'm sure we'll do fine today."

Reinhardt grumbled but nodded. In her own way, Reinhardt knew she was looking out for him and the others. She always did baby him, even before the… magic. Further mastery just made her even more distant than when they were kids.

Within the hour, Reinhardt could feel the air change. Where once the skies were clear and blue, now he could feel the air grew heavy with each passing moment. The horses grew skittish, as they too knew the wrongness in the air.

They were getting close to their quarry. Sigmund soon gave the signal to prepare their weapons. Reinhardt checked his pistols, careful to make sure that they were loaded. He and the other Knights had their lances, but after the initial charge Reinhardt would prefer to unleash one more volley of death before he entered the melee.

Physically ready, Reinhardt prepared himself in the most important manner. Eyes closed, he chanted parts of the Deus Sigmar, retelling the tales and glories of Sigmar when he still walked the world. Reinhardt noticed Sigmund nodding in appreciation, though Ulrica's husband scowled before he and the rest of the Ulricans began their own howls.

Unlike some of his other brothers in the order, and quite a few Sigmarites when Reinhardt thought about it, he had a great respect for Ulric and his followers. It helped that mother taught him the important aspects, but he never forgot that before Sigmar ascended, Ulric was Sigmar's god. He deserved respect as is proper.

As the minutes passed and the air became thicker with the... wrongness of it all, Reinhardt figured even the most fanatical Sigmarite among the group appreciated the feral Ulrican howls. The stench of Chaos grew with each passing moment. The trees grew bleak, branches twisting and turning, their shadows cast horrible teeth unto the ground even with the sun up high in the sky.

Sigmund signaled for a stop. Not a word spoken. Something was wrong.

Out of the forest they came. Men and women turned into… things. Tentacles and teeth where naught should be, the few who still had faces recognizably human, frozen in agony. Whatever the foul sorcerer was doing, these people wanted no part of it.

"Charge!" roared Sigmund as he drew his sword, as we met the mutants at the treeline.

Mutated beyond reckoning they were, tentacles and claws where arms and legs should be. Eyes all over bloated, horribly muscled bodies, and what little was recognizably human was contorted in agony.

"For Sigmar! For the Empire!" Reinhardt roared as he turned his mount around, firing a volley of shot before unleashing his wrath with his maul. This would only be the beginning of their trials.

Left and right, he smashed the skulls of the poor souls who'd been turned into these monstrosities, chanting all the while. All the while, he kept close a memory playing in his head. Father and him, in the Grand Cathedral, just taking in the beauty of it all. Something he may never do again, thanks to the monster that created these.

And just like that, it was over. Over two dozen of the mutants lay dead, with but a few cuts and wounds among the party. Thankfully it wasn't a Nurglite infestation, or it would've been something to worry about. With naught a word said, the party gathered their weapons, poured oil on the corpses and burned them.

Forward they marched, into the heart of the madness. The village of Kessel was once a quaint place where they could obtain some fine furs or gems from the nearby Grey mountains. Now it was a pit where vile horrors gathered, and the screams of their victims rang across the air miles before they could be seen.

Reinhardt countered by raising his voice, chanting verses from the Deus Sigmar all the while, vowing to put the poor bastards down. No innocent deserved a life like that, to be twisted beyond measure or imagination.

More of the mutants came streaming out of the twisted trees again, moving on all fours like beasts, howling and screaming all the while. Again Sigmund ordered the charge, and again justice was served.

Maul in hand,he dispensed Sigmar's will upon the mutants. Skulls smashed, left and right as his friends and family joined him in the caranage. An eternity, all crafted into a brief few minutes as the trampling of horses on mutants and the rage of those who would see justice served.

Nothing mattered then but the present. Nothing of Father and how he raised them all to be good, loyal and proud citizens of the Empire. Nothing of how they will avenge him by slaying the monster that killed him. All that was in front of Reinhardt was Sigmar, and laying down His wrath upon the mutants.

In an instant it was over. To Reinhardt's eyes, over a dozen mutants slain in the initial charge, and more than twice that crippled on the field. Reinhardt took the time to finish them off, a crushing blow to what could be recognized as their heads. Everyone knew this was only the beginning. The mutants' unholy strength had already claimed the life of one of Ulrica's guard, not to mention the various bruises and cracked bones that many no doubtedly now sported,

As one, they gathered around Sigmund. Without a command given, members produced oil ,and drenched the dead in it. There would be naught but ashes by the time they reached the sorcerer.

"Oh Almighty Sigmar," Reinhardt began as the others started the grisly task. "Guide us today as we begin your righteous work. Steady our hands as we dispense your wrath upon the Heathen. Most of all, nourish our bodies and spirit, as we are assailed by the foulness of Chaos." he finished, laying his hands first on Sigmund.

Within moments, Sigmar granted his prayer, healing Sigmund of his wounds, rallying his spirit, ready and fresh once more to do battle. His healing done, he moved next to Kat, hoping that Sigmar would be generous today.

By the time the sun had passed its zenith, Reinhardt had gone through the party's wounds, ready and refreshed for the battle to come.

Reinhardt could only pray that it would be enough.
With Dragon Age?


A teleportation of cities, Orzammar in a new set of mountains?

Or Darkspawn and yet another horrible faction of corrupting creatures unleashed onto the world of Warhammer?

I'm curious to see how it turns out!
Curious to see if this is something from DA going into WHF or the other way around.
Looks good so far. I hope some of the more palatable beings from Dragon age have made the leap, and not simply the Darkspawn. The other Dragon Age/Warhammer crossover had such potential.
Watched. After City of Chains faded into the mists of time I've been waiting for a DA/WHF cross to crop up again.
Watched. After City of Chains faded into the mists of time I've been waiting for a DA/WHF cross to crop up again.
Same here.
Orzammar is going to be in for "fun times" in the MOuntains.

In fact, depending where they wind up....
Would Orzammar count as a Major Hold compared to WHF Dwarf Holds?

I wonder if the Runesmiths couldn't study the Golems the Shaper keeps and can't use their Runes to recreate them since while much lesser than Ancestor Golems are simple so more can be made to be used to fight against their enemies.

Course I can't see WHF Dwarfs liking the culture of DA Dwarfs.
Doubt it. Plus, they're vulnerable to Chaos corruption, I suspect.
Maybe not as much as most people since they aren't connected to their version of the Warp either and if Lyrium resistance means anything in WHF.
No, really. I thought they'd love the backstabbery and the wasteful stupidity of their nobility, in addition to their politics and their castes.
Better off being conquered and lead by true Dwarfs.

At least then they can study all the interesting stuff DA Dwarfs have and maybe even have access to DA materials like Lyrium which I would think would be awesome for Runes.

On a completely different note one of the best things that can come from DA to WHF would the Mabari since they are some of the best fantasy dogs ever.
It also depends on if their stupidity allows the Changer of Fates to slip in.
The CoF's capability to do stuff will depend on how Chaos is being played here.

For WH 'canon' Chaos can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants and always wins no matter what. Here the author might decide that Chaos doesn't get 10 foot thick plot armor and can actualy lose here and there.
On a completely different note one of the best things that can come from DA to WHF would the Mabari since they are some of the best fantasy dogs ever.
Don't forget the most majestic of all mounts: the Greater Nuggalope.
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Nugs of all type are just damn useful.
To be fair the Empire has some awesome mounts as well.
Though the logistics train to keep even a small group of Demigryphs fed is probably in the "Oh by Sigmar, my coin purse is bleeding" category.

For example Ligers (tiger/lion crossbreeds) the largest variety of big cat currently alive where the males can be over 1000 pounds, up to 11 feet long and pass 4 1/2 feet high. Also they generally eat between 30 and 50 pounds of meat every day!

To give a idea of the amount of meat that is an adult ewe (female sheep) can, depending on breed between ~100 to 220 pounds, total weight.

Now take the amount of feeding that a Liger needs and scale it up to something even bigger:
Not sure quite how big Demigryphs are supposed to be in WHF proper but they are bloody massive and highly active predators.

Now imagine the amount of meat animals that you would need to bring to keep a group of say, 20 Demigryphs at full readiness on campaign. Even after the increase in size you have the greater exertions of them fighting in combat, hauling around armor and a full-plated knight etc.

End result is those catbirds need a ton of meat to keep going.
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To be fair the Empire has some awesome mounts as well.
Though the logistics train to keep even a small group of Demigryphs fed is probably in the "Oh by Sigmar, my coin purse is bleeding" category.

For example Ligers (tiger/lion crossbreeds) the largest variety of big cat currently alive where the males can be over 1000 pounds, up to 11 feet long and pass 4 1/2 feet high. Also they generally eat between 30 and 50 pounds of meat every day!

To give a idea of the amount of meat that is an adult ewe (female sheep) can, depending on breed between ~100 to 220 pounds, total weight.

Now take the amount of feeding that Liger needs and scale it up to something even bigger:
Not sure quite how big Demigryphs are supposed to be in WHF proper but they are bloody massive and highly active predators.

Now imagine the amount of meat animals that you would need to bring to keep a group of say, 20 Demigryphs at full readiness on campaign. Even after the increase in size you have the greater exertions of them fighting in combat, hauling around armor and a full-plated knight etc.

End result is those catbirds need a ton of meat to keep going.
Well with nug breeding you can actually feed the murder kittens effectively.
Well with nug breeding you can actually feed the murder kittens effectively.
My point was that the Empire only has traditional farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goats etc.

And unlike Nugs, these animals don't reproduce and grow at a rate similar to Skaven. So when a squad of Demigryph Knights head out on campaign, there is going to be a noticeable dent in the farm animal populations along the way that will take a few years at least to recover from.
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My point was that the Empire only has traditional farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goats etc.

And those unlike Nugs, these animals don't reproduce and grow at a rate similar to Skaven. So when a squad of Demigryph Knights head out on campaign, there is going to be a noticeable dent in the farm animal populations along the way that will take a few years at least to recover from.
I get you.
This is hilarious. The best thing to happen to WHF wasn't the non-corruptive warp, it wasn't the pure warp stone known as lyrium, it wasn't even the Mabari war hounds, as awesome as they are.

It was Nugs.

God damn hyper breeding monkey pigs saved the Empire.
To be fair the Empire has some awesome mounts as well.
Though the logistics train to keep even a small group of Demigryphs fed is probably in the "Oh by Sigmar, my coin purse is bleeding" category.

For example Ligers (tiger/lion crossbreeds) the largest variety of big cat currently alive where the males can be over 1000 pounds, up to 11 feet long and pass 4 1/2 feet high. Also they generally eat between 30 and 50 pounds of meat every day!

To give a idea of the amount of meat that is an adult ewe (female sheep) can, depending on breed between ~100 to 220 pounds, total weight.

Now take the amount of feeding that Liger needs and scale it up to something even bigger:
Not sure quite how big Demigryphs are supposed to be in WHF proper but they are bloody massive and highly active predators.

Now imagine the amount of meat animals that you would need to bring to keep a group of say, 20 Demigryphs at full readiness on campaign. Even after the increase in size you have the greater exertions of them fighting in combat, hauling around armor and a full-plated knight etc.

End result is those catbirds need a ton of meat to keep going.

To be fair, the one advantage that could take the sting out those huge appetites is that the more exotic carnivorous mounts can eat most of the enemy fallen after battle (Not sure about the safety of eating Skaven) much like how their wild counterparts do. If they are capable of overgorging and storing it for later even better.

Also, considering most of my Warhammer knowledge comes from Total War, am I right in guessing that Reinhardt is a warrior priest of Sigmar? Just wanted to check, as I don't think I've ever seen one wield a brace of pistols before.
To be fair, the one advantage that could take the sting out those huge appetites is that the more exotic carnivorous mounts can eat most of the enemy fallen after battle.
Depends on the enemy. They wouldn't want the Demigryphs to get a taste for manflesh, it would stupid to let them eat Chaos-tainted flesh etc.

Mostly likely they'd offer a couple of rendered down horses or Ork boars to the catbirds.
Depends on the enemy. They wouldn't want the Demigryphs to get a taste for manflesh, it would stupid to let them eat Chaos-tainted flesh etc.

Mostly likely they'd offer a couple of rendered down horses or Ork boars to the catbirds.
Aren't Demigyrphs/Griffons immune to Chaos corruption? I know at the very least the Griffons are. I think